The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Apr 14, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:








CH 10 (Part Two)

Part Two

My face felt wet. I couldn't move. I began to panic. I opened my eyes and saw Nate standing in front of me with a black hoodie and some black jeans on.

"Well, hello, Sunshine."

"What's going on, Nate? Why did you hit me?"

"You were figuring everything out."

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember that video you posted of yourself jerking off?"

"That was so long ago."

"Well it wasn't for me. Last month my father walked in to my room to see me masturbating to it. He didn't know I was gay. And then he disowned me and took away my home. So I took away his masculinity. And his life."

"What are you saying, Nate?"

He rushed forward and grabbed hold of my face. Then he breathed into my ear, "I raped and murdered my father. Then my stupid mother had to walk in and try to call the police so of course, I had to murder her too."

"Jesus," I tried to pull out of his grip and he slugged me in the stomach. I lurched forward in pain.

"Thankfully they had ordered pizza and the pizza boy looked a lot like me in the body shape aspect. So after I killed him and pulled out his teeth and cut off his fingers, I set the whole place on fire. That way, they'd think I was dead too."

"That's disgusting, Nate."

"Archie, actually." He looked past me and it looked like he was listening, "Hank, he has to know everything. I want to tell him before I take his life, like he took mine."

"Who are you talking to?" I asked, trying to turn but my head hurt so bad I couldn't.

"Hank and Calvin, they are standing right behind you."

"Please Hank, Calvin, don't let him do this," I begged.

"I know you don't care about him, Hank." And that was when I realized that there was no one else there. Hank and Calvin were figments of Archie's imagination. He was totally insane.

"Archie," I began, but he slapped me.

"I wasn't done, Bitch." He paced back and forth, running the knife over his gloved palm.

"So after I killed them I made my way here. I found this little shack in the middle of the forest. And then there was an old pervert. He was a bad man so I had to kill him too. That's where I got the blood to write on your mirror.

"I was so glad that you didn't have to go to the bathroom until after you cut your foot. That was my bad. I was watching you sleep on the couch but when i climbed in the window I knocked over that hideous little vase of yours. So it broke and you woke up. And then you saw me after calling Cameron. Why didn't you call me?! Why wasn't I the first on your list of people!? I had literally just left I was much closer than that prick!"

"I didn't want to bother you Archie. I really liked you and I didn't want to spring some drama onto you right away," I lied.

"It doesn't matter now. Because thankfully that little stalker, Kyle, was there at every occurrence so it just looked like he was the one threatening you. Then I brought that little basket of rats. Those took some time to find and kill. That was some of my best work, almost poetic really.

"The fact that you are so trusting is what got you here, on this family's boat. Oh and that metallic smell was the smell of the blood of the guy I murdered for this boat. I needed to get rid of his body so I moved his body to some garbage dump and hid him under piles of garbage."

By this point I was trying not to throw up. How many people had he murdered just to get to me.

"I'm very glad that you are so thirsty because, in my original plan, I was going to rape you but you fucked me willingly. That was, by far, the best sex I've ever had."

"Me too. Don't you see? We are soul mates, we should be together. Let's run away and I can be your sex slave. It will be amazing," I was trying to buy time. I began trying to untie my hands.

"It's too late for that. I just want you dead. You ruined my life. My father hates me and its all your fault."

"I didn't know. I didn't know the damage I did." Tears started down my face. And then I saw Cameron. He was swimming toward the boat. Quietly, I could almost hear nothing.

"Archie, if you are going to kill me, can you at least kiss me one more time? It was literally the best kiss I have ever experienced." He looked behind me. Then he nodded at what he was looking at. He came forward and got on one knee. Then he leaned in for our last kiss. Cameron was almost to the boat.

His lips pressed to mine in a gentle kiss, and then I pulled back and with all my might I smashed my forehead into his. Archie lost his balance and fell back as Cameron climbed aboard. I struggled to untie myself as Archie got back up.

"You slut! How dare you?!"

"Don't call him that!" Cameron shouted, tackling Archie to the ground. I saw the knife and pulled it toward me with my feet and then I rocked back and forth until I fell and my hands could easier grab it. I searched frantically with my fingers while Cameron and Archie struggled with each other.

I felt something slice my finger and I winced. Then I realized the knife was there so I carefully grabbed around the blade and started sawing at whatever was binding me. When My hands were free I stood up and grabbed the knife. Then I heard a grunt and the sound of skin on skin. I saw Archie on top of Cam and he was beating the shit out of him.

"Cameron!" I came barreling toward them but Archie turned and socked me in the stomach again. I dropped the knife and he picked it up and then plunged it into my side. The pain was excruciating as the blade sliced through tendons and veins. I fell back and Archie stood up.

This time he was holding something else, a gun. He aimed it at me and put a finger on the trigger. In one swift movement, though, Cameron pulled the knife from my stomach and stabbed it deep into Archie's leg. Archie cried out and fell and then swung at Cameron, his fist connecting with his face. Everything was starting to fade and I couldn't move.

I saw Cameron grab the gun, there was a struggle, then a gunshot. I cried out and pulled myself together. I stood up and ran towards the two. Archie had shot Cameron. I Screamed and Archie back handed me and I stumbled backwards. I kept backing up until I was at the edge of the boat, then Archie held the gun high. He aimed and then shot and all I remember was the feeling of my body hitting water. There were sirens and cops and police boats. And then everything went black.

****** Cameron's POV******

When I came back to consciousness I was in a clean white room. My shoulder hurt so bad. I could see my mother and sisters asleep on the couch across from me. I was hooked up to an oxygen tank. I looked around. Where was Gunnar, where was Archie. I found the little nurse button and rang it several times. A woman came rushing in.

"What's wrong?" She asked, frantically.

"Where is Gunnar?"


"The boy I was transported here with. Where is he?"

"There was only one boy transported in your ambulance, and it was you."

"No! No!" I pulled at the tubes in my arms and tried to get free but the nurse ran forward and stuck a syringe into my side. And then I was out.

The second time I woke up I wasn't connected to as many tubes as before. I could hear the little heart monitor beeping and then I saw my mom, reading in the chair next to me.


"Cam, you're awake!" She rushed to me and hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Mom, where is Gunnar."

"I don't know, Hunny." A doctor came in wearing hideous green scrubs and picked up the clipboard hanging on my bed.



"How are you feeling?"

"I want to see Gunnar."


"The other guy on the boat, there were three of us! Nate, Gunnar and I."

"It says here, you were only found with one other person. He is in intensive care."

"No. No, there were three of us," I began to panic. What if the guy in intensive care was Nate? Where was Gunnar?

"I only see two documented."

"Please take me to the one in intensive care! Please!"

"You aren't stable enough to walk."

"I didn't get shot in the leg, I got shot in the shoulder, I'm fine." I started to stand up and the doctor came forward.

"Please. Please I have to know who's in there," I begged. The doctor helped my un-attach myself from the heart monitor and escorted me down the hall toward intensive care. We walked for what seemed like ages until we came to the room that the other boy was in.


"Eric, my name is Eric."

"Eric, can I go in?" Eric opened the door and I slowly moved in toward the sleeping patient. I got closer and then I began to cry. I grabbed a pillow and placed it over Nate's face. I tried to smother him but I was sedated again.

The third time I woke up I was restrained in my hospital bed. I wanted to freak out but I couldn't. I knew that if I did, I would be be stuck with another needle. Where was Gunnar? Was he dead? Why did Nate survive? That was when a detective entered.

"Cameron Laangrab?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me."

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about last week?"

"What? Last week? What happened last week?"

"That was when we found you on a stolen boat."

"I've been asleep for a week?"

"In and out. The doctors told me that you were probably only stable now."

"Okay. Ask."

"What can you tell me about Archibald Nathanael Robbins?"


"Our records show he was on the boat with you."


"Is that the name he was going by?"

"Yes, that was who he said he was. Where is Gunnar?"


"Gunnar Collins. Where is he. He was with us. He was on the boat with us. Nate- Archibald wanted to kill him, he'd been harassing Gunnar the whole week."

"We only found two people."

"No, that's not possible. Gunnar was there. He called me. Look on my phone, the record is there."

"We took your phone into custody and we are having it analyzed. It was damaged by the water."

"Listen, when I got on the boat, Gunnar was tied up and Nate was telling him about how he had planned to rape and murder Gunnar the whole time. I pressed record when I realized what was happening, the recording has got to be on my phone. He has to be somewhere."

"Cameron, we will do what we can to find him."

"Please. You have to find him. You have to find him and get him back to me. You have to put Archibald away. Put him in prison."

"He has killed a lot of people and he will be put away, Cameron, I promise. But the thing is, he may plea insanity. He is schizophrenic. He believes that two people are always with him."

"No, don't do that, he could escape."

"We wont let that happen, Cameron."

"Please stop wasting your time on me, Gunnar is the one who knows everything. Please find him."

"I will do my best." She left the room and I laid there staring at the cold white ceiling. I had to find Gunnar. Why was he not found? Where did he go?"


The teenage boy wearing a bloody sailor shirt stumbled down a gravel road. He looked around trying to find something. A car pulled up beside him, they parked when the soaking boy fell to the ground. As the scene blurred all the boy saw was a young man trying to speak to him.

When he woke he was in a hospital. He looked at the wall and saw that is said Sailorville Hospital. There was a guy sleeping across the room in a little rocking chair. The boy's eyes slowly fluttered open, "You're awake," his voice was like a song. It was smooth and warm like honey.

"Yeah," he smiled and tried to sit up but there was a searing pain in his shoulder and side.

"Don't move, you don't want to tear anything else," He came over and sat on the bed."

"Where are we?"

"We are in Sailorville. What is your name." The injured boy looked around. He couldn't remember anything. He had no clue what his name was, where he came from, what he was doing in this town, nothing. The only name he could remember was Audrey or something that started with a C but he had no clue what it was.

"Audrey. My name is Audrey."

"I'm Dominic. I found you stumbling down a road about fifteen minutes from here. Do you know where you were coming from or who shot you?" his accent sounded southern, like something straight out of New Orleans.

"Shot me? Someone shot me? All I remember is getting out of the water. There were police boats. I heard people talking. I don't know after that."

"Audrey, can you remember your last name? Or where you live?"

"No. I can't remember anything. I don't even know who my mother is or where my father works."

"You can stay with me." His eyes were so beautiful, like liquid gold. He looked so safe, so strong. So trustworthy. Dominic was tall, Audrey could tell when he stood up. His hair was blonde and incredibly curly. He looked like a mix between a marble statue and a greek god. His olive skin could have easily made him greek.

"But, I can't impose. I don't know anything I barely remember how to speak."

"Audrey, it's okay, I can help, I'm a nurse. I can help you regain your strength and then we can figure out who you are."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I love to help people, this may sound weird but I think fate made me find you."


"The doctors said that you will be okay to leave in a couple days." He smiled and got off the bed, "I will go find you some food, you must be famished."

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault. And a special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 12

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