The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Apr 21, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:







CH 11

Cameron's POV

It had been a few weeks since I'd left the hospital. I sat in my bedroom, still recovering. I scanned through, Gunnar's Facebook profile. Pictures of his beautiful face. His perfect smile. No one knew where he was. The police had not found him, still. This was agony. Where could he be, and why hadn't he tried to contact anyone yet?

I knew he was still alive, I could feel it in my bones. Thankfully, Nate was still in a coma and if that doctor hadn't tried to stop me, Nate would have been in a permanent coma. I sat there quietly. I needed to go to school and talk to Lina and Caroline, they'd have to know what was going on. Lina was Gunnar's best friend, he must have called her by now.

Spring break was approaching fast and then there would only be two months till we leave for summer break. I had to get Gunnar back. I couldn't just forget about him. For all I know, he was wasting away to practically nothing in a box under a bridge.

Audrey's POV

Warm sun trickled in on my face. My eye lids fluttered open and I lay there breathing quietly. Why couldn't I remember anything? I had no recollection of anything that happened before waking up in the hospital, My whole childhood gone.

A warm breeze blew the white lace curtains in the wind. I slowly sat up and made my way into the little hall that led to the kitchen. I turned on the sink and filled up the coffee pot with water before dumping its contents into the brewer. There was a little note from Dominic on the counter telling me that he would be off work around three and that I should have a great day.

After I drank two cups of coffee I went to the little wardrobe in my bedroom. I was so lucky that Dominic was helping me. He had given me food, shelter, and some beautiful clothes to wear. I put on a peach button up and tucked it into some tan capris. Then I tied a light, yellow ascot under my collar and put on a pair of flip flops. The weather had been so beautiful lately.

I set out on the little dirt road into town. It was a good fifteen minute walk in a beautiful wooded area. On either side of me the trees were starting to grow leaves and bloom and I was surprised because it was still only April.

The place smelled fresh and I loved the little town of Sailorville because it was just so... Beachy. There was a huge lake that was surrounded on three sides by sandy shores. This was kind of a little tourist stop. There was an adorable little market and I walked inside.

"Good morning, Audrey, how are you today?" a middle aged man asked from behind the counter.

"Oh I'm lovely, and yourself, Benny?"

"Just great! The wife and I were thinking about going to a movie or something tonight."

"Cute! I bet that will be a lot of fun," I smiled and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I really hope so, I just hope our sitter doesn't cancel tonight."

"That would be rough." I placed a candy bar on the counter.

"Take it, it's yours, you've been one of our most loyal customers lately."

"I don't do much."

"How old are you anyway kiddo?"

I panicked. I still had no clue how old I was, "I'm almost twenty."

"So you're graduated? Any plans for college?"

"Not yet, I don't really know what I want to do with myself," I barely had any idea what I even liked to do.

"That's okay, I didn't really have any clue, hell, I still don't. Do you have a job?"

"No, not yet."

"Well I heard that Anna, down the street, could use some help in her floral shop."

"Thanks, Benny, I'll go check that out right now." I smiled and left.

Just down the street, right where he'd said it would be, was a beautiful flower shop. Blooming plants lined the outside. Huge windows displayed the most gorgeous collections of flowers in the world.

I stepped inside and took in the beautiful scent of the store.

"Hello, sir, may I hel- Oh I just love your scarf!"

"Thank you, ma'am," I smiled as the older woman fingered the light fabric.

"What can I do for you today, Dear?"

"I heard something about a job?"

She put a small, wrinkled hand to her pale chin, "I suppose we might be getting busy soon. Why don't you help me cut some flowers. If you do a good job, I might keep ya around. What's you're name?" Her smooth southern drawl was so musical.


"Oh what a pretty name, Audrey."

I followed her to a little table behind the main counter and watched as she snipped the ends off at an angle. I picked up a little pair of shears and followed suit. A tinkling came from the front door and a young girl walked in.

"You stay here and keep cutting, I'll be right back," Anna walked off and I could hear her conversing with the pretty blonde.

"Audrey, this is my grand-daughter, Alexia. She goes by Alex though."

"Nice to meet you," she smiled at me and held out her hand. What was I supposed to do? I looked at her hand and then at her face.

"You're supposed to shake it," She giggled.


She turned to her grandmother, "I'm not really sure, it's polite I guess."

"Oh, okay," I reached forward and grabbed hold of her soft hand,

"Pleasure to meet you."

Alex laughed and looked back at Anna, "Anyway, Gram, I gotta get going, I'll see you later," Then she waved at me, "nice to meet you Audrey." She turned and made her way out the door.

"That was hilarious, Audrey. You are a hoot and a half! Let me teach you the ways of the shop. You can start at minimum wage!"

Three hours later, I was walking back to the pretty little house in the woods. I was humming a song to myself, something I must have heard when I was younger. I had hoped that this meant I would remember something else but it didn't, not really. I walked a little further and heard the sound of jazz emanating from the bright open windows. The soft breeze was causing the thin lace curtains to dance.

"I'm home!" I called out as I stepped through the door.

"Glad to see you! How was your day, Audrey?" Dominic smiled as he stirred the rice on the stove.

"I got a job," I put my satchel on the counter and sat down at the table. I put my head in my hands and watched Dominic, "I can finally start pulling my weight around here."

"Honestly, Audrey, I love taking care of you. It's no bother at all, I didn't mind you not having a job. But that's great, where at?"

"That little flower place up town. That precious old woman, Anna, owns it."

"I'm happy for you." He smiled and brought forth a spoon with dark reddish liquid on it. The room smelled warm and savory. He put the spoon on my lips and I tasted it.

"Yum," I said as he pulled the spoon back and waited for my criticism.

"What do you think of my grandma's Gumbo?"

"A couple shots of hot sauce and it'll be the bee's knees."

"I had the exact same thought," he grinned his perfect smile.

"Great minds think alike," I winked as he turned back towards the food.

"So have you remembered anything?"

"No. I still have no recollection of my life before this."

"I'm really sorry." Dominic placed a bowl of gumbo in front of me.

"I mean, I wish I knew what I forgot, but maybe its best that I don't. You know? For all I know, my life sucked."

"Yeah, maybe."

We ate and chatted about our days. After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen while Dominic searched for a record to play. I poured some peach tea into a couple of glasses and placed some cookies on a plate and put it all on a tray.

"I'll meet you out on the porch, turn the music up loud when you find a good record so we can hear it out front."

"Okay, see you in a sec."

I went out and sat down on a rocking chair watching the sun set behind the trees. Then I plugged in the twinkling strings of lights that hung from the awning to the trees and made a beautiful canopy of light. I heard Dominic's "The Heart and the Head" album start and the sound of "Down in the Valley" filled the warm evening air.

Dominic walked out and smiled at me before holding out a hand.


"Take it and dance with me."

"Oh I don't think I know how to dance."

"Well there's only one way to find out."

"Nic, please." He pulled me from my seat and I stumbled forward and almost fell but he scooped me up and gracefully began swaying. His palms were warm on mine. He held one hand out to our sides and the other to his chest. His heart was beating rapidly.

"That swoop was quite a workout huh?"

"That's not why my heart is beating fast."

"Oh," I said as I realized what was going on.

"I'm really nervous."


"Because I want to do this," Nic leaned forward and pressed his soft, cherry-flavored lips to mine. His heart was beating at the speed of light. The music played softly in the background.

"I've been wanting to kiss you ever since I found you on the side of the road." I stared at his beautiful golden eyes.

"Dominic, I'm scared."

"Audrey you have nothing to be afraid of."

"I don't know anything about my past. I could have been anyone! Anything could happen, a crazy ex, a long lost parent... I can't drag you into that kind of stress."

"I asked to be part of it when I brought you home with me."

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He leaned forward and kissed me again. My skin prickled and I felt my whole body warm up. A feeling I hadn't felt since I lost my memories. My blood rushed through my veins as my heart thudded faster and faster. I felt like I had everything I ever wanted, right here. With me.

****** Cameron's POV******

I angrily punched the wall when Detective VanRoe (the detective from the hospital) said that there was still no news about Gunnar.

"Cameron, getting angry never solved anything."

"You don't get it! He is the love of my life! I know he is alive and I have to find him!"

"Have you ever considered that-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Gunnar is alive." I stormed out of the station and into the cool evening air.

"Gunnar, where are you?" I whispered aloud as I unlocked my car.

"I can help you." I turned and was startled by a thin boy with black hair.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Kyle."

"You are the guy that Gunnar got arrested. Why would you want to help me find him after he got you tossed in the hoosegow?"<-- the WHAT?

Kyle grinned, "He only got me detained and questioned. After they realized that I wasn't who was harassing him, they let me go. I'm really good at finding people... I found him once before."

"Why were you stalking him?"

"I wasn't stalking him. I just couldn't decide how to tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"That he is my brother."

Audrey's POV

My breathing became ragged as Dominic slowly eased me onto my back. The smooth, soft comforter on the bed felt cool on my bare skin. He rested on his elbows, straddling me as his lips brushed against the skin on my neck. I lay there with my arms at my side, unsure of what to do. Had I ever had sex before? If I had, I sure didn't remember.

"Are you okay?" Nic asked.

"Yes. No. I don't know... I'm not sure what I'm doing." I got up on my elbows and thumbed the waist band of my underwear.

"Have you ever- do you even remember?"

"No, I have no clue if I've ever been with a guy before."

"We can go slow. I can guide you. Or we can stop completely, if you're uncomfortable."

"I think I want to keep going." I hooked my arm under his armpit and pulled him back on top of me. I put one of my warm palms onto his stubbly face. He leaned in and his lips grazed mine. Warmth started in the bottom of my spine and enveloped me as I came forward and kissed him.

A beautiful pain burned through my body. I felt my heartbeat speed up. Blood rushed through my veins and singed my face. Nic showered pale ivory skin with gentle kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth onto mine. We probed each other's mouths and my hands traveled the contours of his muscular back.

He sat back on his knees and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer-briefs and began to pull them off, "Is this okay? Are you ready to..."

"Have sex?"

"Make love."

"Yes, I am." I yanked his underwear down revealing his incredibly thick manhood. It was about seven and a half inches long and thick as a baby wrist. He pulled mine down and I lifted my butt to help him get them off. My penis was incredibly, painfully hard. Nic grasped it and kissed me again.

His taste was incredible, peach and something else. I wanted to be closer to him. He placed his other hand right on my butt crack. His fingers rubbed up and down my cheeks before he entered a finger and teased my hole with it.

He brought the hand up to his mouth and coated his fingers in saliva before he inserted them slowly, one by one into my sensitive hole. I gasped as he fingered me, slowly, lovingly. His lips were against mine the whole time as he loosened me up for the thickness that was about to intrude my body.

His right hand grabbed my left hand and placed it on his big dick.

"Stroke it?" He whispered into my mouth before pecking it again. I held the long, warm extremity in my hand and squeezed it lightly. My thumb danced on his piss slit as pre-cum dripped out. I spread it over the the engorged head before jerking it.

When my hole was lubed up with the liquid from the bottle next to his bed, Nic placed his pole at my entrance. I cried out as the head popped in.

"Shit that's big!" Nic slipped him arms under me and, in one swift movement, picked me up and carried me to the a wall. He let my back rest on the wall while he pumped into me, still standing.

I had my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and my arms hanging around his neck. I moaned and gasped as he sent pleasure twisting through my body.

Suddenly I felt my pelvis tense and my penis erupted. Sticky, white liquid painted Nic's arms and chest and dribbled down onto his pelvis. Nic's eyes rolled back into his head as he blew his load deep inside me. He pressed his lips to mine and laid me back down on the bed as his rod slipped out. I kissed back as our breathing went back to normal.

"We should probably get cleaned up before we fall asleep. This will be a pain to clean once its all dried up." Nic grabbed my hand and helped me up and we walked to the bathroom. He turned on the water and plugged the drain and the large tub began to fill with warm water. He dumped some liquid soap under the stream and bubbles appeared. He stepped carefully into the tub and helped me in and grabbed a wash cloth.

Kneeling in the warm water, Dominic wet the cloth. He gently dragged the warm, soapy rag over my body cleaning the sticky mess off. He lovingly scrubbed the rest of my body and I stood there, like a child, until he was done.

At last he pulled me down into the water, after he cleaned his abs, and I sat in between his legs with my back on his chest. He ran a wet hand through my hair and I rested my face against his.

"Will you sing to me?"

"Hmm?" I was so caught up in him playing with my hair that I didn't hear what he said.

"Sing me a song. I love your voice."

"I don't know any songs..."

"So make something up?" He caressed my side while I came up with something to sing.

A little while later, when our hands had pruned up, Nic and I got out of the tub and dried off. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. We went to his bed and climbed under the covers as the cool breeze of evening fluttered through the curtain. He pulled me close and wrapped an arm around me and soon we were both asleep.

I stood on a balcony and looked up at the beautiful stars. Classical music drifted to my ears and suddenly I felt like I wasn't alone. A man wearing a masque and a black tuxedo stood at the doorway. He held out a white gloved hand and bowed. I placed my own gloved hand into his and smiled as he gracefully pulled me close. We danced to the music, almost like we were flying. Then as the music stopped the mysterious man leaned in.

His brown eyes bored into mine. He leaned close and just before his lips touched mine, the balcony crumbled and I fell. The man grabbed my hand and I yanked his masque off. His face was beautiful and familiar. Who was he?

I bolted up in the bed, sweat dripping down my face. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Sun streamed in and lit the room up. I looked at the side of the bed where Nic had slept. There was a little sticky note that read: Have a good day, Audrey. P.S. You look so cute when you sleep.

I smiled as I reread the note for a fourth time. I checked the clock by the bed and decided it was time to get up. I stepped out on the porch, still in the nude, with a cup of coffee and looked out in the woods. The cool morning breeze giving me goosebumps.

The smell of new grass and blooming flowers mingled with morning dew. I took a few deep breaths before going back inside and getting dressed for the day.

I pulled on some red shorts and a thin sweater with a sailboat on it. I drank a cup of coffee and made my way to town. The leave that had suffocated under winter's seemingly endless blankets of snow crunched under mu light brown oxfords. Song birds sang a beautiful melody while flitting from tree to tree.

I stepped into the town, busy with locals and some out-of-towners for the farmer's market. I entered the floral shop when Anna handed me a watering can, "Be a dear and water those plants over there, Audrey." I started watering the plants. I looked out the big bay window and saw a couple of guys walking out of the little market. One was tall with pitch black hair and a ratty sweater.

When I saw the face of the other I dropped the contents of my hand and gasped.

"I's everything okay, Audrey?" Anna asked rushing over.

"That boy over there. I dreamt about him last night."

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault. And a special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 13

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