The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Apr 27, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:







CH 12

Anna eyed me carefully and then turned to the dream boy across the street. I studied his features. His masculine jaw, his red lips, his high cheek bones. This was the boy who pushed me off the ledge in my dream.

"Well who is he, Deary?" Anna asked scanning her eyes over him again.

"I don't know. But I feel strange. My stomach...."



"Go talk to him then."

"What, just walk up and be like, Hey I had a dream about you last night. You almost kissed me and then you tossed me off a ledge.' cause that wouldn't be frightening and creepy. He's clearly straight and he might like punch me for just talking to him."

"You never know, Audrey. Now put your big boy panties on and go say hi. Offer him some of these flowers. Tell him you would like to interest him in some spring bouquets or something."

"Anna... I'm nervous."

"Just do it, ya pansy," Anna erupted in laughter at her lame pun.

I grabbed the bundles of daisies and stepped into the bright mid morning sunshine. I carefully made my way through the crowd as the boy with the tattered sweater walked off to a different booth. I approached the dream boy and raised my hand to tap his shoulder.

He turned before I could tap his shoulder. His eyes met mine and I saw his breathing stop.

"I came to interest you in one of our beautiful spring bouquets."

He stood there staring at me. Confusion washed over his face then a look of pure glee.

"Sir are you okay?" I fidgeted with the hem of my sweater and wiped at my face as if there was food covering it.

"I don't... I can't believe it!" He went to hug me and I pulled away.

"Excuse me! What do you think you are doing?"


"I'm sorry, you must have me confused. My name is Audrey."

"Audrey? Like Audrey Hepburn? Is this a joke?" I pondered his question. He was the first person to look at me as though he knew me.

"No. It's Audrey," I searched frantically for a last name,


"What are you doing, Gunnar? I've been searching for you for weeks," he looked confused and hurt.

"I'm not sure who you think I am, but I assure you, I've never met you in my life."

"Maybe this will jog your memory," he leaned in to kiss me. I jerked back and slapped him, hard.

"Is everything okay, Audrey?" Benny asked, standing up.

"It's fine. This man was just leaving."

"Stop this, please, Gunnar," tears welled up in the boy's eyes,

"Please. I can't go through this. I lost you once. I won't lose you again. Please tell me why you are doing this?"

"I think you have him confused with someone else," Benny said advancing slowly.

Tears streamed down his manly face. It broke my heart. He was so foreign, yet so familiar at the same time.

"Come with me." I grabbed his wrist and maneuvered us out of the crown and into the alley behind the floral shop. There was a little patio with a table and chairs.

"Sit down," I said sternly, "who are you." It was more of a demand than a question.

"I'm Cameron. Don't you remember me? I can't tell if this is a sick game or if you seriously have no clue who I am."

"I have no clue who you are. I've only seen you once and that was in a nightmare last night."

"I'm in love with you."

"Thank you, but I don't even know-"

He stood up and threw the table. He fell down and cried like a child.

"Get yourself under control, Cameron."

"What happened? Why can't you remember me?"

"The first thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed after suffering a gunshot to the shoulder. And some cuts and bruises."

"Gunnar, we were on a boat. Nate attacked us. He tried to kill you. I don't know why, but-"

"I'm sorry! I can't remember any of this." Cameron stood up and grabbed me forcefully. He leaned in before I could stop him and pressed his warm red lips to mine. At first I resisted. I wanted to fight back but it felt right. It felt perfect.

Our lips fit together like a pair of puzzle pieces. Warm and soft against my suddenly dry lips. I breathed out ant returned the kiss. And then I saw something. In the back of my mind.

A shed. A shed next to a gravel road. In the shed, I lay on an old blanket next to Cameron. Then more visions flooded into my head. My mother. My father. Losing my house. Moving into the apartment. Lina. Oh Lina. I missed her suddenly, it was painful. I gasped and doubled over as though I had been socked in the stomach. I fell to my knees.


"Yes, Gunnar IS my name. Cameron..." I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. My heart burst as my deep love for this boy returned. I was remembering everything. Cameron had taken me from my amnesia. His kiss had fixed me.

"Oh god, I've missed you so much, Gunnar!" Cameron picked me up and twirled me around kissing me again.

"I had no idea who I was."

"I can't wait to tell Kyle, I can't wait to take you home!"

"Wait, Cameron. I can't just leave. I have a life here."

"But your life is back in Crystal Grove."

"But... Dominic..."


"I fell for him. He fell for me."

"We are meant for each other, Gunnar. Don't stay in your pretend life just because of a guy who kept my side of the bed warm for a month."

I scowled at him, "Audrey is still a part of me. He still loves Nic."

"You... love him?"


"Then stay."

"What? Cameron, what's wrong?"

"You've never been able to admit that you love me. It's so easy for you to say it about him. You shouldn't come back to Crystal Grove if you have a life here."

"Cameron, it's not like that at all! I just..."

"Just what? Gunnar, Audrey, whoever you are, you need to decide who you are. When you make a decision I'll be in the local motel." He turned and left me standing there, alone.

****** Cameron's POV******

I slammed through the motel door and it crashed into the wall and then I swiped a lamp off the table. It fell and shattered into a hundred pieces. I slumped against the wall and started to sob. My body heaved and I'm sure I looked utterly pathetic.

"Cameron what happened back there?" Kyle asked rushing into the room and seeing the mess I had made.

"Gunnar thought his name was Audrey and he fell in love with some guy who saved him and he told me he loves him. He could never admit that he loved me. He never said it to me, not once."

"Maybe he never loved you." I swung my fist and it connected with his jaw. Kyle fell back and held his face.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sure I deserved that. I just mean that even so, Audrey loves the new guy. Gunnar couldn't love anyone. He never let anyone in."

"How would you know, you don't know anything about him."

"I know a lot more than you think. I followed him for months learning all I could so that I could finally meet him but not scare him."

"You did a real bang up job," I chuckled.

"Touche. Here's what you do, you bring him back. He loves you deep down. Your kiss made him remember. Not the other guy's, your's."

"I can't force Gunnar to come back with me."

"No but you have the power to make him WANT to come back with you."

"I doubt it."

"You just have to show him that he wants you more."

****** Gunnar's POV******

I sat down nervously across from Nic.

"What's this about? Do you regret last night?"

"No! No... Last night was incredible. It's just that," I wrung my hands together, "I saw an old friend today. And I remembered everything."

"That's great, Audrey!"

"Actually, it's Gunnar. I am nineteen and I still attend Crystal Grove High School."

"Oh... Wow, you really didn't remember a single thing."


"So, what are you going to do now?"

"Obviously, I have to finish my education. And I have a life in Crystal Grove..."

"Okay. What about us?"

"I'm not sure. Nic, I've enjoyed all our time together. I think I might lo- like you a lot. It's just that I have so much... Baggage."

"Aud- Gunnar, I'm not going to lie. I have enjoyed every minute with you. I have developed strong feelings for you too but if you need to go back to your life I can understand."

"What if... What if you come with me?"

"You want me to come with you?"

"Yes, I have an apartment in Crystal Grove. You can transfer to the hospital there. I would really like it if you came with me."

"Are you sure this is what you want, Gunnar- it's so weird to not call you Audrey."

"Yes. I don't want to leave my chance with you because I remembered my former life."

"Yes. I will come with you." He stood up and kissed me.

"This makes me so happy!" I hugged him and he smiled.

"I'll see if Benny will let me use his truck to move my things there."

"Well I have a bed and a couch and a chair and like, pretty much everything you need for living..."

"Oh, I'll just pack my clothes and record player then. I mean, I still technically own this house and I can rent it out to someone."

Later that day

"So you are coming back with me?" Cameron asked me, standing with excitement.

"Yes... Well not exactly..."

"Not exactly?"

"I'm going back to Crystal Grove but Nic is coming too. We are going to see where our relationship is going."




"Well, fine. See you around Cam." I stood up and started to leave and the door to the motel room opened and there stood Kyle. I panicked a little.

"What is he doing here?" I asked, hearing the fear in my shaky voice.

"It's not what you think. Gunnar, I wasn't stalking you. I wanted to tell you that I... I am your brother."

"What? That's impossible, I don't have any siblings."

"No, mom kicked me out and sent me away when you were just a baby. She told me never to come back."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she's insane. And an unfit parent."

"She kicked me out too."

"I rest my case."

"I'm sorry I called the police on you..."

"It's fine I did show up at the most inopportune time. Did you decide to come back with us?"

"Yes, I did." I smiled at him and noticed that we had the same eyes and our noses were identical.

"But he decided to bring Dominic with him," Cameron spit out as he crossed his arms like a child.

"Oh, Darling, do grow up. I don't want this to come in between our friendship. You're dating Juliette anyway."

"Well We've been talking but I always had hope for you."

"What do you mean?"

"We belong together, Gunnar. We are soul mates. I said it once, I'll say it again. I will always love you more than anyone else."

"I'm sorry. We tried being together and it didn't work."

"We had a few fights. That's what people who love each other do."

"I couldn't stay faithful to you and you deserve so much better," I turned to leave.

"I deserve you. I've fought hard enough," he said under his breath.

"That should have been your first hint. I never cared enough to fight for you," I knew the words would hurt. I didn't want to say them but they just spewed out of my mouth. I wanted him to give up because I knew in my heart that I could never bring him anything but hurt. Maybe I did love Cameron. Maybe I did want him over Nic. Maybe we were soul mates. But none of that mattered as much as keeping Cameron's heart whole and all I would do is break it.

I grabbed the door handle and turned it. I pulled it open in one swift move and walked out. Cameron grabbed my hand.

"Gunnar, if you leave... If you leave this will be the last time. I wont keep fighting after this. You know you want this- us. You know you want me and not that other guy."

"Bye." I wrenched my hand from his and left. I wanted to turn back. To apologize. To kiss him. It was really over. Tears began streaming down my face as soon as I was out of sight. It killed me to say all of those things to Cameron but it was necessary. I walked back to Nic's as quickly as my feet would take me. I wiped my tears before I went to the front door.

I opened the door, Nic was standing there with his bags.

"Ready, babe?"

"I'm so ready." I pulled him close, his warm muscular body pressed against my slim figure. I reached my neck up and pressed my lips hard on his.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's great, I'm just so excited. Lets go," I faked a smile, kissed his cheek and we loaded the car and started driving.

A Week Later

I sat at my usual table with Lina and Caroline, eyeing Cameron with his "Facebook Official" girlfriend, Juliette. He was laughing at his table with the other football and baseball players while Juliette tittered and caressed his arms. Jealously raged through me but at the same time, I was really happy with Nic. We were getting really close and I was at the point where I was ready to tell him I loved him.

"Why haven't you and Cameron spoken since you got back? I mean, after the... Incident, you'd think you two would be much closer," Lina said looking from Cam to me.

"We ended things. Including our friendships," I said glancing down at the textbook in front of me.

"Why? You two were like absolute besties."

"Yes, but we decided its best."

"We or you?" Caroline questioned suspiciously.

"We. It was decided between us."

"So how about this new guy," Lina said getting closer, "He's a super babe, tell us all about him."

"Nic is sweet. He saved me after Nate shot me. He housed me when I had amnesia and I'm in love with him. There's not much to say, really."

"In love? This is serious."

"Indeed. I can't believe that we are going to graduate in like three weeks. College you guys."

"And a summer full of fun. Romance, long nights, short shorts and sandals," Lina said staring off into space.

"We are all gonna be real life adults soon," Caroline offered. I smiled and stood up, "Off to the library as usual."

I walked briskly down the hall and into the library. I sat down at my usual table and flipped open my history book.

"Are you okay, Gunnar?" Lina sat down across from me.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"It's like you haven't been the same since you got back."

"I mean, I did experience a really traumatic event, Lina."

"I know but it's just like you don't want to be around your friends anymore. Did I do something?"

"No Lina, I always leave at lunchtime to study."

"Yeah I know. I just miss you."

"I miss you too."

"We've been best friends since we were divas in diapers."

"Don't say that again."

"You're right it was lame."

"No, I almost just hit you. I almost just lost control and hit you." We both laughed and then I hugged her, "I'm okay, really, I'm sorry I've been distant. Lets have a girls night."

"Yes, classic movies and I can catch you up on the juicy gossip."

After school, I got home and Nic was sleeping soundly on the couch. I leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the mouth. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled.

"I missed you today, it's weird with you going to school everyday."

"Is it weird that you are dating a high schooler?"

"No, you're nineteen, I'm only twenty-four. That's five years between us. I don't think its weird, and thankfully it's not illegal," Nic untucked my shirt and undid my belt, "Because if it was I couldn't do this," he pulled down my pants and underwear to my knees and wrapped his beautiful lips around my semi-erect penis. I moaned lightly as he placed his hands on my taught butt cheeks as he sucked. I hardened almost immediately as he went to town then he pulled off just long enough to coat his fingers in saliva.

He brought his index finger around and inserted it gently into my tight hole. I got harder. He started finger banging me ass he bobbed forward and backward on my dick. Soon I felt the familiar tingle of an orgasm and my knees buckled as I blew my load in his hot mouth. Nic swallowed every drop.

"Oh god, that was great, now its your turn."

"That's okay I don't want a turn."


"I just wanted to make you feel good. I don't need you to return the blowjob."

"Well that's too damn bad because that dick is going to be in my mouth."

"If you insist." He pulled out his massive erect penis. I got down on my knees and brought my mouth to it. I wrapped my hand around the base and kissed the head. I stuck out my tongue and started licking it from tip to balls. I cupped his testicles with my right hand and jerked him with the left as I kissed his brawny muscular thighs. He leaned further into the couch spreading his legs wider and I took my chance. I sucked his balls in before lifting them completely and running my tongue along his taint and tapping it against his sweet hole.

Nic moaned loudly, "Shit, babe, don't stop."

I smiled as I jerked him and started eating out his butthole. He loved having my face planted deep in his rectum. I tongue fucked him and rapidly jerked until I felt his balls tighten. Before it got all over, my mouth flew to the head of his penis and swallowed every single shot of cum.

"Gunnar, that was so hot," Nic grabbed my face and pulled me in for a long deep kiss. I could still taste my cum in his mouth.

"So, Lina is coming over tonight..."

"Oh great should I cook something for us? What are you in thee mood for, love?" He kissed my cheek and pulled up his pants.

"Well, umm.... It's kind of a girls night."

"Oh, I can respect that... In fact there was a guy down the hall, Ezra I think, he was having a big viewing of the game and he invited us. I know how much you hate sports but I could go do that while you guys hang out."

"Ezra invited you to his place?"

"Yeah... Is that okay?"

"I mean, of course its okay. I think that's a great way for you to find some new friends."

"Okay great."

"That also reminds me," I pulled up my pants too and stood there awkwardly, "so prom is coming up..."

"And you want to take me?"

"As much as I'd absolutely love to, I actually can't. You are older than twenty-four which is against the rules."

"Oh... So then..."

"I'm just saying, if someone else were to ask me, would you mind me going with them?"

"No. I suppose I wouldn't care."

"Okay great. I lo- I'm so glad you are okay with it." He leaned forward and kissed me. His lips warm against mine. Then he added tongue.

"Maybe just a quickie before Lina gets here," I said pulling open his plaid shirt.

Cameron's POV

I caressed Juliette's beautiful red hair. I had been with Gunnar for so long that I had actually forgotten what being with a girl was like. Until a few days ago. I mean don't get me wrong, dick is great and all but vaginas. Vaginas and boobs are amazing. And let me tell you Juliette was perfect in both areas.

"So prom is in three weeks," I said fingering a strand of curls.

"Yeah it is," her voice was like birdsong.

"And I was thinking, we could go together?"

"That's your prom-posal? Lame. If you wanna take me you have to try harder than that. And speaking of taking me... My doghouse is really starting to miss her hound." She straddled my and started giving me a lap dance. I could feel my pants tightening with every rock of her smooth hips.

"I think I can help," I slowly undid her ruffly blouse.

Gunnar's POV

Lina came over shortly after Ezra and I got done blessing the house.

"Oh, febreeze... Did you do the deed before I came over?" She asked handing me the movies and grinning.

"My lips are sealed."

"Unlike your thighs." My jaw dropped and Lina laughed, "K so here's the sitch. There's a big spring break party at this one friend's house. He's a friend from my old school. I think you'll like him. He's absolutely fabulous."

"What's his name?"


"Oh that's unique..."

"I have a little precaution though."


"He's an M.B.G.B.F."

"A what?"

"A mega bitchy gay best friend."

"I'm sure I'll like him."

"Oh you are bound to see something you like. Don't ever trust him though." Lina spun on her heel and made for the door.

"That's strangely cryptic." We walked outside and to her car, "Am I even properly dressed for this?"

"You look perf."

"Perf? When did we start shortening words."

"Sorry, it's a thing we did at TRV."

"Oh.. Okay," I said, confused. And then we were off to a party.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault. And a special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 14

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