The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on May 11, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:









CH 13

The place was crowded. It was also a huge house so the fact that it was crowded was enough to know that a lot, hundreds probably, of kids were there. Beyonce's "Partition" was blaring and people were drunk and dancing slutty.

"Lina there are so many people," I shouted over the loud music.

"I know, Clove's parties are always like this." And that's when I saw him. He was sitting on a piano across the room. He had perfect brown wavy hair to his shoulders. He had on a sleeveless black top with a boat neckline and a pair of black capris. He had on delicate black gloves that went just past his wrists. He had on a silver infinity scarf and some some black flats.

"He's so pretty..." I said to Lina. I watched him move. He was so swift and graceful. He had his audience, which was a group of very attractive boys, captivated. He was holding a bright drink in a martini glass and a quellazaire with an unlit cigarette at the end.

Clove flashed a perfect smile to one of the guys and then he scanned the room and found Lina. He gasped happily and handed his drink to one of the guys. Then he held out his free hand to another and the boy helped him off of the piano. He drifted to us without a single move out of place, not even bumping into a single person.

"Lina, Darling! SO great of you to make an appearance!" He kissed both of her cheeks and glanced at me, "I see you brought a friend." I watched as his gorgeous green eyes scanned over me like a sensor collecting data.

"Love the pants, hate the scarf. Burn it." He smiled as he snatched my vintage scarf off of my neck and tossed it into the crowd.

"I paid fifteen dollars for that!" I cried out as I watched it get torn by a few people who weren't paying attention to where their razor sharp stilettos were stepping. He grabbed the wallet from the back pocket of a guy drunk dancing next to him. He fingered through it and whipped out two twenties.

"There now buy yourself something actually worth that," Clove handed me the bill and tucked one into his tight shirt before replacing the wallet.

"You can't just steal his money!"

"The way I see it, he owed you for kicking that tragic scarf into heel paths and I needed payment for the good deed I did you." He flashed a bright smile.

"Just take the money," Lina said with a grin. I tucked the money in my pocket, fully intending to return it to the drunken man.

"I'm Clove, but you knew that.And you are Gunnar."

"How did you know that?"

"I know everything about everyone."

"But you've never met me before."

"I don't have to meet a person to know their name and address and school."

I stood there dumbfounded.

"Plus Cameron was in here earlier and he was droning on and on about some pretty guy he was with at one time."

"Why was Cameron here?"

"He's dating my sister, duh."

"Juliette is your sister?"

"I thought we already went over this. Were you not here when we went over this?" he turned to Lina, "Did he just completely check out of the conversation when we were going over the fact that Juliette is my sister?"

"Dear, if you didn't mumble I'm sure I would have heard you," I retorted.

"Anyway, as much as I'd love to sit here and act like I enjoy talking to you-"

"You were acting? Oh you should definitely NOT quit your day job, that was the shittiest acting since Eli Manning was on SNL."

He glared at me, "I have to get back to my boys." He spun around, hair tossing lightly as he floated back to the piano.

"I don't like him."

"Nobody really does," Lina replied grabbing my hand and leading me to the drink counter. The bartender mixed us some cosmos and we started dancing and enjoying ourselves.

A short while later when we were both a bit tipsy, Lina and I were dancing like fools when I suddenly noticed Cameron and Juliette grinding on each other across the room. Jealousy and anger flared up inside my stomach.

"That little trollop," I said angrily under my breath.

"What dear?" Lina asked looking at me.

"Oh nothing!" I smiled and tried to forget them, but the way he had been holding her. It made me so mad, probably much more than it would have if I was sober. I wanted to get back at him and dance slutty with a guy in front of him but my guy was at home.

Clove's POV

"And then I said, `But daddy I love him!'," The boys who were listening intently erupted with laughter while I sucked down the rest of my drink.

"Darling, could you get me another?" I asked the hot blonde on my left.

"Sure thing, Clove." He took my glass and set off to fulfill my request.

"So is it true that your dad owns a modeling company?"

"It is, very true, you know, I bet he'd love to have you in is repertoire."

"What's that?" the gorgeous brunette I'd been preying on for a while, Draven, asked with a genuinely stupid look on his face.

"Let's go to another room and I can show you," I spoke into his ear. He looked puzzled and then laughed and grabbed me around the waist to help me down. We pushed through the crowd and down a long hall into my bedroom. He walked around the room and eyed all of my lavish belongings while I sat down at the vanity and pulled off my gloves and scarf. I watched him through the reflection. He had warm tan skin and longish brown hair.

They were all the same. Boys. Stupid. They were naive. My motto is simple: Boys are like coal. They are dirty, rough, and get hot when you rub them. But some turn out to be diamonds so collect as many as you can.

I stood up and walked toward him. I grabbed his t-shirt at the hem from behind and tugged it off of him.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Draven laughed nervously.

"Well I have to see your abs to make sure that Daddy will want to photograph them."

"Oh that makes sense." I stared at him for a second. This was so easy. He was sculpted, gorgeous.

"I can show you what a repertoire is now."

"How?" his voice just made him sound incredibly ignorant.

"You have to take off your pants." He slowly undid his pants and kicked off his shoes. He pulled the slacks off and he was left in only a jockstrap. My weakness.

"Nice choice of underwear," I winked.

"Thank you." Then I pounced. I pressed my lips to his and reached my hand into his jock and cupped his big dick. He resisted at first but once I started rubbing him the right way he couldn't do anything but let me have my way. I kissed his chin and then his neck and trailed my lips from his collar bone to his groin.

By now I was on my knees. I pulled his jock strap to his knees and took his length into my mouth. Boys were just so easy to play. I mean really the hardest part about getting this guy in my mouth was his dick. He moaned as he ran his hand through my hair and held it out of the way.

I had been sucking and lapping for a good ten minutes when the guy tensed and blew his load in my mouth. I swallowed and sat back on my haunches.

"Well that was pleasant. You were brilliant," I almost fell back in shock when I heard not only the intelligent but the Australian accent spilling out of his beautiful mouth.

"What the?"

"Oh, you thought you were the only one who could play this game?"

I stood up, my eyes narrowed, "You played me while I was playing you."

"That's right."

"You probably don't even have a dog named Duke do you?"

"No. Just like your father has nothing to do with any modeling company. He's a lawyer."

"You did you're research. I'm impressed." I wiped off my mouth while he pulled on his clothes.

"Of course I did my research. I've been studying you for months. Watching you break hearts. You are my muse, Clove. I love to break hearts too. After watching you become the queen of heart-break, I decided to knock your crown off your head and break your heart."

"Jokes on you, I have no connection to you," I smiled, this guy was an amateur.

"That's where you're wrong."

"How so?"

"I watched you study me and wait to be able to have me, and the fact that I tricked you makes you want me even more."

"That couldn't be any less true."

"Really?" He looked at me with a sultry pouty look. My heart stopped. Oh my god I was totally into this guy. He had broken down my walls and made his way to the layer of my heart I never let anyone see. Gross.

"As if. You couldn't be any more wrong, Draven."

"Well I'm going to be flying to California for the next two weeks. I know how devastated you'll be when I go and you can't toy with me anymore."

"I have other guys I can toy with, you aren't the only guy in the world." He walked up behind me and kissed me tenderly on my neck. I smiled as my heart melted.

"Well, goodbye," Draven pulled away abruptly and dressed himself in everything but his shirt.

"But wait," I said grabbing his thick wrist.


"I knew this was all going to happen. That's why I've been so sweet and kind and accepting of all of your problems. You didn't actually think you could overthrow this queen did you? I even changed your flight," I glanced at my watch, "It's leaving in thirty minutes."

"What?! This flight is taking me to a really big opportunity, I can't afford another ticket!"

"Better hurry," I swatted his juicy ass as he hustled out the door. I turned and sighed because of the hurt that I was feeling. Suddenly I was spun around and Draven planted one more, mind blowing kiss on my lips.

"See you around, you feisty snake." He winked and ran out the door. I needed a drink. Bad.

Cameron's POV

I held Juliette's hips as she grinded on me. It had gotten dark out and everyone was getting very drunk. I glanced over to see Gunnar laughing and dancing with Lina. Anger raged inside me. How could he not choose me. Yes I was still bitter, but I feel, I had the right to be. I searched for weeks to find him and the whole time he was banging some Adonis doctor. Yeah I said it, Nic was pretty damn hot.

That doesn't matter. I am the one Gunnar is supposed to be with, but I'm so done trying and fighting for him. I won't lie, I want to take Gunnar to the prom. I've wanted to since we started... Whatever it is that we had. How dare him move on? How dare him not want me as much as I need him. God, he was so selfish. Juliette turned around, "What are you thinking about?"




"I asked if you wanted a drink."

"Oh uh sure," she walked off into the crowd and I stood there and looked around, Clove, Juliette's brother was walking down the hall with an angry look on his face. I made my way to him.

"Clove, you okay?"

His face suddenly brightened, "Yes of course, Darling, are you enjoying yourself?"

"It would be better is Gunnar WASN'T here but yeah, I'm having a pretty good time."

"Want me to kick him out? I didn't find him very enjoyable."

"No that's fine."

"Why don't you just go to him? It's clear that you still want him. He'd be stupid to not want you."

"Because, he is with someone else."

"So? Everyone is fair game until they have a ring on their finger."

"I can't do that to Julie."

"She has no heart, I highly doubt she will care."


"That's not what I meant, but I'm pretty sure she has no feelings. She might be a robot," Clove forced a chuckle at the last part.

"It's okay, even if I did leave her to get him back he wouldn't come. He is too worried about hurting me."

"Oh please, that's an excuse. Boys are all the same. They are like horses. Wild and stubborn until you break them. You just need to show him that you are the only one for him."


"Hunny, only you know how to convince him that he longs only for you."

"Really, it doesn't matter I'm really starting to like Juliette."

"Ew. Why?"

"She's smart and gorgeous."

Clove held his hands up to his chest and cupped an invisible pair of boobs, "And a great personality. Am I right? She's as sweet as lemon with the personality of a lobster, Cameron. Gunnar is a million times more worth what that fire-crotch could ever imagine."

"That was a little mean but maybe you're right." I looked around the room to see if Gunnar was still here and spotted him walking out the door. I began making my way to him, fully intending on telling him exactly where I stood.

I was halfway to him when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Cam, you practically ran off, Baby," Juliette leaned up and pressed her lips to mine.

Gunnar's POV

Lina and I stepped outside into the warm evening.

"Let's go to the club and pop our pussies," I heard from behind. I turned to see Clove pulling on his glove and whipping out a chapstick from his little black clutch.

"For real?" Lina smiled big.

"Of course," His phone fell into his hand and he dialed a number before holding up to his ear. "Daddy, I need a town car asap."

A few minutes later a sleek black Rolls Royce came to a stop in front of us. A tall attractive older man wearing a suit and tie got out and promptly opened the back door.

"You wanna get in first, Clove?" I asked.

"A queen never slides."

I rolled my eyes and stepped up into the old car that looked like it was right out of the fifties. Lina followed suit and the chauffer held out a hand to help Clove into the vehicle.

The next day

I rubbed my eyes as the sun poured in over my face. I was in the comfiest bed I had ever laid in. I looked over to see Clove laying on my left. He looked like Snow White while she was under the sleeping curse. His hands folded over his stomach. Lina was on my right cuddled up with a pillow.

I carefully got out of the bed and walked down the hall.

"Gunnar?" I turned to see Cameron exiting a bedroom.

"Cam? What are you-" I looked past him and saw the big bejeweled

"J" on the door.

"I was with Juliette."

"Obviously, how is that? You guys seem happy together."

"We are."



"Well, bye." I made my way back to Clove's room. Cameron stopped me, "Listen, Gunnar, just because we ended things doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Yes it does."


"After the things I said to you, Cameron, Why would you even WANT to still be my friend."

"Because, I still care. You are still one of my best friends."

"No, I'm not, Cameron. I treat you so badly."

"Yeah I kinda noticed that."

"Then why would you try to still be friends?"

"I'm not sure. I'm really not. I don't know why I can't stop trying with you. I don't know why I think I need you in my life."

"Then stop trying," I crossed my arms and pursed my lips.

"Who are you going to prom with?"

"No one. I don't have a date."

"You have to go! It's our senior prom."

"I didn't say I wasn't going. Cinderella didn't need a date to the dance, neither do I."

"Her date was already there, waiting."

"She didn't know that," Cameron said, looking at me like he was incredibly exasperated.

"It doesn't matter, I don't have a date to the prom but I don't need one."

"Well I could walk you down the grand march if you need."

"Yeah, I'll pass."

"It was just an offer."

"Well Nic wouldn't like it."

"Why the hell not?"

"He knows about our past and he doesn't want me spending time around you."

"Is that why you have ostracized me? Because NIC doesn't want you to be around me?" there was a certain venom in the way he said Nic.

"No. I don't hang out with you because I don't want to hang out with you. I don't want to be around you because I can't stand it. I either feel hurt or angry. You... You get me so flustered!"

"You DO still care."

"Fuck you." I turned to leave but he grabbed me and kissed me. I pulled away, tears in my eyes.

"No, Cam I can't!" I pushed him back and stumbled down the stairs and out the front door. The chauffer was standing next to the car.

"Master Clove thought you might need a get away car." He held out his hand and helped me into the classy vehicle.

I quietly stepped into the apartment and Nic was sitting on the couch. He looked up.

"Would you believe I had decided to wear the same outfit two days in a row?"

"Considering you weren't here this morning, no. Where were you?" he smiled. So Naive.

"I was at Clove's. He is a friend of Lina's and he had a party and then we went clubbing and I ended up just staying the night."

"Oh. Clove... That's Juliette's brother right?"

"Am I the only one who didn't know about Clove? Wait how do you know Juliette?"

"She is one of my patients. She was telling me about Cameron dating her now. She also told me about Clove."

"Why would she tell you all that?"

"She knew I was dating you."

"Oh, okay," I said as I sat down next to him, his focus returned to the game on T.V.

"Was he there?"


"Cameron. Was he there?"


"Did you talk to him."

"No." Nic sighed and turned off the television. He stood up and grabbed a bag I had just noticed. A suitcase. That was when I noticed that all of his stuff was missing from the apartment.

"I had hoped that Clove was lying."


"He called this morning to tell me that you were on your way to the apartment. That you had a big fight with Cameron and he kissed you."

"I pushed him away."

"Yeah but you know that if you weren't dating me you wouldn't have stopped him."

"Nic that's not true."

"The fact that you think I would believe that, tells me that you really don't know anything about me," Nic said as he stared at the floor. I rushed forward and fell to my knees.

"Dominic, I'm so sorry. You mean so much to me."

"But I don't mean enough to keep you happy. Not the way he can."

"Please-" he held up a hand to silence me.

"I get it, Gunnar, I really do. I fell in love with Audrey and then I fell in love with you but you are two different people. You are wild and a free spirit. I am a cage. You don't deserve that. No one can put you in a cage," he grabbed his last bag and started toward the front door. I grabbed his hand.

"I want to go, Gunnar. You need him. You two are soul-mates. Good-luck," he kissed me gently before leaving me there. Standing alone.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault. And a special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 15

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