The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Jun 13, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:










CH 17

"Hey Gunnar," A familiar man was standing in front of my apartment door. He had a bag on either side of him, "Someone told me I would find you here." He smiled shyly. His graying hair fell into his face.

"Who's this Gunnar?"

"It's..." I stopped and looked him up and down just to make sure I wasn't dreaming, "It's my father."

"Your... dad? I thought he was dead..." Cameron eyed the man in front of us. He was wearing a tattered army green shirt and some filthy blue jeans. He looked like he hadn't bathed in days.

"So did I."

"Gunny, I need to speak with you."

I couldn't breathe. Suddenly the cut on my arm ached. I needed air. I grasped at my chest desperately, trying to suck in some oxygen. And then everything was black.

Cameron's POV

I brushed Gunnar's beautiful curls out of his face and watched him lay there, on the bed. His breathing was steady. The hotel room smelled like bleach and carpet cleaner.

"With all due respect, Mr. Collins, why did you come back?"

"It's Luther, please call me Luther."

"Okay, Luther. Why did you come back. He's thought you were dead for so long. He put you on a pedestal as some kind of hero. He really thought he was never going to see you again. So tell me, Luther," I was growing very angry by this point, "what really did happen? Why did everyone think you were dead? And if you aren't dead then who is in the casket in YOU'RE grave?"

"My lover."


"The man I had been having an affair with had taken my car to the store to get us some wine. We were staying at his cabin. When the accident happened I was heart broken. The crash was so horrible that he was unrecognizable. He had no family so no one even knew he was missing. It was like a get out of jail free card. My wife was a tyrant. I get that it was shitty to leave my Gunny. It was shitty to desert Kyle. Hell, it was practically heartless to just bury Elise in the back yard and not give her a proper burial. Our family is really fucked up."

"So it seems."

"I came back though. I needed to see Gunnar. I needed to know that he was okay. What I did is unforgivable."

"Honestly, Luther. You are a fucking asshole. You turned a fucking twelve year old out on the street. You buried your daughter in the backyard so no one would know she was dead, I'm sure you had an excuse for that one too. You are just as fucking twisted as your wife. You faked your death so basically you ran away from Gunnar when he was only seven. Frankly, you don't even deserve to speak to him. I really think you should go."

"Cam, no." I felt Gunnar's soft palm on my bicep, "I have some things I'd like to say to him."


"I think we can all agree that you have lost the right to call me that, Luther."

He looked at the floor sheepishly.

"Why did you come here? Why did you come to me? How did you even find me?"

"Well finding you was easy. I just had to ask a few people."

"Christ. Okay now why are you here?"

"I came to apologize. I came to tell you how sorry I am for leaving you. For keeping so much from you. What I did is disgusting."

"I wont disagree with you on that." Gunnar looked at him carefully. I could tell that part of him was relieved to see Luther and another part of him was livid that he was even here.

Who's grave had he cried over for so many years. Who was it that he had spoken to all this time. He had wasted so much time and breath honoring a father that turned out to be a coward, a fool and all around, a mental case.

"Gunnar, I just want us to start over. I want to try and form a relationship with you."

"I really don't know if that's even possible at this point. I always wished you would come back. I never quite knew what I would do if you did but," Gunnar stood up and walked toward him. Luther opened his arms for a hug. He looked wanted to hug him but then he surprised me. He swung his fist hard. His knuckles crashed into Luther's face and I heard a sickening crack. Blood poured from his nose.

"Holy shit!" Luther grabbed at his face trying to stop thee bleeding. He rushed to the bathroom. Gunnar dropped to the floor. I rushed to his side, he was crying uncontrollably and there was blood all over his fist.

"I think you've had enough excitement for one night, Gunnar. Let's just go to bed." I picked him up, he was cradled in my strong arms.

"Please Cameron, let me speak to him," Luther rushed towards us, rolled up pieces of toilet paper up his nostrils. His nose was so many different shades. Red, purple, black.

"Good God, Luther, go get your face fixed at the hospital. Gunnar and I are going to bed. He has had a very stressful evening. He doesn't need your bull crap too." I opened the door and we left the hotel room, Luther had rented for himself for the evening. I carried Gunnar up to our room and unlocked the door.

I brought Gunnar over to the bed and laid him down carefully.

"Cameron, I don't know what to even-"

"Darling, don't fret. Just close your eyes and go to sleep." He laid back and closed his eyes. I untied his shoes and pulled them off. Then I took his shorts off of him and covered him up. I undressed and crawled in beside him. I scooted as close as I could his back against my bare chest. I wrapped one arm around him and held him close.

"You are my everything, Cam. I don't know how I would have gotten through this past year without you."

"I know Gunnar. You are my everything too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes and listened to Gunnar's gentle breathing until we were both asleep.

The next morning, the sun bathed my face in light. I heard the quiet stream of water in the bathroom. I got up, my morning wood leading me to the sound. Gunnar was rinsing his face with cool water.

"Good morning, Cam, Dear." Gunnar said with a sweet smile. I grinned my signature goofy grin and stared at him. I just looked at him. I noticed how flawless his pale skin was. The way his curls framed his strong jaw so perfectly. The shimmer in his beautiful blue eyes. There were some creases in his forehead from furrowing his brow too much.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He turned to look in the mirror. I came up behind him and wrapped him up in my arms. I put my chin on his shoulder and looked at us together in the mirror,

"We sure do make a cute couple huh?"

"You know I was talking to my cousin once, Blair, and he told me that everyone has a soul number linked to a card in the Major Arcana in a standard deck of tarot cards. When you add up all the numbers in your birthday, for example, 08/25/1993 would total out to 2,026. Then you add those up and you get ten. And that is your soul number. And so long story short when I totaled up my birthday I got the number six which is the Lovers card and when I totaled up your birthday I got six again.

"That means we are part of the same soul group. Meaning our souls have always sought each other out. We have always fallen for each other and we always will fall for each other. We really are soul mates."

"Wow, that's really cool." I smiled at him in the mirror. He turned and kissed my cheek. "You know, I bet if we were in like a movie or a book or something people would think we were incredibly cliche. We are so mushy."

"Let them think it!" Gunnar pressed his lips to mine.

"So what do you want to do about your dad?"

"Honestly I don't. I really don't want anything to do with him."

"Let's go then. We have a graduation to get ready for anyway."

"Shit, that is today isn't it? I forgot all about it. I'll need to go get my cap and gown from home."

"C'mon." We left that hotel and returned to Gunnar's apartment. He had called the police station on the way there and they confirmed that his place was no longer a crime scene and we were now allowed to enter. We walked inside. There was broken glass on the floor and blood on the cabinets and the floor. Then we heard a noise from Gunnar's bedroom.

"Hello?" I called out stepping in front of my boyfriend to protect him. A man wearing a nice suit emerged from the room.

"Well you've sure managed to make a mess of this apartment," the man laughed.

"Uncle Stan!" I ran forward and pulled him in for a big hug.

"It's so nice to see you Cam. This must be Gunnar," he turned to Gun. He pulled him in for a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him happy to see him after so long.

"I wasn't about to miss my nephew's graduation. And I was called last night about a murder that took place in my apartment. I hired a crime scene cleaner to clean this up. They should be here in about an hour. I'm very sorry about everything you've been through, Gunnar."

"Thank you sir. And thank you again for letting me stay here."

"Nonsense it was my pleasure to lend a hand to a person in need."

"Well you two should get ready, if my invitation was correct, your graduation begins in a few hours." He hugged us both again and then he left. Gunnar ran to his room, grabbed his clothes (a nice blue button up, white slacks, a lace tie, and his cap and gown) and a pair of nice dress shoes and we made our way to my house. We walked inside and I went up stairs to dress. Gunnar got dressed in the guest bathroom.

Gunnar's POV

I brushed my hair out of the way and fit the cap on my head. I exited the bathroom and there stood Della.

"Listen, I wanted to apologize for last night, and basically everything," Della blurted out.

"I-" she held up a hand to silence me.

"You were right, about everything. I am scared I'm losing my baby. I love Cameron and I can see that you really love him too. I see the way you two look at each other. I'm glad he has you. It's just that I saw the way he was when you two broke up the first time. He cried a lot. I just don't want him to get hurt again."

"I promise, I wont hurt him again."

"I want you to know you two have my blessing, Gunnar. I want Cameron to be happy and obviously he is happy with you." She pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back. Cameron came down the stairs wearing his gown.

"What's going on?" Cam asked looking at us strangely.

"We were just settling our disagreements, Sweetheart. You better make your way over to the school. Don't wanna be late." She kissed Cam on the cheek and we went out to his car. He drove us to the school and we held hands as we entered the building.

"Gunnar!" Lina and Caroline ran up to us and hugged me.

"Can you believe we are finally graduating today?" I asked with excitement.

"I can, because I have eyes and a calendar," Caroline said sassily.

"I'm so excited!" Lina said jumping up and down. We were all so giddy. It was kind of bitter sweet though. Soon we would be leaving this school and never returning again. We would all be going our own directions. Caroline was going to Nebraska and Cam would be off to South Carolina, I'd be in Louisiana and Lina was going to Minnesota.

Clove and Juliette approached us.

"You look pretty," Clove said to me.

"Thanks you too."

"So there's a party at our place after graduation, you all are welcome to come. It's a farewell to childhood party," Juliette said looking around at us all.

"I don't know, you gonna kiss my boyfriend?" I asked. She laughed.

"Not this time. I just want a truce. I just want us all to be friends." I eyed her suspiciously. Then I decided this battle wasn't worth fighting anymore. Caroline and Lina looked at me to see what my decision would be.

"We'll be there."

"Great! It starts an hour after this shit show is over." Juliette tossed her hair and walked off.

"I make no promises about not kissing your boyfriend. He is one tasty beefcake," Clove said with a giggle. He swatted Cam's juicy butt.

"Do that again and I'll cut your hands off," I smiled sweetly as he walked off. We all filed into our places in line and waited to be ushered to our seats.

In a blur we were being called onto the stage one by one and handed our diplomas. We sat down, scholarships were announced and then we were set free. Well all exited and waited in the main area to be hugged by crying family members. Kyle approached me,

"I'm proud of you, Gunnar. You did a great job."

"Thank you, Kyle." He hugged me tightly and then i looked at him seriously, "Dad is in town."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he never died. He is still alive and he showed up at my apartment last night."

"What the fu- Nope. No I don't even care. He is dead to me."

"Me too." We hugged again and then I met up with the others and we all carpooled to Juliette and Clove's house for the big party.

An hour later, we had all shed our caps and gowns and were dancing to all the songs we'd jammed out to in our childhood. We drank from juice boxes and had little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The party was amazing. Almost every kid in the senior class was there. Aside from the recluses who never really ever did anything.

"Are you excited to go to Kansas tomorrow?" Cameron asked while we were dancing.

"That's tomorrow?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"I have no time to spend with Lina or Caroline?"

"I mean we will have a couple weeks at the end of summer before we go off to college."

"A lot can happen in one summer."

"I know."

"But what if I lose them?"

"Darling, if they are true friends, they aren't going anywhere."

"You're right. But I think I'm gonna spend tonight with them."

"Okay, I love you, I'll come pick you up tomorrow in the morning, have your bags packed." He smiled, kissed me and I went off to find the girls. They were standing at the bar.

"C'mon you two," I said looping my arms through theirs.

"Where are we going?" Lina asked.

"We are about to get blazed on Cloud Nine," I smiled really big, "just like old times." We all ran out of there and drove out to the forest on the edge of town. We hiked through until we reached the steep drop off we stumbled upon in seventh grade and officially named Cloud Nine. Because it was like you were on a cloud and you were overlooking the rest of the town.

I pulled out my old glass pipe and the little bit of weed I had stashed two years ago in an old stump.

"I can't believe that's still all here," Lina said incredulously.

"I know, I was just hoping!" I packed the pipe and then I light it and sucked in. I passed the pipe to Caroline and she did the same. We were all coughing and sputtering from the stale weed.

"Ick. It tastes hideous!" Lina announced taking in another hit. That's when Caroline and I started laughing hysterically. Lina joined in and we all fell to the ground. Our heads touching. We stared up at the clouds which soon became stars. We laughed and danced and listened to Fleetwood Mac.

We talked about stupid things and about deep things and everything was exactly the way it was back when we had no cares in the world.

"Gunnar, I'm sad that you are gonna be gone all summer." Caroline suddenly said.

"Me too!" Lina added.

"Just stay here and hang out with us all summer!"

"I really wish I could but I need money for college."

"You're right."

"We should just come with you!"

"Yeah right."

"I have family there! I used to live in Kansas remember?" Lina said with a big smile.

"Yeah and I could stay with her there!" Caroline said as we all laid down to gaze at the stars again.

"Then you should come and visit!"

"We will." We all kind of just drifted off and slept out on that cliff. It was beautiful. And it was probably the last time it would ever happen.

Cameron's POV

A little after Gunnar left, the alcoholic drinks were busted out. The music got dirtier, the girls got sluttier and basically everyone was trying to get laid by the people they had known practically all their lives. I was starting to get pretty tipsy.

"Hey there big boy," Clove approached me.

"It's Cameron," I said kind of annoyed at the way he was staring me down like a piece of meat.

"I know you're name. Are you enjoying the party?" "Yeah, it's pretty fun but I think I'll probably be leaving here soon."

"Running off to be with your boyfriend?"

"No, he's hanging out with the girls tonight."

"Oh, I see. Well you are lookin pretty toasty and it would be reckless for you to drive this late anyway. Do you just wanna stay here for the night?"

"Maybe that's best."

"Here, I'll take you to a room." He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to a vacant guest room. I flopped down lazily on the bed.

"You should probably have something that's not alcohol to drink." He handed me a cup and I looked inside it. The drink was insanely blue.

"It's gatorade." I sucked it down without hesitation. Then suddenly I got dizzy.

"Ugh, that tasted like shit."

"It's probably because of all the alcohol you drank." I began to feel really nauseous. I stumbled past Clove, into the bathroom, cup in hand. I knelt over the toilet and all of the contents of my stomach poured out into it. My vision was blurry. I stood up and went to the sink. I splashed cold water onto my face and gulped down about a gallon of the stuff.

I had lost control. I drank far too much at this party. Then I heard the door open. I turned to catch a glimpse of some red curly hair.

"You okay, sweetheart?" I heard that familiar, seductive voice ask.

"Fine- I... I'm fine." It was a struggle to get the words out. Juliette grabbed my hand and led me back to the room.

"Cam, why don't we celebrate, just the two of us?" She started unzipping her dress.

"No. Jules... No." I tried to get to the door.

"You aren't resisting very hard," She grabbed me by the shoulder and threw me down onto the bed. I felt her undoing my slacks.

"Stop! Stop Juliette." I tried to push her off my but my limbs betrayed me. She grabbed hold of my flaccid member and began stroking it. I moaned.

"See, this isn't so bad is it?"

"Stop it, I mean it... I don't love you."

"C'mon, Cameron, who said anything about love. I just want to feel you inside me again."

"I don't want you," I tried to get out from under her. My penis had forsaken my head at this point and was thinking with a mind of its own. It wanted to be in her. It wanted to feel the lips of her vagina swallow it up in one, tight, wet hug. My cock ached to feel the insides of a woman again.

"Cam, don't you miss this? Miss the way its supposed to be? Not having the blood squeezed out of your thick, warm cock because you are stuffing it into some asshole? Just let me put it in."

"No, please," I was begging her. I was too drunk to really resist, and I knew if she mounted me there'd be no turning back. I couldn't betray Gunnar like that. I couldn't let her fuck me. And then it happened, she perched her twat right on the tip of my dick and slid it in.

"Stop, Juliette, no," tears rushed down my face. I attempted to get her off of me but my attempts were futile.

"Just take it like a man, Cameron. Quit being such a pussy and fuck my pussy."

"Oh, Julie, this is gonna be so much fun," I heard Clove say, putting his hard dick down on my mouth.

That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

The next morning I woke up, completely naked on the floor. A horrible pounding in my head. I stood up and saw Clove and Juliette asleep in the bed. Both of them as naked as the day they were born.

I rushed to the bathroom and threw up what was left to through up. Bile mostly. I washed my face and stared at myself in the mirror. I was trash. I had gotten so wasted that I had let two people take me without consent. My jaw ached, my eyes were red.

"Oh nice to see you alert," Clove said entering the bathroom.

"What have you done?"

"Nothing you didn't want," he smirked in the mirror. This little bitch had always gotten everything he wanted. Boys, clothes, money. He stole my dignity and he had the audacity to tell me I wanted it. He probably had never been hit. Never told no. Never gotten the shit beat out of him.

That was when I lost control. Before I knew what was happening, I had grabbed him by the hair and smashed his pretty little face into the mirror. Blood spurted out of his nose and lip.

"Fucking Christ, Cameron!" Juliette rushed in and knelt next to her bloody mess of a brother.

"You two are sick. You both will burn in hell." And then I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran to my car and got in, completely forgetting that I was buck naked. I drove. Drove until I was at Gunnar's apartment building. I noticed his car in the driveway and I ran up the flights of stairs so fast. I wrenched on the door handle and rushed in.

"Cameron?!" he cried out when I entered the room and then I fell to my knees sobbing like a child. There. Right in front of the boy I had always sworn to protect. The man of my dreams. And I was blubbering and sobbing, shoulders heaving. I was gasping for breaths and trying to speak but no words came. I just cried as he held me close. Whispering that everything was okay.

The only problem was that it wasn't okay. It would never be okay.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

Sorry about the wait! I have to work all the time, being summer and all, so I didn't get a chance to upload! I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. I suppose I have no editor anymore so if anyone would like to help me edit the last three chapters it would be much appreciated.

Next: Chapter 19

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