The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Feb 9, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:






CH 5

We lay on the floor, panting, sweating and feeling amazing.

"You hungry?"

"You aren't full after that load you swallowed?" Cameron laughed as I stood up and pulled on my underwear. I pulled the soup off the stove and dished it into two mugs and put it down at the counter.

"Put on your underwear and come sit at the bar and eat," I commanded with a grin. He got up and went to the bar.

"I don't wan't sweaty crack stains on my vinyl stools! Underwear!" He chuckled and put on his undies and joined me at the bar.

"So does this mean we are dating?"

"I don't know... Do you want it to?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure. I mean, I don't know if I want a relationship just yet but I do know I don't want to be just friends anymore. We should take it slow. I mean, maybe I could take you on a date..."

"Cam, are you sure you want that? To be seen dating a man?"

"I don't know what I feel for you yet, but I know that if I'm dating you, it wont be in secret. You don't deserve that and I don't do stuff like that. If people don't like it they can fuck off."


"Why is it so hard to believe that I want to be with you and I don't want to hide it?"

"Because... Most guys I've been with want to keep me a secret."

"I'm not most guys." He kissed my cheek and went back to his soup. We sat in silence until the food was gone and after we put on the rest of our clothing and went to the living room to watch another movie.

The next day I woke to Cameron holding me close and I looked at my phone.

"Shit, we are gonna be late, get up and get dressed we have to get to school!" I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair and sprayed on a little perfume. I hustled back out, passing Cameron on the way .

"You smell amazing, what is that?"

"Warm and Cozy. Its Victoria's Secret. Its sweet but slightly masculine. I love it." I put on some clothes and handed Cam a toothbrush.

"I love you in it." He kissed me quickly before going into the bathroom to freshen up. He came back out put on some jeans and a sweater and his old cowboy boots and we hurried downstairs to our respective cars.

When we got to the school, Cameron came to my car and waited for me to get out. I walked up near him and he grabbed my hand.

"You sure about this?"

"Yep. You sure about this?" I smiled and leaned into him. We walked hand in hand to the front doors. People stared and whispered but we didn't really care and when He walked me to my first class, he kissed my cheek and walked off to his own.

Cameron sat down next to me at lunch and Lina and Caroline came over and sat across from us.

"Is it true? You guys are a thing? Are you dating?" Lina questioned.

"No, we are just seeing where things go," I said grabbing Cameron's hand. He turned to me and smiled.

"You little slut!" I turned just in time to feel the burning sting of Chyan's paw across my face. I grabbed my face instantly.

"You were sneaking around behind my back and you tricked him into being gay!"

"Perhaps you made him that way, Chyan." I stood up and towered over her short stature. She glared up angrily.

"Homosexuality is a sin. You are an abomination."

"So is that outfit but I figure, that's your business."

"All you are is trash, Gunnar Collins. Absolute trash. You sneak around and seduce men into your bed. You are a whore."

"And you are a troll. You are vindictive and hateful and extraordinarily unattractive."

"Chyan stop, you are making a fool of yourself, the whole school is staring," Cameron interjected.

"You don't know what you are doing. This little faggot has poisoned you." Before she could say another word a fist connected with her face and she was on the ground. Everyone's shocked eyes fell on Lina.

"I was tired of hearing her mousy little voice. And that last remark was uncalled for."

"My father will hear of this, Lina!" Chyan stood up, "You probably broke one of my teeth!"

"How clumsy of me, I meant to knock you out. Now I suggest you go away before I swing again." Chyan ran off and Lina sat back down. Mr. Brian approached our table and looked stern.

"Lina, punching Chyan wasn't a good idea. You are probably going to get suspended. But she did deserve it for calling Gunnar names. Now I think you all should finish lunch and make your way to the principal's office."

He walked away casually. I turned to Lina, "That was amazing. Thank you!" I hugged her and we all started laughing.

After an hour of sass from the principal we were sent back to class. We would have gotten suspended if Lina had just punched her for fun but since the principal felt she had it coming, we were free to go.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?"

"Cameron, we've been hanging out nonstop for quite a while. I was thinking we could skip tonight and hang out tomorrow."

"Yeah... I just don't want you to be alone."

"I get it, but I have other friends."

"No problem, so I want you to come over for dinner tomorrow and meet my parents."

"I already know them."

"Well I mean meet them now that we are..."

"We are what?"

"Well you know... A thing."

"Are we dating?"

"I don't really want a label on it just yet."

"So you aren't my boyfriend?"

"No... I don't know. No. Not until I know this is what I want." He kissed my cheek and walked to his car. I got into mine and started it up and drove home.

About an hour later there was a knock on my door and I went to answer it. I opened the door and three football players were standing on my porch.

"Can I help you guys?"

"I think so," Mason Deckard said pushing me aside and stepping into my house.

"Excuse me, get out Mason."

"Shut up." He pushed me to the ground and the other two, Weston Shepherd and Jeff Butcher followed him in. Weston and Jeff picked me up and took me into the living room.

"What are you guys doing."

"So it seems that Cam has gotten the brilliant idea to use you for getting his dick wet," Mason said, "Its brilliant because you are a slut and you can't get pregnant. My balls are feeling pretty blue lately and I thought, `Hey, I bet that little fag would love to suck my dick', so we came here to get off."

"Fuck you! I'm not sucking anyone's dick." I struggled against the grip of Weston and Jeff, "Let me go guys. Rape is illegal."

"You can't prove we raped you."

"You idiot, there are traces that sex leaves behind."

"Well you're gay, you like dick. Isn't this what you want?"

"No, dumb-ass. Just because you like vagina doesn't mean you want everyone of them on you."

"That's different."

"No it's not. Get off of me." I pulled free and stepped back,

"Sit down. All three of you."

The boys took a place on the couch and looked up at me.

"No means no. Even when boys say it. Sometimes the body reacts differently than the mind. Even if I had an erection it doesn't mean I'm into whats happening here. Now, imagine what would happen to the three of you if the coach or the principal or the police caught wind of what you were just about to do to me? You'd all be fucked. And not in the way you were hoping for."

"Dude, we are sorry. Please don't say anything. I can't get kicked off the team," Mason pleaded.

"I won't but you guys can't force yourselves onto someone."

"I'm sorry man," Jeff said looking really upset.

"It's not okay. But I forgive you guys. Now stand up and take off your clothes."

"What?" Mason asked, completely puzzled.

"Well I can't very well make you feel good if you have clothes on." I crossed my arms over my chest and waited as each boy stood and undressed. Mason was first, he was stocky and a little chubby, not fat but definitely not thin. He was mostly muscle and he had a decently sized penis, about six and a half inches, hard.

Jeff was built like a god, abs, pecs, biceps, adonis belt leading right to his considerably large dick. He was a ginger with pretty blue eyes.

Weston was thinner than Jeff but almost as well built. He had a large member too and a very nice ass. He was blonde with blue eyes and although he'd always been a self righteous prick I was about to take him and make him my bitch.

"Not boys, we do it my way or you get the fuck out."

"I ain't gonna take it up the butt," Mason said, cocky.

"I never said you had to." I stripped out of my clothes while the guys watched and I told them to sit. I came forward and took turned sucking each of their pricks into my mouth. The two I weren't sucking, were getting hand jobs from me. Before long I had them all moaning, sweating and panting.

"Turn around, guys."

"I said-"

"I know what you said. I'm not going to fuck you." They reluctantly turned and as soon as Jeff has his ass to me I dove in and He was gasping and writhing in pleasure. His sweet, hairless hole was tight and pink. I smacked his ass while I tongue-fucked him and he was loving every bit of it.

I took hold of his member and pre-cum spilled onto my hand. I rubbed it onto Mason's hole and then I dove into his. He cried out and buried his face into the cushions to stifle the moans. I rubbed my fingers on Weston's virgin hole and proceeded to plunge one in. He yelped but before I knew it he was backing himself onto my fingers. I fingered Weston until he was practically begging me to fucked him.

"Gunnar, please put your rod in me." The other two boys looked shocked by the words that spilled out of Weston's mouth.

"You a fag now?" Mason asked.

"Look at you, taking his tongue in your ass. A dude's tongue! You look just as gay as me, shithead. He's touching something that feels great and I'm adventurous enough to explore it some more, so shut the fuck up." Mason sat down and looked at me.

"Fuck him good," he winked and I mounted Weston and pushed in deep. He screamed out and I kept pumping until he blew his load all over my chest.

"I wanna do that too," Jeff smiled. He laid back and spread his legs. His hole was begging for entrance so I stuffed my meat in him too. He moaned and wiggled and pumped until he has blown all over himself. I looked at Mason.

"If its as good as it looks I suppose you can fuck me too." Mason got on top of me and rode me hard until he came on me and then I blew deep inside him.

"Now get out, all of you." They stood up and started to put on their clothes.

"Uhh, thanks for that, Gunnar," Jeff said with a shy look.

"It was MY pleasure." The boys finished dressing and Weston and Jeff made their way outside.

"That was pretty hot," Mason said grabbing my ass.

"Yeah whatever," I shrugged and nodded toward the door.

"Don't think that's the last time, next time I'm blowin' my load in YOU."

"There wont be a next time, Mason."

"Why not, you liked it as much as me. I could feel it." I rolled my eyes, "I wanted to get my rocks off and you wanted to get fucked. That's all."

"Yeah? So we can't do it again?"

"Nope, now get out." He turned and walked out and I shut the door behind him. (If you think I was being a little bitchy, just know that that kid made my life hell for like ever.) I went to the kitchen and started making some food.

About an hour later I had finished the meal and was just sitting down when I heard the front door open.

"Hello? Mom?" I heard heavy footsteps come nearer and then Mason appeared.

"Mason, why are you here?" Instead of answer me he rushed at me a swung a fist. He hit me hard and I fell, as I fell I hit my head on the counter and then everything went black.

I woke up a little later and I found that I was tied to my bed. My head was pounding and I felt groggy. I heard a movement and then a fully naked Mason came into view. That's when I realized I was naked too.

"Mason, what the fuck? Let me go."

"I'm gonna have that ass you little bitch. So shut up and take my dick." He climbed up n the bed and settled in between my legs spreading my cheeks apart.

"You're just gonna shove it in without even loosening me up? I mean, this whole situation is rape and I'm definitely not consenting but like, isn't it rude enough that you are gonna fuck me against my will and now you are gonna do it without lube?"

He spit on his hand and lined it up with my hole.

"Stop Mason. I don't want you to do this." "I don't care." And then he jammed himself in. I screamed out and tried to thrash but I was so securely tied down. Mason smacked me and then punched me in the gut and continued pumping. I started to scream but he covered my face. I struggled harder and then as one of my hands came free, I grabbed the lamp and smashed it over his head. He passed out and I untied myself and ran to the phone.

"Yes, darling?" Cameron's smooth warm voice answered.

"Mason tried to rape me. I knocked him out. Please hurry." I grabbed a blanket and covered myself before running down stairs. In moments Cameron was In the house. He ran past me and up the stairs. I followed hastily.

"You BASTARD!" Cameron kicked Mason and he jolted awake. Cameron punched him twice and then started choking him.

"Stop, Cam! You don't want to kill him!" Mason struggled violently.

"Yes I DO!" I placed a hand on Cam's back and he stopped. Mason sputtered and coughed.

"If you EVER show your face around this place. If you ever look at Gunnar, Speak to Gunnar or so much as THINK about Gunnar I will kill you." Fear covered Mason's face like an ominous rain cloud. He grabbed his clothes and sprinted out of my house and down the street. Cameron turned around and embraced me. He held me in his strong arms and I could feel his heart beating at the speed of light.

"Gunnar..." I then felt that his face was wet, I looked to see that he was crying.

"Cameron, thank you."

"I'm so sorry this happened."

"It wasn't your fault." Cameron sobbed as he held me tighter.

"Dear, I am okay."

"No. This isn't okay, he needs to be turned in."

"I think you taught his a lesson."

"That's not enough. He tried to rape you."

"Yes but he didn't."

"But he wanted to! He put his dick in you. He got you naked. That makes me so MAD!" He punched a pillow on my bed.

"Cameron," I grabbed his face and kissed him slowly. He aggressively pulled my face closer and kissed me deeply. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, "I want to stay with you tonight."

"You don't need to."

"Do you wan't me to? I just want to hold you. When I got that call I was so fucking scared. I was mad and scared."

"Cameron, its okay, I'm okay." I grabbed him and pulled him to the bed and I got close to him. He held me from behind. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, I felt comfortable. Safe. I fell asleep in minutes.

Next: Chapter 6

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