The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Feb 22, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:






CH 6

The next morning I woke with the sun. Cameron had rolled onto his back and I was laying with my head on his chest. I decided to wake him with a blow job as a thank you for saving me from Mason last night. I carefully made my way in between his legs and I slowly pulled down his sweatpants and underwear.

Fortunately he had a morning wood so I just popped that sucker in my mouth and went to town. I was bobbing up and down when I felt him rustle. He moaned a little and I looked up to see his sleep filled eyes looking down at me. He put his head back on the pillow and just ran his hands through my hair. I caressed his warm stomach as his breath got short. I felt his legs tense and then he blew his load in my mouth.

I wiped my face and sat up.

"Thanks babe," He sat up and met me halfway for a kiss. He rubbed my back and then he grabbed hold of my pole and went to town on it.

"Will you finger me, Gunnar?" he asked shortly after I came in his mouth.

"What? That's weird..."

"How? I've fingered you before."

"Yeah but its just strange that you want me to finger YOU." He laid on his back and I started but licking and sucking and kissing his tight virgin hole. I lubed up my fingers and began pushing them in and grazing his prostate.

"Fuck, this is amazing! You need to do this more often, Gunnar."

"Its better with a dick."

"I'm not ready for that just yet. I may not ever be."

"That's fine, Dear, I just thought I'd tell you." He moaned as I probed his sweet hairy hole. I fingered him until he blew another load onto his chest. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled he up toward him and planted a warm kiss on my lips.

"I love kissing you. Your lips are so soft, Gunnar. Better than anything else."

"Thank you, Cameron. I love when you hold me in your arms. You feel so warm and safe."

"I get told that a lot. That I'm `safe', I mean."

"Cameron, if we start dating, I'm not gonna put up with what Chyan put up with."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you wouldn't do it in front of me, it's cheating. I wont have you hugging on everyone or flirting with girls in front of me. It's disrespectful."

"I told you I'm not going to be like that. With you, it's different. I don't want anyone else but you."

"Okay, good." I kissed him on his cheek and got up to take a shower.

"I love you."

"What, Cameron?"

"I said I love your hair."

"Thanks, I love yours too." I left the room and turned on the shower. Cameron joined me shortly after, we cleaned and dried off and dressed.

Later at school my friends and I sat at the lunch table and discussed our plans for Christmas.

"I guess I'll be home alone, again." I said as I carefully moved a carrot around my tray.

"That's horrible," Cameron said putting a hand on my thigh.

"No, its been like that the last three or four years."

"You can come to my family Christmas," Cameron offered.

"I'd rather not."

"Me either."

"I'm sorry, Dear, I've grown accustomed to being alone for Christmas."

"That's too bad. But I want to um... Take you... Out."


"Like... On a date."


"Is that okay?"

"Yeah that sounds great. Where will we go?"

"Just wear something nice," he stood, kissed my cheek and walked off to class.

"So what are you going to wear?" Lina smiled and scooted closer.

"Would you like to come over after school and help me pick something?"

"Yes please!" She smiled big and I got up and dumped my tray and went to class.

Later when I got home I tidied up the room, put condoms and lube in the bedside table and went downstairs to watch some TV for two hours until Lina came over.


"Yes, Lina?"

"Are you ready to get ready?"

"I just need to put on clothes."

"And do your hair. You couldn't possibly go on a first date with a hot mess on your head like that."

"Whats wrong with it?"

"Nothing. If you were trying to achieve the messy I-|Don't-Care-About-Looking-Good look."

"Ugh, whatever, just help me put on something nice."

"Okay. Are you going for fun and flirty, dark and mysterious, or casual and sweet?" Lina asked as we made our way up the stairs.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because that will help me decide what color you need to wear. If you are going for fun and flirty' I would suggest a cute printed shirt with yellow pants and a cardigan. If you were going for dark and mysterious' I would say red pants with a warm brown sweater and matching scarf. And if you were attempting casual and sweet I'd say a blue sweater and white jeans."

"Why do colors matter though?"

"Yellow is the most visible color and paired with a fun print would make you stand out enough to make him flirt all night, red is dangerous and the most enticing color for guys so he'd see a mysterious air about you, and blue is comforting and cool." I pondered for a moment and then she said, "Do you want to get the `d' tonight?"

"What?!" I practically choked.

"If you wanna bang him I'd go with red. He wouldn't be able to wait till you got home."

I burst out laughing while she went and collected some potential outfits.

After trying on many ensembles we finally agreed on red skinny jeans with a gray button up under a blue sweater that had little red dinosaurs on it.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I asked pulling on my coat. I heard the sound of tires on pavement and looked to see that Cameron was here.

"Doesn't matter now. You have to go in what you have on! Good luck!" I was going down to go to his car when I heard a knock on the door. I went to it and opened it.

There stood Cameron with a bouquet of white Asiatic lilies, lavender stock, hot pink roses, and pale green carnations. His hair was styled nicely and I could see that he was wearing a pair of form fitting slacks and dress shoes.

"Is what I'm wearing okay?" I asked, blushing.

"You look amazing," he leaned in and kissed my cheek and handed me the flowers.

"These are beautiful, Cameron, thank you."

"Of course, Dear, anything for you. Are you ready to go?" I turned and handed the flowers to Lina and I followed him to the car. He grabbed the handle of my door and opened it for me. I looked at him, puzzled.

"Its our first date, I want it to be perfect."

"That's sweet."

"So, how was the rest of your day?" Cameron asked nervously as we drove towards the destination.

"Its was... Fine. How about yours?"


"This is awkward. Not that you're awkward, the situation is awkward. Not that this date is awkward, just that I'm being awkward right now. You smell amazing, wait- what?" Cameron started laughing and I joined.

"Ugh, this is just like any other time we've hung out. We don't have to be so formal. Let's start over, are you ready to have a good night?"

"Yes. We are going to have a ton of fun, I have a great night planned for us, Gunnar."

Before I knew it we were at an exceptionally fancy restaurant. The hostess took our coats and seated us. Cameron was wearing a button up shirt that showed off his muscles and a slim tie.

"You look dapper this evening, Cameron."

"Thank you, you look great too."

"So what's good here, this thing looks like it's in french?" I asked skimming the menu.

"Would you like me to order for you?"

"Sure, if you want to." The waitress returned and Cameron looked at her and spoke in the most beautiful and authentic sounding french I'd ever heard, "Parlez-vous français?"


"Nous aimerions un ordre Pate de Foie Gras, un bol de crème Vichyssoise, et certains boeuf bourguignon. Et de l'eau minérale à boire."

"Grande je serai bientôt de retour." When he turned back to me my eyes must have been wide and my jaw touching the floor.


"'What?' Cameron, you didn't tell me you could speak french. What did you even order for us?"

"Pate de Foie Gras is a goose liver pate, some soup called crème Vichyssoise which is a thick creamy soup, and some boeuf bourguignon. Boeuf bourguignon is a dish with beef sauteed in onions and red wine and served over thick noodles."

"Did you get us any drinks?"

"Mineral water." As he said this the waitress returned with the drinks.

"Wow. I am just amazed that you speak french. Its so sexy. You HAVE to teach me."

"Sure. I'd love to teach you." Not even ten minutes later the waitress had returned with our food.

"This is exquisite. I'm so glad you brought me here, Cameron." We finished our food and, after Cameron paid, we made our way to the park. It had begun to snow and we decided to take a long walk.

"So how are you feeling about our date so far?"

"Its perfect, Cameron."

"I wanted it to be-" before he could finish I slipped on a patch of ice and grabbed him for leverage but ended up taking him down with me. I landed hard on my butt and Cameron crashed down on top of me.

We started to laugh, "I'm sorry."

"That's okay, Clutz." he wrapped an arm around my waist and in one swift movement he had us both back up on our feet. He leaned in and kissed me and when he pulled away I smiled.

"That was smooth."

"That's why I'm in sports and you are not."

"When does baseball start?"

"Pretty soon, I'm really excited about it."

"Me too."

"You gonna join the team? Do you even play baseball?" he asked, truly puzzled.

"No, I'm just excited about seeing you in baseball pants." I giggled.

"Oh you," Cameron playfully shoved me which caused me to slip again. He grabbed and braced me before I fell.

"Can we be done with this now?"

"Yes, Gunnar." We carefully made our way off the icy patches in the snow covered park. "Its getting kinda chilly." Cameron took off his coat and put it on me.

"Cam, you'll freeze."

"Let me take you home and we can get warmer in front of the fire." We scurried back to his car and drove to my house and within minutes Cameron built a roaring fire and I was in the kitchen making gourmet hot cocoa.

"I've never seen anyone do it over the stove... Or put so many ingredients in."

"Its just chocolate, white chocolate, peppermint and milk, Cameron."

"Yeah I usually just add water and throw it in the microwave."

"Touche." He kissed my cheek as I handed him a mug and we went to the coach to snuggle. Cameron sat against the arm of the couch with both feet on the floor and I had pulled myself close to him with one hand resting on his leg and both of my feet curled up underneath me.

"Gunnar, I'm really glad you seduced me that one day."

"Excuse me? If I recall, YOU kissed ME first." "Yeah because you looked so cute all out of breath and pinned under me."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

"Perhaps, but it led me to you."

"That's true. I'm glad you kissed me too. I was wrong to say that you are a bad boyfriend."

"What's made you change your mind?"

"I figure that maybe your constant flirting was based out of a need for affection that Chyan wasn't giving you. I haven't really seen you flirt with anyone since we began dating."

"Are we dating?"

"No I suppose we haven't put a label on it yet. And we aren't exactly monogomous, right?"

"What? What do you mean we aren't monogomous?"

"I mean I've slept with other guys recently?"

"What the fuck? Who?"

"Does it matter, I can see this upsets you," I scooted away from him and faced him.

"Yeah its upsetting," he stood, "You've been sleeping around and I've stayed faithful."

"But we weren't dating and we never really discussed the idea of sleeping with other people."

"Oh my God! You are such a hypocrite, Gunnar!"


"You said that I'm a cheater, that I'm a slut and then you go behind my back and fuck some guys! I mean I get that I never said I wanna keep to just you and I but we have a thing!"

"Cameron stop shouting!"

"No! Did you at least use protection?"


"So not only were you putting yourself at risk but you also put me and my health at risk! How can you be so stupid?!" he stormed towards the door and angrily put his shoes on."

"Cameron, please!" I came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder, "Stop don't leave. I'm sorry!"

"Let me go, Gunnar." Suddenly my throat tightened and I could feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes, "Please don't leave me, Cameron."

"I can't look at you right now. You were so careless. Careless and reckless." He turned and walked out the door. I watched as he got in his car and drove away. I fell to the floor and began to cry. Cameron was so good to me and I had betrayed him. At the time, I didn't know what I had done was wrong, or maybe I did and I just overlooked it. But what I knew now was this: I had really messed up and one of the best things in my life was gone.

A couple hours later I was sitting on the couch when I heard the door open and shut.

"Cameron? Listen, I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" I turned the corner and saw my mother standing in the entryway.

"Who's Cameron?"

"Mom, what are you doing home?" I asked, disappointed.

"Don't sound so excited. I came home to get my stuff before the bank takes the house."


"I sold the house to the bank."

"Where will I live?"

"You're eighteen right?"


"So go get yourself an apartment. You have two weeks."

"Mom what the hell? You can't just sell Dad's house."

"I can and I did. Start apartment searching."

"That's not fair! You don't even fucking stay here!"

"Exactly, why should I pay rent on a place I'm never at."

"You don't! I do!"

"Well you should have transferred the house into your name. Looks like you are screwed buckaroo. I'd consider looking for a place to live asap."

"God you are such a narcissistic bitch!" I felt a sting on my face as her hand collided with it.

"You are just a filthy little faggot who's turned my house into a brothel! You don't think i don't know what goes on around here? Well I do, and let me just tell you that your father would be absolutely disgusted with you!" Before I knew what I was doing my hand cracked across her face.

"Don't you ever talk about Dad like you actually knew him. You never cared about him." her eyes were still wide with shock when I went to my room to pack all of my belongings.

"Don't you walk away from me young man."

"We are done here." I piled my clothes into a suitcase and put all of my valuable things into some little boxes and carried it all to my car. I climbed inside and drove away.

For a few hours I was sitting in my car in front of the little shack where Cameron and I first had sex. I had lost track of everything when I suddenly heard a knock on my window. I turned quickly to see Cameron standing outside. I quickly undid my seatbelt, got out of the car and threw my arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry. For everything! I was stupid and I didn't think of your feelings."

"It's fine. I didn't set boundaries so how could I expect you to follow them."

"I should have just known."

"Yes, probably but I'm not mad anymore." I was sobbing by then and he held me close."

"Cameron, my mother sold the house."


"Yeah, I have nowhere to go."

"My uncle has a little apartment up town that he only uses when he comes for a visit. Maybe you can stay there. Let me call him." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number."

"Stan, hey, I have a question.... Mhmm... Yeah its about your apartment in town, here.... Yeah that one.... Well I was wondering if my- you see, my boyfriend lost his house today because his mom is crazy and I was just thinking maybe he could stay in your apartment for the time being... Yeah... Yeah I said boyfriend.... No I'm not.... Well I mean I'm not fully... Yeah, sure, whatever," Cameron smiled, "He can?... Sure," he turned and looked at me, "Stan wants to talk to you." He handed me the phone and I took it."

"Hello, Stan.'

"Hello," the voice was deep and raspy, "I'm Cameron's uncle."

"My name is Gunnar."

"And you are his boyfriend?"

"Yes. I guess I am."

"You need a place to stay?"

"I do. I don't want to be a bother and I apologize so much."

"Hush. Any friend of Cam's is a friend of mine. You can have my apartment. I will still pay rent, all you have to do is worry about school work."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I insist."

"Thank you so much, for everything!"

"No problem, but don't tear anything up," he laughed, "Or get too rough with my nephew on the furniture." I blushed. "I won't."

"The key is under the stair carpet right in front of the door okay?"

"Okay, thanks again."

"Take care, Gunnar, I look forward to meeting you someday." He hung up the phone and I turned to Cameron.

"He said I could stay in his apartment."

"Great, we will have a whole apartment to ourselves then. Its fully furnished, you will probably just need to get groceries, I guess."

"Cameron, thank you so much," I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest. He circled his arms around me and rested his chin in my hair. We stood like that for a few minutes before the cold swirled around and chilled us.

"Follow me and I will take you to the apartment."Cameron kissed my cheek and went to his car and I got into mine and followed him to my new home.

About an hour later, I had put all of my things into the apartment I would now be living in.We had gotten a few groceries and made a little snack and put on my old Cole Porter record.

"Its so strange to think that this is my home now. Your uncle is so nice."

"Yeah... He has a soft spot for guys in your situation."

"My situation?'

"Well he was kicked out of his house when he was thirteen, because he was gay. Some bad guys saw him in an alley one day and they raped him with objects."


"Like broomsticks and baseball bats. They stabbed him a couple times and left him for dead. Thankfully he survived and was taken in by this sweet old lady."

"That's awful. I'm so sorry that that happened to him."

"Yeah but he's stronger now. He became and amazing man."

"Still." I looked off into space and imagined what that would be like. Cameron's hand on my chin broke my train of thought. He turned my face to his and kissed me softly. His warm lips pressed gently against mine. I could taste the strawberries on his lips. He smelled of fabric softener and a wonderful cologne. It was like a subtle mix of sweetness and manliness. It was like masculine candy.

I put a hand on his cheek and rubbed his stubble. I pushed him onto his back and straddled him as I pressed my lips more passionately on his. I reached under his shirt and rubbed my hands on his hairy abs. He tugged at my shirt until I broke our kiss to pull it and his off.

I leaned back in and bit his lip, he moaned. I could feel his massive erection beginning in his jeans. I twisted my hips around in his lap and I felt his hand reach down the back of my pants and grasp at my tight ass. I unbuttoned his jeans and slid my hand down inside. I clutched his hard member and felt pre-cum drip out onto my fingers. I tugged a little and he breathed deeply. I kissed his cheek and then his neck. I made a trail of kisses down his collarbones and sucked and nibbled on his hard nipples. I kissed his furry abs and stomach.

Finally I had made my way to my prize. I pulled on his jeans until they were totally off and engulfed his cock with my mouth. Cameron sighed as i licked the head and sides. He grabbed my face and pulled me towards him until our lips were together in a sloppy kiss. He pulled my pants down and, before I could protest he had my penis down his throat. I moaned as he blew me like an expert.

I held his head in my hands while he sucked away my stress and thoughts. I reached back and jerked him. "lets go to the bedroom. He grabbed hold of me and carried me to the large plush bed before setting me down. He climbed on top of me and then did the most unexpected thing. I had no time to understand what was happening before I felt my dick slide into his tight, warm, hairy hole. He cried out in pain before quickly pulling off.

"I'm sorry, Gunnar, you are really big."

"First of all, you need to be loosened up and some lube would help this experience be more enjoyable, you goof."

"I just wanted to show you that I can bottom sometimes for you because you do so much for me." I kissed him and turned him around. I had him get into doggy position. I squeezed a little bit of flavored lube onto my fingers and pushed them slowly into his virgin hole. I spread my fingers before adding a third. He arched his back and moaned as I fingered him. I put a little lube onto my dick and lined it up with his ass.

"Wait," Cameron said. I sat back as he turned around, "I want to look you in the eyes while you fuck me." He straddled me and lowered his hole back onto my dick. I cried out as he began riding me. I grasped his dick and rubbed it.

Cameron rocked back and forth as my rod probed his insides. I grazed against his swelling prostate and he moaned deep in his throat, more of a growl really, before riding me faster and harder.

"Jeez, you are so good at this, Cam."

"This is amazing. I never thought it would feel so good to have a dick in me." He bounced until i felt his whole body tighten and his sperm came bursting out of his testicles like a geyser. The first shot hit me in the cheek and the rest of it covered my chest.

"Fuck, I've never seen you cum that hard, Cameron!" he continued to hump me until my load was filling his intestines.

"Jesus, Gunnar. That was so great."

"I'm a mess."

"Was I good?"

"That was probably one of the best times I've been with you."

"I'm glad you liked fucking my virgin ass. It won't happen very often so cherish it when it does, okay?"

"I definitely will, Cam." I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up and then I put on my nylon pajamas that happened to be slightly transparent. When I came back Cameron sat up.

"Hey... Um, I'm kinda dating this guy and his name is Gunnar. He's pretty hot, but you look smokin'..."

"I know Gunnar, and I don't know if he would date a guy like you. Big, strong, handsome," I got closer, "dumb jock." I winked and crawled onto the bed.

"Whoa now, I think Gunnar is the lucky one here. It was pretty unlikely that I would fall for a kid like him. Scrawny, pretty, and," he moved his face close to mine, "weak." Cameron tried to kiss me but I pinned him to the bed. I turned my knees into the sides of his stomach and pressed hard on the pressure points in his arms.

"Weak huh?" he laid there like a limp noodle.

"UNCLE! UNCLE!! Please! I give! You are not weak!"

"Never under estimate me." I kissed him quickly and went to the kitchen.

"Well I certainly did not see that coming," Cameron said following me in, still naked.

"I'm full of cute little surprises like that."

"Me too." He grabbed me under the shoulders and picked me up an placed me on the counter.

"Excuse me."

"We better christen the kitchen too. And after, if you're up for it, I"d like to fuck you on that couch in the living room."

"Oh dear. We have school in the morning."

"We could skip."

"Its the first day of finals. When Christmas Break happens we can do this all the time."

"But- but.... Fine. Sleep?"


"Okay." He swiftly picked me up and caried me to bed like I was weightless. He gently laid me down and covered me up. He kissed my forehead and climbed in, over me. He snuggled up next to me and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

The next few days flew by before we finally were let out for winter break.

"Dahlings," Lina said in her best Audrey Hepburn voice, " I am having a shindig at my grandpa's lake mansion and I want the two of you to go."

"What for?" I asked.

"Its a party to celebrate winter break. Tons of alcohol and loud music and no sass from neighbors because there are none." She smiled devilishly, "I'll text you the deets and I will see you both there. 7:30. Tonight. Be there or be square." She skipped off and announced her party to a few more people.

"You wanna go?" Cameron asked as he grabbed my hand.

"I don't think we have much of a choice." We walked to the car and Cameron drove me to my apartment.

"I will pick you up in a couple hours and we will go to the party, kay?" He leaned in and pecked me on the lips.

"Okay, see you soon."

"I love you." The words seemed foreign, coming from his mouth. I was shocked. I couldn't believe he had just said that. I was confused. I panicked slightly.

"Thank you." I quickly exited the car and ran toward my apartment. I dialed Lina and she answered just before I was sent to voice mail.

"I need you, immediately," I told her the address and sat on the couch to wait.

Not even five minutes had passed when I heard a knock on the door. I ran to it and opened the door.

"Whats wrong?" Lina asked, breathing heavily.

"Cameron said the `L' word."

"GASP! He told you he loves you?"



"I thanked him." I let out an exasperated sigh and put my face in the palm of my hand.

"You said thank you?" Lina asked, puzzled.


"You didn't say it back?"

"I panicked!"

"Dear, you are a hot mess. Lets find you something absolutely adorable to wear and then, when Cam comes to pick you up, if you aren't ready to say it back, you can just pretend you don't even recall him saying anything."

I smiled and we went to my closet and decided on a pair of white jeans, a red sweater and my old black converse. I brushed out my hair and Lina quickly curled it in some spots to bring structure back to it.

Shortly after she left Cameron was knocking on my door. He was wearing a tight polo with blue jeans and a leather jacket.

"You look hot," I kissed him, grabbed his hand and led him to the car.

"So where is this place?"

"Here is the address," I handed him a little piece of paper. When we started off it was kinda awkward but then we got to talking about random stuff until finally we had arrived at our destination.

Cameron opened my door for me and helped me out. We held hands and walked up the little walkway to the beautiful estate.

"Come in, Darlings!" Lina was wearing a beautiful knee length black dress.

"Lina, you look amazing," Cameron said tirling her around.

"You definitely do. Is that..." I stopped and stared as she posed, "Is that Dolce and Gabanna?"

"YES!" we both squealed and jumped around like a pair of fools.

"How did you ever afford this?" I asked watching her twirl and show off the beautiful party gown.

"My uncle bought it for me as a gift! But enough talk about me, wanna help me finish setting up for the party?"

"As if you were actually asking and not just telling us to help."

"Its true. Cameron, you wanna go help the other guys hang up the rest of the streamers and such? Gunnar, follow me to the kitchen."

Lina grabbed my hand and led me through the enormous foyer and then down a long hall.

"So how did it go?"

"There was a little tension but then we lightened up the mood."

"Good. Did you say it back?"

"No... I wasn't ready."

"That's just fine." we entered a massive kitchen.

"Gunnar, this is my cousin Juliette. She just transferred to school."

She was absolutely gorgeous. She was pale as ivory with a flawless complexion and eyes green as emeralds. She had beautiful, long curly locks of fiery auburn hair. Her eyelashes were long and tastefully covered in mascara. She had her make up done like Audrey Hepburn with slinky cat eyes and light pink lips.

"Nice to meet you, Gunnar." She reached out a perfectly manicured hand to shake mine. Her palms were soft.

"And you."

"Lets finish plating up the hor-devores."

Soon, the mansion was packed with kids from school and people I had never met. I was talking to Lina at the counter.

"I just don't see how if you take an apple and you bake it it gets mushy and not crisp."

"Lina. I can't," I said in a weird voice, "I just can't."

"Whatever!" She playfully smacked my arm and handed me another beer.

"Ugh, gross! Beer is nasty!"

"No, its the best thing ever!" Cameron said as he took it, opened it and chugged a little. He kissed my cheek and I laughed as I took the drink from him.

"Feeling a little toasty, Cam?"

"What?" he wobbled a little, "I feel amazing!"

"I'm sure you do," I laughed and patted his chest and took a swig of the nasty bubbly malt beverage in my hand. Cameron started to walk off but I grabbed his hand, "where are you going?"

"I'm gonna get a drink babe."

"Fine! Come find me when you have it!" I kissed him and when he turned I swatted at his juicy butt. He yelped and walked off into the crowd. I turned back to see that Lina had run off and in her place was a handsome, very tall boy from school, Mitchell Evers.

"Hey, Gunnar." I could tell from his voice that he was pretty tipsy. He looked at me with lusty eyes.

"Hey, Mitch. What are you doing?"

"I'm just socializing with all the babes here. Lookin to get some tail."

"Haha, well good luck with that." I started to walk off but he grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear, "I hear you like to blow straight guys."

"Mitchell, I have a boyfriend."

"He wont have to know. No one will ever have to know."

"Mitch I'm not gonna blow you," I whispered loudly into his ear before freeing myself from his grip. He shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"If you change your mind, you know where to find me." He disappeared into the crowd and I went off to look for Cameron. I bumped into Lina and she looked upset.

"Is everything okay?"

"Okay so like I'm not sure how credible this is but Kim told me that Bergen told her that Skylar told Blake that Cameron was seen walking up the stairs to a private room... With Juliette."

"Oh well that's weird."

"Considering that he's drunk and he used to be into girls... Is it really that weird?"

"I'm sure he is..." I started toward the stairs and made my way up hastily. I started frantically searching rooms for a scene I hoped I wouldn't encounter. And then I did.

There stood Cameron with his lips locked tight on Juliette's. I stuttered and then screamed. I yelled as loud as I could. Cameron and Juliette looked at me, startled.

"Gunnar, it's not what you think," Juliette stammered.

"Umm, kill yourself?" I said angrily before storming off toward downstairs. Cameron raced after me and tried to stop me but I kept going. I ran out into the freezing winter night.

"Babe, please! I didn't mean to."

"Shut up. Just SHUT UP!"


"NO! After all that shit you put me through?! After how absolutely dreadful you made me feel?! NO! I don't want to hear it!"

"Gunnar, please," and before I could stop myself my hand collided with Cameron's strong cheek. An audible "slap" rang through the silence. Cameron put a hand to his face.

"Gunnar. You did this- you did this to yourself." he started to walk toward his car.

"How?! I didn't kiss that little tramp now did I?!"

"NO! You fucked the whole football team!" I gasped because the words stung.

"And then, when I told you I loved you, you blew me off! I can't do this anymore! I risked everything to be with you, Gunnar. I broke up with Chy for you, I stopped being a flirt and fooling around with people. I did everything for you! And you STILL think I'm every other guy. I'm done!"

"Cameron," I came forward as he started off toward the car,

"Cam, stop!"

"No! I'm done bullshitting. I confessed my love for you and you thanked me! You FUCKING THANKED ME! I won't be in a relationship where I'm not loved, not again!"

"I'm sorry! I don't want to be like this but I can't help it!" I grabbed his hand but he jerked away. At the same time I had leaned forward and the backside of his hand struck my face. I slipped and fell into the snow.

"Gunnar," he reached forward to help me up.

"No. Just leave. I will find another way home."

"Gunnar, I didn't mean to-"

"JUST LEAVE!" I never anticipated my voice getting that full of anger but it happened and he turned, got into his car and drove off. I walked back into the mansion and bumped into Mitchell.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked seeing my rad cheek and tears on my face.

"You still looking for tail?" I asked. Suddenly I felt nothing. I was dead inside. Angry, confused, lost. Mitch smiled and I followed him into the nearest bathroom. He dropped his trousers and a long, thick cock spilled out. I got down on my knees and put his member between my lips.

Next: Chapter 7

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