The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jan 30, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 15: Changing POV, Part 2, Copyright 2015 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 15: Changing POV, Part 2 By Tripp Savidge

Sean | Scene 1

Sean unlocked the hatch and threw in his backpack, ready to call it a day. I am so glad it's Friday. This has been a fucked up week-

"Hey Sean!"

And it just got worse. Sean turned to see Logan coming across the student lot. This can't be good. At least he doesn't have his gang of thugs with him.

"Logan," Sean responded trying not to scowl too obviously.

"I'm really glad I caught you before you cut out. You got a second?"

"Just a few. I'm headed to work."

Logan looked around the parking lot then moved so he was standing close to Sean. "I wanted to apologize again. I know you don't believe me and I can't blame you, but seriously... I'm really sorry I was such a prick."

Sean looked at Logan skeptically waiting for the 'gotcha'. Logan had cornered him early in the week and apologized for bullying and teasing Sean about being gay. But as far as Sean was concerned he needed more proof before he believed the leopard had changed its spots. He knew he was taking a chance when he came out - all because of jerks like Logan. "Yeah, you said that earlier."

"I want to make it up to you. How can I prove I'm serious?"

"No idea. But I gotta get to work," Sean said opening the car door.

"I'm going to the concert tonight otherwise I'd stop by. Next time I get tickets maybe you could come with me?"

He'd actually be seen with me in public? Somehow I doubt that. "Sure, whatever."

"Hey, you took AP Calculus last year right?"

"Yeah..." Sean responded trying to figure out where Logan was headed.

"Do you think you could tutor me, help me prep for finals? I just don't get it and I can't afford to fail. I'm only in standard Calculus so it should be easy for you. I mean, I'd pay you for your time - honest."

"You want me to tutor you? People might hear about it, or see us together. Wouldn't be good for your image."

"I'm good with that. If you want me to prove it I'll announce it in class that I asked you to tutor me."

Sean gave Logan a serious once over. He actually looks sincere, like he really means it. Extra money wouldn't hurt. I need all I can get for college next fall and tutoring calc would be a synch, even with Logan. He's pretty to look at, could be worse. But what if it's a set-up? Sean thought about it and decided he was tired of always being afraid and playing it safe. "Sure. We'll just have to do it around my work schedule. Okay?"

"Thanks Sean. I promise it will be worth your time." Logan gave a big smile. "Damn, but you are cute," he said and squeezed Sean's shoulder before heading to his car.

Maybe I ended up in the Twilight Zone and somehow missed it. Either that or they put drugs in the water. Sean shook his head as he climbed in his car. He buckled his seatbelt and sat for a moment. Something is fucked up. First Coach Findley apologizes, and fixes my grade and then actually compliments me. He's been too damn nice all week. Then getting called in to the Principal's office and Dr. Maxey lectures me on reporting anyone who bullies me. Like it's my duty to all my gay brothers. It's just too messed up and now Logan...

# # Fortunately Vinnie's was busy and Sean didn't have much time to think about anything but deliveries. He was glad he was working a short shift and headed back in to pick up his last order for the night.

"Hey Sean," a deep voice called out as soon as he was through the door.

Holy shit. Dr. Connor and Joseph here? What... Damn, that means I'm not delivering to them. "Hi Dr. Connor, Joseph," Sean said with a wave before he went behind the counter to pick up the slip and pizza for his last run. There was a note taped to the order slip- 'See Dr. Connor before leaving'. The pizza wasn't quite ready so Sean grabbed the note and headed for the dining area and found that they had moved to a back corner.

"Confused?" Dr. Connor asked with a chuckle as Sean approached.


"Sit down for a second."

Sean sat down next to Joseph and no sooner had he slid into the booth than he felt Joseph's hand on his thigh. Oh shit. He turned and Joseph gave a big smile as he squeezed and slid his hand up to Sean's crotch.

"I have an offer. You can say no, but hear me out. I'd like you to make a delivery to someone along with a note. I want you to read the note and then we'll see if you're interested."

Sean unfolded the paper Dr. Connor handed him and tried to concentrate as he read but it was tough with Joseph teasing his dick through his shorts. "Coach Findley? Seriously? And you want me to... Okay I think I missed something," Sean said as he handed back the note.

Dr. Connor took it, slid it in the envelope and sealed it shut. "Oh, I think you understand. If you're game, I give you an injection with the 'antidote', for lack of a better word, and you take care of things. You get your daddy, he gets what he needs and all is good."

Holy shit. Coach Findley. "Wait, you wouldn't have anything to do with him apologizing and then Logan and Principle Maxey?"

"Not directly but maybe. We gave the Findleys an attitude adjustment and encouraged them to reform. What did Dr. Maxey want? And what happened with Logan?"

Sean could hear the concern, so quickly explained and saw Dr. Connor relax as he finished.

"So what do you think?" Dr. Connor asked.

Sean sat back and thought about it. I trust them. They've never steered me wrong. He watched Joseph lean across the table and whisper to Dr. Connor and saw the smile and knew something was up.

"Sean, Joseph had an idea. What do you think of Logan? I know you like older men but what about him?"

"He's pretty. Nice body and if he weren't such a prick... Still not sure about tutoring him, I sort of worry he's got something nasty planned."

"I guarantee you're safe on that point. I'm seriously betting that Logan plans on making a move on you - intimately speaking. What if we made sure you kept the upper hand?"

"You could do that? Of course you can... yeah I'll do it. But you know I prefer to be on the receiving end..."

Dr. Connor laughed. "I've been bested by your negotiation skills before. I think you can work something out with them without any problems. By the way Sean, we got the application and everything is set for you starting after graduation. I think you'll like the internship at the Lab. I know we certainly look forward to having you around."

"Thanks Dr. Connor. I'm really pumped about it. And you pay a lot better than delivering pizzas," Sean added with a whisper.

"You may also find scholarship opportunities. But we can talk about that later. Now you have a delivery to make. Can you join me in the restroom for a minute?"

# # Sean pulled in the driveway and took a deep breath before opening his door. He took the Vinnie's sign off of the roof and threw it in the back seat and grabbed the pizza box and note. Here goes. Damn but I hope this works. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

Mr. Findley opened the door within seconds and stood staring.

"Delivery sir," Sean said handing the pizza over with the note clearly placed on top.

"But I didn't order a pizza," Scott Findley said looking over Sean's shoulder as though watching for someone. Then he saw the note and frowned.

Sean waited patiently while Mr. Findley set the pizza aside and tore open the note. If it weren't so serious, he would have been tempted to laugh at the expression on the man's face as he read. Mr. Findley looked up after he'd read it through and Sean smiled.

"Please, come in," Mr. Findley said. "Uhm... do you have any idea... uhm... about..."

"Yes sir. Given that my ass still hurts from the injection I think I should. I am now able to relieve both you and your sons if necessary. But before I do, I do have some conditions."

"Conditions? Shit I wouldn't have called the number if it weren't an emergency. Please!"

"It shouldn't be too hard for you, I will have sex with you on the condition that you do the same for me in return. Given the situation I'm more than happy to take care of you first Coach."

"Deal!" Mr. Findley locked the door and turned, giving Sean a look that made him a little uncomfortable. "Don't call me Coach, how about either Scott or even Daddy... and you've got to promise this is just between us. Obviously no one else can know."

"Sounds reasonable," Sean said following 'Daddy' back the hallway to his bedroom.

"Why you Sean? How did you get involved? Not that I object... you are too damned cute and I am seriously looking forward to it."

"I have no idea... honestly. Right place at the right time?" Sean watched in fascination as Mr. Findley started stripping in front of him. Damn, he is so hot. Muscles and hairy and so masculine. I get to fuck that round hairy ass. I can't believe this...

"Come on kid, I'm desperate. Strip," Mr. Findley said looking at Sean with a hungry gleam in his eyes.

Sean kicked off his shoes and bent down to pull of his socks when he found he had help. The man was all over him, his hands were already in his shorts and had pulled them down to his ankles and he was in process of pulling off Sean's shirt.

Holy cow is this guy needy or what? Oh, wow that feels good. Sean thought as he found himself not only naked but balls deep in Mr. Findley's mouth. He was sucking him hard and his hands were all over him.

"Fuck kid you are sweet as candy. And who'd have thought such a little guy would have such a big dick. Can't wait to have that in my ass," Mr. Findley said as he resumed sucking.

Sean looked down at the masculine face, the dark eyes and the stubble scratching his body as the daddy sucked, it was exactly what he wanted. Mr. Findley was handsome and rugged and seeing the look in his eyes made Sean even more excited for what was coming.

"Where do you want me? I need you to fuck me now."

"On the bed, on your elbows and knees with your ass in the air." Sean said - thinking about his fantasies and realizing they were about to come true. He looked down at the round bubble butt, the furry crack and the tight hairy hole and almost drooled. He ran his hands over the muscled cheeks and felt down the crack, gently tapping the sweet opening - feeling the heat and the soft lips as they responded to his touch. He put some lube on his hands and worked it down between the round cheeks and into the daddy's body.

"Fuck me Sean. I want that big dick of yours deep in my gut."

Sean worked himself in and slid in and out of the snug warm flesh. Mr. Findley was moaning and pushing back to meet Sean's thrusts. Wow does he feel good... his hairy ass is so fucking sexy and the muscles on his back... Sean ran his hands up and down the lean back gripping Daddy's shoulders so he could drive himself in deeper. Too soon, he felt his climax building. Sean put his body against Daddy's back and wrapped his arms around feeling the firm hairy pecks and his hard nipples as he thrust slowly and deeply.

"Damn, you are so big. I love how you feel inside me - fuck me hard, take my ass and fill me up with your boy cum."

Sean felt the release and held tightly as his body pumped his hot jiz into Mr. Findley's ass.

"Fuck that feels good."

Sean pulled out and climbed off the bed. He watched Mr. Findley turn around and again was struck by the look he was getting. He took a step back, almost not realizing he'd done so when the daddy stood and grabbed him - lifting him off the ground and pulling him against his body. Then Sean found himself being thoroughly kissed and tongue fucked, the rough whiskers against his face, the hot mouth sucking on his tongue. His body squeezed tightly against Mr. Findley's muscles.

"You are too damned cute for words," Mr. Findley said as he lay Sean on his back and pushed his legs wide. He kissed up Sean's smooth thighs then licked at his balls before taking his cock in his mouth. His hands had moved up and started teasing Sean's hole while he sucked. "Such a tiny pink hole. You sure about this." Mr. Findley had lubed his fingers and was stretching Sean open.

"Yes! Please I want you inside me," Sean begged. He looked at the muscled daddy, his narrow hips and full cock and couldn't wait to see it sliding inside him. Mr. Findley had paused and just stood looking at him, running his hands up and down Sean's thighs, across his stomach and then teasing his cock. Sean had a worrisome thought... "Hey, we don't have to worry about Mrs. Findley showing up do we?"

Mr. Findley laughed and lay on top of Sean kissing him again, before pulling back and putting his dick to Sean's hole. "Nah. Threw her out weeks ago." He gently pushed his way in and Sean gasped.

Oh god is that hot. He watched the hairy, muscled daddy start thrusting. The contrast between his smooth boy's body and the masculine top was a turn on. Mr. Findley wasn't nearly as big as Dr. Connor but he felt good sliding inside. Damn but now I really owe Dr. Connor. Next time I'm going to have to give him the best fuck he's ever had.

"Damn kid. You are incredible. Not only are you prettier than Mrs. Findlay ever was, your pussy is ten times better."

Sean lay back and enjoyed the daddy fuck. Mr. Findley was rough and almost desperate in his need and it was exactly what Sean wanted. He loved knowing his body turned the guy on and from the expression on Mr. Findley's face, he knew the man liked his pussy - a lot. The bad part was it didn't last long enough.

Sean cleaned up as best he could and got dressed while Mr. Findley did the same. Gee... what do I say? Thanks for the fuck Mr. Findley, see you in class on Monday? Before he got further in his thoughts his mouth was captured again in rough kiss and Mr. Findley's hands were gripping his cock through his shorts.

"You know I'll never be able to look at you the same way again. I now know what sweet treasures you have hidden, how good they feel, how sweet they taste. Maybe we could meet up again some time?"

"I'd really like that sir. And I was to tell you that whatever they gave me will last through 'your month' - whatever that means. They said you'd know."

"That's just gravy son. I'll figure something out, some excuse for us meeting up. Can't do it at school, they're watching me too closely. But don't worry, I have no intention of letting you get away," Mr. Findley said as he lifted Sean against the wall and kissed him, wrapping Sean's legs around his waist.

Nick | Scene 2

Nick watched the guys being led from the room. So is this good or bad? They didn't group me with the straight guys. Wonder why... damn but Mal has a sweet ass. So lean and slender, that tiny bubble butt, the fine dark hair making his crack dark and inviting. Love how his globes bounce when he walks. Bet he tastes good...

"Gentlemen," Dr. Connor began.

Nick noticed that he was looking at him and had seen the direction of his gaze. Oh well no hiding it. My dick's so hard I think it will burst soon. But then so is everyone else's and there are some mighty fine dicks, Nick thought looking around at the guys seated with him.

"Hopefully that wasn't too painful for you. In case you're wondering how we decided who went with the last group... they actually resisted grabbing an extra feel or rubbing their cocks up and down their partner's crack. You, on the other hand couldn't resist," Dr. Connor laughed. "Don't feel bad or disappointed, that is exactly what we wanted you to do. Just means your friends need stronger encouragement. So each of you will be assigned new activities in addition to anyone who needs continued work on cleanliness and rimming. You will all continue at least minimal sessions on oral sex and rimming, regardless of your proficiency. Wouldn't want you to get stale."

"If you would all please stand," Max said.

"Don't read anything into your assignments. Other than making a few selections on who I thought would be best for the partner at this stage, there was no particular selection criteria. Do not take it as any reflection on your abilities, your endowment, your preferences or how fucking gorgeous you are. Hear me loud and clear guys. You are all attractive, beautiful men. We do not support the concept of exclusive tops or bottoms. Everyone will be trained to perform equally well in any situation and while you may develop slight preferences - I guarantee you will enjoy every act and every position you're given." Dr. Connor walked up and down the line, looking intently into each face.

Nick held his breath when Dr. Connor stopped in front of him. He gasped when Dr. Connor reached down and held his dick, stroking it gently.

"You need to stop fighting your attraction to men. It's causing you stress that is a complete waste of your time and energy. Whether or not you think you're straight, gay, or bi is irrelevant. By the time we are done with you, your bodies will respond to men with an intensity others only dream of. You will all be incredible lovers - men will fight to be with you, some would give up their families, their wealth, anything just to have you," Dr. Connor said then paused, continuing to stroke Nick, staring into his eyes.

Oh god, I can't take this anymore. I want him so badly. I would do anything he asked if he'd just make love to me. "Please sir," Nick whispered. He was having trouble focusing, he could feel his own pre-cum lubing his cock in Dr. Connor's hand. Then Dr. Connor's other hand pushed under his balls and touched his hole. Nick couldn't help but let out a small moan.

"Oh, I think you've already seduced someone to take care of your needs, haven't you Nick? I wouldn't want to poach though I must say you are very, very tempting. Maybe I should check you out personally... you know just to make sure you're healthy." Dr. Connor had leaned in and whispered in his ear, letting his hot breath tease Nick and send chills up and down his spine as he licked the edges of Nick's ear. Then he pulled away and continued down the line.

Holy shit. He knows. But he wasn't angry. He didn't seem upset... does that mean he's okay with it?

"Starting today, some of you will be partnered with your classmates who just left. They will have at least four partners each day - giving them anal intercourse. We also have three new subjects that some of you will be partnered with, either allowing them to provide oral sex or giving them anal sex. We also have a number of subjects, not in your class who will need anal penetration. Anyone who doesn't have at least four scheduled sessions from those will be partnered with another classmate or a trainer," Dr. Connor said and then looked to Max.

"Beginning tonight we will begin leaving select couples out of their chastity devices for the night. The next night, different couples will be selected, but you can assume that it will be both of you. When given this opportunity, you will receive one performance point for each orgasm you give to your roommate. That includes allowing him to penetrate you, mouth or ass - even if he does all the work. You will receive your assignments each morning, not in advance as we have done with the other training. Also you will not know if you are in a select room without chastity devices until lights out. Any questions?" Max asked as he finished.

Nick looked around the room. Everyone was silent. Wonder who they'll put me with.

"Time to head out gentlemen. I need Daniel, Brandon, Kyle, Peter, Jason, Jose, and Billy to follow me." Max called heading for the door.

"Hunter, Nick, and Kevin, if you'll please follow me. Hunter, Sergio will escort you to your first assignment, Nick the fitness trainer, not your classmate, he is undergoing retraining. Kevin, you are going to be with Nathan, one of the new guys we just brought in. Nick you also but you'll be getting a blow job. Don't worry the guards will direct you."

Blow job is good. I can deal with that. Nick thought as he followed the guard down the hall. Kevin seems pretty distracted.

"Hey Sam, can I borrow him for a minute?" a man's voice called.

Nicks heart started pounding and he started feeling really warm. Please, please.

"Sure Randy. Bring him down to training room three when you're done. He's supposed to help out with those new guys you just brought in."

"No problem. I'll be quick."

Randy grabbed Nick's arm and pulled him into a nearby room. Before Nick could utter a word Randy had him pinned against the wall and had his mouth firmly planted on Nick's. His hands were all over him.

Oh god yes. I have missed him.

Randy lifted Nick up letting him wrap his legs around the muscled giant and held him tightly as he kissed. "Good morning."

"Hey handsome," Nick managed after catching his breath.

"Sorry I had to be away for a while. Damn I've missed you."


"I'll try. I can't bump any of the people you have today - none of them are trainers. But maybe you'll get a break and we can sneak in a quick fuck. Damn I can't wait," Randy said as he started kissing him again.

"Dr. Connor knows," Nick said between kisses.

"That's okay. I'm allowed certain perks and I haven't made a secret of my interest. But I better get you down there or we'll throw of the schedule."

Nick breathed easier knowing that it wasn't a problem for Dr. Connor to know about him and Randy. Guess I should tell Peter. He's been up front on his time with Max and I've probably been with Randy more times than he's seen Max. Damn I can't wait to be with him again. The sex is so good.

The guard was still getting Kevin set up when they entered. The guy in the kneeler was a beefy muscled type, with a big round ass, and a smooth back. He was blindfolded and his head was restrained but Nick could still see he was better than average. Nick stood and waited for the guards to direct him. Damn those are sexy - wish all the guards wore that. Tight leather pants, open crotch and ass, spiffy leather harness, I bet they know all the best games to play. Wonder if I know them... hard to tell with those masks. But that has to be Mario... I'd know that monster dick any day.

"Go ahead, just move in and put your dick to his lips," Mario coached. Nick did as he was told but kept glancing at Mario's thick, huge cock, remembering how he tasted and felt in his mouth. Then the guy latched on and sucked him in and Nick had something new to think about. Not too bad. Not nearly as good as Jose or Peter, and certainly not as good as Randy, but then I bet he's still learning. I wasn't that good when I started either. Nick looked across to see Kevin slowly sliding in and out of the beefy ass. He is really ripped, such a nice lean build and so dark. Wonder what it will be like when he fucks me. Wow... to think everyone of the guys... but then that means Jason. Ha ha. Can't wait for that. I'd sign up to be fucked by him.

Nick looked up as a curtain to the side was pulled back. Sweet. Now that's a guy I could get into. He's cute. By the look on his face I'm thinking they've been edging him for a while - all those e-stim pads. Damn. Nick went back to thrusting, letting his dick slide in and out of the sucking mouth. He saw them close the curtain and could hear the guy moaning and then the other curtain pulled back.

Or him. Look at that face. I'd much rather be sliding my dick in his mouth. What sexy eyes. A bit skinny but with a cock like that who cares. How'd they manage to tie him up like that? I don't think I'd know where to start. Nick gave the guy a big smile and a wink and noticed the guy's cock was twitching and bouncing. Hope I get assigned to him. I think I'd like to play with that...

He heard the door behind him and then Dr. Connor was standing beside him. "I almost envy him Nick. Getting to suck on your pretty dick." Dr. Connor gave Nick's ass a squeeze before talking to Kevin, then he moved on to the cute guy behind the curtain.

Nick felt his orgasm building and put a hand on either side of the guy's cheeks and let himself spill into the sucking mouth. "That's the way, suck it all down, lick me nice and clean." Not bad. Guess I shouldn't be so picky when I get a chance to shoot a load.

When he and Kevin had both finished another of the guards escorted them out and let them know they were headed to the Milking Room. Nick really didn't know what to expect and anything he imagined did not prepare him for what he saw.

Holy shit. Looks like a porn space comic. A good one, but damn. The guard directed him to stand behind Mal and sent Kevin over to Adam. I can't fucking believe this! I get to fuck this sweet ass. Dr. Connor you are my favorite! You saw me checking out his ass and wow...

"Gentlemen. It is time to begin. Please kneel down and prepare your partner," David ordered.

Nick knelt down and ran his hands over Mal's slender ass, the lightly haired legs and the smooth back. Damn, you are so sweet. He leaned in and kissed up Mal's inner thighs, running his tongue up to the curve of his ass. Then he licked down the sensitive skin below his hole right up to where the ball bag was attached, tickling and teasing the skin with his tongue. He teased up the hair on Mal's crack, letting the heat of his breath caress his little dark hole. Then he stood and kissed down Mal's back, following his spine, tonguing the little dimples and then down the lightly haired crack before kissing his ass lips. He smiled as they puckered in response. How sweet, he's trying to kiss me back. Nick licked at the wrinkled lips, letting his tongue slide around the opening, then gently pushing in. Damn, I can taste the jiz from the last guy. Fuck that's hot. Nick tongued harder and more enthusiastically trying to see if he could get more of the sweet white cream out of Mal's ass. Guess he likes that. He had started fingering the tight little ass and was up to three fingers.

Mal was moaning around the dildo fucking his mouth and his body was obviously trying to push back and get more of Nick's tongue and fingers. His body was quivering under Nick's touch and Nick was enjoying every second.

"Enough guys. Time to get started," David called out.

Ahhh, too bad and I was so enjoying that. Nick stood and gently pushed himself against the wet hole. So good. He pushed in and enjoyed the view of his hard cock sliding in the tight narrow ass. He's so small and so sexy. I want to make it good, make the straight boy beg for cock. He ran his hands up and down Mal's back as he fucked doing his very best to be smooth and gentle. Mal continued to moan and cry out in pleasure and Nick fucked deep, trying to get as far into the little ass as he could. He leaned down and started kissing Mal's back and neck as he plowed him. Yes Mal, you're going to enjoy this so very much. Nick tried to remember all of Randy's techniques - the things he did that felt so good and made him so horny.

Mal's body started to tremble and his ass started constricting and spasming around Nick's cock. Okay, can't hold back... yes... fuck deep and hard. And then he erupted deep in Mal's tight little hole. Oh that was just as good as I imagined.

David gave them a break then had them move on. Nick's eyes were on Jose as he approached his next partner. Jose gave him a smile and managed to give him a gentle squeeze as they passed. Wish I were Jeremy right now, getting fucked by Jose. Nick got chills just thinking about their weekend together. They had made full use of their time and while at first Jose had been disappointed he didn't end up going to Dr. Connor's, by the end of their time he said it was the best thing that could have happened.

Nick knelt behind James and admired the dark ass, but even more he admired the drip of white semen dripping out of his hole. That's Jose's spunk and I know damn well how good it tastes. Nick's mouth started salivating and he licked his lips in anticipation. No offense James, your ass is nice but this is all about getting as much of Jose's jiz as I can.

Nick approached James's hole with passion and licked and sucked, driving his tongue and ultimately his fingers into the creamy hole. He devoured the ass and the sweet load Jose had left behind, James's enjoyment of the act, his moaning and loud groans around the dildo were just a pleasant side effect. Nick fucked him as directed and while James wasn't as tight as Mal-Chin and less to Nick's taste, he still enjoyed it.

The guards escorted Nick from the Milking Room and sent him to class. He thought he was supposed to have one more partner but nothing showed on his schedule. He also thought he might run into Randy again but no such luck. He was about to give up after lunch and finishing his last class for the day when one of the guards caught him leaving.

"Nick, you ready?"

"Sure. I was beginning to wonder, most of the other guys finished before lunch."

The guard laughed. "Don't take anything from it, this is just the time slot that was open. We're still working to get the schedule worked out for the rest of the week... and don't even ask. No I will not tell you."

Nick got a little nervous as they went to what the guard called the 'dungeon', he'd never been down here before and it sounded rather ominous. Fortunately, it didn't look like a dungeon with the exception of the odd steel doors.

"You'll be in here, Ced will explain."

Nick stepped through the door and stifled a gasp. It definitely looks like a dungeon on this side. But what really caught his attention was the guy working on Aaron. He was changing the weights on a chain clamped to Aaron's nipples. I never saw this one before. Ced looked up and smiled. And I thought Mal was sexy. This guy is like Mal on steroids. Ced stood up and stretched as he finished with Aaron. He was average size, but ripped and smooth, with an impressive dragon tattoo up his side. The tight black vinyl shorts contrasted with his golden skin and showed off a sweet bubble butt and nice bulge. The only other thing he was wearing were his black boots.

"Hello. I'm Nick."

"Yeah, you are. Though the picture in your file doesn't do you justice."

"I don't think we've met before. Don't think I could forget you."

Ced laughed. "Are you flirting with me?" He asked as he walked up and pressed his body against Nick and got within a couple inches of his face.

Wow is he sexy. Those dark eyes and that hair, damn but I like Asian guys. "Uhm... sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just not often I meet someone new anymore."

"Oh, I'm not offended. Not even a little." He breathed as he moved in even closer. "But it's a good thing you haven't seen me before. I handle the bad boys. Are you a bad boy?"

Nick felt his heart racing and knew he was blushing. "I don't think so. Am I supposed to be?"

Ced laughed again. "I can pretty much guarantee, you're not the kind of bad that gets you assigned to me. But let's get you started, this dude here is Aaron. Don't worry he can't see or hear you."

Aaron's head and arms were secured through the stock. He was bent at the waist with his ass prominently displayed. They had a stretcher bar between his ankles holding his legs wide apart and a rope tied to his ball sack and down to the bar.

"Aaron is still getting an attitude adjustment. Eventually he'll be a milker but before that he needs to understand he's a pleasure boy too."

"Milker?" Nick asked in confusion.

"Haven't they told you? That's what a guy is called whose primary purpose is to produce semen. Have you been to the Milking Room?"


"Milkers pretty much live there when they're not being used for pleasure. They hook them up and milk their dicks, getting as much semen as they can in a day. They are treated with special drugs and fluids to make them produce more and quickly get it up again."

"Oh." I don't know if that sounds good or horrible. "And a pleasure boy?"

"A guy who gives pleasure to other men. They are sort of like pleasure slaves, available to anyone who wants them. Pleasure boys service the employees and other test subjects. The ones who work at the Ranch or that get clients are referred to as Escorts."

"Ced... am I going to be one of those?"

"You? Shit no. You're way to pretty and since you're a test subject and they're making you take classes, you're targeted for full-fledged team member. Unless you really fuck up, you have nothing to worry about. And at least one person in power must have taken a shining to you 'cause you've got the special care flag on your file."

Nick breathed an audible sigh of relief. It's like he knew my worst fear. I thought for sure that was why they were training us. But special care? Who...

"We need to get started. This is somewhat of a test for you, so let's make sure you try real hard - deal?"

"What kind of test?"

"For the next hour, Aaron is your plaything. You can fuck him, play with him, edge him, anything that gives pleasure. The more you make him beg, cry out in pleasure or the more orgasms he has, the better your performance. You have all these toys at your disposal. I will coach and advise on how to use them - but only if you ask."

Half way through his time, Nick had managed to get two good orgasms and plenty of begging out of Aaron. He decided early on he'd continually ask for advice and get Ced to show him techniques for use of the dildos and vibrators. Given that he'd never done anything like this in his life or even touched, let alone used a dildo - he needed the help.

"I think it's time for you to strip and use your body. Besides, I wanna see you naked," Ced said with a very pointed stare and a look that made Nick more than a little nervous.

"So what do you do that's different and why do they send the bad boys to you?" Nick asked.

"My specialty is in edging and rough play. Knowing how to bring a man to the edge, balancing pain with pleasure so that when they finally orgasm, it is twice as intense. I get the guys who fight the training, the ones who are determined to stay the course as boring old straight boys. I show them it's much more fun on the dark side and if I do my job right, by the time I'm done they can't go back. They're hooked on the pleasure, the excitement, and the raw passion of man on man sex."

Nick tried to take deep breaths as he listened. Just hearing Ced talk about it was making him horny and it wasn't that long ago that he was one of those straight guys. He stared at the floor as he slid out of his jeans and shirt and tried to take his mind off Ced.

"Fuck but you're pretty. No wonder Randy is so hot for you - and here I'd been thinking it was 'cause of your pretty face. Damn!"

Nick felt the heat in his face and stammered as he responded. "Y... you know about Randy."

"It's in the file dude. Everything's in our files. But it also has that you say you're straight..." Ced gave him a skeptical look and let the sentence hang.

"I really thought I was." Nick protested, trying to ignore the fact that he was sporting a major boner.

Ced laughed and gave an evil leer. "Yeah... file says the doc's think you're bi, but with a real hungry ass. That true? You like having a guy's dick inside?"

Nick was getting really uncomfortable. Ced had an edge that made Nick think he might be a bad boy at heart. "Depends on the guy."

"Well you need to stop distracting me. Why don't you go ahead and fuck Aaron - maybe jack him off while you take him. I'll see if I can keep things interesting."

Okay that was so out of my comfort zone. Nick thought as he finished a second round with Aaron. He'd never even considered torturing a guy's cock and balls while fucking him or that pulling on a guy's tits would get that kind of a reaction. Aaron's last orgasm was nothing short of impressive. Even if he enjoyed it, I still feel sort of mean. Nick was in his own world as he went to grab his clothes.

"Hold off a second pretty boy," Ced said joining him.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you did everything exactly right. So right, you've got me all worked up," Ced said as he began running his hands over Nick's body and then pulled him in for a kiss. "So right, I wanna fuck your pretty bubble butt."

"Me?" He can't be serious. Why would he want me? Aaron's big meaty ass is right there.

"You really aren't the rough fuck type are you? Nah... you're the kind of guy we take home and spoil. The one we make sweet passionate love to..."

"I really think you've got the wrong guy." Oh damn, he's got me so hard and his hands and those kisses.

Before Nick could get his thoughts sorted he found himself on the floor with a naked Ced on top of him - kissing him and touching him like a gentle lover. Ced lifted Nick's legs up and spread them so he could slide in while still hugging Nick tightly.

Oh... wow... how does he do that? He feels so warm and his body is so hard. And how he kisses... Oh... oh... he's inside me. Oh, god that feels good. It didn't hurt at all. Wow!

Ced made gentle love to Nick, kissing him and exploring his mouth the entire time he fucked Nick's ass. He took it slow and easy, constantly moving or adjusting to give Nick more pleasure. When Nick screamed as his body shot a load between them, Ced continued kissing and fucking until he drove deep and finally let his own body release. "God Nick, you are an awesome fuck."

"That was like... wow," Nick rasped as he blinked and watched Ced pull back.

"Yeah, it was," Ced smiled as he pulled his shorts back on. "You know... I think Randy needs some competition."

"Pardon?" Nick said as he finished pulling his own shirt back on.

Ced approached and pulled Nick in roughly for a hard kiss. Then let his hands slid in Nick's jeans and squeezed his ass. "When you find something good, you hang onto it."

"Me?" Nick asked in disbelief.

"Oh, most definitely. But next time... I want you to fuck me with that pretty dick of yours. Don't tell me you don't want it. I saw you watching my ass," Ced said with a leer.

The guard escorted Nick up to the simulation room and Nick groaned. Oh god, I don't know if I can handle this after Aaron and Ced, he thought as the techs began hooking him up. I wonder if I'll recognize my partner today. He didn't but that didn't make the experience any less rewarding and amazingly enough his body had no trouble recharging in time. Though as he walked down the hallway to the dining hall for dinner, he did wonder if he had enough energy left to eat. Fortunately the rest of the evening was quiet. Sadly Nick and Peter were not on the no chastity list for the night but they did enjoy some serious cuddling as they recounted their adventures of the day.

Morning came all too quickly and Peter was razzing Nick to hurry up so they could get to breakfast.

"Hey they posted my schedule already. Damn, I've got Kris, Adam, Carlos, and someone named Ryan today. Any idea who Ryan is?"

"Yeah. He's one of the three new guys. I think he's the cute blond one. Personally I prefer Zachary, the skinny dark haired guy. He's got a gorgeous face and a huge dick," Nick said as he grabbed his tablet to see if they'd loaded his schedule.

"Shit! Shit! This is bad isn't it?"

"What? Let me see," Peter said grabbing the tablet out of Nick's hands.

"Fuck buddy. What did you do? Penthouse? First thing. Wait 'til I tell Jose! And who else, Mal. Randy. Wait, Randy, like in guard Randy - the one you've been shagging? And then Ced. Shit dude - he's the one from yesterday, right? The one who got all hot for you?"

"Shit Peter. This can't be good."

"Orrrrr. It could be fucking fantastic. If you didn't think you were in trouble would this line up of guys not be your fantasy?

"Yes. And that's why I'm scared."

Adam | Scene 3

This can't be happening. Fuck! They've got to be doin' this to me. Why can't I cum? Please god, please let me cum, Adam thought as the guy behind him continued fucking him hard. He was on the edge - seconds from orgasm - he just knew it. The machine was milking his cock, sucking his nipples and squeezing his balls. The cock in his ass was sending waves of pleasure through his body but he just couldn't cross the line. If the life-like dildo wasn't in his mouth he'd scream in frustration. Adam's mouth filled with another guy's load, the warm cum shooting into his mouth as one of his classmates orgasmed.

The guy fucking him slowed down and lay on Adam's back, catching his breath as his body pumped his seed deep in Adam's ass. He wrapped his arms around Adam and hugged him before pulling out, leaving Adam empty and frustrated. The machine stopped stimulating him and the dildo withdrew from his mouth.

"Alright guys, time for a breather. Final round in a few minutes," David called out.

Why? Why? The first two days it worked! Are they punishing me? Three days and no orgasm. Damn, listen to me... three days. Not long ago it was weeks, but then at least they didn't keep me so damn close. It feels so fuckin' good... damn it! Why can't I cum?

"Your partner's a little disappointed there Adam. You didn't give up any cream. Something wrong?" David asked.

"I can't cum! Why can't I cum?" Adam shouted in frustration.

"It's your body. Guess that's one you'll have to answer. The machine is working fine - you've had good partners. Wanna' try a bigger dick?"

This can't be happening. The dick in my ass shouldn't make a difference the way that machine wanks my cock. Shit... I'll try anything. "Yeah, got someone bigger?"

"Sure thing. I'll give you Mario. His cock's as big as yours," David said with a laugh.

Adam moaned in pleasure as he sucked hard on the dildo. Mario's cock was huge and fucking him deep. If it hadn't been going on like this for days he would have said he was already at the point of no return. The pleasure was overwhelming, his body giving every indication it was at the peak and ready to orgasm... but he just hung there at the crest. The cock felt so good sliding in and out of his ass, rubbing all the right things, the sleeve on his cock was almost unbearable as it tingled and teased and the machine was sucking his nipples hard enough he knew it would bring screams if he weren't so close. Please... please... please... have to cum.

Mario slammed him hard, the sound of flesh hitting flesh was loud and the impact made the restraints bite into Adam's flesh with each thrust.

Adam looked across the room as the dildo in his mouth began squirting a load. He could see from Kris's expression he was in the throes of his own passion. Daniel was fucking him and the expression on Kris's face was pure bliss as his body gave up its seed. Damn him. Why does he get to cum? Look at his face... traitor. Can't tell me he's not loving every second of having his ass fucked. So much for being straight, Adam railed in his head. Kris had already told him he'd given up fighting it. But to Adam it felt like betrayal, especially since he hadn't been able to even get an orgasm.

Holy fuck, that cock feels good, Adam thought as Mario slid out then back in going as deep as he could push himself. Only to repeat it over and over. Shouldn't be enjoying this, shouldn't like being fucked by a dude... but damn... it feels so fucking good.

Mario drove in and then gave a couple quick thrusts before stopping and pushing his body in tight against Adam.

Not again. Adam thought as Mario slowly pulled out and squeezed his ass. The machine stopped and Adam let his head rest against the restraint. I don't know how much more of this I can take...

# # "Well? What did you find out?" Adam asked as he paced the room.

"Not much. No one else is experiencing the same problem. Or at least no one is admitting it," Daniel said. He sat on the bed and watched Adam.

"Mal Chin?"

"He's gotten real quiet lately - all I could get out of him was that he's fine. So I asked Billy. Billy said they changed things up on Mal a couple days ago. They're no longer giving him any penis stimulation but he's still getting off. And they haven't had any chastity free nights either," Daniel said.

"Damn! What can I do? Did you ask your guard friend or Joseph?"

"I haven't seen Joseph. The guard said it's not unusual - especially for straight guys. He said if it's bad you should ask to see a doctor."

"Shit! Of course it's bad. I'm so horny I could scream. They upped my simulation time too. At this rate I'll go friggin' insane. I was in for three fuckin' hours! It was just as bad as the milking room."

"I'm sorry Adam. I don't know what to tell you... three hours? Damn. That's just crazy. Anyone you knew?"

Adam sat down on the floor and hugged his knees. "Yeah... a couple. There was one with Dr. Connor and then one staged in the gym with Jason. The other one I didn't know but I think he's one of Connor's guards. I'm not sure which is more torture, the simulations or the milking room."

"Why? Did they use the whips?" Daniel asked with concern.

"No," Adam said with a pained laugh. "Doubt you'd consider it torture. But when you're straight and your body gets aroused the second you see Connor or you can't help but beg to be fucked... yeah, that equates to torture. I actually asked David to give me a guy with a bigger dick today."

"You what?"

"I thought it might be enough to push me over the edge. I was wrong."

"I'm sorry. Did he hurt you?"

Adam gave another pained laugh and looked up at Daniel. "No. It felt amazing. And no, there's no good response to that confession. You'd have loved it. Me... well, let's just say I and my body are having serious disagreements."

They both looked up as the lights flashed. "Guess it's time," Daniel said standing and stripping off his clothes. "You want front or back?"

"I want you in front," Adam said as undressed and threw his clothes in the bin with Daniel's. He climbed on the bed and spooned against Daniel's back as he pulled the sheet over them. As soon as the lock on his cock got near Daniel's ass plug, both began buzzing and vibrating. Adam pulled Daniel in tight against him and began running his hand up and down Daniel's body. "Can I pretend?"

"Yeah... sure."

Adam pushed Daniel over onto his stomach and lay against his back, if they didn't have the chastity devices, his cock would have been nestled between Daniel's firm globes. As it was, it put the devices close enough that they buzzed and vibrated at their most powerful setting. Adam went through the motions as if he were fucking Daniel, he straddled his ass and held him tight against his body - kissing his neck and biting at his shoulders as he ground himself against the firm body. The pleasure was intense and again Adam felt himself at the cusp, so close but not able to release. Daniel was moaning into the pillow and Adam felt him shudder as his body released.

"At least you got something out of it," Adam teased. He turned Daniel over and looked at the white cum leaking out of Daniel's chastity lock. He bent down and licked and sucked at the lock taking it in his mouth and getting as much of Daniel's load as he could. He then scooped up the bit from the bed and fed it to Daniel.

"So you'll ask to see a doctor?"


Sean | Scene 4

Sean's weekend was fairly anticlimactic and Monday came around quickly. P.E. class was almost painful, Sean could feel the coach's eyes on him constantly and maybe it was just his imagination but he could swear the coach was thinking about fucking him through the whole class.

Logan cornered him again and Sean agreed to stop by Tuesday to start tutoring. What was even more surprising was several of Sean's friends had heard and asked if it was true, that he was tutoring Logan. Guess he did tell his class.

So far the tutoring was going well. Logan was attentive and seemed to be really trying and Sean thought he was picking it up. Though he was a little discouraged that Logan hadn't made any moves - maybe Dr. Connor was wrong, maybe he just wanted tutoring... but then again he couldn't sit any closer and he touches me almost every time he asks a question. And I am certainly not making the first move. Oh well, we better wrap up soon. I don't want to be here when his dad gets home. That would be really awkward.

"I probably ought to go soon."

"You sure? You could stay for dinner," Logan offered.

"No, I don't want to impose-" Sean was interrupted by the sound of the door and Mr. Findley's call.

"Hey Logan I'm home. Whose car is in the driveway?"

"Dad, you know Sean. Remember he agreed to tutor me," Logan said as Mr. Findley walked in.

"Sean. Good to see you again," Coach Findley said with a smile and a look that made Sean want to hide under the chair.

"Coach Findley. Uhm... we were just finishing," Sean stuttered as he put his book and papers back in is backpack. Damn, there was such hunger in that look and I have the feeling he thinks I'm the entree.

"Nonsense. No reason to rush out on my account. But Logan, you two still studying? How long has Sean been here?"

"Just a couple hours dad."

"And you haven't made your move?"

"Dad!" Logan objected as his face went red.

"Do I have to do everything? Go strip and get yourself ready - on the bed in less than five. Now move!"

"Dad! You can't!" Logan argued.

"Move!" Mr. Findley yelled. As soon as Logan was out of the room Mr. Findley approached Sean, leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss. "I've missed you."


"You do want to fuck him don't you?"

Sean wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to make the guy angry but at the same time, denying the fact wouldn't change it. "Yeah."

"Then let's get to it. What's it going to cost me this time?" Mr. Findley asked as he squeezed Sean's ass.

"The same as last time. One for one."

Sean felt his pulse race as they entered the bedroom. Logan was on the bed, naked and ready. He was on his hands and knees with his pale ass thrust up in the air, his hole glistened in the light and his hard cock was tucked up tight against his stomach. Damn, he looks better than I expected. Muscled and a nice bubble butt just like his dad. He watched as Mr. Findley stripped, enjoying every bit of the reveal. Sean undressed while he watched Mr. Findley start teasing Logan - stroking him while he slid his fingers inside his hole.

"You're going to like this Sean. He's got a fine pussy and he loves to be fucked. Don't you son?"

"Yes daddy."

Sean watched in fascination as Mr. Findley slid himself in and started pounding Logan's ass. He guided Sean around in front and Logan immediately sucked Sean's cock into his mouth and started working him.

"Yeah. He likes taking cock at both ends - almost as much as I do," Mr. Findley said with a wink. He reached across Logan and started running his hands over Sean's nipples, teasing them and making them hard. "Damn boy, you are a sweet pretty thing. Okay, I think we got him opened up. Sean lay down on the bed."

Sean did as he was told and spread his legs, his cock was at full attention and already wet and sloppy from his pre-cum and the sucking.

"Go ahead and mount him Logan. You know you've been dying to since he got here." Mr. Findley helped Logan get lined up and he straddled Sean then with some guidance took Sean's cock deep inside. "That's the way, ride that big cock. Fills you up doesn't he?"

"God! He feels so good daddy."

Sean couldn't believe this was happening. He watched Logan riding his cock, seeing it slide in and out of his boy hole as his cock and balls bounced. From the expression on Logan's face, there was no question he was enjoying it and he could also see Mr. Findley was pleased with the show as well.

"Who'd have thought seeing my son get fucked by another dude would be such a turn on? I think it's time for me to join."

Sean watched as Mr. Findley moved in behind Logan pushing him forward. He could feel Mr. Findley's cock against his balls then rubbing up against the base of his shaft. He was slick and hard and then he understood what was coming.

Logan cried out and gasped as Mr. Findley pushed his way in sliding his own hard cock up against Sean and into the tight ass. He wrapped his arms around Logan and started thrusting his dick in, rubbing against Sean and sliding deep into his son's hole.

"That's the way boy. You like having two dicks in your ass don't ya?"

"Yes daddy. Please fuck me harder!"

Sean knew he was about to blow, between Logan moving and the feeling of Mr. Findley it was too much to fight and just as he let loose he heard Mr. Findley grunt and could feel the hot cum coating his own cock in the sweet ass.

Logan cried out and impaled himself hard and fast on the two cocks as they erupted. He'd gone into a fuck frenzy and then his own load shot onto Sean's stomach and chest. When he finished he collapsed on to Sean and started kissing him.

"That was incredible," Logan wheezed.

Sean was too busy trying to recapture Logan's mouth and continue the kiss to respond. By the time Sean headed out the door he'd been sucked and fucked by both of them and he'd had the very fine pleasure of fucking each of them in new and unusual positions. One of the best fucking tutoring sessions I ever had. He thought as he headed down the sidewalk. He'd only made it a few blocks when he caught the SUV out of the corner of his eye. It pulled in beside the sidewalk just ahead. That looks like a bad scene out of a crime drama. The big black SUV stopped and the driver came around to open the side door. Wait... I know that guy. Mr. Smartass from Dr. Connor's place.

"Would you be so kind as to join us?" The good-looking smartass asked with a leer.

"You're all talk. Let me know when you're ready to actually do something about it," Sean shot back as he climbed in. Yeah I would take him anywhere he wanted me, too bad he's just a tease.

Dr. Connor gave a deep laugh. "Careful Sean, he might just take you up on it. He's seen your fine wares and knows a hot fuck when he sees one."

"Yeah well I'm waiting stud."

"I can hear you, you know," Craig responded from the driver's seat.

Joseph was riding shotgun and gave Sean a wink and a big smile. "If he ever does take you up on it Sean, you won't be disappointed."

Sean gave Dr. Connor a questioning look. "What's with the cloak and dagger routine?"

"I need another favor."

"I'm listening." What could he want now? Another 'special' delivery...

"I would like you to come into the lab so I can take some samples of what was... uhm... deposited in your fine ass."

"You what?!"

"I know you had sex with Scott and Logan. I really need to test their semen to see what's happening. Some of the changes and reactions to the drugs we're testing on them are not what we expected. But I don't want them to know. You serve as a perfect incubator until we can take the samples."

Sean stared at Dr. Connor in disbelief, well not really. He wasn't that surprised, it fit with everything else now that he thought about it. But what's in it for me? How can I turn this into a win? "So what's in it for me, letting you get all personal up in my dark places?"

"What do you mean?" Dr. Connor asked.

"You know exactly what I mean. Okay maybe I agree, on the condition that I get sex with you at least once a week until school's out."

"You're kidding?"

"No. I like sex with you. I wouldn't kid about that."

"Just to let me take a sample of what you're going to shit out anyway."

"Yup," Sean said with a smile. He could see the driver and Joseph trying to hold back their own laughter. "Come on Doc, I know you like my ass... and for that matter you like my dick too. You've said so enough times."

"How about a counter offer? I agree on the condition that it's not just me, but that I can bring either Joseph or Craig into our little trysts."

"Who is Craig?" Sean asked trying to remain calm. He wanted to scream yes and jump at the offer and was kicking himself or not asking for more in the first place.

"Mr. Smartass, the driver."

"Hey! I object."

"To what, being offered for sex or being called a smartass?" Dr. Connor asked.

"I am not a smartass. I just have a good sense of humor!" Craig responded.

"Well Sean?"

"Yes and you can even bring both if you want. I want to be flexible," Sean said already getting wet at the thought and realizing his jeans were way too tight.

"Not just a simple delivery boy are you?" Dr. Connor asked with a laugh.

"If I were, you wouldn't have been ordering so much pizza and you sure wouldn't have offered me a job to get me closer."

"Touche," Dr. Connor said and he pulled Sean in for a kiss that gave a hint of the pleasures to come.

Adam | Scene 5

Adam sat on the exam table and waited. The nurse had already been in and take all his vitals and removed the chastity lock and the ass plug. The room wasn't cold but Adam wished he had more than the flimsy hospital gown.

Adam looked up as a knock sounded at the door. "Ready," he called out.

"Good morning Adam. What seems to be the trouble?" Dr. Connor asked with a big smile.

Fuck. He's even better looking in person. Come on body, please don't fail me. Shit, nah, Adam thought as his cock hardened quickly. "Think something may be wrong with my privates sir."

"Certainly looks healthy to me," Dr. Connor said pointedly staring at the monster cock that couldn't be contained by the hospital gown.

"I get hard just fine, but no orgasms."

"That could be a bit frustrating. Please lie back and let me have a look."

Adam squeezed his eyes shut as Dr. Connor examined him. Fuck, fuck, he's touching me. Think about baseball... not about how big he is. Or what it felt like in the simulator. Baseball... Adam let out a small moan as Dr. Connor stroked him, then palpitated his balls.

"You're certainly having no trouble generating pre-cum..." Dr. Connor said as he lifted Adams legs into the stirrups.

"No, siiiiirrrrrr," Adam gasped as Dr. Connor took his cock in his mouth and licked and sucked at his glans. Holy fuck that felt good. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Your pre-cum is very tasty Adam... quite normal, nothing unusual. Balls feel good and healthy, a little heavy perhaps."

Please no, don't, Adam thought as he felt the doctor's hands on his thighs and then his ass crack. Shit, shit, no, don't do that. Fuck that feels good, Adam thought as Dr. Connor worked a lubed finger into his ass and began massaging his hole and ass lips.

"Very healthy. Normal responses, maybe a little more sensitive and aroused than usual but if you haven't orgasmed in a while that's to be expected."

"What's wrong with me sir?"

"Nothing that I can see. I expect it is psychosomatic. In other words, in your head. We see this sometimes with straight boys who fight man on man pleasure. Usually it's in cases where they are especially homophobic or have strong religious beliefs and can't deal with how good it feels. Their mind doesn't know how to deal with the conflict between what they 'feel' and what they 'believe'."

"So how do I fix it? I'm going crazy."

"You'll have to come to terms with how much you enjoy it."

"Does this mean I'm not a good test subject? That I can't continue..."

Dr. Connor laughed. "Not in the least. We don't care if you orgasm. Your ass is still fuckable, your cock can still bring pleasure and you still give a better blowjob than the highest paid call-girls."

"But I'm not gay..."

"Adam, I don't think you've been listening. We don't care. You can still be trained to be an exceptional fuck, as good at bottoming as topping. This has nothing to do with you settling down with your life-partner or how you build your family. We have very good team members who are partnered with females and married to females... They happened to find understanding women who can handle that their man likes to fuck other men and does so on a regular basis. Some of them even allow their partners to bring their boyfriends into their bed. But I assure you, the sex is addictive. By the time you finish training, you won't be able to give up fucking men. In all the years we've been doing this, it has NEVER happened."

"So what do I do?" Adam asked. He's right. I know he's right... it feels too good. I am so fucked.

"Stop trying so hard and don't fight it. Just enjoy the sensation - enjoy each moment for how it feels, try to bring pleasure to your partner. It will work itself out."

Sean | Scene 6

The next tutoring session went even better, Logan had Sean stripped and on the floor within minutes of Sean's arrival. That was okay with him, they had great flip-flop sex and even had time for some tutoring before Mr. Findley arrived home for their threesome. Mr. Findley had even given Sean a note for his parents so they didn't worry when he ran late. By Friday, Sean found Logan walking with him to classes. For once Sean was glad the school was so strict on PDA (public displays of affection) because he wasn't sure Logan might not slip up otherwise. When we're studying he sure can't keep his hands off me.

The bell rang indicating school was over for the day. Sean stopped by his locker to grab some stuff he'd stashed earlier. He was working tonight and had to get going so he had time to get home and change first.

"Hey Sean."

"Logan. What's up? I have to work tonight so I'm sort of in a rush."

"Do you have to work tomorrow? I got some great tickets and thought we could catch a bite and do the concert."

"Are you serious? I thought they were sold out weeks ago."

"Dad has some connections, so you up for it? It would be like a date."

Sean knew his mouth was hanging open and that he probably had a ridiculous expression on his face but his brain had stopped working. Logan Findley, Prom King, football player, all around jock just asked him for a date, in public, in the school hall. Shit, shit, shit. What do I do?

"Hello. You in there stud? I asked you out for a date."

"B.. bu...but someone might notice or see us."

"HEY EVERYBODY! LISTEN UP I JUST ASKED SEAN OUT!" Logan shouted at the top of his lungs. The hall went silent for a few seconds then there were cheers, cat calls, laughter, and more than a few lewd suggestions. "There. So you gonna go?"

"Yeah... sure." But I'm supposed to work. Hell if they don't let me reschedule I'll quit, I was going to quit soon anyway and besides how often does Logan ask me out on a date.

Nathan | Scene 7

At least it doesn't hurt. Nathan thought as he touched the stitches at his hairline on the back of his neck. Guess there's no going back. I never even knew you could do this to a guy. Nathan ran his hands over his hair and adjusted his shirt and pants. Feel strange being in clothes again. Damn, can't believe I'd ever be saying that to myself... oh how far I've fallen.

"You ready?" Roberto called from the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Nathan turned to look at his handler. It wasn't often that another guy was big enough to be intimidating, but Roberto was. Not like I'd even try anything with the implant but that guy could take me down in a heartbeat. Roberto was an ex-bodybuilder, who kept his form. He probably topped out around 6'5" and he was either bald or shaved his head because there was no hair - anywhere. Tribal tattoos peeked out from under his shirt on his massive arms. Wonder if he has to buy custom clothes... even what he's wearing looks like it's straining to contain him.

"You'll do fine. It's a simple job. Nothing fancy - you pretty much just lie there. And like they told you this morning. If you do a good job you get two sessions tomorrow with Ryan and Zachary - no restraints."

Nathan couldn't help but smile, even while the guilt bubbled up in his gut. It had only been a week since they'd started pairing him with Ryan and Zachary. What has happened to me? I should not get excited about having sex with my cousin, or about getting fucked by a monster cock. I'm straight, damn it! What have they done to me?

Nathan stood quietly as Roberto rang the doorbell. It seemed odd to be here. It looked like a normal middle class neighborhood. The door opened and an older dark skinned man with graying hair greeted them. This is a nightmare. I'm about to be fucked by total strangers and I'm so hard and horny it hurts.

"Good to see you again Mr. Sanchez. And welcome young man, we've been looking forward to you."

"Mr. Brown. Always a pleasure. Same set-up as usual?"

"Yes please. I'm still waiting for some of our guests but we can start shortly. I'll be going first so set him up in the bathroom."

"Certainly," Roberto answered as he ushered Nathan into the house and down the hallway. "In here Nathan. The other guys will use the bed but not Mr. Brown." Roberto led Nathan into a large master bath. He grabbed a couple towels and folded them before laying them on the step to the large Jacuzzi, which was set in a large platform and surrounded on all three sides by mirrors.

"Here sir?"

"Yeah. If you didn't notice the mirrors - Mr. Brown likes to see his boy's face when he fucks him and likes that you can see him take you from every angle. If you notice the mirrors behind are lined up so you have a 360 view. Go ahead and strip."

Nathan took off his clothes and carefully folded them, then handed them to Roberto. I can't believe this is happening, or even more that I am excited about it. My ass is twitching like crazy.

"Okay, bend over stud. I'm going to give you a little something extra."

Nathan watched as Roberto pulled on rubber gloves and took a syringe from his bag. He felt the gentle push as the plastic slid in his hole.

"This will help relax you and increase the sensation. Mr. Brown is as big as Zachary and you haven't had anyone yet today - so you're still pretty tight. It also will get you nice and slick. Clients often forget about lube so it's a good habit to start lubing yourself beforehand."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Stay still and let him fuck you. Like I said, this is a simple job. They just want to fuck your creamy white-boy ass. Most of these guys are old enough that if you did more, you'd give them a heart attack. Now if they want to spit you, that's okay too. You give a good blowjob, just go with it. Oh, and if you can shoot a load from being fucked that'd be great. That really turns 'em on. If you need to squeeze or adjust to make it happen - go ahead and do it. But they're not like Zachary. I know he gets you off almost every time, but he's a natural - with these guys you may have to work for it."

Nathan squeezed his eyes shut as Roberto ran his hands over his body and stroked him, squeezing his cock and balls.

"Real good. Nice and hard. I know you're nervous but I'll make sure you stay hard."

"Can't you use the implant to make me cum?"

Roberto laughed. "I wish. No, we're not quite there yet but they're working on it. Wouldn't be surprised if they add that in the next update. I can get you hard or make you lose an erection, even get you horny, but no orgasm. And you already know I can give you unbelievable pain or knock you unconscious."

"Yeah, that I got real clear." But at least this doesn't chafe like the collar and it's not a constant embarrassment or reminder for everyone else.

Nathan saw Mr. Brown coming through the door. He was already naked and very aroused. Damn he's hung like a horse. Sort of creepy being fucked by a guy old enough to be your grandpa. He felt Mr. Brown's hands on his ass and looked up into the mirror to see the smile on his dark face.

"Roberto you bring me the prettiest white boys. He's so meaty and firm. I like an ass I can grab onto - and so pale and smooth."

"I put a bowl of condoms out for you and the guests. You'll see there are Magnums as well."

Nathan tried to relax and prepare himself as the old man pushed inside. Even with the extra creams and lube, he felt huge and it took slow regular breathing to allow that monster in his hole and get past the pain. Then Mr. Brown started fucking him hard and fast. Nathan watched in the mirror, seeing the black monster cock penetrate his body, splitting him open and driving inside him. Roberto was right, while the full feeling was there - Mr. Brown didn't have the same motion or skill as Zachary. Nathan adjusted himself slightly to change the angle and felt the pressure against his prostate. Oh... yeah, that's better. He's big enough it shouldn't take much.

The sound of flesh smacking against flesh was loud in the tiled bath and Nathan was making the appropriate groans and cries as he'd been instructed. He repeatedly asked to be fucked harder and faster, giving complements to Mr. Brown on the size of his manhood and how good it felt. The trainers had been coaching them on what sounds and comments got their partners the most excited.

Nathan felt Mr. Brown's tempo change just as he hit the peak and began spurting against the side of the hot tub. His orgasm was intense and he let the cries of his pleasure echo as Mr. Brown ground himself in and then held still.

"Excellent as always Mr. Sanchez. Send my compliments to your boss."

"As you wish Mr. Brown. Would you like us to move to the bedroom now for your other guests?"

"Yeah, though I hope he's not too hot for them. We're not getting any younger and you know how worked up they get over fucking a white boy's ass."

Roberto helped Nathan to his feet and had him stretch out a bit before asking him to bend over again. "Mr. Brown is much larger than the others. So this makes your ass tighten back up again. That way you'll be nice and snug for the others."

Nathan lie on his stomach, his ass at the edge of the bed with his legs spread, waiting for the next client. Just remember the reward - Ryan and Zachary, I can do this. "Groan." He felt the dick pushing in, no finesse or subtlety and then he was being fucked. Miss the good looking guys, this one's even older - I can even feel him shaking. Damn... can't look. Hope he doesn't die on me... Think about Ryan, that sweet dick in my mouth, savoring his cum as I suck him. Maybe I'll try deep throating Zach again, I love having him in my ass but he tastes so good.

Nathan fantasized about all the things he'd do with Ryan and Zachary as one old guy after another fucked his ass. One guy wanted him lying flat on his stomach, another wanted him on his back with his legs spread. A couple of them wanted him on his hands and knees - doggy-style. Roberto had been right about them, there was no 'love' making, just simple straightforward fucking, and unlike Mr. Brown, none of them even got him close to an orgasm. But tomorrow... Zachary would - he always manages to make me cum.

"He did well. My guests were all very pleased."

Nathan recognized Mr. Brown's voice but he hadn't been told to move so he lay still. He felt a gentle prodding at his ass then something scratchy was slid in his hole. Nathan felt empty and used. Unlike the muscled hunks and the guys who'd been training him, there was no passion with these old men, no heat. He was just a hole to fuck.

"Good job son, we enjoyed you very much," Mr. Brown said.

Nathan heard the door and then felt Roberto remove whatever had been stuck in his ass. Even after all those guys I am still so horny. Wonder if Roberto will fuck me when we get back? If he won't then I'm sure one of the guards will... they're a damn sight better than these old codgers.

Roberto squeezed his shoulder. "We're done stud. You can wipe up and get dressed."

"What did he stick in my ass?"

"Your tip. He's a bit odd, he always rolls up the bills and sticks it in the escort's ass. Don't worry, you don't even have to touch it. I'll put it in your account."

"I have an account?"

"Sure. You get to keep all your tips. Now get dressed. I'm ready to go home."

"How much?" Nathan asked as curiosity got the best of him.

"Two hundred. Pretty good for your first trick."

END Chapter 15

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', and Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 16

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