The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Nov 1, 2016


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 3: Feeding Frenzy, Copyright 2013 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 3: Feeding Frenzy By Tripp Savidge

Max got Blake into the exam room and helped him up on the exam table.

"Dr. Tanner is on his way. How do you feel?" Max asked, looking over Blake with concern.

"Honestly Max, I feel fantastic. I mean my head hurts and it feels like I got hit by a truck. But I feel almost giddy. I don't remember being this happy," Blake said with a smile.

"I'd say you were drunk if I didn't know better," Max said, looking as he heard the door open.

"Max, Dr. Connor... Shit what happened to you?" Dr. Jeffrey Tanner asked in shock. "Max, you let one of the subjects beat him up or what?" Dr. Tanner asked as he washed his hands and started putting on rubber gloves.

"Nah, Blake just got a little exuberant in his love making," Max joked prodding Blake.

"I'm fine, really, just a scratch," Blake protested.

"Yeah? Well let's get a second opinion," Dr. Tanner said as he took gauze and started cleaning the blood away from Blake's face and scalp. "My god Blake, what did you do? I'd have said car wreck and you tried to go through the windshield."

"I bumped my head and broke the mirror," Blake said defiantly.

"Well relax, it's going to take a while to get you cleaned up and stitch a couple of those 'scratches'. What else you got to show me?" Dr. Tanner asked as he lifted the shirt and had Max help him slide Blake's pants down. "Damn, Max, you sure someone didn't take a crowbar to our boy?"

"Nah, Jeffrey, our boy just likes his sex rough."

"Well our boy is going to be real sore and limping for a few days. You can leave him with me Max. Much as I'd love to show him some gentle love, I don't think he's up to it. We'll just have to settle for some good doctoring. Why don't you give him a couple hours, he's going to need to rest for a bit once we're done. Would you ask Ian to come in when you leave - he should be at the nurse's station?" Dr. Tanner asked.

Max stopped by the desk and told Ian he was needed in the exam room, then stood for a moment deciding what he should tackle next. The guys should have Joseph well under control, they got him through the rough spot before, this shouldn't be anything too challenging. Max thought and smiled to himself. He actually thought the Black Guard would be thrilled, Joseph hadn't needed their care nearly as much over the last several years and he knew they missed him. Even Max missed him, there was just something about Joseph that was almost addictive and sex with him was Goodness, it had been too long. Too long without Joseph, too long without Blake, just too damn long period.

"Carl, this is Max, checking in," Max said adjusting his earpiece.

"Hey Max, this is Derrick - Carl had to run down to the server room."

"Anything I need to know about?" Max asked.

"Only recent call was Mario calling for back up. The new recruit Jeremy was getting out of hand again. They're taking him to Inspection Room 1," Derrick responded.

"On my way, thanks," Max responded. He was going to have to do something with Jeremy and soon. He was almost as bad as the Coach. Violent, foul mouthed, and overall disagreeable. Max entered the observation room to find it empty. He walked over to the window to see what was happening with Jeremy. Mario and Sergio were both there talking to the side. Jeremy was bound, spread eagle, to the top and bottom rail, his head hanging down on his chest. So far, they had been able to convince most of the subjects that they were quarantined in the hospital for tests. That hadn't worked for Jeremy - he had tried to storm out as soon as the sedatives wore off. He put up such a fight they had to collar him early. Needless to say, there was no effort given to comforting him or explaining anything beyond do what you're told. Max left the observation room and entered the Inspection Room.

"Gentlemen. I hear Jeremy was giving you problems again?" Max asked as he walked over to the guards.

"Yes sir, tried to escape again. I put him down but he was too big to carry in here by myself," Mario answered.

"Don't think there is any question but that he'll be a milker. We don't need to pussy foot around him anymore. I'll cover it with Dr. Connor. Think it's time to show him his new purpose in life." Max looked at Mario and Sergio, they weren't the biggest guards but they were strong, good looking, and well endowed. Mario had dark, wavy black hair, dark eyes and a thick Latin build, his body was smooth and he was solid muscle. Sergio was partly middle eastern and something else, tiny waist but broad muscular upper body and powerful legs, nice black body hair, short cropped black hair, a beard, and striking blue eyes. "You two up to breaking in our trouble maker?"

"What did you have in mind sir?" Mario asked. The hope clearly showing in those dark eyes.

"Let's take a look and see what we've got and then check in with Carl and see if we have any weaknesses to exploit," Max said as he leaned against the table. "Carl - you back?"

["Yeah Max, what's up?"] Carl rumbled.

"Can you give a report on the subject Jeremy? I think we may need to advance his indoctrination."

[Jeremy - African American senior, held back several times. We're not sure how they pulled it off; as far as we can tell he's legally too old to be in high school. He's also one of their star players and they've been hoping one of the big recruiters would spot him for college. Academically, he's a failure but they keep helping him along. He actually lives on his own, moved out of an abusive home when he was 18; we're still trying to figure out where he gets his income. Medically, he checks out clean, no drugs and good health. As you can see he's a big boy, solid muscle if a little on the oxen side of builds. He did test well for semen production. If you haven't seen already, he has some pretty impressive balls and nipples that are sized more for a female. You'll also find he's got an impressively large and muscular posterior. Test show - untried and unexplored."] Carl laughed. ["Some of those points may explain the psychological tests: not balanced, violent, a real chip on his shoulder. If you researched his former home life, it's really not a surprise. For attraction and orientation, he's straight. On the physical stimulation tests, he shows healthy response and his body doesn't care who does the touching. In other words, guys can get him off but he won't be happy about it."]

"Thanks Carl, appreciate the update. Can you call pharmacy and have one of the nurses bring down some topical stim, let's use level 2. Oh and make sure they bring the anal applicator this time," Max finished and smiled back at Sergio and Mario.

"You ready for a play date guys? I know it has been a while," Max asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes sir, definitely," Sergio said with an ear to ear smile.

"You'll have to agree on who gets his cherry," Max cautioned.

"No problem sir," Mario assured Blake.

"I'll be in the observation room for a while, but you know what you're doing so don't look to me for approval or direction. Just enjoy," Max said laughing as he left the room.

Max went to the break room, grabbed a cup of coffee and a sandwich from the vending machine and ran into Clara coming down the hall.

"Afternoon Clara!" Max greeted the gray haired, portly woman with a smile and an exaggerated bow. "You got the good stuff in your basket?"

"Yes, and it's not for you big boy," Clara joked. "Any special instructions?"

"Apply liberally to his ass, nipples, and penis," Max said with a wink.

"As always," Clara said with a bright blush.

Max laughed as he went back into the observation room and made himself comfortable for the show. He watched as Clara entered, and went about her business as though she were changing the bedpan. He and Blake had discovered early in their work that some jobs were best for female nurses. The topical stimulants and aphrodisiacs were best applied to the male by the female. When they had tried using all male staff for the topical aphrodisiacs, the male nurses usually ended up fucking the subject before the tests were supposed to begin. Or for the stimulants, they managed to somehow get it on themselves and had to be done for the day. It was only a few minutes before Jeremy started coming around. Max had only finished half of his sandwich.

"What the fuck? Where am I? What the fuck are you doing to me?" Jeremy yelled.

"Guess he's awake now Sergio," Mario laughed. Mario walked over to Jeremy and blew on his huge nipples. "Yup, he's ready."

"Uuuughh..." Jeremy yelled. "Let me down! You perverts! What are you doin'?"

Sergio walked behind Jeremy and fitted a large ball gag into Jeremy's mouth as he tried to yell more curses. His eyes grew wide and he pulled and tugged at the restraints holding his hands and ankles. He was very disappointed to find that he was bound very securely.

Mario went to the cabinet and started laying out a variety of toys on a metal rolling cart. A whip, a shock wand, a feather tickler, several dildos, clamps of various sizes, a package of sounds, some wicked looking syringes, and the electro-stim kit and then rolled the cart right in front of Jeremy where he could see everything.

Jeremy tried to scream around the gag and frantically pulled at his restraints.

"Let's start gentle Sergio," Mario said handing him the feathers while he picked up the whip.

Sergio started running the feathers over Jeremy's swollen nipples and then moved up and down his arms, his chest and stomach and his legs before adding his flaccid cock and large hanging balls.

Meanwhile, Mario was snapping the whip behind Jeremy, making him jump with each crack, and then he'd take the end of the whip and let it run down Jeremy's back, across his large ass, and then tease his hole and the back of his balls - before starting over again.

Max smiled as he finished eating. They were doing well. He was proud of his men and knew that Jeremy would be an emotional wreck by the time they were done - torn between fear, revulsion that they were men and desire because it felt so good.

Sergio had teased Jeremy into a full erection and was making him squirm as he went up and down his inner leg, teasing his balls and his cock.

Mario had also stepped up his game, using the whip on Jeremy's ass and thighs, giving him a little pain to complement Sergio's pleasure.

Sergio went back to the table and grabbed some nipple clamps connected by a chain. He made sure they were nice and tight then clipped one to each of Jeremy's nipples. God, those tits are fucking huge. Sergio thought to himself as he watched Jeremy squirm and listened to his guttural cries around the gag. Mario came around to admire the effect and then grabbed a weight from the table and handed it to Sergio. Sergio smiled and attached the weight to the chain, pulling Jeremy's nipples even tighter.

"Wonder if they'll stretch?" Mario said with a laugh before he reached out and started flicking his fingers across the nipples held tight in the clamps.

"Mario, he likes that, look at him leak," Sergio said pointing to the stream of pre-cum dripping out of Jeremy's swollen cock.

"Oooh, save some of that, we can use it on his ass," Mario said.

Sergio reached out and started stroking Jeremy, milking the pre-cum from his cock and catching it in his other hand. Mario continued manipulating Jeremy's nipples, tugging on the chain, flicking them, then he leaned in and latched on to one of the large nibs with his teeth, right over the clamp.

Jeremy began gurgling and trying to scream again around the gag.

"Mario buddy, do that some more, he gave up lots of juice for that," Sergio prompted.

Sergio continued to play with and tease Jeremy's cock, enjoying how he writhed and squirmed while Mario continued working on his nipples.

"You ready stud?" Sergio asked Mario. "Got lots of lube for you and I don't know about you but I'm ready to get to some serious fucking."

"Yeah, get him lubed," Mario said as he stopped playing with Jeremy's nipples and began to strip. Jeremy's eyes went wide and he began a new attempt to tear himself free.

"Careful big buddy," Sergio scolded. "You wouldn't want to hurt yourself." Sergio moved behind Jeremy and spread his huge ass cheeks with one hand while the other zeroed in on his hole, spreading Jeremy's own pre-cum all over his tight crack and tiny black hole. Jeremy moaned and groaned. The stim cream making his hole almost painfully sensitive.

"Go ahead Sergio, you get his cherry. You know how your seconds turn me on. Besides, he'll still be tight for me." Mario walked behind Jeremy and kissed Sergio full on the lips, rubbing his body up against him.

"If he weren't hanging here, I think I'd rather fuck you," Sergio said kissing Mario back. Then stripped naked and started rubbing his hard cock up and down Jeremy's lubed crack.

"Hey Sergio, you should see this. I think he's trying to communicate. He keeps shaking his head back and forth and something's coming out of his mouth but I can't understand him. I think he wants you to go faster." Mario chided. He reached out and started teasing Jeremy's hard cock again. "Ooooh, he's still leaking. Need more lube?"

"Nah, he's real slick." Sergio said as he started teasing Jeremy's hole with his hard cock, pushing against it, rubbing it around the edges, then sliding in a little further. "Come on baby, open up your pussy for me. You know you want it, just relax, let your pussy suck in the big dick." Jeremy was pulling and struggling for all his might but could do nothing to stop the men on his cock and hole.

"There we go, that's better. See it fits real snug now doesn't it. Oh your pussy likes a nice big cock." Sergio teased as he began sliding farther in then out again.

"He's really liking that Sergio, his cock's so hard I think he'll burst a vein and the sweet juice keeps on flowing," Mario said as he continued to work Jeremy's cock, using his other hand on his balls. "What you think Sergio, more weight on those tits?"

"Go for it! Maybe add a little zap now and again," Sergio responded.

Mario stopped his attention and went back to the table for the wand and a larger weight. He turned the wand on and tapped his hand to see the blue spark and feel the sharp tingle. "Oh yeah." He reached up and zapped Jeremy's nipple and enjoyed the lurch as Jeremy tried to pull away. He then hit the other nipple before adding the new weight.

"You know I didn't know guys could have such big tits. Seem to be real sensitive and hard wired to his dick. Zap one and his dick practically leaps up to his belly." Mario made sure the clamps were still secure as they pulled the nipples down from Jeremy's chest. He then took the wand and started working up and down Jeremy's thighs, getting close to his balls then moving away again. Sergio was fucking Jeremy's ass hard and fast now, making Jeremy's balls bounce with the movement. Mario zapped the balls and was pleased with Jeremy's actions.

"Fuck Mario, do that again. His ass spasmed and squeezed so damn tight."

"My pleasure." Mario started using a rhythm of zapping Jeremy's balls and cock and stroking him in between while Sergio continued to open up his pussy. Jeremy had stopped struggling and pulling and was now riding Sergio's rhythm.

"Think we're on a role buddy," Mario said. He put down the shock wand and wrapped his hand around Jeremy's balls, pulling them down and away from his body, while his other hand picked up speed on pumping his cock.

"Hey Sergio, he likes it, I think Jeremy really likes it," Mario said as he felt Jeremy trying to fuck his hand while riding Sergio and pushing back to meet his thrusts.

"Damn Mario he has one sweet tight ass. I'm about done," Sergio said as the sound of his body slapping against that large ass got louder and louder. Jeremy was really moving hard trying to meet Sergio's cock and thrust and the same time.

"Oh baby, would you look at that... our baby just shot his first load!" Mario shouted.

"Fuck, fuck yeeeessss," Sergio yelled in return. "Damn he's good. Your turn."

"Aww, look at the mess he made Mario. You didn't get any on you did you?" Sergio asked.

"Nope, I'm good. Damn, he is tight," Mario said as he started sliding his large cock into Jeremy's creamy pussy. "Ohhh, sooo good. I love the feel of your jiz in hot pussy Sergio."

Sergio walked around Jeremy and started kissing Mario while he pounded Jeremy's ass.

"Did I leave him tight enough for you?" Sergio asked stepping back.

"Perfect, absolutely perfect," Mario said with a sexy smile. "Why don't you see if you can torture another load out of our boy?"

Max stood up and admired his boys at work. But he really couldn't watch any longer. He was way to horny and this was just adding to his frustration because all he really wanted to do was go in that room and fuck the hell out of all three of them.

  • Scene 2 *

"Hey Ian, how's he doin'?" Max asked as he stopped back at the nurse's station.

"Much better. Just getting him cleaned up made a world of difference. He's getting a bit antsy but Dr. Tanner said he needed to lie there and rest for another hour."

"How's that going?" Max said with a laugh.

"Go see for yourself," Ian responded before going back to his work.

Max gently rapped on the door, before opening it.

"Come." Came the voice from the other side.

"Yeah, yeah, you always say that," Max jibed as he entered.

"Max!" Blake said with a big smile. "Did you come to spring me?"

"Sorry boss. But you've got another hour. How you feeling?" Max asked.

"Sore, but still great overall. Have you seen Joseph? How is he?" Blake asked with concern.

"I haven't been up to check on him yet. I was headed there next."

"Hey, when you get there, can you ask Tony to send down a fresh suit? I've tried to call him several times and no answer. Maybe he took an early lunch," Blake said.

"That's strange didn't one of your guards answer? There should have been a couple in the front office with Tony," Max said with a frown. That is really strange. He thought to himself. Four guards and no one can answer the phone.

"No, nothing."

"I'm headed up now. I just wanted to make sure you were still doing ok," Max said as he walked to the door.

"Max - one second. Can you do me a favor? Can you have Carl start doing some digging on the guardian for Benjamin and Brice? With nothing else to do I've been trying to figure out how to play that one out. I got to thinking about what Carl shared and some of the answers we got from Ben and it just doesn't add up.

"Sure - Jeffrey take your radio?"

"Yes. Rotten bastard. Said if he left me with it, I'd try to work and not rest," Blake said with a scowl.

"Smart man," Max laughed. "Yeah, I'll check in with Carl as soon as I'm in the hall. Did you have something special in mind?"

"If you can make it happen, let's do Brice next. I just get a sixth sense that we may have missed something and if Ben really is a 'Beta' like Joseph, we need to think about a longer term future. We may also want to make sure he stays on the grid. You know what a pain it was with Joseph when the world thought he was dead and we had to get him back into school. I'd like to avoid that."

"We'll see what we can do. You rest and I'll be back when they release you," Max said as he left the room pulling the door shut behind him.

"Hey Carl? This is Max - you on?" Max asked.

["Right here for you big man."] Carl responded.

"Got a few things for you. One, can you do some deeper digging on Ben and Brice's family situation and their grandfather. Dr. Connor says something doesn't add up. Two - the tougher one, we may need to put those boys back on the grid. Can you see if there is any past behavior, habits, anything that would give us a good alibi for their downtime? We may also need to do something about their grandfather depending on what you discover. And three - have you had any contact with Black Guard?" Max finished.

["Glad to we'll start right away and no haven't heard from them, it has been really quiet for the last several hours."]

Max tried calling all four of the guards on duty; at least one of them should have answered. But nothing; Chris, Stephen, Jared, and Craig were all silent. Something is really not right. Max said to himself as he boarded the elevator.

  • Scene 3 *

This is just too strange. Where's Tony? Max thought as he entered Blake's office suite. Martha, the office manager, said she hadn't heard from Tony and thought he was still in here. The doors were still open, Tony's chair was out as though he'd just left. The door to Blake's office was slightly ajar, which was very unusual. They were all scrupulous about keeping Blake's office locked up tight. Max walked into Blake's office and closed the door behind him. Everything looked to be in order. But where were the guards, someone should be on guard outside Blake and Joseph's private suite, that was standard procedure. Always a guard inside and outside the door when there was a problem. Max's mind was racing, trying to think of possible scenarios. Max put his hand on the handle of the door to the private suite, expecting it to be locked, but the lever moved and the door opened.

Max got as far as the end of the vestibule and stopped in shock. His mind trying to take in and comprehend what was before him. "Holy Fuck!" was out of Max's mouth before thought caught up. He stared at the mound of naked muscular bodies covering the oversized bed, writhing, grunting, and moaning and the smell... God the smell of man cum was overpowering, intoxicating. You can do this Max, think. Assess what you see, who are we missing and are they here? Start there then figure out what to do next. But damn, that is so fucking hot. Control! Think! There's Craig, I'd recognize that monster cock anywhere and he's fucking... a light brown, twink ass? Damn, it's squirting cum with each thrust. Think! Think Max! Tony! I found Tony... damn what a hot ass he has. Okay, Craig is kissing... Chris, no other blonds. Chris is being fucked by Stephen. God, wouldn't I love to be him right now. Someone's head under Stephen... shit. Max carefully walked around to the side, trying to keep his distance. Shit, shit, Jared is licking Stephen's balls. This is just too damn hot. That leave's... Joseph. My god, I'm not sure who I'd want to be right now. Jared getting my cock ridden by Joseph's beautiful ass or Tony, buried ball deep in Joseph's mouth. And that smell...

"Max, you're late," Joseph said lifting his head away from Tony's hard cock.

"Ugh..." was all Max could get out as he looked at Joseph. His face covered in dripping man seed as he licked his lips, trying to get as much as he could with his tongue. Then Joseph lifted his hand to his mouth and started licking the cum dripping off his fingers, like a cat with its paw in the cream. But his eyes... deep black pits of lust... no iris, no whites, just black.

"Don't you want to join us Max? I can feel your hunger. You've been holding back haven't you Max? Won't you let us take care of you?" Joseph asked.

Max moved away from the bed and backed up against the door. His mind in a panic. He so wanted to join, he so wanted to be with Joseph, hell, with all of them. He was so hard, so aroused... Control Max, you can do this! He shouted in his mind. Closing his eyes tight, he tried to think of something else to distract himself and then he felt the gentle brush of lips against his.

"Since you wouldn't come to us Max, we came to you," Joseph said, taking and pulling on Max's lower lip with his own and then kissing him full and wet on the mouth. Sliding in his tongue.

Oh god... he tastes so good. The cum, I can taste it... how many of them have cum in his mouth? Max's thoughts tumbled, getting lost in the feel and taste of Joseph. Then he was aware of hands, not just Joseph's, but many hands, unbuttoning, loosening, and unfastening. He felt his shirt open, his pants... tumble. Hands were touching him all over, while Joseph pressed close continuing to explore his mouth, a hand on either side of his face holding him tightly.

"Why are you so afraid Max? Don't you want me?" Joseph asked between kisses.

"Too much," Max got out before his mouth was trapped again. And then he felt more kisses, more tongues, licking, biting, and kissing. He knew he was no longer against the door when he felt the kisses running up and down his now naked back, reaching his ass. Someone was squeezing and separating his ass cheeks, someone else was gently pushing his legs wider apart and now there were mouths sucking and licking his nipples. He knew it wasn't Joseph because he was still lip locked with Joseph. "I can't," he tried to say into Joseph's mouth.

"Mmmm. Max, you taste so good and your body is so hard and ready. We all think you are magnificent Max, won't you let us take care of you?" Joseph asked.

"Can't, can't," Max said weakly. "Ughhh." Was all he got out when someone took the head of his cock into his mouth and at the same time, a tongue started working his hole and yet another his balls. I can't fight this anymore, I can't. It's too much; I want him so badly... Max's thoughts trailed in his mind as he felt himself losing all will to resist. Max felt himself guided across the room, the tongues, the hands, and the kisses never letting up. He watched Joseph lie back on the bed, spreading his legs wide and gripping around his knees so his wet pink hole was so exposed, so inviting.

"Please Max, I want you," Joseph said, touching and fingering his wet hole.

Max just looked at Joseph, how sexy, how muscular, how smooth his body was and then he felt someone guiding him, taking his cock and rub it against Joseph's wet pussy. Others were guiding his hips, pushing him forward. Joseph tilted and squirmed, his hot hole swallowing up the head of Max's monster cock as the others guided him in. Max's need took over and he began sliding in further, letting Joseph coax him deeper and deeper until he was thrusting all the way to his balls. "Soooo good!" Max breathed, leaning forward to capture Joseph's mouth.

"Who do you want to take you first Max?" Joseph asked into Max's mouth.

Max didn't even think before responding. "Jared, I want Jared inside me." He had barely gotten the words out before he felt probing fingers, lubing his tight ass. Then a hard cock was opening him up, sliding deep into his ass while he was inside Joseph. The sensation was almost overwhelming, as he slid into Joseph, the cock in his ass pulled out and then he'd drive himself back to feel that deep cock only to want to go forward to be deeper in Joseph. Max tried to look up and as soon as he raised his head, he discovered a new temptation, a hard smooth cock brushing against his lips, it had to be Tony. Max hungrily sucked in that cock and started working it as he moved his body back and forth between Joseph and Jared. Max felt Jared taking control of his movements, pounding him so hard that he was forced into Joseph and the sensation was tremendous, hitting his sweet spot with each thrust and then he erupted, seeding deep into Joseph's hot pussy. He was sucking so hard he almost didn't realize the hot jiz pouring down his own throat and then as his own climax calmed, he felt the cum running out of his own hole, down his ass and thighs.

Max felt like he was drowning, he just couldn't seem to come to the surface and think clearly and then there was a new hot ass in front of him and all he could think was how much he wanted it. He knew it had to be Chris; there was only one golden skinned blond in this room with a hole that pink. He dove in driving his tongue deep into the hole and found it offering up sweet man juice. Max didn't know whose, and didn't care, it was sweet and intoxicating and he feasted. When he couldn't get more he slid up to run his hard cock up and down between those large smooth cheeks.

"Who do you want next Max?" Joseph asked.


Max slid inside Chris and began pounding, going deep and hard. He liked the feel of those hard muscles between his legs, squeezing his cock, milking him with each thrust. Just as he was getting a rhythm, Max felt Joseph slide inside his wet pussy. Max increased his speed, appreciating how hard Joseph was and how full he made him feel. Max opened his mouth in search of another cock and was quickly rewarded with a nice thick one, still wet and sticky with seed, springing from a nice brown bush with lightly hairy muscular legs and a hard 6 pack stomach. Stephen, Max thought to himself. He's so hot, so pretty. Then Max's thoughts returned to his building orgasm and the feel of Chris' ass wrapped around his monster cock and the pile driving Joseph was giving to his own hole. Max's body exploded again and he drove deeper and deeper into Chris, trying to push his man seed as far as it would go. The first shot from Stephen caught Max by surprise and almost made him choke. Max quickly recovered and began taking in Stephen's sweet creamy load, swallowing deep. Max felt his mind spinning, the sensations so strong, so wonderful.

"More... more," Max rasped.

"Max? You feeling better now?" Joseph asked.

Max heard the voice and knew it was Joseph but didn't really want to answer. He was busy. The big cock in his ass was making him feel so good, rubbing and squeezing his sweet spot with each hard thrust and the pussy wrapped around his cock was so tight and smooth. He gripped that little narrow ass tighter and pulled it against him while the big cock drove into him from behind.

"Max you need to come back to us now," Joseph coaxed.

"Aarrrrgh." Max grunted as he exploded into the tight little pussy feeling that big cock continue to pound his own hole. He felt the thrusts get more erratic before the man behind him pulled him and the pussy he was fucking tight against him and gave a save last few thrusts before blowing his own load deep in Max's cunt.

Max rolled back as the big cock slid out of his ravaged hole as he likewise slid out of the man he'd fucked. The world was starting to come into focus again. He felt tongues and mouths again on his body, lulling him back into euphoria.

"So are you feeling better now Max?" Joseph repeated.

Max opened his eyes to see Joseph smiling down at him, looking very sexy and very normal with beautiful brown eyes. "I feel fucking awesome," Max said before reaching up and pulling Joseph down for a deep kiss.

"My god Joseph, what happened? What did I do?" Max said closing his eyes again and relaxing back into the bed.

"Max...really? You know exactly what you did," Joseph responded.

Max opened his eyes again and tried to take in the world around him. "Shit! Joseph, they're still going at it!" Max said as he saw others still tangled in love making.

"They'll slow down soon now. Probably fall asleep..." Joseph said looking around the bodies tangled on the bed.

"How many... did I, you know?" Max asked in a hesitant voice, still holding his eyes closed.

"Max, your memory is fine. You know exactly who you fucked and who fucked you if you think about it," Joseph said.

"That many? How? I should have needed at least an hour or more in between and it was like...fuck. It didn't stop," Max said in confusion.

"Sorry, I think that's my fault. Not sure why but I seem to have that effect on the men I'm around," Joseph said sheepishly. "While you recover your wits, I'm going to get cleaned up. Just rest for a few minutes and you'll feel much better," Joseph said heading toward the bath.

Max relaxed into the bed, enjoying the feel of the warm bodies around him.

"Max. Max. Wake up Max," Joseph called.

"I'm awake," Max said groggily trying to sit up. He looked at Joseph who was all decked out in a suit ready to take on the world.

"You might want to get dressed. I'm sure Blake is waiting for us to rescue him."

"But, I probably need to take a shower first..." Blake said looking down at himself in confusion.

"You can, but don't have to. The boys licked you clean. I know because I enjoyed watching them do it." Joseph said with a laugh. "Your clothes are in the bathroom."

Max made his way into the beautiful spa-like bath, washed up and started feeling more alert. He got dressed and walked back into the bedroom taking in the view. Those beautiful naked men were all intertwined and seemed to be sound asleep. He approached the bed, looking down at Chris, who was the closest to the edge, his head on Craig's thigh like a pillow, his arms wrapped possessively around his muscular legs. Max gently reached down and pulled back Chris' eyelid. Max breathed an audible sigh as he admired the beautiful bright blue eye, deep in sleep. No longer the black depthless pool of an hour ago. As he pulled back, Chris stirred, hugging Craig more tightly.

Max gently closed the door behind him as he walked back into Blake's office. Joseph was there as was Martha and Claire. They were going over some files and all looked up to him as he entered.

"Ladies," Max greeted. Martha was the office manager, who kept their facility and all of the associated daily routines running like clockwork. She was a formidable force of nature, an avid athlete, trim, with bright silver hair cropped very short and stylishly, and always in the latest fashionable suit. She was a take no prisoners type of woman who had done very well in Dr. Connor's organization. Claire was Dr. Connor's previous assistant, very professional and aloof. She was in her mid-forties with shoulder length brown hair and a decent figure. She looked like she could be in any fortune 500 executive suite and had been in several before coming to The LAB. "So Claire, how is Dr. Blythe treating you?" Max asked. When Blake needed to keep Joseph close and wanted him to be in the office, Claire had opted to work for Dr. Blythe, the head of psychiatrics. She still filled in for Joseph when he was in school or had conflicts that needed more than Tony answering the phones.

"Frankly if he tells me one more time that I have childhood issues or asks me how that makes me feel again you may be short one department head," Claire said with a glare.

"Which is why..." Martha said interrupting. "That it is good for everyone that Joseph's classes start up again next week," Martha said while giving Claire a stern look. "Claire will be moving back to support Dr. Connor."

"Now if you gentlemen will excuse us, we need to get some work done," Martha said as she took the files from Joseph and led Claire back to the outer office.

"Max, can we talk for a few minutes before we rescue Blake?" Joseph began.

"I was about to ask the very same thing," Max said, taking a seat on the black leather couch.

Joseph sat in one of the matching chairs across from Max. "Please don't be hard on the guards Max. They really didn't have much choice... and they tried so hard."

"I'm listening," Max replied.

"I don't know why, I think it was just being around the Coach who was so in need. I don't think he's ever been sexually satisfied in his life. Then Billy, so much pent up need and sexual frustration and confusion. Then Ben! He has extremely high needs Max... just saying. That have never been satisfied. And YOU! When was the last time? You positively radiate sexual need and frustration as strong as any of the other three. It was just too much. Jared was the first but he was so desperate, wanted me so badly it just ratcheted it up my need further. Do you know he hasn't had sex with anyone but me? Well hadn't. The last time he was with someone was almost a year ago - the last time you guys went to Rome. Did you know that our scary, tough solider is a little frightened boy inside who doesn't think he's attractive or worthy of anyone wanting him?"

"No! That's not possible Joseph... Jared's totally hot, why..." Max sputtered.

"Doesn't matter why Max. He needs some serious time with Dr. Blythe's team. I wanted to prove to him that he was attractive. You know that Stephen has had his eye on Jared for a while, flirting shamelessly. Jared actually thought Stephen was doing it to tease him - to be mean. I thought we could show him how much Stephen really wanted him. And I was so hungry, the more they did, the more I wanted. Then of course Chris really likes Jared so he wanted to prove Jared wrong..."

"So you gang fucked Jared to show him that he was attractive?" Max asked in disbelief.

"That makes it sound cold and I assure you that it was anything but," Joseph said defensively. "Jared didn't bottom any more or less than anyone else."

"And Craig?" Max asked.

"He tried so hard. Just like you, he tried to stay away, to keep his distance. When he came to find out where Chris had disappeared to he knew they had lost control. Tony had come in with him. Jared called Tony over and the others pulled him in. Craig tried to call for back up but Carl wasn't there and Derrick asked him to hold because he was dealing with an emergency down in the inspection area. When he came back... Craig didn't want back up anymore."

"Why?" Max asked.

"He fought so hard, he stood at the door, closed his eyes, and started talking out loud to himself. He didn't want to disappoint you. So we went to him."

"Yeah... I know what that's like," Max said. "So this hunger and the eye thing... how long?"

"I don't know anything about an 'eye' thing, but the hunger just started after our tour today. But it wasn't like before, I remember everything very clearly."

"Ok, how about this multiple orgasm ability? How long have your partners been able to do that?"

"We noticed it with Blake a few months ago," Joseph said quietly.

"You're just full of surprises," Max laughed. "Well that's what we do here isn't it. Maybe we need to be a little more careful with you and make sure you tell us when the urge is coming on before it's quite so intense? Guessing we also may need a few more on the Black Guard team."

"Yeah, I think I might have gone hard on them. Don't think they'll be in the best shape for a day or two," Joseph said guiltily.

"So, ready to go rescue our guy? I'm betting he's getting grumpy by now," Max said standing and offering a hand to Joseph.

END Chapter 3

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story. The LAB is a series and additional chapters will be posted as Nifty allows. I appreciate your patience and hope that you'll check back to continue the adventure. Comments, questions, and feedback are welcome at

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', and Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 4

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