The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Dec 3, 2016


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 6: The Cabin, Copyright 2014 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 6: The Cabin By Tripp Savidge

"No, everything went fine," Max answered as he ran is hand up Randy's thigh, finding the cock beneath the denim of his jeans. Max smiled to himself and started stroking the huge cock as he finished his call with Blake. "Yeah, we should be there in about 30 minutes. I'll give you a call as soon as we know what's up. Ciao."

"So you looking forward to this weekend?" Max asked enjoying making Randy hard, while Randy tried to focus on driving.

"The 'you' part yes, the security breach and potential trouble, no," Randy said without taking his eyes off the road as he watched for their turn. "Uhm, it is getting really hard to concentrate Max."

"Really, if you didn't want me to play, you shouldn't have gone commando."

"It hadn't occurred to me at the time that you'd start while I was driving."

"Your mistake. Forgot to ask, how'd it go with Billy?" Max asked.

"Much better than I expected. Can't say he's my type, but he's got a damn tight hole and enthusiasm to spare. While I'm still not wild about Dr. Connor's approach, I do see the logic."

"You think you were able to make him feel better?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I do. To be honest he's a horny little bitch and I think once he starts getting more sex, he'll forget all about his old man," Randy chuckled to himself. "Uh oh. Trouble."

"What's up?" Max asked turning to look behind him where lights were flashing.

Randy carefully pulled off as soon as there was a side road and parked the Hummer. "It's that Sheriff again," he said as he rolled down the window.

"Both of you, out of the truck, hands spread on the driver's side," the gruff officer demanded. "Up against the side, legs spread."

"Is there a problem officer?" Randy asked in his nicest voice. He knew he wasn't speeding and the Hummer was just in for a full maintenance overhaul. So he really doubted that was the issue.

"Do what you're told and there won't be. You Corporate hired goons think you can waltz in here like you own the place. Well news for you boys, I'm the Sherriff here; this is my turf, my rules."

Randy raised an eyebrow at Max who just shrugged while keeping his hands against the side of the Hummer. The Sherriff proceeded to pat Randy down roughly and to Max's mind was getting a bit personal.

"You carrying any weapons?" The officer asked.

"No sir," Randy and Max responded in unison. Not that they wouldn't normally but they just arrived and knew what they needed would be at the cabin.

The Sheriff moved to pat down Max and as Max expected got a little personal and since Max tended to go commando as a matter of course, probably found more than he was expecting.

"Don't move," the Sherriff ordered while he looked in the Hummer, did a quick search and returned. "You goons watch yourselves, won't be too long before you slip up and you spend some time at my place. Hear?" The Sherriff walked back to his patrol call then called out again. "Don't think your buddies from the state patrol are gonna save your asses, they got no business puttin' their noses here."

The Sherriff pulled out throwing gravel as he sped off.

"Well, that was interesting," Randy said as he climbed back in the Hummer.

"Yes and no. Some of our other folks have had trouble with him before. Something about us really gets in his craw. He also really hates it when the state boys come out to check on things."

"Oh. We just had them out this week didn't we?" Randy asked.

"Yeah. But he's itchin' for trouble," Max said as he fastened his seatbelt. "Let's go. Liam and Todd should already be there and Derrick said they were sending out a security systems electrician."

"Too bad about the Sherriff. He wasn't bad looking for a hick. What do you guess, early 30's?"

"That would be my guess. Obviously works out, nice body but the personality sucks," Max added.

Randy found the mountain road turn-off and began the winding climb. The Cabin as they called it was part of a large resort that had its heyday back in the 30's. Originally there was a large hotel and several smaller 'lodges' built for the wealthy and their guests who wanted privacy. The Lab had renovated one of the nicer lodges and had added security and modern amenities. The main hotel was on the other side of the mountain and had long since fallen into disrepair.

Randy and Max pulled up to the security gate, fashioned to look like one of the old state park entrances of yore in wood and stone. A large black Range Rover with the Lab emblem was already there.

"Took you guys long enough," Liam yelled as Randy and Max climbed out.

"Sorry, local Sherriff held us up," Max said with a scowl.

"Bastard isn't he? He stopped us too," Todd added.

"Find anything?" Max asked.

"Nice try," Liam said with an ear to ear smile. He had his red hair cropped short but in the sun it still glowed. "We waited for you - just like you told us to."

They began with the gate house and found that someone had broken the wooden jam and destroyed the lock. The wood was intentionally left to look authentic but Max was thinking maybe steel that looked like wood for the replacement. They did a thorough check and found the security panel was also open with wires hanging out.

"That shouldn't have been possible," Max said. "That box is built like a safe and there's no evidence of tampering or breakage."

"My guess is whoever serviced it last didn't lock it properly," Liam said as he checked the latch and keypad.

"Stupid," Max grumbled. "I'm not even going to touch it - looks like they pulled all the wires."

"Coby 'll fix it. He should be here shortly," Liam said encouragingly.

"You and Todd gear up and drive the perimeter going west. See if you can find where they got in. The state boys said they patched it up but you may see something they didn't. You have your radios?"

"Yup, all set. You want us to use live ammo or darts?" Liam asked heading for the door.

"Use the darts. They're quieter and we can always finish them once they're down," Max said as he walked back to the Hummer. "What all did you bring?"

Todd opened the back of their Hummer, removed a fake cargo floor and unlocked the ammunitions locker. "What did you want? We brought pretty much some of everything..."

"Sherriff didn't search you?" Max asked as he looked over the arsenal.

"The bags and shit yeah, but he didn't look for secret compartments or take anything out. I think it was more just to harass us," Todd said.

Just then a panel van pulled in and a young man jumped out with a wave. "Hey guys! Whatcha got for me?" Coby asked walking up to Max.

"Coby, good to see you again. So how you liking the job so far? It's been what six months?" Max asked shaking Coby's hand.

"Yeah. Love it so far - always something new and exciting. Not sure about the field work yet, this is sorta new," He said with a smile that lit up his face. Coby was on the skinny side and could channel serious geek if he wasn't trying. He had dark hair that would do any skater dude proud and had grown a somewhat scraggly short beard to make himself look older. He was just over six feet tall but was only about 150 pounds soaking wet; yet, there was something about him that stirred Max's blood.

"Control panel's all fucked up Coby. Take a look and see what you can do," Max said as he led Coby into the guard house.

"Damn Max, how'd they get in to this one?" Coby asked as he got down on his hands and knees and started examining the box. His tiny bubble ass was pushed up in the air and his jeans had slid down to reveal the top of his crack... smooth and creamy white.

"Coby, haven't seen you at the Lab recently. You still doing your training?" Max asked as he enjoyed the view and started imagining those jeans sliding farther down.

"Well... not really. I sort of begged off and have been avoiding it to tell you the truth," Coby said his voice echoing under the cabinet as he worked.

"Who's your trainer? They let you get away with that?"

"It's supposed to be Nick, but don't think he likes me and to be honest it's mutual. Whoever got in here had no friggin' clue what they were doing. Looks like they just reached in and pulled out wires. I'm amazed they didn't fry themselves."

"That fits with what Liam and Todd found on the fence," Randy added as he joined them in the guard house. "Simple case of wire cutters on the chain link and taking advantage of where run-off took out the ground underneath."

"Surprised it didn't set off any alarms," Max said.

"They managed to pull out the right wires in their incompetence," Coby said as he turned and kneeled looking up at the others.

"Can you fix it?" Max asked.

"Easily. Will take less than an hour. I just have to get some new connectors from the truck and a couple tools.

"Here, let me help you up," Max said taking Coby's right arm at the elbow and lifting while his left found Coby's crotch. "That's real nice Coby," Max added as he felt the large and very stiff cock under Coby's jeans. "You should definitely get a new trainer; I'd really like to see you working out. Maybe I could help you."

"Uhmmmm... yeah... that would be nice," Coby said in a strangled voice.

"Max, let him breathe. He has work to do."

"Yeah, he does. There's work I'd really like to do too," Max said stroking Coby's hard-on as he released him.

"I'll just get my... uhm... stuff and see if I can get this sucked, I mean fixed," Coby said as he scrambled out the door.

"Bully! You totally fried his circuits," Randy laughed as he watched Coby head for the van.

"Oh, I plan to. But seriously, someone dropped the ball. No way should he have gone six months without completing orientation and getting in a fitness routine. He's hot but think how much hotter he'll be when he's ripped with muscle. Nick has some explaining to do."

"We've had some other reports on Nick; don't think this is an isolated case."

"I'll deal with it," Max said.

"How do you get away with it? If I tried that on a guy I barely knew, I'd get slugged or at least a nasty comeback," Randy asked.

"Privileges Randy. I read all the files on new employees and I happen to help interview... he admitted in the psych analysis that he found it difficult to think when I was around," Max said with a laugh. "To me, that means one thing..." The radio went off.

["Boss?"] Todd said.

"Yeah, what's up? Max radioed back.

["Sherriff's headed your way. Probably trouble."]

"Did he see you?" Max asked.

["No. We parked at the access road and were walking,"] Todd responded.

"Let's assume trouble," Max said. "Coby, keep the door closed best you can and keep your head down. Do NOT come out or look out until I or Randy give you the all clear. Got it?"

"Yes sir," Coby responded with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Poor kid. He hasn't been trained for this. We'll remedy that, but not today. You ready Randy?"

"What's the plan?"

"Play it casual, stall for time if needed and try not to piss him off."

  • Scene 2 *

The Sherriff's patrol car ground to a halt by their Hummer. The Sherriff jumped out, weapon already drawn. Max and Randy both raised their hands palms out on instinct.

"Don't move," the Sherriff yelled.

"Is there a problem Sherriff?" Max yelled back.

"Yeah, there is. I don't like you rent-a-cops on my turf. I'm thinking you've got something to hide. Think you boys need to give me a little tour of your hunting cabin and see what this is all about."

"Do you have a warrant Sherriff?" Max asked in the calmest voice he could muster.

"I don't need no fuckin' warrant. Now open the gate." He said alternating his aim at Max and Randy.

"I'm sorry sir, but we shouldn't do that. Do you mind if I call the office and get an okay?" Max was trying for calm but knew this was going to go bad very quickly.

The sheriff fired a shot at the side of the Hummer which ricocheted off and struck his patrol car. "What the fuck? Armored truck? Now I know you're up to no good," The Sherriff said as he walked threateningly toward Max and Randy.

"Open the gate now. You're hiding something big and are going to be so sorry when... ow!" The Sheriff reached up to his neck and then dropped to the ground.

"Good timing and good shooting," Max called out to Liam.

"Hell, he was aiming for his ass. Lucky he didn't hit you," Todd jibed.

"Prick," Liam responded.

"And one that you like very well," Todd laughed.

"So what do we do with him?" Liam asked walking up to the downed Sherriff and removing his dart.

"Load him in the Hummer and take him up to the cabin. Once we make sure everything's clear we'll prep him and cage him. I thought it would come to this but for now, put the patrol car in the maintenance garage. We'll figure strategy later. He'll be out for a few hours at least," Max said and then walked back to the guard house. "All clear Coby."

"Good. Everything okay? The system is set and working again," Coby said locking the steel security cabinet and double checking that it was secure.

"Everything's good, thanks Coby," Max said, helping him to his feet again. He didn't grab his crotch this time but did pull him in a little closer and whispered in his ear. "I plan to pay you in person for such excellent work. I think you've earned it." Max let the heat and moisture of his breath caress Coby's ear and neck, before letting the tip of his tongue run down the rim of Coby's ear then bit his earlobe and sucked it sensuously.

"Thank you sir. I'd really like that," Coby responded breathily. "Uhmm... I'll be headed back now."

"Good, drive safe and we'll catch up when I'm back at the Lab," Max said as Coby headed for the truck. "Okay guys, time to check out the cabin and see what we can make of the break in and whether or not they're still nearby."

  • Scene 3 *

The glass in the back door had been broken and there was evidence that someone had been using the kitchen. But they hadn't heard anyone. First stop was the entrance to the lower level and basement, what used to be the lab. It was still secure and no sign that anyone had tried to enter.

"Randy, you stand guard here until I'm back. Todd, Liam, Let's go ahead and get the Sherriff secured. Can you two manage him?" Max asked.

"No problem at all," Todd volunteered.

Max unlocked the Lab entrance and went down to open the exterior door. Liam and Todd carried the Sherriff in and Max secured the door after them.

"While you two get him settled, Randy and I will check out the rest of the cabin."

"Max! We've got runners!" Randy called down the stairs.

Max leaped up the stairs in record time and found Randy on the porch with binoculars.

"They must have been in the shed and made a break for it when you were bringing in the Sherriff. Two guys, young but not kids. They went in opposite directions one North, one South."

"Let's get suited up Randy." Max led the way back down into the lab where they had a stock room for just such an emergency. Both men changed into camo and boots and equipped themselves for the chase.

"Darts again?" Randy asked.

"Oh yeah. I have questions," Max said as he loaded his gun.

"First one to take his guy down gets dibs," Randy said giving Max a high five.

"Deal," Max said as they headed out. "Let's go hunting."

  • Scene 4 *

Within the hour both men had returned with their trophies. Randy had won on first take down, but did admit that his prey was rather lame and got tangled in briars. Neither of the runners had realized that the fence had been repaired and was juiced up again. That had put a real crimp in their escape plans and fortunately the cops had found the second hole in the fence that Max's team had yet to address.

"Welcome back. What's on the menu for tonight?" Liam joked.

"Couple of hot young bucks. We just got to get 'em skinned and cleaned," Max answered back.

"Well, good news. They took the production stuff out but there's still an ample supply of recreational quantities and the play room and interrogation rooms are still fully equipped," Todd said helping Randy with the limp body.

"Let's see if we have any I.D. on these two and get it back to security. Maybe they can let us know what we're dealing with and give us an idea on options," Max said dropping the body on the floor. "For now, prep the Sheriff and strap these two down in the interrogation room."

"Ok but this was so not how I was planning my day," Liam objected.

"Oh come on, you know you love it - getting to play with unconscious men who can't say no then shove a hose up their ass and wash their willies!" Todd razzed as he searched the first body.

  • Scene 5 *

"So, how's it goin'?" Randy asked as he plopped down at the table with a fresh cold beer.

"Good, actually. Derrick was able to make a match on both guys and found some great dirt on our local Sheriff," Max said as he drank his beer and admired Randy in the late afternoon sun.

"And?" Randy prompted.

"Where do you want me to start?" Max said reaching over to rub his hand down Randy's thigh.

"Anywhere you want," Randy said leaning over to kiss Max.

"The Sheriff, Buddy Carmichael age 32, is not very well liked, though he's been in this job four plus years, divorced, no kids. His ex-wife already has a restraining order on him and seems we're not the only ones to feel harassed. He's been bullying a number of the locals and especially young guys. He's thrown more than a few in the jail overnight with dire warnings to their parents," Max paused to take another swig. "The two young guys are both runaways. Both reported as missing not quite a year ago. They have minor juvey records and seemed to have had some falling out with their families. Right before they ran off, they were accused of breaking and entering but were never caught before they disappeared."

"Plans, ideas?" Randy prompted.

"Yup," Max said with an evil smile. "Talked to Blake and he patched in Carl so we're all in agreement. Jared's on his way."

"Jared? We can kill someone without Jared Max," Randy objected.

Max laughed. "No, Jared has other skills. When he was in Special Forces one of his specialties was setting up crime scenes, planting evidence and making sure the investigators saw exactly what he wanted them to. He'll be setting up a scene to explain the Sheriff's disappearance while completely discrediting him. And, here's the good part, it will make it look like he killed our two young intruders in the process."

"Seems like a waste to kill them Max, they're both real fine," Randy objected.

"No, not really kill them, make it look like Buddy killed them," Max corrected. "Jared gave me a list of what we need to get while he's on his way. They're also looking for a body double for the Sherriff - who'll be flying in with Jared.

  • Scene 6 *

The man in the iron cage was screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs. It wasn't really disturbing anyone but it was irritating. There wasn't much else he could do, the cage didn't allow him room to move and at the moment his wrists were secured to one end of the cage and his ankles at the other, with his bare ass pushed up against the bars. The cage was just high enough and wide enough that he could kneel with his legs spread wide. Stripped naked, it was clear the Sheriff spent a lot of time at the gym. He was solid muscle with thick legs and arms, a powerful round ass and huge pecs. He had an average cock and balls, nice but couldn't compare to his captors.

"What do you need from this one?" Randy asked as Max looked at the Sheriff bound in the cage.

"For him, semen sample. Some spit, some hair - especially pubic hair," Max answered coldly reading off the list he'd taken down when talking to Jared.

"You can't fuckin' do this to me. You are going to be in so much trouble. You are going to fry for this - you know that don't you! I'm the law, a public official!"

"You are a dick and you're expendable," Randy answered. "No one's even going to blink when you're gone." Randy reached through the bars and ran his finger along Buddy's ass. The Sherriff had a tight little rosebud, flesh toned - barely even pink. It puckered as he teased it.

"Don't fuckin' touch me!"

"But it's so big and round!" Randy teased.

"Let me do the honors." Max said as he walked up to the cage." Buddy, you have a new purpose now. Make us happy. You make us happy, you live to serve us another day. Don't make us happy you suffer... a lot, and then serve us another day."

"Die you fuckin' bastard!" Buddy yelled.

"I'm not feelin' the love," Randy said to Max as he handed him a slender metal rod with a torpedo shaped bullet on the end. The bullet had vertical brass bands at intervals from the tip to where it connected to the rod.

"Thanks, you got the electro ejaculator control box set?" Max asked.

"All ready," Randy answered as he kneeled down behind the cage and attached a suction tube on Buddy's limp cock. "Throw the switch for me, would you Todd?" When Todd threw the switch, the machine sucked in Buddy's cock right up to the base and started making a whining noise.

"What are you doing? Stop!" Buddy yelled.

"Here we go." Max lubed the end of the shaft then applied a liberal amount to Buddy's hole. Sliding his finger into the clenching little hole. It was tight enough that Max expected the Sherriff must be cherry. He fingered it a little more, making sure to work the lube in and enjoying the thought of opening up a straight boy's hole. "Might want to keep breathing Buddy. I understand this can be a bit intense." Without further warning Max pushed the bullet end of the rod into Buddy's ass.

Buddy screamed and that was before Max turned on the juice.

"Deep breath Buddy. You know this is how they do farm animals. 'Course, they usually sedate them. Get ready here we go." Max moved the probe back and forth a bit then turned on the power. The probe would send a cycling current that would last for one to two seconds, then repeat. Usually it would only take a few cycles of shock to the prostate to bring an ejaculation.

"FUCK! What are you doing?" Buddy's whole body tensed on the first pulse. "Please no, no, make it stop...make it stop. UUUUUGH!"

"Well look at that. Thank you Buddy, that is a real nice sample you gave us," Randy said as he watched the glass tube fill up from the suction hose. "This enough or you want another?"

"Let's do him again, Jared said we'd need a lot. May take a little longer for the second load."

"Fuck no, don't you can't do this to me! Please, no! You are going to be in such deep shit for thi.... AHHHH FUCK!"

By the time they were done, Buddy's whole body was shaking and he was whimpering but no longer yelling. They'd managed to get six good loads out of him in a record amount of time. Compared to the milking, getting his prints and the other samples didn't even make him flinch.

"When you're done, tie his balls to his ankles and rope his cock as well. Use the nipple clamps and if you want go head and use the 'J' clamp or the plug on his ass - your call," Max said as he walked out.

  • Scene 7 *

"These two are still out," Max said as he and the other guys walked into the playroom. The two young men were each strapped down to large stainless steel tables, with hands bound above their heads, and feet to the table. "We should be able to get everything we need from them before they ever wake up. Randy, you get to do the blood draw."

"No problem, we still have a good stock of supplies. When you told me they were decommissioning, I expected to find the place empty. You know, wires hanging down and empty drawers still left open."

"Nah. They used to have a full milking room and some rudimentary production labs when we started out. We've been way too big to do much here for years. We took out any of the production equipment and any remaining raw goods stock," Max said as he went to the cabinets and gathered the sample bags and equipment they needed.

"What do you want me and Todd to do?" Liam asked from the door.

"Go ahead and strip them down, but before you do, put on hair nets and scrubs. We've already contaminated them some just by bringing them in but let's not overdo it. Start with the blond."

"Damn Max, he's sweet," Todd exclaimed as he remove the last of the intruder's clothing.

Max brought the supplies over after he changed and scrubbed up. The young man on the table, Nick, was his name - had fine features, his hair was light brown with blond streaks and had been tied back in a ponytail. It had enough kinky curl to it, that there were loose strands hallowing his face. His complexion was milky white and smooth, with large pink nipples, a sparse light brown bush and a real smooth cock, not huge but real nice and to Max's mind very suckable. Even his legs were virtually hairless but with nice muscle tone. "Let Randy draw the blood first, then take some hair, pubic hair, fecal scrape if you can and then use this to get some skin cells."

"No jiz?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, but get the other stuff first," Max said as he started undressing the other runner.

"Do we need to use the probe? How you want us to juice him?" Liam asked as Todd and Randy worked on Nick.

"Hand job is fine, just make sure you put the collector on first. We don't need you contributing anything to the sample," Max laughed.

"You're no fun," Todd added.

"We'll have plenty of time to play with these two after the job's done. They don't know it yet but they just volunteered to be test subjects."

  • Scene 8 *

Max watched as the fear built in the young man's dark brown eyes. Max was counting this as a very lucky day, this one was just as pretty as his blond friend. Spread-eagled against the wall, Max was able to appreciate his beauty up close. Peter had thick wavy brown hair, a nice face, toned body with good muscles, smooth but with just enough hair in his pits and on his legs to make him look like a man and not a boy. Nice nipples and a good sized uncut cock hanging over very ripe balls. Max wondered if he had some Latino blood, given the skin tone. He knew from stripping him that his ass was nice and round, with a tight hole surrounded by just a hint of fine brown hair. Max teased the bowie knife up Peter's defined six pack, giving his best evil smile.

"It would be a shame to have to cut through such a pretty stomach Peter. Do you want to tell me how you and your friend found this place?" Max asked.

The questions went on for a while and fortunately under separate questioning they had given identical answers and with no cutting required. Though Nick was now without his pubic hair. A blade that close to his pride and joy had loosened his tongue immeasurably. The break-in was one of desperation, trying to escape from none other than the Sheriff. They were on the run and just holed up where they thought they'd be safe for a while. Now that Randy and Max had finished with the last bit of official work, they could have some fun. Jared and Frank had shown up and took Liam and Todd with them to set up the crime scene.

"Bring him on in Randy."

Randy entered the play room where Max was still entertaining Peter bound to the wall and now with a ball gag in his mouth. He brought a naked Nick on a leash behind him with his wrists bound and his legs shackled.

"Nick, you know this guy?" Randy asked leading Nick up to face Peter.

"Yes sir," Nick answered.

"He the one you've been running with?" Randy asked.

"Yes sir."

Max walked over and suggestively ran his hand up Nick's thigh to his ass and squeezed his cheek. "So you two friends, or are you lovers?" he asked.

"Shit! Just friends," Nick declared adamantly.

"Really? How could you resist this gorgeous hunk of man flesh?" Max asked as he walked back to Peter and lifted his limp cock with the flat side of his knife. Peter's eyes were wide and was doing his very best to move back away from Max.

"I'm not into guys sir," Nick responded - but in a tone that communicated a whole lot more to Randy and Max.

"A boy as sweet and pretty as you? Guess you'll just have to fake it," Max said as he pulled Nick forward and pushed him on his knees in front of Peter. "Suck his cock Nick. And make sure you do it real good."

"Hell No!" Nick objected.

"You want to start with the gag?" Randy asked Max.

"Yeah, the big one," Max said. Randy handed him the open mouth gag then gripped Nick's head pinching his nose closed so he'd open his mouth. Once he did, Max got the stainless steel spreaders in that held Nick's mouth wide open and Randy fastened it securely around his head.

"This is the hard way Nick but it will work and eventually, you'll get used to it," Max said as he pushed Nick's head forward and then put the slowly hardening cock into Nick's open mouth. Randy had his hands on either side of Nick's head and started moving him back and forth, letting Peter's cock slide across Nick's tongue. Peter was getting hard quickly.

"That's the way, he's nice and thick now. Good thing you can open wide or Peter wouldn't fit."

Nick was still trying to protest and pull away but with Max and Randy guiding him, he had no choice.

"Good boy," Max said. "Now that he's nice and hard, we're going to start going deeper, just remember to breathe when it slides out. That's it here we go..."

Nick choked and gagged as Nick's hard cock slid into his throat - but Randy was merciless, pushing him all the way forward, making him take it all the way down to Peter's base. After a few minutes, Nick was doing a little better and Peter had is eyes squeezed shut and his body was tense.

"That's it Nick, keep taking the pretty cock all the way down your throat. You'll be a great cock sucker in no time," Randy encouraged.

Then it hit, the orgasm started when Peter was deep in Nick's throat and Randy made Nick move in and out taking the full load down his is throat. Nick tried to swallow but choked a bit as there was just so much for him to handle.

"Good job Nick. Now if I take this off, will you finish him off proper or are you still going to fight us?" Max asked.

From the response it was clear that Nick was no more willing than when they started.

"You mind Randy?" Max asked tipping his head to Peter.

"No, be my guest," Randy said as he pulled Nick out of the way.

Max dropped to his knees and took Peter's still hard cock in his mouth. It was still wet with cum and Nick's spit and it tasted wonderful, so velvety smooth and ripe. Max sucked the remaining juice out of Peter then gave his cock and balls a thorough licking that had Peter moaning in no time. "He's real sweet Randy - you'll have to try him later. But I think Nick here needs another cock, you up for it?"

"Absolutely, Randy said as he unfastened his pants, dropped his fly and pulled out his ten inch boner. It was thick and straight, cut and as pale as Randy's creamy white skin.

Nick's eyes went wide at the sight of Randy's massive cock and his obvious intent to use Nick's mouth as a fuck hole.

Max walked behind Nick and moved him so that Peter had a good view of Randy's cock sliding into Nick's mouth and then held Nick tightly so Randy could shove his thick cock head into Nick's mouth. Randy barely fit with the braces still in Nick's mouth.

"It's tight but that just makes it better," Randy said as he worked his cock head in and out of Nick's trapped mouth.

"He's still fighting us. I think he's gonna' need a little help for that sweet monster of yours Randy," Max said. "Why are you still fighting it Nick?"

It was hard to decipher but what he got out around the gag sounded like he was no fag and they couldn't make him do this.

"Oh, but we can. You just don't get it Nick. Maybe we need to provide a little inspiration Randy, what do you think?" Max asked.

"Works for me, what did you have in mind?"

Max reached down and pulled Nick's bound writs away from his back and gripped his pinky. "I started thinking maybe if we cut off a finger or two, he'd get the message."

Nick struggled violently and was clearly trying to yell around his gag.

"But then..." Max released Nick's hands, slid his hand under Nick's ass and roughly grabbed his ball sack and used it to lift Nick's backside right off the ground while Nick's head hit the floor. Max took his bowie knife and scraped it along Nick's ball sack gripped tightly in his hand. "I thought why not make a little slit, just here... scoop out these useless balls... and feed them to him." Max continued to shave Nick's balls with the knife as he spoke.

"Bet you could even shove them in while he's got the gag on," Randy volunteered.

"You think that might loosen him up a little?" Max asked. He released Nick's ball sack dropping Nick to the floor and walked over to the cabinet. "I'm sure we had a ball scoop in here somewhere for doing a quick castration," Max continued as he looked through the equipment cabinet.

"You gonna' numb him first?" Randy asked.

"Hell no. We're teaching him a lesson."

Nick was violently shaking his head and was desperately trying to get Randy's cock back in his mouth.

"Think our little girl's had a change of heart Max," Randy said as Nick managed to get all of his massive meat down his throat.

"How about that. I found 'em so we'll leave them out just in case. But I did have another idea." Max opened the pharmacy cabinet and started routing through the contents. "Perfect... and one of these and these. Hey dude we are still well stocked for a weekend of fun."

Max grabbed a squirt water bottle, filled it and walked over to look at Nick working Randy. "A little more enthusiastic than before, don't ya think?"

"Oh yeah. Feelin' real good," Randy said with a smile.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna' make it even better. Pull out for a second and tip his head back." Max said. "Nick. I'm going to drop a pill in your mouth, then squirt some water. Be a good girl and swallow for me."

Nick's eyes were a little frantic but he did exactly what Max asked before taking Randy back in his mouth.

Max put on the latex gloves, ripped open the paper medical envelope and removed the plastic tube and plunger.

"Still think it looks like a tampon," Randy commented.

"Yeah, but it does a whole lot more," Max laughed applying some lube to the plastic.

"Haven't seen one of the jumbos in a while."

"We still make them, but for most of the subject work, we don't need anything this strong. I just thought it might help him over the hump," Max chuckled at his joke. "Okay Nick, you're going to feel a little pressure on your hole while I slide this in, then a nice warm feeling all over. Hope you're ready Randy - you're going to get a workout."

Max finished inserting the stimulant and removed the empty tube. He fingered the tight little pink hole a bit, wiping up the tiny drop of cream that leaded out. He went to the sink and removed the gloves washing his hands thoroughly before setting aside a second pair and the second envelope. "So Peter... did you like having Nick suck your dick?"

Peter hesitantly shook his head yes, his eyes still darting between Nick taking Randy, and Max. "Bet you've wanted to do that for a long time, haven't you Peter?"

Peter shook his head no and tried to stare at the floor.

Max reached up and removed the ball gag, letting the spit drip down Peter's chest. He dropped the ball gag to the floor and the leaned in close, putting his face up against Peter's, his lips right against Peter's ear. "It's okay Peter; he doesn't have to know... it can be just between you and me." Max said as he licked along Peter's ear. "I really like you Peter, you are so fine," Max said as his hand traced up Peter's washboard abs, to his pecs and then to the nipple that was already very hard. Max licked down Peter's throat, to his collar bone, then down his chest to the other nipple and gently teased it with his tongue... drawing a shudder and goose bumps from Peter.

"Randy. I think it's time to get serious," Max said as he untied his boots and started undressing.

"I am so with you," Randy said, disengaging from Nick and shucking his clothes. Revealing a body almost as muscular as Max's. But not as tall and where Max was dark with defining black body hair, and a ruddy complexion, Randy was almost as white and pale as Nick, no body hair and shaved baby smooth - the only hair on Randy was his strawberry blond crown. Both men were blessed, but Max was quick to point out that he beat Randy by a half-inch at 10 1/2. "Now Nick, let's get this started again." Randy lay back on the floor in front of Nick and spread his legs.

"That's damn fine," Max said admiring Randy spread on the floor. "So Peter, you okay princess?" Max asked with concern as it appeared Peter's eyes were about to come out of his head as he stared at Max. Max took the opportunity to put his arms up and flex, showing off his washboard abs, huge muscular legs and very hard and large manhood. Max then moved into Peter again, who was still bound to the wall. Max started rubbing his body up against Peter. "So let me ask you again princess, about Nick..." Max moved in and started working Peter's ear again while his body rubbed the full length of Peter, tickling Peter's cock with his dark pubic hair and balls. "If the answer's yes, give me tongue, if the answer's no, hold back," Max whispered in Peter's ear, his hot breath still bringing goose bumps.

"Did you ever wonder what it'd be like to go down on Nick or fuck Nick's pretty bubble ass?" Max asked as he moved to kissing Peter on the mouth. It was pretty one sided when Max parted Peter's lips but then a hesitant tongue quickly responded and withdrew. "Mmmmm. You taste good. Did you like fucking Nick's mouth?" Max kissed into Peter's mouth and again a darting answer from Peter's tongue. This time Max captured the tongue and sucked it deep into his mouth, then explored Peter with his own tongue, still running his hands over Peter's body and caressing him with his body. "Are you scared Peter? Why are you still resisting?" Again the furtive dart of the tongue and then nothing. "Nothing to be afraid of Peter, I really want you and I will take care of you. Just don't fight it, let go," Max said then reached up and released the wrist restraints.

Peter's arms almost fell around Max from the fatigue and then slowly relaxed as Max passionately kissed Peter, using his hands to explore Peter's lower back and ass, rubbing hard against him.

"I have a present for you Peter. You saw what I inserted in to Nick... right?" Max asked. Peter nodded hesitantly.

"The one for you is a little different, not nearly so strong. Trust me," Max said as he disengaged from Peter, put on the gloves and returned with the lubed inserter. "Real gentle, just relax." Max coached as he found Peter's hole, he teased it with his finger, rubbing some lube around the lips and gently pushing in - just a bit, just to the first knuckle. He swirled his finger carefully opening up the tight, clenching muscle and then pushed the tube all the way in. He released the contents and then just as gently removed it and cleaned up.

"Randy, you should be able to remove that gag now. I think Nick 'll be more than willing to continue without," Max teased.

Randy reached up and unfastened the gag, then undid the wrist restraints on Nick. Without a pause, Nick dove into Randy's crotch wrapping an arm around each of his thighs and began licking and sucking like a mad man.

Peter's eyes went a little wide at the sight of his friend's change in attitude. He looked to Max with question written clearly on his face.

Max unfastened the leg shackles on Peter then pulled him tightly against him. Drawing Peter in again for deep tongue kissing. "Pretty soon, your ass is going to start feeling warm and tingly. Then you'll notice a strange feeling, sort of like your hole has its own hard-on and is super sensitive. Then gradually, you'll start feeling empty and hungry like that hole really, really needs to have something inside. That feeling will grow and grow until you stimulate your ass. But the only thing that will actually feed the need and make the hunger go away is man seed. Deep inside your body. It makes sex much more rewarding, much more intense and so very memorable. You got a light dose; your friend there got the jumbo. For him who knows it might take, eight? Ten? Maybe twenty fucks, each person's a little different on how they react and how much cum it takes to neutralize the stimulant. See, when you do what I ask, I take care of you..." Max ended as he licked down Peter's stomach and took his hard cock firmly in his mouth.

"Please, please no," Peter begged.

"No what? You don't like being sucked?" Max asked moving back up to kiss Peter.

"Please don't. I don't want to."

"Doesn't it feel good? Max asked as Peter's eyes kept darting to his hard monster cock. "Are you afraid of how big I am Peter?"

"Please don't. I can't..." Peter said shaking his head no.

"Peter. Tell you what. I won't fuck your ass unless you ask me to. Would that make you feel better?" Max asked in a serious tone. Knowing full well that before long the stimulant would take hold and Peter would be begging for it and size wouldn't even enter his mind.

"Promise?" Peter asked hesitantly.

"Absolutely swear... unless you ask me to," Max smiled.

"Fuck YEAH!" Randy yelled.

Max looked over to enjoy the view of Nick struggling to cope with the copious amounts of man seed being pumped down his throat.

"So he starting to warm up?" Max asked.

"Oh yeah. You can tell when they start warming up, it hasn't hit him fully but no other way he could deep throat me that quickly or with such enthusiasm," Randy laughed. "Come on sweetie, turn around and let me see your pussy."

"You sure you want to? I gave him a jumbo, it takes a good while for his body to absorb it all - wouldn't want to eat up any spill over unintentionally..." Max warned.

"I'm okay with that... makes it easier for me to swallow you. I mean I'm getting better but I don't mind a little help," Randy joked as he grabbed the two white cheeks and opened them to show the puckering hole. "Mmmmm."

"What was the pill you gave Nicky, was it bad?" Peter asked in a whisper.

"No. It won't hurt him but it does remove any inhibitions and acts as an extremely strong aphrodisiac. For the next eight to twelve hours, he'll fuck and suck anyone who'll have him. Different people describe it in different ways - some say it turns you into a nympho other say in makes you into a total cum whore. Either way the results are the same."

"Will he remember?" Peter asked with panicked look on his face. "Do I have to take one too?"

"I don't think so, depends on how much you fight us and will he remember? Absolutely, every pleasurable lick, every thrust, every drop, every kiss... and the worst part for someone like him is it also extremely, and I mean extremely euphoric and orgasmic. The best sex you can ever imagine if you don't mind losing total control. He'll never be able to lie to himself and say he didn't enjoy it, that it wasn't what he wanted, that it was an abomination because he'll never have felt anything so good," Max said returning his full attention to Peter. "But you will get every bit as much pleasure and more if you allow me." Max moved into Peter causing him to be off balance.

Peter wrapped his arms around Max and collapsed into him. It was either that or fall on the floor.

Max enjoyed the heat of Peter's body, the swell of his cock pressed tight against Max's stomach, his firm muscles and smooth back. "You starting to feel the warmth yet?" Max asked nuzzling into Peter's neck, causing more goose bumps and eliciting small moans.

Peter responded by burying his face in Max's neck while Max continued to explore Peter's hard body. "Peter, it's time for you to return the favor for Nick. Get on the floor and suck him while Randy works on Nick's hole."

Peter gave Max a startled and questioning look, then hesitantly approached and figured out a position, lying on his back where he could take Nick's hard cock into his mouth.

Max watched Peter hesitation and then Peter's realization of how much he wanted to do it. The confident way he took the cock in his mouth and started working it, eyes closed, enjoying the taste, the sensation of Nick's smooth hard cock sliding in and out of his mouth. Max also enjoyed the rapturous look on Nick's face as he had his cock devoured and his pussy being expertly licked and tongue fucked by a very enthusiastic and experienced man. "That is so damn hot."

"His mouth is empty Max - you should take care of that," Randy encouraged.

"Most definitely," Max said as he knelt in front of Nick, straddling Peter and put his monster cock to Nick's lips.

Nick didn't even open his eyes before going down on the huge cock. Hungrily sucking it down and taking Max deep, like the pro he was soon to become.

Max felt the change in Nick and smiled, he knew that Peter was about to get a mouthful. He was sure Nick would have cried out if Max's cock weren't blocking his airways at the moment. But it seemed that Peter was doing fine and took the load and sucked it down.

Nick pulled back enough so that he could speak and looked over his shoulder to Randy. "Please, please I want more inside."

"Max, this hole is so hot and ready. And my finger, as you heard, is just not enough."

"Nick. Do you want Peter to fuck your ass?" Max asked.

"Yes, yes, please," Nick said moving around and pushing his ass up in the air.

"You heard him Peter."

Peter moved behind Nick and rubbed his cock up and down the pale wet crack, teasing Nick's hole until Nick reached around and grabbed him and pulled him in.

Peter groaned as Nick pushed himself back onto Peter's hard cock and immediately started thrusting his ass back and forth.

"I think he's gone Max and has moved into fuck frenzy... ha ha... just how I like 'em."

Peter was now flat on his back as Nick rode his pole like a mad man. His eyes were wild and he kept trying to grab on to something as he watched his friend's pale muscular body slide up and down his manhood in a frenzy. "Fuck, fuck. So intense... oh God... I'm gonna' shoot."

"Don't ya just love it Randy? Watching too hot young bucks fuck their brains out, could have been enjoying each other all this time and only now do they find out how good they are together."

"Yeah and the night is still young."

"AAAHHHH!" Peter screamed as he shot his load into the pounding ass. But Nick didn't slow down, just continued to milk Peter mercilessly as the sweet cum started squirting out his ass around Peter's cock. "God! Stop... too intense. Please stop!" Peter yelled.

"No, I want more. God you feel so fucking good Peter. Your cock is so big and it feels so tight and smooth."

"Nick, you could ride my cock," Randy said as he leaned back, spreading his muscular thighs wide and stroking his huge wet cock. Then he lifted his heavy balls and wiggled his ass suggestively.

Nick didn't miss a beat. He stood up releasing Peter and was over straddling Randy, trying to get Randy's huge cock in his tiny wet hole. "Please, please, in me, put it in me," Nick begged.

"Glad to," Randy answered as he guided his cock into Nick's dripping hole. Letting him take a little at a time until he was firmly planted and riding the massive cock.

"Did you like that Peter? Was Nick as good as you imagined?" Max asked running his hand up Peter's inner thigh.

"Yeah, fuck that was so good."

"Do you mind if I lick you clean?" Max asked, coaxing another hard-on out of Peter.

"No, it's okay."

"Good." Max wrapped his arms firmly around Peter's legs and went to work, licking, sucking and biting until Peter was moaning and squirming in his arms. "I could lick your hole if you wanted..."

"Please! Please!" Peter said arching his back to put his hole closer to Max's mouth.

Max licked along Peter's balls again then down the fine line of hair to his hole and teased him around the edges, licking the firm muscular globes, the sensitive skin in his crack and between his balls and his hole - but he avoided the puckered pink skin that so called out to him.

"Please sir, please, eat my hole. I'll do anything you want but please touch me there."

Max went very slowly and delicately, teasing the sweet hole, using the tip of his tongue, skimming over the top, then around the edges while Peter struggled more and more to push his hole against Max's mouth. Max blew on Peter's hole and enjoyed watching him writhe. Then took pity on him and gently slid his tongue into the hole, opening Peter up.

"Yes! Yes! More, God I want more!" Peter yelled.

Max gave Peter an excellent rimming and tongue job and enjoyed the moans and groans he got from him, though he was occasionally distracted by Nick's equally enthusiastic screams about being fucked by Randy.

Nick was now on his back, legs thrown up over his head with Randy power driving his hole while Nick continued to yell "deeper, harder and faster" between his own moans and groans of pleasure.

"Sir, please fuck me. I want your cock inside me... please," Peter begged.

"Peter, you said you didn't want me to take you like that. Are you sure?"

"Yes! Yes! Please fuck me."

"My pleasure." Max smiled to himself as he flipped Peter back a little more and lined up his monster cock with that pink tight hole. Peter was very well lubed and with the stimulants taking full control he knew Peter could easily handle him. Max gently slid into that tight, hot man hole. "You are real fine Peter. This hole was meant to be fucked."

"More, more, go deeper... yes, yes!" Peter screamed as Max started thrusting and driving his thick massive cock inside the virgin hole. Max enjoyed the pretty young face and the tight body wrapped around his throbbing cock. Sadly he knew that he'd blow quickly, given how tight and hot Peter was. But that was okay, because he also knew he'd get many, many more chances to fuck him again.

"Holy shit!" Came the yell from the door. "You start the fucking party without us? We're out busting our asses, working! And you two are here boning the new girls!" Todd put his hands on his hips and shook his head while Liam just smiled and started undressing.

"Quit yer bitchin' and join us," Randy called back.

Liam had stripped to show off his very slender lean body, covered in freckles and showed off a bright red bush with a long slender cock that seemed to fit with his body. Todd was a little slower undressing but he contrasted nicely with Liam. Todd was a coffee with cream color, with a thick uncut cock, black bush and round bulging muscles.

Randy had finished depositing another load into Nick and turned him over to Liam while Todd took the opportunity to win points with the senior guard.

"You look a little messy, can I clean you up?" Todd asked moving in to kiss Randy.

"Abso-fucking-lutely!" Randy said kissing Todd back with gusto. Randy moved around so he was 69 with Todd, taking Todd into his mouth while Todd worked to lick him clean.

Max kissed Peter as he fucked him, timing his tongue exploration with his thrusts.

Peter was now moaning almost constantly and had wrapped his body tightly around Max as he was being fucked.

"Oh, so very sweet. You're my princess aren't you Peter?" Max asked into Peter's mouth.

"Yes, just fuck me, more... more."

Max exploded deep inside Peter and slowly slid out pulling back to look into those dark fluttering eyes. He smiled to himself when he saw that Peter had blown a load while he was being fucked. The cum was still on his stomach and Max's. Max leaned down and started licking the jiz off of Peter.

Max felt hands and then a tongue, tracing his spine. The heat reached his ass and Max couldn't help bending forward and throwing his own ass in the air. He was rewarded as warm hands spread his cheeks and a hot wet tongue found his hole and started working him. Max leaned forward and captured Peter's mouth and let Peter swallow his moans at the pleasure from his hole.

"Oh... I so want to fuck this hole," Randy said between licks.

"I so want you to fuck my hole," Max responded. "Why don't you and I take our princess up to our room and make it a night of threesome fucking? I would love to fuck him again with you inside me, and then fuck you while you're inside Peter."

"What about Nick?" Randy asked looking over at his young blond nympho. Nick had Todd deep in his mouth while Liam was pounding his ass. "Never mind. Nick is well taken care of."

"Don't worry; you'll be fucking him again by morning," Max laughed. "With the stuff I gave him, he'll still be going strong. Think we'll all get a couple more times with his sweet smooth ass before he comes down. You'd like that wouldn't you princess?" Max asked turning back to Peter, with Peter's stiff cock still firmly in his grasp.

"Yes, I'd like that. Will Randy fuck me too?" Peter asked between kisses.

"You want him to? Our deal was - if you asked."

"Please, please I want Randy to fuck me too."

"Your wish is granted," Max said as he lifted Peter and carried him over his shoulder up to their bedroom.

END Chapter 6

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', and Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 7

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