By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Mar 21, 2016



Spiderman and all the character mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...





It was the first day since lieutenant Marcus Andrew Stone found himself out of a job [no longer running CODE: Blue (the city's emergency response to unusual and dangerous circumstances)...], and found all of his unexpected free time stifling!

Never one for video games or movies, he didn't know what else to DO with himself if he wasn't working! He was already starting to climb the walls, when there was an unexpected knock at the door...! Not one for casual drop by visitors, he grabbed his trusty civilian gun down from the closet, then tip-toed to the door and yanked it open quickly [hoping to get the JUMP on whoever was standing on the other side]...!

"SURPRISE!" yelled his former team, holding a case of beer, liquor, and snacks...!

Stone was utterly surprised...!

"Wha...? What'r you guys doing here...?" he asked [lowering his weapon]...!

"We lost OUR jobs too, loot...!" said Fireworks [Dan Fielstein] walking by, carrying a case of beer!

"We were ALL reassigned to other departments..." said Rugs [Ruger Ruiz], carrying the other case of beer...! "...we start tomorrow...!"

"I'm sorry, guys..." apologized Stone [leaning back against the open door as they all piled in one by one...! "...I had no idea THIS would happen...! That the mayor would target the whole TEAM...!"

"Ain't nobody blaming you, loot..." said Mad Dog [Julius Rassitano (carrying all of the snacks)...], kissing Stone openly on the cheeks before walking in...! "...it was bound to happen to us sooner or later...!"

"The kid's right..." said Sam Majowski [aka: `Pops' (the only member to officially retire after getting butt-raped by The Green Goblin) back in chap-13], carrying liquor...! "...nothing last forever...!"

"SAM!" said Stone, giving his longtime partner a big HUG as the 2 men hadn't seen each other since Sam's refusal to come back to work...! "I missed you, buddy...!"

"I missed YOU too...!" said Sam! "Now we can HANG together again...! Play chest in the park, like all the other OLD men...!" he laughed, regarding Stone's free time!

"I don't know how you handle it, Sam..." said Stone, closing the door behind them as the others started setting up shop in the kitchen [searching the cabinets for bowels for the snacks and glasses for the alcohol]...! "...ONE DAY off the force and I'm already ready to climb the walls...!"

"I've got 2 words for you..." whispered Sam, "...'The Dungeon'...!" he smiled, recalling how he and Stone used to cut up a few years ago...!

Stone got Sam's drift, as The Dungeon was a place where MEN went to be wild for the evening! Stone instantly recalled a few times when HE had been strapped into a suspended harness and fucked several times by some of the party goers...! It was obvious that Sam started going back there during his early retirement!

Stone patted his buddy on the back, showing him into the rest of the apartment, when Mad Dog suddenly handed him a beer and asked [discreetly]: `What's The Dungeon'...?" after reading Sam's lips...!

"I'll SHOW you one day...!" whispered Stone, as they headed into the party...!



In a cheap motel in Harlem, where Eugene Thomson [more commonly known as: Flash Thomson] lay on a lumpy mattress in his roach & rat infested room, withering about in bed, his cock getting sucked masterfully while his anus was being plunged with the biggest cock he'd ever experienced...!

"Ohgod...no more...! No more, please...? Uhhh...Uhhh...Urhhh...Urhhh...ohh...! I'm gonna CUM again...! NO...!" he panted [breathlessly], feeling as if his cock was being held deeply in someone's throat [against his will], their neck muscles rippling around the length of his embedded cock as he squirmed about in blissful agony in bed...! Flash had already experienced nearly 100 orgasms since finding himself infused with The Alien Symbiont now known as: Venom!

The alien [which first bonded with Peter Parker] bonded with Flash [physically and mentally], seeking to become ONE with his DNA...! As part of its bonding ritual, it extracts seminal fluids from its host, which then allows it to seep that much faster into the wearer's molecular structure...! When Parker finally realized that The Symbiont wanted to enslave him mind, body, and soul...he discovered that the alien wasn't going to go away without a fight [chap-25]!

Flash could feel himself coming to another painful orgasm, as The Symbiont suckling his 8" cock raw, while churning his balls about [as if in another person's mouth]! Whenever Flash tried to pry the alien off, it just latched itself tighter and sucked harder, making his cock pulsate and throb within the vacuum seal of its sucking sheath!

The Symbiont learned [from extractions with Parker] that the host body gives bigger sperm deposits when its prostate is being simultaneously simulated..., hence the large [dildo like] object pommeling Flash's rectum, battering his poor prostate viscously, looking to receive a huge payoff!

"OHGOD...! OHGOD...! OHGOD...!" panted Flash, feeling his body betray him as it started to go into violent convulsions...! "ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled, as the sperm ejecting from his aching balls...only producing a tiny trickle of semen [due to depletion]..., but The Symbiont [hungry for more] climbed up into his piss-slit, digging through his urethra for any residue semen lingering about in the shaft!

"AHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!" screamed Flash, practically passing out from the pain/pleasure ripping through his body...!

"NO MORE! NO MORE, PLEASE...!" he shouted, jumping up from the bed, trying to escape his erotic torture! Unfortunately The Symbiont remained with him, still latched to his erect cock, and still emerged in his widening rectum, already pumping for more semen...!

"NO...PLEASE..." he begged, leaping onto one of the hotel's walls...! "...I need TIME to rest...! PLEASE...!" he groveled, needing a break! The Symbiont decided to give Flash the break he most desperately needed...shrinking the size of the `mass' in his ass, as well as recede from his sore and swollen cock...!

"Yes..." said Flash, falling back onto the bed in relief...! "...THANK YOU...!"

He knew it wouldn't be long before the symbiont was at it again...wanting MORE cum from him, and doing everything in its power to MAKE him produce it plentifully...! He'd have to find another guinea-pig to suffer the symbiont's thirst...! He needed to find Spiderman! And he needed him NOW!



Peter Parker had no idea WHERE to start looking for his former friend Flash Thompson...! He hadn't seen Flash since the day of his aunt May's funeral, where he fucked Flash [rather brutally] in one of the cemetery's mausoleums [chap-5]!

Peter knew he treated Flash shitty back then, not to mention practically ruining his life after setting him up to be found ass-naked on his hands and knees under the bleachers by the HS football team! With the rejected alien symbiont now merged with Flash, feeding off his anger, it was a miracle that Flash hadn't attacked him already! Perhaps he was saving the best for last...?

Peter knew he couldn't very well swing through the air on a web-line as Spiderman..., not while he was an escapee from justice! He HAD to find Flash and put a stop to his evil schemes before the cops could recapture him and charge him for Flash's murders!

Unable to go about as Spiderman, he borrowed Lt. Stone's car, checking out OLD handouts that Flash and his friends liked to frequent as teenagers! He checked the school, the gym, the practice field, Flash's parents' house, the pizza parlor, the playground, anywhere Flash might visit nostalgically, coming up short every time!

MEANWHILE The Six was searching everywhere from Brooklyn to Manhattan for the elusive Spiderman, but also coming up empty! Unfortunately The Daily Bugle ran a STORY in their early addition, calling New York's newfound super-team `The Insidious Six' in its headline instead of The Six..., after reporting how the armored car they saved from being stolen by hijackers, turned up SHORT on the money returned to them, despite all the hijackers being caught at the scene of the heist [which happened in chap-29]! Since no one could explain where the money went, The Bugle eluded that the only logical explanation was that The Six stole it, making them just as guilty as the criminals they sought to arrest!

Of course this didn't go over well with The Six, who had just signed a 3 million dollar deal with The City Of New York to become its newest `special forces' unit [to replace CODE: Blue]!

J. Jonah Jameson [owner of The Daily Bugle] went on television that morning saying that the paper was standing by its story, saying that an `anonymous source' confirmed that The Six aren't who they pretend to be!

WHERE did these guys come from...? WHO are they...? WHY are they here...?' asked Jameson, during a press conference to defend his paper...! Nobody's really ASKED these questions...! But I have the answers! I know The Six aren't who they pretend to be! I know they aren't HEROES! And I know they can't be trusted! Not with something as important as the city!'

"That OLD bastard...!" yelled Herman [Shocker], standing in The Six's new penthouse apt. in Manhattan [overlooking the city]; watching Jameson's press conference on TV...! "WHO the fuck is HE to be saying all this shit about us...?! And WHO is this anonymous source he's talking about...?!"

"Good question..." said Mac, "...I know it wasn't one of US...! We're ALL in this together!"

"I say we go down to The Daily Bugle and ASK Jameson who is source is face to face!" suggested Herman, staring out the window at The Bugle Building over NY's skyline...!

"Fucking-A!" agreed Mac!

"And THEN what...?" asked Dwayne [Rogue-One], "Rough him up...? Kill him...? Is THAT what we are now...? I thought we were supposed to be HEROES!"

"If we weren't willing to DO what we DID and cut corners through the bullshit..., we'd still be staying at that cheap bedbug infested motel..." said Mac, "...instead of THIS $2000 dollar a week hotel the city put us up in...!

"YOU suggest we go back to being nobodies and living in squallier...?"

"I'm just not comfortable hurting people...!" said Dwayne! "THAT'S not what I signed up for...!"

"Me neither!" said Tae [The Transformer]!

Herman and Mac both turned towards Dwayne and Tae..., angry expressions written clearly across their serious faces...!

"I'm really getting SICK of hearing you 2 bitch and whine about what path we take and what we should and shouldn't be doing...! WHO died and made YOU TWO boss...?" asked Herman, visibly angry as he looked as if he were about to strike one of them physically...!

"If I find out one of YOU two bitches were the `source' they're talking about..., Spiderman and Jameson won't be the only ones on my HIT-LIST!"

"Wha...what makes you think WE had anything to do with any of that...?" asked Tae [suddenly scared for his life]! "We wouldn't do anything like that! We're all in this together!"

Mac studied the 2 minority's faces...

"You'd BETTER be...!" he said, as they all went to gear-up in their metal suits...!



J. Jonah Jameson stepped off the elevator on the floor to his office! Almost immediately he was bombarded by editors being asked to retract their story! Jameson barked out that The Bugle wouldn't be retracting anything...!...then ordered one of his best reporters to find out what he could about the school The Six went to..., wanting the backstory on each and every member!

"uh, sir..." said Jameson's secretary, "...Peter Parker's in your office...!"

"Is he...?" asked Jameson, looking on ahead [suddenly reminded how it must have looked to his staff watching him get butt-raped by Parker through the giant plate windows covering his office]...!

All eyes were on Jameson as he walked into his office [none of the staff had seen the 2 together since the rape]...!

"Parker..." said the older man, closing the glass door behind him! "...I'm glad to see you're still alive...!" he joked [after hiring a hitman to kill Parker (chap-27)], placing his suit jacket on a coatrack...!

"Is it safe to assume that since you're back here..., that you're ready to resume your old job...?"

"uh, sir...yes sir...!" answered Parker, standing [after sitting in one of Jameson's 2 waiting chairs]! "Thank you, Mr. Jameson...for letting me come back...after I...did what I did...!"

Jameson walked around the desk, keeping a wary eye on Parker the whole time!

"What happened to the hitman...?" he asked, curiously [having heard nothing of it on the news or from police]...!

"I uh...CONVINCED him to move to Europe...!" answered Parker.

"Europe...?" laughed Jameson! "I'd love to hear HOW you managed to do that..." he said, reaching into his desk draw...! "...but FIRST I'd like to give you something you most certainly deserve...!"

Parked saw Jameson handing him what looked like a check...! "You were right! A deal's a deal!" he said, as Parker read how much the check was for [$5000]!

"Mr. Jameson, you don't have to..."

"Fair's fair Parker..." said Jameson, cutting Pete off! "...perhaps if I did what I was supposed to from the beginning...what happened wouldn't have happened...?"

"I can't apologize enough, sir...!" said Parker, sincerely!

"Don't mention it, Parker...!" said Jameson, shaking the youngster's hand! "I MEAN it, Parker..., never mention it again...! Really!"

Parker nodded his head, realizing Jameson was serious...while outside the office, they heard the staff erupt in applause, all happy to see the 2 men make up!

Just THEN something crashed through Jameson's outside office window..., causing the sudden influx of wind to blow the papers on Jameson's desk to fly about the room [haywire] before being sucked out of the broken window...!

"Vulture...!" said Parker, as the winged adventurer blasted Peter through the glass wall [knocking him into the newsroom], before snatching Jameson and leaping out of the window...!

"PETER...!" yelled the staff, rushing to Parker's aid [while also calling security]...!

"Don't move, Parker..." advised one of the editors, "...an ambulance is on its way...!"

"No..." said Parker, pushing his way through the gathering crowd...! "...I've got to save Jameson...!" he yelled, rushing for the nearby stairwell!

Running up the stairs to the roof, Parker stripped his clothing [webbing his personal items to the side of the building] before leaping off the edge, searching for The Six!

NEARBY Vulture dumped J. Jonah Jameson on a nearby rooftop, at the feet of his companions [Shocker, Scorpion, Mysterio, Rogue-One, and Transformer]!

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, old man...!" said Scorpion [as Jameson got up on his own 2 feet to face his attackers]...! "HOW do you know so much about us...? WHO've you been talking to...?!"

"I don't know SQUAT about you..." said Jameson, unintimidated by the metal group! "...that's the whole problem! You came out of nowhere, demanding money to keep the city safe! Sounds a lot like THE CRIMINAL MINDED to me...!"

"We're not playing with you, old man...!" yelled Scorpion, gripping Jameson's collar! "You have ONE more chance to tell us WHO squealed on us..., OR they'll be cleaning your blood spats off the sidewalk...! Now TALK!"

"I'm not afraid of you..." said Jameson, defiantly! "...someone'll stop you...!"

"Yeah...?" laughed Scorpion, "Who...?"

"SPIDERMAN!" said Jameson, just as the wall-crawler appeared out of nowhere, swinging through on a web-line, kicking Scorpion in the back of his metal head and sending him careening into a nearby wall!

Meanwhile Spidey also grabbed up Jameson, taking him with him as they quickly leaped off the rooftop, escaping!

"WHATHEFUCK...!?? Get him!" yelled Shocker, as Vulture [the only Six member able to fly] leapt off the building after them, expanding his metal wings as he took to chasing the pair!

Spidey landed on another nearby rooftop, kicking IN the emergency exit door so Jameson could escape on his own! As the older man ran down the stairs, Spidey leapt off the edge, drawing his pursuer(s) in another direction [away from Jameson]!

{`Vulture...do you have a visual on him yet...?'} asked Shocker, as he and his team got to street level as fast as they could [some braving the side of the building, crawling down, while others used the stairs]...!

"I've got a visual..." informed Vulture, seeing Spiderman swinging from web to web...! "...follow my GPS...! I'm going after him!" he said, swooping down like a dive bomber, his sharp metal wings gleaming in the sunlight as he came within striking range of the wall-crawler!

He was just about to attack, when Spiderman [sensing impending danger through his tingly `spidey-sense'], bounced off a nearby building, abruptly changing directions and causing Vulture's wing to cut straight through the wall's concrete surface...!...leaving a long SCAR along the length of the building before flying on in hot pursuit!

Spiderman disappeared behind another building...! However when The Vulture rounded the same corner, he sped directly into a giant spider web, strategically placed by our favorite web-head!

Once Vulture was entangled, Spidey leaped in [out of nowhere] and pommeled Vulture, purposely ripping off his wings [grounding him], before leaving him unconscious and entangled, hovering 40ft above ground!

Just then Rouge-One and Transformer came speeding around the corner [Rogue-One was riding Transformer like a motorcycle]...!

"THERE...!" said the Asian, spotting Vulture's GPS signal above...!

"And THERE'S Spiderman...!" said Rogue-One, revving Transformer's engine before speeding off down the street after him!

"Are you SURE we're on the right side, Dwayne...?" asked Transformer [acting as Rogue-One's motorcycle]! "Did you see the way Herman threatened to throw that old man off the building...? Do you think he would've really done it...?"

"I don't know..." said Rogue-One, keeping an eye on Spidey as he continued to swing ahead of them as they dodged pedestrians and traffic...! "...and THAT really scares me...!"

Just then, a glop of sticky webbing shot against Transformer's front tire, causing the entire bike to flip forward [with Rogue-one on it], sending the metal clad African American into a storefront window...!

Transformer converted into `robot' form, ripping the webbed tire from the street! Spiderman was perched alongside the downtown building, when a massive shockwave suddenly ripped through the area, causing the storefront to cave in and collapse [crushing several parked cars as pedestrians ran for their lives]...!

"Shocker! What the hell...??" yelled Transformer, watching all the ciaos he just started! "DWAYNE was in that building...!"

"Sacrifices must be made..." said Shocker, climbing over the rubble to search for his query...! "...for the bigger picture...!"

Shocker found Spidey's red gloved hand sticking out of the bricks, as he physically pulled him out in the open...preparing to hit him with another shockwave [up-close]!

But before he could trigger his powers, a nunchuk was thrown at his face, beaming him in the forehead, knocking him on his ass! "Tae, get Spiderman OUT of here...!" yelled Rogue-One [having crawled himself from under the rubble], as Tae Shi Shu transformed from `robot' form, back into a motorcycle, then sped off with an unconscious Spidey thrown across the back...!

Shocker brushed off the effects of the nunchuk, then said into his radio..., "I think we found out WHO our trader is...!", before firing another shockwave in Dwayne's direction, knocking him off his feet AND destroying several storefronts to boot...!

"Get Transformer...!"

{`Not a problem...!'} said Scorpion, he and Mysterio in hot pursuit in a stolen vehicle!

"Can't YOU use your `illusion' powers to stop them somehow...?" asked MacDonald, glancing over at his [fishbowl] helmeted wearing partner...!

"Won't work..." said Mysterio [Quentin], from the passenger's seat! "...not with Tae's metal helmet blocking access to his mind...and Spiderman unconscious...!"

"Geez, what good ARE you...?" said Mac, growing more and more frustrated with his own team...! "You know, when this's all over..., there's gonna be a major revamping of who gets what with the salary shares...!"

"I haven't seen YOU do much better...!" argued Quentin [not liking being referenced as `useless']...!

"Keep watching...!" promised Scorpion, cutting Transformer off on a cross street, bumping him [hard] into oncoming traffic as the motorcycle flipped a wheelie before going airborne...!

Spiderman flipped off the back of the bike as Transformer crashed to the ground! Scorpion drove straight through an iron fence in pursuit [as pedestrians ran for cover]! Scorpion jumped out of the SUV he was driving, then leaped through the air and slammed his cybernetic scorpion-tail into one of his teammates! Tae was in the middle of transforming back into robot form when he was hit!

Scorpion quickly followed up his attack with a destructive repulsor beam, shot directly from the tip of his tail! The impact sent Transformer flying backwards into the lake [the iron from Tae Shi Shu's metal costume sent him directly to the bottom of the lake...and with his suit damaged in the fight, he wouldn't be able to free himself before drowning]...!

Spiderman was just starting to regain consciousness when his `senses' told him to MOVE! Leaping out of the way [just in the nick of time], he avoided being slammed by Scorpion's tail!

Spidey then shot webbing over Scorpion's goggles [blinding him], then webbed his legs, feet, tail and torso, binding him like a living mummy! He was just about to jump into the lake to retrieve Transformer, when his MIND was suddenly struck with a horrible illusion!

"AHHHH...!!" screamed Spidey, grabbing his head before falling to his knees in severe pain [or so he believed], withering about on the ground as if being stomped alive!

In Spidey's mind he was being physically accosted by a large group of black prison inmates! As the only [lone] white male, they swarmed him, beating him senseless until he was barely conscious! Then they ripped off his prison uniform and threw him face down across a bench and proceeded to fuck his mouth and ass simultaneously! Spidey could literally FEEL their big hard black cocks ripping into his body, pummeling him front and back, using his tight holes to get off in!

In reality Mysterio calmly walked up on the fallen hero, then roughly shoved his hand curiously down the back of Spidey's tights, then shoved his 2 middle fingers straight up his convulsing anus [finger-fucking him right there in the center of Central Park]!

Diverting everyone's attention elsewhere [with more illusions], he peeled down the back of Spidey's pants, exposing his bare bottom! Pulling the muscled cheeks apart, he longed to taste the web=slinger's anus, but couldn't remove his helmet without risking losing control of the crowd!

Instead he just held the cheeks open and watched the anus react to the illusions that it was being fucked! He could SEE Spidey's tight anus pouting and puckering, then saw it open wide, simulating getting fucked by a big cock! Spiderman grunted and groaned in [imagined] physical pain as imaginary inmates took him like a bitch in heat! He could feel the cocks ripping through his throat, causing his neck muscles to balloon! When the inmates came inside him, his holes throbbed before returning to normal shape, just before another [BIGGER] cock penetrated straight through, stretching them wide again, leaving them pulsating juicily!

"UHG...!" yelled Mysterio, the back of his helmet caved in after being cracked open by Rogue-One...! Mysterio fell to the ground [unconscious], as Dwayne rushed to Spiderman's side...!

"I took CARE of Shocker...! Where's Transformer...?" he asked, seeing his friend nowhere...!

"Th...the...lake...!" said Spiderman, trying to fight off the effects of the illusion [as did the crowds surrounding them nearby]...!

Dwayne ran towards the lake, then dove in...! Scorpion was still withering about on the ground [trying to get untangled], when Spidey walked over and clumped him on the top of the head [knocking him out]!

Police sirens could be heard in the near distance! A few minutes later Rogue-One emerged from the lake carrying Tae's body...! Spidey rushed to his aid, ripping off his mask to give the Asian mouth to mouth resuscitation..., but it was too late...!


Spiderman vanished before police could arrive..., however Dwayne Taylor [Rogue-One] told police that it was The Six that was responsible for the destruction of the city! He also informed them that it was HE who was The Daily Bugle's unnamed `source' who told Jameson that The Six weren't the heroes they were pretending to be!

The city held a huge conference, with the mayor taking responsibility for the fiasco [for hiring The Six in the first place]! Police stripped The Six of their metal uniforms, before arresting him and for grand theft, defrauding the city, property damage, and the murder of Tae Shi Shu!

However the mayor continued to hold Spiderman as an outlaw, despite Rogue-One's and J. Jonah Jameson's tails otherwise!



The party at lieutenant Stone's one bedroom apt. was winding down, when officer Fielstein [Fireworks] looked at the time and realized his wife must be climbing the walls with the kids all by herself...!

"Sorry to have to run, Lieutenant..." he apologized, finishing the last of his beer...! "...but you know how Molly gets if she's stuck with the kids too long without me...!"

"Go! Take care of your family, Fireworks...! Thanks for stopping through...!" said Stone, feeling good [having had a few too many beers with his pals]...!

"I'd better get going too, Loot..." said Rugs [officer Ruiz], getting up from his seat...! "...I don't have a nagging wife to go home to...but my girlfriend will start having sex without me if I'm too late..." he joked, "...and if she cums before I get there, its all over...!"

"Then by all means, get a move on!" laughed Stone, saying goodbye at the door!

Sam Majowski walked over and gave Stone a big HUG goodbye..., -whispering...

"If you change your mind about The Dungeon, let me know...! I hear they're having a BIG celebration next weekend...!"

"I doubt I'll change my mind...but I'll keep it in mind...!" smiled Stone, patting Sam on the back as he left...!

Julius Rassitano [Mad Dog] was the last to leave...

"You SURE you don't want me to spend the night...?" he asked, stopping in the doorway...! "I could...help you clean up..." offered Rassitano, before looking down at Stone's crotch and licking his lips...! "...or...find some OTHER way of taking your mind off of things...?"

Stone chuckled at Mad-Dog's lack of subtlety...!

"Some other time...!" said the lieutenant, as Mad-Dog shrugged his shoulders, then turned and headed down the steps!

Stone closed and locked the door, then started to clean up at the empty beer cans and snack bags...when something suddenly crashed through his living room window...!

"WHAT THE FUCK...?!!?" he cursed, as the big black mass that landed in the middle of his living room slowly raised its ugly head to reveal...; "FLASH...!"

Stone ran for the closet [where he kept his personal gun], only to be tagged by one of Venom's web-lines, yanking him BACK into the room...!

"It was touching listening to your interaction with your FRIENDS, lieutenant Stone..." said the big muscly mass standing over him [all teeth and scary eyes]...staring down at him as Stone lay underneath him on the floor...! "...but I'm looking for Peter Parker...and since I can't find his uncle Ben and rip HIS guts out with my big cock..., -I'll just have to take my frustrations out on YOU...!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!!!!" screamed Stone in physical PAIN...his voice getting lost in the hustle and bustle of a busy New York background..., fading away as the sound of a nearby elevated subway train roared by...!


If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 32

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