By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Oct 24, 2016


Disclaimer: Spiderman and all the character mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...





28yr old Matt Murdock stood in court with his partner: Franklin `Froggy' Nelson, waiting as their new client: Wilson Fisk [The Kingpin], an alleged mobster with ties and affiliations to murder, mayhem, intimidation, drugs, laundering, AND terroristic threats!

The lawyers had an uphill battle to keep Fisk out of jail...! But while Matt [aka: Daredevil -the man without fear'] didn't want Fisk as a client, he could ill find a good reason to give his partner for why they should drop his case...! He couldn't just simply say he's guilty', as Froggy would reply `so are most clients, we can't afford to start turning them away because they might be guilty..., that's for the other lawyer to argue!'

Fisk was wheeled into court by the bailiff, his fat face severely bandaged after his apprehension, causing many of the spectators to gasp on sight! "Your Honor..." started Froggy [taking lead], "...due to the circumstances to which our client was arrested..., and the outcome as evident by his badly beaten face..., I motion that the charges against our client be dropped, due to the way his civil rights were violated and NO warrant was ever obtained to enter onto his property before authorities got there...!"

Matt knew it was a longshot, but they HAD to ask the judge for a dismissal, or else they would have been considered incompetent!

"Your Honor..." argued The Prosecution, "...Fisk refused to cooperate with arrestees, and summoned an ARMY of hitmen and assassins to try to KILL anyone who even entered onto his property...! The arrestees were forced to defend themselves...! It would have been no different had the POLICE actually made the arrest...!"

"But the police DIDN'T make the arrest..." challenged Froggy, "...if they HAD, may my client's Miranda rights would have been read to him properly...?"

"Counselor..., I'm SURE you are aware of the HISTORY your client has with The New York court system...?"

Froggy fumbled through all the paperwork in his weather torn briefcase [which he owned since college]...!

"Yes, your Honor..., but my client isn't being trialed for past crimes and allegations...!" argued Froggy! "He was viscously attacked by vigilantes, and beaten nearly beyond recognition..., all with no REAL evidence of the crimes he was alleged to have committed!

"And furthermore..., I don't recall Spiderman, Daredevil OR Punisher as having the authority to arrest without a legal badge or warrant...! Since WHEN do they have to right to break into a citizen's home and terrorize them...? Besides, neither of them even bothered to show up for these preliminary hearings...!"

"That's enough, Mr. Nelson...!" said the judge, sitting back in his chair [thinking]...!

Froggy sat down next to his [silent] partner...! Matt had a bad feeling about this case...! What should have been an open and shut case of GUILTY, was now starting to look weak and flimsy! Had Froggy pulled off the impossible...?

The judge leaned forward into the mic...

"Due to the fact that Mr. Fisk's civil rights may have been compromised by a lack of something as simple as a legalized WARRANT...!...AND for not being read his Miranda Rights..., I am hereby mandated to call his cased dismissed!" said the judge!

"But your Honor..." argued the prosecutor's office...!

"I'm sorry..." said the judge, "...but your people SHOULD have done a better job securing the case...!" counted the judge! "I hereby call Wilson Fisk, free to go!"

The courtroom when into an uproar/outrage, as Fisk smiled underneath his bandages! Matt knew he was smiling because he could HEAR his cheeks rising beneath the cloth! Matt was blind, but a radioactive accident heightened his other 5 senses, making his hearing acute!

Froggy and Matt congratulated each other, knowing this WIN would get them a lot more clients [most likely of the guilty persuasion]...!

"I hope you 2 can LIVE with yourselves after putting a monster like that back out on the streets...!" said the prosecution, storming off angry!

"I can!" smiled Froggy! "How bout YOU, Matt...?" he asked, looking back at his `silent' partner...! "How bout a beer...?" he offered instead, as they packed up their briefcases to leave the courthouse...!

Matt's radar-sense' was telling him that someone standing in the back of the courtroom was none other than Frank Castle –The Punisher' himself obviously dressed in civilian clothes]...! Matt knew Punisher wouldn't be happy seeing Fisk get off scot-free [again], particularly since he was [allegedly] responsible for the death of his whole family [see: chap-15 for details]...! Matt couldn't help wondering if he and Froggy now had to worry about Punisher coming after THEM [as Fisk's lawyers]...?

Matt pulled his `white' walking cane from his pocket, and quickly elongated it with the press of a button, then started using it to guide his way through the courtroom as a BLIND man! As he walked by Frank Castle [who was standing in the back of the courthouse], he could FEEL Castle eyeballing them hard on the way out the door...! Matt felt Castle's hand touch on his shoulder [after reading the corridor]..., and reacting off instinct when he swung his walking stick around, catching the handle about Castle's neck before whipping him around over his shoulder and onto the ground in one swift swoop...!

Everyone in the hallway looked shocked and surprised, some running off in case things escalated...!...as Froggy ran back to support his friend and colleague...!

"MATT..., are you alright...?!" he asked, coming to his partner's aid...!

Castle pulled Matt's cane from around his neck...before getting up slowly...

"That's SOME MOVES for a blind man..." said Castle, as Matt tried to apologize..., "...reminds me of someone ELSE I've met recently..." added Castle, "...someone in a DEVIL'S costume...!"

Matt stunned, realizing Castle may have just pegged him as Daredevil...?

"Matt...?" called Froggy, unsure if his friend was unharmed...?

"I...I'm fine, Franky..." said Murdock [his `radar-sense' following Castle as he sped off into a nearby restroom]...! "...uh, go on to the bar..., I'll meet you there soon...!" he said, as Froggy left [feeling the need to celebrate their win]...!

Matt followed Castle into the men's room...!

"WHO did you say I reminded you of...?" he asked, as he entered the men's room with Castle standing in front of the urinals...!

"You can come OFF it now, DD..." suggested Castel, flushing the urinal after tapping the last droplets of piss from his dickhead...! "...I recognized your moves...! You're busted!"

"I don't know what you're talking ab..." started Matt...!

Castle turned towards the lawyer as he tucked his cock and zipped up...!

"Can the shit, Murdock...! I wanna know WHY you just let that fat motherfucker WALK...?" asked Castle, angrily! "After ALL we did to arrest him...!"

"We had no choice...!" argued Matt, "You HEARD the judge in there...!

"The JUDGE is probably on the take...!" suggested Castle! "MOST of them are when it comes to mobsters like The Kingpin...!

"But I thought YOU were different...? I thought YOU were one of us...?"

"I am..." argued Murdock, "...I'm OUT every night fighting the same fight as YOU and Spiderman..., but since I'm a lawyer, I'm more bound by the law to see it through...!

"I don't have the privilege of dropping a criminal off without knowing the outcome...! It doesn't always end up in a nice package with a pretty bow...! Sometimes LIFE gets in the way and a criminal's civil rights are violated and you can do nothing else but watch them walk...!"

"Your laws are SHIT...!" snarled Castle [still picturing the faces of his dead family]...!

"The laws are there for a reason..." reasoned Matt, touching Castle on the shoulder [sympathetically]...! "...to protect everyone involved...! Just think of how many innocent people who are saved by these very laws...! People who were wrongly incarcerated...!"

"Fisk wasn't innocent..." argued Castle, looking over his shoulder into Matt's face...! "...I SAW him kill my family in cold blood...! He's NEVER paid that debt...!"

"He WILL..." assured Matt, squeezing Castle's shoulder for support...! "...LEGALLY...!"

Castle stared into Matt's dark tented eyeglasses, trying to see his eyes [hidden] underneath! As a result he found himself grabbing Murdock up in his arms, pulling his body closer into his own as their mouths met for a kiss...!

"UMMFF...!" fought Matt [unexpectedly], pushing against Castle as the 2 locked lips...!

Castle could feel Murdock's resistance starting to wane, as the kiss dragged on longer...! Soon he had Matt pushed back against the restroom wall, invading his oral cavity with his searching tongue, his hands wandering over Matt's body, including between his legs, feeling his stiffening cock...!

"No...don't...!" fought Matt, pushing Castel back...! "Not here...! Not like this...!" he warned! Just as someone rushed into the room, making a beeline for one of the stalls, making lewd and disgusting noises once inside...!

"So what...?" asked Castle, as the 2 men pulled themselves together...! "You wanna go on...like...a date...?" he questioned [unsure]...?

"Yes..." answered Matt, tapping the floor with his cane [as he headed for the door]...! "...that sounds reasonable...!" he added, before leaving to meet with his partner...!



25yr old Luke Cage was walking down the streets of Harlem, waving to his neighbors, carrying a bag of takeout from one of his favorite soul food joints...! He climbed the front stoop to his apartment building, letting himself in..., as his 2 houseguests [Willami (The Rhino), and Osian (The Blackcat)...] sat waiting for his return!

"I'm surprised you're still here...!" said Cage, closing the door behind him...!

"I can't go home..." said Osian [referring to the penthouse suite his family owns at The Manhattan Grand Hotel]...! "...that's the first place Kraven would look for us...!"

"Cool! Have no fear...lunch is here...!" joked Cage, placing the eateries on the table...!

"Did you find out anything...?" asked Osian [more concerned in what Cage knew than what food he brought home]...!

"I've talked to a FEW of my peeps on the street..." he said [pulling containers out of a brown paper bag]...! "...but nobody knows nothing...! It's as if we didn't just have a huge super villain fight in the middle of Manhattan the other day...! I mean, the news is reporting it, but none of my `contacts' seem to have any additional information...!"

"Is that normal...?" asked Osian, as Willami sat at the table, ready to eat [but not understanding much English]...!

"Not at all...!" said Cage, reaching up into the cupboards for paper plates...! "Someone ALWAYS knows something..." he continued, "...no matter how small or minuet...! It's rare that nobody's seen or heard anything on the streets...!...especially with something of THIS magnitude!"

"You think someone GOT to them...?" asked Osian! "Paid people off? Shut them up...?"

"OR scared them to death...! Anything's possible..." said Cage, spooning out servings of barbeque spareribs, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, greens, and candied yams...! "...but it'll take A LOT of money...!"

"Money AND power...!" corrected Osian, walking over to the window..., looking out on the streets below, as ordinary people walked by [living their ordinary lives]...!

"I didn't recognize everyone who attacker Spiderman that night..., but I KNEW one of them personally...!" he said, before turning around to look back at his host...! "Kraven! He's a big GAME hunter from South Africa...! He's been wanting to HUNT Spiderman ever-since he started making a name for himself...! He hunted Willami in North Africa..., snatching him up from his tribe's men...!...enslaving him into service!"

"How did YOU meet him...?" asked Cage, sitting down to eat...!

"I was his SLAVE also..." admitted Osian! "...except MY slavery was voluntary!

"I offered myself in exchange for Spiderman...! Kraven promised to leave him alone, as long as I did everything he asked...!"

"WHY would you do something like that...?" asked Cage [confused]...! "Unless..." he thought aloud, realizing their relationship went DEEPER than he realized...! "...OH!"

"Spiderman's MORE important to the world..., to New York City, than The Blackcat...! I didn't see any good coming from his demise...! No one would miss me!"

"Not even Spiderman...?" questioned Cage, curiously...!

Osian blushed, turning back towards the window...

"I like to THINK he did...!" he said, wishing they'd had more TIME to develop their relationship...! Cage could tell there was a good story there somewhere...!

"Well..., you know YOU and I go back a ways, O'..." he said, -dragging a rib bone out of his mouth...! "...my place ain't much..., but its YOUR for as long as you need it...!" invited the Hero For Hire, graciously!

"Thanks..." said Osian [having some FOND memories of Cage (back when they first met)...], "...but we can't stay long...we HAVE to find out what happened to Spider...!"

"How'r you gonna do that...?" asked Cage ...!

Osian thought...

"Kraven was ONE of the guys responsible for kidnapping Spiderman..." he reasoned, thoughtfully...! "...so all I have to do is go to his hotel room and MAKE him tell me where Spider is...! Its simple!"

"And HOW'R you gonna do THAT...?" asked Cage! "Is Kraven scared of you...?"

"No..." answered Osian [knowing he'd been on the bottom (underneath) Kraven too many times since living with him to be a credible threat]...! "...I MAY have to get drastic to get his attention...!"

"I KNOW you, O'..." said Cage [licking BBQ sauce from his full lips]...! "...you ain't got THAT kinda hate in your blood...!

"Tell you what..." he said [turning a 2 liter soda up to his lips for a wig before continuing]...! "...if we can find a few more GUYS to help fight some of those dudes we saw going after Spidey..., I'LL join you in this battle...!"

"That's not necessary, Luke..." said Osian [despite really needing the help]...!

"Hey, it's the least I can do..., Spiderman helped my gammy one time when her apt. building caught fire...! If it weren't for him, she wouldn't've made it...!

"You're RIGHT..., he's more important to the world..., to New York, than either of us...! So..., do you got somebody you can call to help us...?"

"I may know SOMEONE..." said Osian, thinking of ONE MAN...! "...but he might not like people knocking on his front door...!"



A taxi took Luke Cage, Osian, and Willami to the address Osian recalled from conversations with Spiderman...! The house was on the end of what looked to be an isolate/deserted street...! The home itself looked desolate and decayed! Overgrown lawn indicated the house was either abandoned, or terribly neglected!

"Place could use a new paint job...!" said Cage, looking up at the eyesore...! "You SURE someone lives here...?" he asked, as they approached a chained linked fence isolating the house from any passerbys on the street...!

"That's what Spider said...!" informed Osian, opening the gate before cautiously heading up the front walk...! "Don't venture into the grass..." he warned, "...it's boobytrapped...!"

"Booby-trapped...?" questioned Cage, staring at the overgrown shrubbery...! "WHO the hell is this guy...?"

Osian noticed the tiny surveillance camera overtop the door, staring down directly at them! HE knew they were there from the moment the taxi pulled up! Osian knocked on the door anyway..., causing a huge Doberman-Pinscher to bark away on the other-side of the door...!

But much to Osian's surprise, a small-boned white boy [with bleach blonde hair] pulled the viscous dog back...then opened the door...!

"Yes...?" he asked, staring up at the 3 strangers!

"uh..., does The Punisher live here...?" asked Osian [suddenly unsure]...!

"Yes! Come in!" offered 16yr old Terry Bowen [aka: Dagger]..., holding the Doberman back by its thick collar...! "Wait here..., I'll go get him...!" said the boy, leaving the dog to watch over them as they stood just inside the foyer, watching the sitting Doberman growl at them...!

"WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU TO LET THEM IN...?" they heard Punisher yell, as he made his way up from the basement...! "Since WHEN do I just invite in any mailman or crackpot that knocks on my door...?" asked the 6', 185lbs, muscled vigilante..., turning a corner [with Terry pacing behind him]...!

"Who the hell'r you and WHAT do you want...?"

"I'm a FRIEND of Spiderman's...!" said Osian [hoping that would be enough to keep them from getting kicked out of the house...?]! "He's been kidnapped...!"


LATER [after Daredevil was called to the safe house for a meeting]... "Surveillance cameras of the area show most of the battle Spiderman had against this NEW Insidious Six...!" said Punisher [as everyone (Cloak, Dagger, Daredevil, Blackcat, Luke Cage, and Willami) cramped into his little monitor center in the basement], hacking into police files to obtain the confiscated footage...!

"Looks like The Green Goblin..., Electro, Kraven `The Hunter', Sandman, and Venom...! Quite a cast of villains he's collected...!"

"That's only FIVE...!" said Daredevil [wearing his signature red devil's mask to protect his secret identity]...!

"Willami was number six, as `The Rhino'..." informed Osian, "...but Cage FREED him of the digital collar Kraven used to control him! He's with US now...!"

"And HOW do you know this...?" asked Daredevil, curiously!

"I was WITH them...!" answered Osian, honestly! "Willami and I LIVED with Kraven before he joined forces with the others to create this Spider-HUNT...!"

"So YOU could be a part of all of this as well...?" theorized Daredevil [trusting no one (really)...]!

"NO..." responded Osian! "...I only lived with Kraven so he'd leave Spiderman alone...! It's a LONG story...!"

"I vouch for him!" said Cage!

"YOU...?" questioned Punisher, giving Luke Cage the once over...! "The jury's still OUT on you...! Who'r YOU to be vouching for anybody...?"

"Look, shouldn't we be focusing on how to FIND Spiderman...?" asked Dagger [having heard enough bickering]!

"IF he's still alive...!" added Punisher!

"Willami and I know WHERE Kraven's staying while he's in NY..." explained Osian! "...all we need to do and stake the place out until he arrives..., then FORCE him to tell us where they took Spider...!"

"It's THAT easy...?" asked Daredevil [wondering why he was called to QUEEN if they were just going to stake out a hotel in Manhattan...?]!

"Kraven's an excellent fighter..." informed Osian, "...a big game hunter...! He KNOWS how to defend himself...!"

"As do WE!" said Punisher, looking around at their tiny group!

"We need a NAME to call ourselves...!" said Daredevil!

"Like a group CODE name...?" asked Dagger! "You mean like The Avengers...?"

"Yeah! A name that lets people KNOW we not playing games...!"

"How bout The Manhattan Avengers...?" asked Cloak!

"I'm from Queens!" said Punisher!

"Queen Avengers...?" joked Daredevil, "Sounds gay!"

"Yo, I ain't in no group with the word QUEEN in it...!" chimed Cage!

"If you were secure with your manhood, it wouldn't matter if people thought you were a QUEEN or not...!" sniped Osian!

"Oh I'm secure with mine...!" insisted Cage, making a HUGE muscle as evidence!

"How about an adaptation of The Avengers...?" asked Cloak, "How about: The Defenders...?" he asked, as no one objected...!

"Defenders it is!" said Punisher, as everyone came to an agreement!

"Now let's go kick some Kraven ass...!"



THE NEW YORK MADDISON HOTEL: isn't as old as The Manhattan Grand, but it's just as prestigious and expensive...!

The Defenders drove to Manhattan in a black VAN owned by Punisher, loaded with state of the art weapons and surveillance equipment...!

"How do you AFFORD all of this technology, Punisher...?" asked Cage [all 7 vigilantes cramped inside a tight confined space before parking a block from the hotel]...!

"What I don't steal from criminal organizations..., are usually donated to me by some of my old cop colleagues...!" answered Punisher!

"Who, no doubt, steel them from OTHER criminal organizations...!" said Daredevil! "Doesn't it bother you that your tactics aren't that different from the people you hunt...?"

"No. Should it...?" asked Frank!

"Well, deep down we're all the same..." said Daredevil, sitting in the passenger's seat...! "...we ALL essentially want the same things...! Criminals just have an unorthodox way of obtaining theirs...! The only thing that really separates US from THEM is our sense of right and wrong...! Once you lose that, you're just as BAD as they are...!"

"hm..." sounded Punisher [paying Daredevil little mind]...! "...sounds like a LAWYER'S argument to me...!" he stated, causing a cold chill to run up Daredevil's spine..., wondering IF Punisher would keep his secret identity [as Matt Murdock: `Attorney'] secret from the others...?

"Sounds like the SAME mumbo-jumbo that let Wilson Fisk WALK right out of court this morning...!"

"I heard about that..." chimed Cage [sitting in the driver's seat upfront]! "...heard some shiesty lawyers got him off...! Guy was guilty as SIN! Prison's fulla innocent brothas that can't get a break, but the LAW can't convict one guilty white guy!"

"TELL me about it...!" smiled Punisher, looking over at Daredevil as he squirmed in his seat!

"Tyrone and I face racism every day..." said Terrance [Dagger], thoughtfully...! "...how many times have HE been stopped by security whenever we go into a store or be minding our own business walking down the street...?

"I tell you it's racist! And I for one am fed-up with it...!"

"IS it racism...?" questioned Punisher, staring at both Cloak AND Dagger...! "Or is it that your BOYFRIEND'S so weird looking in that black and blue curtain he wears as a cape...? I mean, his SKIN'S so dark he virtually looks pitch black! You can't HELP but notice him!"

"So NOW you questioning how DARK a brotha's allowed to get...?" asked Cage [ear hustling from the front]!

"Ain't nobody making this a BLACK and WHITE issue..." defended Punisher, "...I'm just saying he LOOKS abnormal...! Even dark-skin guys aren't THAT black in color!"

"I think you ought to QUIT while you're ahead...!" smiled Daredevil!

"LOOK, its HIM!" said Osian, recognizing Kraven as he walked into the hotel lobby [looking through a link to the hotel's security cameras]...!



OSCORP: Norman Osborne was an impatient man with a mission! While searching for a CURE for his particular strain of cancer, he took a cocktail of assorted experimental drugs from various labs in his research facility, including one from a Dr. Curtis Conner [who was trying to regenerate lost limbs to regrow his arm back so he could continue his work as an army surgeon (and who later became the creature known as: The Lizard)]...! While the strange cocktail DID manage to cure Osborne's cancer, it also left him with a duel personality, one of which was horribly hideous by nature and intensely insane! That persona was known as: The Green Goblin..., and his plight was to create others that looked just like HIM...!

Spiderman currently lay in Osborne's care, heavily sedated and secure to an exam table in one of his labs...!

"This is BORING...!" said Venom, hanging upside down in his web..., watching as The Goblin did experiments on Spiderman! "When do we get to tear him to shreds...? I want to EAT his spleen!"

"I want to fuck his ass, again...!" said Maxwell Dillion [Electro], rubbing his hardening crotch as he recalled fucking the web-slinger in the gutter once before [in chap-7]!

"We had an agreement, Osborne..." said Kraven [standing aside with the others, his arms folded about his muscular chest]! "...I GET Spiderman AFTER you're finished with your experimentations...!"

"Fuck that..." snapped Electro, "...YOU ain't the only one who made an agreement with monster face...!"

"No...but I wasn't imprisoned and in desperate need of rescuing when I made MY agreement with him...!" countered Kraven [referring to the fact that he, Goblin, and Sandman had to bust Electro and Venom out of transport to a Colorado prison for super-humans...(chap-36)...]!

"All YOU did was stand on the roadside with the getaway vehicles...!" argued Electro! "YOU ain't do jack-shit...!"

"YEAH!" agreed Venom, jumping down out of his web-hammock [imposingly]...!

"You want to FIGHT for him...?" asked Kraven [getting his stance ready to start]...!

"You'll LOSE...!" warned Electro [powering up his human form, turning into complete electricity]...!

"Stop your bickering, -all of you...!" yelled Goblin, pulling a 9" dagger from its sheath, slicing it across Spiderman's stomach..., drawing blood...!

"You'll ALL get your chances to FUCK him, mount his head on your mantle..., and EAT his spleen when I'm done with my experiments! And NOT before! Do I make myself absolutely CLEAR...?!" he asked, as he collected a sample of Spidey's blood in a glass vale...!

"WHO died and made you CEO...?" asked Venom..., getting BLASTED across the laboratory with a power-glove Goblin donned...!

"Oh shit...!" sounded Electro [switching back to human form, quickly]...!

Venom slammed into a metal wall...then grinned [viscously] before leaping through the air in Goblin's direction..., looking to rip out his throat...! However Goblin was ready, hitting Venom with a sonic wave of sound, completely crippling the alien symbiont encasing its hated host: Flash Thompson...!

The 2 fell to the floor in agony..., as the symbiont melted off of Flash's human form, leaving the paraplegic lying legless on the floor...!

"Did you REALLY think I would recruit you without having a failsafe against each and every one of you...?" asked Goblin [as the others stood around watching in horror as one of the teammates went down for the count...!

Goblin reached down and picked Flash up [out of the symbiont's ink-like goo] by the throat...! "Come at me, or threaten me again..., and YOU'LL find yourself lying BESIDE Spiderman...!...having everything done to YOU that we're going to do to HIM...!"

"I...I'm...sorry..." gasped a naked Flash [his stumped legs dangling in the air], before Goblin threw him to the floor in a heap!

"Hey, you alright, dude...?" asked Electro, reaching down to give Flash a hand...! But Flash slapped Electro's hand away..., as the symbiont started to reform itself around him [giving him back his legs]...!

"HEY..." snapped Electro, as Venom leaped back UP into his web...! "...don't get mad at ME because Goblin cut ya down to size...!"

"That was kinda brutal...!" said Sandman [feeling sorry for Flash], watching as Goblin went back to work with his computer analysis...!

"Yeah..." agreed Electro [also keeping an eye on Goblin]...! "...and he says he had something for each and every ONE of us..." he added, suspiciously...! "...makes ya kinda wonder WHAT he has in-stored for us once he's completed his experiments with Spiderman, eh...?"

"I can HEAR you...!" said Goblin [from across the lab]..., putting Spidey's blood into a machine...!

"Now that I'm halfway through with my analysis..., why not have a little FUN...?" asked the hideous wonder...! "WHO wants to fuck The Spider first...?"

"OOO, I DO!" yelled Electro, raising his hand [like an eager school kid]...!

"Be my GUEST, Maxwell...!" offered Osborne, unlocking Spidey from his tabled prison...!

Electro fired-up! -combusting himself into pure electricity as he electrified Spiderman on the table, lifting his physical body into the air..., raising the HEAT just enough to incinerate Spidey's costume, leaving him completely naked before slamming him down in the center of the room...!

"I can TELL you guys..., having fucked this kid's ass before..." said Electro, switching back into human form as he started to undo his pants...! "...he has an AMAZING puss...! I just wished I had him as a cellmate when I was incarcerated...!...would've made jail time a lot more durable...!

"Hey..." he added, looking back at Goblin [who was now starting to nurse a fattening mound of his own through his pant-bulge...! "...got any lubricant in here...?"

"Yes..., the BEST kind..." smiled Goblin, -looking upward...! "...VENOM...?"

Realizing he was being summoned into action..., Venom leaped down out of his webbing, then crawled over to where Peter Parker was now lying naked on the floor..., then physically ROLLED him over onto his stomach before pulling apart his ass cheeks to get a good gander at the sweet fuck-hole hiding nestled in-between...!

Venom lowered his scary face in closer to Parker's ass [looking like he might DEVOUR it any second]..., then extended his 8" long tongue and started LICKING all over the unconscious male's body...! Having known Parker since junior-high, Flash was well aware of WHO he was and his entire background! He even thought he LOVED Parker at one point..., feeling totally rejected when Peter betrayed him and outed him to the HS football team...! Things for Flash went SOUTH fast, losing his hopeful college scholarships, losing respect around school as an alpha jock, losing his girlfriend [Mary Jane Watson] to another former friend: Jordan Graham, AND getting kicked out of the house by his abusive father: Martin!

Acting off of Flash's emotions, Venom STABBED his tongue straight up Spidey's asshole..., the long slithering muscles wiggling its way through his rectal system, working its way into his colon! Parker groaned [unconsciously], as his legs were parted and his ass eaten from the inside out! Venom darted the long slick oral muscle back and forth, tongue-fucking the hole as surely as if it were a cock! The entire time Venom ate Spidey's ass, his cock was growing thicker and longer between his legs...! Soon it was at 12 inches, throbbing big black and stiff, ready to be shoved [mercilessly] up Parker's ass for betraying him all those years ago...! Venom yanked his tongue from Spidey's [now] slick hole..., then positioned himself to ENTER his ass with his big cock...!

"Wait your turn...!" yelled Electro, shooting Venom with an electrical volt, sending Venom flying sideways a few feet away...!

Venom ROARED aloud, stretching his wide mouth to show 3 rows of sharp SHARK teeth...!...however he quickly quieted back down when he saw Goblin tapping his sonic-cannon...!

Electro climbed down on top of Spiderman...then aimed his hard 8" ex-con cock up to the 20yr old's anus and pushed straight in...!

"Ooooohhh yeeaahhhh..." he moaned [deliciously], sliding all the way IN with one long slow stroke...! "...just as I remembered...!"he gloated, until he was grinding against Spidey's backside! Everyone watched as the ex-con started to fuck the spider, pulling back and forth with his hips, driving his cock through the hot tight space which promised NOT to be tight much longer..., not with all the huge hard cocks waiting in line to fuck him next...! Both Venom AND Goblin were stroking hard [black and green] cocks [12 & 13"], while Kraven was ominously rubbing his own thick 11" cock bulge through his pants...! Even Sandman seemed to be housing some form of a lump [about 7"] behind his zipper, as they all watched Electro [with his pants down under his muscular buttock] fucking the unconscious hero as he lay face down on the floor...!

Peter Parker [Spiderman] was completely unconscious, and had no idea he was currently being butt-fucked! Electro took full advantage of his condition, banging away at his relaxed ring as he pounded Parker against the floor while watching his cock sink in and out of the victim [while in pushup position]! Electro couldn't help fucking harder, loving the way his cock looked and felt as it disappeared up the unconscious man's ass! He leaned in over top Pete's back, slapping his pelvic bone into his backside, ramming his cock through even harder as he picked up the pace substantially!

"FUCK..." he yelled when he noticed he was about to cum [at the last second], hating that his revenge fuck was swiftly coming to an end...! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he shouted as he came, grinding against the ass, shooting directly into the colon as his cock pulsed and throbbed out spurt after spurt...!

"Move aside..." insisted Kraven, as Electro rolled off [onto his back (depleted)...]! "...I'll SHOW you how to fuck an ass...!" inspired the hunter, picking Spiderman's unconscious body up off the floor, before RAMMING his 11" uncut cock straight up his now sperm lubed ass to the HILT...!...causing Spidey to groan out loud in his sleep...!

Everyone watched as Kraven held Spidey [slumped forward] by the waist, plowing through his ass as he fucked him like a ragdoll! Even Electro had to lift up one elbow to watch, as Kraven fucked Spiderman like any other animal would in the wilderness, humping him from behind like a mangy hound!

"Yur only able to pulverize his ass like that cuz'a the LOAD I shot into `em...!" realized Electro [taking credit]!

"I doubt he even FELT your cock in him...!" shot Kraven, pounding Spidey hard, not giving him a moment's rest to recover...!

"Just cuz you LOOK like an animal, don't mean ya have ta SMELL like one too...!" shot Electro, as Kraven carried Peter around the room like a winter coat draped over forward in his hands...!

Neither Spiderman's hands nor feet touched the shiny metal floor as Kraven carried him about, slamming him from behind! Droplets of Electro's sperm oozed from the well-fucked hole, running down over Spidey's perineum and dropping off his swaying balls as Kraven fucked hard and relentless!

"THIS is how I've wanted to fuck you in a fair fight..." said Kraven, hoisting Spidey up in his arms, wrestling him into a headlock with Peter's arms locked in the air and his feet dangling off the ground...! "...it's just unfortunate we never really got the chance to spar against each other...! Although I suspect you'd still be in the same position...!" he chuckled, thrusting UP into Spidey's ass as his thick uncut cock split the hero's ass in half!

Kraven fucked Spidey for nearly 25 minutes, the evidence of his orgasm showing when excess semen started leaking out of Spidey's ass [around Kraven's thrusting cock] in heavy groves...! Kraven dropped Spiderman on the floor after his climax, leaving him for someone else to fuck...!

"MY turn!" claimed Venom, crawling in over Parker's body as he rolled him onto his back, then lifted his legs and rammed his cock straight into him, balls-deep!

"UHG...!!" grunted Peter [unconsciously], his anus stretching to house the enormous cock barreling through him! Venom's monstrous face peeled back to reveal Flash Thompson underneath, staring down at his former friend as he pushed Parker's knees back against his chest [doubling his body in half] as he leaned in overtop him and started to hammer his ass hard!

Flash watched Venom's big black cock sliding in and out of Peter's spread ass, the enormous girth splitting Parker's ass cheeks straight up the middle, parting them like a book, never allowing the covers to meet! Everyone watched as Venom tore into Spidey like a predator insect..., everyone knowing Spidey's anus would never be the same after this fuck session!

Venom fucked Spiderman in missionary position for a while, then changed positions when he pulled out of Peter's body completely, then physically tossed him straight up in the air, only to get caught in his overhead web before leaping up into the web with him and re-ramming his big cock back up his ass [upside-down]!

Parker lay trapped in Venom's web as Flash continued banging Peter for another 10 to 15 minutes before finally spaying his entrails with a hot sticky arachnoid load! But right [in the insect world] Peter Parker would now be impregnated and carrying millions of Venom's eggs...!

Parker's limp unconscious body was lowered from the web [by a silk line], straight into the arms of the next predator: The Green Goblin...! Goblin shoved Spidey back against the lab wall, lifted his legs onto his shoulders, then RAMMED his 13" green cock straight up the hero's ass...!

"URHHH...!" grunted Parker, feeling it even in his unconscious state! Goblin pinned Spidey's legs back against the wall and started fucking, stabbing his big green delirious cock straight through Spidey's bare bottom, causing gobs of Venom's deeply implanted semen to leak out around his thrusting rod!

Goblin leaned in and KISSED Parker directly on the lips, sliding his wet slimy [6"] tongue into his mouth, tickling his tonsils as they French-kissed! When Parker's head slumped forward, Goblin grabbed a clump of his hair and yanked it back in position, shoving his tongue [and his cock] deeper!

Goblin lasted about 20 minutes [tops] in Spidey's ass before losing his yellowish load to the youngster's ass...! The cum flooded through Peter's neither regions, then backed out of his ass with yellow drips! Goblin yanked his thick cock out of Parker's well-used hole before walking away [leaving his anus gaping wide]...!

The Sandman was the last to fuck the NY hero, as he slithered up to Parker in sand-mode, then formed a human form in front of him, holding him against the same wall Goblin just fucked him in! In his human form Sandman's [William Baker's] cock was merely 7 inches..., he freed his prick from his pants, then inserted it straight into Peter Parker's gaping man-cunt, feeling all of the spillage of the last 4 villain's loads coating over his cock...!

Indeed Parker's asshole had been stretched WIDE in his unconscious state..., William could barely feel his anus wrapped around his thrusting rod as he fucked, stabbing Peter's hole as deeply as his 7" prick would allow!

Choosing vanity over substance, William switched back into Sandman mode, cutting off some of the sensitivity in his cock, but enabling him to grow it as BIG as he wanted! With each inward thrust of his hips his cock grew, getting bigger, thicker, wider, longer, and harder as it doubled its mass, filling Spidey's anus to capacity [and beyond]!

With Sandman's cock becoming STONE, Spiderman started feeling the effects of the marble rod as it sawed through his body in a 90% angle! Each inward stroke was like being impaled on a pole, as the stone cock continued growing well past 13 inches...! The others all watched in amusement as Parker was forced awake by the sheer PAIN starting to burst through his entrails! He struggled against Sandman's hold [as he held him flat against the wall, his legs pressed back against his chest, keeping his ass vulnerable!

"UHG...! OHGOD..." groaned Parker, staring into the face of one of his rapists...!

"I could EASILY impale my cock straight through your gut and burst it out of the top of your head..." threatened Sandman, staring Parker eye to eye...! "...but I won't..., so long as you promise to LEAVE New York City and NEVER come back...!"

"I PROMISE!" shouted Parker [already feeling his anus stretched passed its limits]...!

"Fuck that..." said Kraven [lingering in the background (watching)...], "...I was promised his HEAD on my mantle...!"

"And I was promised his SPLEEN for lunch...!" argued Venom [insanely]!

Sandman turned his head [all the way] around on his shoulders, looking back at The Green Goblin [without missing a single stroke of his hips]...!

"I don't mind fighting the police..." he reasoned, "...Spiderman and The Avengers if I have to..., but I draw the LINE at murder...! I won't be a part of that! I have a FAMILY to consider...!"

"And if you want that family to remain SAFE..." said Electro [backed by everyone else at in the room]...! "...then you'd betta get with the program...!

"You're threatening MY FAMILY...?" asked Sandman, yanking his [now] enormous cock out of Spiderman's ass [causing a small mass of semen to drip plentifully from his ruined anus]...!

"FIGHT!" glee Venom, ready to pick a side...!

"Calm down, gentlemen..." warned Goblin [sinisterly], "...or else I'll be forced to DEAL with you all at the same time...!

"Hey..., YOU may be financing this little `bug-hunt', Osborne..., but that don't make you the BOSS of us...!" argued Sandman [fed-up]!

"No...?" questioned Goblin [Osborn], with an evil snare...! "After I've fished your ass out of The Hudson...?" he asked, flipped! "And freed the 2 of YOU from a long prison stint at The VAULT...?"

"Nobody ASKED for yur help..." griped Electro! "...we ALL could've gotten off on our own...!"

"Really...?" laughed Goblin [finding them all amusing]...!

Just then Sandman reached across the room [with his elongated hand] and grabbed the instrument Goblin used to blast Venom into submission...! But before The Goblin could react [by pulling away], Sandman turned his arm to total stone, encasing the sonic cannon in concrete and subsequently locking in Goblin's arm...!

With the sonic-cannon now incapacitated, Venom realized THIS was his moment to strike, as he leaped across the room in Goblin's direction, claws poised to rip out the millionaire's green throat...! The Goblin pulled the trigger, BLASTING a huge hole through the concrete arm holding him captive; causing Sandman to scream out in physical pain [as his arm was shattered into pieces]...!

With his arm now free, Goblin tumbled backwards with Venom's attack, rolling with the punches [so to speak] as Venom narrowly missed slicing out his throat...! Then Goblin turned his cannon on Venom...and BLASTED him straight through the window...!

Kraven rushed over to the window and peered out [as the wind rushed in]...! Being near the top floor of the skyscraper..., there was no sign of Venom as he looked down at the streets below...!

"Guess this union's over before it even got a chance to start...!" he said, hunching his shoulders as he headed for the exit [Sandman slowly putting his arm back together as the bits of stone and concrete returned to sand]...! "CALL ME when you're done doing whatever it you're doing to Spiderman...! I still want his HEAD on my trophy wall!" he said before leaving...!


If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 39

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