By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jun 22, 2015


Disclaimer: Spiderman and all the character mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...





It'd been about a month since his aunt May's funeral, and Peter Parker was still using her death as a reason to pretend to stay in his room and be distant and withdrawn from his uncle Ben, who worried Peter may be needing some psychiatric treatment to help him cope with the loss of the only mother figure he's known for the past 10-12 years or more of his life...?

Ben himself had taken some time off from work...and still couldn't sleep in his own bedroom because he missed May lying beside him...! Instead he started sleeping on the living room sofa, turning the downstairs into his own bedroom! Perhaps they both needed treatment...? –he thought, as he made breakfast in the kitchen in a dress shirt and boxer shorts...!

"PETER..." he yelled overhead at the top of his lungs...! "...breakfast...!"

Ben scrapped scrambled eggs evenly on 2 plates [along with toast, bacon, and orange juice], then sat them down at the breakfast table just as his nephew Peter came downstairs...!

"G'morning, son..." greeted Ben, watching as Peter [dressed only in his loose fitting boxers] walked straight over to the counter to pour himself a cup of hot coffee...! "Since when did YOU start drinking coffee...?" asked the uncle, standing near his chair as he watched Peter replace the glass pot back in the percolator cradle...!

"Since I can't sleep...!" answered Peter, taking his seat at the table...!

Ben followed suit, keeping a close eye on his nephew...not liking his attitude...!

"So...what do you plan to do with yourself now that you're out of high school...?" asked Ben [spooning a mouthful of eggs into his mouth, along with a piece of buttered toast and a bit of bacon]...! "Are you planning on going to college...? I know your grades were good enough to get you into a decent school if you really wanted to...!"

"How're we gonna afford for me to go to school...?" asked Peter somberly, from across the 4 seater table...!

Ben paused...

"Let ME worry about that, okay...?" said the older man [in his early 40's]...! "If you want to go to school...we can work something out...! People do it all the time! We can get a loan from the bank...or we could use some of May's insurance money..."

"I'm not going to school!" said Pete, not wanting to talk about aunt May [trying not to stare at her empty seat in-between them]...!

"No...?" asked Ben, surprised! "Then WHAT do you plan to do...? I mean, you can't stay mopping up in your room for the rest of your life...!"

"I'm not hungry!" said Pete, getting up from the table!

"Peter, wait..." called Ben, jumping up after him...walking up behind him as he stood in the doorway with his back to his uncle, waiting to hear what he wanted...?

Ben reached out to touch Peter affectionately on the shoulders...but thought better of it as he paused and decided to keep his hands to himself...! "...I miss her too..." he said instead, as Peter took off running back upstairs...! Ben felt a flood of tears beginning to sting his eyes as he fell back against the counter and covered his face...not wanting to show any weakness in front of his nephew...!

Pete ran back up to his room and slammed the door...! While it was true that he wasn't quite ready to start talking about his aunt May in the past tense yet...nor was he ready to go on with life as a family without her..., -the whole staying up in his bedroom mopping was a lie, as he quickly threw on his new Spiderman costume [which he'd spent weeks making on his aunt's sewing machine], then made a hasty escape out his bedroom window and to the roof where he took off towards the city...!



Witnesses gathered in the part of the penitentiary built for execution, to watch and witness the death of a killer: Maxwell Dillion, convicted of murder, rape, robbery, and a host of other offenses! During his stay in prison he was responsible for the deaths of 3 inmates, and causing a race riot which got several corrections officers injured! He was considered a complete and utter nuisance!

He was wheeled into his execution chamber and transferred to a chair, where he was immediately strapped in and administered a lethal cocktail of drugs...! A priest had read him his last rites before leaving his prison cell. Family members of some of his slain victims had the opportunity to speak with him during his execution. Some forgave him, saying only god could judge someone so cruel and heartless, while others damned him, hoping he suffered an eternity in Hell!

After being told what a monster he was, Dillion was given the chance to apologize to the families of his victims, where he declined, choosing instead to tell them all he'll see them in hell!

Metal plates were strapped to Dillion's head, across his chest, wrists, and legs, as he was doused with water and a switch flipped, causing over a 2000 volts of electricity to shoot through his body...!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" screamed the convict through grit teeth as his body jumped and jerked violently in his seat! Many of the witnesses averted their eyes, unable to watch the man COOK in his seat as the lights blinked off and on due to the amount of energy being pumped through his body!

Dillion fell silent just before the switch was flipped off, leaving his slumped body smoking in the chair! The medical examiner walked over to check his vital signs and legally declare him `dead'...! Everyone waited for the official word...when Dillion's eyes suddenly popped open and he started screaming in physical pain [causing the medical examiner to fall back on his buttock (startled)]...!

"Hit the switch again...!" yelled one of the officials [overseeing the execution]! But before the technician could flip it, he was suddenly electrocuted by a stray bolt of electricity...!

Several witnesses jumped up in horror, as Maxwell Dillion broke one arm free from the restraints, then raised his hand towards the examiner and shot a bolt of electricity at him from his fingertips...instantly electrifying the man where he stood! Officers pulled their guns from their holsters and pointed them at the convict, telling him to back down or they would `open fire' on him...! Dillion just smiled, then caused the entire room to turn a blinding bright blueish-white [shattering the protective glass separating him from the civilians], and causing a panic! Witnesses ran for the exits, only to be cut down one at a time as lightning shot straight through them, searing their hearts...!

Maxwell Dillion emerged from the execution room dressed in a corrections officer uniform, as he made his big escape...using his newly obtained electrical powers to short circuit the electrified fence surrounding the prison, and cutting through the chain linked fence with his fingernails acting as a blowtorch...!



SPIDERMAN beginning to get a lot of publicity in the local media over the next couple of weeks; having saved a family from certain death by pulling their dangling car back from the edge of a bridge...for saving 3 people from a burning building...for having helped police foil a jewelry store robbery...and reporters suspected HE was the same person whom a month ago captured two alleged bank robbers who held up in a warehouse after causing the death of a middle-aged woman during a car chase with police...!

Eyewitnesses were calling the masked hero Spiderman' [due to the mysterious webbings left behind at the scenes as his calling card]! And while surveillance cameras posted along the bridge and outside the bank only caught blurred images of him, no one had a clear photo of Spiderman, prompting the owner of The Daily Bugle [John Jonah Jameson] to publically offer anyone with an authentic' Spiderman photo a big cash reward AND bragging rights for having their photo on the front page of The Daily Bugle!

This caught the attention of Peter Parker as he was watching The Evening News and saw J. Jameson's challenge promised on television! This also prompted a lot of FAKE photos of people donning fake masks and taking obvious selfies of themselves to try to get the reward money!

Peter decided to get into the act by buying himself a cheap $10 camera at the local convenient store and snapping pictures of himself leaping, jumping, and somersaulting through the air...! He took the best photos to The Daily Bugle and showed them to the editor! The editor instantly knew the photos was of the REAL Spiderman, and took them [AND Peter] in to see his boss...!

"How'd you GET these photos, kid...?" asked Jameson, standing behind his desk and looking through the 5 or 6 snapshots...!

"uh...I was standing on a rooftop with my camera...uh...trying to get a photo of this lady across the street in her apartment..." he added, feeling he needed to have a legit excuse for being on the roof...! "...when I saw Spiderman land nearby...!

"Did you get photos of the woman...?" asked Jameson [curiously], wondering just how fine was she if the kid was trying to sneak photos of her...?

"uh...no sir...I didn't...!" answered Parker.

"What was Spiderman doing there...?" asked Jameson, "Was HE watching her too...? I could see the headline now...supposed `hero' nothing but a peeping tom...!"

"uh...no...he wasn't looking at her, sir...!" answered Peter, ruining Jameson's headline!

"How do YOU know what he was looking at, Kid...? Could YOU see his eyes...? Cause I can't see his eyes anywhere behind this mask!" yelled Jameson!

"uh...no sir...I can't see his eyes either, sir..." said Peter, "...but her window was on the other side of the building...he was facing the wrong direction to even see her window from where he was...!" explained the teen...!

"Whatever!" said Jameson, chewing on his cigar and eyeballing Parker wearily...! He didn't like smart-alecks...and this kid looked about as smart-alecky as they get!

"Give him his prize money...!" ordered Jameson, turning towards the window to study the photos harder...! His assistant reached into a file and pulled out a check, then handed it to Peter...!

`$50!" gagged Peter! "This ain't shit! YOU said on television that it was a BIG cash reward...I get 50 bucks from the tooth fairy! Where's my money...?!"

"Hey...you think you can do better, kid...?" asked Jameson, spinning back around angrily!

"Yeah...I do..." said Peter, snatching the photos from Jameson's hand before heading for the door...! "...I bet The Nightly News, The Insider, or The Daily Planet would pay top dollar for it...!"

"Don't ever mention The Daily Planet in my office again...!" yelled Jameson, having feuded with the owners of that paper of rights to the name many decades ago...!

"Wait kid..." said Jameson [in a sweeter, softer tone], snatching the file from his assistant's hand and pulling out the correct check...! "...here's the REAL check..." he offered, as Peter stopped and accepted the new check for five thousand dollars...! "...I like your tenacity, boy...! You don't take shit! I like that!" said Jameson! "How would you like to work for me...? Freelance of course! YOU get me more photos of this Spiderman...and I'll pay you a thousand dollars for every photo I buy...! How bout that...?"

"Deal!" smiled Peter, shaking the older man's hand before leaving his officer [stuffing the check in his pocket for safe keeping]...!


MANHATTAN Different day, different time...

It was noon in New York City when a lone man [wearing a long trench coat, hat, and sunglasses] walked into The Manhattan Chase Bank! He didn't bother to wait in line like the rest of the customers, as he walked straight up to a teller and demanded she put large bills into a knapsack or he'll blow the entire building to smithereens!

The teller quickly pressed the `panic' button under her counter, then did as the man said and began filling his sack! Security rushed out with weapons drawn, ordering the man lay face down on the floor...! The man turned towards security, then slowly reached up to remove his sunglasses, and smiled...having HOPED someone would do something wrong so he could have an excuse to wreck shop...!

Security never saw IT coming, as electricity seared across the floor in their direction, electrocuting them instantly! The men did a funny dance [shaking violently as electricity shot through their bodies] before they hit the ground dead! Customers screamed and ran for the exits as Maxwell Dillion turned towards the teller...the woman stared fearfully into his glowing eyes as she [shakenly] passed his satchel of loot to him through her window...!

Maxwell took the money, then said to the woman...: "This could've gone a lot easier had ya just did what I told ya without alertin' the guards...!" raising his hand to her, he shot her full of electricity, sending her soaring backwards into the wall behind her [her dead body twitching violently from electrocution!

Max flipped the sack over his back and headed for the door...

Outside he was met by police who came speeding up to the bank with their sirens blazing! Maxwell sent electricity searing towards the first squad-car, causing it to blow up with 2 officers still inside...! The other cop cars screeched to a sudden stop, as officer got out and started shooting...forcing Maxwell back into the building for protection!

Bank employees ducked under their desks as Maxwell ran for another exit, running through the bank and out the back door...where his satchel was suddenly snatched up out of his hands...!

"What the fuck...??!" he questioned, looking around [but not seeing anyone]...!

"Up here!" called Spiderman, clinging to the side of the building [holding Maxwell's sack]! "Did you fill out a deposit slip for this withdraw, sir...? No...? Then I'm afraid your transaction could not be completed...!" joked the teenager [in a fake `tellers' voice], webbing the sack to the building for police to find later...!

"Who the fuck'r YOU...?" asked Maxwell [having missed the papers while in prison]...!

"Oh, I'm just your ever friendly neighborhood Spiderma...aaarrhhhh...!" yelled Spidey [interrupted], dodging one of Max's electro-bolts...leaping from one building clear across the back alley to another...!

"What the hell...??!" shouted Parker, as he continued to leap and dodge Max's attacks as the convict continued firing bolts at him [just barely missing him]...! Parker decided to make quick work of this criminal, as his powers were far too dangerous to be out on the streets...! Jumping out of the way of one bolt, he landed on his feet [on the ground], then quickly leaped towards the villain, ready to coldcock him with a right cross to the jaw...! Maxwell cringed, having seen the costumed freak coming nearly too late...! However when he braced himself to be hit, he coincidently erected an electrifying force-field about himself, which Peter Parker quickly slammed into [with shocking consequences], bounced off and landed in a heap of uncollected trash next to a dumpster across the large alleyway [his body shaking violently from the electricity it took]!

Maxwell laughed aloud when he realized what happened...walking over to the costumed hero and ripping off his mask to see just WHO his opponent was...?

"You're just a KID...!" he surmised, staring into Parker's face...! "A ballsy nosey ass kid, but a KID nevertheless...!" he concluded, gripping Parker by the collar for a closer inspection...! "I should KILL you right now and get it over with...but in prison, we had ways of dealing with knuckleheads like YOU...!" he continued, releasing Peter as he stood upright and began to undo his pants...freeing the growing erection springing forth with anticipation...! "I ain't had no ass inna minute, either..." he recalled, having spent so much time on death row awaiting execution...! "...I'm really gonna enjoy this...!" he concluded, flipping Parker over onto his stomach [amid the bags of trash], then yanked down the back of his blue spandex tights to reveal the sumptuous ass nestled beneath...! "Geez...I'm gonna enjoy this MORE than I thought...!" he said out loud to himself, as he spit onto his fingers, then smeared them up inbetween Peter's ass cheeks [moistening his tight teen fuck-hole], then climbed down on top of him and RAMMED himself forth...!

"ARRHHHHHHHGGGG...!!" screamed Parker, feeling the convict's cock spear straight through him [like a harpoon], causing a searing pain to shoot through his anus!

"Awww yeah..." groaned Max, loving the tight squeeze the boy's rectal ring choked around his cock as he ground around inside him! He didn't care that the boy was just barely out of high school, -if he wanted to play with the big doggs, he had to get laid by the big doggs!

Maxwell poked his cock around in the boy's hot butt for a moment [just enjoying the hot sheath wrapped around his wood], before lifting up into pushup position and fucking the boy's hole hard and viscously!

Peter Parker lay face down in the trash and garbage, his tights pushed down under his buttock while some crazed psycho bank robber butt-raped him in broad daylight in a back alley in Manhattan...! He knew he had to get up and take command of the situation [what would the headlines look like now with Spiderman getting butt-fucked on the front page of The Bugle...?], but his body was still recovering from the electro-shock it took when he bounced off the electrified force-field...! All he could do was just lay there as his ass was fucked royally! He could feel the thief's big hard 8" cock moving in and out of his ass, destroying his fighting sphincter muscles as they tried to protect the rectum from assault! But the more Peter squeezed, the harder Maxwell fucked, loving the fight in the boy even when fighting was hopeless!

He pounded Peter Parker into the ground, hammering his hole like he did his cell mates back in prison, treating them like any bitch he'd ever come across in his life! He looked down and watched his thick hard cock disappearing up the teen boy's ass, his hairy pubes slamming into his creamy white cheeks every time he drove his message home! He loved hearing the boy's painful cries in anguish as his hole was roughly ravished!

"Take this convict cock, boy...!" growled Max, getting close to popping his load as he picked up the pace and started stabbing harder...! "Pussy like this was MADE for fuckin', kid...! You're lucky you ain't in prison...you'd never get a day's rest with a cunt like this behind bars! The men would be LINING UP to fuck ya...! I'd have to charge them a pack of cigarettes apiece to pound ya for 10 minutes...! Yur hole would be DESTROYED by the time you were released! You'd probably start sellin' yur cunt on the streets, just to feel more cock inside ya! You'd never be able to go back to life without a cock slammed up yur butt! I've SEEN it happen!"

Peter wanted to respond, but still couldn't move as the madman body slammed himself into him over and over, pounding his backdoor with what felt like a sledgehammer! He prayed his torment would end quickly, before police, reporters, or just some passerby walked up and found him getting fucked and blabbed it all over the news!

"Awww yeah, kid...here it comes..." announced Max, slapping his pelvic bone into Peter's ass a dozen more times before finally ramming all the way IN and holding ground...! "...I'm about to load yur boy-pussy full'a convict cum...! Here he comes...! Arrhhh fuck...! I'm comin'...! ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled, throwing his head back as his spasming cock suddenly loaded Peter's colon full of hot gushing sperm...!

Max was still grinding hard against Peter's ass, when a police officer came charging out the backdoor...!

"FREEZE!" he yelled, aiming his weapon at Max's back as he approached him from behind...!

Maxwell reached his hand back behind him, then fired off electricity from his fingers, lighting up the alleyway as the officer ducked [diving at the ground] for cover! Max got up [yanked up his pants] and ran off in the confusion, using electricity like a sliding board as he glided across the surface of the ground, taking off with the speed of lightning...!

The officer got up and approached Spiderman [still lying face down in the trash] cautiously...!

"Hey..." he said, bending down next to the [obviously raped] wall crawler...! "...you alright...?" he asked, noting the teen's exposed buttock and unmasked face...! He helped roll Peter over into sitting up position...! "Did he...hurt you...?" asked the officer, passing Parker back his Spidey mask...!

"Just my pride..." said Peter, glancing briefly into the black officer's eyes before averting his face and sliding back on his mask [to protect his identity]...!

"Don't worry..." said the officer, helping him up as Peter reached back and pulled his tights up over his just fucked ass...! "...this goes no further than US...!" informed the black man! "You've done a lot to protect the city already...! As far as I'm concerned, you're one of US...!"

"Thank you, officer...!" said Peter, graciously, touching the cop on the shoulder...!

"Stone!" said the officer, holding out his hand to shake! "Lieutenant to be exact...! I'm part of the city's Code: Blue SWAT division...! We were created to handle super powered situations like this...! Unfortunately we got here too late...!"

"Wish I had...!" said Parker, looking up to see a news helicopter suddenly appear overhead...! "He didn't get the money though..." said the teenager, pointing at the money sack webbed to the side of the bank...!

"That's wussup...!" smiled Lieutenant Stone, looking up at the bag...! "There might even be a reward..." he said, turning back around to find himself standing alone in the alley...!

Spidey took off quickly, unable to face the officer [who knew he'd just been butt-fucked by the criminal]! Hopefully Lieutenant Stone would be able to keep his secret...? At least that's what Peter hoped, as he sought a place to jack-off...finding someplace where he could quickly change, emerging from the shadows dressed as Peter Parker and not as Spiderman!

He walked directly into the subway and into a men's restroom where he discreetly slipped into a stall and whipped out his cock to whack! He was sitting on the toilet jacking [the memories of his rape still fresh in his mind], when he saw a curious finger waving at him through a small circle someone had cut into the stall partition...!

Peter's first instinct was to quickly cover his cock [hiding it bashfully from view], but curiosity quickly got the better of him as he stood up and faced the hole [his 10" cock standing stiff and strong in front of him]! The cocksucker on the other side of the wall thrilled, licking his rubbery lips as Parker stepped forth and slowly pushed his cock [cautiously] through the manmade ring...!

The cocksucker sat for a moment admiring the big white cock beauty in front of him...before leaning forward and licking the hot cock all over...! Upon discovering nothing dangerous on the other side of the wall, Peter pushed his entire cock through the gloryhole as he pressed his groin against the wall and waited with anticipation for the blow job to come...! The man painted his thick wet tongue all over his stiff prick, lavishing it up one side and down the other before finally ovaling his lips around the cockhead and swallowing it whole...!

"ohmygosh..." groaned Parker, feeling his cock suddenly encased in the warmth of the man's hot wet mouth! The man engulfed him all the way down to the base of his cock with ease, his fat soft lips nibbling at the tiny hairs around Peter's peter...!

The mouth [lips and tongue] collapsed down around his cock length, suckling him as if sucking through a straw, making Peter's cock fatten and pulse as he slowly receded back up to the head...! Peter could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as the man sucked and suckled his cockhead...! "ohgod..." he groaned, his ass cheeks tightening as the mouth suddenly descended on his cock, swallowing him whole once again!

Peter could hear people coming and going, using the facilities [particularly the urinals], then washing their hands before leaving! But Peter didn't care about any of them hearing about him getting his cock sucked, as it was the best blow job he'd ever had! He reached up and grasped the top of the stall for support, thrusting into the wall as he began fucking the mouth on the other side!

The man started sliding his mouth up and down the hard shaft, slurping hungrily at the thick column as he bathed his tongue along the underbelly [coaxing the cock to cum]! Peter couldn't help thrusting faster, fucking the mouth and throat deeply as he speared the guy straight through his open face...! Loud sucking noises began to emit from the stalls as the man slurped and sucked like a kid with an ice cream cone! Peter could feel himself quickly approaching climax as his hips started to bash into the wall, causing it to shake and tremble between them!

"Don't stop...I'm so close..." he panted, feeling his asshole flex and flutter as it began to drip semen down the back of his thighs...! The mouth moved faster up and down his shaft, sucking harder, swallowing him over and over as it brought him closer to orgasm!

Peter rose up on his tip-toes, fucking harder through the hole as he buried his cock balls deep with every thrust! The man kept up easily, swallowing his cock as fi it came naturally! Peter couldn't help but wonder how long had the man been sucking cock...? From his experience, he had to have been doing it for decades, honing his craft behind every gloryhole in every bar, peepshow, and truck stop in town!

"ohmygoash..." cried Peter, thrusting into the wall for the last time, just as the man's mouth plunged down balls deep on the end of his pulsating cock...! "...arrhhhh...I'm gonna cum...!" he blurted, shooting directly down the back of the cocksucker's throat!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as the man suckled the seed straight from the pipe, drinking it down like an elixir! Peter could feel the man sucking madly on his shaft, gulping down all he had to give [until his cock stopped shooting and started softening]...! Peter pulled his cock back, then slowly bent forward and pulled up his pants...feeling exhausted and drained...!

"Edgar...?" called a male's voice, as Peter fastened his pants and stepped out of the stall to find a teenage boy standing at the entrance...! "Ed...?" he called again, just as the stall next door opened and out came another boy [no older than 14 or 15]...!

"Coming...!" he yelled back, rushing over to the sinks to wash his hands...!

Peter realized the `man' in the next stall sucking his cock was actually a boy younger than him...! He couldn't help feeling as if he'd just molested the kid, as he stared in disbelief as the boy washed his hands, then looked over at him and smiled [pulling the hoodie back off his head]...! Peter immediately realized the boy was a mutie, with scaly skin, and an oversized mouth and lips [just perfect for cock sucking]!

"C'mon, Fish..." said the black teenager waiting for him, "...you been sucking dick in them stalls agains, aint'cha...?" he asked, as the boy dropped his head guiltily, then walked out of the restroom...!

The black teen caught Peter staring...

"You got eye problems...?" he asked, as if looking for trouble...!

"uh...no...sorry..." said Pete, stepping towards the sink to wash his hands...!

"Boy's mouth felt good, eh...?" smirked the black teen, before disappearing into a puff of smoke...! Peter couldn't believe his eyes, as he grabbed his bag and got out of that restroom as fast as he could...!


If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 8

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