By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jan 12, 2024



Spiderman and all the characters mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...

THE DEFENDERS ARE: Spiderman, Daredevil, & Luke Cage; 3 reluctant superheroes thrown together by chance, forming an alliance, and hoping to help make the world a better place for the ages...!

Guests: Punisher and Axis

Villains: The Kingpin, a businessman with his hand in illegal crimes ___________________________________________________________________


Title: Blind Ambition


Upstate NY,

A large towncar drove New York state attorney; (Mathew Murdock) to a mansion in Upstate NY, within the rich suburbs of the hills and mountains, away from chaos, crime, and poverty...!...quite ironic given the man who summoned him there!

The car pulled onto a private estate, as large [presumably electrified] gates opened automatically to allow entry! The car pulled into the long/large circular driveway, as the home security officers were waiting to escort him into the 2 story modern mansion!

"Wait!" said one of the guards, giving Matt a thorough pat-down for weapons and/or listening devices [violating his privacy rights as his hands lingered between his legs far too long]...before making him go through detectors as well!

On the other side of the checkpoint he was taken to a secure room, where he was told; "Mr. Fisk will be down to see you momentarily! Wait here!" Matt was taken to a chair to sit down, his briefcase given to him [after a thorough search as well]!

Matt sat quietly as one security guard remained [to watch over him]! Using his other gifted senses [particularly his amplified hearing], Matt could HEAR the heartbeats of several men within close proximity, other guards and staff working nearby, all armed! Matt counted about a dozen people within the immediate area, as well as upstairs! He could also sense the heartbeat of Wilson Fisk (The Kingpin) himself, coming down on an elevator, refusing to take the grand stairs! He also had 2 bodyguards with him, strong security for a man who claimed to not be in the drug business!

The door to the room opened as Fisk stepped inside, dismissing his guards [telling them to wait outside in the hall]! Matt listened [blind since childhood] as Fisk's breathing labored more than usual [indicating major weight gain]! As he walked across the floor Matt could literally hear his heavier footsteps [sounding like a Tyrannosaurus Rex] as he crossed the room to sit down at the opposite end of the table! Matt knew Fisk's stats were originally documented as him being 6'5" and 450lbs...!...however the monstrosity now sitting opposite him measured 6'7" and closer to 650lbs!

Something had definitely happened to him!

"Mr. Murdock..." said the big man [mumbling as if he had food in his empty mouth]! "...I can't tell you how disappointed I was to hear that Franklin Nelson was no longer a part of Nelson-Murdock At Law...! While I'm sure you're a capable attorney...it WAS Nelson that got my trial acquitted some time ago...!" (chp-38}!

"Yes." responded Matt, well aware of his partner's dissolve!

"I was tempted to find myself another lawyer..." said the big man [just as the door opened and a refreshment cart was wheeled in by an armed servant]! "...but since you ARE a part of the law-team that freed me..., I've decided to give YOU a try without your better half! I so dearly HOPE you don't disappoint me!"

"I will try not to, sir!" said Matt [curious to why Kingpin called him out in the first place]...?

"I know you're BLIND..." continued the drug lord [as the servant placed an array of finger-foods, sweets, and fruits in front of them to enjoy]! "...so I am quite SURE you cannot appreciate the LENGTHS I've had to go through to insure my safety from that MADMAN called The Punisher...!"

Matt was well aware of his secured surroundings, although he pretended not to be! "I've had to double my security and defenses, placing more cameras and guards on duty around the clock! I've also gone through some...PHYSICAL changes to protect myself if need-be! I will never fall victim to vigilante antics again! They have changed my entire life, making me more fearful in my own home!"

Matt could hear the steady beat of Fisk's heart, indicating he was telling the truth...! However Matt felt it hard to feel sorry for someone with Kingpin's track-record [murder, extortion, bribery, intimidation]...!...the fact that HE now knew what it felt like to be a victim meant absolutely NOTHING to Matt! He had NO sympathy for the mobster whatsoever...!...at least he was still alive, unlike Castle's family!

"I'm not 100% sure WHY you called me here today, Mr. Fisk...!" responded Murdock!

"As my lawyer, I'm sure you're aware of my background OUTSIDE my generous charities and public persona..." said the big man [turning a glass of wine up to his lips], reading Matt's facial expressions behind his dark shaded glasses! "...but this experience has made me see the world through a NEW perspective...! I NOW know what it feels like to be on the other side of justice...as a victim!

"I want to use my new experience to help others from feeling what I felt when I was brutally attacked and left for dead at the hands of The Defenders! (chp-35)! No one needs to feel as helpless and hopeless as I did that day...when Punisher and his cohorts stormed my private property and accosted me AND arrested me illegally...! The courts DROPPED my case because they knew my civil rights were violated! They had NO RIGHT to break into my compound and DO what they DID to me!"

"I'm not following..." said Murdock [sensing the real angry and frustration in Fisk's voice], (his story was REAL), [at least to him]! "...as you said; you were already acquitted of that unfortunate circumstance..." reminded Matt, "...so WHAT are you looking for now...?...a civil case? Because as your attorney I'm afraid you'll have a HARD time getting any of those superheroes into court...NOR find a jury that would be willing to take your side over theirs! It would be a frivolous case at best! A total waste of your money!"

"It's MY money to spend how I see fit, is it NOT, Murdock...?" asked Kingpin [his voice stating to sound annoyed]!

"I suppose so..." defended Matt [loosening the knot on his tie]! "...but as your lawyer I feel obliged to warn you of the pitfalls!"

Fisk scoffed!

"Well, you can relax, counselor..." said the big man [picking up a tasty-treat to plop into his mouth]! "...I'm not suing The Defenders...OR Punisher...!" he explained! "For a LONG time I considered suing the State, for allowing costumed superheroes to swing around believing they have a RIGHT to barge into people's lives with NO authority whatsoever, essentially making illegal citizen-arrests...!...but then I had an epiphany..." he paused, keeping Matt on edge with wonder...? "...if I want to make the changes I feel are necessary, then I need to run for political office!

"I need to run for MAYOR!"

Matt nearly CHOKED on his own saliva...!

"Mayor...?!" he questioned, unsure he wasn't hearing things [trying not to laugh out loud]! "That's VERY ambitious..." he managed to say, "...especially for someone with YOUR background...!"

"The underworld organization and the political field isn't all that different, Mr. Murdock..., as I'm sure YOU, as a lawyer, can attest! I just need to surround myself with the right people that could make it happen!"

"And I come in...where?" asked Matt [still unsure]!

"You're my LAWYER..." reasoned Fisk, "...your company was the one that got me acquitted after-all! I wanted Nelson & Murdock standing there beside me when I make my announcement to the world! With a legal firm standing behind me the world would take me seriously!"

Matt squirmed uncomfortably in his seat...!

"I..., I'm afraid I'm going to have to DECLINE your offer, Mr. Fisk..." said Matt, respectfully [as he prepared to leave]! "...my firm doesn't get behind political endorsements..." he reasoned, as he stood up [straightening his tie]! "...AND..." he continued, "...I don't believe I would seriously VOTE for you anyway! Seems like a conflict of interests!"

"Sit down Mr. Murdock...we're not finished talking!" insisted Fisk [the pleasantries no longer in his voice]! "The endorsement wasn't a request!" threatened Kingpin [more to form]! "I have acquired some EMARRASSING information regarding you and your firm..." he informed, much to Matt's surprise!

Matt could hear Fisk pulling a manila envelope from his food tray before passing it over for Matt to open...! "Within is a statement I've acquired from your former partner; Franklin Nelson...admitting that YOU didn't want to take my earlier case against The Defenders because of your affiliation with the superheroes...!...THOSE superheroes in particular! I have PICTURES of Daredevil AND Frank Castle leaving your establishment at some point!

"That's not unusual..." reasoned Matt [pulling the `evidence' from the folder]! "...I AM a lawyer after-all..." he reminded, "...heroes come to me all the time for legal advice!"

"Even the ones specifically NAMED in our trial records...?" asked Fisk, suspiciously!

"I'm not sure I understand what it IS you're implying...?" questioned Matt [unable to physically see the statement OR photos]!

"Seems a bit suspicious that mere weeks after my trial you're seen consorting with the very people I'm battling against! Sounds a tad unethical to me!"

Matt couldn't help but laugh!

"Ethics shaming...from YOU...?...really...!?" scoffed Murdock!

"There's MORE..." said Fisk, picking up a delicious red apple..., before HURLING it at Matt's head at a high velocity! Matt sensed the object coming...and quickly grabbed his walking-stick to deflect the hard fruit, ricocheting it across the room [breaking a mirror]!

"...QUICK reflexes for a BLIND man...!" smirked Fisk [as Matt tried to compose himself]! "So, as I see it..., either you've been LYING about being blind all these years which would put you in jeopardy of losing your business practice off deception..., OR..."

Matt's mind wandered quickly trying to come up with scenarios for HOW he saw that apple coming...!...from partial blindness to a lucky guess! He was sure he would be able to spin-up something believable..., until he heard Fisk's `OR'...!

Matt felt his own heartbeat freeze in his chest as he waited for Fisk to continue with his theories! WHAT did the mob-king THINK he had on him...?

"...OR..." paused Fisk [purposely building the tension]! "...you're Daredevil!"

Matt laughed aloud!

"ME...?" he questioned [knowing no one would take Fisk's accusations seriously]!

"I have your movement on camera..." countered Fisk, pointing out the hidden cameras stashed about the room in various places! "...not to mention ANOTHER statement from your former law partner swearing that Mathew Murdock IS `The Devil Of Hell's Kitchen' himself...!"

"WHY would Froggy say that...?" asked Matt, pulling the rest of the papers' from the envelope [trailing his fingers along the written statement, trying to read' the indentations on the paper like braille]...! "...why would he LIE about something like that...?!

"Obviously I'm NOT Daredevil!"

"Money has a strange way of turning former allies into enemies!" gloated Fisk, smugly!

"You PAID him for this information...?" asked Matt [feeling his own heartbeat and pulse quicken]! "He obviously LIED for the money!" theorized Matt [covering his own ass]!

"You think so...?" asked Fisk [eerily calm]! "He seemed the more trustworthy one between the 2 of you!"

"What can I say..." said Matt, stuffing the photos and papers back into the envelope! "...I'll have to treat him as a disgruntle employee! Why ELSE would he make these statements about me...?"

"I would gather..." said Fisk [from his seat], "...because its TRUE!"

Matt felt the tiny hairs on the back of his neck rise! "Whether its true or not..." continued the big man [taking a small bite from his crustless finger-sandwich]! "...this kind of publicity would bring a lot of unwanted attention to your firm, wouldn't it...? Probably even an investigation or two...!...and lord knows what THAT might turn up!"

Matt tried to remain calm on the outside..., but inside he was panicking, having spent most of his life under the radar, only to have it all crumble into his lap! "Personally I couldn't care less if you were Daredevil or not..." reasoned Fisk, "...but the rest of the world would scrutinize every little thing you did from the moment the allegations started!" he forewarned! "But all of it could go away IF you silently endorse me as Mayor!"

"Blackmail...?" asked Matt [realizing the precarious boat he was in]!

"I don't see it as `blackmail'..." corrected Fisk [licking his fingertips], "...I see it as an opportunity..." he explained! "...during my trial you barely acknowledged you were my lawyer...!...this would be a great opportunity to show your support! And everything in that envelope goes away...!"

Matt knew Fisk would have a hard time convincing anyone that a blind man was Daredevil..., but just the negative publicity alone could sink future clients, and cause others to seek revenge...!...possibly putting people he cared for in jeopardy!

Matt couldn't believe he was actually considering this...!



Frank Castle (The Punisher) and Thomas Devi (Axis) were shopping for one of Devi's kids birthdays...! Devi didn't really expect Frank to want to go along [seeing how unfriendly he usually was], but was surprised when he accepting his offer to pick out a present for his kid [obviously needing to get out of his tiny/cramped apt for awhile]!

"You should get BOTH of them something!" advised Frank, as they casually walked through a local Walmart [Frank wearing a `America Was Never Great' baseball cap and sunglasses to remain anonymous in public]!

"But its only ONE of their birthdays..." reasoned Devi [as they searched for something nice]! "...if I get BOTH of them something that would defeat purpose of ONE of them having a `special day' all to themselves...!"

"Okay..." said Frank, realizing they weren't HIS kids! "...I'm just saying..." he added [as Devi started looking in The Barbie aisle for his daughter's gifts]! "...in OUR line of work, you never know WHEN you gonna see them again..." reasoned the ex-cop, "...I wouldn't want anyone feeling left-out if you DIED tomorrow while on a mercenary mission!"

Devi glanced back at his new lover...!

"That's morbid!" he said, flatly! "WHY would you say something like that...? That's a HORRIBLE thing to put on my family!"

"I'm just saying..." defended Frank [picking up a police' Barbie and a domestic' Ken doll], "...you nearly died when I caught you stalking ME {#59}..., and then AGAIN at The Bates' Motel...{#69}...not to mention how MY family was taken away much too soon..." he added [everybody knowing how his family were brutally murdered from all the local news footage]! "...I just thought you'd like to cover all yur bases is all!"

"Yeah...yeah, good point!" agreed Devi, picking up a Barbie Dream House for his daughter, and a 3D Virtual Reality Headset for both his kids [setting him back a good $1000], ($600 more than he was prepared to spend)!



The couple pulled up in front of Devi's former house [now his wife's home] with its white picket fence and manicured yard [no one suspecting it belonged to a mercenary]! From a distance [across the street] they could see balloons tied to the fence, marking the home as party central! They could see kids running up to the door [with their parents], holding birthday gifts for the girl!

"Feel free to stay in the car..." said Devi [heading to the back to pull out the gifts]! "...I know how much you HATE this kinda stuff!"

"Not at all..." said Frank [getting out to help him carry the items up to the house]! "...one thing I rarely missed was my kids' birthdays..." said the ex-cop, "...even when I was in the military, I was always able to skype them online!"

"WHO knew Frank Castle was the perfect father...!" smiled Devi [loving finding out new secrets about his boyfriend]!

"Far from perfect..." defended Frank! "...but that's the beauty of it all..., you don't have to be `perfect' for yur kids...!...they'll love you unconditionally anyway! It's the ADULTS that hold grudges!"

The 2 men walked across the street with the gifts, as Devi walked up to the front door and tested the doorknob [finding it locked]! He pulled out his spare key, but it didn't work! Finally he KNOCKED on the door! A little GIRL opened it, her face BEAMING when she saw it was her father!

"DADDY!" she screamed [happily], throwing her arms about his waist! "Mommy said she didn't think you would make it today...! Hey MOM...he's HERE! Daddy's here!" she announced, running back in [like a cat with its tail on fire]!

Devi couldn't help laughing as he escorted Frank inside...!...introducing him to his 7yr old daughter (Cindy) and his son 10yr old son (Max)...passing them both their gifts, getting big HUGS from both of them!

Devi's wife came in a few minutes later...!

"What are you doing here, Thom...?" she asked, "I thought we AGREED you wouldn't be attending birthdays this year...?"

"Yeah..." admitted Devi, "...but that was when I thought I'd be...working...!" he said [having cancelled an assassination he had planned]! "What's important is that I COULD make it, right...?"

"Well..." sighed his ex-wife, "...we have seat assignments and catering!" she complained [not having room for her ex and his friend]!

"Really Leann...?...you can't spear 2 seats at a KID'S party?" asked Devi, suspiciously!

"Well...had you CALLED ahead of time maybe I could have reserved you a seat...!" said the ex-wife [coldly]!

"Is everything alright here, honey...?" asked a male's voice, walking up behind!

"`Honey'...?" questioned Devi, as a strange MAN walked up beside his ex!

"Who's THIS...?" asked the ex-husband [as Leann looked hesitant to say]!

"Oh...this is, Mark..." she said, "...he's here for Cindy's birthday!"

"HIM...?" asked Devi, suspiciously! "HE'S a friend with a 7yr old girl...?" he questioned, skeptically!

"Well...yes!" answered Leann! "He's a friend of ALL of ours!"

"Hi..." said Mark, holding out his hand to shake! "...I'm Mark Justin, Leann's boyfriend!"

Devi gave Mark's hand a COLD stare!

"So you have room for your boyfriend but not our daughter's FATHER...?" asked Devi!

"Mark gave advance notice!" answered Leann!

Frank grabbed Devi's shoulder...pulling him back from strangling his wife in front of his kids!

"This ain't the time...nor the place!" warned Frank [sensing Devi's justified anger]!

Devi looked at Frank...then started to calm down [counting to 10 in his head]!

"Who's your friend...?" asked Leann [finally giving Frank some notice]!

"This's..." hesitated Devi, knowing he couldn't reveal Frank's real name [without alerting WHO he really was]! "...uh...my coworker..., -Steve!"

"Steve'...?" whispered Frank, sounding insulted [thinking of Steve Rogers (the all-american boy-scout)]! "Really...? Do I LOOK like a fucking Steve'...?"

"Not really..." whispered Devi, "...I kinda...panicked!" he admitted!

"Well `Steve'...its nice to meet you..." lied Leann, insincerely! "...but this is a PRIVATE party for KIDS only...! I'm sure you understand!"

"I see ADULTS standing right over there...!" pointed `Steve' [at a small pocket of adults standing in the kitchen drinking and socializing]!

"They're the PARENTS of some of the children at the party...!" reasoned Leann!

"Good...so `parents' are invited...!...but Devi's the parent of the birthday girl!

"I can wait in the car if that helps!" said `Steve'!

"They all V.I.P.'d..." smirked Leann, "...they're helping to chaperone!"

"I don't see the problem here, gentlemen..." intervened Mark [coming to Leann's rescue]! "...she wasn't expecting additional guests. So why don't you 2 just LEAVE with some dignity and don't make a spectacle of yourselves...?...its just a kid's party for god's sake!"

"Mark, is it...?" questioned Devi [disturbed that a stranger would get into his family's domestic discussion]! "This has NOTHING to do with you...! So why don't you go into the kitchen with the rest of the chaperones and bake some cookies or something...!...before you get hurt!"

"Really...?" chuckled Mark, just before getting SOCKED in the face with Devi's fist...!...knocking the wife's bf to the floor on his butt [catching the attentions of the other adults in the kitchen]...!

"I'm calling the police!" said Leann, grabbing her cell phone!

"Don't bother, we're leaving!" said `Steve', gripping Devi's arm and pulling him out the front door!

"All I wanted to do was see my little girl for her birthday...!" yelled Devi, as Leann stood in the doorway with the phone pressed to her ear!

The 2 men walked back to their truck across the street, as Devi's daughter ran to the door screaming her dad's name! Devi turned around just in time to see his ex-wife slam the door shut behind them, preventing him from saying goodbye to his daughter! Devi teared up as they got in the car, crying that it was `unfair' not to be able to see his kids! Frank started the truck and took off, wanting a change of scene [wanting to get as far from Leann's house as possible before the cops came]!

"She's such a BITCH..." yelled Devi, punching the dashboard! "...I'm so GLAD I punched her boyfriend's lights out!"

"Yeah...that was great!" agreed Frank! "Dude was ASKING for it!"

"My cock's HARD!" announced Devi [surprised himself]! "We should have kidnapped him and took him home and butt-raped him like you did ME when we first met!" {chp-59}!

"Yeah...?" laughed Frank, glancing over at Devi [enjoying his adrenaline]! "You want to fuck the shit out of him...?" he questioned!

Devi glanced back at Frank [believing he might be jealous]...!

"Well...only as punishment, not because I'm attracted to him or anything!" he explained!

"Of course not..., sometimes you have to put a man in his place..." agreed Frank, "...remind him exactly where he stands in life...!...making him suffer the consequences!"

"Exactly!" cheered Devi [reaching down to grope his stiff cock through his pants], adjusting himself!

Frank noticed!

"You wanna stop off someplace and take CARE of that...?" asked Frank, curiously!

"What you got in mind...?" asked Devi [down for an orgasm]!

They drove along an industrial highway, with Devi believing Frank might be looking for a warehouse to fuck in...? However all became clear when Frank pulled off the expressway and onto a side road leading to a sex shop!

"Have you been here before...?" asked Devi, looking out the window at the signage for Live Girls', Video Booths', and other novelties!

"No..." answered Frank [pulling in between 2 cars]! "...but if you've been to one you've been to `em all, right?" he asked, shutting off the vehicle before they exited!

The parking lot was kind of full, with Frank realizing it was lunchtime and a lot of horny men [like them] were probably likely looking to get off rather than eat food! They entered the store which was full of old-school DVD porn [gay, str8, bisexual, trans, torture, and hardcore]; novelties [books, lingerie, bolls, dildos, and cockrings]; and then there was the LIVE girls in the back of the store as its main feature [go-go dancing, etc.]; and the video booths on the other side of the building [playing a multitude of videos]!

They walked around for awhile, taking in the sights and arousing themselves even more!

"Wanna go to the booths...?" asked Frank [after staring at Devi's ass through his tight fitting jeans]!

"What you planning to DO to me there...?" asked Devi, deviously!

Frank walked by one of the open booths...!

"They have gloryholes!" he stated, prompting Devi to peer inside!

"You think a cocksucker's on the other side...?" he hoped.

"ONE way to find out!" smirked Frank, shoving Devi inside before following him in and closing the door behind them!

He shoved his boyfriend back against the wall and leaned in to kiss him [hard], slipping tongues into each other's mouths and swapping spit! Frank ground his crotch against Devi's, their hardons rubbing lewdly against one another! Frank pulled back when he looked down and noticed someone staring at them through the gloryhole! Frank grabbed Devi's dick through his pants, massaging it roughly [getting it super-hard] before unzipping him and hoisting out his 8" cock and pushing him towards the hole!

Devi hesitated, concerned about shoving his precious cock through a hole to a total stranger...!

"You SURE about this...?" he asked.

"You never got head from a gloryhole before...?" asked Frank [sounding surprised]!

"No." he answered [his cock poised at the entrance]!

The cocksucker pressed his mouth at the hole, licking his lips, trying to entice him to shove it into his mouth! Frank thrust his hand down into the back Devi's pants, gripping his ass cheeks and rubbing his fingers along his ass-crack! Devi stepped forward, his dickhead touching upon the man's lips! He licked and suckled the head, feeling more of it enter his mouth! Devi liked what he felt, so he pushed his entire cock through the hole and deep into the man's oral cavity! The man deep-throated Devi's dick as pressed his face into the wall!

Frank removed his hand, then got behind Devi and physically pulled his pants down under his buttock before falling to his knees behind him and pressing his face up between his ass cheeks [eating his hole]!

"Fuck!" moaned Devi, feeling the 2 sensations happening at once!

The cocksucker began bobbing back and forth on his dick, while Frank pushed his face into his cheeks and ate his ass, licking and sucking the hole! "Ohhh fuck!" gasped Devi, as Frank pulled his cheeks apart and buried his tongue into his shitter, washing it out thoroughly while darting his tongue in and out [dumping as much spit as he could into his cavity]! He stood up behind his lover, then pulled his own cock from his black jeans and pressed the head up between the spit/wet cheeks [pushing in]!

"URHHG...!!" grunted Devi, feeling the cock bore into him, stretching his asshole as the head popped in, allowing the entire cock to sink inside, burying deep!

Frank pressed his hips into Devi's ass, in turn pressing Devi's hips into the wall, and his cock down the throat of the man on the other side of the gloryhole! The man sucked the cock deeply, bobbing his mouth back and forth, caressing the dick with his mouth and tongue! Devi couldn't believe the 2 sensations hitting his senses at once! Frank was starting to thrust into him, dragging his dick back and forth, fucking his asshole deeply as he pressed his chest to his back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear!

"How's that mouth...?" he asked [huskily], his lips right next to Devi's ear while steadily fucking his ass!

"He..." gasped the hit-man, "...he's stopped sucking me...!" he complained!

Frank lifted Devi's arms into the air, both their hands grabbing the top of the wall separating the booths while he continued digging through his ass! Suddenly Devi felt the man's hand return to his dick, then felt the warm mouth slowly swallowing him up to the root! Except something felt different...!

"I...I think dude's fucking my cock with his ass!" he whispered back to his lover!

"It's hotter and tighter...!...and no tongue!"

"Does it feel good?" asked Frank [fucking nonstop]!

"Yes!" moaned Devi, as the man ground his ass back against the wall, making his dick churn around in his guts before pulling off and pushing back [fucking himself]!

"Fuck, man!" groaned Devi, the ass moving back and forth on his dick while Frank fucked him from behind! He threw his head back against Frank's shoulder, his eyes closed and his mouth agape, moaning profusely from the 2 sensations!

"Fuck me, baby!" he whispered to his lover, as Frank lowered his hands to slid under Devi's shirt and pinched his nipples [roughly]! He picked up the pace and started to fuck harder! Devi squeezed his ass cheeks together, tightening his fuck-hole around the thrusting dick! Frank bit his lover on the neck and shoulder, mauling his nipples mercilessly!

"Fuck! Oh fuck!" groaned Devi, feeling his dick starting to thicken! "Oh fuck, baby..., I'm gonna cum..." he moaned aloud, unable to hold back! The man on the other side of the wall overheard him and shoved his ass back onto the dick [fully]! He ground the cock around in his ass while tightening his sphincter muscles, milking the swollen shaft! "...urrhhhg..." grunted Devi, feeling his dick burst! "...URRHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled out loud, clenching his cheeks as his asshole started to spasm wildly! Frank kept fucking, the flexing hole sucking at his thrusting shaft stronger, making him want to pop off faster! He pounded Devi against the wall, ramming through him fiercely as his own dick started to grow more sensitive! He could feel himself getting close to coming as he suddenly shoved all the way into his lover's guts and unloaded!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he grunted, burying his forehead into the back of his lover's neck, grinding into his buttock roughly as he dumped a huge wad into his bowels!

"Fuck, Frank...!" moaned Devi, turning his head around as the 2 men kissed!

Frank slowly pulled out of Devi's ass, as Devi pulled out of the man's ass [and the gloryhole]! Frank turned Devi around and kissed him frontwards, kissing passionately as they fell back into the corner of the booth, kissing deeper/hotter!

A minute later they pulled up their pants and exited the store, stopping off for take-out before driving home to chill for the rest of the day!

NEXT: Hydra Incentives _______________________________________________________ If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments, questions, and/or suggestions. Also check out my other fantasy titles: X-Men Tales, and The Libidinous Avengers! Join me on Facebook under the name Eugene Marvin, for updates on what I'm working on next! And you can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg ________________________________________________________ HAVE YOU DONATED TO NIFTY TODAY?

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