The Legacy of a Starman

By John Black

Published on Mar 20, 2015


The Legacy of a Starman

Chapter 12

Ford smiled at my litany of questions. "Let's back up a minute," he began. "On my home world, there are laws that prohibit closely related people from marrying and severely discouraged from having sex with each other. However, that series of laws only applies to persons of the opposite sex. If you choose to marry your brother or cousin who is of the same sex, who cares? Same for sisters. There will be no children produced who could be a burden on the parents and society. So, if we wanted to, Mike, we could marry."

"Oh," I deflated. "That does make some sense, I suppose."

"So, does it bother you that we're half-brothers and have been having sex?" he wondered.

"Well, I probably should be, but I'm not, truthfully. I love being with you and the sex is amazing, far better than with any of the other men I've been with. But, where does that leave us?"

"Ah, yes," he smiled again. "I'm assigned to your planet as an observer. My mission is to blend in and understand the nature of your world as well as the general direction of it. The initial survey is scheduled for five of your years. I've already completed two."

"Is there any hope for us?" I asked.

"I'm hopelessly biased, now that I've met you. Dad told me that he left you with special crystals that you've used only for the betterment of mankind. You have done nothing with them that enriches you or your family or friends," Ford reminded me. "That speaks to your humanity and gives us hope for your species and planet. But, that doesn't resolve when or if your people will be invited to join the rest of us. You do have a ways to go."

"And at the end of those five years, what becomes of you and more importantly to me, what becomes of us? Will you rejoin your unit and I'll not see you again for years and years?" I said, almost whining.

"That is up to my commanding officer. But, Dad will put in a good word for me and if I wanted to stay for a few more years of observation, it would probably be granted."

I grinned happily at that. I did want to pursue a relationship with him, even though he was my half-brother. "In your society, when two men commit to each other in a relationship, does that mean that they don't fuck around? I recall that Dad said that he can't fuck with anyone else as long as he's on the same planet as his spouse."

"What Dad told you is the general rule. However, each couple decides for themselves, the parameters of their relationship. In Dad's case, he never strayed from the custom. And while he's here, he won't engage in any kind of sexual activity, except with your mother."

"But, she's married to someone else now."

"Yes, she is. And if she wants to be with our father, he will love to reconnect with her."

"That's her decision, of course," I mused. "But, I do know that she does love my father and especially the sex with him. I have to assume that he has a really big dick like yours."

"Yes, he does. I've seen him in action."

"And Mom loves that big dick that my step-father uses on her. She's a squealer for the big ones."

"How big is he?"

"About the same size as I am. Maybe a little thicker."

Ford grinned. "Were you tempted?"

"Many times," I admitted. "When I spied on them the first time, I couldn't believe how big he was. I was only about eight years old, so I thought his dick was massive. In my late teens, I'd still see them occasionally, but I was working my dick into my friends at school, so that was enough to satisfy my need to watch hot sex. Besides, I thought it was an invasion of their privacy and I stopped trying to sneak a peek. However, I could still hear them when they were going at it."

"So, when did you start playing around with other guys?" Ford asked.

"I was about ten when I played with another boy's dick, and around 14 when I did more than play with his dick. It wasn't long after I sucked my first dick that I fucked ass. I do love that!"

"You sure do!" Ford laughed. "Did you always spray big loads?"

"Yes, but not as big as what I pump out now. The cures that you know about now have increased the discharge by about 50%. Which reminds me, why don't you spray as much as I used to pump out?"

Ford grinned. "I knew you'd eventually asked that question. I take a supplement each week that reduces my creamy loads by about 75%. And before you ask, I had to go through gene manipulation to get rid of my blue patches."

"Ah, that explains it. But, why not keep your huge loads?"

"It was thought that it would draw too much attention to me. As I'm a gay man, I would no doubt have many partners. Word would get around and it would be a problem if my true nature were discovered. Rather than take the risk, I take the pill."

"I wish you'd stop taking it. I'd love to get massive loads from you," I smirked. "You know how much I love cum and getting a huge dose from you would be so hot!"

"I could ask Dad if it would be okay. That would be two of us that we know of who pump out massive loads. And I've seen at least one other black guy who pumps out enormous loads on the internet. He sprays out about 14 huge squirts with each climax. It looks like he might rival you."

"I hope Dad agrees," I mused. "How long after you stop taking it will your full capacity return?"

"I have no idea. This hasn't been done before as far as I know. But, it will probably be a slow increase back to my usual volume."

"I can't wait!" I beamed. A sudden thought struck me. "Dad said, or rather his holo-image said your species lives about 350 years by our reckoning. What does that mean for my longevity? I am my father's son."

"Excellent question. We'll have to ask Dad that one, too."

"And what are you two boys conspiring about now?" my real father asked as he walked into the dining room where Ford and I had been sitting.

"Mike's been asking a lot of questions about you and us and our people. And there are a couple of questions that we need you to answer, because I don't have the answer," Ford replied. My father nodded for Ford to go ahead and ask the questions. "Can I stop taking the ejaculate volume reduction pills? Mike already nutts more than I do and there are at least a couple of guys that I've seen on the internet who shoot at least as much as he does."

His father thought about it. "Can you show me the internet picture of that?"

Ford fussed with his phone and finally brought up the short movie in question. He handed the device over to his father after pushing the play button. Our dad checked it out, smiled, and nodded. "I guess our worries about you standing out too much were unfounded. Yes, you can stop taking the pills."

Ford and I beamed like we'd just won the lottery. "Thanks, Dad," we said in unison.

"You've become much more than friends haven't you," he smiled.

"Much more," Ford responded, smiling like his face would burst as he looked at me. I had to smile back. This man made my dick swell every time I looked at him.

"Could you take me to the box I left for you, Mike?" my dad asked. I took him into my bedroom and pulled the box out of the secret place where I hid it. He pushed several places on the box in sequence and together. It was a combination I'd never remember. He removed a small crystal from his pocket and placed it atop the box. Oddly, the crystal dissolved into the box, leaving no residue or other signs it had ever been there. He turned to me and said, "I've updated your device and re-energized the crystals that have turned dark. You can continue with your cures or anything else your heart desires. And I've updated what I've been up to as well as the status of the alliances. Nothing I've added would compromise our security or yours. However, please don't share any of this with anyone else, other than your brother."

I nodded my agreement. When he rose and handed the box back to me, I placed it back in the hiding place I'd used before. "Thanks, Dad. You've made me the happiest man alive," I whispered in a choking voice. I hugged him fiercely, and wept. "My step-father has been very good to me, but my real father gave me life and so many benefits by being his son that I could never begin to repay him."

When we parted, he smiled at me. "I love you as much as I do any of my other children," he said. "And I'll always love your mother, even though I had to leave her. I'm so pleased that your step-father has raised you to be such a wonderful, young man. You have made all of us proud."

"I have good genes, and a terrific, loving family," I replied. I looked over at Ford and drew him into the family hug. "And while I have your attention, your holo-image said that your species lives about 350 of our years. What does that mean for my longevity?"

"I'm not sure," my father replied. "I manipulated only a few of my genes to give you life and make you more human. I didn't tamper with the longevity gene. However, you are also your mother's son, so that may or may not impact on how long you'll live. And that could be a long-term problem. How could you ever explain that you lived more than 200 years, for instance? And if you take after our species, there's no way you could spin a tale about why you lived over 350 years." He paused and thought for a moment. "Let's not borrow trouble from the future. After you've lived another 40 or 50 years, we'll know whether or not you have our longevity gene. It will be obvious in your health and appearance."

We left my bedroom and returned to the living room where my parents were seated. They looked up when we joined them. "Are you catching up with your father?" my mom asked. I nodded and smiled. "Good. I always wanted you to know your father and love him as much as I do," she added. "And I'm not taking anything away from your step-father. He's a wonderful man and I love him dearly. He's been a good father to you as well as a good husband to me."

I walked over to my step-dad and thanked him for his guidance and support, even though I wasn't his son. He stood up and hugged me. "It has been my honor to raise such a wonderful, young man. You will always be my son," he said. "My only regret is that I couldn't give you siblings."

"He turned out well, anyway," my real father smiled. "You've done a perfect job of raising this boy," he said giving me another hug. He also gave my step-father a chaste hug. "You're a wonderful man," he whispered in his ear. "Thanks for being there for him."

The three of us left for Ford's home (me, my real father, and Ford). Ford put our father in the second bedroom and pulled me into his master bedroom. "Remember what we did on your 19th birthday when you were at Berkeley?" he asked. I had to think a moment and then smiled devilishly. We had fucked all night. I pulled out of his ass only long enough for him to dash to the bathroom to abort my babies and then we were back at it again. I must have pumped sperm into his ass 20 times that night. Both of us loved it.

"Are you up to that much abuse of your ass?" I smiled impishly.

"I can take it if you can pump it out," Ford replied. "You know how much I love your big dick and loads in my ass."

"What about my ass?" I asked. "Don't I get any dick?"

"As much as you can handle," he smiled. "And when the effects of this drug wear off, I'll be pumping you full of my juice and it'll be far more frequent than what I'm capable to doing now."

"You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that."

It was nearly a month later that I began to notice that the effects of the suppression pill wore off. His need to breed was becoming more frequent. His recovery time was down to 15 minutes. I know his loads were slowly increasing in size because I got more than a mouthful when I sucked him off. He wasn't blasting as much as I did when he fucked me, but it was starting to be a problem when I wanted to hold all of his sperm inside me after he climaxed.

Now that Ford knew that I was the one who came up with the cures, I asked him for help in deciding how to spread a cure for Alzheimer's disease. We considered and discarded several ideas; including finding some interns who were doing part of their residency in the memory care units of nursing homes and then fuck their brains out. That idea held little appeal. It didn't spread the cure quickly enough and it required that several of those young doctors would want to bareback with me.

Finally, Ford asked me how I spread the cure for cancer. I told him about the brownies and the special additive that I'd baked into them. He loved the idea, laughing at how brilliant the solution was. "Why not do the same thing for the Alzheimer's cure? I'm sure there are support groups for them as well," he pointed out. I should have thought of that earlier. It worked very well the first time I'd spread a cure. It should work again!

We considered how to phrase the cure that we wanted and then asked the crystal to create the cure we had in mind. Once more, I held the cure in my hand and watched it dissolve into my skin. The crystal turned dark, indicating that it was spent. There was an evening of slight discomfort and a slight elevation in my temperature. I slept soundly in Ford's bed that night. We didn't have any kind of sex for 24 hours. At the end of that time, I felt 100% better and told him that I thought we could double our cure rate if I fucked him several times and then both of us could squirt our loads into a batch of brownies to share with the support groups. We fucked shamelessly most of that day and into the night.

The next afternoon, we checked for the meeting places and times for the Alzheimer's support groups. We baked enough brownies to feed several groups, but only after we'd sprayed big loads of jizz into each bowl of batter. Once more, I hid the taste of our jizz by adding orange zest and orange liqueur.

Within the LA basin, there were more than a dozen support groups. Most of them met weekly as a respite from the constant care they had to provide to their family member. Between us and working around our modelling schedules, we were able to hit all the support groups within a two week period. We didn't hear anything about the success of our efforts until the news broke over the Christmas holidays. Ford and I were pleased with the cure rate and the joy it gave to those afflicted families.

By the middle of August when I was about to go back to school, he was back at full capacity, and I loved every time we fucked. Neither of us could contain the loads shot up our holes now. But, we didn't care. Our time together was always fun. Breeding was only the icing on our cakes, and in our cakes.

My father stayed another two weeks before he had to return to duty. He gave Ford some last minute instructions of things to watch for that showed that our planet was developing in the correct direction. His parting words to me included how proud he was of me and that he looked forward to coming back as soon as he could. He encouraged me to continue my studies and hoped that I'd work with the crystals in the best possible way. I assured him that I would.

Before I left for Berkeley, my mom and I had a nice chat about my real father. "I'll never stop loving that man. He's the one that got away, even though I married him and he gave me you. That makes me the happiest woman in the world," she added. "Your step-father has been very good to both of us. Never forget that." She paused for a moment and smiled. "I hope your father comes back soon. I'm already missing him." Her tone said more than her words. She loved him a great deal, but, I know she loves big dicks just as much. That's one of the reasons she married my step-father. It did leave me wondering if my real father spent some quality time in bed with her before he departed.

Ford stayed with me in the dorm before classes started. I got the classes I wanted and generally at the times I wanted them. Nothing too early, so I wouldn't have to get up in the dark to go to class. Of course, we fucked like breeding rabbits every night and most afternoons. After a couple of good breedings, we'd be so cleaned out that we stopped the mad dash to the bathroom after getting bred; we merely sat on the face of the man who just bred us. "You squirted it in, you gotta eat it out," was the motto we lived by. But, I also knew that if he didn't leave soon, I'd never get to class and get my academic year off to a good start. But, he did leave the day before classes started. He had a late summer gig in Italy again that would take at least a week, plus another one in Paris right afterwards.

The first semester of the year was easier than I thought it would be. Once more, I spent Thanksgiving weekend with my parents. They invited Ford to join us, of course. But, Ford said it was his turn to be host for the dinner, so we ate at his place. He was part of the family now. And the dinner was delicious. Ford is a master chef by any definition. And you know I spent every night with Ford. There was no way that we couldn't sleep together when the chance arose. I couldn't get fucked enough by that huge dick of his. And now that he was able to spray a load nearly as big as mine, I was a well-satisfied, well-bred young man.

And I did invite my rider from the previous year to join me for the trip back and forth to LA from Berkeley. Of course, he blew me every 20 minutes, and I fucked him at every rest area. Clearly, I was loving sex as much as I ever did. We did shared the ride and fucked again at Christmas break.

When the news broke about the Alzheimer's cure, we were at my parent's house, enjoying last minute preparations for the holiday with decorations and present wrapping. "Did you hear that?" my mother said. "Turn it up, please," she said to anyone close to the remote. We sat stunned at the good news. It was a full story with cure statistics and joyful people who thought they surely were losing their loved one to this awful disease. The cures seemed to be permanent. In some cases, the results were almost instantaneous. But, the truly advanced cases took nearly a month to clear the disease from their bodies.

The medical community was at a loss as to how the cure happened or how it was transmitted, if there was a transmission mode. Ford and I knew that the cure could be transmitted by saliva, sweat, jizz, or touch. Because we'd been in Europe several times for our modelling jobs, the cure was spread quickly there as well. Because we didn't have an equipped kitchen to work with, baking brownies was out of the question. However, we hit upon the idea that we could spray our loads into a large vessel, add icing sugar and strong flavors like orange zest and orange liqueur. That concoction could be drizzled over croissants or any other bread product that sometimes had icing. No one seemed to detect the taste of jizz. And with all the fucking we did at the sex clubs, the Alzheimer's cure spread quickly through many more people.

Understandably, the drug companies were apoplectic. Their stocks were cratering on the international stock markets. They still made a lot of money on standard drugs to treat high cholesterol and blood pressure to name just two. But, those drugs were in the generic world by now, so their profit margins were tanking. Orphan drugs which cured a particularly rare disease were still being sold, but they weren't making enough profit on those to support additional research on new drugs for other diseases.

MS and Parkinson's were the next to go that winter. Lou Gehrig's disease was also blasted by us with a new cure. Despite all these wonderful cures, no one had ever figured out how they were created or how to replicate them.

I wondered if genetic abnormalities could be cured, too. But, Ford warned me about the potential problems with gene therapy. "There are too many variables and too many chances to make a major mistake," he cautioned. "Your heart's in the right place, but I don't think we can risk it. If we were in a controlled laboratory on my native world, they would be able to figure it all out. But, we're too amateurish."

Lest you think that we have given up on the sex clubs because of our new found familial relationship, allow me to put your minds at ease. We went together to a local sex club at least once a week. Not only were we spreading the cure for several maladies, but we were enjoying the hell out of hot men who needed breeding. Rarely did I find a man that I thought I'd want to fuck me. On the other hand, Ford was ready to throw his legs in the air for any big dick that came along. But, as is usually the case, even the big dicked guys wanted to get fucked, so both of us wound up being the top man in nearly every instance.

But, there was one man we met during the summer at the sex club we loved in LA. He was tall, black, had a sensational body, and wasn't much older than me. His skin tone was darker than mine, but not by much. His dick was at least as big as mine, perhaps bigger, but he wasn't bigger than Ford. I met this guy on a Friday evening. Ford and I got a private room and used the rubber-band-on-the-door-knob signal for uninterrupted, hot sex.

I had just left the shower room after a good romp in our shared room with Ford. We'd fucked and bred each other. I headed over to the bar to get fluids and Ford headed to the sling room, intent on breeding as many men as he could. At the bar is where I met Damien. Because his body was so amazing, I had to get to know him. My first impression was that he had to play professional sports or at least had played in college and kept himself in perfect shape. His high bubble butt made my mouth water and my dick jerk. His long hose caused the same reaction. But, it was his smile that captivated me.

The bartender introduced us and went off to fix drinks for four men who had just come into the bar. "The barkeep says that you're an amazing fuck, with a really big dick and massive loads," Damien smiled as he checked me out brazenly. His gaze lingered on my erect dick. Without pausing, he gently squeezed my dick, and then looked back in my eyes. "I hope he was right when he said that you love to fuck."

"That's one of my many skills," I allowed.

"And you recover really fast and pump out a massive load. Is that true, too?" he asked. I nodded and grinned.

"You have a really big dick, so you should be using it to pound some manhole, too," I hoped. "I hope you like to flip."

"Only for the right guy," he said. "And he has to be negative. But, the bartender said that you were. Are you still?" I nodded again.

"And you?" I wondered.

"Neg, also," he answered. "Uh, this is the first time I've been in a sex club, so I'm not sure of the protocols," he began. "What shouldn't I do?"

"Just about anything is allowed, as long as it doesn't injury your sex partner," I replied. "Would you like to go back to my room and we can discuss the details?"

He eagerly agreed and followed me to my shared room. I put the rubber band on the door knob and closed it behind me. Damien looked a little lost, not knowing what he was supposed to do next. I embraced him and kissed him softly on the lips. He relaxed, almost melting. "He didn't say that you were such a great kisser," he whispered when we broke the kiss. "I wanna eat you all over and then I want you to fuck me to death."

"Only if I can do the same to your amazing body," I countered. He grinned broadly and nodded. Before I could suggest any particular move, his full lips were kissing my ears, neck, and shoulders as he worked his way lower. He teased me by avoiding my hard, throbbing dick and full balls. After he kissed down to my ankles, he turned me around and started up the back of my legs. When he got to my ass, he kissed the cheeks, but didn't probe between my ass melons. I was disappointed. But, after he kissed up my back, he returned to my ass and slipped his tongue between my butt cheeks and licked hungrily. When his tongue touched my asshole, I nearly swooned.

Hearing my moan of pleasure, he doubled his effort to get his tongue as far as he could reach up my back door. I bent over, so he could get even deeper. "I wanna fuck you so bad," he sighed, "but I need to get fucked even worse." With that promise, he turned me around and went down on my hard dick. He savored the precum that was leaking profusely from the tip. "You taste good in front and in back," he grinned up at me. Going back to giving me a blowjob, he moved his tongue to my heavy balls and licked them gently. "You gonna fill me up with the contents of these big nuts?"

"That's a promise," I said. "This will be the biggest load you've ever taken."

"I rarely get fucked bareback, so that wouldn't be much of a stretch," he replied.

I had to push him away from my dick or I was going to blast my load down his throat instead of us his ass. I didn't know if he'd stick around for a second load, but I wasn't taking any chances. He took his cue and moved on to the bed and rolled on to his back. "How do you want me?" he smiled up at me.

"Do you have a favorite or fantasy position you want to try?" I wondered.

"Uh, yeah. I love doggie style, but I'm not sure my ass can take you that way. I'm not used to getting fucked by big dicks or getting fucked at all."

"Maybe I should be on my back and you sit on my dick, then," I offered. "You can control the speed and depth more easily that way."

Less than a minute after he sat on my dick, I was breeding him. I don't know what happened. We were enjoying a slow, deep fuck, his big dick flopping on my abs, when suddenly; my dick erupted in his ass. I didn't even have a chance to warm him that I was about to fill his ass with sperm. The only sound I uttered was a groan as my firing dick slammed up into his tight hole and spewed a monster load into him. His ass wasn't particularly good at sucking me off, but there was something about him that triggered my load.

He pulled off my dick and pushed my long legs into my chest. He spent less than a minute eating my ass out before his big, black dick entered me. Pushing all the way in with one deliciously long stroke, he held himself tightly against my ass. I could feel his dick pulsing inside me. He looked down at me and smiled tentatively. "I don't wanna cream your hole yet, but I don't know if I can hold back," he cautioned.

"I'm willing to take my chances," I said, returning his smile. His dick jerked several times inside me. "I want those black babies deep in my gut. And don't worry about cumming too quickly. I'm sure you can nutt several times a night."

He smiled at that and nodded. "Yeah, I've been known to pump out several loads a day," he revealed.

"Then, give me your first one of the night," I begged. There was no need to even ask. I felt a massive jerk of his thick dick inside me. It was followed quickly by several more. He groaned with pleasure and pumped hard. Only the last thick inch of his dick moved in and out of my ass. Damien wanted to bury his seed as deeply as he could inside me. To me, it felt like he was a hard shooter, jetting a big load way up my love tunnel. Because he was so deeply buried, I couldn't tell how much nutt I was getting, but I didn't care. This black Adonis was so fucking HOT! I wanted him to breed me all night long.

But, he pulled out quickly and dashed out of the room. My deeply sprayed babies were demanding their exit. I should have offered to eat some out, but Damien had designs on my ass. He returned a couple of minutes later with a soft tapping on the door. Immediately, I let him in.

"You weren't kidding about the volume of your loads. Damn, Man! How'd you do that?" Damien asked.

"Beats me," I lied. "My brother squirts nearly as much as I do, too."

"Wow! Uh, does he play around?"

"Yeah, he's here tonight, probably breeding the boys in the slings right now."

"Do you two fuck with each other?" he asked in wonder.

"Very much and very often."

"How long have you been fuckin' around with each other?"

"I only knew he existed a month ago, but we hooked up last spring on my birthday," I remembered fondly. "We didn't know who we were fucking with then."

He looked at my renewed dick and smiled. "You wanna fuck me again?" he asked suggestively.

"You know I do," I answered. "You willing to take another massive load?"

"Eat my ass while I suck your dick and we'll figure out what comes next," he suggested.

I was willing to agree without another word being spoken. Eating out his ass again was precisely what I wanted to do, too.

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 13

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