The Mysteries

By Leon

Published on Jan 31, 2004


The Mysteries by Leon Heart

Usual warnings. If you're under 18, go away, and if male/male sexuality bothers, you, why are you here. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

This story is a work of fiction, and should not be confused with any other work of fiction or any fact.


Guess I should start from the beginning...

I never really meant to create an entire world, a world existing only within my mind. It just sorta..happened y'know? It all started, with a show I watched. I just had to control the plot. I needed it to do more than it could. So I imagined my own world. Soon the bodies morphed through my imagination into something amazing.

First, imagine this. We leave our galaxy, only to find a huge planet encircled by eleven galaxies. One galaxy, the one we've just left, glows a bright white. It seems to stand away from the rest, as if to show that this galaxy is to be left alone. If we were so bold as to leave this solar system, we'd find ourselves at another planet, encircled by ten solar systems. Each large, encircled planet has a council managing the power levels and conduct of the inhabitants of the surroundings systems.

Not much is known about the solar system council, but the galaxy council consists of ten members. Five male and five female. The two head council members are the Leopard(Leonard Heart I) and Dragon(Andrew Dragon I) Councilman. They are the oldest and only survivors of the council massacre when one's power was aloud to become too great. Then there are the Fire(Andrea), Plant(Marcus), Leavra(Michael, who's mate is the Leonard Heart I), Rainbow(Melissa), Water(Cal), Snake(Anna), Animal(Aveala), and Firebird(Bella). Oh yes, did I mention that in this world there are boys, men, and women. Boys are males who are able to have children, like women, and bisexuals are called InBetweens.

Now to explain something. Each council member protects a certain galaxy. The Mystery Galaxy, protected by the Leopard councilman, and the Dragon Galaxy are the most prominent. Mysteries, as those not from our galaxy call themselves, all look like the average human. The skin colors are all the same, save for the Ground, Goo, and some dark powers. They do not have racism by skin color, their race is determined by their hair. Leopards generally have black or pink hair(usually on a female) but it can vary. Leopards are very strong, and very varied in their powers. They're pets, any cat including black leopards or panthers, have a Mystery form, but usually they'll stay in their natural form. The cat's mystery form usually looks much younger than their actual age. Dragons hair color varies, and they are very strong as well, with a sort of karate/sword fighting bases to their culture. They also have a sense of honor they rarely stray from. The Royal Dragons are the most powerful, and are usually kin to the Dragon councilman. Their pet dragons can be quite huge actually.

Each galaxy has the same planets as hours, only in the other galaxies the high power range gotten from children(babies are born covered in a power bubble, which must be removed so it doesn't kill the mother or child. The excess energy is removed by crystals for efficient use) is used to keep each planet with the same types of climates, save for the hotter planets. In the Mystery Galaxy, Leopards and Waters(some form of blue hair and sometimes white) generally are found on Pluto, which is like the suburb of the metropolis that is Neptune. Uranus is home to the Animal culture, as well as some Plants. Jupitor, the Leopard and Galaxy capital, has huge shipment planes that leave and enter here daily. Mars is home to the hot tempered Fires with red or orange hair. Earth is pretty much a bustling place of mostly those without powers. It's sort of a safety zone for them. Venus is home to the ever intelligent and exotic Snakes with blue or yellow hair. They resemble Egyptians, only their worship snakes. Mercury is the haven of Lavas and Magmas, orange and red hair mixed, the extreme form of Fires. They usually exist in Goo form, which is a liquid state with some form it. Pretty much Goop! Goos are very strong though, and should not be underestimated. Their mating is quite..different. They suck their mate inside them for "fertilization." They're very fast, and very powerful.

Animals, turquoise hair, are self-explanatory, as are Plants, green or brown. Waters can be diverse, with Sharks, Deep Sea Aquas(can see in the dark and withstand low temps), and etc. Leavras are similar to Leopards only their pets are only black cats who hiss. Rainbows hair colors are easy to tell, no? They're powers are usually as mixed up as their hair color. Snakes are the healers, or doctors of the galaxy. Firebirds are very strong, but also are guardians to those who need them.

Their are many "extreme" cultures, or those that differ from the average ones. These would be some of the dark, or light powers. Dark powers would be those with a dark nature, and I don't mean evil. Now Wings can be light or dark powered depending on their heart. They are evil if their wings are black, unless they're a black haired, say Dragon, who happened to be a Wing as well. Dark forests and Black forests live in forests so black nothing can be seen. Black's eyes glow yellow so they can see in the dark, they're very fast, and they can jump up to 200 feet high. Dark's eye glow color varies by their power, they can see in a darker black than the Black Forests, and they are faster than the Black's. They find their mate by scent, while darks go by touch. Some more extra extremes are Shadows(go through walls, see in light and dark, and blend in with shadows), Nights(Shadow/Sword), Darkened Nights(Sword/shadow/Darkness), and etc. Maybe you'll meet one of them soon hehe.

Light powers would constitute any stone(Diamond, Ruby, Gem, Emerald, Crystal(very rare), Jade, Pearl, etc), Star, Ice, Sword, etc. Diamonds, sparkly white hair, are the strongest stone. If they're a Diamond Sword, stay away from them when their mad because they're very strong. Stars can control the weather, and their hair is gold. Swords hair is silver. They can use swords to cut through space, making a transportation power. Portal travel is very popular. They can also use any form of a blade. Iceians and Dry Iceians prefer cold temperatures. They're very good ice skaters. Their areas house animals and foods that can withstand the cold temperatures. Zippers are very speedy, as are Speeds, but they run around in space, unlike Speeds.

They're are many more, but I don't really have time to name them all. Now for age. Mysteries usually "sprout," or have a growth spurt twice in their lives. They are a very small child until about 1,000 years of age, when they first sprout. Then they usually resemble a young teen from 1,000-2,000. They gradually begin to look older as they progress. Males generally look older than boys. Near 4,000 is the next sprout as well as the maturing age, as is our 18 or 21. Their time moves faster than ours as well. College is generally from 4000-7000 years of age. Adults usually range from 10,000+. The oldest living male is someone in the millions. Death(Arin) and Life(Ethora) are brother and sister. If he does not bring in a soul, she can not release the soul to replace it. Some, though, are reborn again. Mysteries don't know how many lives they have, or if they have any.

Technology is good, as you can tell. Some cars can go underwater, in space, and fly. Others are just normal, but don't use gas. To control someone's powers, a power bracelet is placed on the arm. If the Mystery's power is too strong, then the bracelet will burst...

Now, the'll just have to watch for it!

Next: Chapter 2

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