The Mysteries

By Leon

Published on Feb 4, 2004


Usual warnings. If you're under 18, go away, and if male/male sexuality bothers, you, why are you here. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

This story is a work of fiction, and should not be confused with any other work of fiction or any fact.

This is a first try for me, so would greatly appreciate some input. Thanks a lot and enjoy!

The Mysteries, By Leon Heart

Part 1

Run, he had to run. The trees, in their raven blackness, swished by Orin as he sped along at an immeasurable speed through the vast forests. He wouldn't be caught, his genes contained one of a need for independence which most Black Forests found themselves unable to contain. Only through mating could they satiate this need to control their own state of being, and like hell was he about to mate.

These woods, they're so amazing. The darkness is soothing to me, why can't I just enjoy my life in peace!? Why must he continually hunt me. Two-thousand long years, since my four-thousandth birthday he's hunted me, wanting me. I will NOT be his pet!

Orin kept on running, running as fast he could. He was lucky to escape so many times before, but this time would be his undoing. Before, when Kar had followed him he'd only had the powers of an average Dark. While his speed far out ranged Orin's, he knew the terrain which Kar did not. Capturing one in their own lands poses a difficult task, so either Kar had to gain more powers or get Orin into his lands. The latter was not possible, so Kar was very fortunate to find a boy willing to give him a few power crystals in exchange for some small favors. By gaining a shadow and sword power, his new Darkened Night status left Orin no chance to escape. No longer would Kar have to dodge trees, wasting precious time. He would just go right through them!

Orin yelled out as he was grabbed around the waste, his whole body jerking forward.

"Let me go dam..." was all he could yell as he was swept up into the darkness.....

Orin's eyes flutter slightly, a slow consciousness forming. Kar decided Orin needed to sleep a little longer. He reached over to a nearby drawer and pulled out something that looked to be some sort of gun, with a needle at the end. He placed a vial in the butt of the object, and a clicking sound occurred as the needle shot into Orin's arm. He cried out only momentarily, and soon his mind began to drift as he lost contact with reality.... urrrrgh, Where in the hell am I?! So

The wind was light, a melodic breeze carrying with it the sweet scent of the fragrant trees. Birds and animals sang a song of bliss that ended quickly as a black creature blew through their home. He was pursued by a relentless group of Green Forests, wanting this fowl thing out. Though they were so different, he didn't understand why Black and Green forests fought so much. Their forest was magnificent! He supposed it was the fact that the Black Forests were faster and could see within both forests, which the Green's could not. They were just jealous. Well that's their problem, not mine.

"Stop now boy, and we'll go easy on you!" yelled one in the number.

"Shut up moron, he's faster than us! We need to out smart him," another yelled out angrily at the other.

"Well what do YOU have in mind, turd face?" The two proceeded to fight, making fools of themselves.

"Having fun?" Orin yelled, laughing as he sped around them in a circle, still easily holding his lead. "Bunch of morons, ya need to get a life!"

They've nothing better to do than chase me all day long! Can't they even leave me alone on my birthday. A guy only turns 4000 once. Well, I'll show them. Orin quickly jumped high above the trees, quickly covering the distance left between his forest and their's. He landed gracefully on the ground, catching himself with his hand. His eyes returned to their normal yellow glow, and now the the forest seemed more like an angelic light than forest.

"And don't come back, ya monster!

Monster? Me? He laughed menacingly at them, sending them all into a scurrying run. This was way too easy. A sound...someone nearby. Orin was shocked as the wind was knocked from his body. Someone had jumped on top of him! Stupid moron! He used his speed to counter by turning the guy over so he'd be the one pinning him down. He glared at Orin with glowing red eyes, laughing evilly.

"You're quite fast, aren't you boy?" Kar grinned.

"Who the hell are you? Aren't you a little far from home, Dark?" Orin was angry, very angry. He nearly hissed out the words.

"Oh calm down boy. My name is Kar, and I only want you for my mate."

"THE HELL I..." Suddenly Kar was on top of Orin, holding him in a strong lip lock. Orin fought relentlessly as Kar's tongue explored his fighting mouth. He nearly screamed as Kar's hand began to caress his skin.

"Get-the-hell-off-me YOU BASTARD!!!!!" he screamed.

"Why? I'm soooo enjoying this my pet." Kar purred as he proceeded to pinch Orin's nipples beneath his tight shirt. Mmmm so hot, Kar thought to himself.

Kar soon realized he'd made a mistake by letting his guard down, because a sudden jolt to his groin told him he wouldn't be having Orin today. "Sucker!" With that Orin sped off home. Grrr men, they're all the same. Think they can own you. Well not me. I won't be owned.

He finally arrived to the center of the forest, the city as he liked to call it. The center of the forest was the most dense part and also where the inhabitants lived. He walked toward his home, having to fend off at least 15 "suitors." Just because I'm of age, they think they're getting something. Well, they can't force me in town, and like heck they'll catch me outside it. Orin was faster than most boys his age, a trait he inherited from his father's side of the family. A boy is a male who can bare children, and so he can mate with another male. The number they can bare is far less than a woman's, because they're body isn't built to handle it as well. The most a boy could have is about 2, 3 if he wanted to be under constant care for his entire life.

Orin entered his home, yawning to himself. He hated living with his brother, but since his father's death he had nowhere else to go. It'd be fine with him, but his brother was considered one of the "shifters" in town. A shifter is what we call a player, meaning he didn't keep one girl, or boy, around for long. Sometimes he even went with a male, just to get himself off. This reflected on Orin and it was part of the reason for his many suitors in the group. Bunch of freaks, I'm not my idiotic brother was his usual statement. Orin was often attacked within the woods, lucky by only males near his age. He wouldn't stand a chance with an older one. He may have been smaller than the males, but he was faster and smarter.

I'm smarter, but this Kar guy freaks me out. I don't know what to expect with him, considering he's a dark. They don't usually stray so far from their woods, and no way am I going anywhere near those. The forests are so dark even I can't see! Those eyes, what color did they glow? Red! So he's either got a red power line, no he'd have tied me up with that, or a spike power. That's probable, but he might have the blaster power. It's a rare one for reds, but still possible. A blaster power is when one can shoot out energy balls. It's a very strong power and very hard to beat, especially on a red. The red's blasters are heat seeking, and near impossible to outrun. Least he's not a black or white eye. I'd be caught already if he were.

Orin went back to his mindless task of making a meal. As usual it was only the stuff he'd brought in. His brother never got anything. He wouldn't even go up a tree to pick something. How hard is it to pick something off a damned tree!? Blacks eat what forms in their forests, or what wanders in animal wise. They'll also eat bark from the trees, which has a sort of fiber/protein mix and not a bad flavor. It also heals itself immediately, the bark being the reason the forest is considered indestructible. The darn trees just reform themselves and they won't burn either. Wood from under the bark can be found on the ground, and this can be burned for fire.

He decided on a black apple he'd picked earlier, and settled down to eat it. Hmm, I know I'll see Kar again, not too soon I hope. No Dark comes this far to give up so soon.

Corin picked up a book he'd found on the doorstep. It was a gift from his one and only friend who sadly now lived in some city far from here. He sent Corin a gift every so often, along with a letter describing how happy he was with his wife and kids.

"Would be nice to actually have someone who CARES about you." Corin yelled as he heard his brother coming in the door.

"Whats with all the damned screaming? Another letter from Blake? Tell him I still want that ass of his." his brother walked off chuckling.

Idiot...yea, you want his ass and Kar wants mine. How fun. Now I've got Blacks and a Dark chasing me...


Hope you like the story so far. Not sure if I should continue or not, would love some opinions! This is a first try, so I hope you enjoy. You can catch me at

Next: Chapter 3

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