The Mysteries

By Leon

Published on Feb 14, 2004


Usual warnings. If you're under 18, go away, and if male/male sexuality bothers you, why are you here? YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

This story is a work of fiction, and should not be confused with any other work of fiction or any fact. All characters, ideas, places, andany other part of these stories are a work of my imagination, and should not be reproduced or used for any purpose without first my consent.

The Mysteries Part 2 Leon Heart

Orin strolled into his room, locking the door behind him. No way he'd make that mistake again. He stood in front of the mirror, glancing over his dark reflection. A dark, muscular boy with medium length, raven hair, about 5'7" and a lean/muscular frame returned his stare. He'd prefer a blue or white glare in his eyes, or maybe a silver. But he was a Black, so he'd just have to live with yellow. He grinned suddenly, the thought crossing his mind of how the males constantly stared, enjoying the site of him as he moved and the sparkle that encompassed his glowing eyes. Most Black's eyes glowed entirely yellow, while his was only in the pupils. It was a long inherited family trait, one that his brother hadn't received. This made it all the more desirable to Orin. Plus he had a gorgeous smile, that could turn to a sickeningly evil one within the blink of an eye.

Orin flicked the bangs hanging in his eyes out of his face, and jumped into his bed for some rest. He had the chance to fall into about a 5 minute sleep when he was rudely awakened by being jumped on. He opened his eyes, glaring, only to find eyes of a swirling blueish white staring back at him.

"Hey Blyn."

Blyn's eyes glowed with mischievousness as he gave a beaming smile, producing a show of his amazingly white teeth. His appearance, while greatly contrasting Orin's, was of a bit younger boy. His age was a few hundred years under Orin's. His hair was a gorgeous blue and while Orin was dark in appearance, Blyn was magnificently bright, highlighted mainly by the dark area he lived in. He practically glowed it seemed, at times.

Deep Sea Aquas usually stay in deep water, but Blyn wasn't an average Deep Sea. Able to see in the dark, withstand cold temperatures, and breath underwater, like all deep seas, he decided he was bored with the ocean and had wandered within the forest, where he'd met Orin. He'd proved to Orin he could keep up, having inherited a speed power from his father. His father had been a Ziper, traveling the galaxy until he had met Blyn's mother. Orin also found this glowing boy intriguing, constantly wondering how he could live within the forest without having tons of unwanted attentions. Orin decided it was that Blyn was not the type most Blacks were attracted to, considering also his childish personality.

"Boo!" There was that grin of his again, "Someone is an adult today. Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks. You're kidding right? I'm no adult, just prospectful mating material, a.k.a. meat." Orin rested his head in his hands, crossing his legs. He watched, annoyed, as Blyn ignored his comment and sifted through the room, nosy as ever.

"What do you want now?" he growled playfully, deciding to play along with Blyn's little game. Blyn gave Orin a sly smile, finally locating the journal he'd been searching for.

"You are really bad at hiding things you know." he giggled out loud. Orin's expression suddenly turned from playful to shock, and then to anger. Blyn simply kept on grinning, always wanting to play some sort of game.

A chase pursued, with Orin scrambling, to little avail, to catch Blyn in such a cramped place. He couldn't use speed, so he had to keep running into things, cursing himself for not practicing running without speed as Blyn had. He finally pounced Blyn, tickling him to free his journal.

"Give it, NOW!" he found Blyn's weakness, his stomach area near the belly button, and began tickling incessantly.

"Eeeee, haha.....ok...OK!" Blyn tossed the journal and Orin jumped up to retrieve it. He immediatly hid it, returning to finish the tickling. He stopped dead, noticing Blyn frozen in a position indicating he was ready to defend, or run. He glared at his brother, who was smirking at Blyn. "Shit, not again" Orin thought. He was about to intervene, when he noticed the grin on Blyn's face. As Jase lunged, he suddenly found himself on his back, the wind knocked out of him. He hadn't been expecting Blyn to us his back as a catapult, landing easily next to Orin.

"Told you that'd work." Orin laughed.

Now, Jase was no small guy. Orin was faster, but Jase was strong. He was the envy of the guys his age. Most were still developing muscle, while Jase looked like a full grown Dark male. Full grown males are around the age of 7-8 thousand and up. Jase was only 6 thousand, and out muscled all the males his age, even some in the full grown group. He was tall as well, standing at 6'3", while Blyn was only 5'5". Yet Blyn had managed to jump over him, probably because he'd been used to movement in the underwater pressure, so here it was a breeze for him.

Jase got up angrily, running his fingers through his short spiky hair. Most Black's hair is black, but Jase's was more of a very dark blue. One could only tell when they got close, or if they saw it enough. He gritted his teeth, stalking off to his room mumbling something about "later."

"Weeeeeeee that was fun! I think he likes me, that was like the 5th time this week." Blyn jumped onto Orin's bed, ignoring his look of annoyance.

"Ahem, I WAS trying to sleep y'know."

"Does he ever give up? I don't want a guy who plays around, when he grows up I'll think about it. He's got looks, but a bad attitude. I do love that butt of his though.."

"Blyn..." Orin never like hearing about his brother's looks, and he was tired from running.


"Got o sleep."

"k." Blyn said, smiling as he closed his eyes.

"IN YOUR OWN BED!" at this Blyn jumped into his bed, giggling hysterically.

Blyn had been living with Orin for quite some time. Orin knew Blyn's parents had died when he was young, but the how or why was something Blyn never mentioned and Orin never questioned him about it. He assumed he'd find out eventually.

Orin rolled over, closing his eyes. He drifted off easily into a dream, one of glowing flowers and butterflies. He really enjoyed his runs through the Green Forest, even if they did chase him.

As he dreamed Orin never noticed the presence watching him, smiling. Peering into his dream as he slept, learning about his every thought and want. Finding out his every strength, and weakness. Preparing...for something...

Next? Comments and Ideas are welcome. Email is Also, I'm planning on a longer update for next time, so keep watching!

Next: Chapter 4

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