The Mysteries

By Leon

Published on Mar 5, 2004


Usual warnings. If you're under 18, go away, and if male/male sexuality bothers you, why are you here? YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

This story is a work of fiction, and should not be confused with any other work of fiction or any fact. All characters, ideas, places, and any other part of these stories are a work of my imagination, and should not be reproduced or used for any purpose without first my consent.

The Mysteries Part 2 Leon Heart

Orin lay dreaming, never wanting to awaken from the pleasant memories swirling through his dreams. Things had been fine, he and Blyn were the best of friends. Why did his brother have to take all that away...

Blyn reached his 4 thousandth year 1 thousand years after Orin. His brother never stopped wanting Blyn, and seemed to lose more of his sanity with each passing day. He'd creep in the shadows, saying not a word to anyone, just staring... One day when Orin returned, he found his brother crouched in a corner, holding his head in his hands. He was laughing...a low mechanical laugh. Orin didn't even have a chance to scream as he noticed the blood on his brother's hands. Jase lunged at him, but Orin found the knife...

He'd buried Blyn, barely able to see through the tears. 'Damn him' kept tightly in his mind. He'd grabbed what he could carry, and ran for his life. He'd kept running..until Kar found him.

Orin yawned to himself, scratching his back. He didn't know where he was, or what time of the day it was at that. He noticed suddenly he was in the nude, and not alone either. He felt himself turn crimson, then told himself to get over it and began looking around. The room was rather sparse, with four beds, dressers, desks, and two doors, one he assumed lead to a bathroom. The walls were painted white, and the floor was a glossy white marble. His sheets and bedding were white, but his bed was black.

Someone was definitely color oriented, for the other boy's in the rooms had beds in the same fashion. Sheets and bedding contrasting their hair color, and bed the same color as their hair. An older boy was asleep across from Orin, he looked roughly 6 thousand or so, with red hair. His bedding was blue, and the boy next to him looked about 5 thousand, with purple hair and dark blue, almost black sheets. The boy next to Orin had sparkling white hair, and his sheets were black, how surprising. He was younger than the rest, probably around 3 thousand. Suddenly the red haired boy began to stir, and Orin suddenly noticed he had a red leather collar on his neck.

"What's that for?" he asked

"Hmm...what? Oh you're awake, nosy aren't we? Ah don't worry, it's just so Nate can keep me in line. I get a bit frisky at times. When you're a guy's pet, you sometimes don't wanna do what he wants to, ya dig?" he said, laughing.

"Yea...How'd he catch you?"

"I got cocky, got caught. My fault, thought I was strong enough to taunt him. See I had this power he couldn't fight, so I'd taunt him with it. Well he found out my weakness by studying me. I was so he has the power and me." he stared off, thinking to himself. He seemed sad and Orin wanted to pity him, but he was evidently in control of his emotions for suddenly he burst into a smile and went to talking again. Who could be awake at this time of the morning?! Or was it even morning?

"Well since you're new, it's time for intros. You're probably Kar's new flunky. Just kidding man, chill. He's been chasing you for how long now? Well the kid next to you is Skye. He's a pearl and most we know is he's from some dimension. Next to me is Gil, he's from some star. His hair's purple cause he's a twister, meaning he can control wind. Sky belongs to Evin and Gil belongs to Sahr. I'm the only one not mated, excluding you. I'm Craig, and I'm from Mercury. I'm what you'd call a Lava, meaning I stayed mostly on the surface. I don't have a goo form like Magmas, but I can go through things. So, name, location, etc??"

"Orin, I lived in a Black Forest. I was caught when I got cocky as well, and by the way, why are we nude? "

"That's narrowing it," Craig poked him,"just be glad Kar isn't as big as Nate. You'd probably die. YOU'RE nude cause Kar either likes you that way or he wasn't sure how you liked to sleep. There's clothes in your dresser to your left, probably." Orin retrieved a pair of boxers, grateful they were black.

Orin was going to ask what kind of big Craig had meant, when a swishing sound indicated a door had opened, he hadn't noticed it before.

"Hi Nate, have a morning boner you want me to help you with?" Craig said icily, but in a playful manner.

"No, not right now, but you just wait a little bit longer and you'll have a belly full. It's time to eat, so eat...I'll see you later." Nate pinched Craig's nipple, causing him to moan, and then immediately growl, a huge grin appearing on his face.

"Now now, wouldn't want me to get the paddle now would we my pet?"

"No." another grin.


"No SIR."

"Good boy." He grinned, and began leaving a tray at the end of each bed, then ruffling Craig's hair as he left with the tray cart.

As soon as he'd gone, the boys all awoke and began to eat. None noticed Orin so he watched them as he ate, picking at his food. Skye ate quietly, barely making a sound, while Gil seemed to come alive. He talked and talked about a dream he'd had involving his mate, when he finally noticed Orin and gave him a friendly wave.

"Gil, don't make me get Sahr in here to silence you, he's the only one who can anyway." Craig said jokingly.

"Bah, he's out anyway. Nate can silence you just as easily." he retorted, grinning mischievously.

"Well who can't he silence?" dropped in Skye, lighting up the room with his infectious smile.

"Now you talk, you little traitor!" Craig jumped to tackle Skye, who immediately dived behind Orin.

"Hi," Sky said grinning, "who are you?"

"Apparently your hiding place." Everyone busted up at that, but Skye simply turned crimson, starting to pout. This brought even more laughter.

"So, what is this stuff anyway?" blurted Orin, after catching his breath.

"Well, we don't usually stay here, but Kar was after you so here we are. We eat whatever they give us, and this my friend is what is called "hot cereal." Our mates, or my owner and don't look at me like that Gil, know what we like but I'm not sure what Kar picked for you." Craig was the oldest, so he seemed to act as the leader of this little group.

"It tastes like sugar...of some kind." It's good, too bad Kar picked it.

"Probably brown sugar." said Skye, smelling at Orin's food.

[Names of things are translated for better understanding, hehe]

"Get! Don't make me give you a bad hair day!"

Sky jumped off the bed, giggling at Orin. Suddenly the door opened with a whooshing noise, revealing a young male, though evidently older than Craig, wearing a long black trench coat that ended at about his ankles. He wore a tightly fitting black shirt with dark gray dress pants. His hair was black and flowing long at his shoulders. Orin first thought it might be Kar, but he looked so much younger.

"Evin!" Skye jumped at the guy, who smiled broadly as they hugged and snuggled. 'Hmmph, he's definitely not Kar.'

"Miss me cutey?" he said, still smiling. Orin had to admit, they suited each other well. 'I bet Skye chose to be with Evin, lucky little...what am I thinking? Mating is for sissies...' Skye was evidently hyper, 'are they all morning people...,' cause he hugged just giggled hugging Evin again.

"Duh! When is Kar gonna mate with Orin so we can go home?" he gave a puppy dog face, causing Evin to smile more.

"Hey! I ain't anyone's property. Don't act like he can just mate with me whenever he chooses, it's not like he owns me." Orin was angry, he hated the idea of mating or being owned by anyone. Men were pigs, plain and simple.

"He didn't come here willingly?!" Craig said in surprise, everyone turning to look at Orin.

"My brother, Kat, fell in love with a Black Forest. They're so damned stubborn, what can you expect from him? Wait till Orin's eight thousand, and finally ready to admit he's willing to mate? "

"I'll never mate, you men are just a bunch of pigs." Orin growled, crossing his arms in a funny pouting expression. Everyone busted up laughing, making Orin even more angry.

"DAMMIT! It's not funny!"

"Not all men are pigs, why would you say that? I mean look at Craig, he is a pet yet he's happy." Gil got side slapped by Craig, who was grinning evilly.

"If they can kill your best friend just because he won't mate, then they're all scum." Everyone went silent, Evin finally breaking the silence.

"Kar had wondered why you were so bitter. You hated everyone around you, always running from something. You killed your brother didn't you?" Evin's expression was stern, as a parent who knows what a child has done, but just wants to hear the child say it.

"What do you think?! I found him with Blyn's blood on his hands, laughing! Dammit he was laughing! He tried to kill me was self defense, but I'd have killed him anyway."

"Mmm, well as you know that in your culture, if you're caught you are his property. He can't force you to mate, but I hope you'll give him a chance. He's a kind person, he'd never hurt you."

Orin just growled, burying himself in the sheets, cursing white bedding.

"Just imagine it what color you want it to be." Craig said laughing. Orin made the bedding black and stayed hidden.

"I'll talk to Kar, see if he knew about all this. He's been watching him for a while take care of Orin here ok?" Evin said, running his fingers through Skye's silky hair. 'Damn he smells good,' he thought,'I'd like to do more than just ruffle his hair right now.'

"Ok, I will. Maybe tonight we can sleep together." added Skye, grinning mischievously as he played with Evin's hair. Evin left the room, grinning to himself.

Ok yea, rather short but I had a friend(you know who you are!) that would not leave me alone for an update. So here it is, I'll be adding more shortly as next week is my Spring Break! So far we know that Orin's suffered a big loss in his life, and doesn't trust men. We'll get a good view of all the boys from Evin soon, and also a good idea about Kar. I might also have a memory stage on each boy, so we can learn more about them as well.

Email is always welcome:

Tips, questions, comments, w/e(whatever) you like. g I love comments, keeps me going. You can thank the writer of The Angel for keeping me going with his darned nagging. Oops did I give away a name? Sorry, just poking at you JP. Update will be soon! If you'd like to be told of updates by email, just email me and I'll see to it. Thanks a lot!

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