The Nanny

By ten.htuoslleb@0341retsknah

Published on Dec 14, 2012



The Nanny

He kissed her goodbye that morning with a brushing kiss on the cheek. Not that he didn't care deeply for her, but that was his usual way of saying so long, seeya tonight. He jumped into his ten year old Ford Pinto and headed for the railroad station, and his commute to New York. It was raining heavily, and he could barely see the road. The wipers were working perfectly. They just needed to be replaced.

Minutes later, his wife strapped their four year old twins into their car seats in the back of their SUV, and started out toward the Day Care Center where the twins, Mark and Marcia, would spend the next few hours, while she worked part time at K-Mart. She was glad that there was a concrete canopy over the Day Care Center entrance so that she could keep the twins dry. She was just as glad that she was able to stay dry.

K-Mart was a short distance up the road from the Center, just a little beyond the fourth traffic light on the right. This time of the morning there were always lots of trucks making deliveries to the store. Walt Jenner was driving his big semi, and was approaching what would be the woman's third stop light. He was travelling in the opposite direction from her. Walt intended to make a right turn there, and head toward the next signal in the same direction as she was going. As he approached the light it turned yellow, and he applied the brakes. He was closer to the intersection than he would have liked to have been, and he applied too much pressure. The big semi hydroplaned on the water soaked road, and he completely lost control. In horror, he realized that he was going to fly through the intersection, and traffic had already started moving in the opposite direction. He plowed into the young woman's SUV and it burst into flames. In less than a second, a husband was widowed, and two young children were motherless.

Just shy of six years earlier, George and Nancy Kerr were married in an elaborate church ceremony in Cedarhurst, NY. Nancy had grown up in Cedarhurst, and George had grown up in Albany. They met at The University of Buffalo on their first day, in their very first class. It was a Hollywood love affair, and marriage followed right after graduation. George got his first job with a big accounting firm in Manhattan, and Nancy got her first job with a small accounting firm in Stony Brook, NY where they had purchased a small starter home with the help of their parents. By the time she was ready to deliver the twins, they were able to purchase a larger home in the same community. When the twins were three, Nancy put them in Day Care and got a part time job in the back office of the local K-Mart. She preferred this menial accounting job to the one she had before she became a mother, because her hours were shorter, and more flexible. She would be available to the twins if ever, and whenever, they might need her.

It took George awhile to pull himself back together after the accident, but he knew that he had to get back to work. He figured that if he left the house a few minutes earlier he could get the twins to Day Care and still make his train. He needed someone to pick them up, make dinner and see to their needs until he got home. He decided that it would be a perfect job for a student at near-by Stony Brook University. The school had an employment office which helped students find jobs, so George prepared an ad describing his needs, and delivered the ad personally to the employment office at the university.

Desperately needed: Someone to pick up two small children, a boy and a girl, from Day Care, bring them home, and see to their needs. Preparing dinner for them and their recently widowed father would be very much appreciated. Hours approximately 3 PM to 7 PM. Send résumé and salary requirement to

In the meantime, George's mother had come in from Albany to help him out in this terrible crisis, but George's father's health was failing, and she really needed to get home as soon as possible. Finally two weeks after George submitted his ad, he got an E mail from a sophomore, majoring in sociology. George liked the letter. The writer admitted that she had no previous experience, but went on to explain that her father was killed in an accident (kindred soul) when she was twelve years old. At that time she had five younger siblings ranging in age from six months to 10 years, and she took over the task of rearing them, so that her mother could work to support the family.

Of course, in the résumé, the writer referred to herself as I, and since this was an application for a nanny position, George assumed that the writer, Jamie Franklin, was a girl. All their correspondence had been by E Mail. Imagine his surprise when a handsome young man came to his front door for an interview on the Saturday after George received the note.

George could not conceal his shock. Instead of asking the young man in, he stood at the open front door staring at him. Jamie was an even six feet tall, one inch taller than George. He had blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and a killer smile.

"Is there something wrong?" Jamie finally asked.

"No, nothing is wrong. It's just that I was expecting a young woman. Please, come on in."

George took Jamie into the living room and George sat Jamie on the sofa while he took a side chair. Before they could even begin a conversation, Mark and Marcia came bounding into the living room with George's mother right on their heels. The kids stopped dead in their tracks. Mark blurted out, "Where's the nanny, daddy? I thought you said we were going to meet her today."

Mrs. Kerr was equally as confused, but she decided that saying nothing was the best path to take. Everyone in the room was feeling awkward so Jamie took the helm. "Look," he said. "I raised five younger brothers and sisters. I'm a great nanny, and I clean windows too." He stopped and laughed. "I can get references from them if you would like." That did indeed bring on laughter from the others.

Jamie looked at the twins. "My name's Jamie," he said. "What's yours?" The twins seemed to relax somewhat and offered their names to Jamie.

"What's your favorite thing to do after school?" he asked.

"Watch television," Marcia stated adamantly.

"I mean outside the house," Jamie explained.

"I like ice skating," Mark blurted out. He had never been ice skating in his life, but he correctly surmised that a new nanny might be a soft touch for his favorite fantasy activities.

"Play with my friends," Marcia finally answered.

"Do you like to bake, Marcia?" Jamie asked.

"OOH! Yes," the child answered.

"I've got dozens of secret recipes for cakes and cookies. I'll share them with you." As he said that Marcia jumped into Jamie's lap. She didn't say anything but she nestled into his chest.

"Can you play ball with me?" Mark asked.

"You betcha."

It was obvious to George that the kids liked Jamie. He looked at his mother, who smiled at him and winked.

"Mom," George said, "Would you please take the kids out of the room so I can talk to Jamie."

As she tumbled out of Jamie's lap, Marcia asked, "Are you going to live with us, Jamie?"

"I really don't think so, sweetheart," Jamie answered.

"Please, please, please," Marcia begged.

As soon as the kids and Mrs. Kerr were gone, George asked, "Could you?"

"Could I what?"

"Live in," George answered as if it was obvious.

"I think we should wait and see how it works out."

It was Thursday and both men agreed that Jamie would start working on Monday, when he would pick the children up at Day Care. The next morning when George dropped the twins off, he went into the office and authorized Jamie to be a designated person to pick them up.

As Jamie had promised, he took the twins on outings, ice skating and other outdoor after-school activities. He got them home by 5 PM. Then he set them up playing with their toys and watching TV as he started dinner for the family. The first few days he left the house when George came home, but on the fourth day the twins begged him to stay for dinner. "Yes," George said, "Have dinner with us."

After that Jamie stayed for dinner all the time, and then he began to get the twins ready for bed. He went home later and later. After a few short weeks, George asked him to stay and have some social time with him, but Jamie turned him down. "I've got a lot of homework," he said, excusing himself.

"Well then, now may be the time for you to consider living in. I've got two extra bedrooms and one has a private bath. The accommodations beat a dorm room anytime."

"It's tempting," Jamie said. "I'll think about it, but you should think about something else."

"And what's that?" George looked at Jamie. He wondered what the young man had in mind.

"You're young and handsome," Jamie described the obvious. There might be a new Mrs. Kerr in the near future. If I lived in, I might well be in the way."

George began to blush and laugh. "Fat chance of that happening. The twins will be over twenty-one before I would even consider it." He was still smiling, but suddenly his face got solemn. "Frankly Jamie, I can't even imagine myself with another woman. Nancy was my first, last and only."

Jamie was a bit surprised, but he didn't say anything. The room grew quiet, and finally Jamie said, "Never say never. Someone might come into your life when you least expect it."

If only Jamie knew. Someone had already come into George's life.

Jamie had not yet confided in George that he was gay. Many straight people erroneously equated pedophilia with homosexuality, and Jamie feared that George might be reticent to leave him alone with Mark. The plain truth was that Jamie was only attracted to older men, and right now, he was so hot for George he could barely stand it. It was the reason he allowed himself to stay for dinner, and to remain later and later. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that it was the wrong thing to do, but he decided that he would talk to George about becoming a live in nanny for his two remaining years at the university. He wanted to be around George as much as possible. He swore to keep his sexual orientation a deep dark secret.

"That's wonderful," George proclaimed when Jamie broached the subject of his moving in, "but I do have one concern."

"I'll pay for the room," Jamie declared. "I have a budget for the dorm room."

"Nonsense! You don't have to pay me a penny. Helping with the twins is payment enough. It's just that you are a very good looking young man. I'd be uncomfortable if you brought home a lady friend. It's one of the reasons I won't date, at least until the kids are older, and I can leave them alone and do it outside the house." He winked at Jamie.

Jamie was flabbergasted. When he found his tongue he laughed and said, "Well, Mr. Kerr, we can give each other nights off to pursue a sex life."

"I think you should call me George."

"Thanks George, I'd like that."

Jamie moved in before the end of his first sophomore semester. George feared that he might want to take the summer off, but when the time came, Jamie said, "I have a summer job already. I'm not going anywhere."

It was George who took off for two weeks that summer, leaving Jamie alone in the house. George and the twins went to Albany to visit George's parents. George's father did not seem to be getting any better and George wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. When they returned to Long Island, Nancy's parents took the twins for another two weeks so they could spend time with their dead daughter's children. Jamie and George were alone in the house, and Jamie was frightened at his own emotions. He was taking two summer courses, or he would have gone home for a visit himself.

The first night the two men were alone in the house, Jamie announced that he was going into his room to study.

"Nonsense," George said. "Use my office and I'll watch TV in the living room. You'll be much more comfortable, and the room is more conducive to studying."

"Thanks. That's a good idea. I'll be out in time to watch the evening news with you."

They fell into a routine of study and TV, but as the weekend approached, George said, "No studying and no TV Friday. I'm taking us out to dinner. You're a great cook, Jamie, but I need something more."

Jamie was startled. If he didn't know better, George's remark sounded like a double entendre. Could his dream man have meant that remark as some kind of come-on? For a split-second he felt dizzy and had to sit down.

They agreed on a chicken and ribs barbeque restaurant. After dinner they went to the wash room, one at a time, to clean up thoroughly from the sauces on their fingers. Afterward, they relaxed with coffee and dessert. They were quiet until George asked, "Why aren't you taking a day off now and then? We promised to spell each other for sex?"

Jamie got dizzy again. Was George coming on to him as he suspected? He wiped the thought right out of his mind.

"I'm not involved with anyone, and have no expectations. Besides I enjoy hanging out with you. If you would rather not, we can stop."

"Good Lord, Jamie. I look forward to being with you every evening. I haven't enjoyed anybody's company since Nancy...." He couldn't say anymore and seemed to be about to cry, so Jamie put his hand on George's to comfort him. When George put his other hand on Jamie's, Jamie's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry you said that George, because I was getting ready to ask you to find someone else to be your nanny. Probably you should get an older woman." George's face clouded over and he pulled his hand away from Jamie's."

"Why do you want to leave? Don't you like the children?"

"I love the children. I couldn't love them more if they were my own."

"Then why?"

"I'm gay, George. There, I've said it."

George was more than surprised. "I don't see why that would make a difference," he managed to blurt out.

"It makes a big difference. I'm in love with you, George, and that's why I have to leave. I can't stand the torture of being around you and not being able to hold you. It's killing me."

George was frozen. He didn't know what to do. He called the waiter over and asked for a check. While they were waiting, he said, "Jamie please don't make a hasty decision. Let's go home and we'll talk about it."

They didn't talk again until they got home. Jamie sat down on the sofa, and George sat down right next to him. Their bodies were touching and Jamie began to sob. George put his arm around Jamie's shoulder in a vain and counter-productive attempt to comfort him. Jamie's head was pulled into George's chest. Just as if he was comforting one of his kids, George began to run his hand up and down Jamie's back.

"Please say something," Jamie pleaded.

"I need time to let all this sink in. I don't know a lot of things, but I do know that it's been a while now since I realized that I couldn't fathom my life without you in it. I just assumed that we would remain life long friends; that I would be at your wedding and you at mine, if I ever remarried. I never saw beyond that. But now you want to leave, and I find I can't face the thought of that. I have to reexamine what I feel for you. Is it love? I know that I already love you emotionally." George stopped to reflect... "Like a brother," he added. "I really don't know if I could love you like you want to love me. If I did, would you stay with me?"

"In a heartbeat." Jamie turned his face to George's. Their lips were just an inch apart. Jaime reached up and kissed George with closed lips. George responded.

"That felt rather nice," George purred and he resumed kissing Jamie. Now their lips parted and they each tasted tongue.

When they pulled apart, Jamie asked if that was nice also. George told him that it was nicer. Jamie was encouraged. He put his hand on George's thigh, and started slowly moving it upward. George was fully aware of Jamie's target, and he separated his legs to give Jamie access. Now he started to get nervous. He didn't mind if Jamie did things to his cock. He badly needed to get himself off. For some reason he hadn't whacked off in a few days. But he didn't know if he could touch Jamie.....there.

"You're afraid, aren't you?" Jamie asked.

"I'm scared to death."

"No need. We're both single and available. Neither of us is cheating. If you don't like it, it will remain our secret forever, but I will have to leave. I love you, George, and I'm willing to risk losing you. On the other hand I might have you forever. I'll take the risk. Take it with me."

George knew that he was about to make a life changing decision. He nodded and kissed Jamie gently on his forehead. "What now?" he asked.

"We head for the shower."

George had a stall shower in his bathroom, and Jamie had a tub shower, so they headed for George's room. As soon as they got there, Jamie stripped and threw his clothing on a chair. George just stood there, reticent, unable to move.

"Please don't be shy," Jamie advised. "I'm going to love what I see, no matter the size or the cut." George woke from his trance and stripped.

"Don't move," Jamie begged. "I want to gaze upon your beauty. I feel like I'm in the middle of a Shakespearean drama." Of course his gaze went directly to George's flaccid cock. It was about four and a half inches, cut, and very hefty. It won't go in easy, Jamie thought. He approached George and pushed their naked bodies together. He wrapped his arms around his employer and pressed his lips to George's.

George could feel Jamie's cock pressing against his own pubic area, and he grew very uncomfortable, but Jamie's probing lips and tongue soon relaxed him, and he did something he never thought he would or could do. He reached down and took Jamie's hard seven inch, uncut member into the palm of his hand. How nice it felt, how smooth. At last he began to erect and Jamie began to sigh. His sigh was not so much for the way George was fondling him, rather, it was for the fact that George was getting hard, and he was so pleased.

The two men were hugging each other as hard as they could. "I love you," George whispered in Jamie's ear. "I love you just like you love me. I want to make love to you. I just know it's going to be wonderful."

"Let's shower now," Jamie said with a sob.

There was no sobbing in the shower. The two men frolicked like school boys. They took great joy in soaping each other all over. When Jamie started to soap George's cock and balls, he started purring like a kitten. When Jamie started to push a soapy finger in and out of George's crack, he actually started to mewl. Suddenly Jamie turned toward a tiled wall and stuck his ass out.

"Soap up your cock and fuck me." He said quietly. Then he added, "Please."

Now the frolicking was over. George got deadly serious. He wasn't sure he could do what Jamie wanted, maybe needed. But he was hard and he was horny and he determined to try.

"Enter slowly," Jamie instructed, "and after you do, hold me tight while you stroke." George positioned his cock at Jamie's opening. He started to enter. He thought he was going slowly enough, but Jamie whispered, "Slower, slower." He slowed even more, and after a bit he could go no further. He was all the way in. Nancy's vagina had never been this tight nor this warm, nor even this wet.

"Don't start yet," Jamie begged. "Let me enjoy the feel of you inside of me."

"That's OK. I'm in no rush." George's arms were wrapped around Jamie's body. His hand found its way to Jamie's cock and he took hold of it, but he didn't start to stroke it. He just held it. George was enjoying the experience more than he dreamed he would. He didn't want it to end too soon, even though he knew instinctively that this was only the first time for him and Jamie. There would be many more happy hours in the future.

Then the unexpected happened. Jamie told him to pull out. "Let's do this in the bedroom," he said. "It'll be more comfortable and you'll enjoy it more."

Minutes later they were dried off and entering the bedroom, hand in hand. Jamie lay down on George's bed, flat on his back. George lay down on top of him in a missionary position. It was the only position he and Nancy had ever used. Jamie wrapped his arms and legs around George.

"I have a confession to make," Jamie said sheepishly.

"And that would be?"

"I have heard you jacking off at night. Do you have any lubricant?"

"You young devil, you," George laughed. "Yes, it's in the bedside table." As he admitted to his late night passion, he reached over into the drawer and pulled out a tube of vaginal gel. "Nancy used to use this stuff, and I just went right on using it after she died."

"It will do nicely," Jamie said. "Now put some up my ass and on your cock." George did just that and as he was lubricating both of them, he quipped, "I love when you talk dirty to me."

If he met any resistance, George was not aware of it. He seemed to slip right in and once again Jamie asked him not to move so that he could savor the moment. But alas, it was impossible. The mere act of inserting his cock into Jamie's asshole was so arousing that George suddenly realized that he was cumming. Involuntarily he began to pump at super speed, emptying himself into Jamie with several powerful spasms. Afterward he lay still on top of Jamie.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't want to cum so fast.

"It's OK. I wasn't left out. When you started to pump so hard, you massaged my prostate and I came too. I think we'll have to shower again, so we can continue making love."

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Let's make love all night and all day tomorrow. I won't be satisfied until you teach me everything I need to know to be the best lover you ever had."

"I can't wait for you to cum in my mouth," Jamie said.

George then said something that shocked even him. "I can't wait until you gush your juices into my mouth and up my ass."

Before they fell asleep that night, Jamie reluctantly admitted, that he had no more to teach George. All they could do now was practice variations on the same themes. "I'm very creative," George informed Jamie.

Jamie never left George's house. By the time he graduated and got his degree, the twins were going to elementary school. They were entered in the after-care program, so they didn't have to hire a nanny. They slept in separate bedrooms until the twins were nearly thirteen years old. One evening at the dinner table, Mark said, "Look fellas. Marcia and I know that you are lovers. It's just great with us, but we think it's about time you moved in together. Your constant sneaking around is too stressful for us. You know we love you both, and it's our wish that we all stop pretending."

Jamie and George stood up and embraced their children. "We love you both also," they said together.

When the twins graduated college, George sold the house, and he and Jamie rented a three bedroom apartment in Manhattan. Now they didn't have to commute any longer, and they were able to become part of the gay community. They made lots of friends, but the best part for them was being able to express their love proudly and openly.

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