The New Things

By Ryan

Published on Apr 13, 2000


Legal things...

If you are not 18 years old and above, you are advised to leave but if you don't want to leave, don't say anything to others. If you are offended by the story of gay people in love doing "things", why on earth are you here?

Disclaimer: Everything here is FICTION. Similarities to real situations, real people, etc. are merely COINCIDENTAL.

Author's note: I would really appreciate you giving comments, suggestions etc. because this is the first story I've ever written. Email me at

The New Things-Chapter I

I was awaken by the high pitched tone of my alarm clock swimming in trillions of questions on how a 16-year old guy can cope up here in this new place. We just moved here a week ago and still have no friends, actually I haven't gone out of this house yet. Mom and Dad said that its for my own good moving here in this nice and bigger house but it was far away from everything especially the very best friend I left there, Pete.

"Richard! Wake up already! It's your first day of school today, remember?" Mom yelled by the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" Oh, shit! I totally forgot about this. More questions came into my mind on how I'll live for maybe the rest of my life here. I took a shower and fixed myself in front of my mirror. The questions still flowed in my mind while I combed my brown hair and stared in those hazel eyes seeking the answers to my questions.

I went down stairs and Mom and Dad were eating breakfast already. I got a glass of milk and got some of Captain Crunch (gotta love 'em). While I was eating, Mom and Dad gave their final instructions before the bus comes.

"Honk, honk!!!" Speaking of the bus, its here already. I got my smacks from my parents and took off to the bus. As I entered the bus, I can't move that well with the stares I got from the people there. Before everything, I really hated being stared at, I get conscious and starts blushing.

"Dude, you can sit here." The voice was very friendly and looked for the one who said those words. There, he was a vision of perfect beauty. He was about 6 foot tall and around 160 lbs. As I walked to his place, I can't stop to stare at his piercing blue eyes, his blond hair and his to-die for smile.

"Thanks! Um... I'm Richard." I said to him while fixing myself beside him there.

"It's cool dude. It's Steve." He brought his hand for a handshake and with that I thought I was gonna melt. It's no stranger for me feeling this because I've been gay since then, around fifth grade I think. "You're new here, right?" I just nodded shyly to him.

"You're a junior?" I finally asked to him. I said to myself, "Way to go Richard, that's how to spark a conversation." And smiled with that.

"Yeah. I guess you are too." I again nodded and we just talked about stuff about this new place and ourselves and from then on I know he will gonna make a hell of a friend.

We reached the school and we started walking to the entrance and from the reception of the students with Steve, I know he's a popular guy there. When we entered the entrance we got separated because I still have to go to the principal's office to be settled. I was given my class schedule and a little orientation about everything I need to know. I was sent to my first class, History. What a nice way to start a day, I said to myself.

I reached the room and gave my schedule to my teacher, Mrs. Peters, and I saw him again. Smiling to me and pointing the seat beside him for me. What can I do... he likes me I thought and I smiled. Mrs. Peters did say that I could sit wherever I want and I sat there beside Steve. We looked at our schedule and discovered that we have five classes together each day.

We didn't pay attention that much and just talked and laughed during the whole class. We were almost sent out, good thing the trusty old bell rang and saved our asses from total humiliation.

The same things happened for our next classes together. It's like we have infinite things to talk about and never ran out of it. I discovered that I am older than him with only three days and he was also an only child like me. What a coincidence, I thought. Despite that I am older than him, he is taller than me by an inch or two but I learned that he is part of the basketball team of our school. I can't stop admiring him from subtle things he did and major ones that really cracked my guts out.

As the bell rang, I never expected him to invite me to his gang which I can say the most popular and coolest (no bias!). The cafeteria was the typical cafeteria like in my old school but a little bit bigger. In the center of the canteen, there it was, the table of his gang.

His friends were gorgeous but can't beat the beauty of Steve. He waved to them and started to approach them. As usual, a million questions popped in my mind, starting with "Will they like me" type of questions. We reached the table and introduced me to his friends. They were Nick, the tallest of the group, Jake, the shortest of them, Jason, Greg, and Steve's best friend, Rick. Rick is pretty much like Steve except with his dirty blond hair and hazel eyes like me.

They were very friendly with me and for the first time in this place I felt accepted in a group. From that day on, I know I am part of something, a part of a group.

For the next two weeks, I hanged out with them especially with Steve and Rick. I tried out for the baseball team and doing well in regards to studies. The 'rents were very happy with the new things that they have observed in me. A new person can be seen in me that was totally different from the person who arrived here in a new place who was afraid to go out and afraid of the world.

It was Saturday then and I just woke up around 10 am and went to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and seek the new person that they found in me. Then, the phone rang. I was alone then in the house because both my parents work. I answered the phone and it was Steve.

"Rich, can I please talk with you. It's rather important." I really love it when he calls me Rich. Only Steve and Rick call me with that name.

"Sure, dude! What, here on the phone or shall we meet?" I asked with all the joy in me. I loved this guy from the moment I saw him and everyday, I discover more things about him and I love him more everyday too.

"I think we should meet. Let's meet in the "place", ok?" The place was a little shack we built with the gang near the river that is very secluded. Once in a while, we gather there and hang around doing anything we want.

"Sure. Meet you around... 2. Is that ok?" My usual voice in the head started to speak in me and asked those questions again.

"Um... that's alright dude. See you later. Bye." I can sense the pain that he was feeling as we hanged up the phone and I started to take my shower. The questions increased by the minute about this important thing. What is this about?

I did observe the sudden change in him. His cheerfulness has decreased and he was often caught in a trance, like he was hypnotized or something. What is bothering him? Every answer came to my mind but I was confused with the situation. Still baffled, I looked at my watch and it was 1 pm already. Even I was shocked with the speed of time that has passed.

I left a note at the counter and rode my bike to our place. I arrived there rather early but he was already there, glum as usual for the past days. He was just there, staring at the river thinking of deep thoughts and it pains me to see him like this. I want to get the pain from him and transfer it to me if it was possible.

"Hey, Steve! So wazzup?" I asked happily. He looked to me straight to the eye. I love those blue eyes but I felt bad because I can see the pain and sadness through his eyes. He stood up there and hugged me and cried his heart out. This is the first time I saw him cry. "What's the matter? I'm here with you. Always." I said to him trying to comfort my friend, my hidden love.

"It's that I hate my fuckin' self! I just wanna die!" He muffled those words and I can't stop to shed my tears too and shared the pain that was burdening him. But what was the burden?

"Don't say that! You are a very special kid. Others envy you because of your intelligence, personality and beauty." I hugged him closer and he cried more when I said that. "Why, what's the matter. You can tell it to me. You are my very best friend in the whole wide world. Let me help you dude."

"You wouldn't understand. I'm different. I am a big fuckin' bullshit!" A lie... everything is a lie. He was right, I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Calm down first." He lessened his weeping and tried to control himself. "Okay, now that's settled. Let's sit down and tell me what's bothering you. I will never leave you. I'm here with you." And in my self I said, I love you.

"If I do tell you I know that you're gonna hate for the rest of your life and I don't want to lose you, you're my best friend." I realized that this is the first time I was addressed as his "best friend". I know that Rick was his best friend in the world. The question is, me? Best friend?

"I thought Rick was your best friend?" That's good Rich, now you're gonna inflict more pain to him, the voice in my head said. I did realize that and regretted that I said that, did I?

"I don't know. From the day in the bus, it was like I have known you from the day I was born. I feel more comfortable with you than anyone else, including Rick." I can't believe this, really I can't. What is he implying? Where will this gonna lead to?

"What is the problem, really? I won't leave you. I feel the same thing. I do feel more comfortable with you." As I said those words, he stared in my eyes but I can't make out what he is trying to say.

"The reason I'm so fucked up for the past few days because..."

End of Chapter I

Do you think I should continue this? This is my first attempt in writing a story. I know that the pacing is kinda slow that's why I need your suggestions, comments...

Please do email me...

Next: Chapter 2

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