The New Things

By Ryan

Published on May 13, 2000


Legal things...

If you are not 18 years old and above, you are advised to leave but if you don't want to leave, don't say anything to others. If you are offended by the story of gay people in love doing "things", why on earth are you here?


Everything here is FICTION. Similarities to real situations, real people, or real events are merely COINCIDENTAL.

Author's note...

Here is my chance to talk to the readers via writing.

First of all, I am really grateful for the e-mails that you were sending me. I am really sorry if I was not replying to your emails, don't worry I will then. Your emails are really appreciated so keep them coming.

Secondly, thanks to my friend, Jordan West who is helping me with my work. He is a really good writer and his story "I Only Wanted Aaron" is really good, read it.

Thirdly, I would like to apologize for the long time of not posting my stories. I'll try to do it on a weekly basis and I'll try hard to make it long.

NEW!!!! Email me at

_________________________ Chapter 3

I woke up elated with the thoughts of yesterday's bizarre events. Now I knew that Steve was gay, and we were closer than ever. Steve is in love with this 'guy' but the question still remains, "Who is 'that guy'?"

We would meet at the mall today at 1 pm, when Steve promised to answer the question, "Who is 'that guy'?" but the question, 'What's with Rick this days?' still plagued me. I had to let go of these thoughts for a moment.

After a quick stretch, I yanked myself out of bed, grabbed a towel, and headed for a bath. As I started for the bathroom, the telephone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Rich! Rick here. Did I interrupt anything?" He asked me.

Why on earth would Rick call me this early? I knew that Rick was not a morning person, but an afternoon person. I was secretly hoping it was Steve, so hearing Rick's voice was a little bit of a letdown.

"Nah. So wazzup?" I asked him quizzically.

"I kinda want to talk to you about something." Another 'something' for me.

"When do you want to talk?" Something was bound to be wrong. Rick should have called Steve, because Steve is his best friend.

"I was hoping that we might swing over to the mall, around maybe 2 or 3 later?"

"Sorry, I can't Rick. I promised Steve I'd meet him by that time. You can join us if you want." I really wished that he would decline, because I wanted to be with my Steve alone.

"Oh. I'll just maybe catch you later or whatever." He said it with great sadness. 'What is bothering him anyway?'

"Rich, How about tomorrow after classes?"

"Okay. Bye." As I hang up the phone, I realized that my insensitivity had surfaced again. I hated that part of me, but I wanted it to be just me and Steve, at the mall.

I went to the bathroom and just layed there in the tub. My bathroom is very big, so three persons could easily take a bath, or something at the same time. With the warm temperature and the thoughts of Steve entering my head again, my dick began to harden.

I needed to release the tension in my balls. I wrapped my dick with my hands and started jerking off. By that time, I'd convinced myself that I was Steve's guy, and was dreaming of the great sex that we would have -- from simple hand jobs, to hot love making. After a little while, I felt the start of my climax and I was ready to cum. I gave my dick a few more pumps and the thick globs began shooting from my dick. I don't know if I'll ever stop loving the intense feeling of climax.

I stepped out of the tub and began to dry myself while I was looking in the mirror. Today, I looked at myself from a different perspective.

'I'm not super-thin -- and not fat, for sure.' I was happy with that. My pecs were starting to show, and my abs were really developed. My limp dick was not small, (I checked the others during gym). Yes, today, I looked at myself differently all right.

I snapped out of my reflections and started to dress. I was really excited to hear Steve's revelation, and I really hoped, 'that guy' was me. There were hints of that -- Steve had stared into my eyes so much, plus, he told me he was gay, yesterday -- that made me feel special.

I looked at my watch, and it was 12:00 already. 'God, time really flies when you're in love.' I took my wallet from under my pillow, and went down to say goodbye to my parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going already." I shouted, as I flew down the flight of stairs.

"Be back early and be careful, dear. You have school tomorrow, remember?" Mom said in her sweet tone.

"Sure. Bye." I kissed them goodbye and took the keys of the car. I don't usually drive to the mall but I wanted to conserve my energy for the things that were reserved for me later, in the mall.

I was glad that there hadn't been much traffic, because parking was hell, and if the traffic had been bad, I could have been late. I arrived at the mall around 12:20.

It took me another ten minutes or so to find a space. After finally finding a space, I parked, and headed to the arcade area -- we always meet there.

Steve wasn't there yet, so I decided to play a few games first, to help the time pass more quickly.

Around 12:50, Steve arrived with a smile on his face. That smile was something I'd missed for days.

"Steve! Over here." He saw me and waved. I waved back and went to him.

"Let's eat first. I am starving."

"Sure." We headed to Burger King. Burger King was another special place for the gang. We always ate there if we were in the mall or just want to eat out.

We found a seat and I asked him at once. "Who is it?"

"Who's who?"

"Steve, you know, your 'guy'." I whispered to him so that others will not hear.

We got on line, and it didn't take long to get to our seats, food in hand. "Oooh. Yeah, the guy." I nodded in response to Steve, and waited for the name. "How's your 'burger?"

"Grrrr... Come on, Steve! Who the fuck IS he?" I was really beginning to lose my temper. He looked at me and laughed so hard. "What's so funny?"

"Steve, what's with the temper, dude, why so uptight? We still have a couple of hours together anyway." He was right, there, but I was so curious and I know Steve, he really loves seeing me squirm in pain because of my curiousity.

"Please tell me now, Steve. This is really killing me." I pleaded. What could I do? I was really curious.

"Okay. Promise me you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise with all my heart."

He paused for a while, and looked me straight in the eye. He was serious now. I waited for the name....

"I think I have fallen in love... with Rick."

Rick! Everything became a blur. RICK! I really thought it would be me. There had been hints. ..........Rick -- I really didn't understand him.

"What?" I was really surprised. I know he saw my look and laughed hard. I suppose my face really could have been that funny......Rick?

Now, I can't stop thinking about Steve and... RICK.

"Yeah, Rick. We were best friends, but now, you are my best friend because, for me, Rick can't be my best friend anymore -- I look at him differently, now -- something... sexual." He again stared in my eyes. "Do you realize that you and Rick have the same eyes."

Damn! So that's why he always stared in my eyes.

I was speechless. I felt my world was starting to fall down on me. Everything was gone. My dreams were all broken. Steve now belonged to Rick.

"Rich... talk to me here." He shook me but I was lost in a trance.

"What did you say, Steve?" I really didn't hear him because I was too preoccupied with 'Steve-Rick' thoughts.

"Now you're back. I would like to ask for a favor." I felt his hand touched my hand at the table. I was still feeling the disgusted feeling about everything, especially to Steve for choosing Rick over me. I took my hand and placed them over my lap to ease a little that awkward moment.

"What's the favor?" My mood had gone from excitement to a dull throb, from the moment he said that his love was Rick. I knew he sensed it, but he just let it pass.

"I see you and Rick are close this days, right, Rich?"

Rick and I close? Rick did spend more with me than with Steve, since the day I arrived. Then, there was the fact that Rick had seemed so bothered, these days, especially when I turned him down about anything.

I recollected more and I nodded 'yes'. Rick was indeed getting too close with me, and I was getting pestered with the 'too close' relationship of ours.

"Well, I was kinda hoping you would help me."

"Help you in what?" I asked Steve but I was already getting the idea on what he wanted for me to do, but I still wished that the idea in my mind will not be the favor he will ask.

"You know dude, to be close with him again and stuff so we can make a foundation of a relationship."

Steve was asking me to be their little cupid! Me -- the one who is head over heels with him. ME? I can't do this. I have to discourage Steve somehow so he won't push through with this 'madness' with Rick.

"Steve, how can you have a relationship with Rick. He is straight, right?"

Steve nodded, and hung his head low. I succeeded in putting his hopes down but I couldn't stand to see Steve like this. Even if he can't return the love I have for him, I have to maintain his happiness. I have to let go of my feelings first.

"OK Steve, you are my best friend and I am willing to help you. I'll try my best to bring back the lights in your friendship with Rick but I can't promise anything. I was thinking of setting a sort of picnic for the three of us and I'll not show up, huh?" I said it with great sorrow, but I loved Steve too much to inflict pain on him.

Steve looked at me straight in the eye and I saw the tears welling in his eyes. He gave me a tight embrace, and never stopped thanking me for being such a great best friend.

The rest of the day was spent playing at the arcade, and hearing Steve's plans for his relationship with Rick that it was becoming an irritation because of his redundancies, and sometimes unrealistic remarks of his future with Rick.

Every time I heard the remark, "I love Rick," from Steve, my heart screamed and wanted to deteriorate. For me, the pain was almost unbearable, but for Steve's sake, I would be strong.

Around 4 PM, I told him I had to go home. Steve was disappointed, because he was not finished telling me how his relationship with Rick would work out, and how they would spend their holidays and stuff. I couldn't stand the pain building up in me -- seeing Steve go on and on -- so happy because of Rick, and not me.

"Steve, I really have to go. I promised my mom that I'd be home early because we have school tomorrow."

"Can't you just stay another hour, please?" He pleaded, but this was too much for me.

I had to find a way to convince Steve that my leaving was a good thing.

"Would it make a difference to you if I told you I'll leave now, and I'll talk to Rick as soon as I get home?" I was desperate to get away from him now.

Steve flashed a grin, and let me go home. Of course he would need a phone call from me right after I spoke to Rick, to fill him in. Now, I was not only their Cupid, but a reporter too.

I agreed, and left him there in the mall. He would be alone but I sensed that he was still on cloud nine.

The drive home was the slowest. Every moment dragged. My mind was away, thinking of the big, disappointing news of the day. I kept asking myself, 'Why Rick?' or even 'Why did I have to fall in love with Steve?' The questions remained unanswered, but I really needed the answers.

I snapped back to reality, and found myself a block away from Rick's house. Rick's house is actually the closer to mine compared to Steve's and from the mall, you pass Rick's house to get to mine.

I HAD promised Steve that I would talk to Rick. Rick might be a little down right now, because I refused him a while ago. Now, I regretted saying, 'No,' when he asked to meet me at the mall, earlier, and should have said, "Yes," and my heart would still be in one piece.

I went to his house and parked at their driveway. While walking to their front door, I was thinking of something to say to him.

I pressed the doorbell twice but there was no answer.

'Maybe they are not home.' That's the first thing that entered my mind, but as I was walking away from the door, it opened. It was Rick, standing there.

"Rich? Why are you here?" His eyes were puffy, and his voice cracked. I assumed that he might have been crying -- but, 'Why?'

"Rick, What on earth happened?"

"Rich, it's nothing."

"Nothing? Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You look like shit." I knew I was being too nosy, but that's me.

Anger traced his face, and he yelled suddenly. "What the fuck do you care!" I was stunned.

I was about to leave him, right there. He might have had an argument with his parents or something, I thought.

"I am sorry, Richard."

I turned around to face him and his tears were again welling in his hazel eyes -- 'Just like Steve said, like mine.' As I approached him, he ran to me and hugged me and cried more. I was relieved that he wasn't mad with me, or all the things I just promised Steve will be down the drain.

"Let's talk about it inside. I'll listen." We went inside the house and headed to his room.

_________________________ End of Chapter 3

What NEW THINGS will come in the lives of Richard, Ricky and Steve. Chapter 4 is ready in the making. Watch for it soon where new things will come and surprise you (I hope).

Thanks again to my new friend, Jordan West who really helped me with the editing and stuff, and those who email me. The responses are really heartwarming.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Flames will be ignored!

Please do email me...

Next: Chapter 4

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