The New Things

By Ryan

Published on May 24, 2000


Legal things...

If you are not 18 years old and above, you are advised to leave but if you don't want to leave, don't say anything to others. If you are offended by the story of gay people in love doing "things", why on earth are you here?


Everything here is FICTION. Similarities to real situations, real people, or real events are merely COINCIDENTAL.

Author's note...

Here is my chance to talk to the readers via writing.

First of all, I am really grateful for the e-mails that you were sending me. I am really sorry if I was not replying to your emails, don't worry I will then. Your emails are really appreciated so keep them coming.

Secondly, thanks to my friend, Jordan West who is helping me with my work. He is a really good writer and his story "I Only Wanted Aaron" is really good, read it.


NEW!!! Email me at

_________________________ Chapter 4

The day was becoming pretty interesting by the minute. First, Steve revealed Rick was his 'love'. Did I like it? NO, not a single minute! Second, Rick was having a sort of emotional breakdown. Again, the question 'Did I like it?' The answer was still, 'NO, not a single minute!'

I was with Rick in his house trying to comfort him in his most down mood but I couldn't stop admiring his house. Rick's house was one of the best houses I have ever been to. The walls were painted with a light shade of blue that gives it a cool ambiance. The furnishings were all beautiful antiques which made the interior of Rick's house really awesome to see..

I placed my arm over his shoulder to show that I was empathasizing with him in that moment.

"Let's go to your room." I offered him. His parents could have barged in anytime anyway.

He agreed and as we climbed up the flight of stairs, the thoughts were racing in my mind.

As we walked along the corridors towards his room, I glanced at him. He was still crying. I felt helpless, I can't help him. 'What could have happened in this beautiful house, that could make Rick so upset?'

We reached our destination, Rick's room. It was a typical room of a teenager. A couple of posters on the wall, and couple of pictures of his family and his closest friend -- me and Steve, by his bed. His entertainment system was the best among the three of us, but I have the best computer system.

I directed him to his bed staring at him with pity. I kneeled down to face him, but he hid his face that was filled with tears and sadness.

"Now, what is the problem? I'll try to help you dude." I said to Rick with great affection.

I didn't receive an answer from him, but I received a tight embrace from Rick. I have to comfort him. I wrapped both my hands around him and patted him at his back.

He broke our embrace and stared at me straight in the eye trying to search my soul for answers. I stared back at his eyes and tried to feel the sadness that his eyes was telling me.

Rick closed his eyes and was in the act of kissing me. As his lips approached his target, my lips, I moved back. He slowly opened his eyes and broke down in heavier cries.

'What does this make him?' I was scared from the word. He can't be... Rick can't be GAY.

I snapped out of it and realized that I have worsen the situation of Rick here. I have to do something to make up this BIG mistake.

"Rick, listen to me. I don't care if you're gay of what. I am your friend and I will still be your friend whatever happens." I just can't say to Rick that I was gay. If what I was suspecting was correct, I can't put his hopes up by letting him know my secret.

"I know you'll understand that I'm gay Rich. I'm just afraid that you'll not understand that I LOVE YOU." Love was a very big word for me. It was only meant for one person, Steve.

"Rick, don't take this hard but we are really not for each other." The rejection process is one of the things I hated in my life. It is difficult to see the sadness that will trace his face when he hears 'we are not for each other'.

Rick cried harder. 'I have to do this to him.' First, I don't love him, I can't let his hopes up in a lie. Second, Rick is not for me... Rick is for Steve.

"Rick, I hope there will be nothing changed in our friendship but there will be in you and Steve." As I said those words, he seized his wailing and looked at me confused.

"Me and Steve? I'm confused here." The greatest pain of all is coming -- the pain of letting my loved one, Steve go to Rick.

"Believe it or not, Steve is GAY and is in love with you." It came out so easy but it was not. The churning in my guts was worsening. The feeling of losing my love one was there in my system.

Rick stared at me speechless in awe. He probably can't believe 'Mr. Masculinity' is gay or maybe........

"Are you serious, Rich? As in STEVE, the god of straightness?" I nodded for 'yes'. I can't believe what I heard next from Rick. "Steve... the guy I lusted before you?"

Even Rick was shocked when it came out from his mouth but it was the truth. Steve and Rick were gonna have a beautiful relationship ahead of them.

The sadness immediately left him and happiness traced his face. He stood up from his bed and began screaming 'OH MY GOD!' over ang over again in his room. This was the fastest rebound I have ever seen in my whole life. For a minute, he was crying because he loved me and then, he was screaming out of happiness because he loved Steve... and Steve loved him.

I tried to look confused with his actions and asked him why he was that happy.

He smiled at me and explained his side. "Well, Steve is actually my first love but like I said, I thought of him as the god of straightness and just tried to forget the idea. You came here to California and everything changed."

I broke him off with a 'huh?' and I was really confused.

"I felt that there was something different with your personality. It's like when I am with you, I feel safe... I feel being... loved."

It was the second time I heard those ideas with me -- first with Steve and now with Rick. 'Am I that different?'

The sentiments of the moment caught me, and two rivers of tears started to flow from my eyes. The things Rick said was so heart-warming.

I embraced him hard and cried on his shoulder. Rick was the first time to have said that to me. I felt that I was special, I was gifted with such an amazing talent.

After a few minutes, I broke the embrace and nodded at him to tell him that I was okay and to let him continue.

"Until now, I felt that what I felt with you Rich is love, a lover's love but you proved me wrong. It was not a love from a lover, but a love from a friend." With that, tears began flowing again from my eyes. "The thing you said about Steve just... set off my love for him again which I tried to supress for the past five years. You are really my best friend and I love you for that."

It was the first person -- not from family that said that to me. I just can't control the overflowing feeling from my heart. I just looked at him straight to his eyes and embraced him again. I felt Rick's hands wrapped me and started patting me at my back to comfort me. The act of affection I did earlier when he was crying, he did that to me but with more affection and more love.

I was starting to go back to my old self again. I broke my embrace and started wiping the tears from my eyes. I made a smile to Rick and he returned the smile with more happiness.

"Now, all I have to do is let you two lovebirds meet." I said to him and made a happier smile.

He nodded happily. I looked at my watch and read 6 pm. I had to leave.

"Rick, I have to leave now. I promised my mom that I'll be home early and this is pretty late for her already." I explained to him.

Rick let me go and guided me out of his house. I went to my car and started to begin my short trip to my house.

I have fulfilled my job as 'cupid' but suddenly, I realized what I have done and was then feeling the dagger in my heart. I love Steve with all my being, but Steve loved Rick... and Rick returned the love.

I arrived at my house around 6:05 and went in the house.

"Good evening mom, dad." I said to them with a fake happy mood.

"C'mon Richard. Let's eat dinner." Dad said in his monotonous voice.

I sat there in silence while eating my dinner. My parents could have sensed it but just let it off. They are really the coolest parents, not that nozy and not that careless.

As soon as I finished my dinner, I excused myself from them and went up to my room. I opened my door and went immediately to my bed to rest my body and my mind. I was there lying, looking at the ceiling and reflecting on the things that just happened.

'Steve and Rick are gay and are in love with each other. Me? I don't know where I am in this happy picture.' I thought it again and again and that made me cry.

The phone suddenly rang. I knew that it was Steve checking on the 'report' I have to share with him. I didn't want to answer the phone, but my the little voice in me dictated to me that I have to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"So what happened?" Steve just said that. Steve was dead excited and wanted to play the game he used with me but I wasn't in the mood for games.

"Nothing. We just talked about things." I said to him dragging the conversation so I won't say the most painful things to him.

"About what?" Steve was just like me by that moment -- dead curious.

"Nothing important. You know, same old, same old... that he is happy and he is gay and he's in love for you for the past five years." I said to Steve.

There was a long pause and the reaction of Rick earlier was mimicked by Steve. He was screaming 'Oh my God!' repeatedly. He was very happy in that moment and I was down in that moment.

"Steve, I have to cut this talk short. Rick just wants to meet you, maybe tomorrow. Bye." I didn't wait for an answer and just hung up the phone.

Tears began flowing again from my eyes. It was not from the overwhelmed experience I had in Rick's house, but the painful 'letting go' experience I was having after hearing Steve in his happiest mood ever.

I don't know how long I cried my heart out but the next thing I knew was my old alarm clock buzzing in my ear. I stood up from my bed and tried to forget the most painful day in my life.

I went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were not that swollen but there was still sadness and pain. I really didn't know if I can come to school and face Steve and Rick but one way or another, I have to.

_________________________ End of Chapter 4

Another shocking revelation, isn't it??? What's in store for our main characters, Steve, Rich and Rick??? What NEW THINGS will still happen to the lives of these young lovers??? Watch for it in Chapter 5.

Thanks again to my new friend, Jordan West who really helped me with the editing and stuff and those who email me. The responses are really heartwarming.

Comments and suggestion are always welcome. Flames will be ignored!

Please do email me...

Next: Chapter 5

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