The night shift

By Speedo Man

Published on Jun 15, 2001



I had been working at the local grocery store since the beginning of the summer and it was near the end of July when this all happened. It was the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, my job at the grocery store was another way to make some money for college.

A few days into working I noticed that Kyle, a friend of mine from grade school, was working at the grocery store too. We began to work our shifts at the same time and we became good friends again. Kyle went to a different high school than me, but we both went to private schools for boys only.

Kyle and I were actually quite similar to each other at our respective schools. We both played football, and we were both wide receivers. We got similar grades. We listened to the same music, liked the same movies. We got along really well. We always joked around at work too. Our manager would get really pissed sometimes but we kept on messing around anyway. Kyle would be helping someone in the checkout line and when he would see something in their cart, like tampons, he would get on his microphone and say, "I need a price check on extra-wide girth tampons." Needless to say I had a great time at work.

One day our manager, after hearing enough of our antics, told us he needed to have a "serious talk" with us at the end of the day. We expected the worst after all we had done. Kyle and I knew our parents would kick our asses if we got fired for horsing-around. When we walked into our manager's office we held our heads low, hoping to be forgiven.

As we stood in front of his desk he mentioned every single thing we had done in the store. We had to smile we he mentioned some of them. When he finished reading off our offenses he said he had two options for us. One, he said, was that we could quit. We immediately realized that we were taking the other option, no matter how bad it was. The other, he said, was to work the graveyard shift for the remainder of the summer.

We were very indifferent to working the graveyard shift, neither of us could care less. We were just happy to still have our jobs. We agreed to work the graveyard shift and then our manager filled us in on how it would work. He said we would report for work at midnight on the days we were assigned and leave at five in the morning. He said there would be no one else besides us working the registers or bagging groceries. One assistant manager would be present but he would be counting money in the office. He said that we probably wouldn't check out one person the entire time we were working.

The graveyard shift sounded great, but made our manager think he was punishing us by keeping our heads down and never smiling. We left his office after he explained everything and walked home. On our way home we decided what we would tell our parents. We would say that we wanted to work the graveyard shift because it paid a little better.

Our parents were hard to convince. I had to tell my parents that I could sleep through my shift, even though our manager specifically said we'd be fired if we slept one minute. Nevertheless we both convinced our parents to let us work.

Kyle called me that night to tell me about his struggle with his parents and then I told him mine. We were scheduled to start working at midnight the following day. After we traded stories Kyle said he had an idea. He said that before each night we worked we should go to his house and hang out. He mentioned that we could lift weights in his basement to get ready for the football season. It sounded like a great idea, I said I'd be by his house at nine o'clock the next day.

When I arrived at Kyle's house his parents were putting his younger sister and baby brother to sleep. His two other siblings were watching TV in the family room. After I reacquainted myself with Kyle's parents we went down to the basement. We watched a movie and then decided to lift weights.

As we walked from the room in the basement where the TV was to the room with the weights Kyle took off his shirt to reveal his sculpted upper torso.

Being starters on our respective football teams, we were both in great shape. I was behind Kyle when he took off his shirt and I first looked at his muscular back. His back was extremely tight, I imagined myself rubbing my hand along his rock hard muscles on his back. I moved my eyes from his broad, beefy shoulders down his rock-hard back to his ass, which was covered by his mesh shorts. I could tell he had a fine ass from the round firm behind I could see in his shorts.

When we got into the weight room Kyle turned around to show me his weight lifting equipment, I also got a view of his muscular equipment as well. He was hot as hell from the front. I knew he had a cute face and all, with his brown hair and bright green eyes, but his body was extraordinary. He was chiseled to perfection. He had muscles everywhere, a firm six-pac and his pecs were well exercised. His arms were muscular beyond belief. He was amazing. However, he wasn't like the bodybuilder men, he wasn't excessively huge. He had all the muscle he needed to be one of the hottest guys I've ever seen.

While I was checking him out he started lifting weights. I became even more horny as I watched him bench press. His muscles bulged with every thrust. I realized I was getting hard and so I began lifting weights too so I could stop thinking about Kyle's body. After Kyle did a few different lifts he got up and began to walk out of the room. I asked him where he was going because we had only been lifting for fifteen minutes. He said he was going to relieve some tension. I didn't quite understand but then he made a jerking motion with his hand in front of his crotch and I understood all too well, he was going to jerk off.

Kyle quickly explained that when he lifts weights he gets a rush of energy through him and that's when he likes to yank his chain. Kyle and I were good friends at that point, but I was a little shocked because he had never mentioned anything like that before.

As he began to walk out of the room I had a sudden urge to follow him and watch him. I saw him walk out of the room and into the TV room. When he got in there he sat on the couch and began to rub his crotch. I could still see him perfectly through the doorway. However, he didn't seem to notice me. As he fondled his dick through his mesh shorts I began to get very hard. I looked over his smooth, bare chest again and imagined myself lying on top of him, both our bodies sweaty, and rubbing my body againt his.

I kept on lifting weights in case he happened to look at me, but he never did. After several minutes of messaging his cock he pulled his shorts down.

His boner popped straight up from his pants, it was sweet. His cock was thick and tall, I saw myself licking its salty tip. Once Kyle had uncovered his massive dick he went straight to work. He slapped his hand down at the hairy base of his cock and began pumping it up and down vigorously. My own cock began to jerk back and forth with supreme pleasure.

It didn't take him long to cum, just about a minute. He was all business. I watched as he mopped up his cum and pulled up his pants. After that he sat on the couch waiting for his boner to subside. I looked at the tent in his red mesh shorts and almost creamed my own shorts. Suddenly I realized he was coming back to the weight room but my cock was still rock hard.

I sat up to conceal my ragging hard-on when Kyle walked in. He didn't say anything; he just went back to lifting. I waited till he wasn't looking at me and then I slipped out the door and into the bathroom. I considered jacking off but I decided to wait for my cock to settle and then go back to weight lifting.

Kyle didn't talk nearly as much after his jerk off session. It was strange; he usually joked around all the time. But then he was very serious. When we had lifted for nearly an hour he finally spoke again. He said I could use the shower first. I said thanks and went to grab my change of clothes from the other room. I went into the shower and considered jacking off but decided not to.

When I had all my clothes off I looked at myself in the mirror; was just as hot as Kyle. My workouts had given me a firm body: hard pecs, chiseled abs, a cute butt, and muscle tone everywhere. Not to mention I was a natural blond with blue eyes. I realized we had to be at work in twenty minutes so I hurried up. While I was washing my hair the bathroom door opened. I saw right away that it was Kyle in his boxers. The shower door was glass but it was textured so you could make out details.

I figured he was going to take a piss or something so I didn't assume much of anything. I turned my back to Kyle and resumed soaping my chest. Suddenly I heard the shower open and by the time I turned around I was standing face to face, dick to dick, with Kyle. The shower was small so his limp dick was touching mine. Not to mention his perfectly sculpted body was inches from mine.

I froze, I couldn't say anything. My cock was getting hard from touching Kyle's dick. I just looked at him with a dead stare. He said he could tell I enjoyed what I saw earlier as he looked down at my hard-on. Then all of a sudden I feel his arms slide along my back and I feel his pecs and six-pac press against mine. I couldn't believe it. The feeling of his warm, hard flesh against mine was so stimulating that a little precum started to ooze from my hard cock tip.

As I stood there, growing more horny each second, he moved his hands up my smooth back. His hands eaily moved across my soapy back. He rubbed his hands in every direction, touching every muscle on my back. Kyle moved his firm hands from my muscular shoulders and slowly dropped them down to my ass. When he had his hands on my ass he cupped his hands around my ass cheeks and began to squeeze them gently. My ass muscles tightened in delight. He began to squeeze harder and harder until I was moving my ass forward, thus moving my dick further into his crotch, with each squeeze from Kyle. Once I realized I was pressing Kyle firmly against the door behind him I tried to stop thrusting forward when he squeezed my sexy ass. Kyle decided to give me a break from the ass message. He slowly moved his hands back up my back.

Then I decided to give Kyle what he was giving me. I slipped my arms around his body and began messaging his back. He was extraordinarily strong, I could feel the muscles in his back as a rubbed over them. I was also feeling his perfect abs against mine while I was messaging him. Our six-pacs were slipping past each other as our bodies shifted. The feel of his hard muscles pressed against mine was amazing. We were so close that when he took a breath, I felt his abs flex out and press harder against mine. I could have cummed right then, all over him. In fact, I began to imagine myself jerking off on his perfectly rounded abs. I saw myself shooting loads of cum on his hard chest. Then I imagined Kyle rubbing the cum all over his abs and pecs. As I pictured this my cock leaked even more precum. Then I imagined Kyle holding me like we were doing right there, rubbing our muscular torsos together, with my cum for lubrication. I so badly wanted to do that right then, but I just imagined that the warm, soapy water running down our chest was my hot cum.

I continued to rub Kyle's back, trying not to devote all my attention to our sexy six-pacs. After messaging his shoulders for several minutes I decided to move to his ass. I had never touched a guy like this ever before. Kyle and were both straight, we thought, but tonight was changing all that. I wasn't sure what was happening but I liked it. Anyway, I slowly moved my hands down towards his ass. The hot water from the shower head was shooting right at Kyle's shoulders so most of the water was running down our chests, but some of the water was rolling over Kyle's shoulders and down his back. I finally got the nerve to put my hands on Kyle's ass. His ass was firm, very firm. I had never seen it in the nude before, and as a matter of fact I still couldn't see it then. But feeling it was ten times better that seeing it, I was sure of that as I cupped my hands around his muscular ass cheeks.

I began squeezing his ass; it was more of a pinch with my whole hand. I hadn't been looking at Kyle's face during this whole event. My chin was on his shoulder and we were ear to ear. But when I began squeezing his ass as if I was kneading rough dough, his head cocked back and I saw his face fill with pleasure. I could only see him from the corner of my eye; he looked like he was going to moan really loud but nothing came out. Then his head went back to its normal position and I lost sight of him. I was very glad to know that he was enjoying the shower as much as I was. I continued rubbing his ass and then his backside back and forth, up and down. Neither of us said a thing, but we were having the time of our lives.

Suddenly I began to realize something startling. We had been messaging each other for ten minutes(I guess it was this long because it really only felt like a second), and I hadn't realized that our dicks were rubbing against each other. I couldn't believe I would overlook something like that, but I did have a huge passion for the male chest. Our cocks were both rock hard and they were closely lodged together. I couldn't actually see my prick because our upper bodies were too close together but I began to realize that my cock was leaking precum. When I sensed the cum on the tip of my hard-on I blushed, but then I realized that it just fit right in with what we were doing. I had guessed before that Kyle's cock was about seven inches long, not too bad for his age. My own cock didn't fall too far behind that.

Our cocks were throbbing from all of our action. When I began to pay close attention to my dick I felt Kyle's cock throb every few seconds in ecstasy. Mine did too. Our crotches were more or less pressed flat up against each other because Kyle was holding on to my like a boa constrictor. Therefore our cocks were pressed straight up and down against our lower abs. I first felt Kyle's cock tip touch mine and then our whole dick shafts were sitting against each other. I could feel my cock tip lodged against the bottom of Kyle's firm six-pac. I began to imagine myself positioned over Kyle. He was lying down and I was positioned over him with a knee on either side of his hips. I look down and I see his perfect six-pac. Then I look at the trench in the middle of the six-pac, with three perfectly rounded abs on either side of it. I look at that valley between his mountains of muscle and then I bend down to Kyle and position my dick in that gorge in Kyle's firm flesh. I imagined myself rocking my body up and down Kyle. I saw that as I moved my cock was being rubbed on three sides by Kyle's six-pac. I imagined myself jacking my cock off in his muscle. Then I saw myself cum all over Kyle's chest. I imagined myself rubbing my cum all over him and licking it off. Then it came to my attention that my nipples were rock hard, even though we were in a hot shower. I looked down at my pecs and saw my perky nipples. I looked across to see if Kyle's were hard too, they were. I decided to try and rub our nipples together. I leaned in and slid my chest to where our nipples were touching. Then I moving ever so slightly from side to side and flicked his nipples with mine. I got a rise out of this but Kyle didn't seem to notice, he was probably admiring some of our muscular body parts like I had been doing and was doing. After playing with our nipples enough enough, I decided to make a move instead of following Kyle's lead. I tried to free my body from Kyle's grip enough so that I could bend down a little. After struggling to free myself just a little I was able to slid down Kyle's body. As I slowly bent my knees and slid down his body I could feel our chest muscles and six-pacs bumping against each other. I felt my cock slip away from his. My cock tip moved down the shaft of his dick and then lodged itself at the space between the base of his cock and his nutsack. I slipped a little further down but my cock tip remained stuck in his nutsack. I decided I had gone down far enough and I looked in front of me and saw Kyle's nipples. I wasn't quite sure what to do. The rubbing was just like giving someone a message all over their body, but sucking was completely different. I opened my mouth a bit and stuck my tongue out. Kyle looked down at me and smiled. Then he looked back away and started thrusting his dick forward into the top of my six-pac. He was humping my abs. It was strange but it really got me horny. In fact, his dick was positioned almost where I had imagined myself rubbing my own cock on Kyle. The water made enough lubrication that Kyle's cock easily slipped along the bumpy muscles of my stomach. I looked up from Kyle's nipples to see his face. I could see that he was smiling, and his eyes were closed. It looked like he was imagining some intense sexual encounter. For some reason I hoped that I was in his fantasy. He kept pounding away at my stomach with his hard-on while I gazed at him. I kept sucking his firm nipples for a while. I circled my tongue around the nipples and then sucked on the entire nipple. Sometimes I flicked them with the tip of my tongue. Kyle seemed to like that. I began to peer down to his dick and I thought about going down on him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door. Kyle's dad was yelling something. Kyle opened the shower door and moved to the door. His wet body was shining in the light, every muscles on his body was defined. Kyle said I was in the shower and he was using the toilet. Kyle's father didn'to mind, or realize, we were both in the bathroom. He just said that we should have been at work five minutes ago. Kyle thanked his dad for the warning and then we both scrambled to get our clothes on and get to work. By the time we actually arrived at work we were fifteen minutes late. We checked in with the night manager in his office and he didn't seem to care. He told us that our job was mainly to sit in the security office and watch for customers on the security cameras. He said it was stupid to have us stand up for hours when no one would probably come to the store. Then he said he was going to go to his office in the back of the store for the next several hours to do paperwork. We hadn't thought at all about our shower together because the past twenty minutes had been so rushed. In fact, we hadn't said a thing to each other. But as we sat down in front of the security tapes we realized we were going to have to say something to each other because we would be sitting next to each other all night. However, we still didn't speak right away. We were both a little shaken up. The idea that Kyle and I would be caught making out with each other was frightening, and it almost happened. It was even more terrifying for Kyle because it was his father who might have seen us. So we silently watched the tapes show the same empty grocery store aisles. Suddenly someone appeared on the tapes and we broke our silence. Kyle said he looked familiar, I agreed. The cameras were positioned on the ceiling so you couldn't see much detail. However, Kyle found a zoom button on the control panel and focused in on the lone shopper. The zoom worked great, now only his head and shoulders were in the picture. We both realized who it was. It was our friend Nick from grade school. Nick had gone to a different high school than both of us and had got into drugs pretty heavily.

I had seen him a few times before and he had long blonde hair and looked out of it, but he was still hot. Nick had the face of a model. His every muscle was defined. I remember seeing him at the pool last summer, his pecs, abs, back, arms, and legs were all covered in well toned muscle. Partly because Nick had a slender build, but he packed so much muscle on his body that he seemed stronger than Kyle or me. Kyle then said that he had always wanted to fuck Nick. That shocked me. Kyle had now admitted that he was gay. I guess I had to assume that from our shower escapade but I never figured it was this true. I figured maybe when he hadn't been with a girl for a while and could find some friend, like me, he would take the chance. That was still gay in my definition, however.

I guess I never imagined Kyle because he seemed so normal and popular. I had to stop my thoughts when we saw Nick moving around on the camera. Previously he had been looking at the shampoo. Buying shampoo at midnight may seem weird to most but to a pothead like Nick it must have made perfect sense. We saw that he was doing something with his hands, maybe looking for something in his pockets. Kyle immediately zoomed out so we could see what he was doing. When he zoomed out we saw Nick with his pants off, all the way off. He had kicked them across the aisle. He had his hand on his dick, slowly stroking it. Kyle and I couldn't breathe; we were shocked. He had a very nice cock; it was long and slender. Nick was right there in front of us jacking off; it was amazing. He was on such a high that he thought he should go whack off in a grocery store. He took his hand off his dick and began taking off his shirt. Once he had it off I admired his defined body. He was leaning backwards so that his cock seemed to stick far out from his body. Since he was leaning backwards his abs were flexed to the max. Each one of his six abs was clearly defined. His pecs were even more amazing; they were firm and sexy. His nipples were hard from his pleasure. I was almost drooling at the sight of this hot, sexy stud. I wanted to fun my tongue up and down his chest and stomach and I wanted to suck his cock. I don't know why but I wanted so badly to put my mouth on his slender cock. I could have sucked it for hours. Everything about Nick's body was perfect, from his long blonde hair, which was curled only at the tips, to his firm, muscular legs. Suddenly I noticed I had a hard-on. I began to rub my crotch. When I looked over to Kyle to see how he was reacting to the whole scene I saw him messaging his hard dick. He had already pulled his cock out of his pants and began stroking it. I did the same. I didn't look at Kyle's sexy dick long; I looked back to the monitor to see what Nick was doing. Precum must have began to seep from my hard-on when I looked back at the television monitor. Nick had taken a bottle of shampoo and was rubbing it on his chest. The white liquid stimulated Nick and we could see him moaning on the monitor. He coated his pecs and abs with the shampoo and then he moved to his dick. I wanted to slide my chest against Nick's muscular body just like I did to Kyle in the shower. I wanted to feel his sexy body against mine. We watched as Nick stroked his cock shaft slowly and then more furiously. He was exciting himself immensely. We could see the muscles in his arm flex as he put all his effort into jacking off. Without warning Nick shouted and cum shot out all over the floor. He blew a huge load. He kept stroking his cock slowly as the cum jumped out of his dick. He pumped his arm faster and faster as the jizz began shooting out. He pumped quickly for several seconds and then slowed down. We could see him moaning with pleasure. His forehead was sweating. Nick sat down on the floor of the supermarket and began rubbing himself all over with the shampoo. As he did this his panting stopped. Seeing that blonde beauty was a sight to behold. Nick sat on the floor for about five minutes. Kyle and I silently watched him on the monitor. After about five minutes he put his clothes on over his shampoo-lubricated body. As Kyle and I watched him leave the store on different television monitors we noticed Nick had blown his load, but we had not. We were both eyeing each other's hard cocks. We had the same thing on our minds.


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