The Old Man and the Young Teen

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jun 10, 2003



A young teen was hiking up a mountain, his father waiting for him down near the road. His father usually hiked with the young teen but had just turned his ankle. Not wanting to disappoint his son, he allowed him to hike up to the top by himself. The trail was clear at the bottom, but seemed to disappear as the young teen got further up. He rested on a rock and drank cool water from his canteen. He saw a old man heading down the mountain towards him. The old man was naked.

"Hello" said the old man.

"Hi" said the young teen, not sure what to say to a naked man. "Want a drink?" holding out his canteen.

"Thank you" said the old man, thirsty. "You heading up the mountain?"

"Yeah, but the trail seems to be disappearing."

"Yeah it does that" handing back the canteen. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Which is the right way up?"

"It's not far. How about we go up together?"

"OK. Why are you naked?"

"Because I like to be naked. Why are you wearing clothes?"

The young teen had to think before he answered that question. "Because everybody else does."

"Not everybody" says the old man, laughing

"Is it ok to hike naked?" asks the young teen, curious.

"God make us naked when we were born, so I guess its alright with him."

"Is it ok if I go naked?" asks the young teen, interested.

"I'm not the fellow you should ask."

"Who should I ask?" questions the young teen, looking around. The old man points to the young teen. The young man thinks about it and starts to take off his clothes, not even pausing at his boxers. He is quickly naked. "What do I do with my clothes?"

"Leave them here, take them with you, whatever you want." The young teen folds them up neatly and places them on the rock he was sitting on.

"OK." He follows the old man. On the way up, the old man points many things out to the young teen. All the kinds of plants and catsuses and flowers. He shows the young teen the different kinds of lizards and even the varieties of ants. He explains the rocks and geology of the area. By the time they get to the top, the young teen has learned more about the outdoors than in any of his classes at school.

The view from the top is magnificent. The old man points out the feeling of the breeze on the skin. The warming of the sun on the skin. The view of the sun across the landscape. The smells of all the different outdoor things. The young teen is aware of himself in ways he never before considered. The young teen turns slightly away from the old man.

"What's wrong?" asks the old man.

"Nothing" says the young teen, shyly hiding the growing of his dick.

"Nothing to be afraid of there" says the old man indicating the boner of the young teen. "Everybody gets them. They are a part of life, a part of nature." The young man considers and realizes the old man is right. He is unembarrassed. He stand up straight once again enjoying the breeze from the winds.

He opens his canteen and drinks. He shares his water with the old man. They head back down the mountain, in silence this time. They reach the young teens clothes.

"Thanks" he says to the old man as he gets dressed.

The old man watches him dress, puts his hand on the boys shoulder and says "Stay gold."

The last the young teen sees is the old mans naked but disappearing into the trees. The young teen sits down on the rock and drinks the cool water again. Thinking. As he hikes back to the car he sees rocks and plants and ants and things that were there on the way up, but only now noticed. He sees colors, and smells things he never knew were there before. He reaches the road. His dad is outside the car, the windows down, music on, smoking. The young teen puts his arms around his father and gives him a big hug. "I love you."

The father, surprised by the affection from his teenage son, is happy, and hugs him back. It's a long hug. As they get into the car and drive away, the young teen realizes that his life has been changed forever.

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