The Phase

Published on May 4, 2022


The Phase Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Please don't..."

It's at this moment that I remembered why I always thought being gay would be weird.  Sara Sofia once put on a movie.  It was about prison sex.  And it was a man raping another man in the ass.  I mean, if this is what gay sex is then who would ever want to have that?  It wasn't until recently thinking about Gato that I could imagine maybe it wasn't like that.   Maybe it was even something special if you let it be.

All of that comes crashing down at that moment.    My pants are off somehow.  Not cleanly, however, somehow tied to my legs and wrapping me up across the seat in the oddest position that makes it impossible for me to fight or struggle back.

"Everyday, you walk past me.  Every day, you ignore me.  Every fucking day..."

He's chanting in the oddest way.  This wasn't the Elias I knew.  His eyes were bloodshot red and his face flushed with stress.

I can't find my phone.  I'm panicking.  And that's when I see something happen.  His phone is ringing.  I look in his pocket and I notice it's in reachable distance.  I grab the phone at that moment.

"We need to talk!" The person on the phone says.

I recognize the voice.


It's him.

"Gato!"  I scream out, "Gato he's raping me!  We're on the lookout..."

He grabs the phone out of my hand.   As soon as he does I hit him in his head.  I want to hit him so hard that his nose breaks but it doesn't.  It does hurt though because I hear Elias growl crazily and then grab me up.  He pushes my hands into the door.  His hands crush mine under the weight of the steel.  I try to shake it off and head butt him but he plants his elbow into my throat.

"Move and you choke," he says lodging his elbow firmly into my windpipe to the point that I couldn't even answer if I wanted to.

I cough a couple of times.

He is pulling my pants down with his other arm.  There is nothing gentle about it.  It is savage.  Tears are coming out of my eyes and they burn.  I bite down desperate not to feel it.

Then it happens.

His dick is in me.


I scream.  It isn't because of the pain.  It is more in anticipation.   I figured a hard dick covered in precum being forced into me was something I should scream about.  It wasn't paining like I thought it would be.  There was a bit of pressure.  Yes. The ramming pressure surprises me.  It's something odd at first.  I expect to bleed  but honestly there's none of that.

And it doesn't feel like pain, not even after the 2nd or third pump.  He relaxed a bit when he gets into his rhythm.  His eyes are open staring at my expression as he fucks me.  He's focusing on it.

My arm is free now.

I could push him away.   I could stop the pressure going deep into my anus at that moment.  I could stop the warm wet invasion of his cock into my ass.  I could punch him so that he would stop that focused groaning noise that he was doing.

Or I could do something else.

"Deeper..." I tell him.

He looks at me surprised, angry and somewhat confused but then a smile wickedly spreads across his face.  This should have been raped.  I thought it was but then it started to feel good.  And then I started to realize Elias actually was kind of sexy.  I am beyond confused.  I shouldn't like this.  Elias was another fucking MAN!

I was straight!  I was straight.  I was----

"Damn you're so wet..."


With my free hand, I'm grabbing at his nice firm ass as he strokes hard and furious.  We're sweating all over each other.  I'm scratching at his back.  My thighs squeeze him in.  He leans over me and I grab his face and mush it into mine, shoving my tongue as deep into his throat as I can.

He exhales a wet, "Fuck yes."

I bite his neck so hard he stops thrusting and continues even harder as though taking his revenge on my asshole.  It isn't until I'm dripping wet with the first load that he pauses.

I think he's going to stop...but I'm wrong.

He turns me around, pulls his dick out tastes the cum and then gives me his finger to lick.

"Suck on us while I pound you from the back," he tells me.

Something about the way he calls the funk on his fingers, "Us" turns me on so much that immediately I'm sucking down.  He slaps down hard on my ass as he fucks me.  I'm throwing it back as though I've done this before.  I'm throwing it back how girls should have been throwing it back at me.  And the sensation that fills my asshole is literally worth gold.

I'm melting to him and both Elias and I are drowning in moans of ecstasy and that's when we hear it!

The breaking of glass.


It's Gato.  He has this rage in his eyes.  I had mentioned before that Gato was never weak.  He was a fighter but it more self-defense.   The only time he fought was when he was trying to defend himself.  Otherwise, everything he was a lover.   But right now this was a different Gato.  Right now this was a predator and Elias's face was taking the brunt of it.

"Gato----wait!"  I try to stop him.

Gato is seeing red to the point that he pushes me off and drives his knee right into Elias's nose.  I hear a shredding noise and a loud, hard busted grunt from Elias.  I know that Gato has broken Elias's nose even before he hits the ground and starts grabbing at his nose.

Gato isn't done yet either.  He comes over Elias with a fist raised as Elias is already tucked over in pain.  And he looks like he's going to finish him right on this curb.  And I mean it when I say FINISH HIM.  This would be like one of the Mortal Kombat games we played when we were kids.  Except I don't think Elias was going to come back for around 2 if Gato got his way.

Luckily I stop him.  Or I think it's me until I notice our parents all showing up from different directions all at the same time.

And all seeing me and Elias completely naked.


It turns out the call that I made to Gato during the "incident" had gotten to him.  He had heard it loud and clear.  Feeling an uncanny amount of rage he sent an angry text to every single member of both of our families to let them all know what a piece of shit Elias was and how he was the only one right about him.  So everyone comes racing to us.  Except Gato got there before the others because even though he was on a hot date, the only thing he cared more about then proving that his stepbrother was indeed an evil lil' dick was making sure that he was there for his best friend, JD.

"So all the bruises came from the rape?" my dad asks.

What's weird is the group of people who are here.  My mother is here and so is my father.   Sara Sofia was there and so was my traitorous brother Juan Martin.  They are all confused trying to understand what is going on.  My mother and father showing up wasn't surprising.  They are on separate sides of the room.  My father is livid.  He's walking back and forth.  The only one more upset than he was is Gato.  If it wasn't for Mr. Gonzalez standing in front of his son I would have been heavily concerned about Elias's safety.

Elias was already in bad shape.  That part was clear.

"It came from me whooping his ass," Gato states.

My dad puts an arm on Gato's shoulder as though giving him a sign of thankfulness and support.  I can tell this is something that Mr. Gonzalez doesn't like at all.

"How do we know it was rape?" Mr. Gonzalez asks.

I'm not surprised that he's taking up for his son but my dad is surprised.  My dad gives Mr. Gonzalez the angriest look I'd ever seen him give anyone.

"His best friend is here.  He just told us what he heard on the phone.  I've known Gato for years.  You think he would be this mad if it WASN'T rape?"

"All I'm saying is we haven't heard from the people who were actually there."

My mother has me in her arms.  She is rocking me like I'm two which is making this even more embarrassing.   My sister Sara Sofia is on the other side with just a supportive hand on my knee.  The men are all standing up and I am assuming a full-blown fight is going to break out any second now again.

Tensions were boiling especially between Mr. Gonzalez and my father. So much for a happy couple.  He was right to a point.  Both Elias and I had been completely silent.  Half of it was an embarrassment.  I mean we had made quite the scene.   The other half of this was shocking though.  I'm still trying to understand what it was that occurred between Elias and me.

"It was..." Elias states.

I look at his face and see this devastated and defeated look.  I'd never before seen Elias get like this.  I'd never seen him look so upset.  The look on his face just seemed to be pushed into a realm that didn't make sense to me.

That's all Gato needs to hear, "Shouldn't we be calling the cops by now?"

He wants to throw Elias underneath the jail.  I can see it in his eyes.  It's all red.   And maybe he had a point.  Elias was going to take me if I wanted to be taken or not.  In the beginning, I didn't, but what happens when things switch up.  I'd never seen that played out on television.  Should someone have to go to jail for something that was pleasurable?

I'm so confused.

But right now I didn't have time to be confused.  Gato is taking out his phone to call the police and no one is stopping him, not even Mr. Gonzalez who is shaking his son trying to get his son to give us a reason that this wasn't true.

He's begging Elias at this point but Elias isn't reacting.


I wasn't going to let him go down like this.   There is silence after I say that.  Everyone looks over at me now.  Now I'm getting the weird stares that Elias was getting not too long ago.  Everyone looking at me the way that they do scares the fuck out of me.   It's as though they had just realized I was an alien and I was having a reveal where all my skin was turning blue.  I think my brother's eyes even pop out of his skull.

"We should call F.A.M," my brother immediately suggests.

The goddam snitch even reaches for my phone before my father snatches it away.

"No one's calling anyone."

"I'm not going to let some faggot tell me what to do," Juan Martin spits.

We don't even get a chance to react.  We don't get a chance to even be upset before my father lands a firm hard backhand across Juan Martin's face.   Juan Martin spits out in an angry way and looks on in pain as my father snaps his phone in two.  He throws the pieces right in Juan Martin's face.

Juan Martin is angry.  Angry and bitter.  Two things that I don't think we're a good match.  But he doesn't do anything after that.  He just shakes his head and gets quiet.

"That settles it," Mr. Gonzalez says.

Mr. Gonzalez has a pissed off look on his face.   A look as though we were some annoying insects with him that were eating up his valuable time.

"Settles what?"  Gato asks, "I know what I heard.  He was being raped!  Tell them what you told me, JD!  JD, tell them what you told me!"

There's nothing.

I want to tell them.  I want to back Gato up.  I always back Gato up, but right now me backing up Gato would mean Elias would be going to jail and I wasn't sure I wanted that to happen.  So I stay quiet.  I stay mute.  And I lose eye contact with him.

This sends Gato over the edge.

"So nothing's going to happen?" Gato asks, "Nothing?"

Gato is looking at everyone as he says that.  His eyes land on my father in the end, staring at him for some sign or option, but my father doesn't have any words.  I'm not the only one who noticed the drama tonight has caused a strain with him in his relationship.  The two older men are separating with no plans of going home with one another tonight obviously with the uptight look Mr. Gonzalez had.

"Get your son help," Mr. Gonzalez states, "They say there is a cure for the phase?"

"Cure?" my father asks seeming almost hurt."

"Yeah," Mr. Gonzalez states, "I'm considering taking it.  Getting my family back together."


My father doesn't have anywhere to stay, so my mother lets him sleep on the couch.  I think she's happy he's back because even though she makes a big scene about him not sleeping in the bed with her, she was spending an awful lot of time in the living room where she had him set up.   I don't know if he had a conversation with Mr. Gonzalez after him leaving with Elias or he just assumed from that conversation that they were no longer in a relationship.  I've never seen my father look hurt.  Not even the times that he argued with my mother.  He looked annoyed and irritated but never hurt.

Then as I get to my room I am met with Gato.

"You're mad at me..."

He doesn't acknowledge me when I walk in.  He has his shirt off and basketball shorts on but he smells good which lets me know he is about to head out to play.  He has the basketball right underneath one foot.  With his hands, he swirls it around as I walk up to him but he still hasn't given me eye contact.

"You lied for him," he states.

"Is that what you believe?"

"That's what I know," he states, "I heard the pain in your voice.  I heard it."

"I'm not upset now.  Do you think if I felt like I was raped I wouldn't be upset?"

"Mr. Gonzalez called," Gato states, "He's trying to kiss my ass no doubt so that I won't spread around the fact that his son is a fuckin rapist.   He says that you were going back to work.  He says that he wants me back too.  For a raise."

"I see..."

"Did he offer you anything too?" Gato asks.

I pause.   I don't answer.

Gato knows me.  He shakes his head.

"I can't fucking believe you.  I can't fucking believe you are covering this up because of a fucking job.  I can't fucking believe you!"

Gato is never really mad at me.  I mean never.  Back in the day, I set his favorite outfit on fire.  He spazzed out because he thought it was Elias who had done it.  He literally caused a fit.  Then I came out and admitted it was me.  His attitude drastically changed.  He shrugged it off and asked for ice cream.  Ever since then our families would bring me over every time Gato was having his teen angst moments and it would immediately calm him down.

"Gato's cure."


He seems like he is about to leave when I say that.  He has been shaking his head violently.  He had the basketball in his hand.  Knowing Gato if I let him leave on these terms he wouldn't come back.  He's going play ball, get into his head and call up some chick so that he wouldn't have to be around me.  She'd be happy to be blessed with Gato's presence for a night.

And I wouldn't be...

I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Gato's cure," I state, "That's what they used to call me."

His mouth twists up like someone who's trying to control their muscles and not smile, "I think my mother came up with it.  All those mood enhancement drugs my parents put me on.  You were the only thing that worked."

"It's because you were the devil as a child."

He laughs, "I was also ugly.  An ugly little devil.  You were the only idiot dumb enough to want to be my friend."

"I'm still the only idiot dumb enough to be your friend.  A real friend that is," I correct him.

He's broken now.  All white teeth and laughs.  That upside down pissed off look he had on his face faded.  I still got it I guess.  I was still the cure to his bad moods and tantrums.  He releases almost completely.

He reaches out and taps me hard on the back, "I hate you.  You know that.  I hate how much I love your annoying ass."

I laugh, "Whatever.  I say all this to let you know that you're the closest person to me.  And I need you to believe that if I honestly felt like Elias deserved to go to jail, I would have let it happen.  You have to believe I would be honest with you in that way."

"So wouldn't that mean?"

He pauses, confused.

"I enjoyed it," I repeat.

I'm not shocked when somehow in the midst of this Gato lights a blunt.  I guess he realizes that this is definitely a marijuana worthy moment.  And we spend almost an hour, sitting in my room as we did as kids quietly thinking about the topic at hand before saying anything. A part of me is nervous about what he's thinking. A part of me is concerned that the longer he waits then the worse the response is going to be.

At the end of it, he turns to me.  His face is serious and his eyes are low.  I'm not sure if it's because of the topic or the weed at this point.

"So it's the Phase?" he asks.

"I mean it wasn't like I was getting my ass stuffed before this Gato," I assure him.

He sighs, "I don't know.  You always seemed to have a little sugar in your tank."

I punch him in his arm----hard and he reacts with a laugh.   I don't laugh with him though.  I lay back on the bed, completely confused at where my life is going as I let the weed fill my system from the inside-out.

"I'm nervous,'" I finally admit, "What do I do?  They are saying getting tested is important.  They are saying they have a cure."

"Don't," he responds.


My best friend leans over next to me.  Shoulder to shoulder.  His shoulder was a lot more built out than mines was. A lot stronger.  I'm fighting the urge to reach over and squeeze it.  Fucking Phase is making me want to touch my best friend's bicep.  This was getting worse.  I was having a harder time fighting off that every time I was around Gato my ass got wet.

"I think the Phase is what gets people aggressive," Gato explains, "I've been talking to Devin."

"Gay Devin?"

"Do we know another Devin?" Gato asks.


"Then why's he got to be Gay Devin, JD?" Gato asks, sighing, "Goddam.  Anyway, Devin...the only Devin we know...thinks its weird that this F.A.M already has the cure for the disease.  He knows some people who were taken away to one of those camps.  They aren't allowed to call back to their families.  They aren't allowed to do anything."

"Maybe it's a long treatment."

"Fuck that.  A long treatment you're not doing.  Those people freak me the fuck out."

"Gato, who are you to tell me what I can do and what I can't."

He sits up and gives me a hard look, "Your gay husband."

I slash the pillow across his face causing him to throw up his arms, "Shut the fuck up."

"I mean are you gay?  Completely.  Where are you in the LGBT spectrum?"

"I'm not in the FUCKING spectrum.  Fuck you."

"Listen, it's OK," he says with a smile, "I'm just pissed that you went to Elias before coming to me.  I got a big dick.  Bigger than Elias's."

"You're not funny.  This is serious."

"Why?" he asks.

"Why what?"

"Why should you be serious about this?  Any of it?" he states, "It's life.  It's fun. And for all, we know it's a phase.  They have a cure.  Why rush to get it.  We'll do some research on it but there's no rush.  And just so I don't beat up any boys trying to take my best friend's booty, you can just use my dick to experiment."


It's too late.  Gato has my legs up.  He is grinding into me.  He's laughing of course.  He's laughing because he is an evil motherfucker who enjoys making me squirm when I'm already embarrassed.  But he does his job.  He makes me laugh too and finally I let him go and realize Gato dick manages to wedge into my asshole for a second.

We had underwear on.  Sure our pants had shifted in a way, but what I don't expect is that Gato's dick is kind of hard.  I also don't expect my underwear to fold in such a way to allow his dick so much access INSIDE of me.

We're sitting there for a moment.  Silence.

"Gato---I think your dick is in me," I tell him.

It was an accident and then it was awkward and now it was...I'm not sure.  It felt amazing.  I look over at him and he's still...completely still.  I can't read his reaction.  Do I grab him?  Do I pull him in?  Do I push him away?

"I think so too," is my best friends response.

"I uh...I don't mind..."

His fingers move a little bit.  I don't think he realized until then that they were on my thigh.  His sudden movement causes my asshole to clench up around his dick.  He exhales when it happens.   That's when I look up at him and see that he's struggling with this.  Sweat is rolling down his forehead.

"Stop joking---JD, stop----"

I wonder if he's telling me to stop joking about wanting to continue or to stop squeezing my asshole together around his dick.  I see him trying to pull out slowly.  His dick was big, really big.  He had gotten it lodged so deep inside of me.  So fucking deep when he was playing grinding on me.

I squeeze.

"I'm not joking," I tell him, "It's just if I could do it with anyone..."

He pauses at this moment.  I can see him thinking about it.  Should he continue and fuck his best friend or should he stop, pull out and laugh all of this off as though it was nothing?

The decision is fumbling in his mind.

And I wonder what he's going to do?

I know the decision will change everything moving forward...

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Next: Chapter 7

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