The Precinct

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Dec 30, 2009


[Reader's Note: this story line is a sequel to PRECTINCT TWENTY-THREE (1st series) in Jan-2007 gay/authoritarian section, and its spin-off sister story THE HOLE in the Nov-2008 section of the same category. Please read those two stories in their entirety, starting with Precinct-23 first in order to get the full understanding of the characters. --DOGG] _________________________________________________________________________


Pt-1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MANAYUNK

Knowing his boyfriend was off today (and still steaming over last night's disastrous anniversary night), McConnell decided to surprise Andy by picking him up for a long lunch. He didn't bother to call, knowing Andrew was probably sleeping late and hiding out in the bedroom from his son Elliot. McConnell knew he needed to talk to Elliot (or his mother) and find out what the problem was with him and school, but McConnell couldn't help enjoying having his son close to him under the same roof again. His ex-wife (Christina) had made it hard for him to see his kids after the divorce, causing scenes and turning them against him (making them believe he didn't love them) every time he missed a visit. His oldest son (Junior) still doesn't speak to him to this day, believing his mother's lies.

McConnell pulled into his designated parking spot, determined to stop feeling sorry for himself. His kids were all grown now with lives and minds of their own, he would never try to force them to call him, or pretend to be happy with the decisions he made, that would have to be a choice they made on their own.

He walked up to his condo door, unlocked it and walked in. "Elliot...? Andy...?" he called into an empty living room. He was sure both men were probably still sleeping, the kitchen was still spotless from the cleaning it got last night after dinner. Suddenly McConnell heard voices, coming from the master bedroom. He tossed his car keys onto the coffee table, then made his way towards his bedroom.

Inside were Andy and Elliot (Andrew still in his PJ's while Elliot only wore an open pair of blue jeans), sitting on the foot of the bed playing video games, both so enthusiastically engrossed in killing Zombie Ninjas, that they didn't even notice McConnell staring at them.

"Take that! And that! And that! And that!" yelled Elliot, his thumbs hammering the tiny buttons on his control handle.

"It's too many of them...!" yelled Andy, his character getting beat up by a gang of evil Ninjas.

"Use your LIFE FORCE!" said Elliot, twisting and turning his upper body with the controls, as if trying to make his character dodge along with him.

"What Life Force..., HOW...??" asked Andy, trying to stay alive.

"Crouch him, then pressed action, control, and action twice..., and he'll kill em all at once!" said Elliot, biting his lower lip as he pounded his thump on his own action button 20 times consecutively.

Andy did as Elliot suggested, then watched as a small force field expanded from his character's soul, disintegrating all of the Zombie Ninjas around him in one swoop.

"It worked!" laughed Andy, surprised. "How'd you know about that...?"

"Hours and hours playing with my dorm buddies...!" disclosed Elliot.

"That explains why you dropped out of school...!" smiled McConnell, leaning in the doorway.

"Dad...!" startled Elliot, looking up. "I didn't see you standing there...! How long've you been there...?"

"A few minutes..., you two were really engrossed!"

"It's addicting...!" said Elliot.

"What're you doing him from work this early...?" asked Andy, pressing pause on the game.

"Well..., I thought I'd take you out to lunch today..., to make up for the botched dinner last night..." said McConnell, as Andy walked towards him.

"Cool..., I'm starved...!" said Elliot, jumping up from his seat to run to his room to get dressed. McConnell chuckled as Elliot ran past him, darting into the guest room. "uh..., sorry hon'..., that invitation was supposed to be for just US!" said McConnell, apologetic.

"I know..." said Andy, walking into McConnell's arms as he leaned upward to kiss.

"I could tell Elliot he's not invited...!" said McConnell, kissing Andy softly on the lips.

"No..., I don't mind, really!" said Andrew. "He's cool!"

"Like his ole man...?" asked McConnell, jokingly.

Andy laughed at the comparison.

"Yeah..., just a LOT younger!" he responded.

"Hey..., wasn't it you who said age was nothing but a number...?" asked McConnell, as Andy went to the closet to change into something to wear.

"Sometimes YOUR number goes to bed too early!" joked Andy, making fun of McConnell's age for the first time.

Pt-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NORTH PHILLY

On the corner of Oxford and Reed lies the Burger Joint, a popular fast food place that the local police frequent. It's where Jake was taken for his first lunch with his former partner (Bruce Gardner), on his first day as a new rookie on the Force. Jake decided to treat his new rookie partner (Rodney Ellis) to the same tradition.

"This burger is a sloppy piece of shit...!" complained Ellis, dropping the sandwich (dripping with mayo, ketchup, mustard, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce and onions) onto its paper napkin on a picnic table outside the shop.

"You're crazy..., this place's a legend among officers...!" said Jake, after taking a huge mouthful of the same style burger.

"It's why so many officers are overweight...!" surmised Ellis, pushing the food away."If we're gonna do fast food, at least make it a buffet where we can get some fruits and vegetables! This shit'll make you fat!"

"You're probably right..." said Jake, setting down his own unfinished sandwich. "Funny thing is..., I never ate this kind of stuff until I became a cop! Now I'm a fast food junkie!" said Jake, immediately regretting his use of the word Junkie, given his current addiction to Sextasy.

"Yeah well..., I know a good place that serves REAL food..." said Ellis, dumping his burger in the trash on his way back to the cruiser.

Jake followed, getting into the driver's seat before taking off from the corner. They barely drove a few blocks before Ellis noticed a teenage boy standing on a well known drug corner. His eyes narrowed with focus when he noticed someone walk up to him. The man and the teenager did a quick exchange of hands, passing drugs and money right there in the open in broad daylight.

"Stop the car!" ordered Ellis, jumping from the passenger seat. He ran across the busy intersection, stopping traffic as he darted onto the sidewalk. The teenager looked up to see the officer running towards him, and took off around the corner. "Stop..., police!" yelled Ellis, rounding the same corner. He noticed the boy duck into an alley way, running down the narrow passage as he ran through water puddles and jumped debris.

Ellis followed, his wide shoulders crapping against the walls as he tried to balance out his bigger body. He yelled out his pursuit on the walkie-talkie on his shoulder. He saw the boy dart left when he exited the alley. When Ellis came out, he didn't see the boy anywhere in sight. Knowing the kid had to be hiding somewhere nearby, Ellis pulled his gun and began to search the area.

"Where is he...??" asked Jake, pulling up in the street in his squad car.

"He's around here somewhere...!" said Ellis, noticing a large van parked close by. He motioned to Jake that he was going to check out the van. Jake pulled his own gun from his hoister, aiding in the search. Ellis eased up to the back of the van, then carefully peeked in through the back window to find the van empty inside. He then decided to crouch down and check underneath... "Hold it right there...!" he ordered, finding the teen hiding beneath.

With Jake covering from the street, Ellis reached under the van and physically dragged the kid out at gun point.

"I ain't done nothing...!" yelled the kid, his face hidden under his hoodie as Ellis threw him over the squad car's hood.

"Shut the fuck up, punk!" ordered Ellis, twisting the kid's arm behind his back as he sheathed his gun and reached for his cuffs.

"Get the fuck offa me...! Get off..! I ain't do shit...! This's bullshit!!" protested the kid, feeling the handcuffs tighten around his wrists.

"What did you see...?" asked Jake, sheathing his own gun once he saw the suspect secured.

"I saw him dealing right there in the open...!" said Ellis, reaching into the kid's pocket to pull out several vales of Sextasy. "It's a clean arrest, trust me!" he said, stuffing the items back into the kid's pocket.

"Good eye...!" said Jake, feeling a cold chill when he saw the Sextasy.

"Those ain't mine...! You planted that shit on me!" argued the boy.

"Shut the fuck up, punk...! I bet I planted the arm's length arrest sheet I'm sure you have in records too, eh...?" asked Ellis, yanking the kid's hoodie off as he pulled his torso up off the hood.

Jake's eyes widened with recognition as he and the boys eyes locked...

"Jake...!" yelled the kid, trying to pull away from Ellis. "Get this monkey mofo off me, man!"

"You know this punk...?" asked Ellis, holding the boy by the hoodie.

"I uh..." said Jake, unable to answer.

"Jake man..., tell this mofo who I am...!" ordered the kid.

Jake looked like a deer in headlights...

"He's uh..., he's a friend of mine..." said Jake, reluctantly.

"A friend...?" asked Ellis skeptically, looking at Jake then at the boy, knowing they were from different worlds. "How old'r you...?"

"Seventeen!" said the kid.

Ellis looked back up at Jake...

"You hang with 17 year old drug dealers often...?" he asked, sarcastically.

Jake looked befuddled.

"He's an informant...!" added Jake, hoping that would make a difference.

"That don't excuse his actions...!" said Ellis, still holding the kid under arrest.

"He's not a bad kid..." defended Jake.

"He has 12 vales of crack in his pocket!" argued Ellis.

"Please..." said Jake, begging. "...I use him for information...!"

"What kinda information...?" asked Ellis.

"What the fuck you talkin' bout bitch...?! I don't tell you shit!" shouted the boy.

"We're supposed to be getting shit like this OFF the streets!" countered Ellis.

"Please, man..., --I'll owe you...!" begged Jake, pleadingly.

Ellis couldn't help but wonder why Jake was fighting so hard to free a lowlife 17 year old crack dealer...? What was the real reason behind it?

"Okay..." he said, shoving the kid back down on the hood of the car as he removed his handcuffs. "...but you owe me big time!" he concluded, walking back to the car.

"Bitch!" yelled the kid, rubbing his sore wrists as Jake walked over to console him.

"You okay, Smooch...?" he whispered, trying to keep Ellis from hearing.

"What the fuck was all that about...?" asked the teenager, angrily. "What the fuck you doin' arrestin' me...??! I'm gonna tell K-lo...!"

"Smooch, please..., it wasn't my idea..., I didn't know it was you he was chasing...!" pleaded Jake, trying to do damage control.

"Fuck that, man...! Tempest's gonna hear about this shit! If you think he turned your ass out before..., wait'll he hears about this shit...!" yelled the kid. "He's gonna fuck you a NEW asshole! I'm gonna make sure of that shit!"

Jake waited until Smooch walked away before returning to his car. He ran his hand nervously through his hair, wondering what he could do to elevate the situation? Sure Tempest would understand he helped Smooch? When he turned around, he saw his partner Ellis staring at him through the windshield. Had he heard the whole conversation...?


The end of another work day. The detectives punch out of a lack luster day, hoping to have better luck tomorrow. At least there were no casualties they say to themselves in consolation. Maleece Cortez couldn't wait to get home. A long hot bath with a cold beer sounded good. But despite his plans he found himself curiously driving by The Peepshow Palace on Columbus Boulevard. At first he didn't realize why he was there again so soon (chap-2), until he noticed the royal blue Mercedes parked out front with the distinctive license plate `Tony'.

Maleece felt an unexplainable excitement rush through him as he quickly turned his car around and found a parking space in front of the building. He got out of the car and walked in through the front door, his eyes scanning the area for Tony.

He walked around the shop, browsing by the aisles past the DVD sales and various sex toys and up to the front counter where he made change for the video booths in back.

There were several men wandering around in back, cruising no doubt. Maleece didn't know which booth Tony was in, so he decided to stake out the hall. He busied himself by studying the video booth pictures, pretending to make up his mind which video he wanted to watch. Then he saw the man he'd been looking for.

Tony (the well built Italian Maleece saw in chap-2) came out of one of the booths, his zipper down with a huge tent in the crotch of his pants. Maleece watched as he walked by him and up to the front counter for singles, then rushed back to his empty booth. Maleece saw an older man moving towards the booth next door, --a predator no doubt, about to beat Maleece to the punch. But Maleece stopped him, pulling out his badge and telling the man to "beat it!" The man rushed off scared, probably never to return again. Maleece went into the booth and closed and locked the door behind him. He placed a few quarters into the slot as the metal curtain rose revealing the stripper dancing inside. But Maleece wasn't interested in watching the girls perform this time, he was more interested in the man next door.

Kneeling down on the floor, he gently leaned into the wall, then peered through the round hole leading into the next booth. Sure enough there was Tony, stroking his cock. Maleece unfastened his own pants, freeing his erection. He stroked himself while watching the man pleasure himself, not knowing he was being watched.

Tony watched the two girls behind the glass as they slowly caressed each other's breasts and bodies, kissing like lesbians. He had a lot of pent up frustration today, having walked out of an important meeting with his uncle that morning (last chap). All day he stewed over the decision he made to walk out on his uncle, wondering if he did the right thing? He wanted to be taken seriously in the underworld, but he hated watching his uncle get blown by that faggot drag queen hiding under the table, cheating on his favorite auntie. But now that everything was all done and said, he wondered if he over reacted?

Tony never understood gay men (how they could choose cock over pussy was beyond him?). He never saw that they had a legitimate place in society. What was their purpose in life besides bringing confusion and chaos? Yet he couldn't help realizing that he was the only man at the table who complained about it, the only one who wasn't comfortable with another man under the table sucking their dicks, and the only man NOT in on one of the biggest deals in his underworld career!

Tony had been begging his uncle for more responsibility in the family business for years, and the first time his uncle actually offered to include him he flunked out because of his homophobias. He wondered had things been different had he allowed the fag bitch to suck his dick? Would his uncle and his associates appreciated him more had he been just `one of the guys?' He could now be enjoying the fruits of that deal had he not allowed his old prejudices to get in the way.

The more he thought about it, the more Tony believed he should have just shut up and let it happen. What harm would it have done to let the bitch cop his load? As a black fag transvestite, she deserved no less than to suck his slimy load anyway! He wished he could go back and redo it all over again, he'd choke the bitch with the juice he had built in his balls!

The metal curtain closed before he was finished. When Tony looked down to get some more money from his wallet, he noticed the hole in the wall about waist high. He looked over to see another faggot staring in on him, watching him stroke his fat muscle.

At first he was pissed, ready to go next door and beat the living crap out of him for infringing on his privacy. But suddenly he had a change of heart. This was why he was standing on the outside of the restaurant looking in, while his uncle and Pooh were inside making deals without him. To rectify his way of thinking, Tony decided to let the cocksucker in the next booth have what he wanted.

Maleece watched as Tony placed another bill into the machine, causing the lights to go dark in his booth as the curtain rose once again. But instead of continuing jacking, Maleece was surprised when he turned towards the gloryhole, then inserted his cock through.

Maleece jumped back, not expecting that move in a million years. His first instinct was to get up out of there, but something compelled him to stay as he stared openly at the cock staring back at him.

Maleece moved in closer, looking at the cock up close. It stood about 8", fat and uncut with a deep odd looking piss slit. The head peeked out from the foreskin, the tip already leaking pre-cum excitement. "You gonna suck that dick or what, asshole...?" asked Tony, his dick starting to wilt with the passing seconds. Maleece could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest as he contemplated what to do. Fearing Tony might withdraw, Maleece cautiously reached out and touched the cock. Tony felt the hand moving back and forth on his shaft, stroking him gently. He looked at his watch, determining this was a waste of time. But just as he was about to pull his cock back through the hole (believing the cocksucker timid), he suddenly felt a warm mouth on his dick.

Maleece gave into his long time curiosity and bit the bullet. He started licking Tony's dick along the sides of the shaft, avoiding the dreaded pre-cummed head. He painted his tongue up and down the sides of the cock, surprised by the pleasant taste and lack of urine. His own dick was throbbing hard in his pants as he licked all about Tony's manhood.

He licked at the underbelly, feeling his tongue trail the cum tube beneath. Soon he invited his lips to join in, wrapping them around the cock sideways as he suckled at the under shaft (still avoiding the head). He ran his mouth up and down the underbelly, feeling the loosened foreskin move with his mouth.

"You gonna suck my dick or just make out with it...? Cuz I got better shit ta do!" complained Tony, eager to get the job over with.

Hearing his first (willing) oral encounter complain, Maleece took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then took the pre-cummed cock head in his mouth.

It took every ounce of strength in his being to willingly take Tony's dick in his mouth. Maleece thought it would make him feel like less of a man to willingly give another man his mouth to fuck. How many times had he secretly (mentally) degraded Jake for sucking him off to completion? For being a cumdump cumslut and eating his load without even being told to? Maleece believed himself FAR from being another Jake, but he certainly never expected to put himself in this kind of position!

Maleece fully expected to feel a cataclysmic change in his personality if he willingly sucked another man off, --as if he would instantly sprout wings and become a fairy. But as he slowly accepted the Italian cock into his mouth, not much had changed, he was still Maleece Cortez, he was still an undercover narcotics cop, and he was still he own man. He wasn't suddenly hit with a lightning bolt, transforming him into some she-male with an overwhelming desire to vogue and decorate. In fact it was nearly the opposite. Maleece found taking the man's dick into his mouth willingly, a liberation of sorts, --as if he had been carrying a burden around on his shoulders for the past two years that was suddenly lifted!

Maleece found himself bobbing his head and starting to enjoy himself. Sucking cock wasn't as unpleasant as he remembered (chap-72 pt-3 of The HOLE). He ran his mouth up and down the hard (spit slick) surface, tightening his lips and using his tongue to drag along the underbelly. He relied on techniques Jake had often used on him in the past to get him off; --covering his teeth with his lips so they won't scrape along the tender shaft. He used plenty of spit, making sure the shaft was well lubricated while he sucked. He took as much of the dick into his mouth as he could without gagging, knowing he was no expert. He simply bobbed his head back and forth, giving just enough friction to make the cock feel good.

Tony had been reluctant to allow a fag to suck his dick. All throughout his life as a child in his South Philly neighborhood, he had heard stories about cocksuckers and queers, and how no real self-respecting god fearing man would ever be caught dead with one. As a teenager he and his friends used to beat fags up, driving around on a Friday or Saturday night with nothing better to do than get drunk and gay bash. How many times had they spotted queers coming out of the gay clubs, making noise and cackling like drunken chicks? How many times had Tony and his friends drove by, throwing beer bottles and bricks at them for no better reason than for being gay? He clearly remembered the time he and 4 butch buddies (all red blooded Italians) picked up some naive drag queen on a corner, then convinced her to go with them to some abandoned warehouse for a wild gang bang. The dumb queen took the bait and piled into the car with them. She felt between their legs, massaging their dicks, believing they were going to give her the fuck of her life. But when they got to the warehouse, they dragged her from the car and practiced beating her with their fists. She screamed and begged for mercy, but they continued beating her until she no longer moved. Blood was all over their hands and shoes before reality set in that they may have killed her. They all jumped back into the car and sped off, leaving the drag queen alone to die on the gravel floor of an abandoned building.

Days later Tony recalled reading in the paper about how a man was found unconscious in a local warehouse and taken to an area hospital where he was expected to recover from a severe beating. Police had no suspects and no one was ever charged in that attack, enraging the gay community who protested outside City Hall for all of 3 days before giving up.

Now Tony found himself allowing one of those very fags to slurp on his dick. If his friends could see him now, it would be HIS body left on the warehouse floor for dead.

He had to admit to himself however, that the head wasn't bad (it wasn't great either). He watched the girls dance and make out behind the booth, picturing himself in the fray. He imagined himself between them, eating their pussies while they sucked his dick. He closed his eyes and imagined the whole scene in his head as he felt the faggot's mouth working him over. He started to thrust into the wall, effectively face fucking the mouth on the other side.

Maleece could feel Tony growing more aggressive. He tried to keep up with the thrusting penis as he followed it with his mouth. Occasionally the cock would slip out, streaking across his face before he recaptured it and resumed where he left off.

Maleece couldn't believe how comfortable he felt sucking dick. After over a year of living with and making love to Jake, he was finally beginning to see what his partner got out of sucking cock. He loved the way it felt in his mouth, as if specially designed for sucking. He slurped along the hard swollen shaft, taking as much as he could. He felt an unselfish desire to please, to make the dick feel good, to make it...cum. The thought of taking another man's cum was something Maleece wasn't ready to face. He had taken a broad step just taking the man's cock in his mouth, sucking it as if he were some...

Tony could feel himself getting closer as the images in his head got wilder. He could see himself laid back in bed with one girl sitting on his face, feeding him her pussy while the other girl rode his dick, bouncing up and down like a pogo champion. He could feel his dick starting to pulse with excitement, but not enough to take him over the edge. Reaching down he pulled back from the hole (pulling his cock from the hot mouth on the other side), and wrapped his hand around his spit wet shaft and began jacking.

Maleece was a bit disappointed when the cock withdrew, staring through the hole as Tony began to jack off. He masturbated his own dick as he watched the Italian play. Tony place his dick head up to the hole, telling the cocksucker to "lick the head...!" Maleece leaned forward, doing as told as he stuck out his tongue and gave the piss slit a few swipes.

"ooohhh yeeaaahhh, like that..." Moaned Tony, jacking harder as his balls tightened along the base. He felt the cocksucker's lips envelope his dick head, sucking sweetly on the crown just as he hit his peak. Figuring the cocksucker hungry for cum, Tony let his load rip without warning. The cum shot out of his dick like a cannon, spurting into and across Maleece's lips and mouth like a fountain.

Maleece pulled back when he felt the first spurt or two. He could taste the salty fluid in his mouth, assaulting his taste-buds. He was just about to spit the contents out when another load shot across his face. At that very moment Maleece's own load shot out, splattering the wall before him like a deluge of white ribbons, dripping down towards the slimy floor.

Maleece pulled back from the hole as he stood up. He spit the cum from his mouth as he wiped the remnants from his face. He heard the door next door unlock as Tony hightailed it out of there. Maleece took a moment to clean up, not wanting the cocksuckers outside to know what he'd been up to. When he was finished, he unlocked the door and exited. But to his surprise, Tony was standing there, waiting for him...

"I just wanted ta see what the cocksucker looked like that sucked my dick...!" said the Italian guy, looking Maleece up and down. "You don't look like yur ordinary queer..." he said, speaking of Maleece's masculinity.

"uh..., it was my first time..." said Maleece, awkwardly.

"Yeah, right...!" smirked Tony. "I come in here once or twice a week to watch the chicks make out and get off..., if yur around, you can suck me off again sometime...!" offered the Italian, generously.

"uh..., okay..." said Maleece, unsure how to react.

"Cool..." said Tony, walking away.

Maleece waited until he was out of sight before following. He had just sucked the man off (still tasting his load on his breath), he wasn't ready to hold a face to face conversation with him just yet!

Pt-4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PHILADEPHA

It was well after 3am when Tempest's rental car finally arrived into Philly from Miami. Tempest had the driver pull up to his hideout, a 3 story derelict walkup apartment building at the end of a nearly desolate block in North Philly. At that ungodly hour of morning, there weren't many eyewitnesses on the streets, just a handful of crack addicts looking for their next high and an occasional cop car on patrol.

Pulling into the back of the old dwelling, Tempest and his assistant (Brian Dunn) helped drag a bound Peaches from the back of the car and into the house. Once inside the basement, Tempest's roughly shoved Peaches down on a mattress on the floor in one of his spare rooms. Peaches hit the mattress hard, her mouth and hands bound by duck tape.

"Home sweet home...!" smiled Tempest, unzipping his jacket as he stood over her, deciding her fate.

Peaches (still dressed in her outlandish stage costume in chap-2) scooted up into the corner of the mattress, her face still bruised where Tempest had backslapped her across the face (more than once). "Scared...?" asked Tempest, handing his jacket off to Dunn who took it like a good servant. Peaches nodded her head, mascara tears streaking her painted face. "Good..., you should be...!" said the drug lord, crouching down onto the mattress beside her. He moved in close, staring into her eyes intensely. Peaches had seen the look many times over the years when Tempest was angry and disappointed in someone. "I trusted you..., more than any of the other bitches..." he said, giving a strange compliment. "...and THIS's how you repay me...? After ALL the shit we've been through together...?! You steal my fuckin' money, fake yur own death, and move down to Miami...??!" Peaches said nothing in her defense as she cringed in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest protectively. She knew there was nothing she could say that would ease Tempest's rage and his sense of betrayal. "I hope you enjoyed it..." he said, backing away as he stood up over her once again. "... cuz it's the last act of freedom you'll ever see!"

Peaches watched as he walked away, leaving her alone in the darkened room to ponder her mistakes. A moment later Dunn came in, bending down beside her as he started to unwrap her taped bonds. Peaches fought back her tears, having always been a strong girl. She watched as Dunn carefully removed her mouth tape, then slowly started to unwrap her wrists. "You know he's gonna kill me, right...?" she whispered, hoping to appeal to Dunn's humanity.

"We don't know that..." whispered Dunn, freeing her wrists.

"Why else would he kidnap me and drag me back here to Philly...?" asked Peaches, knowing Tempest perhaps better than anyone. "You know he's crazy...! Don't pretend like you don't know it! If you let him kill me without trying to stop him..., you'll be just as guilty as him for my death!"

Dunn pretended not to hear as he gathered up the discarded duck tape in a bundle, then prepared to leave. "What makes you think he won't turn on YOU one day...?" she asked, grabbing Dunn's arm in a death grip.

"He'd never do that to me..." assured Dunn, confidently. "...I'm LOYAL to Tempest...!"

"So was I once..., for a LONG time...!" countered Peaches with pleading eyes. "Eventually, --inevitably he'll turn against you..., or force you to! THEN you'll be right where I am..., begging some dickhead asshole to help you out...!"

Dunn yanked back his arm, insulted by the character assassination...

"If I were you, miss Peaches..." he said, standing smugly. "...I'd be kissing his ass and begging for his forgiveness! For all of Tempest's hard steel demeanor..., he's still just a man looking for love!" advised Dunn, walking away. "We ALL are...!" he added before closing and locking the door behind him.

Peaches rubbed her sore wrists as she huddled in the corner of the small empty closed off room with no windows and no escape, and wondered if it would be the last place she'd ever see?

Written by _______________________________________________ For questions, comments, or suggestions, write me at the address above, or join me on for faster updates on what I'm working on next!

Next: Chapter 6

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