The Professor Series

By Michael Stevens

Published on Jul 9, 2023


This is a story of fiction and fantasy. No living people are depicted here.

Cast of Characters Robert. Robert is the overall narrator of this story. Jason Jason was Robert's long-term friend, but he has recently left James Watson. James is the professor. He seduces Robert.

Not all characters will appear in every episode.

James' Story

When Professor Weston asked me to stay after the lecture, I gulped nervously and took a quick inventory. I wasn't late with any papers, and I hadn't over cut, heck, I hadn't cut class at all. He was by far the most interesting prof I'd had this year. I sat in the front row and drank in every word he said. I couldn't think of any potential problems. When the others had left and he said "Come to my office," I murmured a subdued "Yes sir" and followed him to the door. He held it open for me but when he saw the worried look on my face, he clapped me on the shoulder and told me to relax, he needed a favor. He led me down the hall, sat me down in his sparse office and offered me a cup of coffee. "Sorry, too early for a beer." he joked. "Next time."

It seemed that the favor he needed was dealing with a rental property he owned down by the beach. He'd had students living there for the winter, and now it was time for them to move out so that he could rent it for the summer. "In two months, I'll get more rent than the rest of the year." He explained. "July and August are the moneymakers. " He'd had a couple living there for the past two winters but now they were graduating and leaving for good. He wasn't sure what condition they would leave the place and thought he might need some help getting it ready for the new tenants, who would be there in a week or so.

"Of course I'll pay you for the day" he said, and there's lunch in it too."

"You don't have to do that sir, I'm happy to help out." He'd been pacing about his office but suddenly stopped behind me when I said that. He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to talk quietly in my year.

"Please, everybody calls me James." I had read his books, and knew his name was Jameel and had heard his colleagues call him James, but I never would have dared use either first name without his invitation. "Jameel is such an interesting name. Why do you go by James?" I asked. It was a personal question, but I had developed a relationship sitting in the front row all semester.

"When you are an Arab in America, well, half Arab. and you want to fit in, James works a lot better." I had not thought of Professor Weston as an Arab, even half Arab, but now that I thought about it, that explained his dark features and smoldering good looks. One day when an extra button was open at the bottom of his shirt he had revealed a little bit of dark belly fur. That had been a distraction for most of that lecture. In fact, it had sparked a long buried memory that took me far from the lecture.

"Robbie, come on up and take a break" said a voice above me. I was cutting the neighbor's backyard grass, and his son, Ben, was relaxing up on the deck. "It's hot, and you are working too hard. Besides, that lawnmower is wreckin' my buzz." Ithought a moment and then let the mower die and went up the stairs. Ben was naked! "How the fuck are you little dude?"It was an old nickname that really irritated me. I was 18 now!. "But you aren't so little now!" he admitted, Let's have a look."I looked him over too, and the it image of his furry chest and belly are seared into my brain. His cock swung gently below, but it's the fuzz I remember

Get that shirt off!" I looked at him dumbly, so he did it for me, up and over my head while I dutifully raised my arms to help. "Wow, you have done some serious growing. He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. "You've been working on your shoulders, haven't you?" He started a gentle massage at the base of my neck and worked outwards. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear "Do you remember what we did when we were kids?" and added (as if i could forget) "in the garage?" He had persuaded me to get naked with him. We giggled and compared our dicks, and as we pulled them out side by side, he got a boner. "Do you ever beat off?" I wasn't exactly sure what he meant and when I didn't say anything he took it as a no. "Do this" he said and he started to rub his penis up and down. Sure enough, my little dick got hard too! "Go faster!" he grunted, and then I heard him gasp as a few gobs of white stuff spurted out of him. He quickly wiped them up and put them on my dick. "Keep going" he whispered, "you're gonna like it!" The slippery cum was all I needed and I felt a burst of pleasure. It was the first of many jerk off sessions with Ben.

He turned me around and we were face to face. He pushed me up against the deck railing and gave me a quick kiss. "I'm gonna do now what I always wanted to do then." he said, smiling. He sank to his knees, pulling my shorts down too. He nuzzled the boner that was pushing out my jockeys, but then they were gone too, and his lips were around me.

All this from one missing button! The Professor's belly was engraved in my memory, right next to Ben's. And now I was in Professor Weston's office recalling that experience yet again. His hands were still on my shoulders, and he gave me a little massage and said something about getting a good workout with a broom at the cottage. I did not resist his touch, and in fact, I preened under it. As he worked the muscles on either side, I sighed and relaxed. He worked there for a few more moments, while I had another echo of Ben

"Well, you may need that after our cleanup workout. Can you work Saturday? I really don't know what to expect, and I might need Sunday too." I told him that Saturday would be fine, and we set up the pickup details and I was about to go. He walked me over to the door and before he opened it, rested his hand on my shoulder and gave me a very heartfelt Thank you. As he opened the door, his hand trailed down my back and paused briefly just at the small of my back. It could have been nothing, but I didn't think so. It was something.

My mom was good at letting me make my own decisions, so I just gave her the heads up that I wouldn't around on Saturday. I told her what I'd be doing she just said "That's nice, dear. Will you be home for dinner?" I told her I wasn't sure, so I'd grab something, maybe on campus. I knew the empty nest transition was hard for her, without my dad around. That was why I was going to the local state u and living at home, not in a dorm. Sunday supper was always with her, and we'd plan out when and where I'd be around for the rest of the week.

James came by to pick me up around 8:30 on Saturday, and we made the easy trip to his beach house. It was about 20 minutes from campus. There was a car in the driveway, which he knew to be the Smiths'. He was a little surprised they were there, and even more surprised when we went in. It was spotlessly clean! "Hi Professor!" said Jean, we're just finishing up a couple of details the crew missed yesterday."

"Crew?" He asked.

"You have been such a great landlord that we thought we would give you a thank-you parting gift. CleanPro was here yesterday and they did the place from top to bottom." Jean was quite pleased with the surprised look on James' face. He was, in fact, speechless.

"Thank you so much" he finally sputtered. "You didn't have to do this.

"Like I said, you have been a great landlord and this is just a thank you." James turned to me.

"I guess I've gotten you down here on false pretenses. There's not much to do now.

There is just a bit, but it can wait for the Smiths to head out. Why don't you go explore the beach? Just follow the boardwalk around front." He didn't need to repeat the suggestion, and I headed out.

The sloping boardwalk went to the top of the dune and ended with an elevated platform. There was a bench looking out to sea and few steps that led down towards the water. There weren't any houses anywhere nearby and no people either. I made a quick evaluation of how much this must be worth: A lot. I thought about taking off my shirt and starting my tan, but decided against it, so I just watched the waves until James came up. "They're gone." He said simply as he sat down. He looked out at the horizon and sniffed the set air. This is worth the price of admission, isn't it?" I mumbled some sort of agreement and we both just sat quietly for a while.

"Well, there is a bit to do in the house, but, trust me, they've made this, literally, a day at the beach, not a working weekend! Let's get it done and then get back up here."

The work turned out to be making six beds. "Do you know how to make a hospital corner?" he asked.

"No" I answered stupidly, so he showed me. Or more accurately, he guided me. Standing behind me as I bent to tuck and fold the corner, putting my hand where it needed to be to make the fold lie flat. For a moment, his whole body was curled around mine. It was an intimate lesson! He noticed that a ceiling light was out, so I climbed the stepladder and he steadied it. Or rather, he steadied me, with his hands around my waist. Then we got to laying out towels, and stocking the spotless refrigerator with bacon and eggs, some cheese, and a bottle of wine.

After he had stacked up a few snacks and things in the welcome basket, he stepped back for an overall impression. "Wow, I should charge even more rent!" Then he looked at me. "I'll grab some towels, let's go for a swim."

"I didn't bring a suit." I said.

" I think we both know the solution to that problem" he winked. He got the towels, and beers from the cooler that held lunch. Standing by the open door he said said "I'll race you to the top!" and let the door slam while he took off. I raced after him and we both scrambled up the boardwalk but his head start got him there first. He kicked off his sneakers and stripped off his shirt. He stood on the outward edge of the deck, and reaching out to the horizon shouted "I'm the king of the beach!" Then he looked me in the eye and said "and I'm claiming my prize." I honestly would not have been surprised if he had planted a big kiss right on my mouth, but he didn't. He grabbed the hem of my tee shirt and tugged it up and over my head. "That's better!"

We eyed each other for a few long moments, both a little uncertain of what would happen next.

As we worked together, the touches had gone way past accidental and I hadn't rebuffed any of them. But neither had I responded, so I did now. I brushed my fingers lightly over his belly . "i'll never have fuzz like this." I lamented. "Curse the Irish."

"And bless my Lebanese father" he smiled, rubbing his belly. "We're a furry bunch."

The humor defused the tension a bit and we sat down to crack the beers. After a few sips and more silence, he stood up. "Time for a swim" he said seriously. I thought he was just going to wear his shorts, but he tugged them down to reveal that he was wearing a jock strap. His back was to me, and I got to see that his butt was just as furry as his belly. I thought maybe the jock was his attempt at a modest swimsuit, but he shucked that off too. He turned to face me briefly and asked "Are you coming, too?" And headed for the water. The glimpse of his cock and balls gave me a shot of adrenalin that coursed through my body like an electric shock.

As I pushed my shorts down and slipped out of my jockeys, I realized that I was sporting a pretty good boner. It wasn't going away, so I reasoned the only way to hide it, for now, at least, was to race past him and get into the water. So I did, screaming the whole way.

My plan almost worked except that he turned to see what was coming, and saw my dick poking far out in front of me as I ran. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up as I passed him and ran into the water. After a few leaps, I dove in and reveled in the streaming bubbles against my skin. Then it hit me. The water was fucking freezing! If I wanted a boner killer, this was it! I got my feet under me and lept up out of the water, as if I wouldn't have to fall back into it. "Holy crap it's cold!!" I shouted. It felt like Poseidon had my balls in his fist and was squeezing them hard. I cradled them with both hands, but they still ached. I was standing on a little sandbar and realized that I would have to go back into the water to reach the beach.

Hunched in pain, I reached out to James with a miserable cry "Help!"

"Fools rush in..." muttered James, but then he waded out to where I stood shivering and enveloped me in his arms. We stood for a long minute, belly to belly, dick to dick, and then he said "Let me take a sploosh and we'll go in." He did that, and had the courtesy to say yes, it is a bit cold. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me close as we waded back to the beach. "Come down the beach with me." he said, so we headed down the beach at an easy jog and then he said "race you to the driftwood" and we sprinted the 50 yards or so to an old log, cocks and balls flying. We lept over the log and scrambled down on the warm sand. He cradled my whole body and before long I was warmed up and hard again. This time I made no attempt to modestly hide it. I shifted a bit so that it poked straight up. "Well?" I asked.

"Yes, we'll get to that, but first I need to make 100% sure that you are ok with this." I looked him straight in the eye and pledged my agreement.

"I am 100% perfectly ok with this."

"This is a first for me. I have no experience with seducing young men" he said, as he leaned in closer.

"You're doing just fine." I whispered. And we brought our lips together in a long, lingering kiss, with probing tongues and gentle nibbles.

"Oh my god" he said when we finally pulled back. "I didn't think I could get any harder than I was before, but... oh my god." And he shifted a bit to let his cock spring free in all its glory. It was pulsing with excitement. Somehow, he drew my attention back to his face, probably with a gentle kiss on my cheek, and then we were back at it. With the two men that I have been with before, foreplay was never a thing, and neither of them was interested in kissing.

James was an eager kisser, and his tongue probed my mouth, dueling with me for dominance of the space. When he fell back, I would charge in, and so it went. Sometimes he would wander out to nibble at my earlobes or trace the edge of my ear with his tongue or little kisses.

He finally pulled back and looked as far into my eyes as he could get. I answered his gaze with my own, and with a little nod, thought for sure we were on our way to the next level.

He was headed for my aching dick, but instead he took a handful of my balls and worked them gently. "The sand feels great here" as it scratched across the surface of my scrotum, "but not so much here" and he playfully stroked my cock. He was so right! "Let's get rid of this sand."

He said softly "I'm not goin' back in that fucking water. It's freezing!" I answered.

"No, I have a much better idea." He said, and he led me back down the beach to where our clothes were. I was a little self-conscious of my boner wagging out in front of me, but the beach was still ours alone. When we gathered up our stuff,I held my clothes in front of me as we headed down the boardwalk. James didn't bother.

I hadn't noticed a little enclosure by the back door, but it turned out to be a nice big outdoor shower. I think it was put together with wooden palettes, so it was outside but private.

James turned the faucets, and in seconds, hot steamy water was pouring down over both of us. I thought just a rinse would be all we did, but he had other plans. He grabbed the new bar of soap and began at the top of my head, soaping up every inch of me. Down my back and around to my belly, cock and balls of course, and some extra attention underneath. He was on his knees now. "You won't want any sand here" he said as he looked up, he and probed a finger up inside me. He didn't stay long, though, and after a little kiss on the tip of my dick, stood up, rinsed me off and handed me the bar of soap. "Your turn."

I did my best to follow his example, leaving no skin unwashed. I went down the curve of his back and in-between the twin cheeks. He spread his legs a bit so that I could get to his hole, and I massaged it as best I could. I gave his legs a quick once-over as I headed to the awesome cock that was standing out straight. I was on my knees now and the magnificent package was right at eye level. Balls first I whispered, more to myself, and I let them slip and slide between my soapy fingers. And then finally I took the shaft in my hands and lathered it up and down. The skin was taught and the interior was rock hard. It was truly a shaft of pink marble. I shifted him over a bit so I could rinse it off, and then I could wait no longer. I kissed the tip, put my lips around the head, and then slid as much as I could take into my mouth. I felt James shudder and then moan with pleasure. As I worked the swollen knob with my tongue, his hips began to twitch and he started pushing himself further in.

"Robbie, you are killing me! I'm not gonna last much longer.Let's get inside and be comfortable." We scampered in, and trying not to make a mess, settled down on the couch.

We kissed for a moment or two, but it was clear what we both wanted. He was on his back, so I twisted around over him and dangled my cock in his mouth while I took his back into mine.

We ended up side by side, head to toe, each nuzzling the others dick. I was so horny I knew I wouldn't last long, and I didn't have any strategies for holding back, so I shot first. I could feel the creamy slipperiness fill James's mouth. He managed to last a little longer but soon I felt his jumpy spasms, and his cum filled my mouth too. We lay still and caught our breath and then turned so that we we both nestled in the same direction. His arms contained me as I snuggled against his chest, curled into his body.

I started to speak first. "Thank y--" but he put a finger to my lips "Robbie, I want you to know that what I have just done is a fireable offense, and I have not done it casually or just out of lust. I feel as if we already have a relationship. You have written some amazing, thoughtful pieces and shared a lot of very personal feelings with me. I would like to be part of your life, if you will let me." They lay curled together quietly for a long time. So long, in fact, that James was afraid that he had pushed this wonderful boy too hard.

But his feelings for him were so strong! He was afraid that if he played it safe, Robbie would move on for someone his own age. But had his intensity scared him away? Eventually, they stirred a little and ended up sitting close, facing each other. James started to talk first and wouldn't let Robbie interrupt until he'd finished. "Robbie, I want a relationship with you but I have to build it on a foundation of honesty. Obviously, I'm gay, but I am married to a remarkable woman. She married me, a much younger man, to save me from my worst impulses. It worked, and I lived to be an adult only because she loved me. I'm sure AIDS would have gotten me without her. We slept naked in the same bed, but our attempts at sex never really amounted to much.. It was never the focus of our time together, anyway. She has MS now, and may be approaching the end time. I will never do anything that would disturb her delicate agreement with life. That means that any relationship I have with you will have to remain our secret."

James got all that out in a rush, and he did get his two main points out. Relationship and secret. Robbie had a brief reply. "Ok." They sat in silence a bit longer until Robbie slid his hand up James' thigh and over to his furry belly. "James, I've had a hard on for you since the day you forgot to button the bottom button of your shirt. I couldn't approach you because i never dreamed you were gay."

"Oh Robbie, full disclosure and honesty? I didn't forget. I wore that shirt and didn't button it all the way because I knew it would give you a peek, and I hoped I would get your attention." Reaching down to cradle Robbie'e new erection he added "I guess it worked."

Robbie leaned back on the couch and spread his legs, propping one foot up on the edge of the couch, so that James might have easier access to more. James took the hint and slid his hand under Robbie's balls, inching across the taint. When he touched the perfect rosebud, Robbie shivered with excitement, and whispered a quiet oohhh.

James rubbed his finger across the opening, stroking it gently. He could feel Robbie clenching it and then relaxing it. "Do you like that?" he whispered. Robbie just repeated himself: oohhh. James worked the little flower, stroking across it, pushing gently and then circling around it. When he felt Robbie relax it, he circled around once more and then just spiraled in. Robbie's moan of pleasure was louder this time and he responded to James' gentle entry with a plea. "I want you there."

"I am there," responded James with a smile.

"You know what I mean," and Robbie pushed himself down on the intruding finger. "I want you inside me, all the way inside me." James responded by shifting his position a little so that he could keep his finger in and at the same time slide his mouth down over Robbie's erection. The boy writhed in pleasure, grinding himself on the finger and pushing into James' mouth. He grabbed the back of his head and pumped the man's mouth over him like a fleshlight. It only took a few strokes, or maybe it was a thousand, he couldn't be sure, but the orgasm was immense. Robbie cried out in pleasure and collapsed onto the cushions.

James sat up and licked a bit of cum from his lips. "They say the second can be even better, " he remarked casually, "whoever they are. "When Robbie revived from his second orgasm coma he sat up and looked over at James.

"Wow" he said weakly. "You're good at that"

"Just one of my hidden talents," replied James. After a little more quiet time, he added "we should probably eat some lunch." He went and got the cooler from the kitchen and suggested that they could probably eat out on the deck. The sun would be nice out there, and they wouldn't have to worry about making a mess. He didn't suggest that they get dressed, though. Over roast beef sandwiches and beer, they made small talk about current events and university politics. Robbie thought it was a little surreal to be sitting naked in the sun eating and drinking beer with a man who had just brought him to two of the most incredible orgasms of his life and just sort of chatting like nothing had happened.

Eventually they realized that this idyllic afternoon had to come to an end. "I should be getting you home, " said James reluctantly.

"My mom doesn't really expect me until later," answered Robbie. He was hoping that James might take him back to his place, but as if the professor had read his mind, he explained why they couldn't just go back to his house.

"My wife might not directly ask why I had brought a boy home with me, but she would wonder."

"Can I cut your grass or something? You could tell her we finished early and you had already agreed to pay me for the day and didn't want to waste it. I would just work, honest, no fooling around." Robbie said all that in a rush, eager to suggest anything that would let him spend more time with this wonderful man.

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