The Roman Fountain

By Freddy E.

Published on Apr 13, 2018



The Roman Fountain Story by Cresive

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This is a true story, I am not necessarily proud of myself, but I do not regret any moment of the experience. I hadn't thought about this experience for quite some time. However, recently I was running the experience through my mind and thought the Nifty group would enjoy the story as much as do I. I was only eighteen years old when this occurred, and away from home for the first time. Normally, I am a very shy person, but for some reason, when you are away from home, you either get very conservative and withdraw, or you let your hair down and enjoy life. Normally, I am the former, but this trip, I somehow found my groove.

I feel I should give you a little background on the story. I grew up in a conservative, almost prudish family. I never saw any parent naked, or even in their underwear. Affection wasn't brimming over, even though I never felt unloved. Basically, my parents were older and were not into displays of love, etc. I grew up the youngest, and had overbearing older siblings, so I pretty much just kept to myself. That is, until I hit the Crescent City for the first time.

I was fortunate to land a nice job just out of high school. It was a research position with a professor who worked at the university I would matriculate in the Fall. I was working for a research group who was making a presentation at a scientific meeting in New Orleans. The group was big and had a lot of projects to present. I worked diligently with two other men who were underclassmen. The junior group was invited to help out at the last minute, but everyone readily agreed. Of course, making reservations for a convention at the last minute resulted in a few missteps. And missteps we had.

I didn't make the reservations, so I don't have to apologize for how they were screwed up. My friend, and co-worker, had booked us into this house which was a guest house in the quarter. The house had enough rooms for all of us to each have a private bed. Unfortunately, some of the rooms were not ready, and another had been double booked. Long story short, I got bumped to another room that was managed by the same company in a house about a block down Burgundy Street.

I was upset that I would be separate from the action, but the first night everyone was sort of scattered around the French Quarter so I took my lumps stoically. This was before the age of cell phones, so we had to work to stay in contact. My apartment didn't have a phone, so I was really anxious about being left out of any fun. However, after a day or so, I really didn't care. I was booked into a modified duplex where my half was split into two apartments. I had the bottom floor which consisted of the living room, dining room (converted into a bedroom), eat-in kitchen and a bathroom that had been installed under the steps. The accommodations were actually better than many of the dorms I would sleep in during college.

The apartment was basically stocked with booze from leftovers of previous guests. At the time, the legal drinking age in NO was 18, so I helped myself to a nice drink. When I looked out back, there was a nice garden and built into the corner wall was a hot tub! It was a cement bath, with a nice Grecian theme. I only cared about the hot tub, and I looked around until I found the controls. I was in heaven! I soaked and had a couple bourbons the first night. However, the next night the tub would be a godsend!

I returned to the apartment after a long day of standing, walking and working. The first thing I did when I returned home was to turn on the tub and fix a bourbon. I was having fun being an adult for the first time in my life. I was no saint and had been drinking since I was about 16. However, I wasn't a worldly person by any means. I was in the tub as soon as the water was warm and the water pressure and jets really made my sore legs feel great. As I was sitting in the tub, the next-door neighbor walked into his back yard. He sat at a table and had a brandy while he talked with the guy who rented me a room. I was sort of stuck, as I hadn't brought a bathing suit, so I was in my birthday suit when I was in the tub. I was told that only I had access to the tub. What I didn't realize was the manager meant that the upstairs people didn't have access. He didn't mean the attached house next door didn't have access.

They chatted a while, but both went inside after the older man finished his drink. I made my escape and jumped out of the tub. I was mostly dried and had my towel wrapped around me by the time the guys walked back out. I turned off the tub as I was called over. I was introduced to the older gentleman. He was a retired boat pilot who actually owned both houses. He rented the second half of the duplex to make some money. The younger gentleman was worked for the company that managed his rentals.

The two men had been discussing the tenants in the upstairs place. They had been a bit rambunctious and had caused some issues. Fortunately, they were mostly finished with the other people and the conversation turned to other topics. I stood and chatted a bit, dressed only in a towel. Neither guy seemed to care and since I had just exited the tub, I didn't feel improperly dressed. We chatted a bit, the manager left and the older man asked if I would like a drink. I felt that tightness in your tummy when you are excited and you don't know why and said I would love one. He told me to go get dressed and come over for a brandy. I have no idea why, but I was actually disappointed that he wanted me to get dressed. I kind of liked standing around in just a towel. However, I departed to my apartment and got ready.

I dried off, changed and we met for a drink in his house. It was November, so it was chilly at night, but nice during the day. Therefore, the owner had made a nice fire in a corner fireplace where he and I had a couple brandies as we chatted and had a nice time. I have no idea why, but I was mesmerized by his hands. They were strong, chubby hands and I couldn't help by follow them as he drank his brandy or waved them about as he told me his story. I was like any other eighteen-year-old and normally not interested in anyone's stories. However, the owner had some fun experiences and I enjoyed hearing about them. Thinking back, I wasn't so much interested in his stories, as in him. I didn't realize that I was having a crush on the man which caused me to therefore be interested in his stories.

He wasn't all that handsome. He was about five-feet, eleven and maybe 240. He was once an athlete, but that was many years prior. Now, he was more fluffy than buff, but he carried himself quite well. He was clean shaven but had a day's growth on his face and his hair was a bit mussy. He must have made some nice money, because he had just returned from France on an art buying trip. He unrolled some of his canvases and I pretended to know how to admire the paintings. I was enjoying my time with the gentleman and was saddened when our time ended.

After my second drink, he sent me home but told me to enjoy the tub whenever I wished. He said tomorrow he would show me the workings of the hot tub. I went home feeling a randy, although I didn't realize why. I figured it was the brandies as I was much too innocent to understand what my feelings really were.

I am glad I went home before I drank too much. The next day was the first full day of the meeting and I was swamped with work. The meeting was in the convention center which was about a mile walk from my apartment. Not only that, but we met at the farthest section which was literally another mile farther away. I must have walked about seven to ten miles by the time I was back in my place. All I wanted to do was to soak in the tub again.

Unfortunately, the owner was at his picnic table in the back when I went out. He said hello and got up to show me how to turn on the fountain, etc. He not only had a hot tub, but the Grecian face that stuck out from the wall, about 6 feet higher, was a fountain and spit out water that trickled down the engraved wall and into the hot tub. It looked cool! Even at my young age, I appreciated the beauty of the fountain. I asked the owner if he didn't mind taking my picture in front of it. He of course was more than willing. I got my camera and went out to the fountain. He took a few pics just as the sun was setting and they turned out great! The lighting at that time of day was ideal to create subtle shadows and the pictures looked professional.

After taking pics, we had a couple drinks and he asked if I was going to get into the tub. I told him I wanted to, but I didn't have a suit. He chuckled heartily and said that didn't matter. Feeling emboldened by the liquor, and with achy legs, I went inside, stripped naked and wrapped myself into a towel. The owner was still there when I returned which made my belly tighten again. I was scared to be seen naked, but at the same time, having this older man look at my naked body caused chills up and down my spine. As I said, nobody had seen me naked except for a few guys on my sports teams and they were all my age. Even then, I was mostly a quick change so nobody really had time to study my anatomy.

Doing my best, "we're in a locker room" body language, I dropped my towel and walked away from the man and toward the tub. I knew he had a fantastic view of my backside as I walked away, but I didn't turn to see if he was staring at me. Thinking back, I am sure my pucker gave the man a nice wink as I lifted my leg and bent over to enter the tub. The water was very hot and I let out a gasp as the hot water enveloped my legs and stood with my crotch just above the water until I got used to the hot water. I got caught up in the feeling of the hot water as it massaged my aching legs and I didn't realize that my private bits were in full view. By the time I realized my exposure, it was too late to react so I just turned to the side. Of course, this gave the guy an even better view of my tackle than had I stayed facing him-a fact I realized much later.

Jus then, the owner got up, and went inside to fill his snifter. Thinking he was uninterested depressed me a bit. However, I was also excited to have the tub to myself. I slowly lowered my body into the hot water and began to relax. The owner returned, walked over to the controls and turned on the tub light, fully illuminating my exposed cock and balls to his view. Feeling embarrassed, I sat down to let the jets cover my privates. The owner gave me a once over, grabbed chair and his drink as came over to the tub. He got me a cold beer and handed it to me before sitting down. He was totally at ease with me and seemed to actually enjoy my company.

We chatted for a few minutes while I relaxed in the warm waters. The jets stopped, but I just sat there as the water cleared and he had a clear view of my cock floating in the water. This time, instead of being embarrassed, I was excited to be naked in front of the man. He didn't seem to mind and remained to chat with me. Either he didn't check me out, or he was very, very good at it. I don't remember his eyes lowering down to check me out. Either way, I was comfortable and didn't want to move. After a while, I even opened my legs to really relax.

After a while, I got the idea that I really wanted to remember this hot tub. I asked the owner if he wouldn't mind taking a few more pics. He said he didn't and turned on some more back yard lights to help improve the pictures. The increased lighting only temporarily made me self-conscious about my nudity. However, I was in for a pound by this point. He turned on the jets and took a lot of pictures of me enjoying a beer in his tub. He was smart enough to take a few with out the beer so I could show my mom. With the jets on, you couldn't tell my state of undress.

Even though I was already well past my normal comfort zone, I really went balls to the wall after the hot water relaxed me enough. Soon, I got bold enough to climb out of the water and pose in front of the fountain. I posed in my full glory, cock and balls hanging low after soaking in the hot water. I even climbed up the wall and sat on a ledge just under the water fall. I was enjoying being naked in nature and didn't seem to care that the man was both clothed and a full witness to my nudity. The man seemed to enjoy my youthful glee and continued to photograph me in various risqu‚ poses.

There was enough lighting for me to tell where I was red from the hot tub. I even noticed that my glans was bright pink and really stood out against my china white thighs and light pubic hair. It reminded me of Rudolph when I looked at the bright orb at the end of my penis. The thought of showing my bright pink orb off to an older man excited me and I was chubbing up a bit as I continued to pose for pictures.

By the time we had enough pictures, I wasn't nervous anymore. However, I was very horny. I don't mean the normal eighteen-year-old horny, but the eighteen-year-old who had been prancing around naked in front of another person horny. Without a care, I walked right up to the man as we looked into the view finder to review the pictures. I went to point something out to the man and my hand brushed across the back of his hairy hand. The man didn't seem to care, but the contact sent a frisson of electricity down my back and right to my cock. We reviewed another picture and I did the same thing. This time, the frisson lingered and my cock was beginning to chub up further. Being naked, there really wasn't much I could do about it. However, being eighteen, I barely noticed when my cock started to move from my balls and point toward the man.

The owner was looking down at the camera and couldn't help but notice my growing excitement. Without a care, or a preamble, he just reached out and gave my cock a squeeze. The contact surprised me to no end. I moved my hips back in a reflex action, but the contact pushed me past any barriers I would normally have had. I straightened back up and allowed the man to fondle my penis. This was the first time anyone had touched me, other than during a physical exam, since I was about five years old.

I looked down to see his bear of a hand as he caressed my sensitive cock. I had a nice cock by this time, but his hand covered almost the entire phallus. The man's hands were a bit calloused, but he was very gentle as he ran back and forth across my penis. He let go for a minute to reach past my cock to massage my balls a bit. I've never had large balls, and when I was that young, they were tiny. However, he didn't seem to mind one bit as he ran each testicle between his fat thumb and fingers.

I was frozen in place. I don't know if it was a natural reaction, or whatever, but I just stood there in my nakedness and allowed the man to take control. He continued to rub my penis, and even rubbed my precum into my sensitive glans. He put the camera down and used his other hand to stroke my butt cheeks. He even let his thumb glide into my butt crack which felt incredible. I was literally putty in his hands. My mind was trying to acknowledge and record every novel sensation I was feeling. However, it seemed that EVERY sensation I was feeling was novel so I was mentally overwhelmed within seconds.

Feeling a bit frustrated at allowing him to dictate things, I asked if I could see his penis. He continued to fondle my cock and caress my ass for a minute before he chuckled, went over to his drink, took a sip and turned around as he unbuckled his belt. He dropped his pants to his ankles, put his fingers into his boxer hem and pushed them down as well. He stepped out of both pants as he fluffed his balls and cock with his hand. He stood there a second before sitting down in the chair.

I could lie and say he was an Adonis-he wasn't. However, he was naked and the first naked adult I had ever seen in person. He was about my height, but twice-I mean this literally-my weight. He didn't look bad, but he did have a belly on him, and he had a bottom belly-that area below your waist line that can fill up as well. He wasn't overly hairy, but he did have a full body of darkhair. I loved to follow that part where your hair meshes together and makes a dark line down your belly. His was nicely formed and pointed all the way down to his pubic hair.

What awed me though was his cock. He had a huge cock-it wasn't that long, but it made up for that in girth. It wasn't beer can wide, but it did give me an appreciation for the term. Once freed from their confines, he fluffed his cock and balls to air them out a bit. His motions were very care-free and I was jealous that he could be so comfortable stripping off his pants. I wish I was, but then again, I had been naked in front of this man for quite a while by this time.

Cautiously, I maneuvered over to where he was sitting and reached out to touch his penis. I could barely get my hand around it but managed to get a grip on it. I gently pushed back his profuse foreskin which I admired. I also admired how smooth his cock head was as it appeared out from under its protective covering. This was only the second foreskin I had ever seen and I was jealous I didn't have one. His cock head looked wet from his copious precum and I almost retracted my hand when I got some of his precum on it.

Fortunately, I regained my composure before the man noticed and continued to stroke his cock. As I stroked him, his penis began to become more rigid. Soon it was standing and staring at me, its large piss slit winking a come-hither invitation. I knelt down to fondle his balls which brought me much closer to his penis. His glans was huge! It looked about the size of a tennis ball to me. I loved the way it glistened as I fondled the man's balls. His balls were also nicely formed. Each one was about the size of a robin egg and felt solid between my fingers.

As I stared at the man's genitals, he casually moved a hand behind my head and directed me toward his penis. I thought he wanted me to get a closer look and obliged his ministrations. However, at the last second-and I mean I was so na‹ve that it was really the last second-I hesitated to put that monster into my mouth. By this point, it was much easier for him to insist that it was for me to back away and the penis was soon against my lips.

I was at a cross roads. I was very, very horny, but I wasn't ready to fellate this beautiful cock. I was also concerned that I had played my hand too well and if I backed out now I would be a cock tease-the only thing worse than a cock sucker to me at this age. Caught between a hand and a hard place, I opened my mouth and allowed my first cock to enter me.

His precum covered cock entered my mouth a bit reluctantly. As I said, it was a rather large glans and even the shaft was quite wide. Fortunately, I was able to accommodate him but had to rest after I had his cock in my mouth. His precum tasted a bit salty and sweet, but not distasteful. I swished a bit of it around my mouth as I was deciding its taste. I didn't plan for it, but the motion essentially washed my tongue across his sensitive glans which caused even more copious amounts of precum to flow from his cock. This caused me to swallow which again worked my tongue across his glans, creating a nice self-propagating cycle.

Not knowing what to do, I basically made my plan as I went along. I started to bob up and down on the man's penis trying to keep suction on it. This seemed to be the right thing, because the man began to moan and thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. This resulted in me deep throating his member. It wasn't that long, maybe 5 inches, so I was able to accommodate most of him. However, it did cause me to bury my nose into his thick pubic hair. When I did this, I naturally inhaled and wound up inhaling his musky aroma. It didn't smell bad, although he hadn't showered since the morning. He had a full manly odor about him that I still remember today. He was my first, so I couldn't gauge how aromatic he was compared to normal, but I could take in his scent. It took me many minutes before I grew inured to the smell.

Between the taste of his precum and smelling his musky aroma I had many of my senses sated. Just when I thought I had things cataloged his cock head swelled even more and soon my mouth was being filled with creamy liquid. I could barely swallow fast enough to keep up with the gushers as he filled my mouth with his sperm. My third sensation was the taste of his cum. It felt to me like swallowing a raw oyster, and even tasted similar. However, I was more worried about aspirating than how nice it tasted at the moment.

After his third bolus I was able to catch up and accept his semen. I savored the salty taste and washed the last squirts around my mouth. I even licked a few drips off his penis when he finally removed it. He sat back and caught his breath as I continued to lick his cock and glans. When I was satisfied that I could lick no more off him, I stood up and admired my work.

I had barely mentally come to grips with what had just happened when a fat hand reached out and began to masturbate my incredibly rigid penis. My cock was rock hard from the thought of having gotten the man off, sexually. I hadn't even noticed until I felt his chubby hand on it. I was so sexually charged that it only took about two strokes before I was shooting into the air and across his back yard. The man continued to masturbate me as he laughed about how far I had shot my sperm. He continued until he was rubbing his thick thumb across my now intensely sensitive glans. He had a good hold of my cock and I couldn't extricate it from his grasp. I thought I would start to pee if he didn't stop abusing my sensitive cock head.

Fortunately, he tired of taunting me and released my cock. By this time, his glans had shrunken back into its covering. My circumcised cock didn't have that luxury. I became very self-conscious at being naked and having my first sexual experience ever. I also noticed how the night had chilled and I started to have goose bumps across my body. The man didn't seem to care and continued to rub between my thighs and up to my anus. He didn't notice the change in my body language and I didn't know what was happening to me.

Fortunately, I was polite enough to say I was chilly and walked into the hot tub to wash and warm up. I sat in the tub trying to grasp what had just happened. The man chatted a bit but left me to my thoughts and returned to his house. I just sat in the tub and stared up to the sky. It was a beautiful night. The temperature was ideal for soaking in a tub and I should have really enjoyed my time. However, I wasn't present at all. I was lost in the fact that I had lost my virginity to an older man and that I was probably gay. I didn't want to be gay, but I had to admit that the taste of the man's sperm was still in my mouth and I didn't mind. In fact, I went to be that night with his sperm in my mouth and his scent on my nose.

I didn't see the man again. I moved back to the previous house and never mentioned my experience to my colleagues. I was a bit addled the next day at the meeting, but it was our last day and soon everyone was packing up. Once we were done, it was a night of hurricanes at Pat O'Brian's. I don't think I will ever forget my first sexual encounter. I still love being naked and have become quite the social nudist. I still enjoy older men as well. Unfortunately, I have grown into my own age group, but that is a story for another day.

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