The Roommate Series

By d.a. w

Published on Apr 25, 2014


My sincere apologies. I had not noticed that I had not published Chapter 14. As I tell my students, I teach composition, not math.

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THE ROMMATE Chapter 14 Pleasant Acres – My Executive Tour

From the conclusion of Chapter 13

And so as his parents packed, we went down to the basement , but not the basement of the servants' quarters, but the basement with a complete lounge with tables chairs, a jukebox and everything else a person could want to party.

We played gin rummy and drank beers, which servants brought any time we even nodded in the direction of needing more beverage.

I muttered I needed something to eat to go with all the booze.

"What would you like?" Beau asked.

I remember I used to like a hamburger, with lots of fries, and a side of coleslaw. Beau nodded to one of the nearby servants, and after another hand my hamburger, fries and slaw appeared in a basket with a paper napkin liner... just like I remembered from my youth when that was a treat after tennis. We continued playing and getting more and more plastered and soon neither of us were in any shape to get all the way to our rooms.

"Sirs" a servant said as both Beau and I tried rather unsuccessfully to get up, "I believe that you may need some help to get to your rooms." Beau laughed and nodded. "Just like the old days at Williams."

As best as I could I muttered, "Yah, and we needed someone to get us back to the dorm then too." and then I passed out.

The Roommate Chapter 14 A Pleasant Day at Pleasant Acres

I awakened for my second day at Pleasant Acres probably much more the worse for wear than I awakened yesterday morning. However, as I opened one eye, and looked toward the door to my own personal bath room I suddenly found myself looking at the face of Jeremy, smiling and looking irritatingly chipper and alert.

"Good morning Master Frank!" Jeremy said with such enthusiasm that I had to suppress a desire to hit him in the face...or a lest step on his feet...anything to make him feel as awful as I felt. My head throbbed. I ached all over.

Was it my imagination or was there really a drum line playing excessively loudly somewhere near my bed? "Good morning" I managed to say. In my head I wanted to add, "Yes it is a great day to whip the ass of an excessively perky servant."

Of course I did not say what I thought, but I smiled at my fantasy. "If I could lay five to ten swats across Jeremy's butt, I bet he wouldn't sound so disgustingly happy."

"Would Master Frank wish to have his coffee now, SIR?"

"Yes" I said as calmly as I could. How could I harbor antagonism against someone who truly seemed devoted to making my morning as pleasant as possible? Jeremy returned quickly with my coffee, and on the little try he placed beside the bed there was also three croissants.

Two were like the ones I had liked to much yesterday morning, and one new one also.

"Master Frank, I have taken the liberty of providing you the type of croissant like yesterday, and also a new one. I thought you might like to try a new one every morning until you have determined from all the choices exactly the ones you wish to have in the morning." Jeremy smiled and looked so hopeful that his actions would make my morning more pleasurable that I could not be angry, but I smiled at him.

"Thank you Jeremy. I think a bit of adventure in the hunt for the best morning croissants should make for a pleasant

morning exercise."

"SIR thank you SIR!" Jeremy seemed to almost burst with happiness. "SIR your kindness in accepting my deviation from your precise order is both appreciated and exciting. SIR. Sir I hope that this little surprise every morning will please you."

Jeremy paused again, and looking down, seemed to fidget a bit.

"Jeremy I can see you are distressed in some way. How can I help you? You help start my mornings in a such spectacular way, I would like to help if I can."

"Sir, may I again state my desire to be of ultimate service to you, SIR. SIR again I would like to offer you my mouth and tongue for your satisfaction and pleasure as you relieve your morning urine, SIR.

"Jeremy, I really am not anxious to experience this service, but you have shown yourself to be conscientious and helpful, and so really to eliminate this burden from your conscience, I will let you do this service this morning."

"Thank you Master Frank, SIR!" Jeremy smiled, and came over to where I was sitting on the side of the bed.

"I really don't feel like pissing right now." I informed him.

"Master Frank, this slave is well trained to encourage and keep his master regular, SIR. Just give me a few minutes and I will have you all ready to go to the shower and shave, and with no need to worry about running to find a toilet as you tour the estate."

I just smiled, and Jeremy lowered my boxers. (I have never used pajamas, but have always just slept in the boxers I wore during the day.) Soon my boxers were off my feet, and Jeremy was blowing warming breath on my penis. I could not believe that just that gentle breath was bringing my cock to life. I seemed to warm up to the warm air.

Jeremy then had all my penis in his mouth and was doing wonderful things to it with his tongue, and alternatively bobbing back and forth with his mouth gently holding my penis, and his tongue rubbing it. Soon his ministrations had the desired effect, I could feel a definite urge to piss. Jeremy also seemed to sense the change and began rubbing around my cock and balls, and I could feel my sphincters and my stored up urine come down the urethra and into Jeremy's mouth. I fist let loose a steady stream, and then a series of short squirts and all the time Jeremy had his mouth locked around my penis, and his tongue messaging it, as he slowly moved back and forth over its entire length, keeping me going and going. Finally with a few farewell spurts and squirts I was finished. Jeremy finished by licking all over my penis cleaning it, and giving it a marvelous after piss message.

I involuntarily let out a very satisfied sigh and smiled down on Jeremy who was smiling back up at me.

"Thank you Master Frank for allowing this servant to make this service for you SIR." Jeremy said as he stood, smiling. "I hope that this service has pleased you, Master Frank, and this servant can give this service all your time in this house."

"Well Jeremy, I would never have thought that I would admit that this service was so great and immensely satisfying, but it was, and you will not have any more refusals from me in the future."

"Thank you Master Frank. I know it might seem like this service is degrading to the servant, but the servant is trained and understands that this service is one that a servant can give to masters as a gift in appreciation for the great servant life the servant lives at Pleasant Acres."

Jeremy seemed absolutely sincere in this declaration, and in truth his ministrations were very satisfying, and I decided I would indeed use this very personal but very pleasant service the rest of my stay.

After Jeremy had finished accepting my morning piss, Jeremy asked if he wanted me to pull up my boxers, or if I was done with the croissants, I would like to heave him shave me. I had noted last night when I went into the bathroom that a sort of sleeker and smaller version of a barber's chair has indeed been delivered into a corner of the bathroom that clearly had been designed into the room for it. The shave started after Jeremy mixed up some shaving soap foam, which he carefully spread over my face and neck. He then began to shave me using a wicked looking straight razor which Jeremy had stropped to hone it to marvelous sharpness. As Jeremy shaved me I could feel my cock rise again in reaction to my face's being shaved smooth by his skilled hand. After he finished shaving my face and neck and then smoothed off the little sheen left from the soap with a warn towel, he set me up in the chair.

"Thank you Jeremy. I will tell you that you were correct when you told me that once a man has experienced what a wonderful way it is to get out of bed, have a light breakfast, and then one of the closest and most restful shaves a man could imagine, that that man will always remember the experience as one of the best ways to start a day that could ever be imagined."

"Thank you very much Master Frank, SIR. Are you ready for your shower now? "

Indeed I was, and after sitting up I began walking over to the shower, which Jeremy had started and already there was the sound of the falling water and steam billowing from the shower stall.

I got into the shower, and Jeremy popped in behind me. As had happened yesterday morning, I stood under the hot running water, and Jeremy gently washed my body. He not only washed me, but also messaged me. It was just fantastic... heavenly...relaxing... And like Jeremy's ministrations in the bedroom, absolutely relaxing, enjoyable, sensuous, and addicting. Indeed a person could get attached to this way to start a day every day. As I stood there as Jeremy dried me with warmed, thick, soft towels, I felt relaxed and paradoxically invigorated.

When Jeremy stopped his ministrations to my body, I walked back into the bedroom.

"Master Frank, I have consulted with Master Beau's servant, and from what Master Beau has shared with his body servant about the plans for the day, I have taken the initiative to set out appropriate clothing options for you Master Frank."

Now as I looked over toward the bed, I saw laid out on three mannequin like forms, three sets of clothes. I chose one set with brown slacks, a white polo shirt with tan accents around the sleeves and collar.

"Excellent SIR" Jeremy intoned. "You show that same sense of style that I have always admired in Master Beau, SIR, and this outfit will match beautifully with Master Beau's as you tour Pleasant Acres today."

It is ridiculous that I felt somehow pleased that I had "won" the selection game, and chosen the right clothing. I decided that servants such as Jeremy were indeed involuntary servants and under tight control, but also these servants were far from abused and cowed into submission. I smiled to myself. Then a second set of thought came to mind. Jeremy was pleased in his servant role... but did that not show how much the system worked to subjugate the involuntary servant into the servant, subservient role. Jeremy, and the other servants in the house knew that their life was in serving and pleasing their masters...It was more polite, and it was less patent, but these house servants... like Jeremy...had had their lives changed from living for themselves as an independent human being to now living in s subordinate role. They truly had become a total servant...the involuntary servant was the involved servant who identified his life as a function to serving the Master's life.

I snapped out of my reverie, and with Jeremy's help got myself clothed and ready to go down for my second day at Pleasant Acres.

When I got downstairs to the breakfast room I found Beau and his parents there. However, his parents were just leaving.

"Now I want you two boys to behave yourselves while we are gone." Beau's mother said smiling.

"Mother! How can you imagine two such outstanding young men such as Frank and myself to be anything but be models of rectitude? I must say that I am shocked and chagrined that you would even feel there was a possibility that any but the most seemly of activities from men such as ourselves."

I looked at Beau. Did he really make such a statement? Do members of the Southern aristocracy really talk like some eighteenth century English novel? "I know you are both outstanding examples of the youth of our country, but with no restraints on your behavior there is a level of temptation that is inherit in the situation." His Mother smiled at both of us as she said that.

"Understanding that your comments was generated only from a generic conceptualization I will be mollified. I suppose it might be apropos that I would also remind you two similarly follow the highest levels of civility and of course do whatever it takes to have a great time on the cruise."

Beau's reply caused laughter to erupt. Beau and his Mother and Father just looked at me, and then all three burst out laughing. "GOT YOU!" Beau yelled, and then I joined them in laughing. Yes I had been pranked by Beau once again. How had I fallen for it when I knew yesterday they did not talk this way? Beau had managed to prank me again.

At this point I also joined in the laughter.

"Well Beau, it was worth it to see the look on Frank's face as we did that little prank on him." Beau's Father said, while still laughing.

"Oh I agree. I think your eyes actually grew wider than you would have thought possible... and the fact your mouth almost fell open was fantastic. Beau you are the best prankster in the world."

Now I tried to recover some semblance of dignity, but it was impossible. Beau had gotten me again, and had even managed to talk his parents into participating with the prank with him.

"Well. boys we do have to leave now, but I bet we will be laughing all the way to the airport as we think back to the look on your face Frank." Beau's Father said to me. Then he grabbed me, hugged me, and said into my ear. "You better watch out for Beau. This scene is just one example of the jokes he likes to play."

"SIR, I do appreciate your warning, and I again am witness to how persuasive Beau is when setting up his pranks.

That scene would never have worked without his slight hints that you had some really archaic concepts of how a plantation owner would behave and talk in private moments. I suspect that if truth would be known, it would be Beau himself who dropped hints, and waited for that perfect moment to spring the trap."

"Well keep your guard up, but have fun while we are gone." With that piece of advice, Beau and his parents left the breakfast room. I looked out the window as they pulled out of the garage in their SUV, driven by an involuntary servant chauffeur. The window came down and I saw the hands waving a farewell as the car made the "u" turn from the garage to the drive from the house to the highway.

I looked out the window over the terrace, and wondered out in the warm Tennessee morning. I again marveled at the beauty of the house and landscaping. Everything just seemed too perfect. I thought back to my morning when Jeremy had shown me that even a Yankee from Massachusetts could be lured into enjoying the lifestyle having many involuntary servants to make living so comfortable and pleasant.

I heard Beau coming back into the breakfast room, and I turned.

"Well roommate, I've already had breakfast, and while you have yours I will take care of a couple of items of family business, and then I will take you on the Grand Tour of Pleasant Acres."

"Thank you Beau. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to seeing Pleasant Acres. I think Pleasant Acres may be more interesting and beautiful than almost any other scenery in this great State of Tennessee."

With that Beau left. I sat down and almost immediately a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice appeared and neatly folder beside the oj was the day's edition of The New York Times. Beau had remembered that normally I did not think I could start the day without reading The Times.

Almost as soon as I began reading my Times, and without my saying anything, my normal breakfast of a slice of cinnamon raison toast arrived. When I had finished the toast and by glass of oj, I looked up to see a servant patiently waiting at the door to the room.

"Sir, we have not been informed of Sir's morning preferences beyond the toast and orange juice, but we would like Sir to know that if Sir would like any additional breakfast the kitchen staff and I would be honored to satisfy SIR's desires."

I paused, and then looked up. "You know a breakfast of eggs benedict, and some fresh fruit somehow seem something I would like this morning."

"Thank you SIR, for allowing us to show SIR the standard of service here at Pleasant Acres. The rest of your breakfast will be here shortly. Would you also like to watch any of the morning television shows also?"

"No, actually I think I would be happier if for a few days I just ignore the outside world."

"Very good SIR. May I add that this servant believes that SIR's decision is very wise? The world of Pleasant Acres is very much a nicer world than the world outside Pleasant Acres, SIR."

With that I settled into my Times and had only gotten to the editorial page when the rest of my breakfast arrived.

Soon after that Beau also returned.

"I have a couple more things to take care of. Will you be OK to have breakfast by yourself?"

"Beau you cannot have forgotten that at home I get up earlier than almost anyone else, and so I am very comfortable just to have my breakfast by myself. Should I tell the staff if I think that I will be getting up early?"

Beau smiled that "Surely you jest" smile that sometimes I found to irritating.

"You need not plan ahead. Jeremy is on duty to be ready to serve you when you awake and plan to arise. He will notify the kitchen staff that they need to come up and be ready to serve you as you are going through the morning ritual of SSS." I smiled at least a little smile as I remembered that at Williams these initials SSS was common dorm speak for the morning ritual of "shit, shower, and shave." I had almost forgotten the phrase, but Beau brought back again memories of Williams. I was only a recent graduate, but already I would occasionally find myself of thinking back to memories there with a clear sense of nostalgia.

The rest of my breakfast arrived. It was perfect as I had come to expect. After I ate the rest of my breakfast and read through the first section of THE Times I got up, and before I could leave, my waiter servant appeared.

"SIR thank you for letting the breakfast servant staff be of service to you today, SIR. SIR we all wish you a very

pleasant day at Pleasant Acres, SIR.

I went up the stairs to the bedrooms, and began to go into my bedroom suite when I heard Beau's voice coming from his suite. I decided I would go over and see Beau and admit that having a large staff of involuntary servants did indeed allow for a very gentile lifestyle. When I got to his door, I saw that it was ajar. I was going to knock, but I heard Beau talking on the phone. I paused to see if I could determine if Beau was on a long phone call or just checking on something for a moment.

"Well I do thank you for taking care of this surprise for me Harold." I heard Beau say.

I was about to move away when I heard Beau's next comment. "Yes Harold, now remember my parents must never know that I assisted in their obtaining the cruise for the summer so that they would be in Nashville for their traditional social calendar of events for the fall."

I must admit that that overheard comment did cause me to listen a bit longer without letting Beau know I was there.

The next comment I heard also was surprising. "Yes, and again I appreciate your personally taking the $10,000 to the Thompsons along with their new cruise tickets. I do appreciate your discretion in this matter. I really do not want anyone to know that I assisted my parents in achieving their goal of a summer rather than a fall cruise."

That whole overheard conversation lasted probably a minute, but it suddenly became clear that Beau had arranged for the summer tickets to become available, and that he had probably purchased the Thompson's new tickets, and given them $10,000 in cash to sweeten the deal. Knowing that probably my presence at the door to Beau's room was probably being observed by unseen servants, I opted to now knock at the door.

"Beau, I just wanted you to know that I am done with breakfast. What's on the schedule?" I just sort of shouted into the room.

Beau got up and came over to the door. Beau smiled at me, and I thought "Will he suspect I have been listening at the door?" I did not see any indication of questioning in his eyes, as I had allowed a few seconds to elapse since the conversation ended.

"Roommate, I have planned for us to ride over the plantation, and let you see how extensive and diverse Pleasant Acres truly is. When you get to your room, you'll see that Jeremy will have your riding gear out for you as we will make the tour by horseback. I am indeed thankful that your parents had you take riding lesson as a youth so that we can take this tour horseback. As soon as Jeremy gets you in gear, just come downstairs to the patio, and we'll begin the tour."

"SUPER," I exclaimed I went back to my room and there indeed was Jeremy with riding clothing arranged on the clothes valet stand. It was all there riding pants, shirt, boots, and gloves. The riding pants were unusual, but clearly designed for a rider.

The legs were tight to my skin, and the inner part of the pant leg was made of a heavier material. It made sense. A rider holds on to and helps guide a horse by using his legs to grip the horse's sides and use pressure to communicate orders to the horse he is riding. I had seen rider's breeches like these but never had any idea of owning or even wearing a pair of these very specialized pants. It did not take long with Jeremy's help especially with the riding boots, that I was dressed properly for a plantation owner's tour of the plantation. I found my mind wandering back to the movie "Gone With the Wind." I was somewhat living the life of Tara, except that the involuntary servants who had performed personal services never even hinted in the movie were not black slaves, but so far had all been Caucasian involuntary servants.

Properly attired I descended the stairs to find Beau on the back patio. The tight fitting pants were a bit unusual in the feeling, but I got used to their grip on my leg. I looked from the patio down toward the driveway and saw two horses the waiting for us, with two grooms there to hold the horses and help us up into the saddle.

"Are you ready for the tour" Beau asked smiling at me.

"Absolutely," I responded. "I know that I will indeed see and learn a lot today."

"Yes, let's start the tour!" Beau exclaimed, and we walked down to the horse, and with a little bit of help, both of us mounted, and with Beau slightly in the lead, we began riding down the drive way. Lining the end of the driveway was a stand of trees which cut off all view from the driveway to whatever was beyond that large parking area behind the garage As we rode closer to the trees I saw that there were paths through the trees, and Beau was leading me toward one of those paths. I could see that the paths were paved with raked and manicured covering of woodchips.

I somehow felt like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" beginning the yellow brick road to new sights and new adventures.

Next: Chapter 15: The Roommate 15

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