The Rut

By Boy Mercury X

Published on Aug 13, 2017


This story is a fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between men. It is intended for adults only.

Copyright, Boy Mercury X, 2017.

This story involves mpreg, male pregnancy, and is inspired by lively chat with Nifty published writer a4f101. I look forward to his take on the topic, which will blow us all away. This story is dedicated to him, in gratitude for being the best kind of bro.

Acknowledgment to a special friend who shared some ideas that appear here when I was stuck -- thanks buddy.

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THE RUT PART 4 by Boy Mercury X, dedicated to af4101


The Venable Home ensured competitive rates by providing an array of services designed to appeal to the well educated, moneyed and indulgent parents of its residents. Ms. Venable saw to the bottom line by providing these high-value services at minimal cost to the Home, while maximizing fees to residents. On-site round the clock medical care, for example, was provided by a pretty young nurse midwife barely out of school, at a fraction of the cost of an experienced physician. Gestation, delivery and postpartum classes were provided by the same employee, Nurse Leigh, at no additional pay. Classes intended to maintain the education of the boys were provided by Ms. Venable herself, at a handsome consulting fee she charged to the Home.

Nurse Leigh was a sweet tempered and pretty thing, barely older than the boys she tended to. Every one of the boys would have sported erections for her, if not for The Rut. Despite their lack of sexual interest in her, however, the socially isolated boys enjoyed her class as a chance to cut loose with someone other than scowling Ms. Venable.

"Is it true that Buck seasons are getting longer?" asked Forrest, the newest resident. "Before I came here I heard there are Bucks getting pregnant again and again. Like maybe we'll never go back to the way we were before."

"We don't know enough," answered Nurse Leigh. "There are so many individual differences. Some Bucks go out of season after delivery, some don't. It may seem random, but must surely serve an evolutionary purpose."

"I don't think it's random," said Jamie, "I just wonder how the Rut picks us."

At the back of the room Ms. Venable made her presence known by clearing her throat. "The Rut does not `pick' at all. The Rut is not sentient. It is simply a force of nature. And like all of nature, red in tooth and claw as Lord Tennyson reminds us, it is our obligation to bring to order."

Ms. Venable strode to the front of the class, where she approached the young midwife. "You indulge the worst antics of these boys, Nurse Leigh. What is the meaning of this unruly presentation?"

"It's just -" stammered the blushing midwife "- I like to end class with an open forum so the boys can ask the questions on their minds."

"And what questions remain?" asked Ms. Venable, arching an eyebrow at the assembled young men.

"I wanna know," said Jaime, "When Stags... uh... breed.. Why do they make so much... stuff?"

"The amount of semen generated in breeding is not material to the purpose of this class," said Ms. Venable. "It will not aid your gestation or delivery, nor will it help return you to your normal life afterwards."

"But," began Nurse Leigh, nervously wary of Ms. Venable's temper, "it is an aspect of evolutionary competition."

"The problem is you Bucks," Ms. Venable said, her tone flat with resignation that the topic would not be put to rest. "Bucks are quite promiscuous, breeding with as many stags as they can in short order..."

"Got THAT right!" laughed Abe, pumping a fist in the air.

"This is the competitive nature of the Buck," continued Ms. Venable, "to breed with each Stag possible. The Stag, in turn is driven to beat other Stags. To this end, they produce a quantity of semen adequate to flush out the seed of any Stag that may have preceded them, and leave only theirs to impregnate the Buck in question."

The boys all went silent, heady with imagining muscular Stag after Stag breeding them with overflowing quantities of baby making semen. Even the most pregnant Buck maintained a fever pitch biological need to keep breeding.

"Fuck, my tits hurt," groaned Abe, breaking the silence. He rubbed a thick pec with one hand, and cupped his twin-swollen belly with the other.

"Milk production," said Nurse Leigh, "is a perfectly natural aspect of pregnancy. If you will recall from a previous class, the milk gland in the male grows under the muscle layer, resulting in the pronounced pectorals of Bucks."

"It's pronounced tits," laughed Stu, cupping his heaving pecs and teasing at each nipple with his fingertips.

Ms. Venable shot the Stag Buck a withering look. "Will your vulgar vocabulary serve you when you return to college?" she asked.

"We don't do vocabulary at gun school!" laughed Stu, popping his biceps and shifting into a bodybuilding pose from his seat.

"You call those guns?" asked Abe, spreading his arms wide and flexing to swell his biceps to the size of cantaloupes.

The other boys hooted, their puckers twitching at the sight of Stu and Abe's muscular displays. Dean reached out and ran a fingertip over Stu's meaty arm, but the Stag Buck shrugged him off and said, "You don't smell good."

Every other boy but Stu laughed, and Dean muttered "Don't tease me bro."

Chad slapped Dean on the back and said "You smell okay to me bro!"

"When your season has passed," said Ms. Venable in loud firm tones to regain order, "your families will of course expect you to resume your studies." She eyed Dean, and recalled he was a rare exception in the Home, a boy from the military, adding, "Most of you."

"Chad is going back to law school," said Jaime. "He's going to go to court so Stags and Bucks can marry."

"GAY!" scoffed Abe, who then burped.

"As you all know," said Ms. Venable, "restrictions on marriage for young men in Rut are necessary safeguards to protect you when your season ends and you return to your normal states."

Jaime sighed. Chad pursed his lips. Abe scratched an itch in his armpit, prompting Stu to laugh which made Dean lick his lips. Forrest gazed out the window.

Ms. Venable noted each reaction with disdain. Her eyes narrowed, and she counted her tally again. "Where is the other one?" she asked. She placed a single finger behind one ear and pushed forward, to indicate Joey's jug ears.

"Oh yeah, Joey didn't feel so good," said Abe. "He's sleeping. Like morning sickness." Morning sickness indeed, thought Ms. Venable, knowing he was much to far in his pregnancy for that. She wondered what the brats were up to now.

At that very moment Joey walked the streets of the small downtown of Cody California. Cody was just a small town in which the greatest claims to fame were the Venable Home and a small boys college. But after so many weeks in the isolated Venable Home, even Cody felt like bustling metropolis to Joey, with its hardware and convenience stores and small restaurants.

His tight white tank top usually drew eyes to his muscled shoulders or bulging biceps, but in Cody all anyone looked at was his beach ball belly. It was easy to forget in the Home that even in Rut season, pregnant men were still rare in the world at large. Even if there were as many as five per thousand that would be practically none in Cody, outside the Home, Joey calculated. The college might have quite a few, since the Rut tended to show in college age athletes, but any knocked up jocks from the school would likely be on leave for a time.

He stopped at a fast food joint in the small college strip, The Cock & Bull, and surveyed the menu which was mostly configurations of meals of fried chicken and burgers. Even though it was summer, there were enough summer semester students to fill the seats, and Joey's eyes automatically scanned the crowd for Stags.

There were a lot of guys who looked the part with beefy shoulders and smirking faces, but Joey had no stronger physical reaction to any. Hell, if they were stags they'd have been after his tail the minute he walked in. It was the tall built guy behind the counter who got Joey's attention, clearly a college kid not a townie. Joey glanced at the name tag clipped to his thin t-shirt. Randy.

Randy looked down at Joey's belly, like everyone else in Cody, and then slowly up to his eyes. "Know what you want?" he asked.

"Yeah, a few cheeseburgers. Like... three," answered the pregnant Buck. But looking around he saw how small the burgers were, just little fast food bites, not the big ass burgers at the Home. "How many do you eat?"

"Two or three," shrugged Randy.

"Make it nine," said Joey. "Nine cheeseburgers."

Joey's chest ached as he watched Randy write the order and hand the ticket to the kitchen. His muscled arms flexed slightly as he tapped the cost into the register and his pecs rose as he told Joey the price. He didn't have the scent of a Stag, at least not yet.

Joey paid for the burgers and asked, "Hey, have you seen any... uh, guys? Like me?" He held his arm out to indicate his belly.

"Oh yeah," said Randy. "Little guy. Hard to miss." His eyes glanced again at Joey's belly "Always with the construction worker?"

"Do you know where I could find them?"

"I don't know man. Probably down in Elysian Fields neighborhood. A lot of single local guys live there."

"The what?" asked Joey. "Elysian Fields. Some old professor named half the streets."

"Huh, okay. Thanks," said Joey. Stay focused, he told himself. He looked at Randy again and inhaled. "See you around."

Joey walked to the Elysian Fields neighborhood Joey found rows of humble apartment buildings. They all looked identical, brick walled cubes with no street presence and small windows that revealed nothing. Less than humble, it seemed the best they could do on Brodie's pay doing construction in a small town.

He'd felt something missing ever since he saw Brodie take Lane away. Though he'd distracted himself with Abe and the other new guys, now being so close to Brodie's home that missing something grew into a pit so big Joey felt it swallowing him whole.

"Brodie, Brodie, Brodie," muttered Joey, "Where the fuck are you Brodie bro?"

Joey closed his eyes and simply breathed. He tried to put the scent of greasy cheeseburgers out of his mind. He pictured Brodie walking right into the Venable Home, jerking down his jeans and fucking Lane without giving a thought to anyone else there. What a fucking stud. Joey's cock strained against his shorts and oozed precum just from the memory.

Following nothing but his senses and intuition, Joey walked, eyes closed and cock first. He walked with one hand outstretched and the other on his belly until his impulse was to turn. He opened his eyes and saw number 632 Elysian Fields. It looked no different than any of the other non-descript buildings, but it felt different.

Joey had planned to play it cool. Offer the guys some burgers, see where he could get from there. But standing there Joey could almost taste Brodie's presence in the air. His eyes rolled back and the absence in him gaped. He looked up to the second story, and any cool evaporated.

"Brodie!" said Joey. The he wailed out loud. "BRODIE! HEY BRODIE!!!"

Joey's guts churned. He walked into the building on quaking legs, and like a bloodhound knew with certainty the precise door he was looking for. Without knocking he turned the knob and opened it, but the door opened only quarter inch, secured with a standard chain lock. "Brodie," moaned Joey. On the other side of the door he could hear wet smacking sounds that squelched any rational thoughts.

He rested beefy shoulder against the door and pushed until resistance stopped him. The door was cheap and hollow and the lock flimsy. He repositioned himself and threw his full weight at the door centered on his shoulder. He shoved once, twice and on the third time the chain lock jerked free and the door swung wide open.

Inside Lane was on his knees, his torso supported on his lean outstretched arms barely peeping his pregnant belly from scraping the floor. Behind him lost in a deep rut, Brodie slammed his fat cock deep into Lane again and again. He was oblivious to Joey's presence and even Lane's response, nearing a full on breeding.

Wordlessly, Joey dropped his backpack and the bag or burgers without a thought.

Lane was drenched in sweat as he took Stag cock deep in his guts, compressed from the pregnancy occupying his already small frame. He almost laughed through gritted teeth at the surprise of Joey, as he took slam after slam.

Continued exposure to Stu, combined with some regular ways to blow off steam, let Joey function reasonably in the presence of the Stag Buck. But being in the presence of a new Stag, and one in full rut, was more than Joey could take. He broke out into a sweat, and stripped off his tank, exposing his 8 month belly and his rock hard nipples.

He shoved a hand under his belly into his shorts that were slick with precum and ass secretions.

"Fuck meee," groaned Joey, feeling his anus swell and pulse at his fingertips. "Bro please."

Joey's belly and tits broke through Brodie's rut trance enough to get his attention. His mouth gaped open and his thrusts into Lane picked up speed. Sensing the distraction, Lane's body clamped down on Brodie's cock and slammed back against him. Lane himself was barely aware as his body sought primacy in the face of a challenger Buck.

Joey gave one of his pecs a rough squeeze, and a single bead of white fluid escaped his nipple, and ran down his pec and then his round belly in a thin streak. Brodie gasped and shook. He moaned and felt as his balls forced the start of a hot load into his Buck's tight hole. Lane too erupted, but his gushing cum was just ordinary, and he continued to take Brodie's Stag load long after his own was complete. Brodie's body dumped cum into Lane over the course of at least five minutes, enough to fill him and then gush out onto the floor.

While Brodie unloaded he looked at Joey's belly and tits with Rut-driven longing. But once his ejaculation began, he was locked in and couldn't separate from his Buck for anything. Finally he was left gasping and sweating, his thick muscular frame heaving as he dislodged his cock and nearly dropped to the floor.

"Oh my God," moaned Joey, his body trembling, nearing frustrated climax.

"Why are you here?" Brodie asked, panting. "Don't take him."

"Take...him?" asked Joey, jolted halfway out of his breeding stupor.

"He's not here for me, babe," said Lane. "He's here for you. He's next."

Joey eyed Brodie's stick half erection and nodded with desperation in his gaze.

"What?" asked Brodie, "I just... Fuck man..."

Even spent the call of a Buck eager to be bred was not easy to deny.

"Maybe in a while..."said Brodie, wiping the sweat from his brow with the side of his fist.

"I don't think he can wait a while," said Lane. "Look at him."

Joey swallowed hard and nodded. He yanked down his shorts and dropped them to the floor, freeing his cock. A thick strand of fresh lube oozed of out his rear and onto the floor beneath him.

"Brodie..." pleaded Joey, and knit his eyebrows together.

"Don't you want to fuck that big pregnant Buck?" Lane asked Joey.

"Every one of `em babe," Brodie laughed.

Joey turned his back to Brodie and arched his back. He pulled his cheeks apart to expose his swollen hole, saying "Come on bro, I'm so fucking ready."

A reluctant smile broke our across Brodie's boyish face and he crawled across the floor to take in Joey's musky scent. He inhaled right at Joey's hole and his cock bounced. "Fuck that's good," whispered the Stag. He caressed Joey's ass and slid his tongue into the Buck's wet hole.

"Oh yes," groaned Joey.

Lane watched smiling, and pulled a burger out of the bag Joey brought. He felt starved, and realized Brodie must be in worse shape after depositing a huge Stag load into him just a few minutes earlier. He licked a smear of ketchup off his thumb and held the other half of the burger out.

"Brodie," he said firmly, "EAT!"

Brodie was nearly hypnotized by Joey's hole, but turned his head at Lane's command. He half-heartedly took a bite, but as the meat and salt hit his mouth he felt his full hunger and wolfed down the rest, nearly biting Lane's finger too.

With food hitting his belly, Brodie's energy increased. He took on Joey's ass like a hungry man, biting the firm cheeks, lapping at the wet swollen hole and tongue fucking it hard. Joey sighed and dropped his elbows on the sofa, spreading his legs wide to give the Stag the greatest access. He could have gone on much longer but Joey groaned, "Get in me."

Brodie stood up and angled his foot long Stag cock at Joey's hole. He breathed deep and his balls churned, working to build another baby load. He'd never been hesitant to breed a Buck, but never bred two within an hour before either. He ran the back of a muscular forearm across his mouth, smearing Joey's lube, burger grease and ketchup across his face.

Lane watched with pride as Brodie began to sink his thick cock into Joey. He made the slide in long and slow, and Joey endured it with soft moans of relief. At full depth, Brodie began to withdraw, pulling almost entirely out and beginning the slow side in again.

"Don't pull out," pleaded Joey, "please don't."

"I'm in you bro," said Brodie, leaning down to kiss the back of Joey's shoulders, "I'm not going anywhere." Brodie wrapped a hand as far as he could around Joey's belly, held out his other hand and barked "BURGER."

Lane threw another and Brodie caught it without looking. As he continued to slowly pump his length into Joey, he ripped the paper wrapper off with his teeth and spat it out. He bit off half the burger in a single bite, mashed it and swallowed. He reached far to hold the other half near Joey's face. "Go on," he said to the Buck, "You'll need it."

Joey chewed on the burger as Brodie picked up his pace, fucking Joey so hard the sofa under him jerked back and forth. "You wanna get knocked up?" Brodie asked, as his whole body thrust hard into Joey/

"Put a baby in me," begged Joey. The impossibility of it did not dampen his desire but made it burn hotter in the pregnant Buck.

Brodie spun Joey around, twisting him sideways onto the sofa so he could see the massive belly full on, driving his cock deeper in and closer to the pregnancy. Knowing it wasn't his fueled his desire to breed the Buck, as if he could make it his with a strong enough loads.

But however hard he wanted it, Brodie's boy couldn't generate a load. He was in a full body sweat, and his pecs heaved as he struggled to keep his breath. "Fuck... FUCK!" he cursed.

"Let me ride you," groaned Joey.

Hard as it was to pull himself out of a Buck, even for a moment, Brodie complied. He felt twitchy everywhere and his balls hurt, as he dropped onto his back on the floor. His aching cock stood at full mast, still leaking a steady stream of precum.

Joey awkwardly contorted his body so he could position himself over Brodie, and slid down onto his cock, groaning as it sank into him to the root.

"Fuckkkk," groaned Brodie, as Joey began to ride him. He watched Joey's belly full of another Stag's fawn ride up and down, taking in his cock and begging for his seed.

Brodie ran a hand over Joey's swollen pecs and propped himself up on elbow so he could latch onto one of his tits. His shift in position drove his cock even deeper, and Joey's heaved with a mix of pain and pleasure. Brodie sucked hard, and tasted something sweet. A surge of warm liquid filled his mouth and he swallowed

"Ohmygod," Joey moaned, "My milk..."

Brodie sucked harder, greedily gulping down Joey's milk by the mouthful. Lane watched in shock and whispered "Holy fuck!"

Joey shook and gasped with every mouthful the Stag sucked out of him. His hole contracted around the bone hard erection filling him, and his own cock began to spurt stream streams of cum. He groaned loud as the Stag erection in him shoved the cum out, and the milk was sucked from his tits.

"Breed meee..." he begged, as Brodie pumped into him with new vigor.

Without a word Brodie rolled Joey off of him, and shoved him down on the floor, with little regard for his swollen belly, his knees or anything but his Buck hole. Brodie shoved into Joey hard, and with the milk taste still in his mouth went full Stag, fucking like an animal in heat. He was all muscle and sweat and teeth and balls, taking this Buck as his own.

"Fuck yeah," said Lane, fingering his own hole to touch what remained of Brodie's last load. "You're the biggest fucking Stag I've ever seen."

Brodie glanced at Lane and his sweet hole, and his body distorted with Brodie's fawn. His humping was faster and harder as his body tried to make another baby."

"Do it," said Lane, "You've had this date coming a long time."

Brodie began to breathe hard and his body seized up as his balls struggled to push out a load. His dry pumping continued until at last the semen surged out of him, filling the hole of the Buck under him. He moaned as his cock pumped out load after load into Joey, until the seed spilled out in thick gushes.

For long minutes after he was done, Brodie lie on top of Joey, breathing hard and kissing the back of his neck and shoulders. Beneath him Joey laughed and almost cried tears of gratitude and relief.

As the two recovered, they crawled apart and sat on the floor.

"So you live here now," said Joey to Lane, looking around at the flimsy doors and counters and threadbare furniture.

"It's not exactly the Venable Home," said Lane, "But yeah." He turned to smile at Brodie and added, "I love it."

Brodie looked at Joey with soft eyes and said, "Room for one more, bro."

Joey stopped chewing and asked, "The three of us?"

Brodie nodded yes, and Lane did too.

"Yeah," said Joey. "Fuck yeah!"

Brodie leaned over to kiss Joey and then Lane. "Welcome home," he said and kissed Joey again.

They all laughed and moved in closer together on the floor.

Back at the home Abe showed Forrest and Dean the Venable Home gym.

"They say state of the art," scoffed Abe, "But I've seen better." He popped a bicep just for fun, and looked to see if the new guys noticed.

"Are you guys..." began Forrest, "are you going to use the pain meds?"

"For what?" asked Dean.

"For delivery!" gasped Forrest.

"Not me," said Abe. "They say when you deliver you blow the biggest load of your life. I'm not missing out on that." He cupped his crotch and his cock stiffened. "Specially with twins. Ought to set a record."

"I don't give a fuck," shrugged Dean.

"You will," said Forrest, glancing at Dean's nearly flat belly. "You're not even showing yet."

Dean slyly looked at Abe, whose hand was still on his erection. "Hey bro, I could help you out with that."

Abe chuckled and said "About fucking time, buddy."

The football stud began to undo his shorts when he heard a familiar throat clearing behind him.

Ms. Venable stood at the back of the gym, with her usual stern demeanor.

"I will need to see YOU in my office," she said, nodding at Dean.

"Aw fuck," Dean muttered as he turned to exit the gym.

"You other two, up to dinner," added Ms. Venable. "Immediately."

As she turned to follow Dean out, Abe sighed.

"Too bad," commiserated Forrest.

"Whatever," said Abe. "It's cool. Tomorrow is Sunday Stu."


Next: Chapter 5

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