The Rut

By Boy Mercury X

Published on Sep 23, 2017


This story is a fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between men. It is intended for adults only.

Copyright, Boy Mercury X, 2017.

This story involves mpreg, male pregnancy, and is inspired by lively chat with Nifty published writer a4f101. I look forward to his take on the topic, which will blow us all away. This story is dedicated to him, in gratitude for being the best kind of bro.

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THE RUT PART 5, SUNDAY STU by Boy Mercury X, dedicated to af4101

"How do they eat so much?" Ms. Venable asked the universe, running her eyes over the ledger.

"Growing boys eating for two!" answered Mrs. Crist, the cook, not looking up from her meal prep. "And the big blond one, eating for three they say!"

"Mmm," mused Ms. Venable. "When the Home had girls the meals cost a fourth or less."

"The girls wanted to look as small as little birds!" laughed Mrs. Crist.

"Yes, but not these beasts," groaned Ms. Venable. "Their protein demands alone are ruinous."

Jamie appeared in the kitchen, somewhat startled to see Ms. Venable there.

"Morning Ms. V!" he said, with feigned cheer.

"Pickle jar's on the counter!" announced Mrs. Crist.

"Thanks Mrs. C!" chirped Jamie as he laid hands on a gallon size jar of dill pickles. On his way out he made a stop at the kitchen refrigerator, which shut with a dull thud as he made his exit.

"Pickles?" asked Ms. Venable.

"Yes ma'am. The young Stag Buck, ma'am. Can't get enough. Goes through a jar every week, right as rain."

Ms. Venable considered this. Novel clients create novel costs. The man mountain and his twins required special medical monitoring. The Stag Buck created a pheromone furor among the other Bucks, as well as his pregnancy cravings. And now there was now the military boy and his deception. She pursed her lips hard in anticipation of the military escorts coming to take Dean away.

In the dining room, the Venable Home residents were, for once, interested in the very same topic as Ms. Venable herself.

"I KNEW that army dude was not knocked up!" bellowed Abe, "WHOOOO CALLED IT!"

"Man shut the fuck up - no one knew," groaned Chad.

"Fuck," added Abe, pointing upstairs, "That dude's belly is FLAT."

"How'd he trick the army?" asked Forrest, hoping no one would doubt his own pregnancy since he arrived on the same day as Dean.

"He says he switched tests with a Buck who got knocked up," Chad answered. "Both named Dean I guess. Other guy wanted to stay in the service as long as he could, even a couple of weeks."

"Getting some Navy dick!" roared Abe. "Fuck man that must be sweet!"

"And I guess this other Dean wasn't exactly set up to come to a place like this," added Chad, rubbing his fingers together to signal dollars. "He'll have to go to a DINK."

"What's a DINK?" asked Forrest.

"Some kind of military home for knocked up dudes. It's a nickname. Dudes In Need of Kindergarten," said Chad. "Anyway, they're sending military escort to pick him up and take him back."

"He's not even a Buck?" asked Forrest.

"Guess not," said Chad. "He says he is, but doesn't test."

Chad silently recalled that on their picnic Stu fucked Dean, which he shouldn't have done because Stags only fuck Bucks. But then later Stu said he didn't smell right. So even the Stag Buck's senses had been confused.

"Fuck man, dude ate half the whole breakfast this morning," complained Abe, wrapping a beefy arm around his beachball belly. "That's for real Bucks. Bucks knocked up with twins!" Abe hoisted his huge belly, bigger already than those of Bucks further along.

jamie came spinning around the corner with the gallon size jar of pickles and a spray can of whipped cream, a wide smile on his face. "Get your jocks on boys!" he said.

"Fuck yeah!" said Chad, seeing the pickles. "Sunday Stu!"

jamie spun on his heels to make his way to the gym in the basement of the Home, with Chad and Abe close behind. Forrest tried to catch up, yelling "What's Sunday Stu?"

"Best day of the week, noob!" yelled Abe over his shouted over his shoulder. "Gonna breed a Stag Buck!"


Randy woke up hungry as fuck. He looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed his pecs seemed bigger and harder, and everything smelled stronger. He put on a t shirt, jock strap and gym shorts, and had to double check that it was really his jock because it felt so tight.

On the way to the gym, he looked again in the kitchen for anything to eat. He found a dozen frozen burritos, the ones his roommate Cam always ate. He heated them two at a time and ate them each one after another.

He jogged to the gym, but has to keep tugging at his crotch. His dick was big enough for his jock to be snug anyway, but this discomfort was new. Fuck it, he thought, reaching down his shorts front to pull his cock and balls out of the jock pouch to hang free. God that feels good, he thought.

Opening the door to the gym Randy was hit was a heady wave of hunger as the scent of mansweat hit his nose. What the fuck, he wondered. It filled his stomach and groin with a sensation somewhere between nausea and orgasm.

His eyes scanned the room, and he saw every guy as if for the first time. Their bodies looked so... good. Man, when did guys get so hot? How did he never notice before. His stomach churned and he passed a little gas. To his surprise it felt more wet than he expected, and his asshole pulsed in a satisfying way.

"There you are bro," said Cameron, playfully punching Randy's shoulder. "Would've waited for you but it was getting late. Figured you were hung over or had a babe in your room."

Cameron's touch triggered Randy's cock to full on erection and a surge of precum that stained the front of his gym shorts.

"You okay dude?" asked Cameron, noticing the dazed look on Randy's face.

"Yeah," muttered Randy. "I just really want to... fuck. But, like, I don't know if I want to fuck you or get fucked by you."

Cameron cocked his head at Randy and asked, "Bro?"


Stag Bucks had long baffled evolutionary scientists and other students of The Rut. While it made a perverse sense that Stags bred Bucks to produce offspring, there was no understanding of the existence of Stag Bucks which did both. It was only known that Stag Bucks were irresistible to both Stags and Bucks, and in their rarity a compelling and confounding topic of study.

Only the second Stag Buck resident in the history of the Venable Home, Stu was most at home in the gym, and spent more time in it than any other two boys combined. That time showed in a singular physique. Even in a household of young muscle jocks, Stu's ass was the most perfectly round, his biceps and shoulders the most peaked. His full belly was even higher and tighter than typical, and his thick pecs even more pronounced than typical for a Buck, or in his case a Stag Buck.

After his first hour in the gym he stopped to take a visual inventory in the mirrored wall, running through his builder poses. He wore just a jockstrap, the most comfortable thing ever invented for a knocked up jock, even though his Stag sized cock required a bigger pouch. He started with front double biceps, front lat spread and side chest. He'd built up so much from his swim team days, the Rut giving him the best chest gainz ever. He was about to shift into back double biceps when his nose caught a distinct smell.


He dropped his pose and started sniffing around. Pickles were the the one craving he developed since getting knocked up. There was only one thing better than pickles, he thought, and that was pickles with...

Shhhhhhhhhkchhhhhhhhh - the sound of whipped cream spray.

Stu looked around eagerly for the source of his favorite sound. It was only since getting knocked up that he care about pickles or whipped cream. But fuck, he could not get enough.

"Hey Stu," called Jamie from the stairwell. Beside him was Chad, Forrest and Abe, each on just a jockstrap under their pregnant bellies, and each with a dripping pickle. Abe also wore an oversized football jersey. His jock was dropping pickle juice, and he held the gallon jar hoisted on a shoulder.

"Hey Stu buddy," said Abe in his gravelly voice, "want somma this?"

"Mmmm," groaned Stu, nodding yes as he watched the juice drip from Abe's saturated jock.

"Sunday Stu rules," said Chad. "Stag Buck gets all the pickles he can eat. We get tits, ass, cock, whatever - but don't let the Stag cum till last."

Chad looked around and everyone nodded yes.

"What're we waiting for?" thundered Abe. "Let's fuck!"


Brodie could have easily lead the way up the path, but he trailed behind his pregnant Bucks, knowing the hike was harder for them. Stronger and longer legged, Joey easily outpaced Lane, but kept an even pace to minimize the distance.

Near the top of highest peak the three stopped for a breather. They turned to look at the view of Cody. To one side they could see the small town where they lived in its most humble neighborhood. To another they could see the magnetic rock formations near the swimming quarry, and a little further the isolated Venable Home.

As Lane looked wistfully at the Home, Brodie pulled up close to him and asked, "Sorry I took you away?"

"Fuck no," answered Lane. "Just remembering that you did." He kissed Brodie hard on the mouth, their tongues wrestling, and then softly to quick pecks.

Brodie turned away only to find Joey bind him, meeting his mouth with another kiss, hot and wet.

"Mmmm, how'd I get so lucky," Brodie asked, sandwiched between his fawn laden Bucks. Lane's belly filled in the arch of his back, and his hands rested on Joey's, as something tapped his palm.

"Did you feel him kick?" Joey asked.

"He knows his daddy," Brodie said, which made Joey look down shyly.

"I don't care who put him in you," Brodie continued, "he's mine now."

Joey wrapped his fingers through Brodie's brown curls and pulled him in for another kiss, while Lane hugged him from behind. They stood in the morning sun until they became restless.

"Just a little ways to the top," Brodie said, pointing to the peak. "Are you guys good? Do you need to go back to the car?"

"Fuck no," said Lane. "I'm going all the way."

"I want to see what's next," said Joey.

Brodie looked warmly at his Bucks and nodded. "Me too."


In his room, Dean was up on hands and knees in his bed. The escorts would be there soon to take him back to the Navy. But he could barely think of that, breathing heavily and dewy with sweat.

"I'm a Buck," he grunted through gritted teeth, swaying back and forth. "I'm a Buck."

His hips writhed and his ass pucker contracted and expanded.

"I'm. A. Buck," he said more intently.

His ass spasmed and he felt something slick and wet ooze down from his hole to drip off his balls into the mattress below.

His breathing became more rapid and Dean shuddered.

He became very still, braced himself and yelled out a single sound: "STUUUUUUUU!!!!"

Two minutes later his door burst open, shoved by a frantic Stu. His eyes were locked on Dean's upturned ass to the exclusion of all else.

"Fuckkkkk," groaned Stu. His cock was rigid and swollen as he neared the new Buck.

"Whoa," said Jamie, as he followed in, with Chad, Forrest and Abe piling in next to him.

Stu grabbed Dean's white thighs and jerked them back suddenly so he fell onto his belly. Stu pulled Dean's ass open and sighed as the scent of his natural lube rose up. His cock was at its full length and gushing lube.

"Stuuuuu," moaned Dean, arching his back.

Stu obliged, beginning the long sink into Dean and rolling into a hard fuck. Dean thrust his hips back hard at every stroke, gasping in pain and relief at every hit.

"Nooo," groaned Abe, his erection oozing from a brief dip into Stu. "I was so close!"

Although Jamie, Chad and Forrest had all just cum in the Stu, the sight and pheromonal release of a Stag Buck plowing a new Buck overwhelmed them, bringing them to full erection with holes oozing lubricant.

"He's not even a Buck!" complained Abe.

"Looks like he is after all," answered Chad, hypnotized by Stu's hard rolling fuck. "Just came on a little bumpy I guess."

"It's so hot," whispered Forrest. "He's really going to breed him.

"It's how we all got here," said Jamie. "But yeah... so fucking hot."

"Fuck it," bellowed Abe, "I'm doing it!"

He stripped off his football jersey, full exposing his massive twin-laden belly, and stroked his cock to draw out more lubricating precum as he approached Stu from behind.

Stu's hips rolled as his slammed Dean fast and hard, but Abe was big enough and strong enough to pull him back and shove his own erection into the Stag Buck. Stu seemed oblivious, intent as he was on breeding a new Buck.

"HOLY FUCK!" shouted Abe, as his cock plowed into Stu, mucky with Jamie, Forrest and Chad's loads already in him. "I never knew...."

Stu picked up speed, his Stag cock fucking Dean while his Buck ass milked Abe.

"Oh my God," whispered Chad, mesmerized by the most intense breeding he'd ever seen.

Abe threw all his weight into a piledrive into Stu's ass, muttering "Oh fuck baby, yeah take that baby making cock."

Abe breathed rapidly and lurched hard as he shot his load into Stu, punching the Stag Buck's prostate so hard that Stu erupted in Dean, filling with with a flood of Stag cum. Dean shook and shot his own load, braying and whining.

As Abe was just finishing, Stu's Stag breeding was just beginning. His muscles locked except for his grinding hips, pumping balls and Stag cock, and his hole pulsing around Abe's semi.

Abe quickly shifted from orgasmic high to seizing, as his sensitive cock was relentlessly milked by Stu's ass.

"OH FUCK," begged Abe, trembling from head to toe, "make him stop!"

No one made a move, because in addition to being entranced everyone knew there was no stopping a Stag in the act of breeding. Abe's cock was was locked in Stu for the five minutes or more of his unloading, and there was nothing to do about it.

But as Stu ground his load even deeper into Dean, pumping more and more into the Buck until the cum gushed out of his swollen hole, the pheromone flood and pumping motion got to Abe. His cock freshly hard, he wrapped his hands around Stu's chest and started pounding him again.

"Oh baby," Abe roared, pummeling Stu, his cock gushing in his own load and the cum dumped by the other boys back in the gym.

"Ever see this before?" Jamie asked Chad, groping at his erection.

"Hell no," mumbled Chad, his own cock hard as steel again, and oozing.

"TOUCHDOWN BABY!" roared Abe, as his pounding became frenzied, "TOUCHDOWN!"

Abe grunted hard and popped off another load in Stu, forcing cum out of the Stag Buck's worn hole. Abe's thrusts eased and he dropped his weight on Stu, and in turn Dean, burying him under their combined weight.

Stu giggled and tenderly kissed Dean's neck and head, his semi still oozing inside his new Buck's cum filled hole.

"Get this asshole off me," Stu groaned, trying to lift himself off of Dean.

Chad and Jamie pulled Abe up to his feet where he staggered. Stu slowly slid his length out of Dean, but snuggled against him to take in his Buck scent.

"Did you see that?" Abe asked, "Two fucking loads! CRUSHED IT!"

"I saw you about get killed," laughed Chad.

"It's like I made that baby," Abe said. "It was like fucking LIGHTNING man, right out of my balls through Stu into the Buck."

"Kind of like we all did," said Jamie. "We were all in Stu when it happened."

"Wow," whispered Forrest. "Now what?"

"I have an idea," said Stu, coming back to himself after his animal breeding of Dean. "Let's fuck!"


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