The Setup

By Superfry

Published on Nov 1, 2009


The Setup III by Superfry

This is the final installment of The Setup, where I come to realize the inevitability of my situation. They say that the last stage of a crisis is acceptance, and once that is obtained, there is certain liberation (or at least I can hope that there is). Thus far, my choices were all hard: either continue sucking cocks for Jessica, my ex-girlfriend, of have her share the pictures of me blowing the first guy all around, utterly wrecking my public life, or lock my penis up in an inescapable chastity device, thereby suffering in private. I simply couldn't bare the public humiliation, or to blow another of her asshole boyfriends, so I chose the last option. But my small victory seems hollow, and now I'm even more worried than I was before, because the trend shows that for every move I make, my bitch of an ex seems to always be one step ahead of me... and she has proved to be more devious that I ever thought was possible.


The first month in the steel tube was agonizing. I tried to pull it off, pick the lock, hacksaw the steel, and I even called the manufacturer to see if there was some secret security flaw that I might exploit (they laughed at me). None of my attempts to get out of the device were successful, and I was getting more and more frustrated every day. But at least I had the satisfaction of escaping my new career as my ex-girlfriend's fluffer, at least in the near future. Even chaste and trapped in steel, I was resolute and focused; no matter what, I'd never blow another guy for her again. I had to maintain that small piece of dignity.

Like she had promised, at the end of the first month, Jessica called me, offering me a chance to blow her guy and be unlocked. Though my balls throbbed, my knees were weak, and my spine tingled from a month without an orgasm, I firmly said no to her taunting request. She just laughed, saying that she'll check back in another month, saying also that my resistance is futile, and that my ultimate surrender is inevitable. I shivered, because in my mind, I conceded that she just may be right

During the second month, my body and mind were really starting to quiver. I could barely sleep and needed to get off something fierce. I was near sheer desperation, and began to think that sucking cock "wasn't so bad". I still haven't dated in almost a year, and sexually, I was a confused mush. I had considered every strategy, and figured that even if I blow her men, there was no guarantee that she'll let me out of this evil contraption, but sucking cock seemed to be my only hope, slim as it may be. Realizing that, in a burst of 110% desperation, I spent another half of a day trying to freeze the steel, in hopes that it might break easier, with no success. I cried myself to sleep.

Then, like clockwork after the second month, she called again, offering my familiar options. Again, I declined, and she said, "So be it my little cock sucker. I can wait as long as you can. Maybe next month you'll have a change of heart? Bye love." And as soon as she hung up the phone, I knew already that next month I'll do it. I WILL suck cock for her. I'll need to. I need to now actually! I simply cannot take anymore time without some relief. My breathing was heavy as the acceptance, scary as it was, crept into my mind.


But a funny thing happened when she checked in after the third month. Somehow I had found a second wind, and refused her yet again.

"So you are declining me again," she said. "You know, I am really beginning to lose patience with you. All of your stupid bitchiness is really annoying. The game is already over, and I have won, so why don't you recognize that fact?"

"I know, but I just cannot go through with it again," I replied, a bit sad to disappoint her, realizing that feeling was quite odd.

This time with an angry edge, she said, "But don't you like it even a little bit, deep down... sucking cock for me? Don't you find if erotic to be so intimate with such a taboo thing? Don't you just love the feeling of a large, stiff, warm, throbbing dick pushing its way past your lips, using you, demanding its own satisfaction? I think that you do, even if you won't admit it to me, or yourself. But in time you will. I know this with all of my heart, and sweetie, I'm much, much smarter than you."

"Well... I don't know... I...," I stammered.

"OK, OK, OK, suit yourself sweetie," she said. "In fact, I kind of like your strong resistance. It'll only make my accomplishment that much more impressive when I finally do break you, and I will. But you should know, because you are such a bitch, I'm changing the terms of the deal. If you do not blow my guy now, I WILL share the pictures, or else take something else from you. I'm offering you another choice."

Shocked, amazed, defeated, yet with a shred of hope, I said, "Why? What is my choice?"

"I want a contact list - emails, phone numbers, and names - of all of your other ex-girlfriends... or else the pictures will be going far and wide," she said with a smirk.

"Why in the world would you want that?" I asked, surprised.

She went on, "Well, I want to talk to them, and explain you new humiliating situation. I want to see how you treated them and ask them if there is anything they might want from you now. I think if possible, you should make amends with them all, no matter if you broke it off with them, or they dumped your ass. I'm sure that most of them might be quite amused to hear how their ex-boyfriend now spends his time. Girls always love a little payback (there is a little thing called the battle of the sexes, which you happen to be losing big time these days sweetie), and why should I alone get to have all of the fun? So it's either the list, or the pictures go to you dad, mom, brothers, coworkers, neighbors, and all over the internet; the choice, again, is yours."

It was a no brainier, and I spent that week compiling (with dread), a list of my last five lovers, while still suffering and melting into a chaste pathetic puddle of horniness inside the device.


"So sweetie, I had the most marvelous time ever, chatting with your ex's," she said, after calling me. "They are a great group of women and I got along very well with each of them. And they LOVE what I'm doing to you! I mean, they really, really love it, which surprised even me. When I explained your predicament, and your willingness to get so easily trapped, it occurred to each of them that your new lifestyle fits you well. They saw it in you, even if they didn't realize it while dating you. But they are all over pleased that I'm helping you find your true self, and though they each have great boyfriends now, they also unanimously wanted to help your cause. None of them hold any real grudges against you, but at the same time, they realize that the medicine you need may not always be the medicine you want, and they are willing to help you."

Shoulders slumping, I replied a bit agitated, "So when can I get out of this damned chastity device?"

"Now, now," she said, "we have all discussed that, and have come to a consensus over lunch. I, being the leader of the group, have decided that I will release you temporarily if you either blow my guy, or get straight A grades from all of you ex's. You see, they each have ideas to help your mind transition from silly resistance toward full enthusiastic acceptance, and so you will be `studying' under each of them, so to speak. They've all worked out a schedule and plan to share you between them. You'll be assigned various fitting tasks, and after a month, if you receive straight A's, I'll let you have an orgasm; else, you can try harder next month, or of course, blow my guy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I guess so," I replied. "But will I have to suck any cock for THEM in order to get released?"

"Well no, I don't think so, at least not now," she said. "The girls will be contacting you shortly. I suggest that you bend over backwards trying to please them. They deserve it, and your orgasmic future depends on it."


And so it went, me being a humiliated chaste slave, rotated between my recent ex-girlfriends. Though there was a certain refreshing feel in the familiar faces of my ex lovers, the humiliation of them seeing me this way was devastating, but what could I do? My predicament seemed inescapable, and my only option for now was to play along, and hope for a better future.

On Monday's after work, I'd show up to Jennifer's place. She was an athletic 5'11" brunette who eventually dumped me for a more athletic stud (with a bigger cock no doubt). She wanted to see my trapped penis, and laughed hard when she did. She confessed that she always thought that I was way too small, and had to dump me because of it, though at the time, she never wanted to hurt my feelings. But now... given my obvious aptitude for such things, she has no qualms about speaking her mind... and making demands of her less than satisfying ex-lover. She is a busy professional, and it was her idea to have me serve as her maid, saying that it would soften up my resistance to other things. Did I have a choice? So each Monday, I would clean her place from top to bottom, while she lounged around, dressed scantily, often talking and laughing about her new maid to her girlfriends, or her boyfriend, on the phone. Laundry, vacuuming, dusting, dishes... it was all very tiring, but her demands could have been worse, I reasoned, as I claimed a small victory.

My Tuesday evenings where spent at Katie's, the youngest and prettiest of my ex's - a raven-haired vixen. She was a little more aggressive with her demands, and initially, I balked hard, though I came around after quickly realizing the futility of it all. She demanded that I do everything possible to make myself appear more feminine! She said that since I'm a cocksucker without a functioning cock of my own, it is my duty to become more appealing to men; that it's really my only alternative in life. And so she had me shave my body, legs, arms, face... everything, and keep it shaved. Even the slightest stubble would result in failing grades, she laughed. And soon enough, she also had me practicing with makeup after getting my ears pierced (which I initially strongly protested against). Next I was told to purchase an assortment of female undergarments and clothes, and shoes. And toward the end of the month, I could apply pink shiny lip gloss and dark mascara expertly, though my hands never ceased to quiver. For this month's final exam, she told me that I'd need to get a modest but feminine manicure and pedicure, and be able to stride confidently in 4" heels. And so I did spend time at home practicing, well, that is before Jennifer found out about my feminizing and started demanding that I dress up like a proper maid while serving her on Mondays. My God, what has become of my life!

Thursdays I was to report to Julie's place where her course was simple and to the point: I was to perfect my oral techniques, alternating sessions between her pussy and her strap-on dildo that she often forced down my throat while I kneeled before her. I enjoyed the physical contact, though her pussy was often swollen and sloppy, no doubt from a recent pounding by her boyfriend. I tried not to think that there may be some lingering cum inside of her, as I sucked and licked for hours on end, yet the though did creep in. Even though my penis remained locked away and severely useless for several months, I was beginning to feel a bit of normalcy with it all. I think that my sex drive had diminished some, or at least I was feeling very much less studly. My diminished masculine drive helped me cope, yet recognizing that worried me; was I truly being reprogrammed? I guess that time will tell, as if I have a choice anyway.

Fridays I was simply required to take Amber and her girlfriends out to the clubs, and be their designated driver and escort. I spent many hours in the car, butt plug and panties in place (as had been her demand), waiting to take home a group of beautiful, drunk young women who all giggled ferociously at my state of frustrated and pathetic servitude. After dropping them off, I'd get home at 3 am, exhausted and crash immediately, my mind and body permanently numbed.

But after the relative ease of Fridays, Saturdays were by far the worst. Elizabeth was the most invasive with her desired "training" methods. She got word from Katie about my feminization and took it to the next step, through slowly and steadily fucking my ass with her strap-on, all the while making me moan, whine, and beg for more. She just laughed, occasionally smacking and kneading my ass cheeks. It was utterly humiliating. Dressed in a skirt, panties, bra, stockings, heels, and a wig, with full makeup, she'd do me doggie style... each Saturday evening. She'd comment on how great this all was. And how she never let me fuck her anally, or even doggie style, yet here she was, totally owning my ass, and loving every second, while I could not even get off. I dripped pre-cum the whole time, but never came, though sometimes I felt close. And my ass was usually sore until the next Wednesday, but it was becoming more accustomed to the stretching. And honestly, the rhythmic penetration didn't feel that bad. In fact, given my chaste situation (beggars cannot be choosers after all) the contact felt rather enjoyable, though I'd never admit that to any of my tormentors.

And so, with my fevered horniness pushing farther and farther past red-line, this routine continued on for a month. Early on, I had decided that I should try my best to please them all, potentially earning my freedom. And as the day gets closer, I can only hope for a good report card from my instructors.


When the big day came and I was shocked to find out that I had received straight C's, and would not be getting out this month, unless of course, I wanted to give a nice, juicy, enthusiastic blowjob to my ex's newest stud...

"But I did everything they asked, to perfection," I pleaded to Jessica.

"Yes," she said with a huge grin, "but everybody knows that just doing the minimum only earns an average grade. To get higher grades, you need to show initiative, and go well beyond the minimum expectations. And to get A's, well, let's just say that you need to be spectacular in your efforts."

I was crushed, and sat silent.

"I'll try harder next month," I said solemnly, shaking from my permanent fever of horniness.

And I did try harder, oh did I try hard!

I began giving them all foot and back massages at the conclusions of our sessions. I subscribed to women's fashion magazines in order to study the latest styles. I bought an assortment of makeup and experimented on my own, each time showing up with new colors and perfume. My cross dressing was becoming quite good. I could strut effortlessly in heels and had some great dangly hoop earrings which moved about just so while vacuuming. I cleaned their vehicles. I blew their strap-ons with reckless abandon, and was even able to impress by deep-throating (after many hours practicing alone at home). I asked, no I begged, to have my ass fucked with an even larger dildo. And I never complained once, about anything. In fact, I was becoming accustomed to the routine, almost hypnotized by it, reveling in it. If anything it was an escape and after so long, the escape was all I knew. I couldn't even remember my former self, and my foggy arousal was endless. My resistance was nearly gone.

My second report card was better but also disappointing; there would be no release for me this month. At the news, I openly cried and fell to my knees begging Jessica to release me, saying that I'll do anything.

"Anything...," she asked, with a knowing, victorious smile.


Going into the third month I knew deep down that no matter how well I perform, the girls are not going to let me out of the device. I believed fully that my only hope was to beg Jessica to let me blow her guys, and maybe, just maybe, she'd honor the original deal and let me out.

I was ruined, defeated, and in full acceptance of my destiny. It wouldn't be so bad. In fact, I had a stirring feeling that was becoming more and more prevalent; I actually wanted to suck cock. The contact and intimacy would be most welcomed, and truthfully, after all I have been through, it seems quite natural and even sexy.

And so, again going above and beyond all expectations, in addition to serving my ex's as I am, I began begging each of them to find me a guy to blow! If I was ever going to get out of this device, full committed enthusiasm was necessary. I pleaded and explained how I actually want it now, and even need it. I explained how I've been keeping my hands extra soft and moisturized, to enhance the pleasure I might someday give to a man... how I'm more attentive all the way around, and eager to please... how I've come to crave being used... and how I've been dreaming of sucking cock most every night, only to wake feeling so empty.

Word got back to Jessica, and she was over pleased!

"Oh sweetie, I'm so glad that you've finally come around and embraced your true self," she said, beaming. "This is really a rebirth for you, and you should be very proud and excited. I am."

"Yes, I suppose that you have won," I said. "You knew my true self and what I needed, even if I didn't all of this time. I guess that I do owe you a huge debt of gratitude. So thank you. I have to say, this was all very... exciting, if painful at times. Now, when can I get my hands on that stud of yours?"

"Excellent," she giggled. "Well the girls are now gathering some cocks for you to blow. I guess Katie has a lot of gay guy friends and so does Jennifer. And the others are trying as well. But again, your chance with my man only comes around once a month, so you have another three weeks to wait before I give you the opportunity to endorse my guy, and earn your release. In the mean time, enjoy yourself with the guys that the girls are rounding up for you. I'll want to hear all about it!"


And the girls came through. I had frequent blow job dates; sometimes me going to meet the guys at their places, or sometimes me blowing them in front of my ex's, who all seemed to enjoy the sight immensely. Most of the guys preferred me to act and look feminine, so that was no problem given my recent education, yet it was still humiliating on many levels.

And I sucked like an eager champion. I really got into it, and even (I must admit), came to enjoy it. Of course I was still chaste and horribly horny and unsatisfied, which only seemed to drive me harder to perform. The contact, even homosexual contact which previously repulsed me, was a beautiful thing, and for the first time, I felt some sexual satisfaction.

Then the call came, again, like clockwork. It was Jessica, and she asked me how my month went. I explained how I've given a number of blow jobs to a number of men, and how I loved every second of it. She was ecstatic, and invited me over to sample her stud that night.


Anticipating my release from chastity, I hurried over to Jessica's, ready and eager to do my duty and endorse her current stud. By this time, I felt like a pro, and made quick work of him, as he moaned and enjoyed my efforts, while Jessica watched the action from across the room, with a full wicked smile. As he was getting close to cumming (I was an expert now at recognizing the increased vigor and throbbing seconds before a man's climax), I stopped suddenly and said, "Please cum all over my face! I need to be coated with your delicious sperm...please do it for me!"

And he did, stroking just a bit, and blasting my lips, nose, eyes, and hair with a huge load of his hot white cum. And sitting there before him as he forcefully grabbed my now longish, almost girly hair, I proceeded too rub it around on my face, scooping some of it into my mouth where I savored the flavor.

And Jessica cheered me on, and clapped.

"Oh you are the most perfect bitch of an ex-boyfriend that any girl could ever have!" she said with pure lust and sure dominance.

To which I replied, "Well thank you, and thank you for sharing this tremendous specimen of a cock with me. You are truly lucky to have access to such a beast. I am jealous, and FULLY endorse him as your lover!"

And as I sat on the floor, a bit disheveled with his cum drying on my face and with my hint of mascara and lip gloss running and smudged, I glanced down at my crotch and then looked at her, with a hopeful pleading in my eyes.

"Yes, about that..." she started. "The good news is that I no longer have any desire to keep you locked up, or to continue training you. You have graduated as far as I'm concerned; you are now a licensed cock-sucker. The score is final and I have beaten you fully. You are my bitch and will always know that I am the women who `ruined' you, though I prefer to call it liberation. Oh and just so you know, I did get this last session on tape, but truthfully, I have no desire to share it with anyone; it will just be my little reminder, my trophy after such a long contest of wills. Please know that I will not blackmail you, ever. I have attained my prize and am totally satisfied. But that is not to say that everyone is satisfied."

"Thank you, but what do you mean that not everyone is satisfied? Do the girls want me too continue on?" I said.

"Well yes, some of the girls do. I mean a good maid is hard to find, but that is between you and them to work out. But it is Jake, you know, the fabulous gay man with the extra large cock who's been taking a special interest in you, who's had you blow him much more than any of the other guys; his desires are the issue here. You see, he has convinced me that he wants to marry you, to make you his exclusive bitch, and after hearing his plans, I just had to give him the key to your chastity device."

"What? Why? How?" I stammered.

"Well in California, homosexual men can marry each other," she said, "and he does want to make you his wife. And I simply LOVE the idea of being in your wedding party; along with your other ex's who've already given this union their full blessing. It'll be so much fun being your bride's maids, sending you off on your honeymoon. Oh don't look so sad or worried. He said that once you are married and he's consummated the union, he'll release you permanently from you device, though if you misbehave anytime later, he reserves the right to put you back in, as punishment. I think the whole idea is fabulous, wonderful, and very fitting. You'll have direct access to as much cock as you could ever want. How wonderful for you!"


And so my fate was sealed, and I no longer cared about being humiliated publicly, or anything at all, except expertly sucking cock (which now dominate most every aspect of my life) and finally getting an orgasm (hoping that my long soft cock will still function when the day comes).

The girls were all giddy and enthusiastically helped me prepare for my wedding. I had moved in with Jake and now blow him eagerly and often, while maintaining my androgynous yet femme appearance just the way he likes it. It's funny, but of all the feminine things that I've been doing, I find that wearing my slim diamond engagement ring makes me feel the most girlish and vulnerable, and owned.

The wedding is in two months, and I cannot wait (to get out of this damned device). Getting ass-fucked, providing endless blowjobs, and changing my last name to his, will all be just a small price to pay for even a single orgasm. Desperation makes a person do previously unthinkable things. But sometimes desperation can be a useful motivator to find new, glorious paths, and I owe all of my success to Jessica, who will be attending my wedding as my most beloved maid of honor.

Thank you Jessica, for never giving up on me!

*** The End ***

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