The Sex Bus Journey

By anand bakshi

Published on Apr 8, 2005



Just after being introduced to the many ways of gay world, one queer night i submit myself to an enlightening experience in a strange encounter. That night I was travelling in a bus to another city from chennai. The buses usually are two seaters. I was sitting by the right window in the last row of the bus. A man in his early fifties came and sat next to me. He is stoic. A serious looking face. I thought it is going to be a boring ride as the bus started. This man not the least look like a gay and i lost all my interest in the journey. I looked through the window enjoying the night and the gushing wind. I soon fell asleep.

After sometime i woke up suddenly feeling something in my outer thighs. All the lights in the bus were switched off except for small night lamp in the front end of the bus. Waking up suddenly I couldn't figure out anything in the dark. Slowly things came into view and I saw the man's right hand slightly brushing my outer thigh. If it was somebody else I would have got the message right away, but this man seemed a bit old and serious. As I'm not sure of the situation, I decided to give it sometime.

In a short while, I can clearly feel the hand comfortably resting on my thigh and warming it up. Then it slowly started to move towards my inner thigh. Now I got the signal clear and understood what this guy is looking for. I moved my thigh closer to his thigh and brushed his lightly. The guy now slowly turned towards me and we shared that look of understanding. My heart sang in joy. He pressed and rubbed my thighs heating it up. 'mmmm', his pressing and stroking made my cock slowly bulge under my pants. He rubbed the length of my thigh and made me more hot. I also placed my left hand on his thigh and stroked it sexily. As it is the middle of the night, everyone in the bus are fast asleep. We proceeded in our sexual activities without any fear. The night is cool and it was good warming up each other. But the hardness in his eyes didn't go away from his eyes and I was still a little scared about him. I felt like sitting next to a school master.

He himself proceeded to open my shirt buttons. He slowly inserted his hand inside my shirt. 'mmmmmm' it felt so good. He stoked my chest softly. His fingers brushed my nipples. My nipples rised high in full erection. His pressed and kneaded my fleshy chest and stomach. His hard and rough hand on my body made me tingle. 'mmmmmm, gaaawd it felt like heaven'. My nipples were like hard buttons for him to play with. He came closer and bit on my neck in several places. OOOOoooooh it was so goooooooood. He licked my ears as well. 'mmmmmmmm this is pure sex man!'. For a while I was lost in his stroking, fondling and licking.

Then I slowly moved my hands towards his crotch. As I did this he understood what I want and leaned back more in his seat giving me clear access to his flies. I placed my right hand on his zipper and pulled it down. What came into view is beautiful basket packed in his shorts. As he is hairy, his big bush of pubic hair was showing out of his shorts. 'Wow it looked great to me!'. I pulled down his shorts very little explosing some more bush. I started to pull and played with his bush. I think he really enjoyed my bush game that he suddenly kissed me on my lips. He kissed me like he is kissing a lady. His mouth is hard, rough and very masculine. He inserted his tongue inside my mouth lashing it everywhere. He sucked my lips and drank my sweet saliva. In that hot kiss our tongues danced with each other. That was a most sensuous erotic kiss I ever had. And I felt I'm submitting to all his wants. He made me feel like he is my master. I yearned for him to make love to me.

He directed the course. As he kept kissing he opened my zipper. 'Ha here comes the long awaited moment!'. He paused for a moment. Leaving my zipper opened he didn't touch my crotch or anything. He just continued to kiss me. I'm eagerly waiting for him to touch me there, but he didn't. I wanted to pull his hand and place it on my crotch, but something about him stopped me from doing it. 'mmmmmmmm', I moaned amidst the kiss pleadingly. But my crotch is still left untouched, feeling the cool breeze through the window. The breeze on my crotch made me desperate for his warm touch. But still it is not happening. We both were just kissing harder and hotter. He kissed me like I'm his mistress. I wanted to shout out loud saying 'Pleeeeez take my cock'. But I couldn't. Suddenly he pulled off his mouth from mine and just stared at me. I know he is teasing me. Yes, he is one hell of teaser! I couldn't stare back at him. I put my head down just looking at his hand which is resting on his own thigh. All my longing and desperate yearning made my mouth open finally and I whispered 'Pleeees" without looking at him. Through the corner of my eye I could see him smiling evilly. I watched his hand slowly rise from his thigh, made its slow journey towards me and landed on my aching crotch. "ooooooo", it felt like heaven to have that strong and rough hand on my love tool.

Right away I was thrilled to think of what his hands are going to do to my burning cock. He stroked me tenderly with his hard fingers. 'mmmmmm, yes, yes, do it' I was moaning. He gave me hard squeeze there. 'aaaarrrrggghhhh' I groaned a little audibly. But nobody could hear it in the loud buzz of the bus. He proceeded to give me short and hard squeezes making my cock jump at each squeeze. 'mmmm' 'rrrggghh' 'mmmm yes yeaas, yessss' I was moaning and groaning now for every hard squeeze. Through the moaning I found his basket with my left hand. I felt a living animal moving inside his shorts. I caressed it softly. 'mmmm' he moaned in a bass voice. He also caressed my crotch. Again he squeezed it hard. He shifted between soft caressing and hard squeezes. Both our cocks started to wet our shorts with copious precum.

Suddenly he tried to pull down my pants more and I raised my ass and gave way. Now my pants were in my knees and I was sitting in my shorts. Instead of taking my cock out he suddenly placed his hand on my neck and pushed my head towards his crotch. I know what he wants me to do. But I haven't sucked a stranger's cock ever. All my experiences with strangers are limited to stroking, kissing and jacking off. Ofcourse, I have sucked cock but not with strangers. So I pulled my head backed showing my unwillingness to suck his cock. But I wanted to feel and stroke his cock.

As I was about to reach for his crotch, I was startled to see a pair eyes watching out actions through the gap between the two front seats. The eyes belonged to a young guy. Who has come with his grandma. She must be fast asleep next to him. I didn't know if I should proceed are not. I looked at my man for some direction. He also saw the young guy peaping at us. My man nodded his head, as if ordering me to proceed. So as the young guy watched proceeded to play. Having a spectator made me more horny and horny as hell. With more excitment I placed my hands back on his crotch and pulled his shorts down, exposing a beautifully hard cock. 'mmmmmm' It rised high like a flag pole. It was so gorgeous and I'd love to play with it. I also noticed the young guy's eyes opening wide and yes I saw a tinge of lust in it. I place my hands on my man's cock. 'mmmmmm' it felt sooooo gooood! The feel of a man's cock, that too and 50year old hairy cock! Damn, I'm having the time of my life. I clasped his balls with another hand. They are nice hairy balls and they felt really warm in my palm. I gently caressed his cock and balls with both hands. 'rrrrggggrrrrr' he moaned a little enjoying my fingers on his cock and balls. That was the sexiest moment, erotic to the extreme. I enjoyed fondling his hairy genitals. He closed his eyes and lied back. This gave me more space to play with his cock and balls. He enjoyed my fondling for a while. Now the young guy's mouth is also wide open. He was staring at us with complete fascination.

After sometime my man opened his eyes and pushed my head towards his erect cock. I smelt it for a moment but again pulled my head back as usual. This time he got angry and inserted his hand inside my shirt again. He found my nipples and pinched them as a punishment. 'ssssssss...haaaaa' it ached but I loved his punishment. I'm determined to avoid sucking his cock. I was ready to take more of the punishment as I enjoyed it. My nipple got caught between his index finger and thumb. He squeezed and pulled them hard. 'OOOOOhhhhhh' I groaned in the pleasure of pain. Suddenly he slapped me on my left cheek. I was shocked a bit about the suddenness. But I wanted more of slapping. He slapped once more and pushed my head down. This time much closer that his cock head almost touched my lips. His cock head is oozing precum. His cock is bobbing in the air and drenched in precum. As I pulled back my head this time, he hit me again on my cheeks. He pinched the fleshy part of my inner thigh. 'oooooooo' this was great! The young guy watching all this was shocked definitely, but he was squirming in his seat. Probably he had his hand inside his shorts. He continued watching the pleasure and the pain that I'm enjoying.

This is unusual for me to find pleasure in pain! Yes pleasure in pain. Each time he slapped me or pinched my nipples, my cock throbbed and bobbed in the air. All this slapping and pinching made my cock ooze out loads and loads of precum. I would like him to jerk my cock and relieve me, but he seemed to be interested in jacking me off.

When he pushed my head again for the fourth time, my lips jammed with the tip of his cock. Again I pulled back my head a little. I got his precum all smeared on my lips. With some strange instinct licked my lips. The precum on my lips tasted good and somewhat sexy. This time I wanted him to push me again on his cock. And He did push me again for the fifth time giving a slap on my ass cheek. My ass cheek really burned. Just as I opened my mouth in pain, he jammed his cock into my mouth. It hit my throat and made me gag. He held my head pressed to his cock and slapped my ass several times. The pleasureful pain of ass

smacking and taste of his burning cock slowly seduced me into tasting a stranger's cock for the first time. And you know what, I loved it to the end. With a mouthful of cock, i licked and tasted it more. 'mmmmm... delicious and i love it. Damn I have missed it so long. I relished the rubbery hard texture of his cock. I started to suck on his cock and milking more precum from it. He slapped now and then. Nobody heard it as the bus roared in past midnight. As I sucked on this lovely cock till eternity, I saw the young guy keeping his mouth. His tongue was almost out of his mouth dripping saliva. I understand how he is longing for a cock! He needs a cock to suck sooner or later for sure.

My man released his hold on my head, once he confirmed that I won't stop sucking his cock. He pulled down my shorts fully exposing my ass. He started to stroke my ass. 'mmmmmmm...I love this man!' He took his hand off from my ass for a brief moment. I felt his wet finger at the entrance of my love hole. He gathered a mouthful of saliva and spat on my asshole. It fell exactly on the love hole, he smeared it there and pushed his middle finger into the hole now wet with saliva. I felt tingling sensations as he inserted his middle finger. His finger penetrated me as far as it can. 'ssssssshaaaaaa.... it is lovely'. Then slowly he pulled back his finger. These sensations made me suck his cock harder. This in turn made him ram his finger deeper. I loved his finger. He fucked my love hole with hard strokes. His finger is like a little cock, thick and hard. His finger moved faster to rim my ass like a super fast dildo. 'aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh' I groaned and moaned. I caressed his balls and tried to deep throat him. His finger fucking speed rised to the top. At the same time his cock is fully erect and pulsing in my mouth. I know his cock is getting ready to explode. He placed his left hand on my head and held it tightly. I sucked with full force. I wanted to give him a superb climax. He thrusted his cock deeper and deeper into me. His cock head is actually hitting my throat hard. Now I wanted the cock to erupt the white lava inside me, more than him. I sucked like crazy and with a sudden jerk he exploded in my throat. I didn't expect it to be so hot. His cock kept pouring like a river. My mouth was filled with his sweet cum. I swallowed and sucked his cock for more cum. I couldn't believe I'm doing this. But I did suck for more cum from this stranger's cock. I sucked his cock dry. Our friend in the front seat almost got his thin head squeezed towards as, with eyes burning with lust. He must wait for some more time before getting anything from us. He waited.

My man pulled and made me stand before him. I was standing a little bent holding the back of our seat. I wanted him to fuck me but definitely there is no space for doing so. He pulled my hip towards him. I felt his hot breath on my cock and my cock danced to it. He opened his mouth and paused for sometime to tease me as usual. He looked at me. I got the message and said 'please suck me please. Then slowly he came closer and cock was inside his open mouth. Throbbing in the warm hollow space of his mouth. The heat in his mouth rose. I don't know why he paused again without closing his mouth and sucking my cock. I became desperate and pleaded again saying 'pleeez pleeez suck my cock'. Then slowly my man closed his mouth on my cock. 'ooooooohhh......I thought I'd die right that moment'. 'mmmmmmmmmmm' what hot mouth is his? That hot mouth made love to me like no other. 'sssssssshaaaaaaa' he rolled his tongue and licked around my cock like a licking machine. Each time he sucked my cock deep, his big moustache brushed the base of my cock and made me tingle. He started to shake my hips as if in a fucking motion instead of bobbing his head. It made me fuck his mouth. This man after all his hard treatment is not that bad in reciprocating pure sex. He sucked my cock in various fashions. Playing with his tongue and lips, it was a rollercoaster ride for me in his mouth. I felt like I was fucking a mouth and a cunt simultaneously. A whole array of sensations rose from his mouth everytime he sucked my cock. Suddenly a finger entered my love hole again. 'mmmmm.... this is goood'. But this one is soft. Yes, this is the finger of the young guy in the front seat. How can he resist a lovely ass swaying before him. Now I have both my cock and love hole occupied. The finger rimmed deep into my ass. Knowing about the finger in my ass my man stopped moving my hips and started to bob his head. So I stayed still mildly swaying between the mouth and the finger. While I'm dying with extreme pleasures in my cock and ass, my man started to pinch my nipples. 'mmmmmmaaaargggghhh.... this is too much sexual torture to me'. He pinched and pulled them harder and harder. 'aaaarrgghhh...l don't know where I felt pleasure and where I felt pain. It all mingled into one sweet agony. I pushed back a little and gave opened my hole more for the young guy. Suddenly felt his tongue licking around my ass hole. 'aaaarrrrgggggh mmmmm' I couldn't hold no more. My balls gathered all the cum. With two mouths and a finger moving in super fast speed, my cock rose to pump out reems and reems of hot cum in my man's mouth. He sucked it with a look of devoted cock sucker. He had my cock out his mouth and turn me around. Myself and the young guy got the message. The young guy put his mouth on my cock after a long waiting. Thankfully he licked its length and cleaned my cock thoroughly like a seasoned cock sucker. With his grandma fast asleep by his side, I leaned forward and started jacking his cock. I loved the feel of his young cock and I loved his young mouth giving my cock soft saliva bath after all the ecstasy. Soon he shot his load in my hands. I caught all of his young cum and brought it towards his mouth. He pulled of from my now clean cock and licked my palm. He licked his cum and swallowed it. After that I sucked on his mouth for a while. I parted after eating his mouth enough. With a content look in his eyes he sat back in his seat.

My man watching all this made me sit in my seat. We two engaged in a long loving kiss in the after glow this great sex. We hugged tight. I loved the feeling of his hairy body on me. We were tight together hugging and locked in eating each other's mouth for so long. It was around 3 in the morning and the bus was getting close to my lover's destination. So we unlocked our bodies and slowly put on our dress. We were back to our normal posture just like any other passenger. I had the taste of old and yound cum lingering in my mouth. I know I would love eat my man's cum once more, but he has to get down. Before the bus came to the stop, he quickly kissed my lips one last time and gave my cock a shock squeeze. He left me when all my senses still lingering in his strong sex. It took a long time for me to come out of his spell. The way he dominated me and made me submit to his will, the way he made me love cock sucking, the way he share me with the young guy, and the way he taught the pleasures of pain. All this sank into my mind so deep that I would never ever forget, but practice them through out my sex life.

Thanks for reading my story. This is my second story in Nifty, do read my previous story 'The Great Train Sexpedition' also. Any suggestion or comments or love, please contact me at

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