The Sex Life of Brian

By Brian Martinez

Published on Mar 13, 2021


What follows is a work of fiction, if I just so happen to take real facts from my life and change every possible detail including my name, their names, dates, places, activities but keep the sex part the same but with more orgasms, it would still be fictional. The characters contained within do not exist, the events as presented in the order presented did not happen to anyone living or dead. No comment on whether or not I stole ideas from the future.

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The Sex Life of Brian - Chapter 5: The summer between Junior and Senior Year. (mm, mmm, mmmm, teen, high school, mutual mast, oral, anal, threesome, foursome, orgy, romance)

------Part 1: The prologue to the naked week (mostly dialogue)-------

During our last summer of high school, Brandon's parents took a vacation to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I happen to be playing video games with Brandon and it was one of the few times I was over where we didn't have sex.

"What the fuck do you mean, Margret? How did you not know that Sexy Acres was an adults-only resort?", Brian Falls, Brandon's father screamed at Brandon's mother and his wife.

"I thought they said Texan Acres like it was a Texas-themed resort", Marget Falls shouted back.

"Well, then what the fuck are we supposed to do about Brandon, all of our in-town family is not available that week?"

"Isn't he 18 already?"

"No! Jesus Christ you're his mother, how did you not know that?", Brian said, his parents rarely cursed and I never heard them argue before, "Besides it's an over-21 resort because there's alcohol everywhere."

We had since paused the game we were playing and I leaned over and whispered into Brandon's ear, "Do they argue like this a lot?"

"No, but my mom's never really screwed the pooch like this", Brandon replied.

"Why can't we just leave him here? Shit, it's not like he's a baby", Marget said.

"Oh, well... shit", Brian said, "Can you trust him?"

"Give me a minute you inpatient prick", Marget started walking up the stairs, I motioned for Brandon to start the videogame so it didn't look like we were listening in. Marget knocked on the door. Brandon got up and opened it. We paused the game again.

"Hi mom", Brandon said.

"Have a seat over there pardner", his mom motioned for Brandon to sit as she walked into the middle of the room.

"Oh good, Brian, it's a happy coincidence that you're here", his mom explained, "So a week after finals we're going to a vacation resort but we can't take you with us. Brian, are you able to stay here a week? I think you usually visit your grandmother in June"

"Yes, I can move that to July easy, there's a wedding that first week in July" I replied with enthusiasm.

"Okay, I'll talk to your dad, Brandon", Marget said.

"Can I stay with Brian tonight?", Brandon asked.

"Sure thing honey, you can stay Saturday too, just be back by Sunday afternoon, you have finals this week", she then went downstairs and continued arguing with her husband.

"I'll ask my mom if you can stay over, but why the Rush to leave?", I asked.

"They're going to have sex and they're pretty loud, it's disgusting" he replied.

"How do you know that", I asked.

"Did you not hear the part where I said they were loud?", we laughed, "but seriously it's like clockwork every time they argue they have sex." I called my mom and she said it was okay if Brandon stays the weekend, she asked me to put Bradon on the phone and he said, "Beef... yes I love cheesy potatoes... No I'm not a big fan of Saurkraut" he then hung up the phone. "We're having pizza tonight, but tomorrow it's beef casserole."

Brandon got some things and we rode our bikes up to my apartment. We had sex that same Friday night and slept naked in each other's arms. We woke up, rinsed our mouths with mouthwash, and had sex again. Afterward, we were still naked.

"You never told me about your first time", I asked him. I won't go into too much detail since it's a hetero story (drop me a line at if you want to hear it), but suffice to say he spent a year seducing a girl in middle school and she finally reciprocated. They did oral with both going down on both and they had vaginal sex. She asked him to suck her nipples, but he refused without giving an answer.

"You never told me who it was you had sex with the first time", he asked, "What middle school does or did he go to?"

"You're going to have to promise not to get mad at me", I said in shame.

"It's okay to have a past before a relationship, Brian", he replied.

"He went to Sacajawea Middle School here in town", I answered.

"I know it well, Clay and I used to go there", he answered. By now Clay was already in high school, "Is it someone that I know?"

"Yes", I hesitated, "it was Clay."

"Clay as in my nephew Clay?", he said surprised.

"Yes, remember that weekend we went to his house and you fell asleep on the couch?", I asked. "That's when we had sex. Unlike you, he's mostly gay like myself."

"Wow, I never expected that", he said.

"I guess our gaydar isn't that honed in yet."

"A lot of guys in middle school have sex with other guys who never end up being gay", he said, "You should invite Tony over next week, I'll invite someone too."

We had sex later that day and the morning after.

"I had fun this weekend", I leaned over and kissed him.

"Your mom is in the other room" he whispered.

"She didn't see anything", we both smiled.

Two weeks later began our naked week. We tried to see how long we could go without wearing clothes. Both of us prepared well in advance for this event. I got some tarps so we could be in the backyard naked so no one could see. Brandon made sure the food was stocked and I promised 2 meals would be delivered. We didn't have delivery apps back then so Pizza and Chinese were pretty much the only things available for delivery. To this day I still think those are the only foods that were born for delivery.

--Part 2: The first two days of the naked week--

-Day 0: Sunday-

The morning his parents were set to drive to Wyoming I cycled down to Brandon's house. His parents were busy putting things in the truck. My mom asked me if a backpack's worth of clothes would be enough, to which I smiled and told her it would be plenty. Little did she know I wouldn't need much clothing at all. After much deliberating, his parents said their goodbyes.

"You kids better be good until next Sunday", Mr. Falls said in a stern voice.

"Yes, Dad', Brandon said.

"Yes, Mr. Falls", I replied and they drove away.

We got to work. I started putting up the tarps so the neighbors couldn't see into the backyard. Brandon was inside working on making sure all windows were closed and nothing could be seen from the outside.

I went back inside, "Okay so there's a total of 7 rooms, and the backyard, we haven't had sex in yet"

"We have about 10 orgasms in us during this week so I say when we're alone we do the rooms that aren't conducive to a threesome", Brandon said.

"Let's start with the Garage, that's the room we're most likely to get caught if your parents decide to make a U-Turn", I answered.

"First order of business, let's step out of these clothes", Brandon said with a smile we quickly scurried upstairs and stripped off everything: no shirts, no pants, no underwear, no shoes, no socks. Brandon even took off his watch (which he didn't always wear), "There's a clock in every room so I guess I won't be needing this." I walked over to him and we kissed, pretty slowly with slow passion because I knew we had plenty of time. He said, "This week will be the only time we can't have sex in here, we already did it many times." I took his hand and led him to the garage, I took a foam mat from the shelf so I could kneel down in front of Brandon without hurting my knees on the concrete and sucked him off, swallowing it all. When we were finished I put the mat back on the shelf and looked at my feet, they were black from the concrete of the garage floor possibly a combination of dirt, soot, and oil from the cars.

"I think we better wash our feet", I said pointing at my black soles. He lifted one foot up and saw his feet were black too. We walked inside the house and went into the bathroom next to the Garage and washed our feet in the sink. It was a little awkward since we had to lift our feet above waist level to get each foot into the sink, but we were able to wash everything off. I went into the Kitchen while Brandon washed his feet and grabbed some paper towels and some surface cleaner so I could get our footprints off the floor. Brandon finished up and saw me on my hands and knees as I was finishing the cleanup.

"Don't tempt me with a good time", he then dry humped me from the back.

I started laughing, "It's not your birthday."

"Lucky for you I'm soft right now", he replied in an evil tone of voice. We got up and headed to the living room.

"I should call Tony over, I feel like having a little Italian for dinner", I joked. While you might find that pun a little lame, at the time we both thought that was the funniest thing ever and had to wait two minutes to calm down after that.

"Do you have to work this week?", he asked.

"Oh, honey we planned this in advance, I asked for the week off", I said reassuringly, "However next week I'll be working 4 hours every day to cover for the people who covered for me, so it's not like I'm getting off scot-free," I called up Tony, he had to go to a family function today, but was able to join us for the next three days.

"I'm going to call up our special guest, no eavesdropping", he ran upstairs and I laid down naked on the couch. This was back before 2006 when smartphones really started taking off. I had a flip phone, but Brandon didn't so he had to use the house phone to make the call. Back in these days, all phones in a house were typically connected to the exact same line so if you picked up a phone anywhere you could hear the phone call that was being made. Brandon came back downstairs and laid back on the other couch.

"Our special guest will be here, Tomorrow", Brandon said. That day's activities were bland and boring. We played video games, watched a movie or two, the only significant thing was that we were both naked the entire time. That night when we got horny, I suggested we have sex on his sister's bed. This time he sucked me off, it felt a little weird since there were pictures of his sister everywhere looking at us. I noticed I left a poo stain on his sister's top sheet so I took it off and put it in the washer. When I came back I said we should take a shower and he said okay. I made sure to clean my butt. This was my first realization at the downside of nudity is that you have to keep your backside very clean, now I understood why many nudist stories on included the characters taking a towel with them everywhere they go.

We got comfortable in his bed and drifted to sleep

--Day 1: Our first foursome--

I woke up the next morning to Brandon giving me a peck on the lips. We went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal. Although we were both tempted to have sex we wanted to save it for our special guests. Around noon, we heard the doorbell ring. Brandon got up and looked through the curtains to see that it was Tony. He opened the door with his body obscured, Tony came in and Brandon shut the door.

"Ayyyyy", Tony said imitating a New York accent, "I see you boys got started making Pizza without me." I got up from the other living room and gave Tony a hug, Brandon did the same after me.

"We have no parents this week so we figured: why wear clothes?", I said.

"Sounds reasonable to me", Tony said in his normal voice and started stripping but Brandon and I both signaled for him to stop. We had him sit on the couch in the front living room. Brandon took off his shirt while I took off his shoes and then socks. Our four hands grabbed each side of his pants, he bent his hips off the couch and took his pants and underwear down in one fell swoop. We both leaned into his chest and I took his left nipple in my mouth while Brandon sucked the right. I breathed in deep through my nose and noticed he was a bit sweaty.

"Let's clean you up a bit", we took him upstairs to his parents' shower which had enough room for all three of us and we soaped him up and rinsed him off. After we dried him we fell onto his parents' bed. Over our Junior year (his Freshman) we did all sorts of combinations, this time I sucked on Tony while Brandon made out with him. After Tony came in my mouth I saved a little and kissed Tony in a heavy open-mouthed kiss and shared some of his cum with him. We all laid back with Tony in the middle on his back Brandon and I were on our sides resting a hand on his chest.

"This room doesn't have video games and seems to have a lot of old people stuff in it", Tony said after coming down from his orgasm.

"It's not my room", Brandon said.

"We had sex on your parents' bed?", Tony asked.

"Yep, one of our goals this week is to have sex in every room in this house", I said.

"Which rooms haven't you done yet?" he asked.

"The office, the front living room, the back living room, and the backyard. We already did my sister's room, the garage, and now my parents' room, and of course dozens of times in Brandon's room", Brandon replied.

"I guess you're leaving out the bathrooms and closets?", Tony asked. "Yeah, those rooms are a bit small and uncomfortable", Brandon replied, "Why did you guys wash me?"

"Well it's summer and I'm not sure you've mastered the art of deodorant yet", I replied.

"Oh my god, I forgot to put any on", Tony said.

"We took care of the problem", I said.

"My grandpa always liked to take care of' problems", Tony said imitating a New York accent again we looked at him puzzled, "my grandparents are Italian and we all suspected my grandpa had some shady dealings. My parents are from New York so they always complain that, you can't get a good Pizza out heeeere'. They're wrong, if you guys like I have a good recommendation for you guys."

"We have dinner tonight covered, but I can order a couple of pizzas for us tomorrow", I said.

"A couple? There's only three of us", Tony said.

"They'll be a fourth, around six o'clock", Brandon said.

"Cool, is he going to want to play naked with us", Tony asked, "I'm starting to like this being naked thing."

Brandon gave an evil smile, "Yes he will. I'm starting to be okay with it."

"I hate wearing clothes, if I could be naked all the time I would", I said. We all went downstairs and watched a movie in the back living room. The doorbell rang and Brandon suggested I get it. I walked to the front and saw Clay standing in the doorway in board shorts and a short-sleeved tie-dye T-Shirt and flip flops. Throwing caution to the wind, I threw the door open and step outside hugging Clay. "Oh my gooooood!"

"Well, I see the party already started", I released the hug, and Clay continued, "You should probably get back inside before someone sees you", Clay said while looking down, I looked down to expecting to see a blemish or something wrong only to realize it was because I wasn't wearing anything. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside and closed the door.

"Leave your shoes at the door", I said, "I'll let the guys take care of the rest." I led a now barefoot Clay to the back living room. Tony instinctively covered his crotch upon seeing Clay come in, "Tony this is Clay, Clay this is Tony."

"You don't have to be shy, everyone else is naked too", Clay said.

"Everybody except for you", Tony said, he uncovered his crotch and stood up and reached for Clay's T-Shirt, and pulled it over his head.

"I thought you were mostly straight", Brandon asked Tony.

Tony threw Clay's shirt across the room, "I'm mostly horny right now", Tony leaned into Clay and kissed him, sloppily making out with open mouths. Brandon and I held hands.

"I think he's the most enigmatic convert I've ever seen", I told Brandon.

"How many boys have you converted", Brandon asked.

"Including you and Tony? That would be two", I said.

"I guess we wanted to be converted", Brandon said, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Exactly how that works", I said kissing him again. We looked at Tony and Clay who were already naked and kissing for 20 seconds. Tony leaned back with Clay's arms still around him. "Ah babababa, the front living room is next." Tony and Clay resumed their naked kiss but started inching over to the front living room. I grabbed Brandon's hand and we slowly followed Tony and Clay to the front living room. They got down on the floor Tony on top of Clay still kissing.

"It's okay if we have sex with each other right? I mean we are boyfriends", I told Brandon after we got to the front. He grabbed my other hand with just his fingers and looked me directly in the eye. I've said before this would be a relationship that changed my life, here's when that began...

(Sappiness ahead scroll to ***** to go back to the sex)

"You're not just some guy I kiss, suck or fuck. You're not just somebody I love rubbing my naked body against", Tony began moving down Clay's body despite the fact that they were in no way subtle with what they were doing, I only paid attention to them in retrospect. At that moment right there I didn't even notice that both of us were still naked, all I saw was him, Brandon. Right now in 2021 (not back then), I'm hearing the song "Love of my life" by a band called Queen.

This would not become "our song" as it hadn't been written yet for another two years. I had to interrupt here because it's important to emphasize, time had slowed down to one of the slowest points of my life. There was hot sex going on in the background, myself included, I had four naked boys in the same room. This was every gay teen's fantasy come to life and in this moment none of that mattered. What Brandon had to say next shook me to my core, and changed every priority in life I had. I wanted greatness, I wanted to conquer I wanted to be in a position (for example wealthy) not to worry about the day-to-day essentials of life. Brandon's next words what was mattered, Brandon was about to capture me in a way nobody else has ever captured me. Not before and up until today in 2021, even as I type this nobody has ever took me the way Brandon would.

"You're the boy I love", Brandon cried, "I should have told you this before, I should have said it back. You should have never had to qualify what you said. That's why I let you call me your boyfriend. It just that up until now I was unsure of myself, I didn't know how I felt. Brian, I really am mostly straight, physically most of the time it's girls that excite me. Boys only excite me a little bit, Brian you look great, but that's not enough to excite me", my heart skipped a beat, time going slow made this painful, "who you are excites me." That gave me emotional whiplash and got me to start crying. He loves me for me, it's not because he was horny, it's not because his instincts are telling him to put it in a hole, it's not even because it's his sexual orientation it's because he fell in love. I looked at him a little worried, "and that makes me horny. Brian, I don't want to or set aside this very important moment. I love you and that makes me horny. I don't love you because I'm horny... I'm horny because I love you."

As a teenager, I had memories of me being a child and crying at absolutely unreasonable times. I realized how embarrassing I was being when I got 99% and cried over the 1% I didn't get. Sometimes even when the situation favored me better (I once cried because I got a King Sized candy bar instead of two smaller ones even though the King Sized was clearly bigger) this led to me going too far the other way, I would close myself emotionally. I would refuse to let people see what I was feeling, I failed miserably at containing anger, laughter, or happiness. But sadness and crying I guarded well, too well. This would end up allowing Brandon to grab my heart with the Iron Grip he had on me. From this moment I was beholden to his whim, I was his puppet. He waited 5 years after this point to abuse this power, but it felt good to give it to him. My trust, I love him and therefore I must trust him.

When you truly love someone, you trust them with your heart. You might not trust him or her not to cheat, you might not trust that person with your wallet or to be left alone. But you must necessarily trust them with your heart, otherwise: it is not love. As long as it's taking you to read this commentary of this dialogue, the experience as this was happening was taking even longer. Time is moving so slowly Tony has not started sucking on Clay. Now that he admitted that he loved me, I had earned the title of a boyfriend. This wasn't some child's fantasy that I had built in my head, this wasn't puppy love pretend. This wasn't two kids being kids, this was actual love. What I felt now, was not different than any time after. Even as an adult I felt this way, I loved him even when I wasn't horny. I liked being around him. Even in times where we were in different rooms, the same room doing different things or apart. I still wanted him around.

"I love you too Brandon", I meant it that way, romantically when I said it before, and at this time, I meant it as well. I really did love him. When I qualified before, it was a lie. I loved him romantically and now he loved me back. It was real for him too.

******** Now let's get back to the sex ******** "But my engine's running, and I need to be taken on a drive", I said. Sure I was in love, but I'm still a teenager and still super-hormonal and mega-horny. Love is a question best discussed when you're not horny. This week was a constant seesaw between love and lust.

He looked down and realized he was hard, "Guess we can discuss this after", and we immediately started making out, time had resumed to normal speed, my trance was gone. Tony had started sucking on Clay's penis, he was so excited to do so, I started doubting my assessment of him. Maybe he wasn't mostly straight, but he said it himself, he was super horny and didn't care about gender, he wanted to give pleasure and receive it and so did I. What better expression of love is there more perfect than a situation where both partners are getting pleasure at the same time? There are multiple ways to simultaneous pleasure but until the anal sex got better, the 69 was the only way we could do this. His mouth felt more alive than other times, he wasn't sucking me because he wanted physical pleasure back, he wanted to get me off. He wanted to make me cum.

This was having a rebound effect on me, we'd usually spend at least 30 minutes having sex, but this time was short. It felt as equally satisfying as any other time, but we at this moment pulled out all the stops to try to pleasure each other. He was on top of me, I had trouble orgasming on top because I had to hold myself up, but it didn't bother him. With my right hand, I started caressing his nipples and with my left, I held his cock. With his right arm, he was holding himself up, and in what felt like an acrobatic feat he caressed my left nipple with his left hand. It was building up, we were at the point of no return, but the job wasn't done yet.

Hopping back in time about 3 minutes, Clay was moaning in pleasure, far more than when he was with me. I was nowhere near enthusiastic about sucking Clay's cock as Tony. I bow to the Italian Stallion's greatness in giving Clay pleasure, but I was okay with this. Tony could have Clay because I had my Brandon. Clay didn't last very long, Tony was humming too. The totality of Tony's experience as far as I knew was with us and up until he met us he watched nothing but straight porn. Either he was paying close attention to what the girls were doing or since that time watched gay porn. He did things then I only mastered a year later, not that I didn't try, but I wasn't very good at taking a cock down my throat. Tony took Clay all the way down to his throat, he never did that with us which made me wonder if he used a dildo or found an instructional video somewhere. Tony was stroking Clay everywhere he could, clay's hands and feet were rubbing against the carpet, he was so horny this was giving him pleasure too. This deep throat took Clay to the point of no return, Tony then (by luck, he said he could only imagine if jizz got caught in his breathing tube, he'd be coughing for 15 minutes) Clay loudly came into Tony's mouth.

The refractory period is the time it takes before you can orgasm again. I didn't say horny again, as it's possible to be horny even during this period. Each orgasm in a day can make this period even longer. For boys, this period is short (mine has always been long and it got longer for me as an adult), and can sometimes make you uninterested in pleasuring your sexual partner if only for a few minutes. Clay at this moment didn't let that stop him. Even while still experiencing the aftershock of his orgasm, he immediately slipped from underneath Tony and pushed him down on his back, and started sucking on Tony's dick. He stopped, wet his middle finger with his mouth he took each hand wrapped around his waist, and with one hand he squeezed Tony's ass cheek. The other went right around the other ass check and right into Tony's hole. Tony being less experienced did not last as long and reached the point of no return.

Brandon is alternating between my nipples, I'm grabbing both his butt cheeks, we're moaning on each other dicks and then, Clay came. Hearing him cum loudly, I immediately started spraying to Brandon's mouth which caused him to cum into mine, it was like a chain reaction of orgasms. We all fell on our backs, out of breath for an entire minute. Even after that, moving caused us to again lose our breaths. It took Tony and me another minute to sit up, him out of enthusiasm and me because Brandon was on top of our 69 and did enough work propping himself up. We rotated so we hold lie back down with all our heads in the same direction. Tony kissed me while we were seated, I returned the kiss. It was only 15 seconds, we lost our breath again and laid back down on my side laying on Brandon while Tony on his side laying on Clay. We lightly slept for 2 hours, all of us alternating from wakefulness and sleep. All of us shy about what had just happened.

Brandon had admitted to me that he loved me. Clay and Tony clearly just had the best sex of their lives, there was something magnetic between them. Call it love at first sight, the serendipity of two highly compatible people and maybe it was just pure lust at this stage. But they hit it off and hit it off big.

"That... was... Amazing... the best I've had so far", Tony said recovering from his nap two hours later. I went from my light sleep to half-awake, I didn't open my eyes but hearing a voice other than Brandon's got my guard up, I moved a little bit and felt the carpet scratch my back, butt, and legs and feet oh that felt good but it made me realize I was naked. Oh no, I was naked in a room with other people, I was about to panic internally and then I remembered that was Tony's voice who has seen me naked before.

"You know I've been with a virgin before", I could hear him directing that comment at me, "but I've never had one perform as well as you did. You must have been with guys before you met us." Clay said, oh my god there's multiple people in here while I'm naked? I then realized that's Clay's voice who's also seen me naked. I then remembered about two hours ago we were having sex in front of each other so this was actually normal.

"Before Brian and Brandon, I never had sex with anyone guy or girl", he said.

"Well you fooled me", Clay said and kissed Brandon on the lips, it lasted about 10 seconds before they laid back down. I was on my side facing Brandon, I opened my eyes and saw Brandon with his eyes open looking at me.

"You're beautiful, he said", the words again melted my heart.

"I was just about to say the same thing to you", I replied. "Stop it with the mushy stuff, I think it's contagious", Clay said.

"Would that be so bad", Tony asked.

"Would I be throwing my heart at a straight boy?", Clay asked.

"I'm gay for you, it doesn't matter how I feel about others. You turn me on", Tony said, "When I was asleep for a minute there I dreamt of fucking you. Tomorrow I want to do it with you again, and the next day, I'm not sure I'll ever want you to stop. I think it is contagious", Tony and Clay started making out, but slowly. I hugged Brandon, our naked bodies warming the other.

"Okay, since we're officially and unofficially couples and will have the rest of our time to be together. Just tonight I propose Clay sleeps with me and Tony sleeps with Brandon", I suggested.

"Good with me", Clay said and took my hand, and led me to Brandon's parent's room. We got under the covers, me behind him. We were genuinely tired, I could hear Brandon and Tony walking up the stairs, I couldn't tell if they went into Brandon's room or his sister's. I drifted off to sleep, two naked teenage boys in lust, with our loves just across the house.

I did not expect the naked week to be this big, when I remembered it happens so quickly, but I realize now it's taking longer to describe. So I'm splitting it up. I'll be covering the rest of the naked week in Chapter 6. Please send your feedback to and let me know about the love lust mix. Too much love? Not enough lust, or am I doing something right having a little mix of the two? As always let me know if you got off because I masturbate to your emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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