The Sex Life of Brian

By Brian Martinez

Published on Mar 15, 2021


What follows is a work of fiction, if I just so happen to take real facts from my life and change every possible detail including my name, their names, dates, places, activities but keep the sex part the same but with more orgasms, it would still be fictional. The characters contained within do not exist, the events as presented in the order presented did not happen to anyone living or dead. No comment on whether or not I stole ideas from the future.

If you are under 18 years old or the age of viewing pornography in your country if that's higher, you're not allowed to view this. If for some reason that didn't stop you, you're clearly over 18.

Think of as your callboy and consider me their pimp. Now you better donate to . If you fail to do this, your refractory period will increase more and more over time, maybe even as high as 20 entire hours.

The Sex Life of Brian - Chapter 6: The Naked Week Continues (mm, mmm, mmmm, teen, high school, mutual mast, oral, anal, threesome, foursome, orgy, incest, romance)

--Day 2: Tuesday Morning--

"You're beautiful", Clay whispered into my ear quoting what Brandon said to me yesterday, waking me up.

"Wow, somebody's a little sarcastic in the morning", I replied with a smile.

"I'm a bit cranky before my breakfast, how long have you been naked for?"

"It's Tuesday morning so we're coming around to 48 hours of total nudity.", I said.

"I envy you guys, you might go longer than most teenagers ever will, especially not having nudists for parents," Clay said, "I told my mom the truth that I was here with Brandon and my mom let me stay until Brandon's parents get back" We kissed a few seconds.

"Are you hungry? We have cereal downstairs or if you want something hot I can make scrambled pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage", I asked.

"Oh I want something hot, a big sausage, but nothing you can cook in the kitchen", Clay said, kissing me.

"I've never had anal sex as a top before", I said.

"You've also never had sex in the office", Clay got up and grabbed my hand pulling me up. I guess we're doing this now. I pulled him into the bathroom so we could both rinse out our mouths and we opened the office door. Clay pushed me down on the office floor and started kissing down my chest licking my nipples on the way, I unabashedly moaned, hoping I would wake up Brandon and Tony who were just on the other side of the wall in Brandon's room. Last night I didn't know if they slept in his sisters or his own room, but our activities woke them up and I could hear them shifting in the bed. Clay sucked on my soft cock, causing it to stir. Brandon's door opened and Tony walked into the office, upon seeing us he walked over to the wall opposite the office door and pressed his face and chest against the wall sticking his naked ass out like he wanted something in there. Brandon walked in with some baby lotion and covered Tony's hole as well as his dick.

Clay looked up and saw Brandon with a handful of lotion and let him put some on my dick. Brandon's hand felt good, but I knew that hand would be covering my dick for years to cum so I didn't mind that someone else was about to have sex with me. Brandon then did something unexpected, he rubbed lotion all over Clay's ass his cousin's ass! (well technically his nephew)... Clay moaned even though Brandon's hand merely brushed Clay's asshole and didn't penetrate. They stared at each other for a second, almost unsure if they were going to kiss, but then Tony started rubbing his nipples and said, "I need you now." Brandon got up and walked over to Tony, Clay then mounted my hard dick.

Brandon did the same to Tony and we were off to the races. I felt like I went back two years and now I was Mr. Quickdraw. This was the best thing my dick has ever felt, even including oral sex with Brandon. Unfortunately, it made me realize if I was a verse and Brandon was a top that would mean that would be one part of my life that would go unfulfilled. I loved Brandon and it was a sacrifice I was willing to make, especially if we were allowed to play around like this. Just when I thought this was the best sex ever my orgasm started to hit and Clay kissed me through the orgasm. I moaned and did so involuntarily, I couldn't hold it back even if I wanted to. Kissing during an orgasm is one of the best things ever. I was done for the rest of the morning, Clay got up and had Brandon and Clay move back.

I was now a voyeur, and I loved it. Live sex before my eyes, like porn but even better. It wasn't until I turned 18 did I learn the word, "twink." But this is what I wanted. Hairless, skinny boys with little muscle having sex. Clay and Tony were making out, while Brandon was pumping in and out of Tony like a piston. Ten more minutes later and Brandon finally came. His orgasms times with three slow pumps of his hips. He took his cock out of Tony and laid on top of me, we start making out rubbing our hands all over each other's bodies. The only one left to cum was Tony who quickly turned Clay around and pinned him to the wall. He pumped a few squirts from the lotion bottle and put it on his dick and started jackhammering away. Clay later told us it was a good thing he was experienced, or he'd never been able to take such a pounding.

Brandon and I were half kissing and half enjoying the show. I didn't think they were going to last long. They were grunting hard, it was as fast as an exercise video. Back and forth in and out, and then they came. Brandon and I recovered enough to get up and we all walked downstairs to the back living room which blends right into the kitchen. I started rustling up some pancakes, eggs, and sausage for everyone. The pork kind, not what four of us did in the combinations. It was a little painful because occasionally the oil would splatter on my stomach, I was such a purist I didn't even want to wear an apron. I managed to get everything cooked and we ate it all up.

"I brought something in my backpack", Clay said coming back from the front living room. How did I not notice he had a backpack!? I even hugged him. Maybe it's because he told me I was naked outside when I hugged him that I freaked and rushed back in. He must have put it down when I had my back turned. Maybe it wasn't that big. The rest of that week I didn't even bother to look for it after-the-fact. "It's a French movie, It came out about 3 years ago. I'll put it in the DVD player." (Oh the days before streaming, DVDs were so blurry) It was a gay movie called, "Coming Undone." I don't remember many details today without the help of a search engine, but it felt like what many gay teens have to go through. Realizing how awesome gay sex is and having to tell your parents you'll never give them grandkids. I didn't like muscular guys all that much but seeing those two guys play fuck was awesome to watch. We were all on separate couches, Brandon and Clay, on one and myself and Tony on the other. The movie sparked a discussion.

"I can't believe to this day boys doing what we did today and yesterday is still illegal in many states", Clay said.

"How could anything that feels that good be illegal?", Tony asked.

"Religion", Brandon said, "Anything that keeps me from my Brian isn't worth believing in."

"Awwwwww", Tony and Clay said in a mocking tone of voice. I was honestly touched by those words.

"I learned in my US History class earlier this year that there's a court case about this.", I paused for a second. Tony scooted right over to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh no, I've heard about Mr. Leavitt", Tony said. "The Juniors told me that he was a real homophobe. What did he say? Hasn't anybody told the principal, The Deans, or the school district about this?"

"They did, he's been infamous since before I was a Freshman", I explained, "I got the toned-down version. He just explained he was morally opposed to the idea of two men marrying, having sex or the fact that it's illegal to fire someone for being gay. He put a big asterisk and said, Civil rights do not apply to gay people, but the law in this state claims otherwise."

"That is toned down from what I heard", Tony said in surprise.

"He was a real prick in the 90's from what the Teachers have told me. He got a big talking to in 2000 over calling a student a faggot. He was nearly fired", I explained. From what I heard he toned it down more every year so that by the time he retired, he didn't even mention it.

"Well I hope they decide that gay sex is awesome because it is", Tony said, "You got a pool outside so let's go! I gotta be outside!" Tony got up and went into the backyard. Clay and I immediately looked at Brandon. We both knew he had a fear of water.

"Look just stay at the shallow end, like before okay?", Clay said, "If you're taller than the water it can't hurt you."

"You said that when I was in middle school, it was the first time I became brave enough to even go into 3 foot (1 meter) deep water", Brandon said.

"I might not look at you longingly with puppy dog eyes, but I still love you", Clay said to Brandon, they both stood up and kissed on the lips. They didn't open their mouths, but it gave me hope.

"I don't want this to become my catchphrase, but, that's hot", I said, little did I know next year someone else would be popular for saying that. We walked outside Tony was already in the deep end, Clay and I dived in joining Tony in my first skinny dipping adventure. Brandon walked in slowly in the shallow end and sat down.

Tony having recognized Brandon's aquaphobia said the sweetest thing to Brandon, "Thank you for joining us. I'm glad you've taken this step." While that may sound precocious of him and wise as hell, Tony got that from his counselor. His entire family suffered from Anger Management issues. Mine did too as many poor families do, but we couldn't afford a counselor.

We played around for a few hours, the tarps also protected us from the sun, in addition to prying eyes. Although Brandon never strayed from the shallow end, he did participate. We tossed a ball around, three of us (not Brandon) did all kinds of dives. It was so funny watching everyone's dicks flying around as we jumped into the air. The sexual element, while there was a small part of it, I was fascinated by watching this. Like it was a lava lamp and I was in a trance.

The boys were starting to get hungry so I ordered from the pizza place Tony recommended. It then hit me that that could interrupt the naked week. "Oh, if I put on clothes the naked week will be cut short", I moaned.

"I'll do it if it comes to that," Tony said, "But how about I dare you to answer the door naked."

I slowly hopped over to Tony since we were still in the pool. "You like it when people watch don't you", Tony kissed me on the lips.

"You bet I do, Did you love watching me fuck Clay", Tony asked.

"It came a close second to fucking Clay myself", I said kissing him back.

"Want a taste of what your boyfriend got this morning?", Tony grabbed my hand and we walked out of the pool. I didn't notice Brandon had brought the lotion downstairs and outside, but Tony saw it and immediately applied it to himself. I mounted him on the pool lounge and slid right in, Brandon having done the hard work for me earlier. Brandon and Clay got out of the pool and sat next to each other on the pool chairs. They started rubbing themselves to us. I lasted longer having cum earlier in the day, but 15 minutes is all it took before I erupted into his rectum. A rare sighting occurred, one I hadn't seen many times since. Tony came on the cement below the pool lounger. I didn't stroke him as he did that. He was just so turned on he came.

The doorbell rang, Tony turned around on his back and I smirked at him and then headed to answer the door, Tony was excited, "Oh my god he's doing it." Clay and Brandon stopped their stroking and look at me as I re-entered the house. They all followed staying toward the back living room, I had left the money hidden in the kitchen and grabbed it, and walked to the door. I open the door not knowing what the consequences of this was going to be.

"Cory!?!" I said shocked, Cory was my guiding light he was a senior during my Freshman year. A counselor, a good friend, that wouldn't judge me but try to help. He had a good heart and here I was standing naked in front of him.

"Brian!?! How have you been man?", He'd graduated about 2 years ago and was obviously working.

"Great a lot of your advice helped", I said.

"So did you lose a bet or is this like a truth or dare thing?", he asked, I was confused for a moment because the fact that it was him threw me for a loop when I expected a stranger, but then realized it was because I'm naked.

"Well we're having a party and I figured: why put my clothes back on?", I said.

"Well to comply with the indecent exposure law, not sexually harass a pizza delivery driver and", the stared at my cock longer than I would expect someone in that situation. "And, well... anyway it's $16 for both pizzas", he asked. I gave him $20 and said, "keep the change."

"We huh?", He passed me the pizzas, "So who else is here, got your girlfriend over.?" Well, not exactly. I saw a neighbor turn the corner so I walked inside with the pizzas, Cory followed me closing the door behind him. "Brandon, remember I told you what you needed to do to find a new girlfriend, well did it work... and I just realized you're naked too. Dude where are the chicks man?"

"Oh great a California surfer accent", Tony said walking into the front living room.

"Isn't it a bit stereotypical for the pizza guy to be walking in on naked guys? I mean what's next he's gonna announced he has a big sausage for us", Clay said.

"Funny you should mention that bro", oh god Tony was right, I remember Cory saying his parents are from somewhere outside of Los Angeles and they were total surfers. Cory was a walking stereotype of the West Coast.

"One of the pizzas is sausage", Cory held up the receipt. He wasn't turned on, but he seemed to have been fascinated by us, "That snarky little tyke must be Clay. You," he pointed at Tony, "I've never seen before, but I'm beginning to notice a pattern here. You're all boys, there are no girls here are there?" We all shook our heads saying there weren't any. Cory then asked, "So why are all of you naked then?"

I responded, "Because we don't need girls to have fun." I walked over to Brandon and kissed him.

"You two are gay?", Cory asked surprised, "I didn't see that one coming."

"We all are either gay or bi", Clay said then kissed Tony, "you didn't walk away when Brian gave you the money so you must think we're sexy."

"Not even close, have fun with your gay sex boys", Cory walked out in a restrained huff and drove away.

"Well let's dig in, no reason to let that ruin our night", I said.

"Only one room left for having sex", Tony said.

"This one", Clay said, "That's the goal, tomorrow. We are having sex in here. The back living room slash the kitchen." We finished the pizzas, with only 4 slices left in total. Which I put in the fridge. We played video games after pizza and then paired off again. I took Tony into his parent's room, we snuggled and drifted to sleep. I didn't find out what happened with Brandon and Clay, until the next day.

--Day 3: Wednesday Incest is best, put your Uncle/Nephew to the test--

I woke up before Tony, I started licking his nipple which got his attention. He started moaning and put an arm over me. "Good Morning", he said and gave me a peck on the lips, "I wonder if Brandon and Clay slept together or apart." We got up and out of Brandon's parents room and into Brandon's room. There they were, under the covers cuddling, both on their back, but arms around the other. "Well I'm glad you two decided to sleep together."

They both appeared groggy, "That's all we did, though... sleep", Clay said.

"Yes, but you did it naked and you're caressing each other right now", Tony replied with a grin.

"Do you want me to have sex with my own nephew? He's like a cousin to me!", Brandon asked.

"Yes", both Tony and I said. Brandon got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom, huffing as he walked past us.

"So is cereal okay with you boys?" I asked. They agreed and we went downstairs. Brandon joined us and we all finished eating and sat around the couches in the back living room.

"Guys that's my nephew, I can't be doing things with him", Brandon said. "I don't mind it at all, Brandon", Clay said, "I remember one night there was terrible thunder, I was 8 years old and Brandon was 10. We were playing outside and it started raining so we went inside, our shirts, socks and shoes were soaking wet so we took them off and put them in the dry. Then we heard thunder in the distance", Clay was starting to shake in his voice as if his emotions were coming back.

"I remember this story, the thun...", Brandon tried to say but was interrupted by Clay.

"Yes, but Brian and Tony weren't there... anyway the thunder was getting worse and worse until eventually we heard a lightning strike and heard the thunder at the same time, it touched down in the neighborhood because we later saw the destroyed power lines on the main street. The power went out, the sun was already down so everything was dark. The dryer stopped, the TV stopped and there were no adults at home, Brandon's sister, my aunt, wouldn't be back for two hours. I started shaking and tears came down my face, I hugged Brandon immediately and told him I was scared."

"Everything's going to be okay, Clay.. and I started patting you on the head", Brandon continued.

"You did, but what I remember the most is how your bare chest felt against mine", Clay said, "We were both too young for that to excite us in any way, but it felt good. It felt good to have your bare skin against mine, it felt... intimate." Clay motioned for Tony to switch places because he was on the couch with me. Brandon laid down and Clay laid down with him facing away. "Right now it feels even better because we're both naked and hit puberty, but back then it was just nice. There were no feelings of ickiness, romance or awkwardness. It wasn't even just me feeling good having skin pressed against skin, Brandon comforted me through a scary time. I've been through worse thunderstorms since, but the second, third and fourth time the memory of you comforting me will always be with me." He turned around away from Tony and I and faced Brandon.

"I had no idea that had such a profound impact on you", Brandon said in a half-sad voice.

"Don't feel awkward", Clay kissed Brandon and Brandon returned the kiss starting out light, then tongues got involved. Tony being the horndog he scooted over to me and started stroking my cock, I returned the favor, neither of us kissing, just watching what was going on. Brandon broke the kiss and looked at us.

"Okay, neither of you will tell a soul about this. Not in-person, not over the phone, no emails and don't even post about this on a website dedicated to sex stories, don't even post about this time but change out names", Brandon demanded.

*** Author's note: Oops, but you'll see in a later chapter why this demand became less important ***

"Okay", Tony and I said, they resumed kissing. Tony laid down on the couch flat on his back and I got on top of him in a 69, we were going at each other's cocks slowly, more paying attention to Brandon and Clay who did something similar with Brandon on top of Clay. They were almost as enthusiastic as Tony was with all of us. I was starting to wonder how long there had been sexual tension between those two. What was unusual about this time was 10 minutes later they were still going at it. Tony and I were as well but stopped occasionally to look at them while they were going continuously. It was a beautiful sight and we needed to let the magic happen. I knew they needed a coup-de-grace, a final hit that would seal this so scurried over to the kitchen and got the lotion and reached under Clay's ass to get him lubed up. Brandon and Clay didn't let go of each other's dicks so it was difficult to get under him but I managed to get him greased up.

After about 5 minutes they got up and Clay bent over, Brandon mounted him. Clay winced in pain, but screamed, "Don't stop, it hurts like a motherfucker, but don't you fucking stop!" Wow, Clay had never been that vocal with me. Since I'd been witness to 100% of the times Tony had sex with Clay I knew he wasn't vocal with him either. "Oh god, you're so big and soooooo thiiiiick.... Aaaaaaaah", Clay was in pain, but he was so professional he wasn't about to let that stop him.

By this point, I was sitting next to Tony and we were stroking each other again. I was not likely to get off this way, but watching my boyfriend and his nephew bang away was getting me hot and there was no way I wasn't going to watch this. Brandon was in no way in pain being the top, of course, he was enjoying himself. It made me realize I need to step up my game, our next "birthday sex" was going to be his last, I made it my mission over the next year to be a better bottom for my boyfriend. He deserved to have anal sex and he shouldn't have to wait once a year to have it. I wasn't in any way jealous that he was having sex with others, he needed what he needed and I needed him to get it by any means necessary. I signaled to Tony we needed to help them finish.

Tony got in front of Brandon and started licking his nipples which caused Brandon to pound into Clay even harder. I got in front of Clay and started kissing him which caused Clay to Push back into Brandon. In and out and in and out. All four of us were getting sexual pleasure even the two of us not participating in anal. Brandon violently exploded into Clay's ass, grunting the entire time, Clay motioned me down and I quickly took his dick in my mouth, I got there just in time as about 15 seconds later he came in my mouth, mmm salty I remember our first time together. I stood up and started kissing Tony, Clay turned around and kissed Brandon. All of us coming down from our highs slowly. Tony broke his kiss with me and skipped over to the kitchen and got some towels to clean up the excess lotion and cum off of everyone.

I laid back on one couch while Brandon laid down on the other, Clay got back on top of him. Tony ran upstairs and took the blankets and sheets off Brandon's sister's bed and threw a sheet on top of Brandon and Clay as well as a blanket for myself and Tony, Tony laid on top of me us all four of us enjoying the heat from our partner's bodies. We watched another gay movie I don't remember well called Beautiful thing. Being a romantic movie, I realized we were lying naked to the boy who wasn't our partner. It bothered me at first, but I then realized once the naked week was over I'd have Brandon all to myself and it started bothering me less.

"Two of us didn't get off in our last session", Tony said. I think we all owe Brian and myself an orgasm. He got off the couch, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up to stand. He kissed me and said with a smile, "we deserve to cum don't we?", I smiled back at him.

"I think we finally had sex in every room of this house", Brandon said, "this was the last one."

"Let's see: 3 some in your parents' room, foursome in the office, you and I on your sisters' bed, dozens of times in your room, two-by-two in the front living room, Tony and I in the backyard, and you two in the back living room and you and I in the garage... yes we're all done. We've had sex in every room here, inside and out", I said, "unless anyone's interested in going to jail over having sex in the front yard." This brought laughter followed by silence..

"Well in that case, I think the front living is going to be the most comfortable for a foursome", Brandon replied. He grabbed Clay's hand and took him to the living room, Tony grabbed mine and did the same with me. Tony had only got off once that day so we all focused our attention on him. We laid him on the floor and pleasured him everywhere. I went back to the other living room and grabbed the lotion and rubbed his feet. Clay was busy kissing Tony while Brandon was licking on his nipples kissing down. Everything was giving him pleasure even the amateur massage I was giving him. Brandon took another extra mile step and massages his arms all the way down to his fingers. Brandon continued kissing down and started sucking on his dick causing Tony to moan into Clay's mouth. I finished massaging Tony's legs and I knew that I was needed up high so I started sucking Tony's nipples.

"Oh my god, this is great, Holy shit this is the best ever, I'm sorry I can't hold back", Tony usually went 10 minutes or longer, but he shot into Brandon's mouth in about 5. Brandon and I sat back for about 30 seconds as Clay kissed him through his orgasm. Tony broke the kiss to say, "Kissing through an orgasm really is the best, I'm glad it was you", Tony said to Clay, they continued kissing for another 2 minutes. Tony broke the kiss and laid me back down.

"Thank you for inviting me and matching me with my future boyfriend", Tony grabbed Clay's hands, "if you'll have me. The last two days have been amazing and I want to spend time with you exploring. If being with you means being gay, I'l do it. What's important is that you spend time with me and I want you to make me cum", Tony said to Clay.

"Yes, but we can still have sex with Brandon and Brian, right?", Clay asked.

"Of course we can, in fact, let's help Brian get off", Tony said lowering himself to my right nipple. Clay lowered himself to my left. Tony started licking immediately.

Before Clay started he said, "See what you started, now I have a boyfriend because of all your mushiness! I hope you're happy", Clay was being over-the-top sarcastic as evidenced by the fact he immediately started licking my nipple too. Brandon smiled at that and started kissing me. As awesome as this was, my dick needed attention so I took care of that myself. I wish I could have this every time I jacked off. I just need my nipples licked and to be kissed. Is that too much to ask?

I finally got off to the others' embarrassment as I managed to get cum on every single one of their faces, Brandon included. Tony did cleanup, licking all of my cum off me, then Clay, then Brandon. Clay cleaned Tony's face and then Clay shoved his tongue in Tony's mouth sharing my cum with him.

We all laid back on the floor, exhausted. Tony spoke up, "Sorry nobody did anything about your dick, Brandon."

`It's okay, what we did is always enough to make me happy", I said, "okay tonight is boyfriend night. We now officially have 2 couples, so let's have a little honeymoon." We all padded upstairs me and Bradon in his room, Tony and Clay in the parents' room, nobody had more sex just cuddles and sleep.

Fuuck! The naked week is taking a lot longer than I thought. When I initially remembered it, I thought I'd be able to cover it in one chapter, but I realized there was very little repetition. We purposely mixed it up every night so that we would be doing a different thing every night with a different person. The goal of having sex in every room also helped because scenario changes resulted in less repetition. This story can easily gloss over my middle school years in less than a page. Entire school years will take no more than a chapter. But this week will need yet another chapter to get through and I haven't even left our final summer in high school!

So yet again we must delay gratification. The naked week stood out to me because it occurred during a historical event, which we will cover in our next chapter.

Next: Chapter 7

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