The Sex Life of Brian

By Brian Martinez

Published on Mar 17, 2021


What follows is a work of fiction, if I just so happen to take real facts from my life and change every possible detail including my name, their names, dates, places, activities but keep the sex part the same but with more orgasms, it would still be fictional. The characters contained within do not exist, the events as presented in the order presented did not happen to anyone living or dead. No comment on whether or not I stole ideas from the future.

I have drawn a line in the sand, if you are under 18 or the age of pornography watching in your country if higher, you shall not cross this line. Crossing this line while underage is a crime, you don't want to break the law now do ya?

Regular Donors to skip this paragraph, I'm just talking to the deadbeats. Where's my money? Where's my money man? Look I do you a solid, a decent thing like give you 6 orgasms and you do me dirty by not paying? No, No this ends today. Head on over to now, now... not one more orgasm until you leave your honorarium. If you decide not to pay, I'm going to harm you in a way no amount of weapons will ever protect you from: I'll be in your head, and I will be saying: Donate to again, and again and again.

The Sex Life of Brian - Chapter 7: The conclusion of the naked week and the rest of summer (mm, not much sex, oral, public nudity, public sex, high school, romance)

---Day 4: Thursday Lawrence v Texas (no sex)---

The morning wasn't sexy, I prepared a hot meal for the boys while they washed and replaced the sheets. There was a mix of playing in the water, watching movies, some video games. Even when we play fought or hugged they all felt platonic, carefree, it was like being horny was an option for everyone, we just decided to keep it on the shelf. It's ready, but not needed. By dinnertime, everyone had already gone upstairs to check emails. Depending on where you live in the world, the internet is with you 90% of the time. It's with you when you wake up, when you're eating. Rarely does it ever leave your side. There's no need to head to a specific location or takeout a laptop, your cell phone is no longer a cell phone it's an entire computer in the palm of your hand. If you connect a keyboard and mouse to it, you might even be able to type up a story on Nifty on it. Even behind the scenes, the line between computer and phone is starting to blur.

This day was Thursday, June 26, 2003. These kids don't have smartphones or even basic cell phones. Three of the four kids aren't at their houses so they can't get their normal calls. The kids can't just take something out of their pockets to read an email. They have to go to a specific room in the house and log in to their email. So whereas when an a major event happened it took some people hours to hear the news because they had to wait for the news to arrive. Today, when something major happens your phone, makes noise, In 2003, you had to be paying attention to the news. Four kids having sex didn't care to do any of that. So something that happened in the morning, didn't reach us for several hours. While we were cleaning, gay sex was legalized in all U.S. States. The law in our state was repealed over 10 years ago, but this was a victory for equality. It finally meant to no matter where we were in the country, we would not be criminals. We were in the back living room when Clay called his friend.

"Hey girlfriend, I got your email, what's up?", he said this in a calm voice, not the more enigmatic tone you associate with those words. The big news wasn't the first topic, but during the conversation, he was told to put on the evening news, "Put on the evening what?.... Okay okay if this is so big, why don't you tell me? Hey Brandon it's almost 6 can you switch to the evening news?"

"Sure thing", Brandon said and he changed the channel. The trumpets sounded and the anchor came on.

"Tonight the US Supreme Court struck down a law banning sodomy based on gender...." the anchor said.

"What does that mean"... Tony said but everyone shusshed him. Advocates of gay and lesbian individuals are calling it a victory for equality as laws prohibiting sex between two people of the same sex are now invalid."

"No seriously, what happened?", Tony asked.

"Almost everything we were doing was illegal in Texas and a lot of other places", I said.

"What? But we weren't hurting anybody", Tony said.

"Exactly, but some people think what we did is wrong", Brandon said.

Tony went over to Clay and kissed him, Clay responded with a hug, "What we do together is so beautiful, how could anyone deny us this? Even if they don't want to do it themselves they don't have to", Tony asked almost starting to cry. "Youse guys", oh boy, his parents' accents sometimes came out when he got emotional, "This was art, it was pretty, it was what everyone on earth wants. What do they care who we get it from?"

Clay, "Those people are losing power, we're winning. That's my parents told me what becoming growing up is about. It's accepting that there are bad people in the world. We have to be on guard and recognize danger when it exists. Sometimes that danger comes from other people. We fight, we vote, we do everything we can until justice is served. Why the hell are we moping around for, I'm breaking open the champagne!", he walked over and pulled it out of the fridge, "We made a victory today!" None of us were very political, but we knew this was important, we knew that this was what we deserved, normalization.

"Clay, stop, that's very expensive and is hard to replace", Brandon pointed at Clay. Clay ignored this and started taking off the foil and spring.

"Please, this?", he held up the bottle showing us all the labels, "They bought this for $10 at the members-only warehouse store. It's not even a name brand, it's the store brand", He popped the cork and served everyone in red plastic cups.

"Let's raise a glass to being gay and now one step closer to being equal", we all touched cups and drank.

"What's next after this?", Tony asked. Brandon came back to Tony and held his hands.

"Well I would like to get married to a boy someday", Clay said.

"And I'd like that boy to be you, are you proposing?", Tony asked.

"Yes, well no, what I mean is we can't. Even if you and I were both 18 right now, we're both boys meaning that there is no marriage for us."

"Oh no, but we can still be boyfriends right, boyfriends forever?", Tony asked.

"We can do that in all 50 states after today, but we can't legally get married. I'm just a kid so I don't know all of what that means, but basically, people in official positions aren't allowed to recognize us as married. If you're in the hospital and they only let a husband or wife in, I can't go", Clay said.

"That can change too can it?", Tony asked.

"Maybe someday, but I'll be your boyfriend until the day that happens or 18 whichever is later", Clay said. Wow, our romance really did infect them. Eleven years later in 2014, gays could marry, but they didn't get married right away, they waited a while.

None of us had an alcohol tolerance, so we got a slight buzz off of the quarter bottle of champagne we all drank. What happened next was risky and I could have lost my license until age 21. I got lucky, if I had to go back, I'm not sure I'd do it again. I didn't see him, but Brandon had a few rainbow flag stickers and took them out of his backpack, he also got his grandmother's (Brandon's mother) car keys from the bedroom and took my hand, a second bottle of champagne was in the other. Let's do a victory lap boys, we ran in and out of every room in the house including the backyard saying woo. We were fortunate that that night a neighbor on a different street had a live band playing so we were basically a drop in the bucket.

"Brian, you're the only one of us with a license. You need to take these boys and my grandmother's car around the block!", Clay said. I was very much aware of what could happen if I stole a car, having been drinking with minors in the vehicle, and being underage myself, but I was too buzzed to care and I even upped the ante although I suspect my next demand was already part of the plan.

"Okay, but we're doing it naked!", I said.

"Of course", Brandon was the first out and covered the car in pride flag stickers. I opened the door and started the car, the rest of them hopped in and I pulled away.

Here we were four naked boys, in a car, three of them with their upper bodies sticking out of the window screaming like maniacs. Good thing we were on the main streets by now so the noise was probably easily ignored. I decided to take a path that would be 100% right turns. I remember hearing in driver's ed that right turns were safer because you didn't have to cross the street to make them. Traffic was light since we were not in the center of the city. We drove past a shopping center, I think at most we passed by 10 people walking around, they probably had no idea what we were cheering about. I turned right again and there was nobody walking around. It was then we realized what we were doing, the boys pulled their body parts in and rolled up the windows. We were still full of adrenaline and the excitement hadn't settled yet, we were just breathing in and out heavily, saying woo quietly. I turned right only a passing convenience store.

It was a quiet ride as I turned right and then right again as we got back to the neighborhood. I parked the car in the driveway the way it was before we arrived. I made a gameplan because I knew the risk of being caught naked by the neighbors was still there. "Okay, we all hop out, grab every single sticker you can as quickly as you can, if there's any residual left, don't spend time scraping them off. If we move fast enough it lowers the chance someone will see us." In retrospect, I guess I could have pulled into the garage and we would have had plenty of time.

We jumped out, grabbed every sticker. Clay didn't stick them on very wall so none of them were fully attached and some were actually missing. The car was squeaky clean in 2 seconds flat. We ran into the house and closed the door behind us. It was thrilling being naked in public, sexually thrilling.

"Do you think anybody saw us?", I asked.

"Who cares, I'm hot and everybody got a free show without paying", Clay said. I was a little more anxious but too drunk to care. Which isn't saying much because I could get drunk on 2 drinks. We went upstairs, for a goof we all fell asleep in the same bed in Brandon's parents' bedroom. It was a tight squeeze getting the four of us on a queen-sized mattress, but we fell asleep anyway. Brandon in the back spooning me, who was spooning Tony who was spooning Clay." Brandon and I woke up in the middle of the night and switched to Brandon's room. We fell asleep naked in each other's arms, it was nirvana.

--Day 5, 6 and 7: The cleanup of the Naked Week (mm, oral)

Day 5 we made sure to only sleep on the couch or in Brandon's bed, using sheets as necessary. We got into a 4-way suck that night with me sucking Brandon, Brandon sucking Clay, Clay Sucking Tony, and Tony sucking me.

Day 6 was Saturday, Tony and Clay finally put their clothes back on. We kissed twice so that Brandon and I got to kiss both Tony and Clay. They left holding hands, it was so sweet. I was giving Brandon a side hug as we peeked through the curtains as they walked down the street.

It was a little risky taking down the tarps, but if anyone was watching all they saw were traps falling down and being carried by someone underneath it. No more outside nudity, I put the tarps away, we washed every towel we used every sheet we used, even Brandon's. Brandon's sister and parents left their bed a mess so the only change we made was actually an improvement, they had freshly washed sheets. We spent the day cleaning up everything outside of Brandon's room, I put everything I didn't need in my backpack leaving out only a change of clothes. I left my shoes in the backpack. It was our last day before his parents came back and we wanted to spend every possible minute of it naked.

We were laying in his bed, for once not playing video games or watching movies or TV, just talking. We thought about coming out but decided against it. Too much stigma, plus we didn't want Brandon getting kicked out of his own house. We thought about our future, figured we'd live together as roommates in college housing. We sucked each other that night I did him first and then he did me.

---Part 3: The rest of our last summer in high school (mm, oral, public nudity, public sex)---

I had to work every day the next week. 8 hour days, it made me wonder how anybody has free time to do things. 40 hours a week seems like nothing to me now, but back then it felt major. It's like school was just a practice round for busywork. I worked more throughout the summer, me trying to save every dime I could because I never knew if I could lose my job. Later that summer I heard there was some sort of festival in the north of Nevada. Something called burning man. I found the whole thing strange, but there was one thing I cared about. The place burning man was in allowed nudity during the festival. So we convinced our parents we were going to an academic thing, we booked our tickets online and headed up to Reno. We couldn't rent a car and a taxi would be $400, but we managed to hitch a ride with another set of festival-goers. We got to the site and lugged our big backpacks in, man it was a long walk. I set up the tents, Brandon was less than handy. We set our clothes down, put on sunscreen, and walked around naked, holding hands.

It was like we stepped forward in time. Here we were two naked boys holding hands, and nobody looked at us funny. If anything we blended right in. There were a lot of naked people there, they weren't in the majority but there were many. Whatever kind of couple you can imagine, we saw. Young, old, Big, small, every color, every height, straight, lesbian, and gay were all there. Although we were not 18 yet, nobody was checking ID.

"This is our last summer in high school", Brandon said.

"Next summer we'll have graduated", I replied.

"Did you get accepted anywhere", he asked.

"Yes, 4 Year university. I'll be working a little to pay the bills", I answered.

"Yeah, I'll be going to the community college, there's no campus housing so I'll stay with my parents", he replied.

"It's just across town, shouldn't be an issue", I said.

We came up to a setup that looked Polynesian, Hawaiian, I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was rather tropical. We stepped inside and were amazed by what we saw, there were about 10 couples having sex. It was mostly middle-aged persons and some people in their 20s but we had to be the youngest couple in there. We saw two other gay couples and one lesbian couple, so we definitely were in the right place. The entire place was covered in small foam sponge-like pads on the floor so everyone could comfortably fuck. They were like portable mattresses. We hopped on to one of them, but before we fucked we had to get the mushy stuff out of the way.

"We're about to enter our last year of high school if we make it through, we'll officially be high school sweethearts", Brandon said to me.

"Wow, I never thought mine would be a boy", I said held his hand and kissed it, "but I'm glad it's you." I pushed him down and went down on him, expert-level as usual, and got him off.

We turned over and now it was his job to please me. He made a big show of it, rubbing my nipples as he sucked me off, it was amazing. I was moaning loudly which caught the attention of one of the gay couples. They appeared to be about 24 years old.

Having an audience reminded me of earlier this summer. I made a show of moaning even louder, somehow Brandon got his finger lubed and put it up my ass. It wasn't as big as his dick so it was a lot easier to take. This was quickly able to get me off and I moaned into his mouth, arching my back as he rubbed my nipples. More people were watching than I expected and I heard applause around us as I was recovering from my orgasm.

I asked the gay couple where they were from and they said the same place we lived. We were amazed and exchanged emails. We said we'd see each other after we got back. I decided to kiss them both, making out, Brandon did the same. They were seaty and dusty both white guys with a tan about 6 inches (15cm) with thin frames.

We didn't wear clothes until the next day, when we had to leave we couldn't stay longer as school started right then. We went back home.

Okay, we've officially peaked, it's all downhill from here. Our senior year is when things began falling apart. Next chapter and this story is done.

Next: Chapter 8

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