The Sillymans

By Matt Spence

Published on Jun 22, 2011


Note From Author: This is a fictional story about a high school kid who learns the hard way to judge who his friends really are. It is loosely based on some experinces of mine in my high school.

The names of everyone have been changed to protect identities. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting minors. Remember to always use protection, STD's are real but are not in this story. If you are against something like this then I suggest you leave now and never come back.

Please do not steal this story. If you have comments/suggetions/questions feel free to email me at Remember any resemblance or name to a living or dead person is completely incidental.

For Jarred: I finally did it Enjoy

The Sillymans Prequel

It all started when I told my best friend of 8 years that I was bisexual. "Dude I have to tell you a secret."

"What is it Matt?"

"Ok Zach you have to promise not to tell anyone? Alright?"

"Yeah man I promise."

"Zach I'm bi.".....

"Zach you there? I'm sorry man. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Matt, your disgusting. Please don't ever talk to me again."

It was the worst day of my life. I couldn't believe the words he said to me. 8 years of friendship down the drown. I felt like i was being sucked into a black hole of despair, and I know this sounds like me being a drama queen, but he was my best friend and he couldn't even see past my sexual presence. I was dreading every moment of my life knowing that I would never be accepted by anybody I loved. So I decided that i would end my life. I ran downsairs as fast as I could and grabbed the first bottle I could find, Extra Strength Advil. I swallowed the entire bottle and ran back upstairs to write my farewell note.

"Dear Family and Friends,

I have to decided to kill myself because no one has ever loved me, and I've realized today nobody will ever accept me. I want you to tell Jarred Wininger that I love him......."

That's all I wrote before I realized what I had done. I immediately tore the note amd grabbed my cell phone and dialed Jarred, the guy I've had a huge crush on for almost 9 years. He answered on the third ring. "Hey Matt, what's up?"

"Jarred I swallowed a bottle of pills please help me!"

"Matt are you fucking serious!"

"Jarred please help"

"Matt i'm on my way please don't do move or do anything else."

When he arrived I was barely conscious and intense pain. "Jarred please hurry..."

"Matt your so fucking stupid" With that i passed out from the pain. I awoke later in a hospital to find a tube down my throat and a throbbing pain in my head. My Dad and my Step-Mom and Jarred were there. I just looked and began crying. The doctor came in and removed the tube from my throat. "Glad to see your awake Matthew. Are you feeling well today?"

"Alright I guess my head is killing me though."

"I'll get you some Advil for that."

"Thanks doctor."

"I need to speak with you in private though so if you would ask your parents and friend to leave."

"Does Jarred have to leave I want him to hear what i have to say?"

"Well I guess he could stay if he wants to?"

"Yeah Matt if you would like me to."

"Thanks Jarred."

With that my parents left and the doctor began asking routine questions. "Alright state your name, age, weight, height, and your features. I want to make sure your memory is intact."

"Alright where do I begin. My name is Matthew Allen Spence, I am 16 years old, I weigh about 145 pounds, I am 5 feet 10 inches, I have auburn colored hair with blue eyes and always brown-red skin, like a tan but more burnt."

"Impressive Matthew your memory is spot on. Now for the important question. Why did you try to kill yourself?"

"Now doctor we do have patient/doctor confidentiality?"

"Of course we do, I am legally not allowed to say a word."

"Good. Alright I tried to kill myself because our best friend, Jarred and mine, hates me because I'm bisexual." Jarred stared at me like he just couldn't believe it. "Jarred please, please, please don't hate me." "Matt..." I began to hyperventilate. "Jarred... please."

"Matt.... I don't hate you." It was like an anvil was lifted off my shoulders. "Shhew. Thank you Jarred."

The doctor, who had been silent through the entire ordeal, cleared his throat and began to speak. "Matthew I understand why you did what you did, I need to know though are you still having hurtful thoughts?"

"No doctor I am not."

"That is good we will keep you for a day or two and refer to a psychiatrist and you will be released."

"Thank you doctor. Jarred I'm sorry."

"Matt it's ok." He holds my hand and I fall asleep inthis position his hand in mine.

============================================================================== End of prequel! Next chapter to come very soon. You finally meet the Sillymans and will Matthew admit his love Jarred? Stay tuned to find out

Next: Chapter 2

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