The Smithy

Published on Jul 12, 2008


The Smithy

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I had what can only be described as an idyllic childhood. When one reads the novels of Dickens, it might appear that childhoods in England were nightmares. My mother was a loving and beautiful women. I was the her only child and she devoted her life to me. My father was an inventor and industrialist. He devoted most of his life to work and when I was younger, he was aloof and distant with me.

However, when I got older he was helpful with my studies. Looking back I don't think he knew how to deal with a small child. Queen Victoria knighted my father in 1874. This was the great event of my youth. While I was too young to attend the ceremony, it was discussed by all. At that time we moved from a house in York to country house outside the city. My parents hired tutors and I did well in my studies. My life was somewhat solitary but I liked my tutors and loved my parents. I didn't miss playing with other children.

My mother was beautiful, but not strong. I when I was sixteen, I noticed my mother was becoming weaker and she had a bad cough. She died on my seventeenth birthday. This was a disaster in my life, but it occurred as I was preparing to go to Oxford and soon the excitement of leaving home for the University dulled the pain.

Oxford was a revelation to me. My life at home was conventional in the extreme. Oxford was filled with exciting men and ideas. I fell under the influence of men like William Morris and John Ruskin. I was enthralled by art and the Aesthetes. Art and beauty had played no role in my life to that point. For the first time I saw Greek and Roman sculptures an Renaissance paintings. This was a new world to me, but my best friends at Oxford, Tristan Butler and Ovid Mills were very confident, and I fell totally under their spell.

This taste for art was associated with purity and chastity. Purity was the watchword. This suited me, for I was both ignorant and frightened of my sexual urges. I suspected the worst of my own inclinations. Chastity was a way to avoid the issue. My friends were so self-assured, I knew they had no concerns like mine. At the end of my second term at Oxford I went with Ovid to visit his home in southern Scotland. We took the train to York, and then undertook a memorably uncomfortable carriage ride to his distant home. We were almost halfway to his home when the carriage broke an axle and the carriage tipped over on its side. I was unhurt, but Tristan seriously injured his leg and the driver was even more badly hurt. We were in a very secluded part of Yorkshire and the only inhabitant nearby was a smith. That man, named Ralph Robertson, had a massive dray horse and righted the carriage and got the injured men into his cottage. He sent his boy apprentice to get help. The boy returned with a small carriage. It was big enough to carry the injured men and a driver. It wasn't big enough to hold me. I helped get Tristan into the carriage, but hurt my back lifting Tristan.

I had never felt pain like this, but the smith knew what had happened. He said I had thrown my back out. He thought travel was out of the question for me. We decided I would stay with Ralph until I could travel. I didn't want to do this, but there didn't seem to be an alternative. I put a brave face on it. Tristan and injured driver left me with the hulking Smithy. While Ralph was a giant of a man he was soft spoken and polite, I had never been with a man quite like him. His cottage was modest but clean. It was totally with out refinements or luxuries. He lived alone with a large dog, named Gulliver. The boy who went to get help lived at home with his family. I sat in a big, wooden chair, crudely made, but surprisingly comfortable for a man in my situation. Luckily, Ralph knew much about back problems. I assumed they were typical for a heavy laborer like a blacksmith. He wrapped me in a warm blanket and sat me in a sunny window while he went about his work.

At the end of his workday he went to the side of the house, stripped off his soot-covered clothes and washed himself. I had never seen a grown man naked before. I was both shocked and excited in a way I had never been before. I had seen statues of nude Greek gods and goddesses in museums, but they were nothing like Ralph, with the possible exception of the Greek hero Hercules. Ralph had the body of Hercules, but he was covered in a thick coat of curly, blondish-red hair.

There was another difference. The genitals of the classical statues had either delicate, elegant boy like genitals, or were covered with modest fig leaves. There was nothing modest or boy like about Ralph's member. His foreskin covered a tube of flesh with a bulge the size of a small apple indicating the location of his knob. His sack seemed to hold a pair of good- sized potatoes. My friend Ovid described the Greek sculptures as the ultimate in refinement, and expressing man's triumph over out animalistic tendencies. It seemed to me Ralph still had many of his animalistic characteristics still intact. As I watched him wash in the side yard of his cottage, I realized I had some of those tendencies too. I felt desire.

I myself didn't look much like a Greek god. I am a little above average height and weight and at age 20, hair covered my chest, and a path of hair connected my chest hair with my bush. As I watched Ralph, my cock got hard. My cock is long and thin. My balls hung low and were plum sized.

Ralph dried himself in the sun, dressed in clean clothes and returned to the cottage. He asked my how I felt. I said the chair was comfortable. When I tried to get up a spasm of pain swept over me. He told me to stay still and he would make dinner. As the sun set, the cottage got cold, but the fire soon warmed the place.

The dog never let Ralph get out of his sight, but he sat next to me. I guessed I was in Ralph's chair and Gulliver was in his normal place. Ralph helped me get up and I got over to a small table where we we ate simple dinner. Afterward he asked if I liked to play checkers. I did. He cleared off the mismatched plates and brought out a checker board. It was had made of inlayed wood and was quite beautifully crafted. I commented on that.

"My father made it," Ralph said. "He was a cabinet maker. My older brother continued in that trade, but I wasn't good at it. I apprenticed to Old Henry, the local smithy, and here I am."

"It's a hard and dirty trade," I said.

"It suits me well," Ralph replied. " I like hard work." We played the game. Much to my surprise Ralph beat me. I must have looked disappointed when he won. He noticed. "I must have gotten lucky," he said. He had noticed my disappointment. "You'll win the next time."

I felt ashamed of myself. In the intellectual circles I moved in Oxford there was a lot of talk about the value of labor and the plight of the worker. In spite of all the talk, I was a gentleman. Ralph was a laborer. It didn't seem right that he would beat me. I tried to make amends.

"I'm afraid your good luck is due to your skills at playing the game," I said. "You won fair and square, and if I manage to win it will be due to my skills, and a little good luck." Ralph smiled. He understood what I was saying. I did manage to win a game, but that was because he made a mistake.

"I have only one bed," he said. "You can have it and I will take the chair." The bed was large.

"I don't want to force you out of the bed. We can share it, if you don't mind," I said.

"It's warmer that way," Ralph said. We went to his bed and he took off his clothes. Much to my surprise he stripped naked. Then he helped me strip. It didn't seem to occur to him that I didn't sleep naked. I thought about objecting, but didn't. By the time I was naked my cock was excited.

"You have a nice one," he said when he saw me partly erect. Ralph helped ease me into the bed. Any wrong move was painful. Pulling blankets over me, he got in the other side of the bed.

"I haven't shared a bed since Old Henry and I slept together," Ralph said. "It was the only way to stay warm in this cold house."

"You liked your master?" I asked.

"He was a good man, quiet but friendly," Ralph said. "My father was good too, but he was a strict Presbyterian. Old Henry liked some fun. He was a bachelor, so I was the son he never had."

I had never been in bed with a naked men and the situation continued to excite me. Ralph was huge and his hairy body touched mine. The covers were cold and a bit damp. I shivered and he put his arm around me.

"Don't worry sir. I'll keep you warm," he whispered. "Cold is bad for your back. His body was warm. I was afraid he would discover I was erect. I didn't need to worry. Ralph reached for my cock and stroked it.

"It's nice and long," he said. "I didn't guess you were so big. You're a manly man. It's hard to tell under a gentleman's clothes." I was shocked. I had no idea what to do. I thought I should run from the bed, but my back made that impossible. After a minute or two the pleasure made it impossible.

"That feels good," I said. I lied. It was more than good. I had played with myself and always felt guilty. Some of my friends talked about sexual pleasure. The pleasure I felt when I played with myself didn't seem to justify the guilt. As Ralph's meaty hand stroked my cock, it was an entirely new level of pleasure I had never felt before. Indeed, I didn't even know it existed.

Ralph seemed to know this. "This is new to you?" He asked.

"Completely," I replied. "It's wonderful."

"It's the best feeling in the world," he said. "Nothing compares to it." He chuckled. "If you're a good sport, it can get a lot better. Are you an adventurous mood?"

"I'm afraid I'm more of a scholar than an adventurer," I said. "Can you tell me what you're thinking about?"

"Man play is easier to do than to explain," Ralph explained. He stroked my cock a few times and I shivered. "One part of you knows what feels good. Just relax and let old Ralph show you the ropes."

"I don't know."

"You are more of a man of action than you think," he said. He slowly moved so we were facing each other in the bed. He slipped under the bedclothes and a second or two later he swallowed my cock. The sensations were heavenly. After a minute or so of this, his head appeared next to me. "That was wonderful," I said. `You were really close to shooting the cream," he said. "I was going to have little more fun before I milk you."

"Milk me?" I asked. I didn't know exactly what that was. I did have a good guess, but I couldn't believe he would do that.

Ralph laughed. "Old Henry always said a shot of warm milk before you go to bed makes you sleepy," he said. "Draining the balls every day is good for you too, I think."

"I heard it leads to weakness," I said.

Ralph laughed again. "If it does it never had any effect on Henry or me! I never miss a day and Henry could shoot off two or three times even when he got older." "He sounds like a right randy old gentleman," I said.

"That might be true," Ralph admitted, "but I know for a fact he didn't have a mean bone in his body. He was the best master a boy could wish."

"He didn't take advantage of you?"

"Shit no," Ralph exclaimed. "I was a solid six foot tall when I was 14. I was no refined lady being used by an unfeeling cad. Henry always gave more than he took. If you gave him a crown he pay you back with a pound. He was a great bedmate for a cold cottage."

" I'm warm now," I said. He was all but lying on me. His body heat was all I needed to keep warm. He shifted and I could play with his privates. They seemed impressive as he washed in the yard earlier. Now they were huge. His balls were actually heavy. I stroked his pole and a wave of desire swept over me.

"Henry liked his milk warm and straight from the spigot. It was best when you let it simmer then worked it up to a boil," Ralph said. "It was a sure way to insure a good night's sleep."

Ralph didn't ask me what I wanted. He knew. He moved and fed me his cock. For a second or two I hesitated. I licked his knob. I don't know what I expected, but I loved it. I tried to get his huge knob onto my mouth. I didn't succeed, but my tongue discovered his piss slit.

Actually I found a sweet thick liquid and followed it to the source, his slit. I loved it and soon tried to get my tongue into it. His slit was wide and I tried to get deep into the opening. As I did, I coaxed more of the fluid from his body. I was mad with desire.

Somehow Ralph almost floated above me. He sucked my cock and I sucked his. As we were connected only by our cocks, there was no stress on my back. He swallowed my entire cock. That was too much for me. I shot my load into his mouth. A second later my mouth filled with Ralph's man seed. The seed wasn't as tasty as the stuff that drooled from his cock before, but I took it all. Ralph carefully shifted his position and we fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning, my back was a little better. The room was filled with sunlight, and Ralph was still in bed with me. As I moved he woke.

He got up and I had a chance to see his naked body close up. He stood next to me. His cock was at eye level. "Have you ever taken a long look at man's tool?" Ralph asked. I will swear he was a mind reader. "Take you time. It's Sunday, my day of rest," he said. His cock was soft and thick foreskin covered his knob. He peeled it back to expose the head. A bead of fluid peaked from the slit. I involuntarily stuck out my tongue.

Ralph smiled. "I see you like the ball juice."

"What is it?" "I don't know what the real name is. Henry called it love juice or cock jelly," Ralph said. "It comes before the main load. "

"That's the bitter, salty stuff?"

"That's it. You get to like it after a while. Yours is good; rich and creamy. Did you like mine?"

"I don't know," I said. Ralph looked disappointed. "I may need to try it a few more times."

He smiled. "Maybe we can work on that today."

I moved so I could get his cock again. I twisted the wrong way and winced. Ralph moved and I sucked him. When I started he was soft and his member grew as I ministered to it. I was inordinately pleased. I was able to give him pleasure. It was such a simple thing. I sucked him and he responded.

"I am a novice in these matters," I said after our second coupling. "I truthfully didn't know these things were possible. It is a new world of sensation. How did you discover all of this?"

"Old Henry knew a lot, but mostly we learned by trial and error," Ralph answered. "The trial part I understand," I observed. "The error part might not be that good." "As I told you, Old Henry was a good man. Winter nights are long and cold. We had all the time in the world to explore," Ralph explained. "We had the time and the inclination. We had fun too. Henry was full of curiosity and enthusiasm. He also liked to teach others his skills."

"Were you his only student?" I asked.

"Not hardly," Ralph replied. "You could say he ran an academy of the sexual arts. There's no need to keep your knowledge to yourself," he'd say. "Spread the wealth." He had a knack for finding like minded bachelors."

"You got a degree from his academy?" I asked.

Ralph smiled. "That I did, but truthfully speaking, it was hard to fail at his course of studies. Old Henry was a good teacher and you could say the subject matter all but taught itself." He looked me in the eye. "I'd like to teach you what he taught me," he said.

"I don't know if I could do that," I replied.

"Let me assure you that you would have no problem becoming a star student at all," he said. "You're a smart lad, but I'm afraid you do too much thinking with your brain, and not enough with you cock." He felt for my cock. I was hard. "Was last night the first time you were in bed with a bare-naked man?" He asked. I nodded.

"Let yourself go. Jump into it with both feet." he said. "You can't be half a virgin. Once you've made your first step into the art of man love, you might as well go all the way." He groped my genitals again. I was going to protest that I wasn't that interested, but my erect genitals would undermine my sincerity. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled. He knew I was willing.

"I have a confession to make," Ralph said. "Several old friends are coming over today. "

"Are they graduates of Old Henry's academy?" I asked.

He smiled. "They are. Don't worry, they are good men and good sports too," Ralph said. "You will like them."

As we talked I hadn't noticed that the sunny sky of the morning had vanished and the house was now dark. A clap of thunder announced a storm. Ralph's cottage was an old stone dwelling that was damp and cold by it's nature. While it was early summer, the storm was more of a winter gale. As the wind blew any trace of warmth in the dwelling vanished. Ralph added a log to the fire.

Someone rapped at the door. Ralph opened it and six men entered, covered in soaking wet clothes. They looked like drowned sheepdogs. One was a child. That I hadn't expected. Ralph greeted them heartily and added more wood to the fire. The men stripped off their sodden clothes and hung them by the fire to dry.

They were all naked and huddled by the fire when they noticed me. "Who is the new lad, Ralph?" a big bear like man asked. Even though he was naked in front of a man he had never seen before, he seemed curious and not at all embarrassed.

"Men this is Robert Fairbairn, a scholar from Oxford. He injured himself trying to help his traveling companions when their coach broke down. He hurt his back and is here until he can travel," Ralph explained. "He's a bachelor like us. He isn't a man of broad experience, but he is a fast learner."

"Welcome to our merry band," the child said in a deep bass voice. I did a double take. The child was a full grown man who was half sized. "I am Robert too," he said as he shook my hand.

"Welcome," the bear like man said, "I'm Angus, this is my son, Alexander." Angus was as muscular as Ralph, but not as tall and was covered in curly black hair. Alexander was a taller, but thinner version of his father. "We're stone masons. Robert works for us, but he's a carver. Very skilled he is."

"I'm William the miller," a smaller man said.

"I'm Ian," a short, red haired man said. I'm the farm manager for Willbourn Grange. My friend here is Wellington Willbourn." Wellington was a rather small, white haired man with a bushy beard and red face.

"You live at the grange?" I asked.

"Indeed I do, but I am the third son of his lordship's aunt," he said. "They can't throw me out, but they wish I wasn't there."

The men seemed to accept me as one of them ands were unembarrassed at their nudity. Angus and Robert helped me undress as the other men kissed and groped each other.

I was erect by the time I was naked, but that didn't bother the men. Robert licked my cock as Angus straddled my face and feed me his member. His cock was wider than it was long and was covered in thick foreskin. For a while I thought he wasn't hard, but I soon realized the skin covered his cock head even when fully erect. I worked my tongue into the puckered skin end immediately encountered the fluid Ralph called cock jelly.

I licked around the tender head and Angus moaned in pleasure. I wouldn't have guessed that such a crude looking man as Angus would have been so sensitive, but my tongue caressing his knob drove him to distraction. The hot space between his cock head and the skin was flooded with new fluids as I licked. Much to my surprise, my tongue whet to his piss slit and I licked up the fresh goo that oozed from his cock.

"Don't go too fast," he said as he pushed my head away. "We have the full day to play." Robert took his place. I had no idea what he would be like. From a distance it was easy to think of him as an oddity or a curiosity. Close up he was very much a man.

While his legs were stunted, his trunk was heavily muscled and he indeed looked like a Classical statuette of Hercules. His genitals weren't at all classical. His cock was long, curved and very hard. I had just begun sucking him when I twisted the wrong way and my back spasmed in pain. Robert immediately moved and got me into a better position.

"You need a good rubdown," he said. "It will loosen you up."

"He's not good about relaxing,"Angus said. "Your rubdown will help him. I've got some oil that will help."

"I'll be all right in a minute or two," I said. "You don't need to bother." as seemed to be the case with Ralph, Robert didn't seem to be interested in my opinions. He rolled me on my stomach and poured some oil on my back. Next he straddled me and rubbed the oil in.

Robert kneaded every muscle in my back. His hands and the oil seemed to get warm and I got less tense when I realized he knew what he was doing. I relaxed and came close to falling asleep. From my position on the bed I could watch the other men frolic. My vision of an orgy was based on Roman stories, and, if truth be told, what I could imagine such and event might be like.

Truthfully, I had never imagined what a orgy with friends might be. Certainly the air was filled with the scent of excited men, but they were no shy virgins, dreading the inevitable deflowering. The men here were sharing their bodies for mutual enjoyment. It was like a festive banquet among friends, except the men were feasting on their friends genitals rather than on food prepared by a cook. As far as I could tell, each man offered up his privates as the price for sampling his friends organs.

I fell asleep. When I woke, I was more relaxed than I had been in years. I felt euphoric and all was well with the world. Robert was still rubbing my back and I was deeply sexually excited. I was slightly dazed when I woke. It took a few moments to realize that while I slept, Robert had eased his cock into my ass. Every time he rubbed my back he pushed his member deeper into me. Ralph and Wellington were watching me and had amused expressions on their faces. I should have been either embarrassed or shocked. I was neither.

I didn't know anything could feel that good. Truthfully speaking, I hadn't known a mere human could feel such heights of pleasure. I was sure his member was fully embedded in my ass and Robert was rocking forward trying to press deeper. He couldn't get deeper, but his efforts felt wonderful.

"Robert's a sly one, but I've never seen a man take it so well," Ralph said. I couldn't believe another man's was was in my ass and I was enjoying it so much. The very thought should have been repulsive to me, but obviously, my body loved it. Robert slowly removed his member from my ass. For a few seconds he left the knob inside my hole, then he pulled out.

Somehow I had the impression fucking was an ordeal to be feared. I should have been relieved it was over. The only feeling I actually had was of emptiness. It was as if I had found a void in my body that could only be filled with another man's cock.

Ralph seemed to under stand. "Your back feels better now, doesn't it?" he asked. I rolled over and smiled. "I've forgotten I have a back," I said. Alexander, the youngest man in the group next to me, came over to the bed. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and pushed his organ into my hole. it was as long as Robert 's, but had more girth and a bigger knob.

I felt a twinge of pain as his knob popped into my ass. "Bobby warmed you up good," Alexander said as he push deep. "Real good." His cock head was in a few inches when a wave of intense pleasure all but overwhelmed me. I was in heaven. It was unbelievably intense. For the first time in my life I couldn't think. I could only feel.

Looking back I realize the experience was far beyond anything I had encountered before. I was naked in the midst of a group of men I had just met. They were fucking me in the ass and I was enjoying it. Oddly I didn't seem to be worried about it at all.

I think the experience was so far beyond my range of experiences, I had no way to relate it to my life before this date. I had never seen a naked man until I saw Ralph the day before. I didn't a man could take a cock in his ass. My knowledge of sex was primarily literary, not physical.

Ralph and his friends had no literary interests. Alexander began thrusting deep stokes and then stopped. I knew he was shooting his seed into me. He pulled out. The empty feeling returned. Wellington took Alexander's place. His cock was thin but his head was large. The shaft was so thin, I could feel the plum sized gland rubbing the insides of my ass.

"Damn!" he cried, "I've just drained my balls. I'm sorry Robert, I thought I could give you a better ride."

"We'll wear him out," Angus said. "Let him rest."

"Let me be the judge of that," I said. All the men laughed.

"He's a man after my own heart," Ian said. "Your a right randy lad, Robert. We're just as randy. There's about four feet of cock in this cottage, and you've only taken 18 to twenty inches of it. You can take it all, if you're game. Just tell us when you've had your fill, and we'll stop."

Ian was a wiry man, short of stature, but muscular. He had a pointed red beard and was covered head to toe in bright red hair. He coated his cock in oil and eased it into my hole. He took his time. In the course of the next half hour, Ian introduced me to wide variety of sexual positions. Fucked me from the rear, doggy style and had me sit on it. He sat on mine, and had me fuck him doggy style. Ian was the first man I had ever fucked. He wasn't open and I was afraid I might hurt him. Ian wasn't worried about that at all. He wanted me to force my way into his resisting body. I didn't think I could do that, but my cock had other ideas. Once I got in I started pounding him hard. He kept on crying," Harder, harder!" I couldn't stop. "Fill me up!" he cried.

I grabbed his shoulders and forced his body onto my bloated cock. It was as if I were shooting a rapid fire rifle into his body. I shot volley after volley after volley. Ian was skewered on my cock and could do nothing but take my seed. I almost feel asleep after my orgasm. I was in a daze. When my mind cleared, Ralph said,"That was beautiful!"

I looked at Ian to see if he was mad at me. I hadn't been gentle at all. He rolled me over and reinserted his member into my ass. He gently pumped, massaging the lining of my rectum. All was well.

"It's time to take a rest and eat something," Ralph said. He set out bread and cheese and had some beer. We talked as we ate. The fire warned to room as well as it could, but without the intense sexual activity generating body heat, the room began to see chill. Fortunately the rain and wind had abated outside.

There was a rapping a the door. Angus looked through a peep hole and then opened the door. A tall, massive turbaned Indian entered to room. "Ram is here!" Ralph said, "I didn't think he could make it."

Ram wore the livery of a noble house. The men greeted him warmly as he stripped off his clothes. He was dark skinned with pitch black hair. He was muscular and well put together. His massive chest was covered in silky, black hair. His cock was his most outstanding feature. It looked larger than Ralph's huge member. He was circumsized, so his gland was exposed. It was a beautiful shade of pinkish-lavender that contrasted with his dark skin.

Next: Chapter 2

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