The Smithy

Published on Mar 7, 2009


The Smithy 11

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Ram got on the bed and opened his ass for Jamie. His dark skin covered in swirling hair contrasted with Jamie's pink cock. That organ vanished effortlessly in the black hole. Ram sighed in satisfaction as the Scot's cock went deep. It was the sigh you make when someone scratches a particularly irritating itch. The contrast between Ram's hairy, dark ass and Jamie's delicate pink cock was unexpectedly arousing. My cock inflated to it maximum extent.

The twins, Alistair and Duncan, noticed that and came over to me. One dropped to his knees so he could suck me and the other went to my rear. His mushroom knocked at the rear door and I opened it to let him in. The duo worked as a team switching places when the fucking twin got close to an orgasm.

Alistair or Duncan's cock was in my ass for at least and hour. When they pulled off George, our Blackbeard, replaced them. George's thick cock was a thrill. The twins shot off in my ass so there was plenty of man made lubricant. Normally it would have been a challenge to take a cock as thick as his, but Alistair and Duncan's man juices made it easy. It was a pleasant surprise to have George in my hole without effort or any discomfort. Big Jack came over to watch.

I thought Big Jack was going to suck me, but he was interested in George. I couldn't tell if Big Jack was interested in George's member, or in the twin's seed that was dripping from it. Big Jack licked George every tine he pulled out. Whatever it was, George got very excited and soon added his cream to the brew in my ass. When he pulled out he was still ejaculating and Big Jack got to suck up some of the fresh sperm.

It took me a little while to understand the relationships between the soldiers. To some extent, they were Mac's harem. Most came from difficult or even dire circumstances. Jamie was poor and homeless when Mac found him. The Twins came from a similar situation. Mac found them, got them in the army and turned their lives around.

The sexual aspect of the relationship wasn't the price the men paid. They all were willing if not more than willing participants. Mac was the ultimate manly man and they served him eagerly. Needless to say, within the limitations of the military life sexual encounters were limited. Mac brought them to Ralph's so they could spread their wings in a less restricted environment. Spread their wings they did.

The nudity was a new experience for the soldiers as was the freedom of sexual relationships here. None of them were use to being naked or in having sex in a lighted room. Ralph's cottage and the men in it were a revelation to them. It is amazing how quickly one can get accustomed to the new circumstances. At first the men were uneasy about getting erect in front of their mates, but that passed. Mac set a good example for this.

"We're here for fun, not for a Sunday school lesson," Mac explained. "This is like Guy Fawke's day when the usual rules didn't apply."

Ralph selected the civilian guests for their openness to new experiences. The soldiers had all been broken in by Mac and his huge member. They were fully trained and willing to oblige. Mac thought of his cock and the sperm it spewed deep into his men's holes as a gift. He now wanted them to spread the wealth.

The soldiers were much taken by Robert. The diminutive dwarf was intensely masculine and muscular. He also was well endowed. After sucking many of the men, he returned to Mac. Mac lifted him up and sat the dwarf on his cock. Several men looked amazed when Mac's huge organ slipped in the the little man's arse. Robert loved it. Mac realized Robert's small stature presented opportunities for pleasure. You can do things with small men that you can't do with 250 pound hulks. Mac treated Robert as a over sized sporran.

George, the Black Beard look alike, stared at Robert as the small man twitched on Mac's cock. He sucked on the dwarf's big dick and had a great time. A little later I saw George on his back on the floor with Robert's member deep in his ass. The men could both give and take.

Of course Robert had a full repertoire of sexual positions and skills. With six new men he had never met, he could dazzle them with his knowledge of dwarf -man sex.

I was on a bed again with Jamie's cock in my ass. Earnest was next to me being fucked by Charles. Jamie's cock wasn't a challenge, but it was entertaining. It was an easy fit and he was gentle. I could have taken it for hours. He traded places with Charles. Charles was a average looking man, not physically as impressive as the rest of his soldiers.

Up close his body was firm and muscular, the coating of brown hair gave him a soft look. His cock was average in length, but shaped like a bulbous sausage. His cock head was small, the shaft expanded to three inches in the middle and then tapered to a more reasonable two inches where it joined his body. It turned out it was the perfect shape to work me into a frenzy.

When he was in my ass, there was no room for my prostate. The pressure was unbelievable. My sphincter could barely stretch wide enough to accommodate it as it entered, but once it was in, it was both comfortable and exciting.

"I usually bottom for Mac and the boys," Charles said. "I'd love to fuck you good." I told him to go ahead. He tried a few hard thrusts, but found slower, deeper thrusts were better. He took his time and discovered to joys of slow sex. Charles told me his sexual experiences had always been quick so as to avoid detection.

"Mac told us it would be different here," Charles explained, "But I didn't know what he meant. A man could get use to this." I enjoyed it and apparently it showed. George came over and watched Charles slowly massage my ass. He was intrigued at Charles' slow pace.

"Could I try the slow and easy approach, Charlie?" he asked. "If the gentleman doesn't object, that is?" Charles looked at me and I smiled. He pulled out and George took his place. He had oiled his member and it slid into my chute easily. This was the second time he had fucked me and his cock was a old friend by now. "Damn, you've opened him up nice," George muttered. "It's smooth as silk." George had a eight inch long club. His cock head and shaft were the same size and the experience was entirely different from Charles' member.

Charles got on the bed beside me and pulled up his legs exposing his asshole to view. Big Jack came over to answer the invitation. He pushed his cock deep into Charles' ass with a single hard thrust. I was shocked, but Charles moaned in pleasure. Charles was accustomed to taking Mac's monster. Big Jack cock was a walk in the park compared to Mac's horse cock. Big Jack and George could have been brothers. When Jack shot in Charles, Jack took his place on the bed. George pulled out of my ass and entered Big Jack's hole.

I'm not sure I had seen Big Jack take a cock before, but it clearly wasn't his first time. I was without a playmate so I got off the bed and surveyed the room. Given the intensity of the sexual activity, the room was placid and calm.

As the afternoon progressed, men fucked me for the second and even the third time. It seemed to me that the pleasure increased with reptition. As is often the case, after the first round of orgasms the sex slowed and the men relaxed. Most men seem to be frenzied as they work up to the climax. Once the pressure is released, they can take their time working up to the second, or third orgasms.

We had a very good dinner and then talked. It was very dark out side and the room was illuminated only by the fire and a candle or two. The place seemed cozy and intimate. Sexual activity resumed, but at a slower and less frantic pace. By now we all knew each other and we fell asleep comforted by the warmth of our friends' bodies.

The soldiers had to leave the next morning. Ralph and I cleaned up his cottage and spent the afternoon in quiet intercourse. It had been a beautiful weekend. I returned to Oxford.

There was a message waiting for me in my room. It was from Sir Edmund Bannister, the explorer. He was preparing for a expedition to the Pacific to study indigenous plants on isolated islands. His personal secretary had taken ill and he needed an educated gentleman to serve in that capacity. While he knew botany wasn't my specialty, he thought I might like to join him on the expedition.

I was interested and went to see him the next day. It was a great opportunity for me. I sent a telegram to my father asking his advice. Much to my surprise he was enthusiastic. He and his new wife knew much about Sir Edmund, and my father admired the man. The expedition was to leave in two weeks and that time was filled with activity getting clothes and equipment.

Much to my surprise M. Louis LaFarge, the gardener from the chateau and former professor of Botany from the Sorbonne was joining us. He was my step mother's brother so it was a sort of a family affair. I realized the long boring days at sea wouldn't be that boring. Two weeks later we boarded the Cleopatra for the trip to India and then to New South Wales in Australia. The Cleopatra was a freighter that had accommodations for only 20 passengers, all members of our expedition.

It didn't take me long to realize not only were the members of the expedition like spirits, the Captain and crew were also members of the brotherhood. Captain Lewis was a handsome bearded man, most distinguished looking. There were two Junior officers, Mr. Wyeth and Mr. MacAffee who were also handsome but miss matched. Mr. Wyeth was perhaps 30, thin and rather elegant. MacAffee was fifty, burly and heavily bearded.

Mr. Wyeth seemed to deal with the passengers and Mr. MacAffee with the crew and the boiler room operations. Curiously I seemed to run into Mr. MacAffee more than Mr. Wyeth. We had a tour of the ship and the boiler room and my technical interests came to the fore. The boiler facilitated me and Mr. MacAffee was more than willing to talk. I am interested in machinery, but I must admit, the semi nude coal stokers were of interest too. They were not like Greek Gods at all, but they were manly.

We had bad weather shortly after leaving England, and I discovered I wasn't subject to sea sickness. It wasn't actually a storm, but what the Captain referred to as high seas. It was very hard on the members of our expedition. Even Sir Edmund, who was nothing if not a seasoned traveler, as effected by it.

One evening during the period of the high seas, Mr. MacAfee and I were the only ones to take dinner. The Captain and Mr. Wyeth were the bridge and everyone else decided to remain in their cabins. We had a long conversation on the boilers and the mechanisms of the ship. The conversation turned to Sir Edmund. He had traveled on this ship several times and I was clear to me that Mr. MacAffee knew of his sexual interests. Mr. MacAfee asked if I shared Sir Edmund's recreational tastes.

"I have to admit I do," I replied. "Does that bother you?"

"Not at all," he replied. "The Capitan believes that sort of recreation makes for a happy ship. The Cleopatra runs mostly from England to Australia. It is a long and boring voyage." He leaned near to me. "Frankly it's happiest on the ship when everyone is screwing like rabbits. I don't like love affairs at sea, that causes jealousy, but screwing and sucking just keeps everyone happy."

I smiled. "You appear to be a man of liberal disposition." MacAffee nodded. Dinner was over and he asked me to his cabin. We had just stripped naked when there was a knock on the door. It was a huge man I had seen stoking the boilers a day earlier. He came in and stripped. In the boiler room he had been covered in soot and dust. Now he was scrubbed pink He looked around and saw I was in the room. He looked puzzled.

"It's all right Bull. Mr. Fairbairn is a good man," MacAffee said. Bull dropped to his knees and began to suck him.

"Mr. Fairbairn is a guest," MacAffee said. "Take care of him first." Bull pivoted and swallowed my cock. The man must have been over six feet six, or seven inches tall and was very muscular too. His tongue, however, gently caressed my cock and balls.

"Bull is the strongest back among the stokers," MacAffee said. "They're all strong, but he is the strongest. He works hard every day, but when he gets some time off he likes to play. By the way, he loves man milk."

"I like the cream too," I said. From the way MacAffee talked I suspected Bull was of limited intelligence.

"I've got lots of cream," Bull said.

MacAffee laughed. "Let me warn you. Bull's balls are full of man seed, but it takes a while to get it out."

"I've got time," I said. Bull stood and I sank to the floor. His cock and balls seemed small in comparison to his body, but that was an optical illusion. I sucked the tip of his foreskin into my mouth then worked my tongue into the pucker to lick up what ever had drooled earlier. Inside the skin I only encountered the taste of pre cum and a faint taste of soap.

MacAffee stood on the bed so Bull could suck him as I took care of Bull's meat. As soon as MacAffee's cock was in Bull's mouth, Bull's precum began to flow. Bull might be limited intellectually, but he was fully capable of feeling pleasure. This turned out to be a pleasurable experience for all of us.

Bull was a giant of a man, but his sexual equipment was both sensitive and responsive. I did some exploring and discovered the most sensitive spots on his cock. I discovered the filament of skin that connected the foreskin to his cock head was a good spot. It was had to believe my tongue could lick that spot and drive him crazy.

"Stop it, please," Bull would cry. I would stop and a second or two later he would beg me to do it again. MacAffee shot off and Bull took load. We took a break to catch out breath. MacAffee dozed off.

"You are a nice man,"Bull said. "Do you still want my milk? You don't need to take it. You are fun."

"I would like to take it," I said. "Do you ever shoot it in the arse?"

Bull smiled. His cock had relaxed, but returned to his erect state. "The boys fill my ass," he said. "It's warm and safe in my arse."

"Would you like to shoot into mine?" I asked. Bull looked confused, then he realized I wanted his to fuck me. He smiled again. He went to a small cabinet next to the bed and removed a bottle of oil. "You fuck me and I fuck you?" he asked.

I took the bottle and coated his cock and then oiled my ass. I got Bull on the floor and straddled him. His long, slightly curved cock fit my ass perfectly. As his pubic hair touched my ass I moaned in pleasure. He sat up while I was still impaled and he held me. He held me tight as if he was afraid I would go away. He began to twitch and shiver. I felt his cock twitching in my hole. He was ejaculating. I could feel his sperm tickling my ass lining. It was lovely.

Next: Chapter 12

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