The Sweet Life on Deck

By colton henry

Published on Apr 25, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not know Cole or Dylan Sprouse or their sexualities. I also do not own the suite life on deck. Nor do I know any other character's (and their actors) sexual orientations. This is a purely fictional story made from my imagination. It involves gay sex with minors, so if that bothers you than stop reading.

Sorry this chapter was kinda late guys. Hopefully the wait was worth it. If it wasn't, e-mail me and tell me so!

E-mail me at for suggestions, comments, or concerns.

The sun was setting on a Friday evening and most of the boys' fellow students were gathering in the ship's ballroom for a class dance and games night. Zack and Cody, however, were alone in Zack's room, starting up the usual make out session before a night of hot boy on boy action.

The boys pressed their lips against the others and pulled away making loud smacking noises. Zack , like the horny boy he was, had already removed his shirt and was tugging at Cody's shirt trying to relief his younger brother of the barrier between Zack and Cody's soft nipples. Cody leaned in more and took Zack's upper lip in between his own two lips and gently pulled on it. He could tell Zack was smiling which made Cody feel all that much better inside. Another smack was made as Cody broke away from his brother's face looking deep into Zack's crystal blue eyes.

"Maybe we should go to that party thing tonight, Zack. People are going to wonder where we are."

Zack could see that Cody was in his usual worried state. Cody never enjoyed breaking the rules and he certainly hated not doing school related activities, even though this one was not mandatory.

"Cody, stop worrying, no one will notice we aren't there. I bet a lot of people didn't show up to that lame thing anyways." Zack said pressing his palms against his twin's cheeks making a fishy face. Zack simply wanted an excuse to touch Cody's smooth face.

Cody grasped Zack's wrists and pulled the hands off his face. He hated it when Zack told him not to worry or squished his face like a little kid's. Cody didn't tell Zack this though, because he did not want the two of them fighting. It postponed sex for a little while which was never good for either twin.

"Besides, if we are there, I won't be able to get a piece of this." Zack continued and grabbed at Cody's ass to explain what `this' was. He pulled Cody by his pert ass closer to him until their chests were touching. But still Cody did not feel right, especially after telling Bailey he was going to go.

The younger twin had been questioning his sexuality back and forth for the last couple of weeks. He and his brother usually hit on girls to distract everyone from their true feelings for each other. But Bailey struck him as something different. Cody was definitely feeling something for her, but those feelings were weak when compared with the feelings he had for Zack. But one night away from his lover shouldn't be that hard.

Cody pressed a hand in between Zack's pectoral muscles to stop him from a further examination with Zack's tongue probe. Zack gave him a quizzical look.

"This," Cody began reaching around and holding his buttocks with both hands, " will be at the party."

Cody was testing Zack. He knew Zack wanted his ass, but he wanted more from his brother than that. He wanted a best friend and a lover who would chase after him. Cody turned around and walked out the door. Zack continued to stand there for several moments wondering what had just happened. He was horny and shirtless and didn't have a clue. He decided to pull on a green polo shirt and a pair of flip flops and go out looking for his piece of ass.

"Hey" Cody said waving to Bailey at the punch and food table.

"Hey, I was wondering when you were going to show up. It sure is a hootn' good time up in here."

It was clear that Cody did not like her for her brains nor grammar. But he agreed with himself that her face and milky breasts made up for that.

"So...did you wanna dan..." Cody started but Bailey interrupted him.

"Where's your brother?"

It was amazing how every time he almost got up the courage to ask a girl to dance, they would always bring up his lady-killer brother Zack. Little did they know though, but the only person that had gotten a piece of Zack was him. Cody smiled at this thought and answered her question.

"I don't know, getting ready I suppose."

"Oh, there he is." Bailey stated pointing over Cody's shoulder.

Cody did a 180 and smiled when he saw Zack with a wrinkled polo shirt and messy hair. He knew his older brother had rushed after him.

Zack walked swiftly over to where the other two were standing and asked Bailey if he could borrow his brother for just a moment. He dragged him by the arm into the hallway outside the ballroom where almost no one was present.

"What was that?" Zack asked.

"I just wanted to come and dance, thanks for showing up by the way." Cody replied.

Zack was so furious Cody had just left him without an explanation but so relieved that Cody was not mad at him for some reason. He gave into his brothers cute face and forgave him.

The hallway suddenly became quiet as the twin looked at the mirror image of themselves. They both started to notice the music had turned onto a slow number. Zack put on a smile and pulled on Cody's arm again pulling him into the dim light room. They headed over to the punch table where no one was because they were all off dancing with someone of the opposite sex.

"Zack, what are you doing?" Cody asked realizing he never knew exactly what Zack was up to.

Zack grabbed Cody by the waist and turned him around, so they were both facing the same direction. Zack wrapped his arms around Cody's stomach. He then rested his chin on Cody's right shoulder, both of them watching the glittering disco ball bounce light in every direction. Cody smiled and put his hands on Zack's and they began to entwine their fingers together while rocking back and forth to the love song.

"Zack, I love you." Cody whispered turning his head to his right shoulder. Their mouths just millimeters apart.

Zack made an open mouth gape inviting Cody for a kiss. Cody cranked his necked more and their two lips met. The angle was not perfect, but the feeling was. Zack pulled Cody in harder as they took turns alternating licking each others lips and sucking on each other's tongues. Cody felt constraint in his pants and knew he was going to need release soon. Almost at the same time, he felt something poking him at ass level and realized it was Zack's boner pressing against his own pants.

The song was coming to an end so the twins broke up their kiss and separated.

"Bedroom?" Zack questioned with a look of bliss and urgency.

Cody just gave the smile and nod as the two bolted out of the ballroom towards Zack's sex chamber. Zack fumbled with his keys, so anxious to finally get some relief. His dance with Cody had been romantic, but as a man, Zack need to seed his brother, and fast. Cody had pulled off his shirt just as the doorknob turned letting the boys inside. Zack kicked off his shoes as Cody unzipped his jeans. There was no time for fooling around as both boys were frustrated with their erections begging for attention.

"God yes." Zack moaned softly as Cody pushed him backwards onto the unmade assembly of sheets.

Zack sat up and met Cody's forceful thrust into his mouth. Both boys attacked his brother's mouth. The battle waged for several minutes as Zack fought Cody's attempts to push him onto his back. Cody was kneeling on the bed and used his leverage to push his tongue deeper into Zack's mouth. His older brother was on the defensive and finally succumbed to Cody's wishes and fell back. However, Cody provided no relief for his brother and vigorously jutted his tongue in and out. He would only stop to take the time to lick around Zack's lips when he needed more air.

"Let's release this." Zack said looking up at Cody, grabbing Cody's package through the blue and green stripped boxers.

Cody scooted off the bed and removed the cloth making his hard on smack hard against his slim abs. He didn't quite have a 6-pack, but the boyish fat was still present mixed with the right amount of slimness. The combination never failed to bring Zack into a quivering fit of pleasure when thinking about it. Cody stood before Zack at the end of the bed wearing only his white socks. Zack was resting on his elbows and watching the show unravel. Cody began to rub his nimble hands over his body. They went from his chest to tweaking his nipples, to giving his member a few quick strokes then longer ones. They ruffled his blond hair and rubbed his neck. He never took his eyes off his brother and of course, Zack never took his eyes off his sexy, younger brother who was giving his eyes a feast.

"Yes, Cody, yes, that's right, you like that. You like rubbing yourself in front of me, huh?" Zack commented.

Cody made a sexy pout and put his finger in his mouth, mimicking Zack's cock. Zack couldn't take it anymore and lifted his ass off the bed to remove his boxers which allowed his slut hand to get some action while his younger brother gave him a big tease. Cody watched his and decided to push Zack's final button. He spun around, and slowly bent over touching his toes. Cody's yoga classes had allowed him the ability to touch his toes, and his ass was now raised in the air higher than any other part of his body. He watched through his legs, upside-down as Zack feverously stroked using his own pre-cum to the sight of Cody's pink sphincter.

"Want some more, Zacky?" Cody said getting up.

Zack simply nodded his head but did not reduce the pace at which his hand was moving. Getting back onto the bed, Cody once again overpowered his brother and forced his tongue to run along Zack's face coating it with spit. Zack felt like a dirty whore when Cody did this and loved every minute of it. Their dicks began to dance around each other like the twins had previously done on the dance floor. Their purple heads and gaping piss slits smashed together as each massaged the other.

"Wait, wait, wait." Zack said pushing Cody up.

"What?" Cody said confused. If he had to say so, Cody thought he was performing quite exceptionally tonight.

"I'm bigger than you." Zack said looking down to where their cocks became one. Cody sat all the way up so he was straddling Zack's pelvis while resting on his knees.

"That's impossible." Cody said, but looked down as well for a closer inspection.

"Look!" Zack said holding his against his brothers sounding really excited. "It's wider, see?"

Cody looked up from the collage of Martin meat and gave Zack a look of "you have got to be kidding me."

"That's so not noticeable, Zack. Not unless you are comparing them side by side can you make the distinction. It was true that their dicks were almost identical in every other way. Cody's shaft was a bit looser, while Zack's had a little bit more skin around the base of his head.

"Still, this calls for a celebration." Zack said gleaming at his younger brother who was now packing less manhood than him.

Zack used all his force to wrestle Cody to the bed and pinned him down on his stomach. Cody was surprised and let it happen, even though he probably couldn't have resisted Zack's superior strength all night.

"Stay there slut." Zack whispered as he jumped off the bed.

Cody didn't care too much at the name calling. He knew he was a slut, but only for one cock, which he deemed not that slutty.

Zack jumped back onto the bed and grabbed Cody's left wrist and looped in through a rope with a hole at the end. With Zack's knees digging into his spine, there was little Cody could do to stop Zack, except with his words. This was useless also because a horny Zack meant a Zack about to fuck something.

Cody's wrists were bound with two different pieces of rope as Zack connected them to his headboards. He then began to adjust Cody's body at will, making the boy jut his ass out by tucking his knees under his chest. Zack would occasionally give Cody a few strokes of happiness, seeing how Cody's own hands were too busy being tied.

Cody began to whimper as his hole was exposed but not doing anything. He pushed it in and out trying to convince Zack it was feeding time.

"Not yet, you." Zack said as he swatted Cody's right cheek then moved in to kiss and make it better.

"Please, Zack. Please."

Zack laughed and grinned, swatted a few more times then moved in with his tongue. Cody's ass did not have much meat on it which meant not a lot of coverage for his hole. It was always in the open so Zack never had to spread Cody's cheeks very far. His tongue hit the hole directly making Cody yelp and tug against his restraints. Zack pushed his tongue in as far as it would go until his face was smashed into Cody's ass.

"God, yes Zack! Ugh!" Cody moaned in a panting state. "Don't stop."

In a way, Zack's tongue was better than a cock. Cody loved the feeling a sloppy mess down there but he usually had to wait to get that feeling. He wished his twin's tongue was longer though. There was no time to think about that though because Zack had included a finger into his search. Both pink flesh and finger worked together to stretch the tight clamp out.

Zack gave Cody's ass a final smack and asked: "Ready?"

"Please, yes, oh God, Zack, I really need it."

"I know you do Cody, so do I, just sit back and enjoy this ride."

Steadying himself on Cody's hips, Zack pressed forward and Cody pushed back as Zack's cock made it's way into the ass all in one swoop. Zack felt Cody ass muscles squeeze against the welcomed foreigner almost in a clamp type way, making sure the cock stayed put until it's job was finished and the hole had been bred.

"Yes! Cody, wow, what a great fuck."

Cody smiled at the compliment as he concentrated on his job of making Zack's dick feel right at home. Since Zack was feeling especially horny tonight, he quickly made minced-meat of Cody's hole and slowed down as he came close to his orgasm. Of course, Cody's ass did everything to obtain the slivery liquid, but the cock refused to give it up just yet. Cody began to attempt and vibrate his ass by jiggling it up and down. Since Zack enjoyed the feeling so much, he stopped pushing and let Cody fuck himself on his pole.

"Wow Cody, you really know how to entertain guests" Zack laughed.

He was getting close and he knew that Cody knew he was close too. There was no way he wasn't going to take charge for the final assault. He took a hold of Cody's hips and stopped them from moving around his dick. He then plowing Cody at a dizzying pace sending the smaller boy into a shuddering fit. Zack clawed his hands into the limited meat Cody had around his waist as support as the slapping sounds of balls hitting ass intensified and quickened.

"Ahhh, here it comes Cody. Ugmh!" Zack yelled as he threw himself onto Cody's back.

Spurt after spurt erupted firing deep within Cody. Both boys moaned in unison as Cody's insides heated up like they were on fire. Zack rested a moment and placed his weight onto Cody. He reached down and took as hold of Cody's semi hard dick and rubbed the head until it responded at full mast.

"Let's just let my cum soak in shall we Cody?" Zack suggested as he milked Cody.

Cody could just close his eyes in pleasure as he began to feel his own seed make it's way from deep within his testicles. Cody grunted into the pillow as the first shot into Zack's waiting hand. He finished stroking his brother with one hand and collected the sperm that came out with the other. His own cum lined the ways of Cody's chute and was slowly making it's way out, traveling down Zack's now soft cock.

Zack didn't take it out though and instead brought his hand covered with Cody's cum to his younger brother's face. Cody eagerly lapped up his reward but whimpered when it was taken away.

"You didn't think you got it all, did you? Silly Cody." Zack laughed as he gobbled up the last few drops.

At last, Zack's cock had deflated so much it had popped out of the hole on it's own, much to Cody's relief. Zack looked down at his shaft noticing the cum surrounding it with glistening moisture. He made his way to Cody's mouth which was already open. Cod knew Zack would make him eat the cum that had tried to impregnate him, but he didn't mind. Cody thought of it as a nice dessert.

He nibbled on Zack's scrotum and hairless balls with his head in an awkward position. Zack helped by moving in different positions and scooping his cum into easier to reach places. When Zack was satisfied, Cody asked a question.

"Can you untie me now?"

"No can do lil' bro. You see, with me having the bigger dick and all, I kinda have to be the dominant one." Zack smiled. "I'll be having a lot more fun with this things over the weekend." He smacked Cody's ass a few more times leaving red hand prints and a moaning Cody.

OK, sorry it is so late again guys, I will try to get the next chapter banged out as quickly as possible. Also, don't worry if you don't really like the bondage thing, it wont become a permanent theme.

Next: Chapter 8

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