The ticket

By Marlena Quackenbush

Published on Dec 2, 2001



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction involving f/f sex.If this not what you bargained for do not read it.

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Officer McNeil was sitting in her squad car watching traffic and waiting for the shift to end in a hour and a half. It was near the end of rush hour, right around 6pm and although there had been a few speeders things were fairly quiet.

Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a little yellow VW bug go zipping by. She clocked the car going about 50 in a 35 zone, which is just a bit faster than the officer was willing to let folks get away she turned on the lights and siren and took off after the streaking bug. Thankfully the person driving didn't try to get away and pulled off of the road. As the officer pulled up behind the car she noted the license number and also noted that the vehicle had the rainbow symbol at several places... Hmmm she thought, probably some queen late for a date, and grinned at the thought.

She walked up beside the car as the driver rolled the window down and when she looked she almost felt her mouth drop open..she had to consciously keep her thoughts together as she looked down at a beautiful woman. She said in her most professional voice, "Maam do you know how fast you were going back there?"

"No officer, I'm sorry, I was just late and had to get home and didn't really pay attention to my speed."

"I need to see your license and registration please."

"Yes of course. Are you going to give me a ticket?"

"Well maam, you were at least 15 miles over the limit..."

"Oh, my girlfriend is going to kill me! This is my second ticket this month.She is away on business and she will be so mad at me..." she said half laughing anf half crying.

Officer McNeil took her documents and went back to the squad car.She needed a few minutes to compose herself. She looked at the license....Kayla Smith....5' 7", blond hair, blue eyes, and she only lives about 3 blocks from here. Wow, she is a knock-out..."I haven't felt this way in quite a while". And in that second, she had made up her mind to try something that she had never attempted. She was going to ask her for a drink, even though she had a girlfriend...

Meanwhile back in the car Kayla was having a talk with herself! She was not very happy that she was going to have to try and explain to Deb why she had gotten two tickets in the last month, especially after Deb had went on and on about being careful when driving...if only this cop would give her a break! Speaking of the cop, wow didn't she look sexy in that uniform? Kayla had always had a weakness for a chick in a uniform, and she looked especially sharp in the dark blue that she wore...."snap out of it", she thought to herself,"there is no way you will get out of this one"

Kayla was startled out of her thoughts when she looked up to see the officer looking down at her. The officer's name tag which read McNeil was speaking....

"Miss Smith, it looks like if you get this ticket it will cause you to lose your license for about 30 days." This caused an immediate flood of tears and Kayla 's only thought was how in the hell she was going to explain THAT to her girlfriend.

The officer felt bad for the girl and she offered her the nice white handkerchief she kept in her pocket, accidently grazing Kayla's cheek as she dabbed at the tears flowing from her eyes. The accidental touch caused Kayla to gasp and she felt a shiver go down her spine at the contact.She saw an intense look come into the officer's eyes and Kayla knew in that instant that the cop was attracted to her too!

"Miss Smith," the officer was saying, "what if I didn't give you this ticket?"

Kayla could hardly believe she had heard correctly..."really? I would be so grateful."

The officer took a deep breath and stumbled on..."would you be grateful enough to go out for a drink with me?"

Kayla looked to see that same intensity burning in the cop's eyes and she felt a tingle in her pussy, which took her by surprise. She momentarily thought of her girlfriend but also thought she wouldn't have to explain anything to Deb who seemed to get so angry on impulse she agreed.

The officer immediately threw her a dazzling smile, which caused Kayla's heart to thump a bit."Great, I get off in like an hour. I will drop by your place and pick you up."

Kayla agreed and even actually got a bit excited at the thought.After all she hadn't been on a date in a few years and maybe it would be fun to let off some steam...."ummm, just one thing...what is your FIRST name?"

The cop laughed and said with a smile.."my first name is Sam, short for Samantha."

They left each other with the understanding that Sam would stop at Kayla's house to pick her up. Kayla went home and checked messages, checked email, and called Deb. She told her that she was going out with some friends and Deb seemed OK with that. Deb had been away so much on business lately that Kayla was beginning to feel single maybe this would be a good time to just have some fun! After making her phone call she decided to jump in the shower and freshen up before Sam got there.

For Sam the last thirty minutes dragged by slowly. She quickly showered in the locker room and put on her street clothes, anxious to go out with this sexy woman.It had just been too long since she had even been out. Ever since Michele had decided that she needed to marry a man for the sake of her family Sam had been a bit gun-shy in regards to getting involved with a woman...but maybe this one would be OK...they could have a good time and she already has a girlfriend so there won't be any strings attached...

Sam found the condo without any problem and she popped up the stairs and rang the doorbell. Kayla's voice asked who it was and she replied.The door opened and Kayla stood wrapped in a short white robe. "Sorry I'm not dressed yet, just running a bit behind schedule."

Sam quickly scanned the blonde's figure, outlined to perfection in the robe, and assured Kayla that it was OK. As Kayla turned to head to the bedroom, she called back and told Sam to make herself a drink while she was waiting. She went to a well stocked bar and poured herself a strong shot of tequila, wondering just slightly that she may be getting in over her head!

After a few minutes Kayla appeared again in a short black skirt, a white shirt that accentuated Kayla's breasts, and some black pumps. She smelled heavenly and Sam whistled appreciatively as she twirled around, giggling shyly.

Sam took Kayla by the hand and they set off for the bar. Sam held the car door for Kayla admiring the flash of thigh as Kayla swung her legs into the car. Sam felt a tingle between her legs and warned herself to calm down--after all this was just for fun...

They got to the bar and though it was crowded they managed to find a small table so they could just talk.They sat close together to hear each other over the sound of the music. The night seemed to just fly by and the drinks kept coming...Sam could feel Kayla's breath close in her ear as she spoke to her and then just a touch of her tongue on her ear. Sam moaned and jerked as the feeling shot straight to her pussy, which caused Kayla to giggle innocently. Before Sam could even think rationally she leaned over and kissed Kayla, running her tongue over her soft lips and slipping inside to just graze the blonde's tongue. Kayla moaned into Sam's mouth and everything except the two of them disappeared...Sam ran her hand from Kayla's knee up her thigh, and as she inched her hand up she found, with a bit of surprise, that Kayla wasn't wearing underwear. Sam whispered into Kayla's ear,"Baby, let me take you home and make love to you."

Kayla didn't say anything, just got up from the table, took her hand and headed for the door. As Sam jumped into the driver's seat she found Kayla all over her.She was running her hands through Sam's hair, sticking her tongue in her ear, trying to unbutton Sam's shirt....

Somehow they made it back to Kayla's house in one piece. Sam opened the car door, running her hand up Kayla's leg as she helped her from the car. They got inside the house and Kayla pushed Sam up against the door and gave her a savage kiss that seemed to suck the air from Sam's lungs. Then she took her by the hand and led her upstairs to the bedroom. She lit some candles and sat Sam on the edge of the bed...she began to strip for Sam, so slow and so seductively, removing one piece of clothing at a time....Sam watched in amazement and got hotter and wetter with each piece of clothing that Kayla removed. When Kayla was finally undressed she playfully pushed Sam back onto the bed and straddled her hips while giving her a dazzling kiss. Sam was lost...all that mattered was Kayla and touching her.

Kayla nimbly unbuttoned Sam's shirt and unsnapped her bra, running her soft warm hands over Sam's chest. She was gently rubbing her pussy against Sam's jeans and she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.

Sam sat up and quickly turned, pinning Kayla under her. Now it was Sam's turn to make Kayla want more. She kissed her, running her tongue over her lips, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbling just a bit. She kissed to Kayla's ear and ran her tongue around her ear which caused Kayla to squirm and moan. Sam ran her hand down the soft belly beneath her as her lips captured a nipple sucking and nipping it until it was rock hard. Her fingers found what she was searching for and she was not disappointed... Kayla was so much so that it almost pushed Sam over the edge then and there. She brought her fingers up to Kayla's mouth and ran her fingertips over Kayla's mouth and when Kayla licked her lips Sam captured her lips and her honey in a passionate kiss that left both of them reeling.

Kayla couldn't believe this was happening...that she was practically attacking a woman she barely knew...yet some small part of her was so turned on by that fact, which just made her hotter for this cop who knew all the buttons to push.All Kayla could think of was getting Sam's tongue on her clit and coming in had been just too long since she had such release. She lost all reason, the only thing that mattered was that Sam was going to make her cum and cum hard!

Sam moved down to Kayla's waiting pussy, smelling the sexy aroma of arousal...she just couldn't wait any longer...she plunged her tongue deep into Kayla, sucking all the juice that was running freely from Kayla's pussy. She was so open, she ran her tongue up to her clit and felt it harden under her tongue. Kayla arched her back, driving Sam's tongue even deeper inside of her...she was pulling Sam's hair and mumbling incoherent sentences...she was that far gone.

Sam began fucking her with two and then three fingers while sucking on her clit.Sam could feel Kayla's muscles beginning to tighten and knew she would be cumming in a few more minutes. She concentrated all her efforts on her clit, fucking her with her fingers and then to push her over the edge she rubbed her thumb over her ass.....with a moan, Kayla screamed that she was cumming and Sam sucked her clit with everything she had, sending her over that pinnacle to land softly in her arms.....

Kayla opened her eyes to see Sam looking at her intently cradling her in the shelter of her arms. They looked at each other as if for the first time and kissed gently and softly, with all the passion that they still felt. Then they giggled and said it was gonna be a long night....but that is another story........

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