Ties That Bind

By Waddie Greywolf

Published on Jan 6, 2023


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

(Codes: M/M BD/SM Master/slave WS Anal Oral)

Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

===================================================== THE TIES THAT BIND By Waddie Greywolf


Part I ~ The Wizard's Gift

what if a much of a which of a wind gives the truth to summer's lie, bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun and yanks immortal stars awry? Blow king to beggar and queen to seem (blow friend to fiend: blow space to time) when skies are hanged and oceans drowned, the single secret will still be man. e e cummings

That evening I retired early to the dungeon to my slave journal. I wanted to record my feeling and memories of the ceremony. I was impressed by its simple yet elegant symbolism of giving up one life for another.

I said goodbye to almost everyone. The Tucson folks left to stay with Master Earl for a day before they took off back to Tucson. I asked Master Zack if he would bring Button down to the dungeon to say goodbye when they were ready to leave. I had something for him.

There seemed to be a steady stream of well wishers and those wishing to say goodbye one more time. Dirk and Allen came down with Billy, Oscar and his new Master, Master Bert. They all had words of joy and happiness. Master Bert told me he couldn't wait for me to visit them and they would surely kill the fatted calf. I told him hamburgers would be fine. He laughed.

Master Zack came down the stairs with Button. Master Zack didn't tell Button I had something for him. I got up from my desk, knelt in front of Master Zack, kissed his boots and licked them a few times as well. I found his hand waiting, I gently kissed the back of it then placed it to my forehead.

"Rise, good slave, and show this grateful Master your love." I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a good kiss.

"Thank you, Master Zack, that was nice. I'm really looking forward to my visit with you and Button." I hugged and kissed Button who told me he loved me again. I asked them to sit down for a minute. Button sat as close to Master Zack as he could.

"Master Zack would you mind...?" I held my arms out to Button.

"Of course not slave..." Button was all ready in my arms and sitting in my lap. I leaned over and kissed him gently.

"Master Zack , you don't know how good it is to hear you call me 'slave.' Now I know, when a Master calls me a slave, it's the truth. I will be honored to be your slave and help my little brother serve you for a weekend."

"I have something for you, Button." I reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a small gift wrapped package with a card attached.

"Read the card first, Sweetheart." I instructed him. I made the card and it said on the front: "Not every day is going to be a great one," The message on the inside said: "but this will get you through the bad ones by rubbing it between your fingers. It contains a powerful magic. It's been blessed by your big brother who was a wizard in a former life. All my love to you Button and Master Zack. On the occasion of Beau becoming a slave." He read the card to Master Zack who was almost in tears.

"Now you may open your present, Button." He slowly opened it. Inside was a gold chain with a small St. Christopher statue embossed into a small round medallion.

"Read the back to Master Zack,"

"It says: I belong to Master Zack. My Master loves me and my big brother, Beau, loves me. Nothing can hurt me. I love you Little Brother, Beau 6/30/73 Button was in tears and so was Master Zack.

"Oh, thank you, Beau, thank you. It's the most wonderful gift. I love you so much."

"He's not alone, Son." said Master Zack choking back the tears.

"May I put it on, Master?" Button asked his Master.

"Of Course you can. Will you help him, Beau?"

"Sure, let's let Master Zack take a look, what say, Darlin'?"

"I'm sorry, Master, I didn't mean to forget you."

"He knows that, Sweetheart, he knows you're excited." I tried to calm Button.

"Beau, this has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for us. It will not soon be forgotten, Son."

"Well, I wanted to do something special for my becoming a slave and this was the thing I most wanted to do. Now when I can't remember the date I became a slave I can call you and Button and say, 'Please see what the date on Button's medallion is for me,' and then I'll know." We all laughed. I put the medallion around Button's neck and he was admiring it in the mirror. It looked handsome against his dark skin. Master Zack motioned for me to stand and he put his arms around me to embraced me.

"Thank's once again, my friend, you have my heart as well. We're so looking forward to your visit. It's all he can talk about. We'll have fun. We have a place in Joshua Tree not too far from Beryl and Blaine's so you can expect the family." he laughed. "It will be a relaxed weekend of rest for you and a special guest from Silverlake. It's our way of saying, 'Thank you.'"

"Come." I said, "With your permission Master Zack, I'll walk you out and see you off. I'm through with my writing for tonight anyway."

"You have my permission, slave."

"Master Zack, I've come to really admire and respect you. I cried under that leather skin listening to your words last night. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the kind things you said."

"I'll be honest, slave. I'm scared to death of public speaking but I thought it was only going to be the immediate family. We walked in there and , my God, hundreds of people. I told Button I didn't know if I could do it. He told me I had to. I must be brave for him and do it. It was very important to him. He has never been that insistent on anything since I bought him. He gave me the courage and strength. I knew I had to do it."

"Then, I thank you, too, Button, for backing up your old man. We slaves sometime have to tell our Master's we believe in them, right?"

"You're right, Beau. See I remembered what you told me." The cute little imp winked at me and smiled sweetly. We walked upstairs and Oscar, Billy and Master Bert were still leaving. Button turned to his Master.

"Please, Master Zack, may I show everyone what Beau gave me?"

"Of course, Son, go." Button ran to Billy, Oscar and Master Bert to show them. He showed them my card and exclaimed,

"Look, Beau made this card just for me and gave me this! Isn't it wonderful? And he told me the medallion has magic properties." They read the card then the medallion. They were 'oooing' and 'aaaing' over it.

"Button this is twenty-four caret gold. This is a treasure. Don't lose it!" said Master Jeb.

"Button it looks like it was made for you. It's so handsome on you." Oscar told him.

"It is, indeed, a treasure and if Beau told you it has magic properties you can take that to the bank, little one. You're a lucky little slave to be loved that much by two wonderful men." said Billy.

Billy came to me, hugged me, kissed me , and groped me again.

"That's the present I want some night." he said wickedly.

"You may have it, however my wonderful Mr. McGee would like it. It would be the fulfillment of a dream. Of course you have to promise to use a very large rubber husband on me after that." I thought Billy was going to bust a gut laughing and Master Zack, too.

"You're a piece of work, Beau." He patted me on the back. Button was in Big Beryl's arms and showing him, Blaine, Big Jim, Chief, Master Sam and Yoshie his treasure. He read it to them.

"And Beau told me it has magical powers. All I have to do is rub it between my fingers."

"Let me tell you, Kiddo," Big Beryl said to him in all seriousness, "if Beau told you it has magical powers it does and it's strong magic, too. Don't use it unless you absolutely have to."

I've seen the magic Beau can do, Button, and Beryl is right." said the Dungeon Master, "It's powerful stuff, Son. Be careful with it and how you use it. Don't use it to harm anyone because all of Beau's magic is for good and it will backfire on you."

I couldn't believe the shit these guys were heaping on Button; however, the more I thought about it I decided it was a loving thing to do. Magic is, after all, what we want to believe. If we can believe something hard enough it will be. Remember Dumbo? He could only fly if he was holding on to a magic feather with his trunk. It wasn't magic at all but he believed. (Okay, so it was Disney, sue me.)

If these big men could reenforced that belief in Button, that the medallion was truly a strong source of magic, then he would believe. Who's to say what it could or couldn't do for him? I leaned closer to Master Zack and whispered,

"Can you believe this, Master Zack?"

"He needs this love from them. Look what you've done, slave, he hasn't been this open with people since I took him for my slave three years ago." Master Zack sighed, put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

Master Zack, could I ask a favor?"

"Anything, Beau, you know that."

"Will you began calling me 'slave' more often than, 'Beau?' I don't know why but when I hear it from you it makes my dick hard, just look." He looked at old swinger standing hard and proud and started laughing. I didn't think I was going to get him to stop. He had to grab my arm he was so doubled up.

"What the hell did that slave say, brother Zack, to get you going like that? I haven't seen you laugh like that in a long time, it's good to see, Son." bellowed Master Beryl.

"I'd pay a handsome penny to know what that was all about, too." Roared the Dungeon Master. Master Zack just shook his head and waved his hand over his head as he was still laughing.

"I'm... not... though... Master Zack." I tried to sound frustrated and hurt. He got himself together.

"I would be proud to grant the first part of your request, slave and...?"

"I just wanted to add that you make me feel like a real slave when you address me that way. It makes me feel good all over, Sir." He got serious, seemed to think for a minute, then replied,

"I had no idea. Of course, I'll grant your request, slave. You've become a good slave to me of your own will. I'll always love and think of you that way. You've become a big brother to Button and , to be completely honest, thinking of you that way isn't bad for my old dick either, take a look."

He had a roaring hard underneath his leathers, a nice one, too. We fell out laughing with each other as Button ran to his Master's arms. Chief walked up behind me, put his arms around me and spoke to Button,

"I'm a full blood Yavapie Indian, Button, and I've seen magic done by the Shamans and medicine men but I've never seen any magic anywhere as powerful as the magic Beau can put into an object. Remember what the Dungeon Master said, use it only for good."

"I will Chief. Are you a real Chief?"

"I'm next in line, Button, I'm a prince of my tribe."

"That's close enough for me, Chief." Button said as everyone laughed.

"Come, little one, we have to get on the road. We got an hour and a half ride ahead of us." Everyone walked them out to Master Zack's Harley. Button put on his helmet and Master Zack put his on, too. They waved and were gone. Then my family started in on me.

"Gees, that was a sweet thing to do for the kid, Beau. That's gonna' mean more to him than you can ever imagine." said Master Jeb.

"I wondered who you were buying that for the day I paid for it. He wouldn't tell me who he was buying it for. You guys have any idea how much that thing cost?" added the Dungeon Master

"I do," spoke up Billy, "twenty-four caret gold ain't cheep."

"I do, too." said Yoshie.

"Please, Master Jim." I begged, afraid he was going to tell all.

"Well, let's just say it cost two more clams than a basket full and you bought it before you even knew what you'd done for him. You didn't know until last night, did you?"

"No, Sir." He grabbed me, hugged me and kissed me on the neck.

"I'm fucking proud of you, slave."

"Hell, we all are." chimed in Master Beryl. I knew I picked a winner that night in the barn, Son."

Everyone said their goodbyes and left but Chief. He had to be into work tomorrow so he said his goodbyes to us. He really didn't want to leave and Big Jim knew it.

"Why don't you stay Chief? My slave will loan you a pair of his coveralls. You can go to work from here in the morning. I'll even let you fuck my slave if I can watch and maybe play with your butt a little. Hell, I own him now, he can't say 'no.'"

"He's right, Chief. I no longer have a say in those matters; however, orders like that from his Master are easy for a slave to obey. I'd love for you to stay, Chief. The Dungeon Master here is a real slave driver and gets me up at the crack of dawn." They started laughing and it dawned on me what I said.

"Another Beaverism?" I asked Big Jim.

"Wait 'til Jeb hears this one."

"Thanks for the kind offer, Gentlemen, but I have to decline. Like Master Zack said last night, I know when to back off. I'd love to stay but I'm afraid I wouldn't get much rest. We've got a big day tomorrow and I'm taking on more of your job to help Jake.

He hardly comes out on the floor anymore except to help if we get backed up. He's good about that. I'm doing all the assignments so I need to be sharp tomorrow. I've never met a group of people that made me feel more welcome and comfortable.

Beau, I haven't been to a gay bar since I met you. See what influence you guys have on me. I think all day about all of you and it makes my days fly by. I get grilled at work by Jake as to how you're doing, what's new with the group, when were you becoming a slave? When and where will the Ceremony be? He really loves you, Beau."

On and on Chief talked as Big Jim and I walked him to his bike. He gave us each a hug, got on his Norton, and waved on his way down the hill.

The Dungeon Master playfully picked me up in his arms on the way in and carried me into the living room.

"Dungeon Master, of all the boots, cocks and balls I kissed last night there was one set that I most wanted to pay homage to and never had them offered to me." He looked at me, opened his mouth to speak then spoke,

"Oh, shit! You're right. I was getting in line and something came up. I went to take care of it and never got back. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you right now." He carried me to the auditorium to the front of the hall and there was Master Jeb sitting in the dark.

"Jeb, you all right?" Big Jim asked his friend.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I come out here a lot and sit in the dark to collect my thoughts. What brings you guys out here?"

"I have a gross error to correct as Dungeon Master." He sat me down on my feet.

"Master Jeb wasn't in line last night either, Dungeon Master."

"You're right slave, I wasn't. I had to go to the house and lay down but I was there for all the ceremonies and they were the best we've ever had. The crowd of people was wonderful and I'm so proud of the job that our new Dungeon Master did. I'm willing to make up for it now if you'll forgive me, slave."

"Please, Master, I'll escort you to the stage myself." I helped him up and took his arm and helped him climb the steps to the stage.

The Dungeon Master had lit three candles. A symbol of the three souls present. I knelt in front of Master Jeb first and kissed each of his big boots and then sat back on my feet, "May I, Master..?"

"You have permission, slave." I undid his leather pants and gently pulled out his beautiful cock and balls. I kissed the head of his thick cock and then raised each of his heavy balls and kissed each of them lovingly. I licked them clean and kissed the shaft of his cock and watched it engorge with blood.

"Do you wish more, Master?"

"No that was more than enough homage for tonight as both of you can see." he said laughing. "You're our property now, Son. When I need you I'll snap my fingers and know without a doubt you'll come to me. Having said that, you have your Dungeon Master to take care of this evening. I dare say he's earned that right from you tonight and has my blessing for a job well done."

Master Jim was next. He'd all ready ripped off his cod piece and shoved it into his back pocket. I kissed, licked and cleaned his giant boots and he let me without saying a word. When I was finished I sat back and ask if he was pleased with my cleaning job?

"Quite pleased, slave. Now, show me your homage that's due me." I kissed Babe and couldn't stop kissing him. I held the Dungeon Masters balls in my hand and kissed each one of them with love. I licked and cleaned them and sat back again.

"That was fine, slave. I know it's late but it might be better this way. I got paid a hell of a lot more respect than time would have allowed last evening. Now, get up here and show your new owner your love." He was right. It was better. I hugged and kissed him passionately.

"Congratulations, slave, you are now our personal possession." said Master Jeb.

"We haven't owned a better one, Jeb." The Dungeon Master sighed.

"We need to get him to bed. He has a hell of a day coming tomorrow." We helped Master Jeb into the house as he wanted to get to bed.

"Do you need me to help you, Master?"

"Just with my boots, Son." I didn't hesitate, I got my leg around them and felt his other big boot on my ass as he gently pushed. That boot eased off and then came easily. I did the same for the other and it was off.

"Thank you, slave."

"It's an honor to serve you, Master."

"Gimme' a hug, Son." I did and he asked softly as I was hugging him,


"You didn't have to ask, you can tell."

"It's so good to see. I'm so happy for you. I love you, Son."

"I know, Master, and I owe my happiness to you. How can I ever thank you."

"Are you kidding? You do every day. You're a fucking joy to have around. Look what you did for that kid this evening. I couldn't believe you did that. It was wonderful. You impressed the shit out of everyone with your thoughtfulness. Who does that reflect on, Son? I ask you? Who?"

"You and Master Jim?"

"Exactly, so you see in a way seeing you happy is a greater happiness for him and I. You should understand that. To see Button happy was a greater happiness for you."

"It was, indeed, Master. I know what you're talking about. Thanks for the lesson."

"Get out of here you scamp. I all ready told you I loved you." he laughed as I was leaving. I got to the door, turned and spoke to him,

"I love you, Master and I'm proud to be owned by you. It's an honor, Sir."

I turned and walked away. I ran down to the dungeon to shut every thing down and found the Dungeon Master reading through my slave journal. He motioned for me to sit down on the bed in the cell that I was using for my personal get away. My cell was neat. It was cozy. I found an old picture of Master Jeb's and put it up on the wall.

I even spent a couple nights down here when I needed to withdraw from everyone. My Masters were wise enough to give me my space. I found, much to my amazement, that I needed time to myself. One night to myself and I would be like new ready to take on the world. Maybe we all need our private space.

Trouble is too many people withdraw into themselves because of hurts, real or imagined. They get lost in their own quagmire and are afraid to venture out or take someone's hand that has reached out to help them.

No man is an island. For best results the Rx for life should be: Take two people per day as needed with a grain of salt.

"I want to apologize for reading from your private journal at the ceremony last night, Son."

"No apology necessary, Master. I was flattered that you read from it."

"I wanted to tell you why?"

"You don't have to, Master. I didn't mind."

"Well, I'm going to anyway, so sit there and listen."

"Yes, Sir."

"I've been the one reading your journal all this time. Jeb has really been sick. I give him the oral, high spot, version and then he can relate to you in your talks. It's about all he can do these days, Beau.

While reading your accounts of people, places and things they jump off the page at me. Your descriptions of people I've known for years are sometime a deeper and more knowledgeable portrait than I could ever imagine writing. I'm fascinated by your talent.

The section I read in the ceremony was one of the best descriptions of going from despair to hope I've ever read. Furthermore, it said more in the fewest possible words about Masters and slaves than anything I've ever read.

I wasn't alone. I was approached by twenty, twenty-five people that asked me if I would ask you for a copy of what I read. It impressed the shit out of a lot of people. You're the only person that knows my education level so you should know I'm not telling you these things to flatter you or blow smoke up your ass.

When I read it the first time I was a basket case. I thought, 'Get a hold of yourself you old romantic son-of- a-bitch. You're just to close to the trees,' and satisfied myself with that explanation. When I read it to Jeb, I looked up after reading it to him, and he was a mess.

We both had a good laugh at ourselves when I told him I responded the same way. You couldn't see the audience but I doubt there was a dry eye in the house. So in my estimation you earned the ovation you received."

"Thank you, Master."

"My point is this; I come down here sometimes after I'm sure you're asleep and read what you've written. I've never been disappointed. Have you ever considered taking a course in writing?"

"No, Sir."

"I want your blessing to talk to your Master about this. I'm going to anyway. As my slave you have no say in the matter but I'm wise enough, and love you enough, to ask for that. I know you tend to keep your creative talents to yourself but you shouldn't. I'd like to share this journal with your Master.

It will give him a leg up in his personal training. It's almost a blueprint of you. In short, it's one of the most remarkable things I've ever read from a novice, untrained writer. Some have it, some don't. You definitely have a talent." I sat there for a while thinking.

"Certainly you have my blessing. I'm a bit embarrassed but I'll get over it. You've been a big help to get me over some large self doubts, Master. Like telling the story this morning about Josh Cochran's dick. I couldn't have done that without your encouragement."

"Master Jeb tells me I've come a long way. Do you think so?"

"Absolutely, slave. You're not the cocky, nasty mouthed, little 'butch bottom' that walked in here two months ago. Of course, now, you're a slave. There's no way you would've even considered becoming a slave that first night. I never thought Jeb would convince you it was the road you needed to travel for your own personal happiness; especially, after I came on so strong and scared the living crap out a' you."

"It wasn't Master Jeb who convinced me."

"Who was it then?"

"When I left that night I knew, no matter how hurt I felt because of your rejection, no matter the cost, not having you in my life was not an option. Even if you weren't going to allow yourself to love me, I was going to love you and at least serve you for a while.

I took the position that I would obey you, respect you, pleasure you, but I would do nothing to try to change your mind. You laid it out for me. You weren't going to get involved because when training was over I would be sold. End of subject. How many times did you tell me that?"

"If it was more than once, it was too many." admitted Master Jim.

"I may be a slave but I'll be damned if I'll beg any man to love me. My choice to love you was my business as long as I didn't try to manipulate you. I think it only confused you but don't think I'm all that selfless; remember, I had few options. Master Jeb knew I'd come to the end of the road. I even bought a gun.

Whether anything came of my unconditional love for you I would have the pleasure of being used and being around someone I needed for at least a while. I would deal with the future when it came. Then I met Master Earl.

I've asked myself if I would have fallen in love with him if you hadn't closed your door? I went through the tortures of the damned with guilt. How could I love him so much and have my heart want to jump out of my chest every time I looked at you. I couldn't even sit beside you and smell you without getting hard.

I tried to chalk it up to lust. Yeah, that's it. I don't really love him. It's pure lust for a big sexy man. That dog didn't hunt long. The weekend we went to Beryl's I knew I was lost. I knew I couldn't NOT have you in my life in some way.

I took one last chance that Friday night I spent the weekend here. You opened up a little to me and seemed regretful. You floored me by putting your cards on the table. It took a big man to do that. I only loved you all the more for finally being honest with me.

I've grown so much with you I don't think we'll ever be apart for long. It's only because of you and your blessing I think I can be a good slave to Master Earl. Master Earl knows you're a part of my family, not in the sense of the family clan but my own extended family.

He knows my feelings for you and accepts them. He knew you and I would bond even more though training, yet he insisted I go through with it. He's not a small man, Master."

"He's shown me nothing but love and respect. I know you're right about that. I've grown very fond of him as well."

"Look, Master, I'm now officially a slave. I have several other titles as well. I'm your little brother, you're 'oley-oley in free buddy' and several others. I haven't stopped being those things according to your 'personal needs' speech in the gym the other morning."

"You're right, Son. That's another thing, you're my first born slave, my Son."

"I'm not gonna' call you 'dad.' I all ready call fifteen people in the family 'dad.' I can't keep track of which dad's on first." He roared with laughter. "I'll call you D.M. for Dungeon Master. No, on second thought, add an 'O' to the middle of that and it isn't too respectful.

I'm so proud of you as Dungeon Master and to be your first. I'm going to tell you something but it must remain a confidence between us. I was laying under that leather sheet listening to your voice and was so happy it was you that was conducting my slave ceremony. You were really good."

"Think so?"

"Don't milk it!" I replied sarcastically.

"I'll milk you, you little shit!"

He grabbed me and turned me across his knee and proceeded to spank my ass hard. I yelled at him, I warned him, he wouldn't stop, he wouldn't listen, he just kept on laughing the harder he spanked me and I shot all over his leathers and boots. Then that hard nosed old man made me lick him clean. Damn near came the second time.

"Come on, Tiger, let's get you to bed." ordered the Dungeon Master as we started out of the dungeon for the night.

"By the way," Big Jim asked on the way up the stairs, "what was it you said to Zack that nearly killed the poor man.

"Well, I was trying to give him a complement and I fucked it up. I asked him if he would consider a request from me. He agreed and I asked him if he would start referring to me more as slave instead of Beau. I explained I didn't know why, and don't know why, when he calls me 'slave' it makes my dick hard. I showed him my dick was standing straight up."

"No wonder he was doubled up." Big Jim roared with laughter.

"Well, that's not the best part."

"There's more?"

"When he responded he would be pleased to call me salve, he told me it didn't do his old dick any harm either and he showed me. His was rock hard, too." We both fell out laughing.

We came to the Bear's Lair and I could tell my big blue ox was tired, he'd had a full day. I took his boots off, helped him off with his leathers and he headed for the showers.

"Master Ox?"


"Please, don't shower tonight."

"I've been sweating all day in those leathers. I never stopped long enough to come up here and change."

"I knoooow!"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." Was I ever? He still had a healthy male odor mixed with the lingering smell of old leather. Sleep was going to be sporadic. I all ready had a roaring hard on.

"I'll jump in the shower."

"No, you won't! Get in this bed! Now! You're not the only one that's hooked on body odors. Sometimes you walk by me, I get a strong whiff of you, and my old dick gets hard instantly. All I can think about is how soon I can get Babe into that little butt."

"Yes, Master." I giggled and put my backside to him. He put his big furry arms around me and I felt like I was on one of those amusement rides when the big padded bar drops down and locks you in. I was locked in for the night. No chance of this slave falling off the bed. No, Sir.

Few Beasties, Goulies, or things that go bump in the night would take on my giant. I was safe. I could always count on a good nights sleep in the arms of my giant Master. The dragons of horror wouldn't dare come around when I was in his protection.

Part II~Visitations

what if a keen of a lean wind flays strangles valleys by ropes of things and stifles forests in white ago? screaming hills with sleet and snow: Blow hope to terror; blow seeing to blind (blow pity to envy and soul to mind) whose hearts are mountains, roots are trees, it's they shall cry hello to the spring e e cummings

Here begins the recording of my weekend visits to those Masters who paid a two hundred dollar fee to have me as their slave for one full weekend. While it was a somewhat hectic time it was one of the greatest and most loving times of my life as a slave. I got to know my family and they got to know me. It became a love affair.


That week was a full one but we repeated nearly the same schedule like clock work everyday. It was over before I could turn around to catch my breath. My body was growing by leaps and bounds. The testosterone pumped into my butt by a couple of loads of man come per day was taking it's toll at the gym.

Even the owner whistled that Friday morning when he walked in and we were pumped. We did extra work for him on Fridays because we couldn't come in Saturdays and Sundays. We washed and folded enough extra towels so he wouldn't run out over the weekend. He was shocked that we would even bother.

Friday came and Master Sam arrived at exactly five-thirty to pick me up. He rode up on his Harley and asked where my leathers were. I told him they were in my cell. He instructed me to wear them. I went to put them on as he chatted with Master Jeb and Jim. I returned in about ten minutes with no shirt, my vest, chaps over my levis and boots. I had a small bag of extra clothes.

"Take that vest off for a minute, slave, I wanna' see." I did and he told me to slowly turn around. He smiled real big and stuck out his hand to Master Jim.

"Well done, Dungeon Master. Well done." Big Jim sort of bowed to Sam.

"Come on, Boy, my doctor-slave is on pins and needles waiting for us to get back. He can't wait to see you. Boy do you have a fan. Woah! I just don't see it."

He threw back his head and laughed as we took off down the hill. Holy shit! Sam could ride a bike. Never have I ridden on the back of a bike that the owner was in that much control. He seemed to become a part of it. With the slightest move he was in and out of traffic, up and over, under and around, he moved the bike with the grace of a ballet dancer.

Impressed the shit out of me. Who would think..? My boss? I was learning to appreciate this man more and more. Yoshie adored him. He couldn't do enough for him. He worried about him; fussed over him. Sam LOVED it. It was Yoshie's first week as a rookie intern in the ER at the hospital and I couldn't wait to hear the gory details.

We arrived and as I got off his bike I complimented Master Sam on the ride over.

"You really know how to ride a bike, Master Sam. Impressed the shit out a' me." He smiled.

"Years of riding, Son. Wasted years. Taught by the best."


"A horny old goat that lives in the desert."

"Master Beryl?"

"The best."

I did remember riding laying back against Big Beryl's hairy chest with that one huge arm around me riding back from the barn that day and he WAS good on a bike. The old man was good at everything he did.

"Beryl's motto: Ride the damn thing! Don't carry it on your back! He taught me how." explained Master Sam.

We walked into their beautiful home and Yoshie came to greet me in the raw with his collar on. We hugged and kissed and started in talking. Poor Sam was left to shake his head in mirth at us.

"Here's the drill, Kid. Tonight with us, alone. We deliver you to your Master's place around noon for brunch. You stay over with him. He brings you over here Sunday before noon for brunch. We have you back to Jeb's and Jim's by nine P.M. How's that?

"Sound wonderful, Master Sam. I can't thank you and Yoshie enough. Underneath your gruff exterior beats a warm heart. I love you, Master Sam."

"Here! Here! Don't go gettin' mushy with me." he laughed then eased up, "We love you, too, you little shit. C'omer!" He grabbed me, hugged me and swung me around the room.

"Show Beau were he can get undressed, Yoshie!" ordered Master Sam.

"Yes, Dad. Come Beau, bring your bag, we have you in the guest bedroom."I followed Yoshie and got undressed as we talked non stop about everything. He helped me with my collar and locked it and carried the key to his Master. I walked back into the living room and went to Master Sam, knelt in front of him for my ritual greeting. When he told me to rise he gave me the biggest kiss right on the mouth. I didn't hold back, I kissed him, too.

"Damn!" I said still in his arms "I feel so comfortable here. It's like a second home to me." Sam smiled real big and patted me on the butt.

"That's how we want you to feel. Glad you do. You're more than welcome here, Son, you know that. Guess who wanted to stop over later to say 'Hello'?"

"Dad Jake?"

"You guessed it. I told him around eight. He can't stay long but he didn't get to talk much with you at the ceremony. I have to the give the redneck son of a bitch credit. He swallowed all his prejudices to come there and do that because of his love for you. Takes a big man to do that.

He's working out better than we'd hoped in his new job and Chief has all but taken over your job. He knows so damn much more than all the other mechanics combined. Even hard nose Jake has to admit that Chief knows his onions.

Everyday he comes back off the floor from break with Chief, shakes his head and says, 'My Son can pick 'em." We just laugh at him. He's lightened up a lot. Finally met Yoshie. Loves Yoshie."

"Well, maybe you should think about making Chief foreman, Boss, I'd step down for him." "Did I tell you he'd say that?" he said looking at Yoshie.

"Yes, Dad, you did."

"You're our new Foreman and YOU will be when you get back. Is that understood."

"Thank you, Master Sam, I understand."

"Maybe someday we'll consider Chief for foreman but right now, I have reasons for you being foreman, reasons you don't even know about. We've got our eye on Chief. He's doing a great job. He's doubled the output since Jake was foreman and I know you will do as well. You all ready did that last week. How do you like your hamburger, Beau?" Master Sam yelled from the patio.

"Medium is fine." I yelled back from the kitchen talking to Yoshie.

"He's cute," said Yoshie,"he always asks everyone how they want their hamburger then they always come out the same. Done. But their good. He's a pretty fair cook; although, we do a lot of take out food."

"Yeah, Master Earl and I live on take out during the week. He doesn't feel like cooking and after crawling under those trucks all day I don't either."

Master Sam walked back in the house with a platter of cheeseburgers and told me to run into the guest bedroom where I was staying and get his sweater out of the closet for him. I immediately obeyed, walked in to the room, there sitting of the bed was my Master in all his leathers and boots.

I instantly fell to my knees and kissed his boot. He let me go thought the ritual, hugged, and kissed me.

"Surprised?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir." I took him by the hand but before I left I saw a sweater over a chair in the corner. I looked at it and he knew what was going through my mind.

"Do it!" he said as he reached for the sweater. I walked back into the room with the sweater and handed to Master Sam..

"Gee, Master Sam, those burger look great and I'm hungry." A wry smile came across Sam's face as he thanked me for the sweater.

"Think your gonna' put one over on me don't ya', Kid?" I started laughing and went to hug him and thanked him for the wonderful surprise.

"Get in here, Earl! The very idea of you going along with a prank like that." he said laughing. "Had me going for a minute though." We all laughed. The evening was magic. We relaxed, ate dinner, talked and just enjoyed each other.

Yoshie left for a moment and returned with a small carefully wrapped package with a small ribbon tightly and elegantly tied around it.

"For you, Beau." Yoshie said as he held it out to me.

"Gosh! What's this?"

"Open it!" I did and what I saw took my breath away. It was Joshua Cochran's cock perfectly sculpted to the outline of his real dick with approximately one quarter inch of the acrylic left all around. It was perfect to the proportions of his cock. I was stunned! I knew his dad was a craftsman but this was beyond beautiful. It was a work of art.

"Isn't it beautiful, Beau?" Yoshie asked with a huge smile and obvious pride in his dad's work.

"Beautiful? My, God, Yoshie, it's a fucking work of art. I'm speechless. Stunned! It's beyond beautiful wouldn't you say boss man, Master Earl?"

"I've seen a lot of his dad's work and that has to be one of his best."

"What do I owe your dad, Yoshie? I'll have Master Jim send him a check from my account."

"Don't be silly, Beau, he did it for you. It's his gift to you."

"Then I must do something nice for him. Can you think of anything he might like that I can get him to show my appreciation. I hope someday I may get to thank him in person and shake his hand."

"I'm sure you will. I have him over quite often for dinner. We'll make arrangements some evening. Let me think on that and I'll get back to you. He's funny, he doesn't tell his kids very often that he wishes anything."

"This is too perfect. If I ever run into Josh Cochran I hope he can appreciate the love his cock has had since it left his body." They laughed. I didn't mean it to be funny but then I laughed, too, when I realized what I'd said.

"I guess that came out wrong but you knew what I meant." They laughed again. So did I.

"With an education like your's Beau how did you end up a mechanic?"

"I walked in off the street and told Sam I'd do anything for any amount of money. He put a broom and a mop in my hand and said, 'Go to it, Kid'!

I had money when I got out of the service but I wouldn't touch it. I didn't care what I did I just wanted to make enough to have my own apartment and a few essential. Glad I never was a collector because I didn't have a lot to get rid of."

"Look at me," said Yoshie, "when Beryl and Blaine brought me to Master Jeb I had the clothes on my back. I didn't have money for a phone call. I was so miserably in love nothing else mattered. I still love Breed to this day, but I love the idea of the love and not what I had.

It was a living nightmare. Still, I know it wasn't his fault, Beau, he use to scare me to death when he'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of his voice. He was reliving the hell he went through in Nam.

I'm so happy with Sam that Breed doesn't cross my mind much. Did you remember seeing in the cards where I would run into Breed?"

"Yes I remember I just didn't want to tell you because what you were telling me about not entering internship for three months didn't make sense. Now it does. You just started. You sure you want to know?"

"I'm going to meet him at the hospital?"

"Yep! I don't know how but you will."

"Beau, a chill just ran up my back 'cause when I walked into that ER last Monday morning all hell broke loose and I was up to my asshole in victims of a run away bus accident on the freeway. I thought one of the men was Breed. I saw his face and turned. When I turned back it was someone else. Weird!"

"No it isn't, it was precognition. You saw his face in the ER because you will see his face in the ER. Don't know when. Wouldn't do either of us any good nor him either to try to warn him. What's gonna' happen is gonna' happen. Who knows, he may come in to visit someone. " "Thanks, Sweetheart!" Yoshie said to me.

"Just don't be frightened when it happens remember you have the love of a good Master to give you courage who is responsible for you being there in the first place, second you have my blessing that nothing can harm you." I laid my hand on his head and touched it lightly.

"Damn! I felt something go through me." said Yoshie.

"It was my protection. You are now protected but you won't need it. You will know how to handle the situation. Besides Breed has a big shocker to tell the family."

"That he has decided to become a slave to some man?"

"How did you know?"

"I always had a gut feeling that's what he was meant to be and he was beating me up because he was hating that part of himself. He knew he wanted to be a slave. The worst beating he ever gave me, the one that made up my mind to get out or he was going to kill me, I accused him of that.

He went into such a rage you would have thought a demon had entered his body. I don't think he remembered doing those things to me. I was right. I knew it but I didn't even want to face the truth 'cause I was imprinted and thought I loved him. I did and I didn't. He'd killed most of the passionate love I had for him and what was left was loving him out of fear.

That's sick! I was sick. It took Master Jeb and Jim to nurse me back to health. Those men are saints. I lived there and worked at a small job in Hollywood. I can't tell you the number of nights, even before I began slave training, I would cry myself to sleep in Master Jim's or Master Jeb's arms. They never once scolded me nor told me to shape up. They just let it run it's course.

One morning I announced to them I was through being miserable I wanted another life; make me a good slave and sell me. They did precisely that. How I lucked out and got one of the greatest Masters God put on this Earth to buy me is a mystery. I go to sleep every night thanking him for my fortune.

After we got together he ask what I wanted to do with my life and I told him 'To be your slave, Master.' He said ,'No, no, as a vocation. What did you ever truly want to be. I told him an M.D. I was working toward that when I met Breed. He just said fine, get catalogues from U.S.C. My slave will be a doctor. There was no further conversation, nothing. I obeyed and he put me through Med School at U.S.C. which ain't cheep."

Yoshie told me all about the bus accident that occurred the first day he joined the ER. He hadn't been there more than half and hour. He didn't know where anything was and had to keep asking nurses for stuff. He said he got through it with a second year resident that took him under his wing.

He said it's steady paced work all day long and he loves it. He asked if he could tell Master Sam and Master Earl what we discussed about the cards. I said sure. He did and Master Sam said,

"Well, if it has to happen at all that would be a good place. I don't wish the man harm but he would be very vulnerable at a time like that. Think you can handle it, Son?"

"With your love, our Family's love, and Beau's protection...? I can handle it, Dad."

Yoshie and I cleaned up and finished in the kitchen. Our Master's were sitting in Master Sam's spa and invited us to join them.

"The key to your collar is on the table there, Son. Give it to your Master so he can take it off." I did and sat by Master Earl as he took my collar off. Yoshie was curled up in Sam's big arms. I did the same with my Master and was in heaven.

"Nephew, indeed!" I winked at Sam. He smiled and shrugged. and replied, "Yeah! Ain't it strange, he has a nephew named Yoshie." He and I fell out laughing. Yoshie and my Master didn't understand until Sam told them the story about finding me laughing at something Jake had tossed of to me about Sam. Then they laughed, too.

The door bell rang and Sam ushered Jake out to the patio. I got out of the tub and got him all wet on his coveralls hugging him.

"Dad, did you get to meet my Master at the ceremony. You were out of there so fast I didn't get to introduce you."

"I met your Master on his bike at work one morning. You introduced me then. Hello, Master Earl, how are you? Good to see you again."

"I'm fine Jake, won't you join us?"

"I can't stay long but what the hell, sure, I'd love to for a while." Sam offered him a beer and snapped his fingers at me to get him one. I rushed to the kitchen. I handed Dad his beer as he eased into the hot water. I hugged him again and thanked him for giving me into slavery.

"That was a really sweet thing to do, Dad."

"What's a dad for if he can't give his favorite son into slavery?" He started laughing. We all did at the absurdity of the statement.

"Damn, Son, we really miss you at work. It's just not the same without you there. I'll admit you picked one hell of a winner in Chief. Man knows as much or more than I do about some of them damn trucks. He's sharp Beau and is generous with his knowledge and help. He can explain something to the dumbest guy there and he gets it. Besides, I keep tabs on you through him. He's good natured and puts up with my shit."

"It's good to see you, Dad."

"You too, Kid. Stand up a minute." I did and he whistled.

"You got bigger tits than my wife, Kid." Sam almost drowned in the tub laughing. So did I.

"Well, thanks, Dad. I think." He just laughed. True to his word he drank his beer and had to leave. I got out with him to see him off. At the door he hugged me again and snapped his fingers as he winked at Sam. I dropped to my knees and kissed each boot, found his hand waiting and completed the ritual.

"Get up here slave and give your old man a hug for the road. Love ya', Kid."

"Love you, too, Dad. Thanks for everything." He smiled real big and was gone.

"He really loves you, Beau," said Sam as he put his arms around my shoulders and walked me back to the patio. "and you probably do have bigger tits than his wife." We all laughed again. It was a wonderful evening . They had to go to bed early as Yoshie had early morning at the hospital but would be home by eleven or so. Master and I stayed in the water for a while longer enjoying each other being quiet with him doing outrageous things to my tits.

"Your Dungeon Master said he thought your tits cry out for heavy gage rings. How do you feel about that slave?"

"You know how I feel about that, Master. If you want heavy gaged rings in these tits you own, then I will have them. End of subject."

"Good answer, slave. I have to say, I'm leaning to the Dungeon Master's point of view. I think I could really get into seeing you with them. They would be great to play with, and perhaps a cock piercing, a Prince Albert I think. That would round off your tit piercing's very nicely. I can use it as an alternative place to connect your leash to lead you around. I know Billy would get a charge out of that." We laughed.

"Whatever you decide for me is what I want, Master. I would give you anything, I love you that much."

"Well, let's get out of here and you can give me a piece of that sweet ass of yours."

"There is a God." I said under my breath and he slapped me on my butt.

It turned out to be an idyllic laid back weekend. We spent the next day at Master Earl's and I got to see Monty again. You remember Pussleene. Well, we named her Montgomery because Master Earl referred to her as his ward. We call her Monty for short. A boy's name you say? Well, she's had her itch removed so she doesn't know the difference.

She was glad to see me, I think. As glad as a cat can be, I guess. It was nice to see something that was familiar from my past. It was as if she was telling me,

"So nice of you to visit. I'm happy here. Come back soon. Love ya'! Write when you get work." Then she proceeded to curl up in my Master's lap. She, too, had fallen in love with him, the tramp.

Master Sam had me back to Mt. Washington at nine-fifteen sharp. I couldn't thank him enough.

"Didn't I tell you your family would take care of you, Son, that you have family now?"

"Yes, Master Sam."

"You didn't understand when I told you did you? You understand it now, Son?"

"Yes, Master Sam."

"Love you."

"You, too. My love and thanks to Yoshie." Master Sam waved as he headed down the hill. I had tears in my eyes but my giant had his arms around my front and held me tight. I was glad to see him even if I had another hellacious week coming. Believe it or not I was looking forward to it.


I continued to write more in my journal. I would bring it to bed with me so the Dungeon Master didn't have to hunt for it and several times I feel asleep as he was reading. I tried to log all the feelings and responses to personalities I could cram into it during the time I had to write.

I somehow managed to get in an hour every morning by getting up an hour and a half earlier than the Dungeon Master. In the evenings I would get in a couple hours during a free period before I had to start helping with dinner. Sometimes we got take out and I had a few more minutes to record my thoughts.

I'd filled almost three quarters of the journal. The Dungeon Master didn't comment again about it . He felt it might make me nervous about recording my true feelings. It didn't. I was who I was now. I didn't care what the rest of the world thought.

I wasn't writing for him to like it nor anyone who should read it. It was, after all, for me. I was writing with a vengeance about what I saw as great injustices, not only in my life but in human kind. It was doing something to the Dungeon Master. He was looking at me through different eyes. I was becoming something more than just his toy slave-boy.

He was invited out to the desert with me. He wasn't lied too. He was told that Master Earl would be invited as well. He told them he would bring me out and stay Friday evening but he had to be back sometime Saturday morning to check on Jeb. Master Jeb had been in bed for several days and many evenings I would have to take him his meals.

Our continuing conversations were held in his bedroom. He was now reading every word of my journal when the Dungeon Master left it on his night stand. His attitude towards me was changing as well. I was a slave, yet there was a new unspoken respect. It felt good, yet I felt I'd lost something, too.

Maybe it was the unqualified acceptance and earthiness of Master Zack calling me slave that turned me on so much. I began to think of him and get an erection every time I recalled him calling me slave. As Einstein once observed: Something was moving.

I recorded that in my journal and added that I worked this hard to achieve something I really wanted only to find the thing I most needed was being taken away form me because of my intellect. That didn't seem right.

I recalled the Dungeon Master's personal needs speech from the gym and his need for me being a little less formal in private. Should I expect the same? I didn't say 'I should', I just presented the conundrum. It had it's desired effect. I was beginning to get 'that old feeling' again as I said goodbye to Master Jeb for the weekend. He referred to me as his total slave and my old dick went 'sproing'! Yep, they got the message. Good, I needed that.

The ride out to the desert was glorious. We left about four-thirty in the afternoon to be there by six. I had been looking forward to this all week. We no sooner passed Kellogg hill than a fellow biker pulled up along side and gave us the high sign. It was the Chief.

He'd been invited to the desert as well. It was great to see him again. He must have left immediately from work. I could imagine the questions he had to answer for Jake about the coming weekend. I laughed to myself. Master Jim yelled over his shoulder.

"He cuts a handsome figure on his bike with his leathers on." I had to agree. I didn't know Chief was going to our gym and was working out hard. We arrived to find twenty or thirty other bikes spread around Beryl and Blaine's little desert cabin.. Tents were thrown up everywhere.

Big rocks were gathered in various places for campfires. It can get cold in the desert at night even in June and July. Everyone was there except my Master's bike. He wasn't coming until tomorrow morning. He hadn't been invited for Friday night. Beryl knew what he was doing. He didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

"It's the Dungeon Master, Beau and the Chief" Yelled Button as he turned to look at Master Zack who nodded his approval to go ahead. Button ran up to me, I gathered him in my arms and kissed him. He was getting a dark tan running around with no clothes in the desert. He held up his cherished gold medallion for me to see. I kissed it for him.

"You look gorgeous with that medal on. You're gorgeous without it but it sure looks handsome on you, little one." I kissed him again. He thanked me and told me he loved me again. I assured him that I still loved him as he led me by the hand to his Master.

There in front of all assembled I dropped to my knees and lovingly kissed each of Master Zack's boots. I found his strong hand waiting. I kissed it lovingly as well. He spoke firmly, "Arise slave and kiss your Master." I leaped into his arms to kiss him. He moved my hand to his crotch, I did the same with his and we ended the kiss by breaking up laughing in each others arms.

"Forgive me, Master Zack, for not taking my clothes off first. No, Master Zack, please don't forgive me and make me do it all over again when I do get my clothes off." We started laughing again and it was obvious that there was something special between the three of us.

"Then you are NOT forgiven slave!" He winked at me and we laughed again. Button knew the joke and laughed, too. He was so happy Master Zack and I had become Master/slave friends. I was wondering if Button would get upset if I offered to please his Master. I wanted to bad.

There was just something about Master Zack. Button felt it, too. He knew the magnetic attraction his Master held and wanted to serve him more and better. Would I help him, teach him some things? Would I? I whispered to Button,

"You hold him down, Button, and I'll rape him here in front of all these people. We'll show them how two good slaves can pleasure a Master." It set off a giggle spree in Button that made everyone curious to know what I'd said to him. He wasn't about to tell a confidence his older brother shared with him, not even with his Master. Again, Zack knew when to back off.

Button was coming out of his shell and everyone was falling in love with him. He had an impish personality, a delightful sense of humor and a biting wit. He didn't use it often but when he did he leveled the camp. Master Zack was blooming he was so happy with Button. He was beginning to be attractive to a lot of people. Even Master Beryl told me he had never seen Zack this handsome and happy. He radiated. Chief even noticed.

I spotted Master Grainger and Master Bull coming towards us. They were two, drop dead, handsome straight men. They were the only two straight men I'd asked to stand up for me at my ceremony. They had big smiles on there faces and were followed by their ladies. I was about to drop to my knees in front of them when I heard this booming, basso profundo voice barking behind me.

"What the hell's going on here? I'm Master of this house and it's my due to be kissed first by any pretty slave." Big Beryl started laughing as I dropped in front of him begging his forgiveness for my breach of etiquette. I went through the ritual greeting and jumped into his big arms, telling him how great it was to see him again. The old man was in tears.

"I have a small gift in the house for you later. Go greet everyone and...welcome, handsome slave, to our home." Everyone cheered. He had me in tears.

I immediately turned to Master Grainger winked and fell to my knees. He allowed me to go through the ritual then gave me the hottest fucking kiss I'd gotten in days. I hugged and kissed his lady who was groping me all the while making old swinger very hard. She stood me back and pointed to my crotch for her mate. Look at that,

"You're a fool not to bid on this one." We all laughed at her joke.

Master Bull was next and he looked just like his name. He was a fucking, good looking bull. I'd heard that wasn't how he got his name but for other attributes. When he kissed me he held me tight and I could feel the bull rising. Woah! Dogies! He was a bull. I kissed his lady and told her she was one lucky lady. She just giggled.

I must have kissed fifty pairs of boots, kissed an equal number of Masters, straight men and women in the Clan Mc Innis. I was so glad to see them all again. Surprisingly, a lot of them commented on the passage from my journal the Dungeon Master had read. They said they were moved to tears and wanted to know if they could get a copy.

I told them to ask the Dungeon Master as he had final say. He asked my blessing to print it and I gave it. I finally got into the house and there were two or three more including handsome Chief that Button had just gotten through with the ritual greeting. I, too, went through it with him.

"You know you don't have to go through that with me." he whispered as he kissed me on the neck.

"Of course I do, Master Redfeather. You before others. You are my savior, and a very important Master to me. Please don't deny me my place, Chief." He smiled.

"Becoming a slave has made you wise beyond your years." Finally I got to my brother in the kitchen who had no clothes on and was talking to Master Zack. I hugged and kissed Blaine and apologized for not getting to him quicker.

"My hero, I know you well enough to know if there is one Master left with a decent pair of boots to kiss old Blaine can take a number." we all three exploded with laughter. He was funny and knew me too well.

"Slave!" The Dungeon Master snapped his fingers for me to follow him to the bedroom. I did as ordered and he and Master Beryl were alone with me. I started taking off my clothes.

"Master Beryl wants you to put your boots, chaps and vest on for the afternoon slave. He got his collar out of his bag for me and put it on then snapped his leash on to the front of it. I quickly dressed as the two big men chatted. When I finished Master Beryl turned around to check out my plug. He pressed on it telling me to push back. I responded to his order.

"Good, Dungeon Master. Nice tight fit. Seated well. Good job." He grabbed my leash and pulled me to his big face and gently kissed me again. I loved this old man. He led me back out into the crowd of people to 'ooohs' and 'aaaahhs.' Some one started applauding and they all picked it up. I just blushed as they all gathered around.

"Now, slave, take off your vest for your family to see." ordered Master Beryl. I did and there were audible gasps. Then they applauded again.

"Is this the same slave you met out here a couple of months ago?"

" Noooo...." They all allowed.

"You're looking good, Son." He gave me a big bear hug. I noticed Master Bull and Grainger were impressed. To say nothing of their ladies. The one just kept shaking her head goading Master Grainger,

"I told you he was gonna' be a prize but noooooo." She winked at me wickedly. I put my vest back on and sat at the bar with Master Beryl. Blaine handed us a beer and Master Jim one, too. He sat down to join us. Big Beryl pushed this tiny gift rapped package with a tiny bow toward me.

"This is for you, Son." I opened it quickly and found a tiny card inside: "Spend them wisely." was the cryptic message neatly printed on the card. I pulled the cotton padding off the top and underneath were two, brand new, freshly minted pennies. I threw my arms around him and ask him how he knew what I wanted?

"'Cause I knew where you'd spend 'em , slave." he roared with laughter. I handed the box to Master Jim who almost fell off the bar stool laughing. Blaine had this silly grin on his face. He was pleased at my reaction.

"Could I spend one in the barn, Dad? If we can find the time to get away."

"Hell, we'll make time to get away. You betch'um, Little Beaver. You need another this soon?" "If you could find it in that big heart of yours to spoil me a little...?"

"You've become wicked again. Yep! We gotta' take care of that, Son." He couldn't stop laughing.

"What do you think about asking Master Zack to come along and watch Dad? Not Button , just Master Zack!"

"I think that's a fine idea, Son, Zack is special to me."

"I know he is and he's become so to me. I would love for him to watch."

"Done! I'll talk to Zack and set it up. Blaine can occupy Button. Button's gotten so loved the whole family will keep him occupied. You don't want to ask Jim?"

"No, Dad, he has his time with me. Please consider this for Master Zack's sake to be included."

"Good idea! Good idea, Son! He could use that right now. Make him feel special with us, included, right?"

"Exactly, Dad. Master Zack needs that right now, but please clear it with the Dungeon Master first. He's not only my Master, he's our family's new Dungeon Master and deserves that respect."

"Of course, Son, leave it to me. It's good as done. We just have to find the time." He chuckled. Button ran up and grabbed my hand and wanted to take me for a walk through the camp site. I took my beer and he led the way. We were greeted by everyone asking us to sit with them. We stopped an he crawled into my lap, played with my cock and balls as we chit-chatted .

Others brought their chairs over to join and it was a wonderful evening with family. These rugged, gentle folk were fast becoming my family. I cared about these people and began to learn about them and their lives. The sun was going down. It must have been about eight o'clock. It stays light on the West Coast later due to time changes.

Button was getting restless and wanted me to go for a walk with him. I knew when he wanted to be with me alone so I walked with him into the huge rocks in the desert. The late afternoon colors were making the desert into a magic place. He put on his heavy pair off boots and a pair of chaps that fit him like a glove. They made his little ass looked like a cherry on top of a sundae.

"Beau, my Master hasn't said anything to me but I know he would like for you to pleasure him. Would you consider it, please, for me."

"Button, Darlin,' you're one hell of a good little slave to love your Master so much to want him to have pleasure from someone else. If I'm going to be his slave for a weekend you must consider I have no choice if he wants me that way. I must obey. I'm not saying it wouldn't be a pleasure for me as well. I've come to love your Master very much. I respect and admire him. My question for you would be, could you watch? Would it upset you to watch?"

"Oh, God, no, Beau. If Master Zack would let me. I would love to watch and try to learn something. I don't have to. It would make me just as happy knowing he was with you and you were pleasing him. I haven't been a good slave for Master Zack but what you said to me woke me up.

I'm owned by a good man who loves me and has gone through hell with me and for me. He deserves the best damn slave I can be to him. I'm working every day to become that Beau. He's happy with my progress but I know I need to learn some things about pleasing him. Watching and asking questions later will help me. I would be so grateful."

"All right, if I get off alone later with Big Beryl and your Master for a while, do I have your permission to share what we've just talked about with him."

"Sure, Beau. I sometime have a hard time talking to him because I know how my heart feels but I can't find the right words. Maybe, it's because I'm too much in love with him I'm so afraid of fucking up. I end up doing nothing when I wanted to tell him what was in my heart."

"It will come, Button, it will come, just give it time. He loves you more than you know and is patient with you to a fault. Give your old man the benefit of the doubt. I'll get Master Beryl to have him take a ride with us later and I'll talk to him"

"Oh, thank you, Beau. I love you so much for what you've done for me and him. It's so much easier for me to talk to you. I appreciate you listening."

"You're welcome, Sweetheart. Now, let's get back, you're getting chilled. Here take my vest." I put it around him and it hung almost to his knees. He looked cute in it. I led him by the hand back to the campfire where Master Zack was sitting. He got up and saw I gave Button my vest and he smiled warmly.

"Master Beryl asked if I could take a brief ride with the two of you as time permits. I'll would be pleased and honored, slave."

"Damn, Master Zack, you did it again" we started laughing, the three of us. I have a few things to discuss with you when we get away, that is, with your permission, my good Master."

"You certainly have my permission, slave."

"Woah! Dogies! Do you realize what a hot dad you have, Button?"

"I do, Beau, and I really love him." Zack grabbed Button and kissed him.

"Now give Beau his vest and let's get some more clothes on you, scamp. Thanks slave, that was thoughtful of you. I'll add that to your list." I put my vest back on and headed for the house. It was getting cool in the desert. My buns were cold.

"It's a go. All systems checked out and the bird flies sometime tomorrow afternoon. You don't think Earl will mind, do you?"

"Not if you tell him the truth. You feel I need a booster and I even requested it. Tell him you're teaching Master Zack the whip. Which you are doing, aren't you, Dad?"

"Humm, oh yes,...yes! Definitely, Son! Definitely! Besides, what am I worried about? I paid to have you as my slave for the weekend. You're not officially his slave yet. I'll just tell him the truth that I'm going to get away for an hour or so with you and Zack. He doesn't need to know what for."

"He'll know, Dad, not much gets by that man. Better to be honest with him, he'll respect you a lot more."

"I think you're right, young'un. Don't worry, I'll take care of it, leave it to me. Just be ready when I give you the high sign."

"Can't wait, Dad."

"Neither can Zack. Thought he was gonna' drop his load when I invited him and told him you requested him be there. He asked, 'Did he really?' I assured him you did then he said, 'I really think a lot of that slave, I would love to watch. He said he was pretty good with a bull whip, too. You want me to test him and if I think he's good enough...?"

"Absolutely, Dad, look at my dick." he roared with laughter. I said goodbye to Master Jim early the next morning. He wanted to get back to check on Master Jeb. I really think he would have preferred to stay.

There was a party mood all day Saturday and people were in and out of the pool. Most were running around in the nude. Even the straight folks were in the buff. The two straight men that were in my slave ceremony were two fine looking specimens of the masculine, male species, a credit to their gender.

They weren't the least intimidated by the others. One or the other had Button in their laps all day long. Because he was small and cute he could get away with a lot of shit others couldn't. Clever boy, he quickly learned to use it to his advantage.

He did look funny with just his balls hanging down. I understood why he wanted to be smooth. The straight men he adored were less threatened and would show him more attention because of not having a penis. He wanted it all gone. I couldn't blame him, I would have felt the same. Bull and Charlie Grainger were outstanding looking men. I would have loved to sit in either one's lap for a while.

Master Earl arrived and said 'hello', 'goodbye' to Big Jim on the way up the road. He was sorry to hear that Jeb was down. Being the official Dungeon Master, Big Jim told him to bring me back to Mt. Washington so Beryl wouldn't have to make a special trip. Earl D. promised he would as he'd like to see Jeb for a few minutes to see how he was doing. He arrived and all hell broke loose.

"It's Earl D. everyone." He was instantly mobbed. Everyone knew our story by now and were so glad to see him for me as well. I walked to him and dropped to my knees. We went through our greeting ritual. Everyone was going, "Awwwh." When he finally pulled me up to him and kissed me they all went nuts, whistling and cheering.

They were good caring folk. They were happy for us and particularly for him. Damn, he looked hot in his leathers and high boots. Even the straight ladies made damn sure they got a kiss from handsome Earl D. Several of the straight men gave him a kiss as well.

Grainger and Bull weren't shy. It seemed like even the 'straights' displayed more affection in our group than any other group of people I ever encountered. It just seemed to be the thing to do.

I left Josh Cochran's cock with Master Earl to bring with him to show Beryl and Blaine. Master Earl could pack it away safely in his saddle bags. I was worried if I carried it in my bags it might get broken. Yoshie found two blocks of styerfoam we scooped out so it fit tight and was protected on all sides. Then we tied it together with heavy twine. We took it into the bedroom and called Beryl, Blaine, and Master Zack as they had seen it in block form at brunch that day. I carefully opened it to show them. They were amazed.

"It's a fucking work of art!" Exclaimed Blaine. I told him I had the same reaction. Master Zack held it and turned it over and over.

"How in the hell did Yoshie's Dad get it so highly polished? It's like looking at a real cock inside a glass cock." Zack was impressed.

"I hope we can find Josh someday. It would be ashamed to put that much love into an object and not be able to present it to him." Blaine exclaimed. "It's fantastic!"

"I couldn't believe it when they showed it to me." said Master Earl. It was a wonderful idea of Beau's and Yoshie's to do that, I never would have thought of it."

"Neither would I, Son." spoke Big Beryl.

"Is Master Sam and Yoshie coming out, Dad?" I asked Big Beryl.

"Yoshie has early morning shift at the hospital and won't get off 'till around noon and then they'll be out. Breed won't be here. He's somewhere up in Oregon still riding with his buddy, Captain Nemo. He gives us a call every Sunday morning to let us know he's okay.

He took a leave of absence from his job and wants to spend a couple months on the road with this guy. If you want to know what I think, I think he's got something going with this guy and because the man is a hard charging Master doesn't want us to know. I met him before I met Blaine and he was one rough motherfucker. Didn't take shit off nobody.

He wasn't so much of a hell raiser, you just knew better than to fuck with the man. When you got to know him a little he was a quiet, decent man. Wait'll I tell Breed you're here, he'll wanna' talk to you for sure."

"I'd like to say 'Hello' to him, too." I told Master Beryl.

"Come guys, let's leave these two alone for a bit." Master Beryl left with Blaine and Master Zack."

Master Earl was in good spirits. He seemed on top of the world. He held me and stood there for a moment.

"I know it's only been a week but I'll be honest, the weeks seem longer and longer without you. You remember that last week before training you devoted to me and the weekend we spent together. That was one of the happiest times of my life. I can't wait for all this to be over and settle down as Master and slave."

"I'm glad to hear that, you know I feel the same. The way the Dungeon Master has me going before sunup 'til eight in the evening, the days go by fast." I took my vest off for him to admire.

"Damn slave, you're popping out all over your body. You look fucking great, Son. Jim really knows what he's doing. I think I want you to keep it up after training?"

"I'd like to. Won't it depend on our scheduling, Master? If the Dungeon Master and I can keep up the early morning routine. I wouldn't want to be away from you in the evenings. By the way, have you noticed how big he's getting."

"He is, indeed. When he took his clothes off Sunday I was impressed. He's getting massive." responded Master Earl. I mentioned that Big Beryl said something about taking me for a brief ride later. He wanted to show me something.

"Yeah! He wants to take you back to that barn. Oh well, you're his slave for the weekend. I'm lucky to get to see you at all. Just tell him to leave some ass for me."

"I will, Master." we both laughed.

"Are you afraid?"

"No, Sir, I can't wait." "I love you, slave."

"No more than I love you, Master."

"I'll get the lotion ready. I brought some good stuff just in case" He laughed. The day went by and everyone was having a good time. I noticed bikes coming and going. I saw the two good looking straight men take off for a ride. Then about four o'clock I got a signal from Big Beryl and ran to get on his bike. I just had my chaps, boots and vest on.

Master Zack was all ready on his bike and winked at me as I climbed on in front of Big Beryl; he didn't want me on the back, he wanted me laying on top of him on the front. I wasn't gonna' argue. Button waved to us as we went down the back way.

After a while we reached the deserted black top road that was never used anymore and Big Beryl took off like a bat out of hell. Master Zack kept right up with him. Big Beryl was a good rider and so was Master Zack. I'll bet Beryl taught Zack.

We turned off on the other dirt road and finally came upon the deserted old barn. Except it wasn't deserted today. There were two bikes out to the side. Grainger's and Bull's. Big Beryl followed by Master Zack pulled right into the center of the big barn and there they were naked as jay birds having sex. They didn't get upset, they knew we didn't give a shit.

"You boys playing off on the girls?" Big Beryl asked with a wry smile on his face.

"Yes, Sir, Dad, you caught us red handed." Bull laughed. "We just wanted to try it with each other. See what you guys were all raving about. To tell you the God's honest truth, I could fall in love with old Charlie here real fast."

"Same here." said Charlie Grainger. "Bull fucked holy hell out of my ass this afternoon and I loved it. Makes me wonder why we put up with them bitches all these years."

"What do you mean you 'could' fall in love with old Charlie, Bull, hell the two of you have been in love with each other for as long as I've known you. You just never did nothing about it. You two belong together...without the cunts." Bellowed Big Beryl. Bull and Charlie smiled at each other knowingly.

"What brings you guys up here, Dad?" Charlie asked.

"We're gonna' perform a little private ceremony. You gentlemen are welcome to stay and observe if you like. That all right with you, Son?"

"I'd be honored if these two respected men would stay."

"How 'bout it Bro. Wanna' stick around?" Grainger nodded yes to Bull.

"Do we have to dress, Dad?" Bull asked laughing.

"Hell, no! You may wanna' have you cock's handy when you see our ceremony." Big Beryl led me to the center of the barn to the overhead pulley.

"Stand next to me, Son. You two pull your boots on and get your ass's over here. They quickly did as they were told and stood next to Master Zack.

"Okay, slave, we're ready for you to show your Masters respect." I kissed and cleaned Master Beryl's big boots and went through the ritual with him.

"You know I'm doing this 'cause you're my Son and I love you?"

"Yes, Sir, Dad, and I love you for doing if for me."

"Now show these Masters you've invited your homage and respect."

"Thank you, Master." I licked and partially cleaned Master Zack's boots next and got a roaring hard on. When he ordered me up and called me his slave. I noticed his cock inside his cod piece pants was peaking out the top. I stood up and he fell out laughing and so did I. I had to hold on to old swinger to keep from poking him in the stomach. He grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

"Thanks for asking me to come along. Thanks for including me. It means a lot to me, slave. In a way, you're doing for me the same damn thing you did for my love. I'll enjoy this more that you'll ever know. We'll smile about it with each other for years." he laughed then added, "You have two more fine looking Masters to pay homage to."

I started on Bull's boots next and did a good job on them. They were really a hot pair. After the ritual he ordered me up gruffly,

"Get you ass up here pronto slave and give me a kiss." He snapped his fingers. He gave me one hell of a kiss and worked his hands down to play with my butt plug. He got roaring hard, too. Our dicks were drooling on each others bellies. He let me go and turned to Charlie.

"Look what the little shit did to me? Fuck Bro let's stop talking about it and rape the shit out of him some night."

I was working on Grainger's boots when I felt his big hand on my butt. He slapped it pretty hard a couple of times and then pushed in on my plug. After my ritual I stood up and he was stiff, too. He grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

"I'm with you Bro, I say we go for it." they both fell out laughing. They watched as Master Beryl tied me to the over head rope. He had driven stakes in the ground and had short ropes tied to them. He attached them to each ankle so my legs would be kept apart. He undid my leather pants and pulled them down below my thighs.

He then pulled me up with the over head pulley contraption so my feet were barely touching the floor. He left me there. He sat an old beer bottle on a post in another section of the barn. he walked to his bike and got out his eighteen foot 'Blacksnake' bull whip and shook it out. Grainger and Bull's eyes got really big.

"You gonna' use that on the kid, Dad?"

"He's had it before, he knows what to expect." Beryl handed the whip to Master Zack.

"Let me see what you can do, Son. That beer bottle is approximately seventeen to eighteen feet away. Let me see you knock it off."

"You want me to knock it off or retrieve it, Sir?"

"Retrieve it? What the hell are you talking about, Son?" With that I heard Master Zack take a practice swing with the whip to get it's feel. The next shot the whip leaped out, rapped around the bottle without damaging it, and with one, well timed, swift yank it flew back across the barn to Master Zack.

Zack caught the bottle in his left hand, as if it was something he had done every day of his life. With a wry smile he handed the beer bottle to Master Beryl. Beryl's mouth hung open and the other two men were holding on to each other in laugher. Big Beryl grabbed Zack in a big bear hug.

"Teach me that sometime, Son?"

"Anytime, Dad." They shook on it.

"Okay Son, I'll go first and then you can get him off. He'll take about ten and then he shoots."

"What da' ya' mean he shoots, Dad?" Bull asked. Big Beryl smiled at Bull's question.

"Just watch and learn, Gentlemen." I heard the whip crack once. I heard the second and knew the next one was for me. I braced myself and positioned my ass in the air for him.

Kracckk! I lunged forward. It was a damn good first lick. One, Sir! Thank you, Master!

Kracckk! "Two, Sir! Thank you, Master Beryl!"

Kawhack! "Three, Sir! Thank you, Sir! Thank you!!"

Kathwack! "Four, Sir! Thank you, Master! Thank you!!"

Kawwaacck! "Five, Sir! Oh! That was a damn good one, Sir! Thank you, Sir!" I Yelled.

He came to me and rubbed my ass gently. Grainger and Bull stood in front and to the side of me both with roaring hard-ons.

"Can we give him a kiss, Dad?"

"Sure, he'd appreciate that about now." They kissed me gently and told me they were amazed and proud to be a part of this ceremony. Big Beryl came around front and I could feel Master Zack's hand gently caress my ass and play with my plug a bit. Big Beryl kissed me gently.

"It's better this time, isn't it, slave?"

"Yes, Sir! I love you, Master Beryl!" He hugged and kissed me again.

"I love you, too, Son. Now, I'm giving Master Zack the pleasure of getting you off. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"You been reading my mail again, Dad?" he just howled. Zack's hand stopped all the pain. Zack came around front and held me, kissed me again passionately.

"You know this is gonna' bond us pretty damn tight? You will forever be my slave in my heart, you know that don't you, slave?"

"I couldn't wish for a better Master and friend, Master Zack. Take me as your slave. I will serve you with pride in my heart." I knew he understood I was meant for another; however, he wanted this closeness with me and I damn sure wanted it with him.

He had become an important person to me. I don't know how to describe the feeling except to say it felt right for both of us. He kissed me again quickly and whispered before he walked back to the other men,

"I take two test strokes." I thanked him for that. I heard his two test strokes and knew the next one was mine.

Karraack! Oh, God! Six, Sir! Thank you, Master Zack! That was a good one, Sir! He was better than Big Beryl and I could feel it.

Kaarracck! Seven, Sir! Good one, Master Zack! Thank you, Sir!

Krraacckk! Eight, Sir! Another good one, Sir! Thank you, Master Zack!

Krraaackkk! Nine, Sir! Oh ,Sir! I can't hold it any longer..."

Krraacccckk! I yelled 'Ten, Sir' as I shot six feet into the air. "ANOTHER, PLEASE, MASTER ZACK!!"

Krraccckkk! Aauuugggh! I shot another spurt three feet into the air. Thank you, Master Zack . ONE MORE PLEASE!

KKAARRAACK! It was a damn good hit and I emptied the rest on the ground. I begged for one more from Master Zack. He looked at Beryl and he nodded to Zack.

KKRRAACCKK!! It lifted me off my feet and I spurted more, from where I don't know. In an instant, all three were on me, holding me, and unting me.

"Now do you understand 'shooting', Gentlemen?"

"Fucking unbelievable!" said Bull "If you'd told me it was possible I would have called you a liar. Yet I witnessed it for myself. You couldn't tell anybody about this, they simply won't believe it, right Charlie?" Charlie was speechless.

We're not through yet. Dad and Master Zack helped me to Dad's bike and I straddled the banana seat. Big Beryl popped my plug out and wiped me with a tower he brought along. With no ceremony he popped off his cod piece. He was rock hard. He spit in his hand and lubed his rod, stroking it as he did. Then in one swift stroke he was in me. I lay back on the seat and hung my head back and pulled Master Zack to me and licked his cod piece.

"What are you waiting for, Son, an engraved invitation?" Master Zack popped off his cod piece from his leather pants and let his handsome cock and balls out on my face. I kissed his balls and cock then ask if I might take it.

"Permission granted slave." He got even harder as I took him all the way down my throat. I pulled him into me with my hands pulling on his butt.

"Put you hand under his neck, Son, to support him and then fuck him just like I'm gonna' do." Master Zack put his hand under my head and found it was a good way to stabilize his stroke into to my throat. He took it slow at first then saw I wanted it hard and begin to give it too me.

I could feel Dad plowing my red earth in the lower forty. He was working in my ass good and strong and I knew the old man wasn't gonna' take too long. Grainger and Bull were on opposite sides of the bike watching and pounding their meat getting near exploding.

Master Zack was almost there too when I felt Big Beryl's flow start. The big man he yelled to me ,"GET IT SLAVE! I KNOW YOU HAVE ONE MORE IN THERE! I ain't a' gonna' stop fucking you until you DO!

I shot and felt one final lunge from Master Zack as he emptied into my stomach. He stopped and just rested with it all the way down my throat as Grainger and Bull moved in closer to empty their come heavy balls on my chest and face.

Master Zack was so far down my throat his low hanging balls were resting in my eyes covering my nose. I could smell his maleness and his sexual pheromones as he lay resting pumping the last of his fluids down my throat.

"I better pull out slave I gotta' piss bad! I reached up behind his ass and held him locked into my throat.

"Give it to him, Son, he wants it. From you it will be a great honor and pleasure for him. Look at his dick." It was standing straight up again. I held Master Zach even tighter to impress him I wanted it I felt his flow begin and he didn't stop. It was far enough down my throat that I didn't have to swallow nor would I have a gag response. Big Beryl's cock was still soaking way up in my ass. He rubbed my belly as Master Zack filled it with his hot piss.

"Damn, Charlie, look at that. If you could learn to do that I'd dump that bitch and marry you tomorrow. Hell, he's filling his belly up. Holy shit, that's hot." Master Beryl continued to rub my belly as Master Zack finished. I still held him tight.

"He knows you've got a couple squirts left Zack and he doesn't intend to let you waste 'em." Master Zack rubbed my head gently.

"He's right! There...he just got some more. I might have...yeah.....awwwh. That's such a fine feeling, your hot piss going down a slave's throat who not only knows how to take a man's piss but enjoys it, too. Your tops in my book slave."

I patted him on both cheeks as he slowly withdrew allowing me to suck the last drops of his piss and clean him at the same time. I even got one final squirt to taste. He was strong. A strong man flavor that made me know I was gonna' want more of him. The way he enjoyed it I knew it was a priority to talk to Button about. I was going to teach that little slave to take this man's piss or know the reason why.

Slowly Master Zak pulled completely out, leaned over and kissed me upside down. Big Beryl started to withdraw Big Cecil but I didn't want him to.

"That's one, none of us will forget any time soon."

"You got any piss in you, Bull?" asked Charlie.

"Yeah, I need to piss right now. What of it?"

"I'm calling your bluff, motherfucker, right here in front of God and members of our family. I may not take it as well as the kid but I'll drink as much of you as I can to see if you mean what you say or if you're just shooting your Goddamn mouth off."

"On your knees, slave! 'Cause if you take me you will be my slave. Make no mistake about your decision. We'll ride back to camp and dump them bitches as fast as we can so's not to 'cause too much hassle to dad, here. We come back to Zack's and dad here does us a ceremony. You'll become my slave for life.

Think , Charlie. This isn't a drunken game, don't ask me for my piss unless you're deadly serious about becoming my slave. Once you take me, there's no turning back, I won't allow it. Take that to mean exactly what it says, Charlie.

Meantime, you move in with me as soon as I kick out my old lady 'cause your gonna' be my new piece of pussy. Take it or leave it, Son, that's the way it's gonna' be. As for you calling my bluff, I don't think so. Beryl's right, so was Cowboy. I've dreamed about owning your ass as my slave for too many years to be bluffing.

All those times I joked about getting into your ass, I wasn't kidding. If you had dropped your pants just once, I would have made you my slave. So, be damn sure this is what you want, partner, 'cause once you drink my piss, you'll never fuck another broad or anything else with your dick without my permission."

Charlie hit his knees and managed to get Bull's thick cock way down his throat as he had seen me do. He gaged a couple of times but Bull encouraged him, petted him, talked gentle to him and he took more until he was past the gag and swallow zone. We watched as he placed his hands on Bull's butt and gently squeezed.

"Here it comes, Sweet Baby. You're no longer my Bro, Charlie, you're now my slave for life." We could see Bull's flow began. Charlie took all of Bull. Filled his gut more full than mine. He looked pregnant. When Bull got the last several squirts out he lovingly rubbed Charlie's head and slowly pulled out to his mouth.

"Gonna' give you a little to taste your old man, your new Master, on our ride back." He pissed just a little more into Charlie's mouth and you could see Charlie's surprise that the taste wasn't as bad as he thought. He began to suck Bull for more."

"All right, just a little more, slave." Charlie savored a bit more of Bull's golden treasure. Bull smiled at his new slave and patted him lovingly on his head.

"All right, slave, show your new Master your homage and respect. You know the drill." Charlie kissed, licked and tried as best he could to clean Bull's big boots and found Bull's hand waiting. Charlie gently and lovingly kissed the back and put it to his forehead.

"Rise, my slave, and show your new Master your love for him." Damn! Charlie was in Bull's arms in a heartbeat and they kissed a kiss that almost set the damn barn on fire. Big Beryl said he thought he was gonna' have to throw a bucket of water on them.

"Did I convince you of my seriousness, Master?" Charlie asked Bull. "I've wanted you for years but was afraid you'd stop being my friend if I was honest with you. Let's quit saying we're gonna' do it. You know I'll be your slave. Fuck it, Bull, I love you." Bull grabbed Charlie again and kissed him hard.

"I've wanted to hear those words from you for a long time, slave." He kissed him again hard. Big Beryl had this wry smile on his face.

"Oh, shut up, Dad!" Bull laughed.

"Didn't say a word, Gentlemen!"

"You didn't have to, your mind was shouting it at us. Give us your blessing, Dad? On your knees, slave!" He snapped his fingers and Charlie was on his knees in front of the old man, Bull was on his knees beside him. Beryl placed a hand on each of their heads and spoke,

"Charlie and Bull, you have my blessing on your union. You have a strong love for each other, don't deny it any longer. Celebrate it and live in peace as Master and slave." Bull snapped his fingers at Charlie and spoke,

Show the head of our family your homage and respect, slave" Charlie kissed and licked Master Beryl's boots and found his hand waiting. Charlie kissed the back of it with passion and held it to his forehead. He had a roaring hard on and had to pull it out of the way to hug and kiss Master Beryl.

"You may as well get use to being a slave. Get over there an show the Whip Master your homage and respect. Now slave!" Bull snapped his fingers at Charlie and pointed to Master Zack's boots.

Charlie was kissing and licking Master Zack's boots in an instant. He found Master Zack's hand waiting for him. He kissed the back of it respectfully and placed it to his forehead. Master Zack was pleased with Bull and Charlie they included him.

"Rise, new slave, and show this Master your love!" Charlie was up and threw his arms around Master Zack and the kiss he gave him made my dick hard again. Master Zack didn't hold back either. It was like Charlie had wanted to do that to Master Zack for sometime and was so comfortable with the realization of his fantasy that he was living out a wet dream before us.

"You'll make a fine slave for Bull, Charlie. I always thought he needed a good slave to take care of him. You both have my congratulations and blessing as well."

"Thank you, Whip Master!" said Master Bull. "Your blessing is appreciated by me and my new slave, right slave?"

"Yes, Master Bull." Charlie replied meekly.

"Say that again proudly, slave! Hold your head up, I'm proud of you, you be proud of me. That's an order slave!"

"Yes, Master Bull!" Charlie said with considerably more enthusiasm."I am very proud to be your slave, Master Bull, I've dreamed of being your slave for sometime."

"And you, slave," Bull spoke to me, "do we have your blessing as well?" I fell to his feet, kissed his boots and went through the ritual again with him.

"You both have my blessing. I'm proud to have witnessed the breaking down of the walls between you and know it's the right thing. You should be very proud of your decision. I knew I picked the two of you for my slave ceremony for a reason. I hope I had some small influence on your decision."

"You did, indeed, slave. For all our shit, we have spoken to each other of our love for you. You, too, have our blessing in your bonding with your Master. He is as fine a man as you proved to us you're a good and worthy slave. Your's will be a fine bonding." Then he kissed me once more to seal his blessing.

They informally hugged and shook hands with Master Zack and complemented him on his whip work. I was cleaning myself when Big Beryl walked up behind me.

"You all right, Son?"

"Oh, Dad," I grabbed and hugged him, "it was perfect, thanks. Remind me to give you both those pennies. It was worth every cent." He roared with laughter knowing what I meant but it came out wrong. My new, respected Whip Master walked up and I fell to my knees and kissed his boots again. After the ritual and he was holding me I thanked him and thanked him. I told him with his permission I would love to refer to him as Whip Master. He'd certainly gained my respect.

"I would be honored for you to refer to me that way, slave. You truly would be the one to judge whether I am competent with a Whip."

"I'm so proud you consider me your extended slave Master Zack and am really looking forward to serving you. I will cherish every small pain I have from your expert whip work. It will keep my poor old dick drooling for days. I have some things to share with you that Button and I discussed last evening. With your permission.

"Granted, slave!" I looked at him and winked as my old dick who had been drained twice sprang to attention again. He smiled and just shook his head. I told him what Button and I had talked about and he listened intently. He told me he knew Button had trouble opening up to him and maybe I could be a bridge. He was thrilled at the prospect of Button watching me pleasure him.

"I'll talk to him, too, and tell him not to feel left out 'cause he'll be right there watching."

"I don't think he will, Master Zack. He loves both of us so much he'll be pleased to see us together." I knew it was going to work out fine.

"Gentlemen, slave." Bull addressed us . "So there isn't a lot of strained feelings in camp tonight, we've decided not to tell our women until we get back. We know you'll be discreet." We agreed.

"By the same token, not a word about what you've witnessed here this afternoon." said Big Beryl.

"That's easy enough." said Charlie, "Nobody would believe us anyway." They laughed.

We all climbed back on our bikes, me in front of Big Beryl, and headed back. I was glad. The Sun was going down and it was getting cooler. Dad pulled over for a minute and told me to reach in his saddle bag. He had one of those small airline blankets he threw around my front and we took off again. Thoughtful old cuss.

My ass didn't hurt as much as the first time. It stung a little but not bad. Master Zack really laid on some good licks. They felt good. I was happy for Button. I knew from the look on Master Zack's face he was going to get fucked so hard tonight his eyeballs would take a week to refocus.

Master Earl was there to greet us when we got back. I wrapped the small blanket around my waist feigning chilliness. Master Earl followed me into the bedroom.

"Let me see." He ordered. I dropped the blanket. "It's not so bad." He laughed."It was worse the first time."

"Can we sit in the hot water, Master?"

"Don't see why not, slave, the sulphur in the water might sting a bit but it has natural healing properties. It should be good for you. Take off your leathers and I'll shuck mine off. No, I don't think you should try to take my boots off. I'll make do. Grab us a couple of towels out of the bath there."

I took my leathers off and got the towels for us. I wrapped mine around my waist. No one was in the hot pool, most were in the regular pool. Master Earl laughed as I eased my ass down into the water. Wouldn't you know, along comes Big Beryl, Blaine, Master Zack, Button, Charlie, and Bull, all for the hot water.

I know they didn't see us get in, no one was around. Must be telepathic. They all looked at each other and fell out laughing. I did too. Master Earl didn't get the joke. I explained the details later to him and he laughed his ass off about Charlie and Bull.

He said he'd known them for years and they always rode together with their ladies. Never thought anything would ever go on between them. They were both so macho and straight acting. Although they were tolerant to a fault with their gay brothers and would come to their aid in a second if they were in trouble. They all got in the pool with us. There was room for all. Master Zack sat next to me and Button next to him. Beryl was next to Master Earl.

"You're going to have yourself one hell of a slave there Earl D." allowed Beryl.

"I agree wholeheartedly." said Master Zack to him.

"You're a lucky man." spoke Charlie.

"What can I add except to say I'm happy for you. I'd trade you that cunt of mine for him in a New York minute. I'd even bend over for you and squeal like a pig." Bull chimed in. We all laughed.

"Thank you, Gentlemen. I think I'm pretty lucky, too. I just hope his ass heals for my weekend with him." They all fell out laughing again. Master Zack reached up and rubbed my head.

"I really enjoyed the ride with you and Beryl, slave. Button and I are looking forward to you and your Master visiting with us in Joshua Tree. These guys should be there, too. You guy's still coming to our place that weekend?"

"Try and keep us away."Laughed Bull. "We'll be a lot less uptight, I promise you. Ain't that right, slave?" "Yes, Master Bull." Charlie replied to him. Bull reached over and kissed him behind his neck. Then relaxed and grabbed his new slave's dick under the water.

"You guy's have something you want to share with me?" asked Master Earl innocently.

"Yeah," Bull said, "Charlie became my slave today. I love him, he loves me and we're dumping the broads. He's a much better fuck than they are anyway. I figure in about six months I can train him to be the slave I want him to be."

"Don't know that it'll take six months, Son," said Big Beryl " The way he looks at you I'd say you have a pretty damn good head start. That man would eat your shit just to find out where it came from. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at you. No offense, Charlie, that was suppose to be a compliment."

Charlie Grianger a handsome, masculine man himself responded to Big Beryl.

"None taken, Dad, when you're right, you're right. I didn't realize it until the night of Beau's ceremony how much I wanted to become Bull's slave. I became so jealous of Beau following his heart, becoming what he wanted to be. I wanted it to be me and have Bull buy me.

I didn't dare tell him though until after he'd fucked me up one side of that barn and down the other. I could tell when he kissed me he wanted me. We just wouldn't admit it to each other until... well, you know."

Bull reached over and kissed him again behind the ear and spoke softly to him but loud enough for us to hear,

"You gonna' be Big Bull's little pussy, slave-boy Bro?"

"That and what ever else you want me to be, Master."

"What if I want you to have a cunt like, Blaine's?"

"To be your slave means I don't have much say in the matter, now does it? If you want me that way, it will be done. Blaine seems to enjoy the hell out of his. As long as I can have you in one hole or the other and serve you I don't give a big rats ass what you choose to do with me.

I'm tired of putting up a front with those bitches, I just want to be with you. I trust you to do the right thing when I become your slave. If that's the price I have to pay to be with you, I'll pay it."

"Now, now, Bro, let's take one step at a time Darlin', what say?" Bull backed off smoothing over his 'Bull of the woods' attitude.

"You know I love you, Charlie. I'm not a bad ass and you know it. Haven't I always been good to you?"

"Yes, Master Bull!"

"Well, I've just started to be good to you, my slave. You're gonna' see just how good old Bull can be." They kissed a quick peck..

"Ah, ain't love grand? Sighed Big Beryl. Everyone broke up because we'd all been there at one time or other. They just discovered each other's love. They were hopelessly in love with each other for years and never let down the barriers to speak the words. It was like watching a supernova in a far away galaxy. An explosion of love like their's doesn't happen too often.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys, congratulations." Master Earl stuck his hand out and they both shook it. I thought for sure they were gonna' start making out right there but they calmed down and cooled it. I looked over to my left and Button was laying in Master Zack's arms. Zack was stroking and petting him whispering little things to make him giggle. I hoped they were nasty. Button deserved a good fucking tonight. He got it, too.

"Will you perform a bonding ceremony at Zack's the weekend Beau is scheduled to visit?" Bull asked Big Beryl "We'll have dumped the broads by that time and we want to bond before our family.

"Be happy to, Gentlemen. Being in this family now for almost twelve years it's gonna' be a shocker to a lot of folks. You might have to take some good natured ribbing."

"Bring it on. We deserve every word of it for letting this go on for so many years and never doing anything about it. We deserve what we get. Ain't that right, Sweetheart?"

"I agree with my, Master." Master Beryl

"Of course you do, Son, a good save should." Laughed Big Beryl. It was early evening and Master Sam and Yoshie finally pulled up. Yoshie had to work over as they had a rush in the ER and asked him to stay several more hours. We were all glad to see them.

Some other folks were seeing to dinner for everyone. Hot dogs and hamburgers, good hot German potato salad , chips and dips of all kinds. It was a treat. Like camping out. Everyone had a good time. The hot water helped my ass a lot and I asked Master Earl if we could get back in after we ate. He agreed. We got back in the water and were joined this time by Master Sam and Yoshie.

"Stand up, slave!" Sam ordered me. I stood immediately facing him. "Turn around slowly, slave." I did and heard him and Yoshie start laughing. "The old man got you again? How funny!"

"I asked him to, Master Sam." He stopped laughing and just looked at me and shook his head.

"You know, slave, that may be very good for you. If you can't slay your dragon's one way have them beat out of you. No, no, I'm not being nasty, I'm dead serious. It may be a way for you to get rid of a lot of emotional baggage."

"I always feel better for days afterward, Master Sam, so perhaps you could've hit on something."

"There's something to that, Sam." continued Master Earl "I remember Wes use to beg me to take him to the dungeon and beat his ass when his demon's were getting to close. Straighten him right out for a couple of weeks or more. He would be the sweetest little slave-boy.

The closest he could ever get to letting me know he truly loved me was right after we had a session in the dungeon. Then since he was killed he's showered a lot of love on me."

Master Earl left it at that but we all knew what he meant. The hot water was doing my ass a lot of good. I was tired and wanted to get to bed early but didn't want to interrupt my Master's good time. I lay in his arms. He was laying almost straight out so I was sort of laying in between his legs with my head on his hairy chest.

He was stroking and petting me. It felt so good I started to drift off to sleep. I didn't want to go to sleep I wanted to serve him. I neglected him the greater part of the afternoon for my selfish needs, I wanted to take care of him. The next thing I knew I was being carried by Big Beryl into our bedroom and deposited on our bed. Master Earl proceeded to dry me and I tried to wake up. I told him I wanted to pleasure him I didn't want to sleep.

"Shhhuuu...calm down. That's an order, slave." I calmed right down. The man meant business.

"I'll tear off a piece in the morning. Let's get some rest, I'm tired, too." He pulled me to his arms and I don't remember anything until his big snake was knocking at my back door the next morning.

"Let me run to the shower a minute, Master, Please." He excused me and I returned as quickly as possible, clean. I got his big snake slathered up with my spit and he took me hard. Damn he felt good inside me. I could use a good comfortable ride on my Cadillac this morning.

He didn't disappoint me. He never did. He hit his just before I got mine and emptied himself in to my gut as my ass chewed on his big dick. I lay there in his arms thanking him for the good fucking and how much I appreciated having his seed up inside me.

We got up and he dressed. He had me put on my cod piece leathers with the piece removed and the ass opened. He plugged my ass for the day. He put his collar and leash on me and led me to the kitchen.

A number of folks were up having coffee. Blaine was busy in the kitchen. He handed us each a cup of coffee but before I drank I kneeled in front of Big Beryl and kissed his boots, he allowed me to go through the ritual and then hugged and kissed me.

"You keep those pennies to remind you of a wonderful afternoon with your old dad." he whispered. "Thanks, Master, I will. I wanted to thank you again, it was very special afternoon. Master Zack is truly a Master with the whip."

"Tell me. I'm going to take lessons from that boy. You didn't see what he did with a Beer bottle. I couldn't believe his mastery of the whip. Felt right for you then?"

"Both of you were great!" He rubbed my ass and it really wasn't too sore.

"That feels good, Dad. Now, I wanna' help Blaine today, please."

"Get your ass in there then." He patted me on the ass again as I went. I asked Master Earl if he minded if I helped Blaine. He gave his permission.

"Okay, I'm reporting for KP duty Lieutenant Kelley. What's my assignment?"

"Right, Private slave, hero, Honey! Pick one! Make another urn of coffee, follow the instructions on the side and hit the 'on' switch. I got busy doing that when the General arrived. General Oscar. I even called him that and he just giggled. Billy was with him and Master Bert. We all exchanged greeting. They ran off to the bed room and returned in a few minutes without a stitch on.

"Now, you guys are in uniform." I joked with them. The phone rang and Big Beryl picked it up. Everyone got quite so he could hear. Oscar sized up the progress so far in the kitchen and laid out his plan of attack. I was about to flip the switch on the coffee urn when I heard Big Beryl say,

"Yeah! He's here, sure you can talk to him. He wants to talk to you, too. Let me get him. It's Breed, he wants to talk to you." He handed me the phone.

"Hello, Master Breed."

"Please, Beau, just Breed."

"How are you, brother?"

"You don't know how good it is to hear you call me that, Beau, I think I'm falling in love."

"That's wonderful, Bro. Who's the lucky slave?"

"He isn't a slave, Beau.." Silence

"You know that's all right, too. We're not gonna' stop loving you."

"I knew you'd say that. I just wanted to hear it from you. He's a wonderful man, Beau and if he'll have me I want to be his slave. Will you help me?"

"Anyway I can, Bro, you know that without asking. I love you, Jimmy."

"You know I love you too, Beau. He remembers you from Nam, Beau. You patched him up, too. Went through a lot of shit for him he said. He's anxious to see you again. We're gonna' be on the road a while longer but we should be back in about two weeks.

He wanted to cut our trip short just to come back and thank you for saving his life. I love him, Beau. He's a beautiful man, a wonderful human being, and I want to spend the rest of my life serving him. I never could have considered this if it hadn't of been for you Bro. Meeting you again and showing me the dignity that can come from serving another man really did a number on me, Sweetheart."

"I'm glad Bro. you know that. What's his name?"

"Everyone calls him Captain Nemo. He gave himself that name for what it means it Latin. Nothing or Zero. His real name is Joshua Cochran."

End Chapter 21 The Ties That Bind Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 22

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