Ties That Bind

By Waddie Greywolf

Published on Jan 10, 2023


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

(Codes: M/M BD/SM Master/slave WS Anal Oral)

Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

===================================================== THE TIES THAT BIND By Waddie Greywolf


Part I ~ Lost And Found

what if a dawn of a doom of a dream bites this universe in two, peels forever out of it's grave and sprinkles nowhere with me and you?

Blow soon to never and ever to twice (blow life to isn't: blow death to was) all nothing's only our hugest home; the most who die, the more we live e e cummings

My knees went out from under me and thank God, Blaine, my rock, was watching out of the corner of his eye. He grabbed my arm as I straightened myself. I was silent for some time.

"Beau, are you there?"

"I'm sorry, Bro, I was trying to recall him and now I remember. Oh, God, I felt so bad. I did everything I could, Bro. I got my ass in a lot of trouble hounding those son of bitch'n doctors. I called them every name under the sun and I had to eat shit to keep from being court marshaled."

"He knows that, Beau. He's deeply indebted to you for fighting for him and saving his life when you went against regs. He wants to thank you personally."

"Bring him home , Bro. Maybe we can heal each other. I can apologize to him, man to man, and beg his forgiveness. Oh, God, Breed, I feel so bad I couldn't have helped him more. I've blamed myself for years."

"No, no, Beau, he doesn't feel that way at all. He's so grateful, he's the one who wants to relieve you of any burden of guilt. He all ready loves you for what you did for him but also because of me describing how much I love you. You were right, Bro, love is catching." He chuckled.

"Bring him home, Jimmy. We'll love him as much as we love you. He's welcome. I'll give you back to dad but remember no matter what your choice, we'll always love you."

"I knew that but I'm learning some manners. He's going to make me into a good, respectful slave, Beau. I want that. I was a miserable failure as a Master. With your love and help I know I can be a better slave. We'll be home in about a month. I thought about two weeks but he just reminded me he needs to visit someone in Wyoming and it may be a bit longer. But we'll be there before you know it, Bro. I need to hold you in my arms again, Beau, just to know you're still there. I guess I just needed your blessing."

"You have it, Brother, with all my love. Now, here's dad again." I handed the phone back to dad and he said a few more things to Breed and then told him to hurry home soon, he loved him. He hung up the phone, I move to Big Beryl, threw my arms around him and started weeping silently. Blaine came around and put his arms around me. Dad Beryl was soothing me and Master Earl was, too.

"What did he say to upset you so, Son?" asked Big Beryl quietly.

"All our guesses were correct, Dad. He wants to become a slave to this man, Captain Nemo. He wanted my blessing and I gave it. I told him no one in this family would love him less. Captain Nemo's real name: Joshua Cochran."

"Oh my, God!" I heard Master Earl say behind me.

"No wonder you went white a minute ago." said Blaine.

"I never knew his real name, Son. I rode with him about a year before I met Blaine. He's a fine looking man. I never knew he didn't have a cock. He never talked about himself very much." Everyone was silent for a few minutes. You could hear the coffee dripping in the urn. Then Blaine asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"If he's a Master how could he...?"

"Blaine!" Big Beryl barked at him, "How could you be a slave without a cock?"

"Good point, Dad! Besides it's not up to us to say where or how some one shares love. There's all sorts of ways they could have sex."

"And none of them are our business. Besides, you don't have to have sex to share love." said Master Earl.

"You're right, Earl." agreed Big Beryl. Look at Sarge and Titus. Now their's is the most unconventional Master/slave relationship you'll ever find. That's not to imply ours is superior to theirs. It works for them. It's simply unique and Sarge is the first one to rub it in your face." He bellowed with laughter. Everyone knew what he meant.

"Well, Son, you must have seen this coming to have Yoshie's Dad complete his cock. Sam and Yoshie just walked in and we told them the news. Yoshie couldn't believe it and Master Sam was stunned.

"What are the chances?" Sam asked Earl D.

"What are the chances I would give Beau a ticket on his way to give his decision to Jeb about entering slave training? What are the chances Blaine, Breed and Chief met up with Beau and each other? Blaine went through OTS with Joshua Cochran. Someone has to be working behind the scenes to bring all this to pass. And, I'm beginning to believe it's all for a damn good reason we don't know yet. We will, it's just not clear right now."

"Earl has a damn good point, Sam. I've seen some pretty fantastic shit go on when this kid is around. So have you." stated Big Beryl.

"I don't want to believe all this but what other explanation is there?" allowed Master Sam.

"Sam, I held Wes's spirit in my hand and petted him one evening in Jeb and Jim's Dungeon. Blaine, Chief, Jeb and Jim all witnessed it. We could feel, smell and touch the little shit. It was like he was sitting there." said Big Beryl.

"Yeah, Sam, I've seen it, too." added Master Earl.

"There's no doubt in my mind it was Wes, Master Sam." stated Blaine.

"He pulled the strings to get Chief and me together." I added.

"How do you know that, Beau." Sam asked.

"He told me." Master Sam rolled his eyes toward heaven.

"You communicate with him?"

"Yes he does." They all said in unison. Button and Master Zack were listening to all this and Master Zack ask innocently,

"Then the thing about Beau having some sort of magic is for real?"

"Get him a deck of Tarot cards and he'll show you." My Master defended me.

"I don't know if I can read any cards but mine, Master. I've never tried."

"I've seen what he can do and what I told Button was not an exaggeration." stated Big Beryl.

"Mine either." said Chief.

"Blew me away." said Blaine.

"First night we met him he told Master Earl there was a hidden drawer in his desk he didn't even know about and how to open it. Told us Wes told him where it was and how to get into it. We rushed in, opened it and guess what was in it?" Billy asked.

"What?" Asked Sam, Bull, and Charlie together.

"A letter for each of us plus a book of poems for Beau and some official documents for Master Jeb. All from Wes." There was a silence you could cut with a knife.

"How will you give it to him, Beau?" Chief asked.

"What are we talking about here? Give him what?" asked Bull.

"Get it, Beau and show them, they won't believe it unless they see for themselves." ordered my Master. I brought Josh's cock out in the styrofoam case and carefully opened it. Everyone gathered around.

"No one is to handle it but Beau to avoid an accident, understood?" Big Beryl barked. I carefully took it out of the case Yoshie and I made and showed them all.

"My, God, is that the man's dick?" asked Bull in awe and disbelief.

"Yes, I encased it in a rectangular box of acrylic plastic and Yoshie's dad, a fine artist, carved it to the exact shape of his dick with a quarter inch covering left for preservation." Bull shook his head.

"I saw some things yesterday I never would've believed unless I saw it for myself and now I'm seeing another. Earl D. your slave is an unusual and remarkable young man."

"We've all come to that conclusion one by one. He seems to have some connection with everyone in this family someway or another." said Master Earl. I carefully returned the glass cock to it's protective container and then to Master Earl's saddlebags. I wondered how I was going to return it to Josh. I had faith I'd be shown the way.

We had Brunch and there was food for everyone. Bull and Charlie were with their ladies and seemed deadly bored with them. They kept sneaking loving looks at each other. The women knew something was wrong but never guessed what they were going to find out. I don't know if Bull and Charlie told them why they were getting dumped. They just did and Charlie moved in with Bull the next week.

When they left they got me and Master Earl alone and promised they would see us at Zack's in a month as Master and slave. Bull gave Master Earl his phone number and asked him to give them a call. They wanted to keep in touch. They wanted to know us better. They wanted to be family. They all ready were in the larger sense. Master Earl promised he would call.

The rest of the day saw people leave from noon on. Billy, Oscar and Master Bert were getting ready to leave. Master Bert wanted to talk to Master Earl. He had a scheduling conflict and didn't know if he was going to be able to take me the weekend after him. Would he consider trading weekends?

He told them he didn't mind as he had been invited to Bert's place with me anyway. He wanted to talk to me first. Could they stick around for a minute? He found me and asked my opinion.

"I don't see why not but have Bert clear it with the Dungeon Master first. If he Okay's it then we can be together the following weekend." He relayed what we had decided but insisted that Bert have Big Jim call Master Earl to let him know it was approved by the Dungeon Master. We didn't want to go against his rules nor leave him out. Master Bert agreed.

It was late afternoon and everyone had pretty much taken off. We hugged and kissed damn near a hundred people who promised to see us at Zack's in about a month. I helped Blaine and Button prepare some leftover food for Master Earl, Big Beryl, Chief, Master Zack and us. We ate quietly at the picnic tables near the hot water. It was my favoritetime in the desert. The colors, shapes and forms were spectacular. Animals

of all kinds could be seen scurrying about.

"I know we've said it fifty times, Earl and Beau, but we are really looking forward to your visit at our place in four weeks. We have a nice big place in Joshua Tree, Beau, near the park and you can roam around all day in the nude. Nobody will see you. Earl D.'s been there many times.

The house is kind of unique as it sits surrounded by these huge boulders twenty to thirty feet tall. There are spaces between you can pass through. You feel protected yet free to come and go. Our pool is right at the base of one." Master Zack said.

"We're looking forward to it as well Zack." replied Master Earl. "I can't thank you enough for including me. I hope you and Button can come for Saturday evening and Sunday at my place in two weeks. We think there's going to be a scheduling change between Master Bert and me. He wants next weekend and then I'll have our slave the following weekend."

"We'll try Earl. Don't foresee any problems but shit happens." answered Master Zack.

"I'd love to see Master Earl's and Beau's home, Dad. Besides, I understand the folks from Tucson are coming to Master Earl's and you know how much you like Cowboy." Button said to his Master.

"We probably will, my slave-boy. I hope so anyway and you're right, I'm quite fond of the cowboy. I've known and loved him for many years." he replied softly to Button.

We ended the evening with coffee in the hot water pool. It was the perfect ending to a great weekend. Another emotional roller coaster ride for me but what the hell. I was getting use to the ride now. I could do it with my hands in the air.

I had a lot of good people who thought I was the greatest thing since rubber was invented and loved me. When you have that backing you, you can face goliaths of problems and blow them away with a pebble.

Riding behind my Master from the desert was a thrill. He, too, was a Master at bike riding and I had to laugh. He was as much like a Cadillac at riding his bike as he was riding me. Every now and then he would reach down with his big gloved hand and pat my leg or knee that was pushed up close to his thighs from the buddy pegs on the back. It was a nice feeling. A touch of affection. We arrived at Mt. Washington at eight forty-five P.M. Ten minutes to spare. He parked his bike and came inside. Big Jim heard his bike and came out front to give us both a bear hug.

Master Jeb was up and around. He was dressed and had finished a small dinner that Big Jim had prepared for him. He was in good spirits as I went through my ritual greeting with him and Master Jim. Master Earl gave him a big hug and asked how his Master was doing.

"I'm a lot better, thanks. And thanks to some good care these last couple of days I think I'll make it." He laughed motioning to Master Jim and me. "Did you enjoy your weekend in the desert, Master Earl?" He asked.

"I always enjoy myself at Beryl and Blaine's. There's never a dull moment. If there is, well, you can enjoy that, too." He laughed. I told Master Jeb and Jim the news about discovering Joshua Cochran's whereabouts. They couldn't believe the coincidence.

"They may be back for my visit with Master Zack and Button."I stated.

"Can you imagine handing that man his cock after all these years?" asked the Dungeon Master.

"I'm not simply gonna' hand it to him, Dungeon Master." I said looking far away into the future.

"Well, that's your call, slave. No one will deny you that." said the Dungeon Master and agreed by the other two men.

"I can tell though, I can read that face like a dime store novel, you all ready have something planned, don't you slave?" Big Jim chided.

"Hummm, could be, Master." I laughed knowingly.

"Well, I want to be there for that one." he stated flatly.

"You will be." I smiled looking at him. "You're a part of it, you have to be there."

"You want to elaborate on that, Son?" he asked.

"No, Sir."

"I was afraid of that. Well, I know when to back off, too, and this is one of those times." He laughed.

Master Earl excused himself as he wanted to get home to feed our pussy, Monty. Master Jeb and Jim roared with laughter at that one. He mentioned that Bert would be contacting him to ask about a weekend switch. He had no problem with it but wanted Bert to clear it with the Dungeon Master first and then if big Jim would call him in turn to let him know, he'd appreciate it.

The Dungeon Master seemed to appreciate Master Earl's insistence on including him first in the decision. I walked my Master out to his bike. I hugged and kissed him goodbye in the moon light. He was even more handsome by moon light.

"I all ready miss you and you're not gone yet." I told him as I held him tight.

"Soon, Little One, soon. You know I love you and need you."

"I love you, too, Master." He climbed on his bike and was away down the hill. I watched him as he rode out of sight. He held his hand up one last time to wave goodbye and was gone. I stood for a few minutes looking down the empty street when I heard a big pair of boots coming up behind me. Two big fuzzy, hairy arms dropped over my shoulder and locked across my chest and pulled me back against a warm fuzzy wall.

"Welcome home, slave." Big Jim kissed me behind the ear. I turned into his arms, threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Thanks, Dungeon Master, I needed that." His smell was driving me crazy. God! What was it about this man? Mine must have done the same to him as he swept me up him his huge arms, carried me to his bedroom and proceeded to let his wild animal rape the holy shit out of me.

I didn't scream 'stop' once. I wanted it as bad as he wanted me to have it. It was pure, unadulterated, carnal, animal lust. Gut wrenching, ball busting, come erupting lust. The best of the worst kind, dirty and perverse, get it all over you, roll in it, man-sex. One of the best sex sessions we ever had.

I'm sure I heard the cannons from the 1812 going off when we fired off our cannons for the third time. Babe had a field day pumping three giant loads into my butt. I asked him if he planned to send my ass in for a retread.

"Only if it's still under warranty, smart ass." My giant could be lethal in his wit.

Our week went as fast as the others. Our workouts were getting more and more involved and my body was getting more pumped. So was the giant's. He was becoming a giant God. Now, I had another problem. Not only was I lost in his love and masculine mystique he was now forming himself into a body that was hard NOT to look at.

I watched queens walking down the street get major whiplash from their heads jerking to watch us ride by on his Harley. Underneath his overalls you could see his massive development. I got whip lash a couple of times trying to be discrete when looking at him myself.

He knew. He was having the same problem with me. He became my physical Professor Henry Higgins. We had it bad. That, however, was good. We had some of the most lust filled down and dirty sex I've ever had in my life. I loved every minute of it. He knew how to be a sexually depraved animal and was quickly transforming me into one, too.

Lycantrophy, shape shifting, or skin walking, of the most lethally benignant, perverse sort. The kind the villagers light torches and knock on your door as you're howling at the moon in ecstacy from the latest perversion your mad Dungeon Master has devised in his la-bar-a-tory.

There they stand wearing their drab lives with pitch forks, hoes, (not that kind of hoe), rakes, and shovels ready to do battle against anything so perverse as joy and celebration of life through love and sex between two men. Awful! Dreadful! Unthinkable! A real no, no! Stamp it out! But spare that one he does my wife's hair and she would kill me if anything happened to him. We'll just play like he's not a pervert. He's not one of them, he's just shy.

We radiated the pheromones when we were together and had people follow us around the supermarket for hours. We loved it. The mischievous little boy inside of each of us laughing with each other and sharing with Master Jeb the latest gawking boob story. The Dungeon Master and I became confederates in enjoying life.


The Dungeon Master had no problem with Master Earl and Bert switching weekends. He was invited to both and since Master Jeb was considerably better decided to spend the weekend with us at Master Bert's. Master Bert has a huge rambling, two story, six bedroom Mansion on the farthest outskirts of Cathedral City beyond Palm Springs. About an hour and a half as the Harley flies.

People in Southern California travel. When I was a small boy in Texas a trip from my small hometown to Dallas or Houston was a major life event To either city it was only about a six hour trip but I can remember the family packing for days to get ready for 'The Trip.' It was only three hundred miles either way. To our Family it became more important that planning for an Apollo Moon Mission.

Californians think nothing of traveling four hundred miles to San Francisco from L.A. for a weekend. Las Vegas three hundred miles. Hop in the car and go. Grab a tooth brush. Palm Springs or San Diego for dinner. Sure, your car or mine?

Once again I found myself laughing and giggling with the Dungeon Master all the way there. He was in a randy mood and everything he said to me was ball busting funny. I rode with my hand playing with Babe most of the way We stopped for gas once. He made me get off and pump it 'cause he was embarrassed at his hard on. Neither of us had been to Master Bert's and both were unprepared for the grandeur of his and now Oscar's home.

It had it's own drive up to the house and a return drive down the other side of the property. There was a huge area for guest parking. There was parking in behind the house, a six car garage with a two bedroom Chauffeur's Quarters over that. Billy was staying in the Chauffeur's Quarters.

Billy had his own opulent home in Palm Springs that George left him but he was so lonely without Oscar he was staying temporarily in the guest apartment. Bert was so laid back he didn't care. He was glad to have Billy around. Billy sort of tagged along after General Oscar and did his bidding.

They had a great love for each other, but Billy knew when to withdraw and give the new Master and slave their space. He wanted it to work for Oscar. He loved him that much he would do anything to see to his friend's happiness. Oscar was good hearted and couldn't just abandon Billy.

If I wasn't a slave, knew what I did, and discovered my childhood fantasy man I would have made Billy my slave in a heart beat. He was still a ruggedly handsome man that still worked out regularly and maintained the body of a man half his age.

The more he taunted me and groped me, the more I wanted him. I worked out a deal with the Dungeon Master that he could have two slaves in Billy's apartment for the evening. We would perform for him alone, he would give the orders and I would get to have Billy.

With the proviso that I got to sleep all night in Billy's arms. He just howled when I told him my boyhood fantasy and said it should be done. I left it up to him to set it up with Billy who was NOT a shy man. Billy had been there and back as far as performance sex was concerned.

George use to have Billy so well trained he would have him stand at parade rest, snap his fingers, order Billy to come for his guest. Billy would clamp his ass down hard on his butt plug and fuck his own ass so hard with it, not touching anything with his hands, and in five minutes or less would shoot out his little piss hole.

He would shoot all over the deck to much applause for his Master for having trained him so well. The Dungeon Master had a proviso. That he be allowed to join in. He also wanted to get together with Billy for a long time and tonight seemed as good as any.

Billy was like a school boy getting ready for his first date. The Dungeon Master pulled him aside after a wonderful dinner and told him the plans for his use for later that evening.

Billy came around me a couple of times and gently played with my cock and balls whispering outrageous things to me. Things that made me break up with laughter not because they were that outrageous but because Billy was acting like a kid that had just been handed a five dollar bill and let loose in a candy store.

He made ritual with the Dungeon Master three or four times during the evening. When we took our clothes off for the hot tub. Billy flipped out. He hadn't seen the new improved slave and Dungeon Master and was agog at the difference. He was nothing but compliments and kept asking Oscar and Master Bert.

"Can you believe it, they're all mine to serve for the evening. Oh Oscar. What'll I do? Where will I start? The Dungeon Master will tell me. Calm down Billy, the Dungeon Master will use you as he sees fit. Master Bert! Oscar! Just look at the two of them. Are they God's or what? Just look at Beau's tits. Do they cry out for rings or what?" Billy went on and on..."

"You think so, too, Billy?" Question the Dungeon Master "What about you Master Bert? Oscar?" The Dungeon Master asked.

"Does it for me." said Master Bert "Some slaves can wear rings in their tits and look like they belong there. Others can't. Beau is definitely a ringed tit man in my book. I wouldn't hesitate having those beautiful tits ringed. As a matter of fact, if my slave keeps up his workouts , as I know he will for his Master, he will soon be rewarded with a set as well.

All my slaves have been ringed. That way, you never loose your car keys."

We all laughed at the mental picture of Oscar with a set of car keys hanging from a ring through his tit. I started getting hard just thinking about it.

"I'm thinking of having a really heavy one placed right through the bottom of his empty crotch so I can hook his leash to it. I may even have a septum piercing done for a ring through his nose. There's nothing that says 'slave' like a septum piercing." Master Bert elaborated.

"I shared with Master Earl my convictions of his tits being ringed and we've decided between us we may have it done this weekend. There's a great tattoo artist and piercer here in Palm Springs most of the bikers go to. He's clean and reasonable. Not a bad looking man either. Tattoo's from head to toe. "Master Earl would like for Beau to have a Prince Albert, too. What do you guys think?"

"If he's going to be allowed to keep his cock and balls, which I hope he is, they should be ornamented. No doubt about it. A heavy gage Prince Albert to offset the tit piercing's."

Woah! Here Oscar, slave, Honey, Sweetheart! Feel what Daddy Bert has for you to sit on tonight. He pulled Oscar's hand over to play with his rock hard cock." Oscar blushed.

"I always love to pleasure your big cock, Daddy Bert. I'll make it feel so good you'll yell for your slave to stop."

"That's the way I like to hear my slave respond." He pulled Oscar to him and kissed him passionately. It wasn't hard to see that they were very much in love. It was great to see. It was still early evening but Master Bert and Oscar retired to the far end of the house and left not only the entire guest house to us but one of the six car garages that Master Bert had walled in and converted to a fully equipt, plumbed, dungeon.

It was more elaborate than my Masters and more high tech that the Mt. Washington dungeon. Mirrors on almost every wall. Mirrors on the ceiling. Movable mirrors. Unbelievable! With every kind of sex toy imaginable. Master Bert was no small time Master. He took being a Master seriously.

"Are we going to play in here, Dungeon Master?" Billy asked shyly.

"We were given the keys to the kingdom. Suggestions, slaves?" Big Jim asked Billy and I.

"I say we go for it." I spoke first with enthusiasm.

"Oh please, Dungeon Master, I haven't played in a real dungeon with two such hot men in years." Begged Billy as he fell to his knees and kissed the Dungeon Master's boots. I nudged him over and got on the other boot.

"How could I say no to such devoted slaves. Besides, it was my first pick, too. Look's fun. Let's see if we can open some old doors that have been slammed shut for a while." Damn, he was in a randy mood. I loved him in this mood. I always knew that dirty, fertile, creative, mind of his was working overtime. One of us or hopefully both would end up with our hair on fire.

Woopee! Our kind of Dungeon Master. He had Billy help him off with his big heavy boots and me help him off with his leather cod piece pants. He had me help him back on with the big boots placing them in my crotch and pressing almost to the point of pain and his foot would magically slip in. Then he would give me a little extra pressure just to the point of pain.

He had it down to a science and would always laugh at me when he pulled his big boot away and saw the roaring hard I would be sporting.

"Look at that, Billy, have you ever seen a bigger boot slave in your life? Look at that slave's dick, hard as a rock, after I stomped it with my Boot." He asked Billy shaking his head in mawkish disbelief.

"We told you the boy was a natural. He takes after his older brother Billy. I've eaten my share of hot boots in my day and loved every one of 'em. I've eaten enough of your's Dungeon Master to make you a whole new pair."

"You have, indeed, slave." He said laughing. "Now get your hunky ass up in that sling I'm gonna' warm it up for you with some good straps with this nice whip I found. Then I'm gonna' take you the way a Master should take a slave.

"I'll fuck you real good to get you opened up here for my slave. I'll use you to teach him how to take a slave like a Master should. Open you up, let him loose on you and see what he can do in the slave fucking department. That's the drill slaves. Any questions?"

"No, Dungeon Master. It's an honor to serve you and your slave, Sir. I'll give you and your slave the best possible fuck, Sir."

"I know you will, slave, I'm looking forward to opening you up for sprout here. Now, enough talk. Close your eyes and put your ass up there for whipping, slave. Billy raised his ass and it was the first time I noticed he had a huge butt plug just like mine in his ass.

"Nice plug, slave!" I offered.

"Yeah, I put that in him before we went to dinner, Son! He's been sucking on it all evening, just like his little Brother. Looks good, too, don't it, slave?"

"He does look hot, Master." Billy was loving every minute of this. With that the Dungeon Master took a big swing and brought it down hard on Billy's ass.

"One, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master, Sir!

Whaaap! Two, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master, Sir!

Whaap! Three, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master, Sir!

Whaaap! Oh God! Four, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master, Sir!

Whaarrp! Oh, that's good! Five, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master, Sir!

More Please, Sir! More!

Whaap! Six, Sir! Thank you, Master Jim, thank you!

Whaap! Seven, Sir! Oh, thank you, good Dungeon Master! This slave thanks you!

Wahhp! Eight, Sir! Thank you, Dungeon Master! One more ,Sir and I'm afraid this unworthy slave will shoot, Sir. I will be happy to take as many as you wish to give, Sir!

"No, I think that's sufficient." He went to Billy and gently began to rub his ass and Billy went nuts thanking him for the good ass whipping. He really needed that. He hadn't had it in so long. He got tears in his eyes. Thank you so much, Dungeon Master.

"Damn, I got it nice and hot. Feel that, slave-boy." I placed my hand flat on Billy's butt and it was on fire. Don't know how much was from the whipping or how much was from Billy's passion of the moment but he was ripe and ready for a good hard fucking.

My old dick got rock hard thinking of getting into Clancey Mc Gee's butt. The Dungeon Master popped out his plug into an awaiting towel. He handed it to me and I set it aside.

"On your knees slave and get me slathered up with your spit. I'm about to split this slave in two." I dropped to my knees and Babe winked at me as I kissed and made love to him and asked permission to take him.

"Permission granted slave." I took him and slathered generous amounts of spit all over Babe. He had me stand slightly back and to the right side of him to watch him take his slave in the sling. He positioned the big mushroom head at Billy's rosebud, grabbed the chains over Billy's head, leaned slightly froward, and Babe disappeared into Billy.

Billy sucked in air and then started thanking the Dungeon Master for taking him hard like a good Master should. He thanked him and thanked him. I watched as Billy's ass spasmed and argued with the Dungeon Master's ample cock.

"What are you doing slave?' He asked of me, "Couldn't you be doing something to pleasure your Master?" I didn't get what he was talking about at first but I dropped to my knees. His hairy ass was right in front of me and I knew what he wanted. I wanted it more than he did. I got my face right up in there and started cleaning all around his big hole. He tasted just like his clean odors that turned me on so much.

I knew now what he expected of a slave when he was cleaning him out. He began to open Billy up and his backward stroke was ever deeper into my face. I reached up with my hands and spread his cheek to get my tongue inside and heard him take a deep breath when he felt me cleaning way up inside of him.

He began to fuck my tongue on the backward stroke and encouraged me to get in closer so he could do the best for both slaves at the same time. He was literally fucking my tongue on his backward stroke, sometime stopping to rest the weight of his whole body on my face so I could even get up there further. He clamped his ass tight around my tongue a coupleof times for me to judge how far I was into him.

"You can get up there a little further, slave. I'm not to the base of that tongue yet. You've still got some man hole to clean up there." I was beginning to get some good stuff out of him in my cleaning. I took my thumbs and parted his sphincter to get maximum penetration with my tongue.

He felt me exploring his inner cavity and just sat on my face with most of his weight. I felt my tongue slip the rest of the way in. He had me now as he purposely clamped his ass muscle around the base of my tongue and held it there as he rested even more weight on my face.

"What's a matter, slave, my ass got your tongue?" He asked chiding me. He was hot and he knew what he was doing. He was ripping me a new ass hole psychologically and I was loving it. He could have walked me around the room that way.

"We're paused here in opening you up slave 'cause I got my other slave's tongue locked way in my ass hole. I'll let him go in just a minute but he needs to clean up there and taste his Master. He'll get some good flavors up there. He knows better than to try to pull that slave tongue out of his Master's ass without permission."

He sat just a bit harder on my face and I felt him relax his ass. "Now get the good stuff, slave, while you can." I didn't hesitate. I didn't even think about what I was getting, I just knew it was a part of him and I had to have it. When he was satisfied I'd cleaned him well enough, he eased off my tongue to let me enjoy my experience.

His flavors were wonderful, Earthy and strong like he was. It may not appeal to some folks but the more giant ass I got the more I wanted. In the passion of the moment you don't think about negative implications. You are there to serve and you do what is expected of you; otherwise, don't put yourself in that position.

Lay back with your dick in your hand and read about my experiences wishing it was you under that big hairy ass, cleaning his hole with your tongue. If you lay back, close your eyes, then you can imagine inhaling a lung full of his strong male crotch and anal odors. You might even have the lingering taste of his essence on your tongue.

Don't sample it more than once. Don't read this passage more than once. You may find yourself under the big man next time. If not for real, then in your dreams. It starts with the smallest of suggestions, then builds to a gut craving need.

It's an easily acquired taste. It's more addictive than heroin. The strong flavor of a big man's ass imprints on your soul. Once there, you can never, nor ever want to return. My Master was pleased with his slave and finished opening his other slave. He withdrew.

"Now slave, get up here and mount this slave like you've seen your Master's do many time." I got between Billy's legs and looked up at him. He was in heaven and winked at me to give him my best mount. I did exactly as had been done to me hundreds of time and heard Billy go 'ooouuf'.

Then he began to thank me for taking him like a Master. I waited for a minute and felt a big dick at my back door and knew what was coming . I raised my ass slightly and pushed back as Babe was sunk into me to the balls.

"Now, slave," ordered the Dungeon Master. "you're going to fuck both of us at the same time. I expect you to show each of us equal pleasure. If you feel yourself about to shoot, stop, and push back as hard against me until the feeling passes, understand?"

"Yes, Dungeon Master." I began fucking Billy and felt myself backing up on Babe with every stroke. He helped me by getting as close into me as possible so I didn't have to take that big a stroke to satisfy either of them. I soon got the feel of what he expected and really began to get creative with my strokes forward and backward. I didn't even think about coming as I was too busy thinking about how it was feeling to the both of them. He gave me more and more latitude in my strokes.

"Keep that stroke up, slave, just a little faster and your gonna' bring us both to the barn in a few minutes. " I sped up the same stroke and glanced up at Billy to see he was gritting his teeth, not in pain but trying hard not to come until the Dungeon Master told him he could.

"Get it, Billy! He yelled at him 'cause this slave is ridin' Babe.. TO.. THE..BARN...RIGHT..NOOOWWW! I kept on stroking and felt Billy's ass try to bite my dick off as he began to shoot. I felt something boiling up from the depths of my gut and explode into Billy while trying to bite the monster in my ass.

The Dungeon Master was all ready lost into his animal mode and I didn't stop pleasuring him but backed up harder and faster knowing at any second I was gonna' feel the second flow of animal come to be mixed with Master come. Saliva began to rain down on me and Billy as the animal grabbed me around the waist and pumped his final load deep into my gut. Spit and saliva was everywhere.

Billy was amused but not shocked. I kept milking the Dungeon Masters big cock while he was still plunged to the hilt in my gut. Billy felt my movement, shuddered and shot once more. He looked surprised.

I heard the heavy breathing of my animal, unloading into me, holding me tight. I had pulled out of Billy and kept backing up against my giant. He returned to being the giant and started laughing. Billy started laughing. They started me laughing. It was a great moment for the three of us. He held himself in me for several minutes letting me milk more of him into me.

"Now, see what a good Dungeon Master can do with two fine slaves, Gentlemen?"

"You're the best, Dungeon Master." Billy said, "I've seen 'em come and go and you are good, Sir. You're really good. This slave will be proud to clean your boots anytime, anywhere, Sir. Just snap your fingers and my mouth is there."

"That goes double for me, Dungeon Master." I said sincerely still sucking with my ass. Billy walked up and embraced me while my Master was still way up in me. I was gently milking Babe to get every bit out I could. He moved in closer to embrace Billy with me in the middle. I felt the love passing in between them and me.

The three of us were vibrating to the same frequency as Billy kissed the Dungeon Master over my shoulder and the Dungeon Master kissed him back. I could feel him gently moving Babe inside of me to include me in that moment of love. It was passing through, over, around, above, below I could feel the passion of three souls united in a moment of happiness, love and companionship. The three of us bonded as one.

"That's good enough, slave, you got all of me. Now, pull yourself off and lets get cleaned up for bed." I pulled off of him and felt empty. Empty but happy. Billy embraced and kissed me.

"Thanks, Tiger, I've been dreaming of that since I met you and you didn't disappoint. You were one hot slave fucker. Got me off twice and only George could ever do that."

"I feel like I got the best end of the deal." I said.

"You did." Agreed our Dungeon Master smiling sweetly.

That night I fulfilled a boyhood dream. I slept in the arms of Clancey Mc Gee. The Dungeon Master knew my fantasy and withdrew to the other bedroom. Billy petted me, cooed to me and held me in his big massive arms. Looking at his massive arms always was a sure shot when jacking off. To look at those arms and imagine them around me never failed to get me off.

"Go ahead, slave, whip it off for both of us. I know you're not allowed to touch yourself. I won't tell and when you get close let Mr. Mc Gee know so he can play catcher for you."

"Our secret, Clancey?"

"Our secret, Son." Billy said. That's all I needed was to hear those words from my fantasy man calling me 'Son.' He knew it, too, as he smiled a paternal smile. I grabbed hold of my old dick and it felt good but strange. I hadn't felt my hand around it in over two months.

I looked at his handsome rugged features , those massive arms and well defined pecs and felt my passion boiling inside of me. It was like jacking off to an old muscle magazine, closing my eyes then opening them again and there was my favorite Clancey Mc Gee laying there next to me. Like a center fold-out without the staples.

I was in his arms, Oh sweet, Jesus! He had just called me son. Oh, God, in Heaven. I need you Mr. Mc Gee. Help me Mr. Mc Gee. His mouth was around me and finished me off as I came deep within his throat. He swallowed and got another good shot of thick ropey come out of me. He swallowed that and sucked until he felt the final squirt into his mouth. He moaned as he swallowed the last of my seed.

We kissed again and I thanked him. He insisted he thank me. I relaxed as he rubbed me all over. I don't know if he slept a wink all night. He was so concerned I have my night in his arms I became almost like a baby to him cradling me in his massive arms. I slept the dreams of love and peace. I found reality in my fantasy. I found fantasy in my reality. A conundrum? Not really. Both became real at that moment.

Part II ~ Good Morning Star Shine

eye haba code inda' node the waving tissue said in thyme I think it kept complaining, spoke of men and spoke again, it's leadened thorax song-singing, from a disassembled heart.

vox humana bleating sotto voce fig-red sign read: NO WADING immediate seeding for one, Sir jump on in, fuck four days (is) anyone that lonely? (A)lone with any one

From: Medusa Gorgon~Beau James

I awoke the next morning refreshed and still in the arms of my boyhood dream. He was real. Clancey Mc Gee was no longer a fantasy. Why didn't it bother me he was a eunuch. I wondered? Even as a kid I never thought what might be between his legs. That wasn't so important as the muscles. The overpowering proportions of his physique. He was the man I most wanted to call me 'Son.' That happened.

When I was a kid, what did I know about man sex? I didn't know until I got to junior high school (middle school) that something could go in your ass as well as out. I was imprinted sexually by Mr. Mc Gee before I knew what to do with my penis other than jack it off.

He could have had a cunt and I still would have found him attractive. Well, that's not a good comparison. Blaine has a cunt and I get a hard on every time I think of him. We lay there for a while, him fussing over me, kissing me and chortling. I whispered to him,

"I'd better get in your shower and clean myself in case the Dungeon Master wishes to use me this morning as my other Master will be here today."

"Good idea," he whispered back, "You'll find everything you need right in there, Sweetheart." I gave him a quick kiss and ran to the shower. He had a hose and all the conveniences. I cleaned myself to my satisfaction, then my body, got out and toweled myself. I waved to Billy as I tip toed into the Dungeon Master's room.

He looked like a hibernating old bear. A good looking, masculine old bear that I would lay down with in his den at the first snow of winter and get up with in the spring, every year for the rest of my life. Hell, I would bear his cubs. I gently crawled in beside him and put my backside up against him.

He didn't open his eyes, he just enfolded me within his giant hairy arms and pulled me in tight. He sniffed my neck like I might be something good to eat, snorted approvingly a couple or times, nibbled on my ear, then kissed me behind my neck. I felt Babe growing behind me. I moved my ass on top of Babe.

"You better stop that or this old bear's gonna' come out of hibernation early and fuck a little slave-boy that crawled into his den to get warm."

"If there's a God that old bear will fuck the meanness out of that little slave-boy just to keep him warm for the winter." He laughed at me gently as I felt Babe parting my hole. I couldn't hold back any longer and backed all the way down on him. He arched his back to get all of his big dick in me he could. Damn, he felt good inside me, like the right key to a lock.

"You know what this means don't you?" he growled.

"I'm gonna' get fucked by a big old bear."

"Yep!" he growled like an old bear.

"Would you rather me ride Babe to the barn for you, Dungeon Master?"

"Yeah, you haven't taken old Babe out for a ride in a while. He thinks you don't love him anymore. Turn around here cowboy, Little Beaver, and set yourself a good saddle but none of that stopping when you get near the barn this time. You see that barn you head for it and ride old Babe to his stall. You got that, slave-boy? Your young life depends on it." he laughed

"Yes, Master." I said in a hang-dog manner. I rode him good. I'm getting better and better at riding Babe to the barn and he knew it. When I'm doing something that starts him up the hill I can see him start to drool out the corners of his mouth and I know I'm getting it. I keep up that same stroke , that same speed, rhythm and Babe is gonna' bolt for the barn.

It didn't take me long at all this morning and I had my prize unloaded way up my butt. I kept milking him for sometime until Billy walked into the room with coffee for both of us. He watched as I pulled off the Dungeon Master.

"My, don't he feel good way up in you like that, Little Brother?"

"I'll say, he just gave me something to remember him by the rest of the day. Now, he'll plug my ass to make sure it stays there." I no sooner got that out than he snapped his fingers for me to hit the position. Billy watched as the Dungeon Master plugged my butt for the day. Then he ordered me to the shower again to scrub his back. A job I took great delight in. His back had grown massive. It was like scrubbing a brick wall.

We finished cleaning and Billy hollered into the bath for us to come to the big house for breakfast, or coffee and rolls, whatever we wanted. General Oscar was encamped in the kitchen and was feeding the troops.

We went to the main house and I was amazed at how it rambled on and on. Two stories of rambling on. It was huge. It boasted six bedrooms each with their own bath. Four upstairs and a large family room and two main bedrooms downstairs with a master baths and a half bath off the main bedroom as well.

I nicknamed it 'Motel 6.' It was much more than a motel though. There were touches here and there that made it a unique home. They only used the downstairs portion of the house so the upstairs was devoted to guest.

The large family room off the long hallway was converted to an old fashioned cowboy style bunk room, complete with ropes, spurs on the wall, photos of old cowboys, platted rugs, an old rocking chair, lanterns, and spittoons. It was well done with about eight double bunk beds.

In case single members of the Family wanted to say over there would be room for all. The whole house was well thought out and comfortable. Master Bert obviously had money. He never flaunted it but he had money. Many in the family were never as wealthy as others but if you were in the family you were welcome.

The wealthier men were generous to a fault and when it came their turn to entertain they did it right. If they were visiting the less fortunate members of the family they brought enough for every one to enjoy. They were not selfish men.

That weekend Master Earl was due to arrive before noon. Two family members I had only heard of and had never met were Sarge and Titus. Sarge was and ex-Marine DI and Titus was his slave. They arrived on matched Harley's around ten that morning to have brunch and spend the weekend." It was always left open at Master Bert's and Oscar's. You were always welcome to stay, there was plenty of room. They loved having company. Oscar was a Four Star General in the kitchen and loved it.

Billy and Oscar talked about Titus being another natural slave. Sarge, who didn't like to be called Master, just Sarge, let his slave keep his genitals. According to Billy and Oscar, Titus has a sizable member as well as Sarge. His Master loved to get fucked. He bought Titus because of his enormous dick.

He regularly ordered his slave to service him. Titus was a true slave. Not necessarily passive nor aggressive. It took him a while to adjust to this big, powerfully demanding man that purchased him. Titus soon got in line with the drill as Sarge was not a man to fuck with. No pun intended. Sarge could be one, mean assed, hell on wheels, disciplinarian.

Sarge liked his time in the saddle as well but every now and then would snap his fingers and Titus better damn well perform or there were serious consequences. Sarge was not shy about his taste and endlessly gave hell to the other Master's about their macho attitudes and how they missed out on some of the best sex they could have.

"Just because I have my slave fuck the shit out of me doesn't make me his woman. I'm a man having unusual sex with another man. My slave is for my pleasure, not his." No man could ever be more convincing than Sarge. As I began to know Titus I began to realize that underneath the calm, stoic facade was a man that had truly become conditioned to fucking this huge ex-Marine D.I. and loved it.

He also loved getting fucked by his Master and gave as good as he got. He worshiped Sarge and although Sarge would never show outward signs of affection in public, you could tell he was deeply in love with his well trained slave.

Sarge would go on endlessly about how well he trained Titus to fuck him just like he needed. There wasn't a better fuck than his slave; although, there were different fucks to be appreciated. I liked Sarge and his outrageous, unorthodox, outlook on man sex. He shook up all the norms.

Titus, like most slaves in the Family, was never allowed to wear clothes in private, and ran around Bert and Oscar's with his big dong neatly strapped up against his belly in a heavy leather belt contraption designed by his Master for that purpose.

Sarge didn't like to see his slave's dick accidently banging into people and simply solved the problem by keeping it strapped to this belt. It was like it was always at attention. Sarge liked it that way and that's the way Titus had to wear it.

Plus he wore a butt plug bigger than mine. He was never allowed to touch it. If he had to void he spoke to his Master privately and they went and took care of his needs. Sarge would remove his plug then immediately return it to Titus's ass. Titus told me that in fifteen years of being together his plug had only been out for brief periods of illness and hospitalization.

Of course his Master would remove it so he or a friend might use him. He said he never even thought of it being there anymore. It became a part of his body. He couldn't imagine a life without it. He said if anything happened to Sarge he would wear it 'til the day he died.

Even though he didn't care to be called Master, Sarge was a stickler for Master/slave protocol. He expected every slave present to present himself to him for ritual greeting and inspection. If they wore a plug like I did he double checked it to make sure it was seated to his satisfaction. He thought nothing of popping it out and re-plugging a slave to suit himself.

He was brusk, demanding, intelligent, loud, opinionated, full of wicked fun, and played with his slave endlessly. He constantly had Titus within reach. Titus would have to sit next to him at pool side and hold his ashtray as he smoked his big cigars. Titus didn't mind. It was his job to do anything to please his Master and he took being his slave very seriously.

Titus was also one hell of a good looking man. Sarge was Sarge. A face chiseled out of granite. A jaw that would rival a Bull Dog's and the most disconcerting emerald green eyes you ever saw. His eyes didn't match the rest of him.

It gave him a touch , just a touch of pretty. Just enough to counter the rough, romp'em , stomp'em , ex-Marine hard-nosed D.I. attitude. James Brolin could have been his brother. Complete with silver grey flat top. He and his slave rode matched Harleys. His slave looked like a younger version of him. Complete with flat top, of course, with side walls.

As I got to know Sarge, which wasn't easy, I found he gave equal time to the slaves present as he did Masters and was not beyond asking a Master who owned a slave with a big dick to loan or trade slaves to get fucked by the slave. And the poor slave better damn well perform.

On occasion he would allow another Master to fuck him. He truly had no sexual hang ups about role playing. Master/slave was different. That was not about sex so much as it was control. He had to be in control and Titus never challenged him.

Sarge made no bones about the kind of man he wanted in his ass. He had to be big everywhere, hung like a Shetland pony, and know how fuck. He had been with Big Jim many times. The Dungeon Master said he was a hell of a fuck. Certainly wasn't lazy. Many a slave could take lessons from old Sarge.

He knew how to ride a man's dick and make him feel like a man while he was doing it. But,...Big Jim added, you never forgot you were fucking a very powerful big man. On the other hand, you knew you had a man on your cock that would ride you down to your last stroke to get you off and then shamelessly goad you for more.

He got tears in his eyes when he spoke of Master Jeb and would say. " Now there's a man that knows how another man should be fucked." I had to agree with him.

Sarge loved to get fucked by Big Beryl and called him the father of all fucks. He would request audiences to watch Big Beryl fuck him. He expected any Master that wanted to fuck him to take him like a slave or he would climb off their dicks and walk away in disgust. To take him like a slave was to take him like a man was suppose to be taken.

None of this namby-pamby just-ease-it-in-so's-I-don't-hurt-you-shit! He wanted a man like his beer, with a big head and gusto. He would give slaves lessons on how to pleasure a man with his ass while in the sling getting the B'Jesus fucked out of him. Then he would turn around and get the slave on his cock to see if he learned anything.

He was not beyond having Billy or Oscar strap on one of their Master's biggest rubber husband's to give him a ride. They both knew better than not to give him the best ride they could. He was so outrageous you either hated him or you loved him. There were no gray areas with Sarge.

Most everyone in the family loved him. Especially the Masters and slaves with big dick's who loved to fuck a man's ass. He was the most uptight, intimidating, sometimes foul mouthed, uninhibited man in the family. A dichotomy? His picture was in the dictionary under the word.

Come to find out my Master and he were big friends and Sarge had ridden my Cadillac many times. He agreed that my name for the way Master Earl fucked was exactly fitting. I won his heart with that description. Sarge jokingly began to refer to Master Earl as 'El Dorado.' I thought it was enormously funny. Master Earl did, too. It seemed strange comparing notes with a Master on the finer points of your Master's fucking techniques. Strange but somehow bonding.

The Dungeon Master's other worldly ejaculation we discussed at length. It ripped Sarge a new ass hole the first time he experienced it. He had Big Jim fuck his slave so he could watch what happened. Sarge became so fascinated with that part of the Dungeon Master he said he had to be fucked by him at least twice a year.

He listened, absorbed at my theory of an animal spirit that lives parallel with Master Jim entering his body for only moments to gain release and

then retreat. He thought for a while and pondered sucking on his big stogie.

"Hell, Son, it's the only explanation I've heard that makes a lick of sense. Unless you're ride'n his dick, you can't know the difference that comes over him that's communicated all the way from his body, through his dick to your soul that something or someone else has momentarily taken possession of his body for a completely separate and total orgasm."

I told him about Wes, whom he knew well, entering my body to experience his Master fucking me. I though Sarge was going to come unglued at the hinges with further interest. He pulled Master Earl into the conversation as well as Big Beryl, Blaine and Chief who had all witnessed it.

"Damn, that's something I've always dreamed about. To have another entity or soul inside my body to share the ecstacy and feeling of a good hot man who knows how to fuck another man. A man who gives what he can, as he takes what he needs. There's nothing like it."

"Master Earl your new slave to be is not only a fine looking young man, he's intelligent, articulate, and well met. After you train him he'll be a credit to you, Sir!"

"Thank you, Sarge. Coming from you, that's the ultimate complement a slave could get. He has a way of growing on you."

"Do you think he could grow IN me, sometime?" Sarge asked with a wry smile on his lips.

"I'd bet my bottom dollar he could give you a memorable fuck, Sarge."

"Well, you're welcome to invite your friends to watch if you care to stud him out for an hour or so."

"I think it could be arranged, Sarge. Later this evening all right?"

"Fine with me. You may have my slave to use or gather some friends to watch your slave perform if you prefer. If he's not use to fucking I may have to stop him and give him some pointers."

"Your knowledge would be appreciated by him, Sarge. He learns quickly for a slave." I was getting erect hearing the two of them talk about me like I was a piece of meat to be passed around and taken a bite out of. I was beginning to feel like a real slave. It was wonderful. The thought of fucking that tight assed, mature, U.S. Grade A, prime beef, ex-GI Marine drill sargent, made old swinger want to find a flag because he was already saluting.

Part III ~ Under The Big Top

Isn't it rich, isn't it queer, Me on the ground, you in mid air, Send in the clowns, there ought to be clowns Don't bother, they're here. Stephen Sondhiem

Master Earl set a time after dinner. He didn't take the liberty of doing it without first checking with the Dungeon Master and Master Bert who officially owned me for the weekend. They both gave their blessing. They wanted to see what the kid had in him, as they put it. My performance was scheduled for eight o'clock.

Was I concerned? Not in the least. I established a beach head with Sarge and even though I was a slave, I knew he respected me. I certainly respected him. Titus was stoic but was not beyond getting off by himself with the new kid to tell him what he was up against and some excellent tips as to his Master's buttons to push. He wanted me to impress his Master as well as pleasure him.

Titus was no dummy. He was careful not to appear to be betraying his Master's secrets. He also had a droll, wicked sense of humor. Beyond that, he liked me and didn't make any bones about telling me. He wasn't fawning nor placating. He simply told me he admired me and thought I might make an exceptional slave. I told him coming from him that was, indeed, a complement.

I was in the Dungeon with Master Earl. He was more concerned for me than I was. The Dungeon Master was in my corner as well giving me last minute tips. You'd of thought I was going into the ring with George Foreman instead of simply throwing a good fuck into a Master.

I knew my abilities. They didn't. Sarge came into the Dungeon with just his chaps and high boots. He didn't need anything on his rock solid top. He had a massive hard body that he kept that way from constant exercise.

Sarge had a great ass that made my dick take notice immediately. He swaggered and strutted around the dungeon stomping his big boots to let everyone know a man was in the dungeon.

He was chomping and smoking his huge cigar as he walked up to look me up and down like a new recruit and blew smoke in my face. I loved him instantly. He had cahones. I would walk a mile to lick his boots clean.

He climbed into the sling and was pleased that he had attracted a crowd of about fifteen to twenty people to watch the new kid fuck him. He made himself comfortable, chomped down hard on his big cigar and looked over at me.

"Okay Kid, let's see what you got."

"I walked over to him and spit in the palm of my hand and started lubricating my cock with spit only. A tip from his mate. I stood and let him anticipate my next move and enjoy seeing my old dick get hard. It can be pretty impressive when totally engorged and it was getting there just looking at Sarge's little rosebud. He kept squeezing it as if he were making it wink at me and I smiled.

He didn't say anything to me so I took a jab,

"From where I'm standing, Sarge, that little hole looks hungry for some new dick."

"Let's have it, Son! Show me what you got." I placed the head at his hole and pushed just enough to lock it in for penetration. I reached over him to the chains above his head, leaned into him and was in to the hilt with my low hangers slapping against his ass.

He sucked in air and slowly let it out as I could feel his hole arguing with my cock but I was in and planned to stay there. I pulled on the chains to prove my point. He was not going to wiggle off my cock. His ass stopped it's spasms and I took a couple of small strokes.

"There, that's better, Sarge. Now, let's get to work." And, work he did. He met every thrust I made. He was truly an excellent fuck and he knew it. He was going to give his best and he wanted, no, demanded the best, from his partner. I remembered the Dungeon Masters techniques of fucking me slow and deep for a considerable period of time until I was going up the wall and would end up begging him to fuck me harder. I was going to break Sarge to do that. If I could, I knew I could take him

anywhere I wanted and he would follow.

I continued my deep methodical stroking and didn't think it was having much effect on old Sarge until he took a deep breath, handed his slave his still lit cigar, closed his eyes and laid his head back to get more comfortable. I was getting there. My plan was having it's desired affect. I just kept it up, relentlessly, stroke after stroke, until I began to feel his body start to shudder.

Still I kept on, knowing he was close to breaking. Finally I felt his hands on my shoulders clamped down hard , looked me straight in the eye and spoke,

"I need what I know you have in you, Son, now fuck this old man like I believe you can. You can't hurt this old man so let it all out, now's your chance, Son, take it. There's not a stroke you can throw in me I can't match you for." He not only was challenging me he was begging me to fuck him righteously.

That's all I needed. I started to fuck him every which way from Sunday. He never missed meeting a stroke and I began to worry about me getting off before I got him there. I was working hard and so was he as the audience gathered closer to smell, feel and enjoy the two male animals in rut.

I slowly increased my strength and length of hard strokes remembering my Cadillac. He was slamming his ass down as hard on my cock as I was into him. All of a sudden he raised up out of the sling, I threw my arms under and around him and held him in that position while pounding his ass really hard. His head rolled back, his eyes closed and he groaned a deep guttural groan. I knew I had him as his ass started chewing on my cock. If he couldn't get away from it he would just bite it off. He shot four feet in the air to applause and whistles from the audience.

"You've got more in there, you ornery old son of a bitch. You wanted it I'm damn sure gonna' take it away from you. You wanted to play pussy for this slave, then do it all the way cunt." (Another good tip from his wonderful slave: Talk dirty and disrespectful to him when he got near and helpless to do anything but come.

He'll shoot every time, Titus told me.) Sarge looked at me like he could kill me but still hung on to my neck. The look faded into a lopsided smile as he watched himself shoot twice more and grabbed me tighter around the neck and yelled, "Get yours man-slave you worked for it, you sure as hell deserve to empty those sweet slave balls into this old man's ass. Come on Boy, show me what you got. That's right, boy, I can feel you gettin' there. Harder, Son. Come on, Son, fuck Sarge harder."

"Harder, boy.... at's it, Son! Don't let me down, slave!! At's it! I feel it! Yeah! That slaves gonna'empty into old Sarge! Oh, Sweet Jesus, I can feel those big slave-balls starting to fill me up, slave. Hot Damn, slave, take that ass and make it your own, Son. Fill that son of a bitchen, mother fucker up, Boy! Empty those big balls into your Master's ass, Son! Get it!"

He didn't have to ask twice as I unloaded a big one deep in his ass. I withdrew almost to the head and sunk one hard and deep and unloaded my second volley. I repeated that stroke one more time to his insistence and dumped the third shot into him.

As Sarge felt my flow inside of him, he got wide eyed, leaned way back in my arms and shot again a foot into the air. I kept slamming full lengths into him every few second to get the rest out and he was yelling encouragement to me.

"One more good hard one, slave! Oh, God ,Yeah! Drain that man-cock of yours in my ass, Son! Gimme' another, slave! Oh, yeah! I can feel it emptying more in there! That's hot, slave! Come on, Son. One more good hard one. Go for it, Kid!"

The audience was getting into it and urging me on like a Greek chorus from Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex.

"Give it to him, slave! He wants it! That man's begging you for it, slave! You don't dare cheat a Master, Son! Fuck his ass harder! Hard, Son! You can fuck him harder than that, slave! Make him bounce off your dick, Son! Slam it into the man, he wants it hard! He's not a fucking pussy-boy, he's a man; he's a Master! You ain't gonna' break him! Give him all you got! Make the son of a bitch's eye balls spin in opposite directions!"

Then I saw money changing hands. Some of them had made bets I couldn't get him off. They lost! The big winners? Beryl, Blaine, Master Earl, the Dungeon Master ($600), Billy and Chief. Master Bert and Oscar didn't think they should take sides being host.

Big Beryl loved on me and pawed me all evening calling me his little money maker. Master Earl won $400 and Chief won $200! They didn't offer me a cent.

Still holding him up out of the sling, I moved him away, free from the sling. His arms tightly around my neck he kept milking my dick to get more of my load out. He did. I felt a small squirt coming out. He smiled at me. He felt it, too. A second, then finally a third. He pulled himself in close to my chest and I could smell his strong wonderful cigar breath as he kissed me hard working his big tongue into my mouth to open it up to him. He wanted my lovin' like he wanted my fucking, man sized. He had impressed the shit out of me. Now he was thanking the slave for doing a good job. He whispered in my ear,

"I'm bidding on you slave." Then laughed gently. "Don't let me go yet, slave. This is too good." Everyone gathered around and was patting him on the back and the same with me. His legs were locked in a death grip around my waist as he bounced a couple of times on my cock. I met each bounce with thrusts of my own. He shot the last out of his dick and collapsed with his big head on my chest.

"Earl, you ever cut this slave and I will take it as a personal offense against me and kick your ass." He laughed knowing Master Earl knew him well enough to know he was kidding.

"Okay, credit where credit is due. You got me, Kid, and got me good! Only my slave can fuck me better."

"Thank you, Sarge." Then he found my mouth and we kissed a kiss that made everyone start a nervous giggle and then finally applaud. He was one hot motherfucker and I would grace his ass anytime his slave wanted a holiday. I knew now, how I had to perfect my fucking technique with my ass and whispered to him if he would consider giving me a few lessons.

"With your good Master's permission I'd be happy to, Son." He meant it. So did I. I asked Master Earl's permission later and he jumped at the chance for me to do it.

"Shit, slave, I know how fast you learn. Couple of sessions with him and I know what kind of fuck you'll be. You have my enthusiastic permission. Just be sure and ask your current owner, the Dungeon Master for his permission." I asked Master Jim and he was all for it. I requested one on one. I wanted to learn from a Master, I didn't want to perform again. I told that to Sarge in just those words and the old hard nose son of a bitch got tears in his eyes.

"So few men really want to learn how to please another man, Son, that I'll work with you as long as you need,. until you're satisfied you're the best you can be." Then he kissed me again and I melted. I had no idea he could be so tender or generous with his affection. Titus told me later he wasn't but he couldn't stop talking about me. He was fascinated with me.

"You should be proud, Beau. You've captured a part of him. I'm the only other person who has ever gotten him off with out him manipulating his cock with his hand. I could see about half way through you had him in the palm of your hand and he was locked in. Made $300 bucks on you kid." He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.

"I couldn't have done it, Friend, if it wasn't for your tips. Thanks."

"That's our trust, Beau."

"It will be forever in my trust, Titus" Then we kissed, too.

"Fuck me sometime, Beau?"

"Only if you return the honor? " We laughed. knowing the answer to both those questions. We would love to get into each other's ass. I knew what kind of fuck he was trained to be and I wanted that. I could learn from him, too.

There was some drinking done that night. Master Bert and Oscar held an open bar with two beautiful young men hired from the local gay bar to bartend. Most of the family were moderate drinkers but something was in the air. Celebration for the Sarge and Beau encounter. There really was no winner because both of us were winners. He got what he wanted and I did what I was ordered to do to please my Masters. Big time. Sarge and Titus couldn't keep their hands off me. I loved their attention.

The more he drank the more Sarge sung my praises. He's got tears in his eyes and confided to anyone who had not all ready heard ,

"You know what? The Kid begged me to give him lessons. Now, is that a good slave or what? He recognizes talent when he sees it. He's a good slave. That damn Earl D. Shaw is one hell of a lucky man. Hey Earl! Do you know how lucky you are?"

Wasn't long before every person there was in the raw. The two bartenders couldn't hold back and joined in by throwing their clothes off. They couldn't believe the good looking men at this party and inquired about membership to the family. Both later joined.

That night I had another dream come true. Master Earl invited the Dungeon Master to stay in our bedroom with us as the other single bedrooms were filled and an extra one was needed. I rode my Master first and then rode Babe to the barn.

I had two hot loads in my ass from the two men I loved most in the world. I requested my plug. I didn't want to lose a drop. I awoke in the middle of the night with two big arms thrown over me. One from each side.

How lucky could one slave be? I was so fortunate these two men whom I loved held no jealousy for each other. On the contrary, they had grown to love and respect each other. They reveled in their mutual interest in me. Unbeknownst to me they had begun to compare and plan my future together. They had formed a partnership. I didn't know it at the time but they cleared the way for a wonderful relationship between the three of us. Besides that, between the two of them, they made a thousand dollars off me.

Part III~Gentle On My Mind

It's not clinging to the rocks and ivy Planted on their columns now that binds me Or something that somebody said Because they thought we fit together walking It's just knowing that the world will not be cursing Nor forgiving when I walk along some railroad track and find That you're moving on the backroads By the rivers of my mem'ry And for hours you're just gentle on my mind John Hartford

There were more than few hangovers the next morning. Sarge crawled up into my arm's and laid his head on my chest in the warm morning sun. Titus smiled as he lay down in the lounge next to us and set three Bloody Mary's on the small table between us. I started lightly rubbing Sarge's temples as he groaned. He became quiet after a few minutes as I continued to rub his temples. It was working.

"Sarge, with all seriousness, I really enjoyed our session last night. When you feel up to it I'd love to take the same ride on your cock." I gently told him.

"Oh Son, you will. I have it on good authority that you will take lessons from me."

"There is a God." I looked toward heaven and they both broke up.

"Oh shit." Sarge grabbed his head from laughing "You made me laugh to be mean, slave."

"Then you must punish me, Master."

"No, my good buddy will be here this morning, with his slave and he will administer punishment. He's a Master with a whip. Best I've ever seen. The heart of a lion and the soul of a poet."

"I know Master Zack well." I told him. He bolted upright and looked at his slave. I rolled over to show them my ass.

"That's Zack's work. I'd recognize it anywhere." He said softly to Titus as he took a sip of his drink. No sooner had he said that than a small brown body with a gold medallion came running pel mel around the corner of the house yelling Beau, Beau, Beau, and jumped in my arm's to hug and kiss me. Button and Master Zack had arrived for the day.

"You know this slave, Button?" Sarge asked.

"Beau's my big Brother, Sarge, look he gave me this magic medallion. Isn't it beautiful?"

Sarge started laughing and so did Titus. He knew his joke backfired on him. Master Zack came around the corner and came directly to me. I fell to my knees and paid homage to his boots and quickly found his hand. I completed the ritual as he grabbed me up, hugged and kissed me hard.

"Damn we just saw each other last weekend and we both were crazy to get over here today to see Button's big Bro and my good slave. Sproing! We started laughing again and Button joined us.

"Turn around. Let me see, slave." I turned for him. "Not bad, could use a touch up."

"Speak to the Dungeon Master, Sir, I'll gladly be your practice slave." He laughed and kissed me again.

"Did you hear that, Titus?" Interrupted Sarge, "My best buddy in the world and this slave just ask him to be his practice slave for his whip. Am I missing something here?"

"Gentlemen, how are you ?" Master Zack spoke to Sarge and Titus. Titus hit his knees and went through the greeting with Master Zack. Button did the same with Sarge. I was surprised at how gentle and loving Sarge was with Button. The gruff old phoney. He had a heart after all. He was putty in Button's hands. He obviously loved Button very much. He spent a lot of time listening and talking to him even though his head was splitting.

"Damn, Button, your Master looks hot today. I hope you took care of him this morning." I kidded Button.

"We got up late and I didn't have time. I wanted to. Maybe the Dungeon Master would let you pleasure him later, Beau. If you would, I'd appreciate it."

"Do you want to watch, Button?"

"Not this time, Beau, when you come to our place I will. He just needs to be pleasured and I know he'd appreciate you doing it. I would, too, big Bro. I'm not a very good slave to him but he puts up with me. I love him but I just don't know how. But Sarge is giving me lessons. I'm getting better, right Sarge?"

"Yes, yes, you are, Button. You're doing fine." Sarge agreed. Later I found my Master and the Dungeon Master at a picnic table with a drink in their hands talking. They had their heads together in deep conversation. That's when I began to have ideas of their working together.

"May I join you, Masters?"

"Sure, Son, sit down. Any slave that makes us a thousand dollars deserves to sit with us." The Dungeon Master roared with laughter. Master Earl agreed.

"I have something rather delicate to ask of you."

"You want our blessing to sneak off and pleasure Master Zack?" Master Earl smiled.

"Uuuhh! Yes, Sirs." I said sheepishly.

"We've been expecting it for sometime. He's becoming part of 'our' family isn't he?"


"You couldn't have chosen a finer man, Beau. You picked the cream of the crop. You have both our approval's and our blessing's, right Dungeon Master?

"Your Masters have spoken slave." He said stamping his final approval.

"Now, we know old Sarge is strange but he knows what he's doing in the fuck department so we both decided you should take lessons from him. Button's taking lessons from him and Zack says he's improved a lot. Imagine what that old blow hard can do for you. By the way, he bet against himself and won $300 bucks off you." The Dungeon Master and Master Earl fell all over each other with laughter.

"Look, Kid, you have both our blessing to let Zack have anything he needs from you. We know you won't disappoint him or us. Remember your performance is a reflection on us because you're our personal property."

"He doesn't get a lot from Button. He's totally devoted to Button and loves him. Zack would never hurt him but he needs a little TLC from a real slave. He needs to feel like a Master again. We know you can do that for him. Go for it. If we miss you we'll know where to find you. You won't be bothered. Take your time with him and give him some slave love!" I hugged and kissed the both of them.

They were big men. That morning after brunch I was sitting alone with Master Zack at the table. Button was in the pool playing with Chief, Billy and Sarge.

"I'm really looking forward to you coming to our place, slave. Your talking about serving me has made my dick drool for a week. I have to keep paper towels in my levis or leathers to keep from soiling them."

"Master Zack," I reached over and gently placed my hand on top of his, "We don't have to wait 'till then. I have permission from your slave and orders from my two Masters to give you anything you need this afternoon." He looked me in the eyes and his started to water. A few drops fell as he put his other hand on top of mine.

"I know you wouldn't kid me, Beau, because you have too big a heart so I'll trust what you tell me to be true. It's so like you to be thoughtful and remove all obstacles for someone you feel needs your help. I can't tell you how much I love you for this and how much I need some time with a good slave. I don't mean Button isn't..."

"Shuuu,....my Master, you don't need to say it. What time would you like to sneak away to the apartments or the dungeon."

"Can we use one of the bedrooms. I think the dungeon might get crowed and to be honest I'm so hungry, I don't want to share you with a soul."

"Sure, Master Zack! We can use the bedroom my Masters and I used last night."

"You go ahead and do what ever you need to and I'll bring us several beers in some ice. I'll tell Button not to look for me for a while. That way we can spend a little more time together. I'll have a couple of beers before I come up for you, slave. You can have 'em after I get through with 'em. You want the honor of taking your Whip Master's recycled beer slave?" Sproing!

"Yes, Sir, Whip Master. All you see fit to honor me with, Sir. I'm really thirsty, Sir."

"That's what I like to hear, slave. No fresh beer for you then. I'll have all you need in my belly, right slave?" Sproing!!

"Hell, yes, Sir." I replied with enthusiasm.

"I'll be up there in about an hour. You be ready." He stood and I came around the table and knelt at his feet. I lovingly kissed and cleaned his boots. I found his hand and kissed it licking the back and put it slowly to my forehead. "Come here slave..." I jumped into his powerful arms and kissed him with all the love I could pass to him. He melted and knew that I was ready for him no matter what he required of me.

"Go on, slave, and I'll be there in about an hour. I love you, Beau."

"You know I feel the same, Master Zack. You were right. That afternoon bonded us. I am your slave, Whip Master." I turned and went to the apartments.

I had plenty of time to get ready and clean myself. I even pulled my boots, chaps and leather vest on to await Master Zack. He didn't take an hour to get their. He was very horny. That was a good sign. I went to the door and ushered him in then shut the door and locked it behind us. He was carrying a small cooler with about six beers inside. He also brought a couple of sodas if I wanted something different.

He looked at me in my leathers and smiled a lecherous grin that must have been the same look the wolf gave Little Red Riding Hood the first time he saw her. He snapped his fingers at me and I feel to my knees.

He had me hard already. I not only kissed his boots I cleaned those suckers the best I could. I raised his pant legs to clean all of them. He seemed to enjoy the homage and respect so due him. I would have continued but found his hand waiting. I kissed and licked it, too. Then placed it to my forehead.

"Rise, my good slave, and show your Master love." Boy did I give that man a kiss to set his hair on fire. He returned it hungrily.

"I was approached by your Masters on the way here. I spoke and acknowledged them. They stopped me and asked where I was going with a cooler of beer and could they come, too. What could I say? My heart sank to my boots. We took about four steps and I felt a big hand on my shoulder. Big Jim spun me around and pulled me to him. He hugged me real big and so did Master Earl. Then they fell out laughing. We know where you're going, we're just giving you a bad time. Go with our blessing and tear off a piece for us." Then he started crying a bit. I held him tight.

"They're really fine men and good friends to share you like this. I owe them a lot."

"Well, now, Master, won't that depend on how good I am as a slave for you and how well I pleasure you?"

"I suppose." He said smiling at me knowing I was coming up with some shit.

"Then let's not waist a minute of your time. I'm your's to command for as long as you can stand me this afternoon." He hugged me again and ordered me to help him off with his boots and clothes. He sat on the bed and I raised one of his boots between my legs. He pushed on my ass with his other boot and it slipped off. I stood and sniffed his boot for a minute before setting it on the floor. Then grabbed the other to help him off with it. He gave me a minute to sniff that one, too. Damn, my old dick was getting really hard.

"You like to sniff a Master's boots, slave?" He asked seriously as I helped him off with his chaps.

"Yes, Sir. Especially a Master that I've closely bonded with like you, Sir. It's instant hard on for me." He laughed a little at me.

"That's normal, slave. I wouldn't want you any other way. You can smell 'em real good before you help me put 'em back on."

"Thank you, Master." I helped him get every thing off and he stood before me a chiseled God. He was not overly muscular. He had a tough solid muscled, working man's body. He had no fat on him at all. He was well proportioned with a good sized but not huge cock. Everything was in perfect proportion.

"Now help me back on with my chaps, slave." I did. He turned to the bed and pulled on his leather vest.

"Now my boots, slave." I sat them in front of him and pulled each up to my face and took a good deep whiff or two of his good looking boots. He looked me in the eye while I was doing it and winked at me knowing my pleasure. I wedged it right in my crotch and he smiled to see where I had placed it. He slipped his foot in, pressed and then slipped it in. We did the same with the second except this time he didn't move his boot away. He ordered me to move my hands behind me. I did, and he pressed gently but firmly on my exposed cock and balls until he could see a grimace start on my face. Then he let up.

"Good, slave, you trust me."

"Oh, God yes, Master Zack. I'd trust you with my life." He looked pleased.

"I have a sexual problem, slave." He announced quietly.

"What's that, Master."

"I had sex with you on the bike the other day in the barn. I fucked you down your throat and it was hot. But, I went to the restroom and wacked off before we left Beryl's place. If I hadn't I'd have shot the minute I got it in your mouth. I've had that problem all my life. The first time is rapid fire. But the second time, well that's when you get some good sex from me."

"That's no problem, Master, I'll suck you off. I get to have your come early and we can get to the second load in no time. Did you get a chance to drink any beer for me to chase it down. I had one but pop me another over there and I'll drink it while you suck me off, slave." I turned to him to show him old swinger standing straight up and he started laughing again.

"Master when you call me 'slave,' you make me feel like I'm your slave. I'm slave to three other men. I accept I'm their slave. When they call me slave it doesn't do the same thing to me it does when you call me that. I don't know what it is. Can you help me with this?" I asked as I brought him a beer. I ask if his slave might have a small sip of his. He said,

"Of course, slave. Help yourself." I got him some extra pillows to prop himself up for his blow job I was about to give him.

"I don't have an answer for you, slave. Maybe it's 'cause I met you as a slave and have always known you that way. To me you are a slave. I never dreamed that one day I might have the beautiful slave that I met and lusted after at Beryl's that night, alone and calling me Master. I don't think I gave you any overt signals that I would have given almost anything to see you kneeling before me."

"Maybe that's exactly why I find you attractive, Sir. You've always been a gentleman and never pushed. You never took advantage of my bonding with Button. Perhaps your reserve and respect for me as a slave gave me room to develop feelings for you. To say nothing about the fact that you are a very attractive man."

"Let's not pick it to pieces, slave. I'm comfortable with you kneeling in front of me. You obviously find something in me that rings you chimes. Let's play with it. Serve me well. As my temporary slave that's your duty. No more talk about why. That's an order slave. Accept that I care for you and respect the fact you're two good Masters property.

They've been generous enough to let me use you for a while. I plan to do just that. Maybe the cherry on top is that we became Master/slave friends and you know how I feel about you. I also know we bonded much deeper in that barn. I needed it. You needed it. We fell in love.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not suggesting I'm trying to move in on your Masters territory. I'm not afraid to love someone I know I can't have permanently. I'll never let that love and friendship make me loose sight of the fact that I am a Master and you're a slave. Perhaps that's your answer."

"Thank you, Sir, you're a good Master. I think you've answered my question eloquently. I won't speak of it again. Please use me, Sir, as you see fit. I love you, too, Master Zack. May I began, Master, your slave is so hungry to taste your beautiful cock in his mouth, may I began to make love to it, Sir."

"You have my permission, slave." I leaned over and gently kissed the big head and ran my tongue down the shaft and kissed every inch of it. He held his cock up for me to clean and kiss underneath and get to his low hanging fuzzy balls.

He was much like my giant. He had his own healthy musky male scent that was over powering to me. I licked and cleaned his balls for a good while and then return to his cock. He was an experienced Master. I could tell he knew how to direct a slave with the slightest gesture.

"Now, you may have it, slave."

"Thank you, Master, it'll be a treat to receive your come." I went down on him and got it all the way to the back of my throat, pulled off to slide down it again and he exploded in my mouth. A good, heavy, thick load. It had the strong taste of his clean male scent. I could taste the same odors and pheromones I smelled the time before when his balls were resting on my eyes and his sack was covering my nose. I held his deposit in my mouth for a while to enjoy it. He smile, knowing what I was doing and patted me on the head.

"Some strong Master come to start you off right. That's hot slave to hold your Master's come in your mouth to taste it real good. Look at my old dick." He was rock hard. I winked at him and swallowed breathing in air to get a stronger taste of him in my lungs. Damn, he had a good strong flavor!

"Thank you Master Zack for giving me the honor of taking your seed. I'm really proud to be serving a fine Master like you."

"You'd make any Master feel like a king, slave. I brought something in my jacket over there just for you. I didn't know whether we'd get to play with it but I brought it with you in mind. Why don't you get it and bring if over here to me." I walked to his jacket and looked in the inside pocket and there was the neatest flogging whip. I put my head in the jacket and retrieved his whip with my mouth. I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to the bed where he was waiting with out stretched hand. I dropped it into his hand as he patted me on the head.

"I can tell you're pleased that I brought my small whip."

"You been reading my mail, Master?" He laughed.

"I know you like some of the things I do. Now, let me stand up here." He stood up. "I promised my slave for the afternoon I'd honor him with some beer when I finished with it. May help to get that load to your stomach, too. So here it is slave."

"May I take you, Sir?"

"Permission granted, slave." I took him in my throat, he was still semi- laccid. I took a couple of strokes and slammed it down my throat. My lips were pressed tight against his pubs around his cock and I was kissing his belly.

"I've never had a slave take me that far. Your fucking lips are pressed to the base of my cock. Damn, slave, that's hot." I made myself comfortable and put my hands on his butt cheeks. I squeezed the right one gently. He knew the signal and instantly started his flow. He threw back his head and put his hands on his hips and spread his legs apart to enjoy filling me up.

He moaned with relief and talked about how he had dreamed of me taking his piss that day in the barn and had jacked off five or six times thinking about it. This should be a great honor for you, slave, to take my piss. Once again my dick was roaring hard. He was an experienced Master and knew how to talk the talk.

"Do you want a little to taste, slave?" I shook my head yes and pulled out to my mouth. He gave me a good mouth full and it tasted like near- eer. Not too bad. I could develop a taste for near-beer, especially from him, right out of the tap. He gave me one more to taste and I slowly swallowed that.

"I know it's a treat, slave, to receive your Master's used beer, but I don't want to fill you up too fast. We have a bit more time. One more good mouthful then we go on." He gave me a good mouthful and I slowly swallowed that.

"Thank you, Master Zack, for the honor of taking your used beer, Sir. I know I'm not worthy but you're a kind and giving Master. Thank you."

"I'm glad you're grateful, slave. Now, I need to get me a piece of that butt of yours. One of your Master's tipped me off to a talent you have for riding your Masters. I'd certainly like to see a little of that action while I lay back and watch."

"It's yours, Master Zack, but first you must remove my plug. I'm not allowed to touch it." I got him a towel and hit the position for his ease in removing it. He popped it out with one swift movement. He knew what he was doing, he'd been here before. I sat it aside for him. He got comfortable on the bed and I asked permission to slather up his cock with my saliva.

"Permission granted, slave." I cleaned it, made love to it and got a lot of spit on it. "You may take it if you need to, slave." I took it in my mouth to work the saliva around on his rock hard cock. I was satisfied it was ready.

"May I mount your horse, now, Sir?"

"Permission granted, slave." I got my ass directly over it. Positioned it at my rosebud so it wouldn't slip, reached back, spread my ass cheeks and took him hard to his balls. He sucked in air.

"Woah, slave! That was one hell of a mount. Feels good up that tight little ass of yours." I took a couple of small strokes to stretch my saddle and he got a pleased smile on his face. I moved my ass around and ground it down on the base of his dick to stretch the muscle for my ride. I knew I was going to get him off in a big way and I wanted it more for him than I did for me.

"When you shoot in me Master do I have your permission to shoot too or do you allow your slave's to come?"

"I noticed you didn't say 'if' you shoot in me. You said 'when' I shoot in you. Isn't that pretty sure of yourself slave?"

"No, Sir. You will come."

"We'll see, slave, we'll see. If, and only if you get me off, after you feel me shoot, you may get yours, understand, slave?"

"Yes, Master Zack." I said respectfully. I began to work on him. He was skeptical at first but I could see in his eyes and face that my efforts were beginning to feel a little better than just okay. When I shifted gears a little and increased my speed and depth of stroke I noticed he moved his whole body to a more prone, comfortable position.

Master Zack laid his head back, closed his eyes and began to moan. I knew I had him. I was working up a full head of steam as I shifted up another gear and headed into an even longer, faster, harder stroke. I tightened my ass on his cock and gave him several short strokes to his base, slamming my ass hard against it and then opened up again on him full bore stroke, steady, fast, hard and mean.

I could feel him building under me. To his surprise he automatically arched his back to raise his cock to meet my thrust. I sensed what he needed, hard, short, fast and steady, and made sure he got it.

"Uuhhuu, aauu, Aaauurrrggg, uhuhhh..." I felt his flow begin and I knew had him. I tried to bite his dick off with my ass as I came spasming around it and he shot again. A hard one that racked his soul and brought him up off the bed. I hit it one more time and bit his cock again He was holding on to me for dear life when he shot the third wave and was exhausted. I managed to drain his balls the second time.

With a little rest I was ready to go for number three. He held me around my waist not wanting me to pull off his cock. I wasn't in any hurry. I still had the milking to do. As I began to gently milk the rest out of him and into my ass. I put my arms around him and held him close. He needed that.

Every now and then I would continued milking him with my ass. This was an emotional climax as well as physical for him. The more he held me tighter I held him and kissed him on his head and petted him. I held his head pressed close to my chest. He finally pulled back and looked at me as I milked him one more time.

"That felt fine, slave. My cock feels like it belongs in there."

"You know it does, Master. You won a piece of my ass anytime you need it when we bonded that afternoon. You have become a part of my extended family. My Masters' accept that. You only have to ask one of them. Then I'm your's. But, I don't want to interfere with my little brother."

"Well, it wouldn't be often but once in a while, Beau..I'm sorry, slave. Once in a while, slave, if I could use you for a couple of hours it would help measurably."

"You only have to ask, Master. I know you will be discrete with Button. I don't want to be a party to causing him any hurt. If I could do anything, I wish I could help him and teach him some things to pleasure you better. I know you love him deeply and it's been rough on you."

"Slave, he's changed one hundred percent for the better since that night he met you. He's really trying and in some respects he's getting better. Others, he just has no concept of. He hasn't been exposed to Masters and slaves to know how they should interact. I have a hard time getting through to him.

I could be mean and demanding but that's not my way. I want a slave to love and respect me for the man I am and not because I scare the hell out of them. I don't want to threaten him or brow beat him all the time. I've seen other Masters do that to their slaves and it breaks their spirit."

"Then they're only good for menial task, certainly not for companionship. I hate to say it, I've even considered selling Button a couple of times but I can't do it."

"Master Zack, would you believe me if I told you that it will work out for you very soon?"

"Some kind of miracle?"

"No even better. Will you trust me?"

"I've heard things and seen things happen with you slave and I will, indeed, trust you." He instructed me to pull off of him and I lay in his arms for a while and listened to him. He was a good hearted man, a man of peace. He had strong needs that were not being met. They would be soon; somehow, I was going to see to it. I didn't exactly know how but there was a voice inside of me telling me to give him hope.

"What else can I do for my Master this afternoon?"

"I haven't had a slave clean my ass out for a long time. I want you to do that for me slave while I beat off. I have one more in me that needs to come out and I love to have a slave eat me out while I jack off on his face." Again, I was instantly hard again. Damn, this man knew how to use a slave without being shy. He didn't have to ask twice.

He laid me out on the bed and sat on my face to rest his hole right on my mouth and I took it from there. He beat his meat as I was dutifully cleaning him out and it didn't take him long to yell for me to open my mouth he had another load for me.

He backed up a bit and shoved his dick in my mouth for me to finish him off. He shot a big load. It was a good one, too, thick and ropey. A little lighter flavor than the first but excellent.

I rubbed his back for him for a while and there came a knock on the door. It was the Dungeon Master checking on us. I let him in but he didn't want to interrupt.

"No, no, come in, Dungeon Master." Master Zack insisted. "We're through and I want to thank you and Earl D. for your generosity. I owe you men a great deal. I didn't believe the riding story. Thought you were pulling my leg. Well, I apologize to both you, Sirs. You slave was remarkable. You two have a fine slave on your hands. I love him dearly as I love you two. He held back nothing and served me better than well. You should be proud of your property. He is a credit to the both of you."

"He's a keeper." Laughed the Dungeon Master. "You two get cleaned up and come on down for dinner. We'll wait for you." Master Zack and I jumped in the shower together and I washed him completely as a good slave should do for his Master and gently toweled him off afterward.

God, he was an attractive, wholesome, earthy masculine man. I would do anything to serve him.

We went down to a great dinner of turkey, ham and all the trimmings. Oscar had tied his tits to the stove for a couple of days making this Sunday afternoon feast for about thirty people. He was in his element. Happy to be serving and to be needed. Billy helped a lot. They worked well together. Oscar ordered and yelled, Billy did.

Sarge was razzing Master Zack for disappearing earlier and ask what he was doing.

"Oh, I just found out there's a man-slave you could learn a thing or two from about getting fucked." Sarge was silent for a few minutes.

"You're not kidding, are you Zack."

"No, Sir, I'm not. Most remarkable fuck I've had in ten years and my slave is going to take lessons from him." Master Zack put his arm around Button and pulled him close. Surprisingly, Sarge didn't bull his way through that one. He just let it drop and winked at me.

The rest of the afternoon was wonderful. Button and I sat and talked for a long time about all things. I discovered that Button was almost childlike and didn't have much concept of giving and getting. He'd been beaten down so many times in life he existed from day to day in a sheltered environment under Zack's care.

For all practical purposes he was a child to Zack and not a sufficient adult companion. Bad companionship sometime can be better than none at all, depending on one's needs and point of view. He was thrilled I got off alone with Zack and pleasured him. He had no jealousy He was like a young kid that wanted his dad to start dating again after his mother died.

I didn't try to influence Button I just listened and talked about my visit to come. Button was learning to live all over again and pushed too much could be devastating for him. I could see that my hopes to educate Button were not going to get very far. You have to want to learn. You have to want to be a good slave.

Nothing seemed to hold Button's attention for too long a period of time. I wouldn't have held his attention had he not felt he could open up to me and tell me every thing in his heart. Which wasn't a hell of a lot. I don't even think slave training would do him much good. There were too many subtle concepts that he just wouldn't be able to grasp. I was beginning to believe that Master Zack was a saint. Nevertheless there was something haunting and innocent in Button's way of dealing with life.

There was something not right though. In all my evaluation of Button there was one haunting facet. He and Sarge seemed to have developed some sort of strange bond that defied my understanding. Sarge seemed to be the only man that could hold Button's attention long enough to get through or teach him anything.

The strangest part was Sarge wasn't his hard nose, hard charging, demanding self with Button. He treated Button totally different from anyone else he came in contact with. He treated Button like the fragile creature he was and didn't demand anything of Button but he be respectful and considerate.

I knew something was going to happen for the better for Master Zack and Button but I just didn't know what. Another one of my crazy feelings that of late usually came true. I described it to Master Earl and the Dungeon Master who were as stumped as I was.

Master Zack left with Button and was all over me thanking me quietly for spending the afternoon with him. He was like a new man when he and Button left. Even old Sarge recognized it. Big Beryl was thrilled for him. Told him he hadn't seen a silly grin on his face like that in a long time.

"Good to see, Son, good to see."

Everyone left including my Master who wanted to get back to feed puss and do some other chores before work tomorrow. He no longer had Monday off on his rotation schedule.

Titus got me to one side and told me what I did for Zack impressed the hell out of his Master and he wanted to see more of me. He also wanted to know what the hell Zack was talking about. I told him it probably had something to do with the way I got him off but I wasn't sure. Titus gave me their phone number and ask to have Master Earl or Big Jim give them a call.

It was getting late and Master Bert excused me early to get back to Mt. Washington with the Dungeon Master. We thank them for their hospitality and kindness. I was a wonderful weekend. I kissed and hugged Billy thanking him for a dream come true. He cried.

The Dungeon Master and I got on the road and made good time getting back. We didn't talk much on the way. You had to yell at each other. It was not that long a trip and I enjoyed feeling him and being with him. I knew something was up between him and my Master but I didn't know what. They were closer than I ever knew them to be. It felt good.

We arrived back at Mt. Washington to find Master Jeb lounging in the pool reading a magazine on organic gardening. He was feeling much better, fixed his own dinner and wanted to hear all about the weekend. I was getting tired as we talked and he saw me drifting. He laughed and told me to get my ass up to bed.

I hugged and kissed him and trudged up the stairs to the Bear's Lair as I began to refer to the Dungeon Master's room. I found him again sitting in the dark looking out at the view. I crawled up in his lap, kissed him and sat looking out with him for a few minutes. We were quiet. We didn't always have to talk to know the secrets of each other's heart, we just knew.

Something happened this weekend that lifted a great weight off my big blue ox and he was radiant. He folded his big arms around me and held me. He kissed me behind the ear and whispered very softly, almost not loud enough to hear,

" I love you."

I took his giant paw and held it up to my face and kissed it gently. I didn't have to say the words, he knew.

End of Chapter 22 The Ties That Bind Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to:waddiebear@yahoo.com

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