Ties That Bind

By Waddie Greywolf

Published on Nov 13, 2023


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do. (Codes: M/M BD/SM Master/slave WS Anal Oral)

Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

===================================================== THE TIES THAT BIND By Waddie Greywolf


PART I ~ "I Am!" said Sam. "Sam, I Am!"

"I will not eat green eggs with Ham!" From: Green Eggs With Ham Dr. Seuss

Dad Jake was in the shower singing at the top of his voice some strange Italian folk tune from his collection of songs 'me mother taught me.' In tune, on pitch, and a not too shabby, full baritone shower-voice.

"Enrique Caruso you ain't, Dad." I hollered into the bathroom.

"I haven't got to the high notes yet, Kid." The phone rang.


"Hello young man and how are you this afternoon?" It was Master Jeb.

"Well, considering I just had the most hellacious fuck thrown into my young ass since you fucked me, I have come on my breath, an extended belly full of good hot dad piss, and I can't seem to get this stupid smile off my face, I'd say I was doing just fine, Master." Master Jeb roared with laughter.

"Am I to understand that you haven't lost a dad but gained a new Master?" He laughed again.

"Better'n that, Sir, I think I've gained the best of both." I laughed this time with him. "You knew it would turn out this way, didn't you?"

"Well, I had an idea that he wasn't going to give you up that easily. As for knowing how someone will act, it's hard to say. Sounds like he kind of likes the new title."

"Does the term 'duck to water' mean anything to you, Sir?" Master Jeb laughed again.

"Yes, and good for him. Is he still there?"

"Yes, Sir, he just got out of the shower and is toweling himself as he gawks at your slave- boy."

"Would you put him on the line for a minute, Son?"

"Sure Master, hold on,...Dad, Master Jeb would like to speak with you for a moment."

"Let me introduce you. Master Jeb Henshaw I'd like you to meet my newest Master, Master Jake Raggazzi, my dad."

"Hello Sir, I've heard many good things about you."

"Likewise, Master Jake. I'd like to personally invite you to come to Mt. Washington at your earliest convenience. I'd like to meet you in person. I've got some cold beer and we can sit and visit and get to know each other."

"Sounds good, Sir. I agreed to follow Beau up there tomorrow afternoon if that's all right with you?"

"Absolutely! That would be great. I'll look forward to meeting you tomorrow."

"Same here, Sir, and thanks."

"You're welcome, Son." Dad handed the phone back.

"Me again, Master!"

"Beau that was very thoughtful to introduce us like that. Most people wouldn't even think of such a thing. You really did have manners beat into you. Don't ever be ashamed to use your manners. They'll take you far in life.

"I'm happy things turned out for the best. I didn't like to think about the possibility of losing my dad. I know it sounds crazy but he's as important to me as my real dad. Probably more so. My birth dad and I tolerated each other sort a' like a nervous truce. No matter how much good I might try to do in life, he's sure I'm bad, he just hasn't found proof yet."

"Son, many times the truest members of our family are not born under the same roof as us. Meaning, we find our true family as we go through life. That's never more true than it is with gay men who feel disenfranchised from their birth families. Jake sounds like a nice man, Beau. I'm looking forward to meeting him and seeing you again.

You have a lot of people concerned for your best interest, Son. Master Earl stopped by here on his way home and we talked for a while. While we were talking Sam Jenkins, your boss, called me. Sam's a fine man. We've been friends for many years. There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other.

He thinks the world of you, Beau, and is willing to co-operate and help anyway he can. He was going to promote you to shop foreman Monday morning and your dad to administration. Master Earl and I were again blown away by you, Son, and also very proud.

Since you've told your dad the truth and the sky didn't fall, then, we'll have the weekend for us to reach some decisions regarding your future. Sam said we may call him at home after you and I've had a chance to talk. Are you comfortable with that, Son?"

"Yes, Sir, I place myself in your hands, Master. Any decision you make on my behalf, I will, unquestioned, accept, Sir."

"I know you will, Son, and that's a commendable attitude; however, a Master will sometime ask his slave's opinion or his input. Then after he has all the information he'll make a decision and it's your duty to support and agree with him. You must never question his decision or it could cause both of you embarrassment and undermine your ability to trust each other. Do you understand what I've just told you, slave?"

"Yes, Master, I think so."

"Perhaps that will be the only thing that you and your Master will be equal on. By making a claim for you to become his slave and your acknowledgment of his claim, you both exchange equal amounts of trust. You say to him, 'I trust you.' and he says to you, 'I trust you to trust me."

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, Sir."

"Remember, Beau, a good Master is not going to make a decision that concerns you unless he has determined what your preferences might be. Then he's not going to arbitrarily decide against your preferences unless he has a pretty damn good reason. Keep in mind that after you sign a contract he's under no obligation to explain his actions. That's where trust really applies. You will learn to trust his decisions. Well, I've held you up long enough. Get back to your new Master. By the way, Son. Have a good evening with your future Master. He'll be calling in a minute." "Uuuh.....Master, I don't think you understand. Do you remember how you and Master Jim filled me up?"

"That much, huh? I knew I like that man." Master Jeb fell out laughing. "Look, Son, Earl D. told me he figured your dad would be with you this afternoon because he knew you planned to come here right after work tomorrow. He'll think it's a hoot just like I do. Besides he doesn't have an anchor tied to your ass yet. However, I do! Since he probably won't get to see you all weekend. I think you should spend the evening with him. He's fallen in love with you, Son, but the two of you need a weekend apart to cement the bond. You'll understand later."

"Yes, Master Jeb, I understand. I also love you for leading the way for me at this time. I have faith in you."

"That's good to hear, Beau. If I don't respond when you tell me of your love, it doesn't mean I don't care and care deeply. Years ago I decided not to express my feelings to slave trainees. It's better for you and for me. As your trainer I don't ever want it to cross you mind, 'But, you told me you love me why would you expect me to do that?' My answer would be, 'You've chosen to enter slavery and are here to be trained. It's because I love you that I will require you to do this as part of your training.' Any Master who buys a slave from me can expect him to hit the ground running. He's been trained to expect almost anything. You being my last, and hopefully my best slave, automatically have a special place in my heart. The things we've shared together the last few weeks and some yet to come will bond us for life. You may be sold to another Master but you'll never lose me."

"I appreciate that Master and I really don't need you to confirm it. You radiate it when I'm around you. It's like a warm glow that I can feel. It's a comfortable feeling."

"Billy was right. You have a way of cutting to the heart." He laughed. "I'll see both of you tomorrow afternoon. Goodbye, Son."

"Goodbye, Master."

"He seems like a really down to Earth man, Beau. I can tell the way you talk to him you love and respect him." Dad said to me.

"You're right, Dad, I have come to love him very much in a short period of time" Dad looked at me funny and shook his head.

"I've never seen a person with more love in them than you, Son, and I have a feeling you've found a group of people who will best know how to appreciate and tap that love." Just don't expect me to attend any fucking slave showers when you're sold to your new Master. I wonder if they'll need someone to give you away into slavery? I'd be proud to do that."

"Ask Master Jeb, maybe they do."

"I've gotta' run, give your old man a hug." Dad gave me a big bear hug.

"Thank you for my new gift. I promise I won't take advantage. Oh, hell, who the fuck am I kidding, you know damn well I'm gonna' take advantage of it. You gave me that right, didn't you?"

"Absolutely Master!" He looked me directly in the eyes with that shit eating grin of his and snapped his fingers and pointed to his boots. Once again I fell to my knees, my mouth licking and making love to his big boots.

"From now on, slave, when I get ready to leave you will show your respect and gratitude for your old man by kissing his big stomping boots the last thing before he walks out the door. You understand, slave?"

"Yes, Sir, Master Jake, I hear, I understand, and will obey."

"That's a good slave. It's only right you show your old man some respect. Yeah,---get the sides there real good, Yeah, that's gettin' 'em clean. Your old man, (Uh! Use a little more tongue there, slave) your dad, has become one of your Masters. Yeah! Shows you appreciate him taking you in off the streets, teaching you, raising you right. Yeah, it's only natural you should (Nah! Nah! go over that again.) wanna' show him how much you care about him and thank him for shaping you into a slave-boy he can be proud of. (Don't slow up there slave, you're not through until you Master tells you.) Yeah, it's the least you can do for a man that keeps your little boy-butt fucked so good it stays fucked two, three days at a time. Yeah!"

"Uuuh, Master, hoping only to please you, Sir, it's important for you to know that talking shit like that flips your slave boy's switch. You've started my slave hole dripping. I've got a boner the size of a tent pole. If you don't stop your little running dialogue, your humblest of slave's is going to rip your fucking clothes off, impale himself on your cock, and you'll never get out of here." Dad started laughing.

"Turns me on, too, Kid, look at that. Dad pulled his coveralls tight so I could see his boner. "Get up and give your old dad a hug and I'm out a' here." I gave him a big bear hug.

"Love you, Dad."

"Love you, too, Son."

"I can't wait until we have to work late together. God, the two of us will be wrecks after that." We both laughed. Dad turned and left.

Well, that's my dad, folks, ya' gotta' love 'em. God, I miss him all ready. The phone rang again.

"Good Evening."

"Beau, this is Earl."

"Do you mean 'Earl', as in 'Master Earl', Sir?"

"The same."

"No disrespect, Sir, but not to your slave."

"Damn good point, Son, let's try that again. Slave, this is your Master calling. Get you ass up here ASAP. I have dinner for us and your Master needs his slave this evening."

"If my Master needs his slave, I'll be there sooner than A.S.A.P., Sir."

"How long...?"

"Thirty, Sir."

"See you then, Son"

I ran into the bathroom and stuck my fingers down my throat. Master piss is a lot less romantic coming up than it is going down. Cleaned me out though. Suddenly, I was very hungry.

"Another night in my Master's arms. Thank 'ya, Jay-zus!" I pulled into the car port of Master Earl's house and he had the door into the kitchen open waiting for me. It's nice to go somewhere when you feel you're wanted, they're waiting for you, and care enough to leave a door open. That says, you're welcome. You're home. Master Earl had dinner on the table and we immediately sat down to eat.

"How did your dad take your explanation of your new life?"

"He amazes me. Just when I'm sure he's not going to comprehend some concept, he takes it in, processes it, finds something in his data base to compare it too, then restates it back to me clearer than I described it to him."

"Why wouldn't you expect that of him? You have a hefty influence on people because you approach life not willing to simply accept it as it is, but wanting to understand why it can't be more. That rubs off on people that live, ho-hum, day in, day out, nine to five, cardboard lives.

It makes them stop long enough to ask, wait a minute, this guy isn't too much different from me. He may not have all the answers, but he's trying his damnedest to find his bliss. Why can't I?

Then too, maybe it's because I've fallen in love with you, but people who drift into your sphere of influence are struck with a childlike way of looking at life that we all had once and forgot when we grew up. You have a way of reawakening that in everyone. If you told them you thought it would be fun to live in the belly of a whale, they would ask how long they should pack for. I don't think you realize the influence you have on people. Good thing, if you ever did you might be dangerous." Master Earl said laughing.

"I don't know about all that but one thing you said hit home. Dad and I approach our relationship like two kids drunk on some secret only they share. I know he would never, ever, under any circumstances consider fucking around with any other man. It would be unthinkable to him.

He asked me, after one of our sessions, if his fucking me, made him a homo? I told him I didn't think so. I thought he was an oversexed Italian with raging hormones that would fuck anyone or anything that would lay still long enough.

When I described the life I was going into his most important question was, 'Do I get to be one of your Masters?' When I reassured him, by pointing out how he all ready was one, he went crazy shifting gears between Master and dad. Hell, he had me hitting my knees so many times I wanted to call a break to strap on my knee pads. I was afraid to come up here because my belly was stretch out of shape from too much dad piss." Master Earl almost choked on his dim sum laughing.

"I would've loved to have seen that, what happened?"

"Shit, when am I gonna' learn to listen to Master Jeb? I expressed my concerns and he told me you would think it was a hoot. I threw it up." Master Earl looked at me incredulously and then laughed again.

"I went by Jeb's this afternoon after work. Sam Jenkins called while I was there and was concerned for you. I waved at Sam this morning. I've known Sam for many years. Long before he bought his slave, Yoshie. Sam and I go back fifteen or twenty years I had no idea you worked for him. After I got home Sam called me. He briefly described your early morning conversation and was happy for us. He described your relationship with your dad.

Sam fell out laughing when he described the upside down boot print on your coveralls and the quick shuffle you gave him to cover. He thinks you are the best thing since popcorn was invented. He truly cares for you. You all ready know he was gonna' promote you to shop foreman Monday. Jeb and I were like two proud papas this afternoon."

"Did you and Master Jeb arrive at any agreement?"

"Well, yes and no. I know how far to go with Jeb and I don't go further. Oh, I guess I could, but Jeb has his ideas. He'll agree with you all day then do things his way. The reason we get along so well is I don't challenge his right to make decisions. Like you, it took me a long time to learn to trust him and every time I refused to listen to him I fell on my face.

I learned my lesson the hard way. I don't do that anymore. I told him you would like to keep working after training. He thought it would be a good idea, but I got the definite feeling he doesn't want you working during training. Maybe, that's best. That way your training will be one concentrated effort and as his last slave to train I think it's important for him to do it that way.

After I got home and thought about it. I decided it would probably be better if you didn't work during that time. I think you'd get more out of it and that's important to me, too. He wants to talk with you before he takes any action or makes a decision."

"He told me that on the phone this evening. If you agree Master, I have no problem with just letting him take control. I want to be his slave for my training and unless I give myself to him totally, with no questions then I won't feel like I've committed myself. It's like you told me you feel about a contract between us and after hearing you explain to Billy and Oscar, I know there's no other way.

I have had no second thoughts about my decision that night and won't. If I didn't commit to your contract as my first act of submission to you, I wouldn't feel like I was being serious about becoming your total slave. It would be like I was playing at it and that's not what I want or need. Likewise, Master Earl, it's important to me that you're convinced of my sincerity. How could you be if I didn't totally commit to you?"

"Beau, you really have thought this out; obviously better than I have. This is a prime example of a Master learning from his slave. It does happen. Wes taught me many things about people and my response to them. To carry your thoughts one step further, how could I expect you to submit to me if I didn't urge you to do the same with Master Jeb. Then with that information, you will do as Master Jeb decides, neither of us will question him, and that's an order, slave."

"Yes, Master, you know I'll obey, and that's the way it will be."

"Now, slave, this talk has made me horny. I wasn't going to demand sex from you tonight. You just had your dad over and..."

"Is there never a case where a slave might become forward and beg his owner to take him because of a deep need to serve his Master, please him, be needed by him, and be used by him?"

"Do you need to jump in the shower?" He asked smiling at me in joy.

"No Sir, I cleaned up when I got home from work. Oh, but maybe I should because I still have dad's seed inside me."

"Oh, no, you don't. That's an instant hard on. My seed mixing with your dad's inside of you. Woah! Maybe together we can knock you up. Wouldn't that be fun? Help me put this food away and we'll move to the bedroom."

That night a handsome Master made love to his slave because they wouldn't see each other for several days. For them, their soul's warming from the glow of their love, it would seem an eternity. To survive the three day winter, they needed reaffirmation of that love. Amantes sunt amentes. (Lovers are crazy.) We took care of the necessaries and surprisingly got to sleep at a decent hour.

Master Earl had set the clock fifteen minutes earlier than usual so we might have a more leisurely morning. We were able to spend a few minutes having coffee and talking. I had to get use to mornings with the most handsome motor officer LAPD could claim. I noticed after he put his uniform on his demeanor changed. His voice pitch dropped a fifth. He took on a serious, strict, but fair, father aura. However, he didn't change when relating to me. He was, at all times, my Master.

We road down the hill together, him leading the way, naturally. I would ride just a little behind to get a good look at his boots I had kissed goodbye less than five minutes ago. I got a roaring hard on and pulled into the lot right after Sam. He walked over to ask if I had a good evening with my Master. I stretch my coveralls tight in front to show Sam my salute to morning.

"Does that tell you what kinda evening it was, Sam?" I said laughing. Sam took one look and shook his head.

"Kid, you got it bad. Worse case I've ever seen."

"Case of what, Sam?"

"Master/slave love." was his answer.

"Is there any hope, Doctor Sam?" I asked in a concerned voice.

"Nope, once infected, it's terminal." He was in good spirits this morning. "If, by some miracle you survive or your friends don't kill you first, you may have to live with it the rest of your life. Frightening! Horrible! Two fine looking young men cut down in their prime."

"Hey, Sam, thanks for calling Master Jeb and Master Earl. I guess Master Jeb wants to discuss things with me."

"You're welcome, Beau. Got the feeling Jeb doesn't want you coming to work for at least three months worth of training. Not to worry, your old Master Sam has a few tricks up his sleeves. I think we can get you a leave of absence for at least that long. You don't worry, your family will work it out. Earl says he's all for it if you want to continue working after training."

"Thanks, Sam." There was something different about the way Sam was relating with me this morning. He was more open and warm than I could ever remember. I caught him looking at me from his office several times as I was typing up the assignment sheets for dad. I began filling the sheets out as I knew what jobs dad would assign whom. I was busy but I caught dad coming in to see if I had the sheets done. As he passed Sam's office I saw Sam call out to dad to come in his office for a minute.

Sam seemed to be talking in low tones so no one else could overhear the conversation. All of a sudden dad hit his forehead with the butt of his hand and said at the top of his voice,

"Son of a bitch! You're lying!" Sam was shaking his head and trying to calm dad down. They didn't talk much longer and dad came in with a big smile on his face.

"Mornin' friendly."

"Mornin,' Dad. You gonna' buy me a cup this morning? I got 'em all filled in and ready for you to pass out, Sir." I added to see if I could get a response. Dad lowered his voice and spoke sternly.

"A cup of coffee for doing what any good slave boy should be doing for his Master. Especially one as good, kind, handsome, understanding, and just all 'round nice guy as your old dad."

'Oh, brother.' I thought. I wheeled in the chair and looked at him, "No coffee, huh? Then I guess a blow job's out of the question?"

"Ah, the poor man who purchases you. C'mon , Kid, coffee's on me."

"Yeeees!" I said. The day went quickly. I didn't get many visits from Dad. I sure could of used a big daddy, boot plug, fucking about nine-thirty. He was busy showing some of the new guys how to get things organized. We did eat lunch together and dad was unusually quiet. He would respond to me but didn't volunteer much conversation. Most of the time I couldn't shut him up.

"Something wrong, Dad?" I asked.

"No, no, I'm kinda melancholy today thinking about you going for what you want out of life. I'm not turned on to the idea of becoming some dude's slave; however, it's easy enough for me to accept for you if it's something you must do. You've convinced me that it is so I'm all for you finding happiness.

I guess I never sat down and asked myself what would really make me happy. Would I be willing to radically change my life to get it? Of course not. Then I think of my wife, Anita. She works her butt off for those kids and they don't seem to appreciate anything. Would you take it wrong if I was to tell you I might be just a little jealous?"

"No, Dad, I think I understand."

"It has nothing to do with your choices but the fact you've thought it through and you're going for it. I'll be all right. We still going to Mt. Washington this afternoon?"

"Yeah, Dad, if your up to it."

"I'm looking forward to it. Don't worry Son, by the time we walk out a' here I'll be in much better spirits and ready for a cold one."

"By the way, Beau, is there anything you haven't told me?"

"Nothing of major importance, Dad. Why?"

"Oh, no real reason, just asking." Dad said winking at me mischievously."

Part II ~ Someone To Watch Over Me

Won't you tell him please, to put on some speed, Follow my lead, Oh how I need, Someone to watch over me.

I'm a little lamb who's lost in the woods, I know I could always be good, To one who'll watch over me. Ira Gershwin

I rode slowly on my bike up the hill off Avenue forty-three toward Mt. Washington. Dad stayed right behind me and parked on the street when he saw me pull into the drive. Wasn't much of a drive It was more like a drive into car port with a huge four car garage.

The Mt. Washington area is one of the older communities in Los Angeles. There are a lot of fine, older homes that can be bought reasonably, fixed up and sold for a good profit. The money represented in any particular block is varied. There can be an old fixer-upper shack next to a million dollar home.

Then the gay's discovered Mt. Washington. It seemed everyone was buying, fixin' up, and turning over for a profit. That's the way it was with Master Jeb. He bought a huge, six bedroom, two story home right after Vietnam to fix up. Well, there had been some things done and others that had been started. Projects seemed to run out of steam somewhere along the line.

Over the years the projects that were finished made the place so comfortable Jeb couldn't part with it. When he was in the height of slave training he would have four to six people living there regularly. It was a large lot and featured an older square swimming pool that was still in use.

It originally had several out buildings and a large barn that Master Earl, with Master Jim's help, converted to a hall for family functions. They did a great job. At the far end there was small stage built about three feet off the floor. It was a wonderful place to hold meetings and doubled as a great show room for the latest model slaves. The house was huge and rambled on and on. Every time you thought you'd investigated the house thoroughly you discovered another small room you didn't know was there.

After living there about a year, Master Jeb and Jim discovered a huge basement directly under the house. Only a small portion was in use at the time. The rest was boarded up. They ripped out all the boards used to cover up the large basement. When they got through, it was not only a huge area it was sub-level. A perfect place for a dungeon. It became the dungeon of dungeons and could be seen in almost all S&M leather magazines of the seventies and eighties.

Along the back wall, behind the stairs, Jeb and Jim had constructed eight five by eight holding cells for slaves. Then they created a small area that looked like a typical basement storeroom with washer/ dryer hook ups. They created a faux wall that ran the same direction as the stairs and a wall directly behind the stair. If you didn't know there was more it looked like a typical, eight by twenty, Southern California utility basement from the thirties or forties.

Underneath and behind the stairs was a three foot wide by six foot high portion of a solid looking brick wall that opened into the main area of the basement dungeon. It was so well done, the dungeon was virtually hidden from view.

That's exactly the way they wanted it so it wouldn't be discovered. It never was. Jeb and Jim had cleverly built the outside walls with a two foot dead air space that they stacked two feet by four foot bails of hay for sound proofing. This ran the entire perimeter of the dungeon. The overhead floor beams were eight foot to the base of the two by twelve massive beams. They filled that area with three thicknesses of R-12 fiberglass insulation. They covered that with one inch dry wall.

It was so sound proof you could play a boom box in the middle of the dungeon, volume to max and with the entry door closed, it couldn't be detected from above, inside or out. It was so well sealed they had to pump air into it to keep from using all the oxygen.

It was pitch black during the day and most everything in it was painted black. They had found heavy wrought iron candle holders that would hold long burning fat candles. When the candles were lit and some small pin spots used to light a small area it was looked like something out of the Inquisition.

It was every Master's dream dungeon with every conceivable kinky apparatus one might imagine. They thought of everything,. There was a huge shower, toilet area in the space not taken up by the faux wall extension.

It took Jeb and Jim an entire year, working evenings and weekends, to complete the project. Jeb had planned it to the nines and after it was done it became a great source of recreation for the two men and invited guests.

The two men, James Anthony Johnson and Jebadiah Mc Innis Henshaw were great friends. They had survived the early years of Vietnam and were seven and twelve years older than me respectively. Big Jim was a restless soul and would announce to Jeb he had to go. He would hop on his Harley and Jeb wouldn't see or hear from him for months at a time. He always came back. The men had and undeniable bond for they, too, had held each other during nights of horror in South East Asia.

They were more than friends. They were more than brothers. Their bond of love was so great, nothing could turn them from each other. Jeb never made a point of telling Big Jim he was welcome anytime; Jeb's home was Jim's home anytime he wanted to be there. Although Big Jim was physically larger he was younger than Jeb and always allowed Jeb to lead the way. They trusted each other completely. They fought together, they lived together, they worked together, they played together, they lost together, and they cried together. Yet, in all those years rarely had a cross word for each other. They were proud of that fact. Master Jeb came out of the house to meet us. He gave me a big bear hug and stuck out his big hand to dad.

"Wa'sa matta, I don't get a hug?" Dad said in his best "goom-bah" imitation. Master Jeb through back his head and laughed.

"Of course you do, Jake." He threw his big arms around dad in another bear hug.

"It's damn good to meet you , Son."

"It's good to meet you too, Sir, especially after hearing all the good things. I told myself I have to find out if this man is real and damned if you ain't." Dad went on. They seemed as comfortable with each other as a matched pair of socks.

"C'mon in! Come on in! Master Jeb urged. "Let's sit out here on the screened porch. I'll get us some beer. You drinking today, Beau?"

"Yes Sir, thanks." Master Jeb left for the kitchen.

"Beautiful old California bungalow design house." Dad said quietly.

"Dad, where the hell did you pick that up?"

"Anita and I worked on the Heritage Park houses and learned a lot about California style homes." Master Jeb returned with the beers.

"Master Jeb, Dad just surprised he hell out of me. He recognized your house as a California bungalow style design."

"Listen to your dad, Son, he's usually always right, eh, Jake?"

"Yes, Sir, I keep telling him that but you know smart ass kids, ..."

"Yes, I most certainly do; however, I'll have the honor to straighten out some, but not all, of the kinks in this one in about two weeks."

"Oh, do be careful, Sir, there's one kink I'd hate for you to straighten." They both yucked it up at my expense. I'll have to admit, it was pretty damn funny and allowed dad to say volumes to Master Jeb. Dad let him know he'd be comfortable talking with him about anything. I was more proud of dad at that moment, than I'd ever been. My investment in him had more than paid off. We talked and drank for a while and Master Jeb asked dad if he could drink another beer. Dad told him he'd appreciate one. I went to get them but only brought two for them.

"Beau, I need you to run an errand for me. You know where you turn off Avenue Forty- three to come up here, there's that shopping center there? There's a Save-on drug store in that complex. I have two prescriptions ready to be picked up. Just sign my name and they'll let you have 'em. There's a brief list of things I need from the store next door and enough money to cover. Also add another six pack of beer to the list. Now, I know you're sharp enough to think, 'The old man just wants to get rid of me for a while so he can talk to my dad alone!' And, I would say to that, 'Smart young man!' Here's the keys to my ranger. Thanks Son, I appreciate it"

"Well, you're right about what I might think; however I would never question you. You have your reasons, Master."

"I know you wouldn't, Son. Don't feel hurt."

"I'm not hurt, Sir. I'm happy that the two of you seem to be hitting if off well enough want to share Master talk. I felt you would like each other but I'm glad to see it happen. Be back after while, Dad, Master." I left to run my errands.

"That kid has a way about him, doesn't he?" Dad said to Master Jeb. "He's unbelievable sometime. You want to pinch him to see if he's real." The two men laughed. "I thought I knew the little shit pretty well and Sam calls me into his office this morning and tell's me you said he was a war hero with..."

"Seven Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star?" Master Jeb finished for him. "Yep! I'm keeping them for him in a very intricately sealed wooden box. He wouldn't tell me what was in the box but ask me to trust him it wasn't drugs or anything illegal. None of us would have known if a letter to me about him hadn't happened to mention them."

"Seven Hearts? Bronze star? Hell, he's never said a word to me about them. I've been kinda down all day thinking about it. He know's me well. He knows something's bothering me even though I told him 'no.' Doesn't do any good, he sees right through me. He knows something's wrong."

"You know, Jake, I had the same feelings when I first found out. Then I stopped to think, what if it were me? Is it something I'd go around telling everyone? Not really. Would they think I'm a braggart trying to use it to get something, attention maybe? Would they think I was lying? After all, he is a gay man and they're supposed to be fey and play with dolls. Who ever heard of such a thing? A gay man, a war hero? Well, you get the idea."

"Yes, Sir. I see your point but I just had my head up my butt thinking about my own feelings. I guess I've come to love the little shit so much my own feelings get in the way."

"Tell him just what you've told me when he gets back. He might be a bit upset with me I but can handle him. After all, I didn't tell you, Sam did. I told Sam because he might be able to use it as a leverage to get him a leave of absence for three months. The man who I hope will become his Master would like to see him continue working.

This man has plenty of money and certainly could afford to support the two of them. I've known him for years. Sold him his first slave who died in a plane accident over four years ago. Beau wants to continue working and I think it's a good idea. It'll give him a sense of contributing, pulling his own weight, and that can be important in any relationship."

"I agree, Sir, that's another thing. He talks about you all the time. He's never mentioned another Master he may be sold to. You know, Sir, before I knew anything about him being connected with your family I told him I felt he needed a good man to serve. God as my witness, those were my exact words. Is his intended Master a good man, Sir?"

"It's almost like you intuitively knew where he was heading. That's really interesting, Jake. Yes, the man who hopes to become his Master is a fine man. He's an LAPD motorcycle officer. He stopped Beau on Silverlake Blvd. doing eighty in a thirty-five mile per hour zone. Gave him a ticket for only ten over speed limit. Asked him where he was going in such a rush. Well, you know honest Beau , told him the truth. It just happened this officer and I know each other. Beau was gonna' be late for a deadline of eight o'clock. Oh, I remember now, you were kinda down and he called me to ask for an hour extension on my deadline and I gave him two hours so he could be with you for a while."

"Yes, Sir, I remember that, too."

"This cop friend of mine tells Beau to get back on his bike and follow him. Beau does like he's told and here they come up my street, lights flashing, siren blaring. He gets a police escort to give me an answer if he wants to enter slave training or not. Now, who else in the world would that happen to?

What are the mathematical probabilities that the cop that gives him a ticket is a good friend of mine who's slave had died four years earlier? Too many neat little round pegs fitting into too many little round holes. No pun intended.

If you hadn't been feeling down and delayed him, he never would have met this cop unless it was through me. The really big cherry on top of all this is, the cop was the very man I had in mind to become Beau's future Master. I hadn't given him any details about him or told him he was a cop."

"That's pretty damn spooky, Jeb."

"There's more, a lot more, you'll find out about later either from him or you and I will talk again soon. I don't think for a minute he's trying to keep things from you. The way he talks about you. I thought you must be Jesus returned." Master Jeb laughed. "Right now, I've gotta' talk to you about you and him before he gets back. You don't have to stop seeing Beau just because he's in training.

I'll be blunt with you for time sake; you can have your cake and eat it, too. Meaning, you're welcome to visit him over here. I have an enormous dungeon in the basement that's very private. You go down there, close the door, lock it if you want, tie him to the ceiling, set his hair on fire and no one will bother you. It's completely sound proof so no one will hear his screams as he swings to and fro." Master Jeb laughed heartily at his own joke. So did dad for that matter.

Just give me a call before you leave work and I'll see to it that he's ready for you. Now, if you're not comfortable coming up here I'll understand but I wanted you to hear it from me that you're welcome. To be honest I think it would be good for him if you did show interest in how he was coming along. Your thoughts and opinions are important to him."

"Oh, hell, Sir, I certainly don't feel shy about Beau and my relationship. I don't know how it happened. No, that's a lie. I do know how it happened. I was doing my usual sick thing, using my boot to act like I was fucking his butt. Well, something happened, he relaxed, raised his legs so I could get to his ass a little better.

I thought, 'I'm going to see where this goes.' After about three minutes, I could have sworn I felt him come. I asked him what he had in his ass. Like you said, don't ask him a question if you don't want to hear the truth. He told me his dad made him wear a butt plug everyday to remind him who his hole belongs to. I made him stand in front of me so I could feel it.

Dogies, it was a big plug but Jeb, the strangest thing happened. I thought it was the hottest thing I'd ever heard of. It really turned me on. I sprung a boner that wouldn't go down. I told him I'd have him wear one, too, if he was my boy and meant it. I kept thinking, 'Damn, it may be an extreme way to keep someone reminded of your love, care, or ownership, but then it makes a very passionate statement to require someone to do that.

I have a feeling that most of us live our lives without much passion and when we witness it, it can be a powerful sexual stimulant. Then I thought, if fucking him with my boot turned me on that much, what would it be like to fuck him in the butt with my dick? I never thought he would go for it when I invited myself over to fuck him. He called my bluff. Sweet as he is, he told me his door was always open for his dad. That sent me up a tree.

The sick fantasy of fucking my little boy, which he's become, in his butt just added fuel to my all ready stimulated, raging hormones. The first night I fucked him I thought, 'I don't give a shit whether I may have to wear a label, I've gotta' get me some more of this!' I've never fucked anyone that hard in my life.

The harder I fucked him the more he begged me to fuck him harder. I was afraid I was gonna' hurt him; he assured me I wasn't, so I'd fuck him even harder. I would never fuck a woman that hard. Neither would I ever fuck another man.

Here's the part I can't seem to understand. I shower at Beau's. He warns me not to use soap 'cause women pick up on things like that. He's probably right. Every time I get home, after fucking my brains out with Beau, my old lady wants sex and not just our usual fifteen minutes.

My wife, whom I love dearly, turns into this wild animal and we have the hottest sex we've ever had. It has reawakened in me why I love and married her in the first place. She's expressed the same. Now, I don't know what's going on or why but I ain't about to question it.

I'll lay my cards on the table, Master Jeb, I can't let go of him. I have too much invested in teaching him, working with him every day, some of the best sex I've ever had, and," Jake hung his head and breathed deeply, "God help me, I love him. I really came up here tonight to beg you to consider letting me have even one or two evenings during the three months. I guess, Master Jeb, what I'm trying to say is, I appreciate you being honest with me and gratefully accept your offer."

"Jake, you don't have to call me Master Jeb. Jeb will do fine."

"Sir, I've heard Beau call you Master Jeb a thousand times and I began to think of you as "Master Jeb." I'd appreciate calling you that, too, not because I want to think of you as my Master, but as a sign of respect for being my son's Master. In my mind you have become Master Jeb and I don't think I would be comfortable calling you anything else. That is, with your approval, of course."

"How could I not approve such a well presented and thought out request. Of course you may call me 'Master Jeb' and I'm glad you were candid in your reasons. Then there will be no misunderstanding on either part."

"I don't know why I feel like I've known you a long time but I do. I feel I could tell you anything and it wouldn't leave this room. That in mind, I have another small confession to make. I really could get into this Master/slave thing. I've just played around with Beau. Nothing too serious but I feel it growing. I don't want to be mean to Beau but I see a different person when I shift gears from dad to Master. I think the need for control is more important than any of us ever thought about.

My life with six kids and one on the way seems to be an uncontrollable bull elephant running amok through a three ring circus. When Beau told me I would gain confidence in myself to not ask but demand and expect certain things from him, I thought he was nuts. No more. It's like the control has become an aphrodisiac and to me it's becoming addictive.

It's as strong as any illegal drug, to feel that for a small amount of time I'm in control of someone who has given me that right. There's no feeling I can compare it to. Because Beau has given me this gift my life has become easier, more manageable. I use to dump all responsibilities for the kids on my wife, Anita. I don't do that any more.

I try to take a more active part and it's working. I'm finding I can have some control over my life. I'm doing better at work than I have in ten years. All because of one gay man, that never pushed, went along with my rough edged, homophobic humor with love and patience, until one day, long before we started playing, it hit me so hard I left work early, went out, got roaring drunk, slept on the couch, and called in sick the next day.

I realized, I had fallen in love with him. A straight man, who never thought he would have feelings like that for another man. I was devastated. How could this happen to me? I kept thinking, 'I'm not interested in sex with the kid so I can't be homosexual.'

That's when he became my boy. It was 'boy' this 'boy' that. He knew what was going on and was comfortable with that small amount of my love. He never ask for it in the first place. He still doesn't. He started calling me Big Daddy Jake, which was his way of saying,'Look old man you don't fool me for a minute.' He never pushed and would have been perfectly satisfied with our relationship to go on like that.

However, after the plug incident, and he called my bluff, we launched into a new relationship. He's never called me Big Daddy Jake after that first night. I became, Dad. He was serious. He became my son. I was and still am serious. It helped me understand a lot of things. Being exposed to all this and meeting you is bringing things in focus. I'm no longer afraid of sexuality. My sexual interest do not have to fit within the confines of a small square box that society tries to make everyone think is the only way.

My point in all this rambling is, I'm drawn to that need to control like a moth to a flame. Right now, I would be incapable of exploring it with anyone but Beau. It turns me on like I've never been turned on in my narrow minded, fucking life. Beau tells me I'm getting pretty good at it. I just feel like I'm giving him something he needs."

"I know, he's been telling me about you getting into snapping your fingers and pointing to your boots. To say nothing of him having to explain his belly full of dad piss to his cop Master last evening." Master Jeb laughed.

"Oh, my God, the poor kid. That's too bad. Oh shit, Jeb, why am I laughing?" The two men laughed and were still laughing when Beau walked in the house.

"One final thing, Jake, If you're serious about learning to be a Master, the dungeon downstairs is the best place to learn. You're lucky, in a way, you couldn't wish for a better slave than Beau. By the time he graduates from training you won't recognize him. He will become a total slave who's only purpose will be to serve.

If you think playing Master turns you own now, just wait. I won't be able to get you out of that dungeon. Watch out, you may find yourself wanting one of your own." Master Jeb said with humor, winking at Jake.

"Please, Master Jeb, the thought has already crossed my mind more than I'd like to think about. I'm afraid I might be changing."

"Nonsense, Jake! I have over a dozen straight men, happily married with families, that have bought a man-slave from me to fuck on the side. I know they haven't switched. Well, one did. He got tired of putting up with women's shit. When the wife has headaches or won't put out they call up the slave, tell him to clean out, grease it up 'cause Master's on his way over to tear off a piece.

Beau told me you were questioning yourself. My advice, don't. If it floats your boat, as long as you're not physically or mentally harming anyone what harm can there be? You don't feel harmed or taken advantage of in your experience with Beau, do you?"

"Gosh no! Sometime he's the only bright spot in my day and that's aside from the sex. I guess I've come to depend on him to make me laugh and he always does."

Part III ~ Come Together, Over Me.

his flesh was flesh his blood was blood: no hungry man but wished him food; no cripple wouldn't creep one mile uphill to only see him smile.

From: my father moved through dooms of love e e cummings

I came back from the store and asked Master Jeb if I might get undressed.

"I don't mind but I really think you should ask Master Jake if he would be comfortable with that."

"Master Jake may I have your permission to remove my clothes?"

"I'll consider it slave. Hit parade rest and keep your mouth shut until I get back to you on that. Master Jeb and I are still talking. When we're through I'll discuss it with you. I don't want to hear another word out of you unless either of us asks you a direct question. You're not to move from there either. Is that understood, slave?"

"Yes, Sir, Master Jake, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Master Jeb put his arm around Jake's shoulder and led him to the kitchen to get another beer. The two men were far enough from me I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I knew I loved Master Jake being firm with me in front of Master Jeb. I was proud of my Dad that he felt comfortable enough in front of Master Jeb to control me. He wasn't mean. He was firm, demanding and I had no question as to his seriousness. Funny, my dick was rock hard. Somehow, I knew dad's was, too.

"Damn, Master Jake, that was fine." Said Master Jeb. "I've always said Beau's a natural born slave but I'm beginning to believe we may have a natural Master on our hands,too. You were firm, yet told him you weren't ignoring him, but manners dictate he wait until you've finished your conversation before he can expect an answer."

"Well done. Now, Jake, did that turn you on?" Dad Jake pulled his coveralls tight at the waist so Master Jeb could see the outline of his erection. Master Jeb laughed so hard he almost choked.

"Come, Jake, let me give you a tour of the dungeon. We'll return and you may deal with the boy as you see fit. I guarantee he'll still be in the same spot at parade rest." Master Jeb began to give Jake the tour of the dungeon through the secret door. Master Jeb flipped on some select spots to give the dungeon a mysteriousness that made Jake stop dead in his tracks. He stood there for the longest time, his mouth open and his eyes glazed.

"You okay, Son?" Master Jeb inquired. No immediate answer from Jake.

"Much better than just 'okay,' Master Jeb. I'm home." He said softly like a young boy.

"It does have a comfy, lived in feeling to it, doesn't it?" chided Master Jeb.

"Master Jeb, are you sure I haven't died and this is heaven?" Jeb gave a hardy laugh.

"Okay, young man, here are my parameters or rules for the dungeon and seeing Beau. Monday nights are reserved. You may have no more than two afternoons a week until he finishes training. You may schedule Tuesday and Thursday or Wednesday and Friday evenings. They don't have to be the same from week to week I understand work plays a part and you just may not be able to get up here on a scheduled night. So let's be flexible. If you can't schedule until a Thursday then you can't have Friday as one of you two days. I insist on one day apart for both your sakes. Say you schedule for a Tuesday and see you can't make it, then you may reschedule for Wednesday and Friday. You may have a Friday if your schedule hasn't allowed you to get up here before then. Is that fair?"

"Jeezzs, Master Jeb, it's more than fair. You're everything Beau said you were and more."

"Dungeon rules are simple. You'll find everything you need on those shelves over there. There's a clipboard on that nail at the end of that shelf. If we run out of something simply write a note so it can be replaced for the next person. Any toys you decide to use on him you supervise, make sure he cleans and puts away. You don't ever lift a finger to clean anything in the dungeon. That's what we have slaves for. It's an expected part of their job description." They both laughed at his joke.

"Would you care to take it out for a test drive this evening, Sir?" Master Jeb laughed using one hand to encompass the whole of the huge dungeon.

"If I wouldn't be inconveniencing you in any way, Master Jeb."

"Nah, I didn't plan anything this evening, I thought this might happen. Let's go back upstairs and you turn control of him over to me. If you are once given control you must give it back to avoid confusion for the slave.

I'll send him down to clean himself and when he's through, he'll buzz me up here. Let me set him up the first time for you in the sling. I'll come back up and send you down. Then take as much time as you like. You have my word, no one will disturb you. Do we have a plan?"

"We do. Master Jeb and thank you for your considerable hospitality."

"Glad to do it, Son." The two Masters came back to the small room off the porch were I was still standing at parade rest. Master Jake walked over to me and spoke,

"Relax, slave." Then he just snapped is fingers and pointed to his boots. I was on them fast, kissing each one.

"That's good for right now, slave. Stand and face me. Put your arms around your old man." I did as ordered and Master Jake put his arms around me and patted my head as he held me tight.

"Go with Master Jeb to remove your clothes. You will obey him."

"Yes, Master Jake, thank you, Sir."

Master Jeb took me to the dungeon stairs and gave me orders to go to the first holding cell by the showers. I was to buzz him when I finished undressing and he would come down and remove my plug and harness. I got undressed and buzzed for Master Jeb. He came down, removed my plug and then the harness.

"Get in the shower and clean out and buzz me again when you're totally dry and drained." When Master Jeb came back down he was carrying my leathers. Put your boots and chaps on, Son, and your leather vest. He left for a minute while I got my leathers on. He came back with a leather hood. First he bent me over the small bed in the holding cell and inserted my plug.

He put the leather hood over my head and told me to adjust it in the front so I could see and my nose could breath through the openings. I was comfortable with it and he began to lace it from the top down the back of my head and down my neck. Master Jeb tied it off in the back.

He took a look at his handiwork and declared it to look good. He ordered me to open my mouth and inserted a fat leather plug and secured it behind my head. He gave me two leg cuffs and told me to attach them around the ankles of my boots.

When I finished he had me hold out my wrist and cuffed them with leather cuffs secured with clip hooks. He put my slave collar on and attached his leash. Master Jeb led me to the sling and had me get in. I raise my legs as ordered to the 'y' in the chains on either side.

After he had secured my ankle cuffs and wrist cuffs he reached in his back pocket and brought out the eye covering for the hood. He carefully snapped it in place. Master Jeb told me to relax someone would be down in a while. I lay there waiting for what seemed like a long time. Master Jeb returned to the living room where Jake was finishing his beer.

"He's ready for you. Let me fill you in on what I've done so you won't be surprised. He's in the sling, his mouth is plugged and the eye piece is on snapped on a leather hood I put on him. He can't talk to you or see you unless you want him to. He's clipped into position in the sling and can't get down unless you release the clips.

This is going to be new to you. Just keep in your mind that you're his Master; the dungeon is for your pleasure, not his. Take a couple a' beers with you, relax, and take your time. If you want to take him without seeing you, do it. If you just want to fuck him and walk away for the evening, do it. I'll take him down and have him cleanup after.

He's probably all ready taught you to take him hard the first entry. Don't try to hurt him just make it swift and sure. It'll set the tone for the rest of the fuck. Just remember you're in control. You're down there for one thing, your pleasure.

If you don't want to allow him to come, tell him he can't. Don't explain anything to him if you don't feel like it. He's there for only one purpose, your use. He needs that and has to have it. You're giving to him by taking it away.

Sounds like a dichotomy doesn't it? It's not. Try fucking him for your pleasure until you're ready to get your rocks off. If you need to fuck him hard ,do it. Then do it again. He's not going anywhere. If you need anything buzz, and I'll come to the door and yell to you. Any questions, Son?"

"No, Master Jeb, I think you covered everything. Again, I appreciate your hospitality."

"Go, enjoy, and don't come back 'til you do!" Jeb said laughing. I heard steps on the stairs. Someone approached the sling and stood there for a minute. I had hoped it was dad or I should say Master Jake, because he had taken on the other persona.

I loved either one. I'm not sure but I'll be able to tell when I recognize body odor or the way someone takes you is always distinctive. God, I hoped it was Master Jake. I don't know what was bothering him today but maybe fucking my ass might take his mind off it. I heard him walk away toward the holding cell. I heard big boots on the concrete floor; distinctive boot sounds I'd memorized. They were my dad's big boots.

I was happy and squirmed in the sling to make sure my ass was far enough over the edge so he wouldn't have to bang into the heavy leather straps of the sling. Soon, I heard dad's big boots again. Oh, Wow! I can't see him but he's gonna' fuck me wearing 'em. I almost came thinking about how good they look on him, with his coveralls.

Damn, the thought made my cock rise to salute. I hear him walk up one side of the sling then the other. It was hot not being able to speak or see. I could feel Master Jake looking down at me, then he'd move around to the other side of the sling and just stood there. I could hear him breathing. I could feel his presence. I could smell his wonderful scent he had after a full days work.

I felt he was looking at or studying something. Then I felt him unhook one of the ankle cuffs and pull my boot back over my head, bending my knee almost to my chest. He went around to the other side and did the same with my other leg. My boots and wrists were clipped to the same chain that held the sling to the eye bolts in the overhead. Then I heard him walk away to the shelves and then returned.

"Work your ass down a little further in the sling." I managed to duck walk my ass down a little further 'til he was satisfied. "I'm going to give you the control you need this evening. I'm not a trained Master but I do have feelings. So maybe I'm gonna' give you the control I think you need. Not as a Master but as your dad. I'm going to undo your eye patch and mouth plug. I want you to be able to see your dad fuck you and hear your sighs of pleasure when I get my big dick up there inside your slave ass."

He quickly removed them and I could see a shit eating grin on his face at me all trussed up. I felt his finger inspect my hole to see if I was lubed to his satisfaction. It must have been because then I felt the big head of his cock pressed against my back door. I thought,

'Uh-oh! I'm about to get it. Hang on ass.'

He paused and rubbed the big head around my rosebud to coat it with his pre-come. He took his finger and worked it into my hole. He repeated this several times until he was satisfied it was ready for planting.

'I'm gonna' get that big fucking piece of Italian salmi sunk to the hilt up my ass,' I thought. With one swift, sure, lunge, Master Jake had all of it in me and pressed hard to lock it in. I moaned in ecstacy and started trying to fuck his dick with my ass.

"I'll do the fucking, Son. You just put that ass up there so I don't have to hunt for it. I want that ass up there ready to meet each stroke. You make your hole into a welcoming committee for my dick." Then dad started his pleasure fucking.

Damn, it must be the dungeon, the sling or both inspiring him. Maybe it was my ass was on fire from anticipation and was ripe to be fucked. It felt so good I thought I was gonna' pass out again. Dad was making some new moves in his fucking that were sending me into orbit. He usually would have shifted into 'fuck-the-little-ass-so-hard-his-fillings-rattle' mode by now.

He was taking his sweet time doing his pleasure fucking. Opening me up, stretching my hole. There was no hurry. He was a man on a mission. This was a new old man that was fucking me. It was after he had fucked me gently and deeply for some time he sighed deeply as if his soul was trying to communicate a childlike reverence, joy, awe and peace through my ass.

Somehow I felt an apology from the man that was breaking new sexual communication between us. It was an apology for no longer being able to contain the core animal he and I both knew was being held on a short leash. I laughed as he lowered my legs to a more comfortable position with his cock way up in side me. He clipped my boots to the chains on either side of him.

"I know what that little laugh was about." Dad said quietly. I looked him in the eye as he took a good long stroke into me.

"Yeah, Dad, you do. You've taken us to a new level and I'm not sure I have the right to ask you to unleash your animal. If I begged you to let him loose would it be for your pleasure or because I enjoy him so much I want you to let him go for your pleasure."

"Don't worry, Kid. I just took his leash off so hang on to your ass. We can hash the psychology behind something as simple as a good hot animal lust-fuck Monday morning on break. Right now this animal has a butt to fuck."

The non-thinking, rational man-animal had been replaced by the heart of a savage beast. God, I have a thing for beasts. You may have a thousand polite, gentlemanly, politically correct, missionary position fucks. Just leave me one hulking, snorting, savage, man-sweat, pheromone-pumping, down and dirty, grunt and root it out beast. Happy fuck, thou art a beast!

Dad had built us both to such a height that I moaned to him I couldn't hold out much longer. I felt him begin his sprint for home. Less than five seconds, two gigantic thrusts to the base of his dick, he shot his load deep within me and my dick started shooting heavy ropes of thick come all over my belly.

After I thanked him for the good fucking, Master Jake ordered me to clean the sling area and join him on the leather futon. It only took me a minute as there wasn't that much we had soiled or misplaced. Dad was laying there on the futon playing with himself and held his arms open for me. I went to him to be embraced in a more loving hug that Jake had ever done before. I loved it but I was a bit confused.

"I have something to say to you and I want you to listen to me until I'm through. I've been a fool Beau. I look back on the way I treated you when you first came to work at the shop and I feel so bad and embarrassed after learning what I did about you today.

I fell in love with you, Son, long before you ever knew but I've never admitted it to you before now. That's right, the old straight son of a bitch didn't see it coming, didn't see that he was falling in love with you. How could I be in love with you? I asked myself, over and over. I knew you were gay. You knew I was a raging homophobe.

I pushed you to the limit and couldn't get any anger out of you. You never fought back. You only came up with something more outrageous than I could think of. It would make me laugh at you and laugh at myself. I've said it before and I'll say it again, just in case you missed it the first time, you beat me at my own fucking game without firing a shot. I concede.

You know what, Son? I'm damn glad you did win. Maybe I didn't make myself clear when I told you I love you. Let me spell it out for you. I can't love you the way Master Jeb and your future Master will. As much as every one is trying to include me I still feel,......well, maybe a little jealous and left out.

I can only love you as my son and God as my witness, I do. The funny thing about it is, you never asked me for my love; however, I always felt your love for me even when I was being mean to you. Is that a cop out or denial? I don't know. I do know, I've had some of the best sex in my life from you and my wife since I've been fucking you.

I don't know why, but I also don't give a damn. I'm not going to question why these things came about, they just did. Now, you're laying here thinking where the hell is he coming from and what is this all about. Well, I'm about to tell you. You can see through me like a pane of glass. You knew there was something bothering me today and I shined you on.

After talking with Master Jeb I've decided what happened was unwitting on your part. I had to hear about your service medals this morning from Sam. Master Jeb told Sam to get some leverage for you to get a three months leave of absence. I agree with what Jeb did because he made a decision that may get you what you want.

The point is, I don't think you meant to hurt my feelings by keeping this from me. I truly think you're embarrassed by them and didn't want anyone to know. That's because of one of your personality traits of being unassuming, those things just aren't important to you.

I'm not angry or I wouldn't be talking to you about it. I'd be beating your butt. I'm your dad. You told me so, I believe you and because I want to be. Let me finish.

One thing I can't understand is all those times I was intimating that you were gay and riding you as hard as I did why the hell didn't you play those medals as a trump card? Hell, they would impress the B'Jesus out of any red neck son of a bitch, homophobe or not."

"It never occurred to me, Dad. Besides, that was a long time ago to me. Something I put behind me and try to think about as little as possible. Is that why you fucked me so sweetly tonight and you let your animal have his full way with me? I always tell you each time it was your best but this time the dungeon inspired you. Don't think you've ever fucked me so fine, Dad. Don't feel hurt about the medals, Dad. No one else wouldn't known if Master Jeb hadn't gotten a letter from a buddy of mine who knew about them. I love you too fucking much to keep anything like that from you. In all honesty it never crossed my mind. I wanted you to relate to me as you did, a smart ass kid off the street who won you over. You won me over, too, Dad. I kept my distance until that morning you fucked my plug. I'm not sorry you did. Things have been really tight between us but I worry about now."

"Naww, don't worry. I understand, I'll get over it. It just set me back a bit, is all."

Dad hugged and kissed me and ordered me to the showers. He joined me and I rubbed him off with a cloth with no soap. I finished and he was almost dressed. I knew it was getting late and he needed to get home. He grabbed me and hugged me.

"I love you, Son."

"I believe you do, Sir, I love you, too." I looked in his eyes and saw a question. 'Are you gonna' make me order you to do it?' I fell to my knees and kissed each of his boots.

"Gotta' run kid. See ya' Monday. Have a good weekend."

"You, too, Dad, Bye." I don't know why but I knew. He was hurting inside and I was the cause. A great weight fell upon me.

The rest of the evening was languid. I helped Master Jeb fix a small dinner for us and Master Jim came home while dad and I were in the dungeon. Big Jim stayed in his upstairs room and Master Jeb sent me up to get him for dinner. I climbed the large stairs to the second floor. Master Jeb told me it was the last room on the right. I found it with the door slightly open. I knocked quietly.

"Come in." He said quietly. I opened the door slowly and found Big Jim sitting in the dark in a chair looking out the window. I stood there looking at him with the urge to run and fall at his feet. I controlled myself.

"Master Jim, I've been sent to gather you for dinner."

"I appreciate that, young man, but first, come, let me gather you in my arms." Three giant steps and I was in the big man's arms sitting in his lap. He hugged me with his huge arms surrounding me, holding me close for a few minutes. Then he kissed me behind the ear and spoke softly, "And how's Beau this evening?"

"Confused, Master Jim, but I don't want to get into it. You asked how I was and I was trying to be truthful."

"Well, I speak 'confused.'" chided Master Jim "There's only one way to defeat it."

"How's that, Master?"

"Get more confused. That way the original confusion doesn't look so bad." Damn, it was comfortable in the big man's arms but don't go there, Beau, I told myself.

"Gimme' a kiss, Son!" He kissed me gently "Do you remember what I told you the first time I met you? If you ever need a place to run to or need a good Master?"

"Yes, Sir, I remember."

"I just wanted to see if you remembered. I was serious. I wanted to remind you 'cause you never know what may happen in the future. The offer, by the way, is still open and valid. I've thought long and hard about you and me and I know it can't be, but I'm going to tell you something I haven't told another soul since Scout. I love you, Beau.

Between you and me, it's eating me alive to see you fall in love with someone else when I want you by my side. Of all the people Jeb could have chosen for you, none is finer than Earl D. Shaw. No matter what happens in the future I will do my damnedest to help Jeb train you and offer you my protection where ever we go.

You may come to my bed anytime you need me but you must get Jeb's approval first. I don't want to be accused of doing anything behind his back. You never know what the future may bring. So, please, Beau, always remember there's someone out there that loves you and wants you."

"That's part of my confusion, Master Jim, I love you, too. I've tried to sublimate my feelings 'cause I didn't think you felt the same. How can I be falling in love with Master Earl and still have love for you? Are we creatures that have the ability to love many people ? I've told Master Earl I'd acknowledge his claim if he made one because I've fallen in love with him. If I'm to be a slave for the rest of my life, I'd like it to be with someone I love."

"And, you should be the slave of a Master who finds you easy to love as well. Just always remember there's someone watching over you."

"Thank you, Master Jim."

"Your welcome, Son. Now, let's go eat."

Somehow, I didn't seem so confused anymore.

End Chapter 9 The Ties That Bind Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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