Published on Sep 5, 2007



Andy knocked on the door. He had 30 minutes to deliver the two pizzas. Looking at his watch he sighed. He had 10 minutes to spare.

"OH great you're here, come on in" the tall man smiled.

It took Andy a minute to recover from seeing the shirtless man wearing a leather harness at the door.

"Come on in I'll get your money" the man said acting pleasant.

"You can relax there, want a coke or something?" the man offered

Andy couldn't take his eyes off the smooth developed torso. A gold ring hung from one nipple. And his thick hairy legs jut out from black leather shorts.

"No , uh no Sir" Andy responded.

The "Sir" made the man stop and smile "You're very polite boy" he said.

"Uh yes Sir" Andy said again.

"I'll get you a coke" the man said turning the other direction. About that time there was kind of running sounds and then barking.

"Oh oh here he come" the man said "don't worry he's friendly"

"no worries Sir I like dogs" Andy said sitting up ready to receive the pet.

But instead of a furry dog trotting into the living room, what looked like a naked dude on his hands and knees came in.

He barked and panted. There was a kind of dog mask on his face.

"He's enthusiastic" The man said "Just don't let him up n the couch" the man left the room.

Andy started to get up to leave but he needed the money for the pizza so he decided not to move. In the meantime the doggie dude came to him and barked looking up at Andy.

His paws were black leather with no sign of fingers. He pawed at Andy and barked.

"Go ahead and pet him, he likes to be scratched behind the years or on his stomach" the man called out.

Andy heard the sound of a coke can being opened. He hesitatnly reached out and pet the head of the doggie dude.

The dog rubbed his head against Andy's leg. The curled black rubber tail moved as the doggie dude wiggled his hips.

And the guy was naked. His cock and balls hung loose like any dog's would be..

But instead of recoiling Andy found himself still petting the human pet as it responded with a smile and panting. It rolled on the floor on it's back.

"Go ahead he loves his stomach rubbed" the man reappeared offering Andy a glass wiht ice cubes and coke.

"Uh is he uh always uh like this?" Andy asked as he nodded thanks for the drink.

"Oh ye comes over some evenings, turns from a college kid into a dog as soon as he comes in. It took him awhile but after a few sessions, he found he loves being a boy. You're a good boy aren't you?"

The man rubbed the doggie dudes stomach and let his hand play with the erect cock and balls.

"I keep him shaven, feed him, take him for walks, if he's bad I swat his butt and teach him tricks" the man said "he's a good doggie. sleeps over there some nights" the man pointed to a basket aginst the wall with blankets. It was large, enough for a very large dog or the naked dude acting like one.

Andy was petting the smooth chest and stomach as he talked to the guy.

"I guess whatever works for you" he said

"Well guys like to give up control sometimes. I have others I train once in a while, you konw, leather stuff" the man pulled on his harness. "You'd probably look good in one, you have a nice chest."

"Uh thank you, I gotta get back to the store so could I uh..." Andy stammered

"Oh yea the pizzas, ok I'll go get some money for you. You might play with his nipples, he likes that"

Andy automatically moved his fingers to the doggie dudes nipples without thinkng, He started playing wiht them then stopped.

"Here's your money" the man offered when he returned "There's a tip there and my doggie will give you another tip"

The doggie moved back to his hands and knees and nuzzled his snout in Andy's crotch.

"hey man, no way" Andy started to get up.

"It's ok, all the boys get em, he's good at it, didn't they tell you?" The man said.

Andy knew why the guys at the store laughed when they gave him the address. They insisted he take the delivery, saying it was his turn.

"I uh gotta get back" Andy pleaded but the man had left the room "You go ahead let him take care of you, I'll give you privacy if you want it" he called from the other room.

Andy tried to push the doggie dudes head away.

"man you gotta let me, if i don't he'll hit me with his belt" the doggie dude spoke in a whisper "come on, it hurts"

"he said he only pops you with a newspaper" Andy said.

"yea that's ok but if I disobey him he gets real angry" the guy said "just close your eyes and imagine it's your girl" the kid said

"Coming in" the man warned.

Andy unzipped his fly. His cock, already hard with the talk of a blowjob, popped out and the doggie dude was quickly licking and sucking it.

Andy put hishead back and closed his eyes. The pleasure was instant and he couldn't believe he was getting a blow job from a guy dressed up and acting like a dog while a leather clad man watched.

"it's ok, just enjoy it" the man said. His hands rested on Andy's shoulders then moved to his chest rubbing his erect nipples through the cloth.

Andy could hardly control himself. his body quckly inflamed and he was trying not to cum immediately.

"That's it, fight it" the man seemed to know what he was doing. "Now just relax and let my doggie take care of you" the man's fingers were not gently pulling on Andy's nipples as the hot mouth and tongue were toying with his penis.

"Oh shit" Andy said as his body released streams into the doggie dude's mouth.

"Good boy good boy" the man patted Andy's chest and head.

Andy didn't know if he was talking to him or the dog.

"That's kind of the way he started. Got a bj from another doggie I had then wanted to try it out himself. You can fuck him if you want too"

The man sat down and began to scratch behind the human dog's head. "He's a great fuck this one"

He played with the black rubber tail that was stuck in the doggie dudes butt.

"No I gotta get back to work" Andy stood putting his penis back inside his jeans. "Uh thank you for the tip" he held up the money "and the uh other tip" he smiled through his blush red face.

The man walked him to the door.

"You know my doggie could use a companion. If you want to try it, Nothing nicer then haveing two doggies runnig around, licking, sniffing each other, fucking, all the stuff doggies do"

"You'd be a good dog I bet" the man's hands moved down Andy's back and rested on his butt. "I have another tail waiting for you".

Andy took all the jokes at the Pizza Store when he got back. He said nothing happened but the other delivery boys knew what really happened.

Sunday, Andy found himself knocking on the door. In a few minutes he'd be naked and feel the tail jammed into his butt. He would get used to moving around on his hands and knees. And he knew there was more he'd get used to....and learn to do.

The man answered the door.

"Down boy" the man said holding a collar and leash "I have to take you two for a walk"

Andy knelt as the collar turned him into a pet..the kind of pet he knew he wanted to be.

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