The Tutor Series

By Haisam Jamal

Published on Sep 6, 2021


Hi all, I want you to know that the following story is a work of Fiction. It is a fantasy that a new friend of mine, Hiroko suggested I write about.

I ask that you please donate, whatever you can to Nifty, because without them, I can't share my fantasies or Hiroko's fantasies with you, and you wouldn't have the pleasure of reading my story and other people's stories.

Thank you and enjoy.



It's Saturday morning and Jennifer Andrews wakes up to the sound of the alarm clock. 6.20am. She wakes up happy this morning. Again. The same dream that she has been having for the last three months fresh in her mind.

He dream wasn't always a happy dream. In fact, the first time she had the dream, she was in shock, waking up in a sweat. Thinking to herself, what is this all about. Is she weird, or what? Why is she having this dream?

Two months ago, Jennifer decided that she needed to lose some weight and get fit again. She had let herself go a little bit over the past few years and summer was coming up. She also wanted to set a good example for her daughter. During the week Jennifer would get up at 7am, go for a thirty-minute run, and then go to work. Saturdays was her `special' training day, so she would get up a little earlier.

Every Saturday training session was different. Sometimes she did some boxing, sometimes interval training, sometimes aerobic training, or a combination of all three. And sometimes, the dreaded beach run on the soft sand. She never knew what was in stall for her until she caught up with her personal trainer, Matt. All she knew is that today, she will not be doing the beach run. Matt normally tells her the week before if she was doing the beach run.

She goes to the bathroom and relieves herself and to I wash the sleep out of her face. No need for make-up. Not a good look when you are serious about a work-out. She found that out the first time she met Matt. He sent her home and told her that if she was serious about training and getting fit, to come back the following week. With no make-up. And she did. She was serious.

She takes her nightgown off and slips on a sports bra and a pair of lycra sports shorts. She doesn't bother to wear underwear when she works-out unless it is, `that time of the month'. As she gets dressed, the dream is replayed in her head.

`She is laying down on her bed, fully clothed whilst this man gives her a massage. It feels, so good. She can't see the man's face. He has a face, but somehow she can't see it. She closes her eyes and falls asleep enjoying his soft soothing touches. When she wakes up from her short sleep, she finds herself now laying on her back, completely naked. And there she is. A woman is now massaging her legs and then her hips, her abdomen, arms, head...all the while smiling at her...and then she wakes up'.

She sees the girls face. She knows her. Why is she dreaming about this girl massaging her and why is she enjoying it!

It's 6.35am and Jennifer is out the door. Her Saturday workouts are in a park not far from where she lives. When she first started her Saturday workouts it would take her about fifteen minutes to run there. Now it takes her about seven or eight minutes. Plenty of time for her to stretch before the 7am start.

Today it took her seven minutes to get to the park. She begins her stretching and at exactly 7am, Matt arrives. How does he do it? He is always on time. Never late, not even a minute.

Matt asks if Jennifer is ready and regardless of the answer he receives, she is straight into her work-out. Today is interval training today. 400 metre jog, 40 metre sprint, 100 metre walk. Ten times. No stopping. Forty minutes later Jennifer is cooling down and Matt is off. Till next Saturday.

After all the running, she decides to walk home. She gets there just after 8am and as she walks into the kitchen, she sees her daughter Samantha is up and preparing breakfast for the two of them. This has been Samantha's routine for the last two months. It looks like Samantha is going to be a while, so Jennifer decides to have a shower.

Jennifer goes up stairs, quickly undresses and goes into the bathroom. She turns on the shower and hops right in. It is a little cold, but she doesn't mind, especially after her Saturday work-out. The water finally warms up and she starts washing herself.

As she does, `that dream' comes back into her head. She knows she needs to focus on something else, but it seems every time she sees her daughter lately, she thinks of that dream.

She gets out of the shower and dries herself off, puts on a pair of casual three-quarter cargo pants and a modest bra and a singlet. She will wear her daughters soccer team sports jacket later at the game.

Today is Samantha's soccer final. The game doesn't start until one in the afternoon, but she has got herself into a routine now. Jennifer likes the fact that her daughter has been getting up early on Saturdays and making breakfast. One less thing she has to do.

Samantha is just like her dad. She loves sport. She has been playing soccer since she was six. Now she is eighteen and will hopefully be off to university next year. In summer she swims and for the last four years, also plays Cricket. At school she played Netball and Touch Football. She wanted to play Rugby, her dad's favourite sport, but Jennifer said no. There is no way that she was going to let her daughter ruin that beautiful face of hers by playing Rugby.

Samantha's father was a professional Rugby player. He passed away just over four years ago from a brain tumour. It is days like this that Jennifer is reminded of him. Samantha loved her dad to bits and so did she. He was the perfect dad and the perfect mentor to Samantha.

The only positive thing to come out of Jason's death, was that it was sudden. One day he woke up feeling ill, went to the Doctor and the next day, he had passed. It was a sudden shock for both Samantha and her, but looking back, it is probably the best thing for him.

Samantha took her father's loss extremely hard. She became very withdrawn and argumentative. The slightest thing would set her off. There were days where she wouldn't even want to get out of bed. After a few counselling sessions, she agreed to start playing sport again, `because that's what her father wanted' and she slowly improved, mentally. However, her grades at school, didn't.

Jennifer decided to hire a tutor to help Samantha with her schoolwork. That was three months ago. She couldn't afford to have her daughter slip further behind in school. She had three months to improve her grades, or there would be no chance of getting into university. To her surprise, it took the tutor only two weeks to get Samantha to start concentrating on her schoolwork again. When she did, her grades improved remarkably. So did her attitude and her athletic ability.

Once she is dressed, Jennifer goes downstairs to the kitchen to find a glass of freshly squeezed juice (she is not sure what this one is, it's green) and a plate with two poached eggs, button mushrooms, smoked salmon, spinach and two pieces of Rye toast. Jennifer is impressed.

She compliments her daughter on a delicious breakfast and then clears the table, rinses the dishes and places them in the dishwasher. There are a few more hours to go before they have to leave for Sam's soccer final, so she decides to go and get a few groceries for tonight's `celebration dinner', after her appointment at the Beautician. It is that time of the month. Bikini wax time.

On the way to the Beautician, she decides what she wants to cook tonight. That way, when she is finished at the Beautician, she can pick up all the things that she needs with plenty of time to spare. The bikini wax is done, now she is off to the Grocery Store. She goes straight to the produce section. Tomato, lettuce, cucumber, radish, red onion, and red cabbage. And garlic and lemon. A fresh salad with a healthy dressing.

She then goes to the fresh seafood section and wow. Dewfish. She could never find her favourite fish at the supermarket, but today she has. She orders four fillets and a dozen king size prawns. Now to the frozen section where she grabs a blueberry cheesecake. All done. She pays for the groceries and on the way back to her car she decides to stop at the bottle shop.

Jennifer walks in and grabs a bottle of Champagne. As she turns around there is Yumi. Samantha's tutor. Yumi says, "Hello Jennifer." Jennifer just looks at her and stares. She wasn't expecting to see her. She had no make-up on and was wearing these clothes...and she just looked at her. "Jennifer are you okay," Yumi asked in her heavenly half American, half Australian accent.

"Oh Yumi. How are you. I just thought that I forgot something," Jennifer says. "Yeah, you sort of looked a little distracted," Yumi replied. Jennifer took a deep breath and two then started chatting. About today, what was happening this afternoon and dinner tonight, with Samantha. Jennifer couldn't remember what she was talking to Yumi about. She was too distracted. Yumi then says, "Thank you Jennifer. I would love that. I will touch base with you about a week before to see what you need. Tell Sam I said good luck and I will talk to you soon." Then she was off. Jennifer just stood there for a minute, holding the bottle of Champagne.

She was so distracted, that she almost walked out of the bottle shop without paying for the Champagne. How was she going to explain that to the cashier? And the dream came back.

Jennifer gets into her car and places everything on the front passenger seat, turns the air conditioner in the car on, to high and starts to drive home. It's warm outside, but not hot. But she is hot. Burning hot. She drives home in a daze, reliving her dream.

She gets home and goes inside. Samantha is not there. She yell's out to her, and the reply comes, "Give me a couple of minutes, mum".

Jennifer then puts the groceries in the fridge, making sure to hide the bottle of Champagne. She wants it to be a surprise. Regardless if Sam's team wins or loses, she will be having Champagne for the first time. By the way, she has earned it. She went from having C's and D's at school, to getting A's and B's. She definitely earned it.

Five minutes later Sam and Jennifer were in her car, on the way to the park for her soccer final. The Park was busy, being the finals day. It took a little longer to find parking, but she eventually did.

Jennifer met up with two other `soccer mums', Julia, who she works with and Mandy. They were all excited about their girls being in the final. It was the first time for all of them.

The game was great. Back and forth between both teams. At half-time the score was tied at 1-1. Samantha had the `assist' on their goal, and she was playing really well. With just over five minutes to go, the other team scored. That was the final score. 2-1 for the other team.

Sam's team were not despondent at all. They had just come so close to beating a team that hasn't lost a single game in three years. All the girls on her team, were just as happy as the winning team. It was great to see.

Just as Sam's team was walking off the field, I see Yumi again. Dressed in the same outfit that I had seen her in earlier today. She walked straight up to Sam and gave her a hug. `What is Yumi doing here? Did she mention that she was coming to the game when I saw her today? I'm not sure', I think to myself as she hugged Sam. They stood there chatting a while, before Sam came over to me. Julia and Mandy said goodbye and walked over to their respective daughters.

"Good game honey. So close. But good game", I say. "Yeah. I can't believe we played that well. They beat us three times this year and the closest we got was three goals. All the girls are so happy", she replied. "Oh, honey. That is great. I am so happy for you and all the girls on your team".

Sam then went back over to where the whole team had congregated. Their coach made a speech and then Sam grabbed her kit bag, and she was back with me. We started to walk back to my car when Sam said, "Mom. That is so nice that you invited Yumi over for Christmas Lunch. She is so happy, to finally have a proper Christmas Lunch in over five years". All I could say was, "Yes".

`Is that what we were speaking about in the Bottle Shop? What is wrong with me? Every time I see Yumi, I lose all train of thought'.

Yumi is an incredibly beautiful, delicate creature. She was born in Hawaii to a Japanese mother and an American father. She had long black silky hair that just shone. She had a slim long face and strong cheekbones. He eyes were like black pearls. She had a small slim nose and puffy lips. And the most perfect white teeth. Why wouldn't she. Her father was a Dentist.

Yumi is 23 years old and has been in Australia for five years, studying Medicine at University. She is a little shorter than me, maybe 5'8. She has a solid athletic build and long muscular legs, that lead up to nicely developed hips and the flattest stomach you will see on a woman. She is simply perfect in every way. Then there are her 34D size breasts. I know they are a `D' because they are pretty much the same size as mine.

Today, Yumi was wearing a pair of bright yellow casual shorts, not too short and a white shirt, which she tied at the front that showed off her beautiful flat stomach. The shirt also helped to accentuate her big, beautiful breasts. She was wearing a light blue coloured lace bra, that you could clearly see underneath the white shirt and a pair of runners.

To top it off, Yumi wasn't just beautiful, she was also super intelligent. She is top of her class at university.

Yumi is Samantha's tutor. She is the girl in my dream. Why did I have to invite her over for Christmas Lunch? All I think about lately, besides my Samantha, is Yumi. What is wrong with me?

We drive home and Sam is talking to me, but I can't really concentrate on what she is saying. All I say, all the way home is "Em. Em....", and nothing else. We arrive home and I park in the driveway and Sam gets out. I just sit there and then I hear a knock on my window. I snap out of my dream, get out and Sam and I go inside the house. "I'm going to have a shower, mum", she says.

I'm not a big drinker these days, but I always have a few bottles of wine in the house, just in case. I go to the fridge and grab a bottle of white wine and pour myself a glass. A big glass and sit at the kitchen table. `Am I becoming a lesbian', I thought to myself. I need to forget about Yumi, so I drift off to another place.


My name is Jennifer Andrews. I grew up in the inner west of Sydney. There was my mum, Margaret and my dad, Robert. Dad worked really hard at a paint factory not too far from home and mum stayed home to look after me. My parents were great. I never once heard them argue about anything.

When it came to my birthday or Christmas, I always got something nice. When I was ten, my dad had an accident at work and hurt his back. He was never able to go back to work. When I was twelve we had to move further out west into a `Public Housing Complex'. I didn't even know what that was. The only thing I knew was that we now lived in an apartment and there was no backyard.

When dad couldn't work, mum decided to get a job. She got a job, as a host at a Rugby Club and dad looked after me. When mum had to work in the afternoon, I would cook for my dad and myself. I liked cooking and got really good at it.

When I was fourteen, mum and I were out at this shopping centre, when a woman approached mum. The woman suggested that I come for a Modelling audition at some place in the city. `The city. Wow, I have never been to the city', I thought.

That night mum and dad had a talk about it and then mum telephoned the lady. Three days later, a Saturday, mum and I hopped on a train and went into the city. Mum and dad said that I could do Modelling only if I kept getting A's or B's at school. That was never a problem because I always got A's. I really liked school and after dad had his accident, I promised him that when `I grew up', I was going to be a doctor to help him with his back.

A month later, during school holidays, I was doing my first photoshoot. That was the deal. I could only do modelling during school Holidays.

I never thought of myself as being attractive or even pretty when I was younger. I was just average. There were a lot of other girls at school that were way prettier than me. And they all had boyfriends or boys chasing after them all the time. I was just a tall skinny girl.

I look back now and can't help but feel sorry for some of the girls I went to school with. Three of my friends' were pregnant at sixteen and left school never to return. I always think to myself, How are they? What are they doing?' Just things like that.

In year eleven I bought my first car and, finally had my first boyfriend. His name was Philip. Philip was in all my classes and was one of the smartest kids in the school. We were together for about six months when we had sex for the first time. I don't know what it was supposed to be like, but it was nice. It hurt a little at the start, but after that everything was good. Philip and I had sex another three more times that year. It was nice every time we did it.

At the end of year eleven, Philip had to move to Victoria. His father had applied for a job there and got it. Philip and I promised each other that we would keep in contact, but we never did. I got busier with modelling and Philip...well. I don't know what happened to him.

In year twelve, I got my face on the cover of a fashion magazine for the first time and I was `famous'. No at school, though. No one at my school bought the magazine that I was on the cover of. That was fine by me because I really didn't want anyone at school to know. After that, a lot more companies wanted me to model their products, but I couldn't and didn't. For me school was the most important thing, then modelling.

By the end of year twelve, I was a millionaire. I also had the best grades of everyone in my school. I decided to buy mum and dad a house in dad's favourite suburb as a Christmas present. All mum and dad could do was cry. I was so happy that Christmas. We moved in the new year, and I could suddenly see a sudden change in dad. Although he still had a bad back, he had that old `sparkle', back in his eye. I was so happy, that he was happy. To top it off, I bought a car for dad and a car for mum, and brand-new furniture. Everything that they wanted.

I was also able to afford my own place. I wanted to live close to the University, so I bought a small cottage. I didn't want to live in an apartment. Never, ever again. The cottage had a small yard at the back and that was enough for me. Just somewhere to be able to go out to.

I also decided to get myself a life changing present. Breasts. I was hoping that my breasts would eventually grow, but they never did. So, literally overnight, my breasts went from a 32A to a 34D. It took me all summer to recover from the operation, just in time for the start of university.

As I promised my dad, I went to university to study Medicine. I was still modelling, and because of my new breasts, I started getting more work modelling swimsuits and lingerie. That was great because I didn't have to by either for the next six years. And the money was great.

The first year at university is also when I met my future husband, Jason. Jason was also studying Medicine. He wanted to specialise in Optometry whilst I wanted to specialise in Chiropractic.

We got along from the first day we met. I liked Jason right away because he looked me in the eyes, not `in the breasts' like most people were starting to do. I also liked him because he was tall and handsome. He was well over 6' tall, which was great, because I was 5'10. Did I say he was smart? He was.

Jason and I pretty much started going out the first day at university. That day we went to lunch together and talked about who we were, what we wanted to be and other dreams and aspirations we had. My dream was to become a Chiropractor to help my dad. Jason's dream was to play for the Australian Rugby team and become an Optometrist. Both our dreams would eventually come true.

I did become a Chiropractor, but I wasn't able to help my dad. In my third year at university, mum and dad had a car accident and both passed away. I was devastated and if it were not for Jason, I don't know what I would have done. At the time, we had been living together for a couple of years and he was there for me, every time I needed. I knew I loved him before, but now, I loved him more.

The following year, Jason and I got married and moved into the house that Sam and I live in now. I got a job as a Chiropractor and did some occasional modelling.

A couple of years later, Samantha came along. I was in labour for about six hours and Jason was with me every step of the way. When Samantha finally came out, I was exhausted, and it seemed that Jason had been given a new lease of life. He was so happy. He didn't care, boy or girl. As long as the baby was healthy' and grow up Rugby Mad', Jason didn't care. Jason had made the Australian Rugby team, two years earlier and although he was happy with that news, the birth of Samantha made him happier.

I think back now, about how good our life was together. Jason was the perfect husband and the perfect father. He would go out with the boys for a drink every now and then, but he always came home early and sober. Unless he was away playing Rugby, I don't think we ever missed a dinner together.

Oh, Jason. I miss you, so much', I think to myself. I think back to our sex life and think about how nice it was with Jason. He was always so tender with me. Funny you might say, for a Rugby player. But no. He was soft and always made me feel like I was the only woman alive. I also think back to my orgasms with Jason. Although I enjoyed our love life, I don't remember having many orgasms, or the so called mind blowing orgasm'. I don't know, why I am thinking about that right now. I just am.

"Hi mum. What's for dinner", Sam says waking me from my dream. "Oh, hi honey. Seafood and salad...and a surprise", I reply. "Cool", she says. I look down at my second glass of wine and it is empty. I check the time and think to myself, `time for a bath'.

I had already showered today, but I needed a bath now. I get up and say, "Dinner will be ready just after six honey. I'm going to have a quick bath". "Do you want me to do anything" Sam says? "No honey. That's fine". I reply.

I go up to my room and then into my bathroom and start my bath. I go back to my bedroom and undress. Once I have taken my clothes off, I look at myself in the mirror and think, `not bad for a forty-two-year-old'.

I have never really been overweight. Just the last few years, with Sam being the way she was, I had no time to go to the gym or go for a run or do anything physical. I didn't cook much during that time, because just about everything that I made wasn't what Sam felt like. All we did is basically eat `take away'.

The few rolls of fat that I had started to develop around my stomach were gone and my legs were starting to take shape again. I think I have a great body and I am way better looking now than when I was as a teenager. Like a `good bottle of wine'.

As I said earlier, I am 5'10. I am a 36D now, my waist is a slim 28 and my hips are 34. I have long muscular legs; a lot different to the long skinny legs I had in high school. And after losing those extra rolls around the stomach (I went from 75 kilograms to 68 kilograms in three months), I could almost see the outlines of some muscles. Not yet.

I have medium length blonde hair. I like to keep my hair just below the shoulders. I have a roundish face, green eyes, a narrow nose, strong cheekbones and thin lips. Besides my perfect eyebrows, I think my best feature are my eyes. Jason loved my eyes.

I go back into the bathroom and check the bath. All ready. I get in and close my eyes, thinking of Jason. I haven't had sex since he passed away and I have never really masturbated that often. I don't own any `toys' like my friends.

As I think of Jason, I close my eyes and grab my left breast with my left hand. Oh, it feels good'. I pinch my left nipple and feel how erect it is. Why am I suddenly so aroused? Am I drunk? No. It's not the alcohol, it's just been a long time', I think to myself. Then I feel my right hand go to my crotch and I start playing with my now bulging clit, using my index finger to rub it in a circular motion. Squeezing it, every now and then.

I stop for a minute, trying to figure out what I was doing. I put my hand back down on my clit and it just feels right. And good.

I now start to squeeze my left nipple a little harder and the harder I squeeze, the hornier I get. I slip a finger as deep as I could into my love hole, and I am wet. I don't know if I have ever been this wet before in my life. One finger is now not enough. I slip another finger in and start a little rhythm going. Slow. Faster...a bit faster and faster still...and I can feel it. I can feel it. Yes. I can feel it. I am so horny and so wet and then.

I am not thinking of Jason now. I am thinking of someone else. My hands are doing all the work, but my head is telling me that someone else is touching me. I continue to pleasure myself, with her face in my head. I let out a little moan, then another one. I feel so good, but I want a bit more.

I start to go even faster with my fingers. In and out. Faster. Faster and faster still. I can see her smiling at me. Happy that she is making me feel so good. She can feel it, just as much as I can feel it. A bit faster. Yes..almost..nearly there and then, `Oh, Yumi that feels so good. Oh yes, don't stop honey. Yes. Oh wow, that feels good', I yell out. My love juices just exploded out of me like never before. I could feel my body shaking, I could hear my heart beating, I know that my breathing was heavier. I was sweating, but I felt so good. I just felt like I was riding a cloud.

Then a sudden realisation hits me, `Did I just yell out? Did I? I don't know. Did I? Did, Sam hear me? Well, she is not up here, she is downstairs. There is no way she heard me...I hope not', I thought as I continued to please myself. I kept pumping my fingers in and out of me till I felt it again and put my left hand over my mouth as I yelled something out.

I am exhausted now. Too exhausted to even take my fingers out of my love hole. I lay my head back against the bathroom wall and all I can see in my head is Yumi. Naked. Her beautiful body in my arms. Those beautiful, most perfect breasts, with bullet like nipples, inviting me to lick and suck on them.

I just lay there, eyes closed, enjoying my fantasy when I hear, "Mum, it's almost six. Do you want me to do the salad?" Sam says. "Mum are you okay", Sam asks when I didn't respond. As I wake up from this fantasy, I reply, "That sound good honey. I'll be down in a minute", `Oh shit. How long have I been in this bathtub', I think to myself as I get out? Obviously, a long time because the water was now cold.

I don't bother drying myself. I just put on my robe and go downstairs to see Sam start on making the salad. "Hi mom. Are you okay", Sam say's? "Yes, honey. I'm fine". I reply. Sam then adds, "Well, I heard you scream before and now your face is all red. Just checking". "Thank you honey. I'm fine", I reply. "Mom, I'm not that hungry. You can go up and dry yourself and get dressed". Sam adds.

Ignoring Sam, I take a large skillet out and place it on high heat on the stove. I add a little olive oil and then place the fish skin down. The fish sizzles as soon as it hits the skillet. Five minutes later, I turn the fish over and lower the heat. I had a knob of butter and turn the fish over again. I coat the fish with the butter for a couple of minutes, add some chopped up coriander and the fish is done. I take the fish out and place it on a big plate, then add the prawns to the same skillet. A few minutes and another knob of butter later and dinner is ready.

Sam did a wonderful job with the salad as usual and once dinner was complete, I went to the fridge and took out the bottle of Champagne and the two champagne flutes, that I had put in the fridge to chill. As I placed the two flutes on the table, Sam looked up at me with a giant smile of surprise and anticipation. "Congratulations honey. You deserve it", I say as I look into her eyes of joy. Her only reply was, "Can I open it"?

It took Sam a little while to figure out how to open the Champagne bottle, but once she did I too it off her and showed her how to pour it into the flutes. After enjoying the Champagne and a few glasses of wine, it was bedtime for me.

I went to my room, and I was still just wearing a robe. I took it off and went to bed naked, as I usually do in summer. As I lay my head down and closed my eyes, the vision of Yumi came into my head. I didn't fight it this time. I just enjoyed it and I suddenly started playing with myself once again. I was in no rush now. I just took my time. I don't know how long it was, but I fell asleep after having another orgasm. Just a small one this time, but nonetheless, an orgasm. It was sheer bliss.


Yumi Willis was born in Hawaii. Her father was American, and her mother was Japanese. Yumi spent her firs eighteen years in Hawaii, before deciding to go to University in Sydney, Australia.

Yumi is a natural beauty and doesn't bother with any make-up. She is also not the materialistic type. Her parents are well off and she has always had nice things, but she never buys anything for the sake of it. If she needs it, she gets it. If she doesn't need it, she leaves it.

Yumi has been living in Sydney now for five years. The last four years she has been working as tutor and volunteering her time every Wednesday night at the food bank. She loves it. Recently, Yumi has enrolled herself into a massage course. A couple more weeks to go and she will be fully qualified. Yumi keeps herself busy and she likes it that way.

The first year Yumi lived in Sydney, she decided to stay in a home-share situation. It wasn't far from her university. She was also able to catch a train to the University, which she had never done before.

She stayed with Ms Jackson (Margaret) and her daughter Rebecca (Bec). Bec was eighteen just like Yumi and they got along great. Bec was a Beautician and would always want to `make' Yumi up, but Yumi always refused. They still got along quite well together.

One day, Bec asked Yumi to come with her to visit her friend, Cassy, who had been overseas for a couple of months. Yumi was happy to go, unbeknown to her, that this visit would change her life. Forever.

Bec was your average `girl next door'. She was pretty, but not beautiful. She was 5'4 and a little on the chubby side. Not fat, just a little chubby. She had strong athletic looking thighs, that went down to slim calves. She had dark hair, that she dyed bright red, with purple tips on the end. The thing about Bec, was that her make-up was always perfect.

Bec had a round face and hazel eyes and a tiny button nose. Although she was nearly nineteen, she had the hips of a grown woman and big breasts. Natural big breasts. 38DD big breasts. Bec always dressed nice when she went to work, but at home, she always dressed to show off her breasts. Her usual attire was a singlet of some sort and no bra. Although her breasts were big, they were still firm.

Yumi had noticed on a number of occasions that Bec's nipples were always erect. She couldn't help it. Sitting across from her whilst eating dinner, or when she stood in front of her talking to her, or when Bec would come out of the shower without anything covering her breasts. Yumi didn't mean to look, but she always did. Yumi secretly loved Bec's breasts but never told her...until today.

Yumi was wearing a pair of black linen shorts and a black blouse. No bra. It wasn't necessary, so Yumi hardly wore a bra. In fact, she only had two bra's in her underwear drawer. A black one and a white one. Yumi had her long black socks on, that came up just above the knees, and a pair of flat sandals. At 5'8, she didn't wear high heels. No make-up.

Bec, was all done up. She had spent an hour just on her hair and make-up. She wore a white lace bralette, that was probably two sizes too small, which squeezed her breast together to make them look even bigger than what they were and a short blue denim skirt. She had on a pair of blue peep toe casual shoes, with four-inch heels. Bec looked sexy, today, Yumi thought.

The drive to Bec's friend's house took about twenty minutes. It's a Saturday and the main road in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, going from Bec's house to her friend's house is always busy on a Saturday. During the week it would take half the time. Anyway, the girls weren't in a hurry anyway.

As they got closer, Yumi noticed the Pacific Ocean straight ahead. She was getting excited. Since being in Sydney, she had only been to the beach on a few occasions. That was before university started. It is now May. Four months and no water let alone the beach. Coming from Hawaii and the fact that her parents' house overlooked the Pacific Ocean, it was a big deal for Yumi. She was excited.

Bec, pulled into a street and Yumi could smell the ocean. Once you have lived by the ocean, you get used to its smell. Yumi was even more excited now. Bec parks the car and they both get out. They walk about ten metres and then press the intercom on the front gate.

"Who is it", a voice says. "It's Bec", and the gate opens. Bec moves to the side to let Yumi in first and then follows her, closing the gate behind her. Yumi then waits for Bec to lead the way, as they walk up to the front door. The door then opens, and there she is. Stacey.

As Stacey see's Bec, she opens up her white sheer robe to reveal the most perfect round breasts that Yumi has ever seen. Stacey then embraces Bec, and they start kissing. A beautiful kiss that is only enjoyed by lovers. They hold onto each other and kiss for over a minute before they break away from each other. Bec then turns to Yumi and says, "Yumi, this is my friend Stacey. Stace, this is Yumi. She is the student that is staying with us that I told you about".

By the way Stacey looked at Yumi, you would think that she didn't even notice her at first. Her robe was still open displaying her perfect breasts, and she did nothing to cover up. She put her two hands out, which Yumi gladly accepted and then pulled her in a little. "So nice to meet you Yumi. I think I might have to call you Yummy". Stacey then gave Yumi a soft kiss on the lips and stepped back a few paces.

Bec closed the door behind her and when she turned around, Stacey took her robe off. Looking at Yumi, Stacey said, "So what do you think Bec? Do you like them?" Bec replied, "They are so bloody beautiful. I can't believe how nice they look on you. They are perfect. Now I need to get my nipple pierced". Still looking at Yumi, Stacey replied, "Yeah you should, and they are perfect. Just what I wanted.

Yumi thought that Stacey was probably the same height as her, but she had a pair of white stilettos on. The stiletto's worked wonders for Stacey because they made her legs look long and strong. She had gorgeous legs.

Stacey was a very pretty girl. Some might even say that she was stunning. She had short blonde hair, that showed off her perfect round face. The most beautiful light blue eyes that sizzled, a thin nose and puffy lips, that covered the perfect teeth. Her breasts were perfect. Perfectly round, topped with light brown areolas and pink thick nipples. Stacey had her left nipple pierced. It looked nice and exciting and sexy and...Yumi just liked it. She had never seen a woman with her nipple pierced before. She just liked it.

Stacey also had her perfect flat tummy pierced through the navel. She had perfect hips that matched her body and not a single pubic hair, above her engorged mound. Yumi also noticed that Stacey had been tanning but could not see a single tan line. Yumi liked Stacey. Why? Yumi had never even kissed a girl before. Yumi liked Bec, too. She liked looking at Bec's breasts. She wants to touch Bec's breasts, but now she wants to touch Stacey's, more.

"So, what do you think of my birthday presents, Yummy. I hope you don't mind if I call you Yummy", Stacey says to Yumi. "Birthday presents"! Yumi says. "Yeah. I got these babies for my twentieth birthday. Do you like them"? Stacey adds. I think they look great. They definitely suit you", Yumi replies.

Stacey took a few steps towards Yumi and began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Yumi just stood there. Frozen. Unable to move and unable to speak. All the while Stacey was looking at Yumi, straight in the eyes. As Stacey undid the last button on her blouse, Yumi felt someone pulling her shorts down from behind. Bec. Yumi's blouse is now off, and Stacey's hands are now on her breasts. "Nice", Stacey said, as Yumi felt Bec kissing her on the side of her neck.

Stacey then said, "Time for Champagne ladies. We need to celebrate". She then looked over at Bec and said, "Aren't you a little over dressed". With that, Bec quickly pulled her skirt down, revealing she had no panties on and just as quickly undid her top. The clothes were left to lay where they were. "Shall we", Stacey said, as she held Yumi's right hand. At the same time, Bec held onto Yumi's left hand as the three of them walked to the kitchen.

Stacey's mother and father grew up in a Public Housing Complex. Her mum, Anette and dad, Ron, went to high school together where they met in the first year. They were twelve. Ever since then, they have been best friends and partners. Forty-eight years.

Ron left school as soon as he could to help his family out. He joined the Australian Army and after his initial training, trained as a big engine mechanic. Ron spent eight years in the Australian Army and when he left he worked as a big engine mechanic for a trucking company. Anette also worked for the same company in the Accounts Department.

A couple of years later, the company he worked for became short on drivers, so Ron decided to become a driver. Being a driver paid more than being a mechanic, so Ron decided to give it a go. The only downside was that he would be away from his wife, Anette again. Just like the Army days. Ron and Anette discussed it and decided that it was a small sacrifice for a long-term gain.

Ron and Anette had talked about having at least three kids, maybe four. They both came from big families, and they wanted at least a three of kids. The extra money now would come in handy in the future.

Two years after driving the big rigs, Ron was able to afford his own truck. A year later, he signed a contract with a National Delivery Company to provide twenty drivers. He did. Ron and Anette started their own trucking company.

A year later they were asked to provide fifty drivers, then two hundred drivers. Ron and Anette were doing well. They had both just turned thirty and decided they would start a family. They bought their first home and then...A phone call telling Ron that his company was successful on a Contract he had bid on six months prior.

The contract was to provide a thousand truck drivers, making them one of the largest transport companies in Australia. Ten years later, after Anette finally retired, Stacey was born. Stacey was the apple in Anette and Ron's eye.

Growing up, Stacey got everything she wanted and even things she didn't want. Ron and Anette had worked hard and wanted to give their daughter everything they didn't get when they were growing up. Stacey just accepted it as normal.

Stacey didn't watch television that much. She was always on her computer or tablet or her phone. There was an interruption with the internet one day, so she decided to watch some television with her mum.

Anette was watching a Documentary on disadvantaged people and people that rely on Public Housing and hand-outs from the Government. As they were watching, Anette explained to Stacey, that was how she and Ron grew up and how lucky they were now after working so hard.

Stacey was in shock. She had no idea. Her parents have never mentioned to her where they lived when they were growing up. Why didn't they? The more Anette explained her time growing up the more Stacey cried. Stacey crying made Anette cry too. That Documentary changed Stacey's life. She was determined to make a difference when she got older. She had already been promised her parents company when Ron finally decided to retire and as far as she was concerned, that would be a good start for her to be able to help people in need, in the future.

Before watching that Documentary', Stacey was just going through the motions. She never failed anything, she just never tried to excel. From the start of year eleven, till she finished high school, Stacey's grades improved. She went from the average student' to a high achiever, finishing in the top five students in all her classes. She was determined to go to university to become a Lawyer. That was the best profession for what she wanted to achieve in the future, she had told herself.

Because of her beauty, Stacey was popular with both the boys and the girls. She had gone out with several boys and enjoyed their company. But she also liked girls. She never did anything with girls in High School but was determined to try it out when she went to university.

On her eighteenth birthday, Stacey decided to get a facial. That is where she me Rebecca. Bec was her Beautician. Bubbly Bec. Smiling happy. Soon afterwards, Stacey and Bec would make love. For Stacey, Rebecca was her first and only lesbian lover. Till, Yumi came along.

When Yumi found out what Stacey was really all about, she liked her even more. She found that Stacey was in a similar situation to hers. She also knew that Stacey had a social conscience and was serious about helping the less fortunate.

Stacey, Yumi and Bec walked into the kitchen, naked. Stacey went to the fridge and took out a bottle of Champagne. She pooped the cork and then sat on the kitchen island. As she did, she took a drink straight out of the bottle. "Who wants Champagne", she says. Yumi moved towards her, followed by Bec. Stacey then grabs Yumi's head and lowers it towards her open crotch.

Yumi just stared. She had never seen a woman's pussy up close. Yumi could tell that Stacey was horny, as some of her cream was visible. Yumi had never licked a girl's pussy before, but suddenly felt the urge. Yumi also wondered if her pussy looked the same. Stacey then begins to pour the Champagne on her body, starting at her chest, between her breasts, through and around her belly button onto her hairless mound and into her pussy. At that point, Stacey forces Yumi's head forward and that is when Yumi took over.

Yumi didn't need a second invitation. She stuck her tongue out to catch as much of the Champagne as she could, sticking her tongue inside Stacey's pussy to extract some of her cream at the same time.

As she did that, Yumi noticed how hard Stacey's clit was. She started sucking on it and in the process some Champagne landed on her nose. Yumi didn't know what she should do. Should she slurp up the Champagne? Should she lick Stacey's cream, that tasted so good, or should she suck on her now even harder clit?

As Yumi waited for more Champagne, she looked up to see Bec sucking on Stacey's left nipple. All Stacey could do was moan. The nipple sucking turned to passionate kissing. As Stacey and Bec were kissing, Bec grabbed the bottle of Champagne out of Stacey's hand and placed it on the kitchen island, out of the way. That was Yumi's sign.

Yumi went in again. Licking Stacey's sweet tasting pussy and sucking on her clit. Back and forth. The more she sucked on Stacey's clit, the louder the moans. Yumi decided to concentrate on Stacey's clit, and as she sucked on it, inserted two fingers into Stacey's pussy.

"Oh, Yummy. That feels so good. Fuck my pussy. That's a good girl. Harder. Harder. Go harder. Oh, Yummy, that feels so fucking good". As Stacey was screaming out, Yumi could feel Stacey thrusting her hips forward so her fingers could go in deeper and deeper. Yumi, knew what Stacey wanted.

With her mouth on Stacey's clit, Yumi started to thrust her three fingers into Stacey now. Hard. Thirty seconds later, Yumi gets rewarded with Stacey's cream on her chin and her fingers. Stacey just screamed in ecstasy, while continuing to thrust her hips backwards and forwards. As Yumi took her soaking fingers out of Stacey's pussy, she felt Bec near her. Bec grabbed Yumi's fingers and began to suck on them.

As she did, Yumi went back in and started licking Stacey's pussy once again, lapping up as much of her juices as she could. Stacey decided to lay down on the kitchen island and as she did, Yumi pulled her thighs closer to get better access.

At the same time, Yumi felt Bec slide her head between her legs. Bec then lowered Yumi, so that her crotch was on now on her face. All Yumi could do was enjoy lapping up Stacey's cream as Bec started to lick her now soaking pussy.

As they continued enjoying each other, Yumi started to grind her pussy harder and harder into Bec's mouth. It didn't take long. Yumi's juices exploded out of her like never before. All she could do was scream into Stacey's pussy, as Bec drank her cum. Her grinding stopped and she could feel her legs shaking. A few seconds later, she fell to the floor and lay on her back next to Bec.

Bec must have enjoyed Yumi's taste because she wasn't finished yet. As Yumi lay next to her, Bec gave her a quick kiss on the lips, before moving down to lap up more of her sweetness. All Yumi could do was lay there, eye's closed and moan. She felt amazing. Never before has she felt this good.

A minute or two later as she lay on the ground, Yumi suddenly found Stacey kneeling over her face. Yumi was tired, but all she could do, was stick her tongue out and taste that sweet pussy of Stacey's once more.

Yumi was being eaten and enjoying the fact, whilst she was eating Stacey. It was Yumi's first time, and she didn't want to disappoint Stacey. She was determined to do a `good job', so she would be able to enjoy this woman once again.

It now appeared that both Yumi and Stacey had both got their second wind. As Yumi bucked into Bec's mouth, Stacey started to grind harder and harder into Yumi's. The harder Stacey grinded, the harder Yumi bucked and the quicker Bec sucked. Ten minutes later Stacey came once again, squirting her juices straight into Yumi's mouth. As she screamed, Bec started to suck even harder on Yumi's pussy and then stuck her index finger into Yumi's asshole. As she did, Yumi exploded.

`Wow', Bec thought as she now started to fuck Yumi's asshole with her index finger. The more she fucked, the more Yumi screamed and the more she came. Bec could also hear Stacey moan as she continued to release her juices. There was no stopping Bec now. She continued to fuck Yumi's asshole till she felt her body stiffen and finally convulse. Yumi just lay still on the floor as Bec removed her finger from her asshole. It was then that Bec realised that Yumi was spent. Stacey must have realised it too because she was now getting off Yumi's face. Stacey lay on Yumi's left, as Bec lay of her right. It was about ten minutes later when Bec finally got up off the floor. She then held out her hand and helped Yumi before doing the same with Stacey.

After a drink of water, the three girls went to Stacey's room where they enjoyed each other all afternoon and into the night, only breaking for a quick dinner and more Champagne. During dinner, Yumi finally got to see the ocean. Stacey's house was right on the beach.

For the rest of that year, Yumi and Bec would enjoy exploring each other. As would Bec and Stacey, or Yumi and Stacey. The three became good friends and lovers.


Jennifer woke up content. She was happy. She had finally come to the realisation that she wanted to be with Yumi. She wanted to hold her. She wanted to kiss her. She wanted to stroke her beautiful hair. She wanted...

Jennifer wanted Yumi in ways that she had never imagined before. She wanted to kiss her soft lips. She wanted to kiss her soft skin. She wanted to love her and for Yumi to love her back. Jennifer has never been with a woman before. She had never thought about it. She knew some lesbians...and some bi-sexual women. She worked with them during her modelling days.

As far as she was concerned, what they did was their business. As long as they didn't try anything with her, she was okay with it. Jennifer then thinks back to her modelling days and decides that she wasn't really that pretty back then. Is that why girls didn't try anything with her? She wasn't pretty enough? She didn't know. All she knew is that some of the girls she worked with were incredibly attractive. And she wasn't.

As she was thinking that her mind started to wander. As she has been doing lately, her mind always wandered upon Yumi. As she got Yumi's vision back into her head, Jennifer closed her eyes and stuck a finger into her pussy. Fuck I'm wet', she thought to herself. She opened her eyes to see what time it was. 8.23. Okay, Sam is still asleep, but I cannot be too loud', she thinks to herself as she puts two fingers into her soaking wet pussy.

As she drives her fingers in and out of her now drenched pussy, she starts rubbing and pinching her clit with her thumb and index finger of the other hand. Just light touches. All she is thinking about is Yumi.

`Yumi is wearing a white lace slinky nightgown. She is massaging Jennifer's head and as she does, she leans in and kisses her softly on the lips. Yumi's gentle hands now move to Jennifer's neck. That feels so good. Jennifer lets out an approving moan, as Yumi continues. Yumi then starts to massage Jennifer's left arm and then her right. Yumi now works on Jennifer's sides at the same time, from the armpits to her hips. Jennifer lets out another sigh of approval.

From there Yumi starts to massage just above Jennifer's ample breasts and just below and then her stomach. Stopping just above her mound. Yumi does this a few times and now Jennifer is beyond horny. She want's Yumi. She wants her now.

Yumi then moves to Jennifer's left leg and grabs her foot, massaging it. Yumi then takes Jennifer's big toe into her mouth'

"Oh, oh..ugh, oh. Em. Em. Oh, shit. Grrrr...Oh yeah", was all Jennifer could say. Over and over again as she had another orgasm. Jennifer could never last till the `virtual massage' with Yumi was over. As soon as Yumi sucked on Jennifer's toe, in her dream, she would explode. Just as she did on this occasion.

Jennifer screamed. She didn't want to, but she did. And she didn't care. If Sam had woken up and wanted to know why her mother was screaming, then she was going to tell her. No more secrets. Sam was the only person she had, and she didn't want to keep her dreams secret from her daughter anymore.

Jennifer continued to lay in her bed enjoying her orgasm for a while longer. There was no sign of Sam. Jennifer then drifted into a sleep and next thing she knew, when she opened her eyes that it was now, 9.51. Time to get up. As she got up, she could feel the wetness still inside her and could even smell it. Jennifer decides to stick a finger in to check, and yes. Hot, soaked and juicy. She puts the finger in her mouth, enjoying her own taste and then it is finally time to get up.

Jennifer grabbed her phone from the bedside table and checked the Weather App. It was already 26 Degrees. The temperature was expected to get as high as 32 Degrees. Not a cloud in the sky and thankfully, no wind. Jennifer got out of bed and had a shower. Once she was finished she put on her tiniest thong bikini bottoms and a beige maxi beach dress that was completely see-through. No need for a bikini top as Jennifer always sunbathes topless.

It is not unusual for Jennifer to sunbathe topless, most of the women who choose North Bondi as their tanning location sunbathe topless. The unusual thing about today was that Jennifer has never worn her tiny thong bikini so close to home. She normally chooses a more conservative bikini bottom. Jennifer grabbed a beach towel and went downstairs.

Samantha was seated at the breakfast table in the kitchen having cereal. She was also dressed in a bikini, ready to go to the beach. She didn't even bat an eyelid when she saw how Jennifer was dressed. She was used to her mother sunbathing topless. "Hi honey", Jennifer said as she entered the kitchen. "Hi mom. I see you are heading out to the beach as well today", Sam replied. "Yes. Just after breakfast. I'm starving". Jennifer added.

"I'm going to catch up with a few girls from yesterday. I think we'll probably hang out near the Pavilion", says Sam. "Well, you know where to find me!" said Jennifer.

As Jennifer grabbed a bowl to have some cereal, Sam rinsed her plate out. She grabbed a bag containing all her beach supplies and headed off, not bothering to put anything over the top of her bikini. Jennifer soon finished her breakfast, and she was off as well.

As she arrived at her favourite spot, Jennifer noticed that the beach was starting to get busier, closer to where Sam and her friends would be. North Bondi was still relatively quiet. The waves were small, so there weren't as many surfers out.

Jennifer lay her towel down and then took her beach dress off and began to apply some tanning oil. Once she had oiled the front of her body, she lay down to enjoy the moderate morning sun.

After about thirty minutes, Jennifer was starting to get warm and decided to go into the water for a swim. The water was cold at first, but after a minute or two her body got used to it. It was nice. Jennifer liked the cold water. She likes to get in her shower whilst the water is cold, so she doesn't mind the cool ocean waters.

As Jennifer gets out of the water to go back to her tanning, she sees her. `I hope she sees me', Jennifer says to herself. To make sure she does, Jennifer walks almost towards her and then, "Hi Jennifer. How's the water", Yumi says. "Oh, hi Yumi. I didn't even notice you. The water is great. You should go in", Say's Jennifer.

"Not yet", Yumi replies. "Jennifer this is my friend Stacey, and this is my other friend, Rebecca. But everyone calls her Bec", Yumi adds. "Oh hi, Jennifer, I didn't know you knew Yumi", Bec says. "What a small world. Yumi is my daughters tutor", Jennifer replies. "Well, your daughter is in good hands. Yumi is the smartest person I have ever met", Bec adds.

Jennifer didn't know where to look. All three ladies had their left nipple pierced. Jennifer had never seen that before, but she suddenly liked it. It made their nipples so erect. Concentrate Jen! Concentrate', she thought to herself. Now, according to Jennifer, Yumi is the epitome of hotness', but Stacey looked absolutely delicious and Bec was so cute and adorable. She knew that Bec had big breast but didn't realise how perfect and natural they were. Now seeing Bec's pierced nipple excited Jennifer even more. Jennifer had been going to Bec's Salon since she opened it three years ago. Bec had seen all Jennifer had to offer and now Jennifer finally saw a bit of Bec.

All Jennifer could muster up was, "Nice to meet you Stacey. Yumi, I'll see you and Bec later", as she walked off. As she did, the three girls turned around to check out Jennifer's perfect round, muscular butt. Stacey says, "No wonder you two want to fuck her. She is so fucking hot. How old did you say she was"? "I think she is about forty. I have never asked her", says Yumi. Yumi and Bec now had competition. The three girls just sat there working out who would have the `pleasure' of having Jennifer first.

As Jennifer walked back to her spot, all she could think off is `Am I becoming a lesbian'. She found the three young ladies extremely attractive, each in a different way. And she could have stood there and stared at them all day. Was she becoming a lesbian? She didn't know the answer to that question, quite yet.

As Jennifer sat down again, she hoped that Sam was with her. She wanted to lay on her tummy, so she can tan her back. And she wanted someone to apply some oil on her back, for her to do so. She can take care of her butt and legs, but she needed someone to do her back.

As she started rubbing oil into the back of her legs, she noticed Yumi, Bec and Stacey walking towards her with their towels and their bags. "It's getting a bit hot in the sun, so we thought we might join you. Is that okay", Yumi said smiling at Jennifer. "Of course, it's okay. That is why I like to sit here. You get a bit of shade at least", Jennifer said, as she looked at Yumi who suddenly pulled her bikini bottoms up into her crotch, clearly showing off her labia for Jennifer to see. That's what she did. She just looked at Yumi. Hungrily.

"Would you like me to rub oil on you back Jennifer", Stacey said, brining Jennifer out of her lustful daydream. "Thanks Stacey. That would be great. And please call me Jen". With that, Stacey placed her towel next to Jennifer', and motioned for Jennifer to lay down on her stomach. Yumi placed her towel on the other side of Jennifer, whilst Bec placed her towel next to Stacey's.

Stacey put some of Jennifer's oil on her back and handed the bottle to Yumi. As Stacey started to rub oil into Jennifer's back, Yumi started to rub oil onto her butt cheeks. As she did so, she could feel Jennifer start to relax, but every now and then raise her hips a little. "How's that Jen", Yumi asked. "Oh, Yumi that feels so good". Yumi adds, "Good. Maybe I'll give you a full massage one day when I finish my training". "Sounds good to me. Can't wait", was all Jennifer could say, enjoying the touch of two goddesses.

The four ladies are now all laying down on their stomachs, revealing their firm butts, in their skimpy bikini bottoms. Jennifer thinking of Yumi. Then of Bec. Then of Stacey. How nice would it be? A massage from Yumi, all alone, at home. Have to wait till Sam goes to her grandparents after Christmas. Two weeks from now.

Yumi is thinking, `wow, I finally got to touch that beautiful butt of hers. Wait till I give her that massage. I will be touching a lot more than just her butt cheeks".

Bec is thinking, `I've seen that beautiful sweet-smelling pussy of hers so many times. I just want to dive in and lick it now. How do I tell her that I want to? Will she get upset at me and never come back to the Salon?'

Stacey lays there thinking, `I need to invite her over. What am I going to say? That bloody Bec and Yumi, they already know her. How am I going to get her first'?

The four ladies continue tanning. Front then back. Applying suntan oil to each other. Sometimes, sensually. Chatting. Laughing. Enjoying each other's company. As far as Jennifer was concerned, it was a great idea to come out today. She was enjoying the company of these three ladies.

After a couple of hours Jennifer said, "If you girls aren't doing anything tomorrow, we can all come back to my house for a BBQ later tonight". Just as she said that Sam crept up on her and said, "Mom. That's a great idea. Can Mia come too". Jennifer looked up and saw that Sam's friend Mia, was standing beside her. Sam and Mia were both topless. "Of course, she can, honey. Well ladies, what do you think",

Stacey was the first to answer, "I'm in. I'll bring the wine and Champagne". Yumi was next, "Bec and I will bring the seafood, and do we want Lamb or Steak?" Before anyone could answer, Mia said, "Lamb, please". "Yeah, I'm with Lamb too", Sam added.

"Settled. It's three now, so anytime you want to come over is fine. By the way Stacey, I have plenty of red wine at home. You can still bring the Champagne, though". Jennifer said. Sam then chimed in again, "Mum, do Mia and I get to drink Champagne and wine"? "We'll see", was all Jennifer could say, a little angry that Sam and Mia were going to be there. In her lustful state, she had forgotten all about her daughter, Sam.

Jennifer got up, put her dress on and gathered her things. "Okay ladies, I'll see you all later", she said as she started walking towards her house. Mia and Sam had also put their tops on and were now following her with their bags.

Jennifer had a quick shower and then applied some moisturising lotion. She put on a pair of casual white shorts and then thought, `No. Not white. Too dangerous'. She did not want to get worked up and suddenly release any of her juices into white shorts. She took them off and instead, put on a black pair. She then grabbed a casual white shirt and put that on, not bothering to button it up. Instead, she just tied the front together, exposing as much of her breasts as she could, considering Mia and Sam would be at the BBQ tonight.

Funny how she could go topless at the beach, but at home, she would have to show some restraint. Jennifer applied a light covering of bronze lipstick and a sky-blue coloured eyeshadow. She put on her favourite sandals. Two-inch heels, that were super comfortable and made her long legs look stronger and muscular.

Jennifer then went downstairs and started preparing some salads. `I'll make a Greek Salad that I will dress later when everyone is here and a garden salad. Everyone can put their own dressing on that', she thought to herself. Jennifer finished the salads, placed some plastic wrap over the top and put them in the fridge.

She then opened the bar' fridge. It wasn't your typical bar fridge. It was the same size as the food' fridge. That is where Jennifer kept all the drinks. Alcohol and non-alcohol. `Good. Three bottles of white wine in the fridge, now for the red', she says to herself out loud as she walks over to her pantry. As she does she hears Sam, "What was that mum?" "Oh, nothing honey. Just thinking to myself", she say as she turns around.

Sam was wearing her short blue denim shorts that barely covered her butt cheeks and a pink tube top. Mia looked identical, except her tube top was yellow and it was cotton. Jennifer could clearly see Mia's brown hard nipples through the material of the tube top.

Jennifer had seen Mia topless earlier today and didn't think anything of it, but she is turned on now, by seeing Mia's nipples hiding under the fabric of her top. `Thank god Mia is eighteen now, otherwise I would be a deviate", Jennifer thought to herself.

Jennifer's next task was to check the BBQ to make sure it was clean. She didn't have to worry about gas, because the BBQ was connected to the main house gas. As she did this she heard the front doorbell ring. "We'll get it mum", Sam said. Jennifer turned on the BBQ to clean it and then went back into the kitchen. As she did, she saw the three stunning `creatures' from earlier today in her kitchen.

Stacey walked straight up to Jennifer, grabbed her face softly and kissed her even softer on her lips. Stacey pulled away and said, "Thank you so much for inviting us over Jen. It is so nice of you". Jennifer was in shock. She wasn't expecting that, but she wasn't complaining either. She could see Sam look at her smiling and before she could do anything, Yumi walked over to her and did the same. A soft, tender kiss on the lips. As Yumi kissed Jennifer an emboldened Bec came towards them and shouldered Yumi out of the way. Bec not only gave Jen a soft kiss on the lips, but a lingering, soft kiss, slipping her tongue ever so slightly into Jen's mouth. Bec then whispered into Jen's ear, "I hope you don't mind; I have been wanting to do that for over two years now".

Jen just smiled and shook her head. "You are very naughty girls. And what are you laughing at Sam and Mia", she said with a smile now developing on her face. Bec gave her a kiss on the cheeks and then, "I'm thirsty. Who want's what?" Stacey say's a little louder than what she had too.

As Jen was sipping on her glass of white wine, she couldn't stop staring at Yumi, Stacey or Bec. She was now even staring at Mia. Yumi was wearing a short white cotton dress with buttons all down the front. The top two buttons were undone to reveal as much of her perfect breast, without showing her nipples. She was wearing a simple pair of flat sandal.

Stacey was also wearing a white dress. It was a short backless summer dress that hugged her breast. You could easily see her pierced nipple though it. The dress was so short, that every time she bent over you could see her womanhood. Stacey was wearing a pink pair of sandals similar to Jennifer's, with two-inch heels.

Bec had on a pair of denim shorts, similar to Sam's and Mia's. She was wearing a sheer white singlet that didn't hide anything. Why bother? But it suited her. All three girls had a light red lipstick on and nothing else. They looked so adorable. And so, did Mia.

Jennifer decided that they have a casual BBQ dinner. Once something is cooked it was `first in'. Jennifer would keep cooking till everyone had enough.

For Jennifer it turned out to be a great, but frustrating night. She wanted to explore. Who? It didn't matter who. The more she drank, the more she wanted to explore. Yumi, yes. Stacey, yes. Bec, oh yes and Mia. What about Yumi and Stacey and then Bec and Mia? Jennifer was getting horny. `Sam, I love you, but why are you here', was all she could think of.

About nine-thirty, Mia received a call on her mobile. It was her mother telling her that she was on her way. Mia finished her drink, said her good bye's to everyone and then walked into the house with Sam to gather her things. As the two girls walked into the house, Stacey came up behind Jennifer, thrusting her big breast into her back, at the same time grabbing both her breasts in her hand, squeezing then softly.

Jennifer could feel herself getting wet and her nipples getting hard. Stacey then moved her head forward and gave Jennifer a soft kiss on her neck, then another one, followed by one more. Jennifer tilted her head to the side a little and her lips, met Stacey's. They shared a soft kiss on the lips. Jennifer was now in `heaven'. It was so soft and so sensual. Whilst holding onto Jennifer's left breast, Stacey lowered her right hand through the front of Jennifer's shorts past her perfectly soft mound and slid a finger inside her love hole. "Fuck you are wet, Jen. I can wait to eat that", Stacey whispered as she withdrew her finger and sucked on it.

Jennifer had no time to recover. She was so fucking wet' and she wanted Stacey so badly right then. But she couldn't. Stacey then stepped back, releasing Jennifer's left breast and the ever-ready Bec stepped in, instantly. She hugged Jennifer and said, "Thank you", and then stuck her tongue right into Jennifer's mouth, letting their tongues dance together for a few seconds. Oh, my God. What is happening to me? What are these girls doing to me', Jennifer was thinking as `The Goddess' that is Yumi now moved in. Yumi gave Jennifer a soft kiss on the lips and a kiss on the cheek. "We should be off too now. See you Christmas day", she said as she retreated.

Yumi, Bec and Stacey had no commitments the next day. They all wanted Jennifer but knew that it wasn't the time or the place, with Sam being there. So did Jennifer. Bec called a taxi and soon after they were gone. Back to Stacey's house for....

Jennifer went to her room and had a cold shower. Her mind was spinning. Yes, Yumi. And Stacey. And definitely Bec. Mia. I will have to work on that. I don't want Sam to find out. That was Jennifer's thinking as she showered.

She went to bed naked. Placed her hands on her swollen clit and pleasured herself till she could no more. Screaming as loud as she dared. Not worrying about her Samantha hearing her. Tomorrow she will explain everything to her. Now, she just wanted to please herself and that is exactly what she did.

The next morning was pretty much the same for Jennifer as it has been over the past few months. An erotic dream, followed by a morning masturbation session. This time she was thinking of Yumi, Stacey, Bec and Mia.

In her dream she was lying on a massage table blindfolded. She suddenly feels all these hands on her body. `How many hands are there'? She wants to concentrate on the hands, but she can't. Jennifer then she feels someone's mouth on her left nipple. First they lick and then they suck. Then they nibble. Oh, it feels so good. As she was enjoying that sensation, she feels another person's mouth on her right nipple. Doing exactly the same as the first person. The she feels fingers enter her love canal and a tongue begins to flick her clit ever so softly. It all feels so nice. How many is it now? As she tries to count how many people are molesting her, she feels someone's pussy on her mouth. She has never had a pussy in her mouth, but she knows that it is. Very tasty. Oh, I like the taste of pussy.

Jennifer then wakes up. She decides to put two fingers into her dripping pussy before putting them in her mouth. `Emm, very tasty. Fuck I taste good', she thinks to herself. She lays there for a couple of minutes, to fully recover from another erotic dream, followed by a mind-blowing orgasm. The best orgasm she has had yet.

Jennifer can't take it anymore. She needs to do something about Sam. What is she going to do? Then a thought enters her mind. Once she had calmed down enough, Jennifer gets out of bed. As she places her feet on the ground she suddenly loses her balance. She sits back on her bed and decides that she needs to lay down for a little bit longer. Twenty minutes later she is up again. She feels much better than before.

Jennifer goes to her bathroom and decides that she needs a bath. When the bath is ready, she gets in and closes her eyes, enjoying the soothing nature of the warm water. Yes, she's got. She knows what she has to do.

Jennifer got out of the bathtub and decided that she wanted to rinse herself with some cooler water and went into the shower. Once she was finished she dried herself and got dressed. She went downstairs to find Sam watching some tv. She gave Sam the good news and was happy that Same agreed. Sam and Mia can go on a holiday together for one week. Wherever they wanted and Jennifer was paying. It was a reward for Sam doing so well at school. Yeah right. Jennifer wanted Yumi, Stacey and Bec. She wanted Mia as well, but She thought, why not Mia's mum, Mandy. She always thought that Mandy was attractive and since she was single, there would be no excuses.

Sam and Mia decided that they wanted to go to Hawaii because that's where Yumi was from. Although it was short notice, Jennifer was able to get the flights and Hotel arranged for the girls to leave on Friday. Five days from now. Sam and Mia were excited, so was Jennifer.


It was finally Friday. Sam had her suitcase packed and was ready to go. She took her suitcase out to the car and placed it in the boot of her mother's car. The two of them got in and drove to Mandy and Mia's house which was only a few streets away. Mandy and Mia were waiting for them out the front of their house. Once they put Mia's suitcase in the boot, they were on their way to the airport. Thirty minutes later they were there.

Jennifer and Mandy said their goodbyes to their daughters and returned to Jennifer's car. On the way home, Jennifer asked Mandy if she would like to come over for dinner that night, which she accepted. That made Jennifer happy. She had already arranged for Yumi, Stacey and Bec to come over, once Bec finished work, about 5.30pm. She told Mandy to come over at 6pm.

As Jennifer dropped Mandy off at home, all she could think about was what was going to happen tonight. She was going to get fucked tonight. She was going to fuck Yumi and Stacey and Bec. She was going to fuck Mandy as well. She was so fucking horny, but she had to wait. She didn't want to, but she had to.

At 3pm that day, she had an appointment at Bec's salon. She wanted her pussy to be freshly shaved. When Jennifer and Bec were together in the consultation room, they came together and kissed. It was a sensual kiss that they both equally enjoyed. After a minute, Jennifer let go of Bec and said, "I think that will do for now. I want to save it for tonight". Bec replied, "Well I can't wait till tonight then. I can't wait. I just want to fuck you so bad". Jennifer smiled at Bec and leant in and gave her one last kiss on the lips. "You have no idea, how much I want that", Jennifer said as she pulled down her shorts and lay on the massage table waiting for her Hollywood bikini wax.

Jennifer was home by 4pm. She had a quick shower and dried herself. Jennifer decided that she will not be wearing any clothes at home, whilst Sam was away. She put on some perfume and went downstairs and poured herself a glass of white wine. She walked outside to her private backyard and sat on a sun chair, excited about what was going to happen. Every now and then, she would place her right hand on her freshly shaved pussy but would remove it immediately. `Not yet', she would say to herself.

Her wine glass was empty, so she got up and when into the kitchen to refill it. As she did, the doorbell rang. She looked at the clock in the kitchen and it was 4.55pm. She closed the fridge door and walked to her front door, naked. She didn't care who was at the front door but was hoping that it would be Yumi and Stacey and maybe even Bec. Maybe she finished early. She is the boss, isn't she?

Jennifer opened the door and there stood Mandy. This morning when she picked her up she was wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt. Tonight, Mandy looked stunning. She was wearing a short white summer dress and a pair of white heels. It was obvious that she had her hair done since this morning and her make-up was perfect. Does she think that this was a date', Jennifer thought to herself. This is going to be easier than I thought'.

"Wow Jen, did I interrupt something", Mandy asked, not batting an eye and enjoying looking at Jennifer's perfect naked body. Jennifer leant in and kissed Mandy on the lips. Mandy accepted the kiss and opened her mouth to accept Jennifer's tongue. The two ladies just stood there, kissing, their tongues dancing in one another's mouths. Mandy made the next move by cuddling up to Jennifer and squeezing her firm butt with her right hand. As she did so, Jennifer sighed into her mouth. Jennifer is not sure how long they were kissing each other as she heard Stacey's voice say, "You two bitches are so fucking hot. I can't wait to fuck the two of you".

Jennifer looked up to see Stacey and Yumi in her front yard. She didn't care that she was naked. "Hi girls, I am glad you could make it. This is my girlfriend Mandy", Jennifer said. Mandy looked at Jennifer and smiled before giving her another kiss on the lips. "Hi, I'm Yumi and that's Stacey. Nice to meet you Mandy", Yumi said. "Nice to meet you too, both of you", Mandy replied. Stacey and Yumi were both carrying two shopping bags each as we walked into my house. I left the front door open a little, so Bec could come in without interrupting us.

As we walked into the kitchen, I grabbed four wine glasses from the cupboard. I opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of white wine that I had opened earlier and another bottle to make sure I had enough. Yumi and Stacey had bought four more bottles of white wine and placed them in the fridge along with some ready-made salads and some fruit platters.

As I poured the wine into the four glasses, Mandy said, "Who is this glass for", pointing to the empty wine glass. "That's for Bec honey. She shouldn't be too much longer", I reply. A smile came across Mandy's face. "Bec from the salon", she asked? "Yes, the one and only Bec from the salon", I replied. "Well, that is fantastic", was all that Mandy could say. I noticed that Yumi and Stacey did not unpack one of the shopping bags, so I asked, "What's in this bag? Does it need to go in the fridge"? Stacey looked at me and said, "No. No need to unpack it now, but we certainly will later".

After taking a sip from my wine glass, I said, "Well Mandy, I think we should get this party started, what do you think"? "That's a great idea", she replied. "Well, I think we should go out the back and you can strip for us'. Mandy looked at me and then at Stacey and then at Yumi. After a few seconds she said, "Sure".

Stacey was wearing a pair of blue cotton shorts, a singlet that was two sizes to small and flat sandals. Her clothes were off in no time. Yumi was wearing a short floral summer dress and as usual, flat sandals. Both girls had no underwear on.

The four ladies walked outside. They all sat on the sun chairs. Jennifer sat in the middle, whilst Stacey sat to her left and Yumi sat to her right. All three sat with their legs wide open, showing off their shaved pussies.

Mandy decided to put her wine glass on the floor in between Jennifer and Yumi. She then closed her eyes and began to dance for her audience. The only music that Mandy had, was in her head.

Mandy has lived a privileged life and it shows. Her father was a mining magnate, a billionaire and her husband, who died of a heart attack over ten years ago, was the CEO of a major Australian bank. Mandy has always had money.

She was a fifty-five-year-old woman that could easily pass as a forty-year-old. Mandy was pretty. Very pretty in fact. She did not have a single line on her perfect face. Mandy was 5'5. A little chubby around the tummy and hips, but that was it. She loved walking, so she had a tight round butt. She had strong athletic thighs and strong calf muscles that looked great in a short skirt and heels. She had a round face, piercing green eyes and a small pointy nose. She had small breasts growing up, so like Jennifer had decided to enhance them somewhat. They are now a perfect, tear drop 36C. She has short straight blonde hair that enhances her overall facial features.

Mandy was putting on a show. She was dancing very slowly and every now and then would rub her breast though her dress, then she would turn her back to Jennifer, Yumi and Stacey and appear to play with her pussy. All Jennifer could think of as she rubbed her pussy with her right hand is, "Can she fucking hurry up. I want to see her body and I want to see it now". Yumi and Stacey were thinking the same thing as they too, also rubbed their pussies.

All of a sudden, Bec arrived, shouting, "Wow Mandy aren't you one horny bitch". Bec took of the robe she was wearing, leaving her naked. She walked over to Mandy and lifted her dress up. Mandy was wearing a pair of white sheer panties. They were off in a flash. Bec then held Mandy in her arms and kissed her.

Jennifer, Yumi and Stacey remained seated, looking on. After a minute Jennifer decided to get up and join Mandy and Bec in a three-way kiss. Jennifer wasn't sure how long they were going at it, but all of a sudden, she heard Stacey yell out, "Can you ladies come in her please. Yumi and I have a surprise". Mandy, Bec and I stopped kissing and walked into my kitchen.

As we walked in, I noticed a couple of towels were placed on my kitchen island. As we walked over, Yumi offered her hand to me and helped me to lay on top of the towels, without saying a word, only smiling. Stacey the came over and held out a blindfold. She didn't say a word either, as she blindfolded me and softly lay my head down. As I was laying there, I thought, `Is my dream going to come true'?

The next thing I felt was a handcuff on my left wrist and then one on my right. Someone moved my handcuffed hands above my head and then extended my arms. I could hear some ruffling and nothing else.

Then an unmistakable tongue on my clit. Flick, flick another flick and another. Someone was teasing my clit and I loved it. I am a very fit woman, but I felt myself panting. Was it the anticipation, was it the fact that I was blindfolded, or was it that recurring dream that I have been having, that might eventually come true?

Whilst Jennifer was laying there enjoying Bec's clit massage, Stacey took out all the goods that were in the shopping bag that she had bought over and not yet opened. The bag contained and assortment of vibrators, butt plugs and dildos, of varying length and thickness. Mandy grabbed the strap-on with the slim pink seven-inch dildo that was attached to it and put it on. It is not the first time that Mandy has used it.

Stacey put on the strap-on with the thick eleven-inch black dildo attached. And it was definitely not the first time that she had used it. It is actually her tool of choice. Once Mandy and Stacey were ready, Yumi got on kitchen island and spread her legs on either side of Jennifer's face.

Jennifer felt someone was near her but was enjoying the unknown woman's tongue on her clit. Without wasting any more time, Yumi lowered her shaved pussy onto Jennifer's face and immediately began to grind. Jennifer happily accepted Yumi's pussy and stuck her tongue out to receive it. Within seconds, Yumi had a nice rhythm going, allowing her to pinch her nipples as she continued to grind her pussy into Jennifer's mouth.

Meanwhile, Bec had moved from sucking on Jennifer's clit, to licking her arsehole. She could sense that Jennifer enjoyed it as she began to raise her hips to meet her tongue. Bec could also hear a whimper coming out of Jennifer's mouth as she tried to get deeper and deeper into her arsehole.

After a minute, Mandy tapped Bec on the shoulder, who raised her head and moved away. Bec walked over to Stacey and kissed her, sticking her tongue into Stacey's mouth so she could taste Jennifer's arsehole. When they broke the kiss, all Stacey could do is nod her head in approval, not wanting to make sound.

Bec moved up and began to tease Jennifer's right nipple, while she played with her clit. That was Mandy and Stacey's cue. In an instant, Mandy had managed to get her slim seven-inch strap-on dildo halfway into Jennifer's arsehole with one movement. As she did, she saw Jennifer's hips rise up to meet her as she yelled out, "oh fuck', whilst Yumi's pussy was buried in her face.

Mandy pulled the strap-on out all the way and then put it back into Jennifer's arsehole a little deeper than before. Again, Jennifer's hips rose as she yelled out, "Fuck.............", into Yumi's pussy once again. Yumi continued to grind on Jennifer's face as she continued to toy with her own breast's, not once breaking her rhythm.

On the third occasion that Mandy stuck her strap-on dildo into Jennifer's arsehole, she didn't remove it. Mandy steadied herself, grabbed Jennifer's strong thighs and started fucking her arsehole. Yes, fucking. There was no smoothness to her actions. She thrust that strap-on dildo hard and fast.

As she did, Jennifer just bucked and bucked, her breathing was getting heavier and heavier and all you could hear Jennifer say is, "Fuck, oh fuck, yeah, oh yeah, oh fuck yeah", and then nothing.

Mandy continued to fuck Jennifer's arsehole, as Yumi felt Jennifer's handcuffed hands come up and hit her back. As she did so, Mandy could see Jennifer's juices escape from her pussy, as Jennifer yelled out, "Oh for fuck sake, oh fuck me, just fuck me, oh my fucking god. Don't stop". Jennifer continued to buck her hip's as her pussy juice seeped out. Mandy wasn't stopping for anyone. She had wanted to fuck Jennifer's arsehole for years and now that she is, she won't be stopping till she is ready.

Jennifer's body became limp as Mandy continued to fuck her arsehole. In the meantime, Bec continued to suck on Jennifer's right nipple as she played with her clit. Bec could feel Jennifer's juices as they came out. She wanted to taste them, but there were other things on her mind.

Whilst Bec was sucking on Jennifer's nipple, she was getting fucked by Stacey with her thick, black eleven-inch strap-on dildo. Bec loved it when Stacey fucked her. She also loved it when Yumi fucked her and especially when Mandy fucked her. Right now, she was enjoying Stacey. Before the night is over, she will have enjoyed all the other girls fucking her, including Jennifer.

Mandy didn't let up. It has been a few minutes since Jennifer had her first orgasm for the evening. The first of many that she will be having that night. She continued to fuck Jennifer's arsehole, but a lot slower than before. Time to pick up the speed she thought, and she did. Faster, a little faster, deeper and faster and then, as before, she held onto Jennifer's thighs and started to fuck her.

"Oh fuck, oh, oh, yes, oh fuck. Yes, fuck me. Yes, oh fuck yes. Fuck. Yes", Was all that could be heard coming from the room. The harder Mandy fucked, the louder Jennifer yelled, and the more she bucked her hips to meet the strap-on dildo that was stuck in her arsehole.

This was a cue for Stacey to starting fucking Bec harder and for Yumi to grind her pussy even deeper into Jennifer' mouth. A few seconds later Jennifer thrust he legs out so hard, causing Mandy to lose her grip on her thighs as she came. Jennifer's body seized for a moment as steady stream of her love juices seeped out. Mandy finally pulled the strap-on dildo out of Jennifer's arsehole and bent down to drink in her heavenly juices. As she did Jennifer continued to buck, as she enjoyed another woman's mouth on her love hole, all the while panting and yelling, "oh fuck, yeah, oh fuck, oh fuck, yeah".

Next it was Yumi's turn. Yumi's body spasmed a couple of times before she tensed up as her sweet juices filled Jennifer's mouth. At that, Jennifer stopped yelling, not wanting to waste the woman juices that were entering her mouth. She didn't know who they belonged to, but she liked them. Oh, so sweet. Better than any man cum that she has tasted, she thought.

It didn't take long for Bec to cum now, as she bit into Jennifer's right nipple. As she did, she felt a little reaction from Jennifer and decided to start sucking harder on her right nipple as her juices escaped her. Bec's first orgasm was a mild one and Stacey continued to fuck her. Bec had another mild one before finally exploding, spraying her juices all over the side of the kitchen island and onto the floor. Bec was a squirter and as Stacey continued to fuck her, the more she squirted, until she had no more. As Stacey had fucked Bec on numerous occasions before, she knew what she was like and knew that it was time to take the strap-on dildo out.

Both Yumi and Bec remained quiet as they came, not wanting to alert Jennifer to their identity. They wanted to keep it a secret for now.

All five ladies were spent. Stacey and Mandy from fucking, Yumi from grinding and Bec and Jennifer from getting fucked. Yumi finally had the strength to get off Jennifer and went over to where Stacey and Bec were at the side of the kitchen island.

Mandy walked over besides Jennifer's head and removed the blindfold. As she did, Jennifer opened her eyes and smiled at her, her face flushed from the anal fucking that she had received. Jennifer looked over to her right and noticed that Mandy was wearing the pink strap-on dildo and smiled once again. Mandy leant in and gave Jennifer a sensuous soft lovers kiss, caressing the side of her face as she did so. "So? How was that honey", Mandy asked? Jennifer just shook her head, smiled and said, "That was the best fuck I have ever had. Thank you".

Yumi was next to go over and give Jennifer a kiss, followed by Stacey and Bec. Bec undid the handcuffs that were still on Jennifer's wrists and sat her up, as she hugged and kissed her this time. After a minute, she helped Jennifer down from the kitchen island.

The five women grabbed the fruit platters from the fridge along with a couple of bottles of white wine and went out to Jennifer's private back yard to recover from their fucking session. The first of many that they will have tonight.

Later that night and early morning Jennifer was fucked by all four women, always insisting that she was blindfolded. Jennifer loved the idea of not knowing who was fucking her. She knew that it was a beautiful woman and that is all she needed to know.

When all the fucking was over for the evening, Jennifer decided to share her bed with Yumi and Mandy. Tomorrow, it will be Stacey and Bec. Who knows who it might be next week?

Next: Chapter 2: The Tutor 2

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