The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 27, 2021


The Two Queens Chapter 7 A Night with the King

In shock, Sir Gray immediately runs to the Knight's chambers. He sees Sir Ben who is helping the wounded.

"Sir Ben why are back from the Castle?"

Sir Ben replies, "Sir Gray we chased Sir Randall back to the Kingdom. Unfortunately he was a day ahead of us. Somehow he planned for us to chase him so he could attack."

"Sir Ben do you know where he went?"

"I believe he went to the King's chambers. I will go with you," Sir Ben says.

"No, stay here and help the wounded. I will go to King's Chambers and check," Sir Grays says to Sir Ben.

Instantly Sir Gray runs to the King's chambers to look for the King and Queen. In no time he makes to the King's chambers. They are empty and then Sir Gray sees a note on the King's bed.

He picks up the note and starts reading it out loud. The note says, "Sir Gray if you're reading this note then you are alive and you know Sir Troy is now dead. I have kidnapped your precious King. Unfortunately, I could not find Queen Sonia to get her as well. You and the Queen must have been in hiding because I tried to look for both of you all night long but had no success. Maybe you're taking care of the Queen's needs for old King Alex. Queen Sonia does have the most womanly ass in the entire kingdom. However, I did find Miss Greta the cocking cutting bitch! I found a lover named Greg in bed with her. Apparently, Greg was the last to fuck her after me. Unlike the last time, I was now the one cutting and I started with Greg's cock! Boy did he squeal like a little girl. After his cock was removed he died!

"Then it was her turn and let me say that beautiful tight little pussy of hers is no more. In fact, it now runs straight up to her tits! Just like Greg, she died quickly as well. Since I got my revenge on the Bitch that cut my cock off now I want to have some fun with you and the royals. So here is what I demand. To keep old King Alex alive I want you to find Queen Sonia and send her to the Castle in the royal wagon. The Queen needs to be at the Castle naked in my bed at the beginning of the 5th day. You wonder why I want her naked. The reason is so I can fuck her! Now you're wondering how I'm going to fuck her without a cock. Well, this is where your wizard Vincent gave me one with a spell. I made him perform this spell on me before I killing him! Well, Sir Gray looks like the bodies are piling up. This new cock that Vincent gave me will certainly stretch Queen Sonia's pussy to limits she has never experienced before! If the Queen does not arrive on the fifth day then I will kill King Alex and hunt both you and the Queen down. If the Queen does arrive on time then I want you Sir Gray to come and prepare to fight me at the castle grounds on the seventh day. That will give me two days and nights to fuck Queen Sonia as she has never been fucked before! If you kill me then the King and Queen can return to their throne with no more resistance from my followers. If I kill you then King Alex dies, Queen Sonia becomes my wife, and I become King! Sounds like a fair offer to me Sir Gray. So the choice is yours for happens next."

At the bottom of the note, it was signed "Sir Randall the future King."

Sir Gray shocked by what he read drops the note and falls down on the King's bed. He starts to weep. Then suddenly Sir Gray notices someone entering the room and immediately draws his sword.

Sir Gray notices this person has a large robe with a hood over their head. Then standing in from of this person he shouts, "Stop now or I will kill you. Reveal yourself to me!"

The person then removes their hood. Sir Gray then sees it's Queen Sonia and she's alive!

"My Queen I'm sorry for drawing my sword upon you. I'm so thankful that you're safe," Sir Gray says to her.

The Queen with tears in her eyes says to him, "Sir Gray, unfortunately, the Queen is not safe. Sir Randall has her."

Confused by what she said Sir Gray then ask her, "Are you not the Queen?"

"No, Sir Gray I am King Alex in the Queen's form. Please sit down so I can tell you what has happened," the person says to Sir Gray.

The person in the Queen's form removes their robe and then her dress. Sir Gray quickly looks away while this person is now naked in the Queen's form. Suddenly the Queen transforms into King Alex.

The King in his male form puts back on the robe that he was wearing when he was the Queen. King Alex then sits on his bed. Without any doubt, Sir Gray realizes that the Queen that was before him earlier was really King Alex.

Sir Gray then sits on the bed next to the King.

With both of them sitting next to each other on the bed the King decides to break the awkwardness and says to him, "Sir Gray you deserve an explanation why I can transform into the Queen like you. You are not the first person Vincent cast his latest man to woman spell upon. Vincent knowing that Queen Sonia and I were not getting along after you and Sir Troy left for the quest decided to teach us how to get along with each other. So one night Vincent comes unannounced to my bed chambers with his spell book. Of course, the Queen and I were fighting that night as usual when he walked in. Immediately I commanded him to get out and then without our consent he cast this spell upon both of us! Of course, at first I was furious and wanted to have him killed but then he told us how the spell might help us to get along with each other. Being curious the Queen and I asked how it worked. Vincent then reveals how for us to transform into each other's form and then leaves us."

"So what happened next my King?" Sir Gray asks.

"Immediately when Vincent walked out the Queen and I decided to see if the spell really worked. Moments later I we had transformed into each other's form! Afterwards, we experienced the most passionate lovemaking of our lives! Sir Gray I know the pleasure you experienced when you and I spent the night together while in her form. The next day we both decided to only transform into each other's form before going to bed at night. By us doing this it allowed us to not get confused with our identities and roles in the Kingdom. I was the King and she the Queen in our royal roles but at night she became the King and I the Queen! Our love for each other has flourished since that time. So when you and Sir Troy returned from this last quest I asked Vincent to see if you wanted this spell cast upon you."

Sir Gray then asks the King, "My King, now that you have told me how you can transform into your Queen's form what happened this morning to the real Queen? And where is she?"

"Earlier this morning the Queen and I were still in each other's form cuddled next to each other in bed from a night of passion. Like always I felt her plumbing needing some relief. Since she was sleeping soundly in my form I did not want to wake her. So I got up and went to her latrine. As I was finishing up with her needs is when I suddenly heard shouting and noises coming from my bed chambers. Immediately fearing for Queen Sonia's safety who was still in my form I cut the Queen's business short and tried to open the latrine door. Suddenly I found the door appeared to stuck and would not open. Then I heard someone's voice shout out, "Queen Sonia is not here but we have King Alex in the his chambers. Capturing him will be good enough!" Then next thing I heard was Queen Sonia shouting in my voice, "You bastards you'll never find my Queen! Long live Queen Sonia." Moments later everything got quiet. Finally, I was able to open the latrine door and get out. Not wanting them to find me naked in her form I quickly put on this robe and hid in her wardrobe closet. Moments later I heard your voice Sir Gray. I then knew it was safe to come out from hiding," King Alex says.

Sir Gray then asked King Alex, "Why didn't you just transform back into your male self and fight them when you heard Queen Sonia was being taken in your form?"

"Sir Gray, I did not want to reveal that a spell existed to transform into another person. This should be kept secret from Sir Randall. The Queen knows in order to protect me she had to pretend to be me until she is rescued. As long as Sir Randall thinks she is me we have the advantage of surprise. From the note, you just read apparently Sir Randall wants the Queen to come to him. For his treachery I will go in her form and kill Sir Randall myself in her form. You know that I need to kill him by the 7th day before Queen Sonia transforms back into her female self. If I you know what will happen to her if she transforms back into her female self !" King Alex says.

"No, my King you will not go but I. I will be your Queen to fuck Sir Randall and kill him! I have fucked him once before as Miss Greta and cut off his cock for doing so! I know what will drain his strength when I'm a woman. That bastard Sir Randall has killed the love of my life and everybody that I have cared about. I will certainly kill him and bring your precious Queen Sonia back to you. My King you need to continue to hide until I return with her," Sir Gray says to the King.

"Sir Gray what if Sir Randall kills you and my Queen?" the King asks.

"My King that is why I'm going instead of you. I will transform into the Queen and Sir Ben will escort me to the castle. Sir Ben will pretend to turn around and head back after escorting me but instead he'll wait in the woods by castle for Sir Gray's signal. I will only reveal to him that Sir Gray is hiding in the Castle will signal him when to attack. Of course the real plan is after the second night of fucking the Queen I will transform and cut off more than his cock this time! Whether I'm in your Queen's form or my male form it is my duty as a Knight to defend and protect this Kingdom. If the plan does not succeed and the Queen and I are both killed gather every Knight that is remaining in the kingdom and burn the castle. With either plan Sir Randall will not expect this since he would think you're already dead," Sir Gray says to the King.

Then the King says to him, "Sir Gray you are truly my Kingdom's greatest Knight. Thank you for being faithful to your King and Queen."

"My King right now I give the people I cared about a proper burial. Transform back into the Queen and go into her chambers. Please remain hidden from public view. I'll arrange a trusted maiden to bring you food and water while you remain hidden," Sir Gray says to the King.

The King then stands up and removes his robe. Now naked in his male form the King turns around and faces his ugly hairy ass towards Sir Gray. Seconds later the King closes his eyes and instantly transforms into the Queen. Now facing Sir Gray is the King with the Queen's beautiful womanly ass.

The King then turns his head around and notices Sir Gray is staring at the Queen's beautiful womanly ass! With her sweet voice the King says to Sir Gray, "My Knight isn't my Queen's ass very beautiful? My brave and faithful Knight I want you to come to her chambers tonight and keep me company as you would any woman before your quest if you know what I mean!"

Sir Gray feeling uneasy then says to the King, "My King I cannot do that while you're her form. I'm afraid my time without any womanly companionship I might get intimate you. You are my King and I'm your knight to protect you but not to fuck you. Even now seeing you naked in her form is causing my cock to rise in my pants. My King, I do not want dishonor you or her while you're in the Queen's form," Sir Gray says to the King.

The King feeling proud about exciting Sir Gray began wiggling the Queen's womanly ass and says to him, "Sir Gray, since I'm your King I command you to come and lie with me while I'm the Queen's form tonight! It is I the King that is honored to give myself to you while in her form for a night of pleasure. Don't worry my Knight as you know very well whoever is her form will always experience very much pleasure. Sir Gray, it is my gift to you before going to face Sir Randall. For we don't know how long we both have on this earth and both deserve one night of no worries."

The King then puts the robe back on and turns to face Sir Gray.

Rising up from the bed Sir Gray then says with a his cock tenting his pants, "My King I will do what you command. I'll come back when everyone I know has been given a proper burial."

Sir Gray then leaves and the King goes to his Queen's chambers to prepare for a night of pleasure with Sir Gray.

Sir Gray with the assistance of Sir Ben and the remaining gather the bodies of Sir Troy, Vincent the Wizard, Miss Greta, Greg, and a couple of Knights that were also killed and prepare them for burial. As each one was lowered in the ground, Sir Gray would share a few words of honor about them.

As Miss Greta's and Greg's bodies were being lowered Sir Gray felt guilty for using her form and bringing them two together. She was completely innocent along with Greg. At least Sir Troy knew the risk of death as a Knight.

Then, it was Vincent, the wizard who was also innocent as well. All he did was cast spells that helped protect the Kingdom. Sir Randall used Vincent for his own selfish desire instead of accepting the consequences of his actions of betrayal. After the last one was buried Sir Gray's anger burned towards Sir Randall like never before.

After the burials, Sir Gray thanked all the Knights for helping him bury them. When everyone left Sir Gray began finding people to help with his plan to kill Sir Randall.

First, he found a maiden to bring food and water to the Queen's chambers for the King with no questions asked.

Next, he recurited Sir Ben to escort him in the Queen's royal wagon to the castle while as the Queen.

"Sir Ben I will leave tonight and find a place to hide in the Castle. Tomorrow you are to escort the Queen to the Castle and then go into the woods and hide. I will give a signal when to enter the Castle and help me kill Sir Randall," Sir Gray says to Sir Ben.

"Sir Gray be safe. You're the only hope we have in saving the Kingdom. I will protect the Queen with my life if need be," Sir Ben says to Sir Gray.

"Sir Ben one day you will take my place and I hope to be there when it happens. You be safe as well."

After burying his friends and loved ones Sir Gray down goes to his chambers to mourn for them. As the evening approached Sir Gray dressed in his best knight's attire pretends to leave for his journey but instead made his way to the to the Queen's chambers.

He knocks on the Queen's chamber door. Immediately he hears the Queen's voice say, "Sir Gray you can come in the door is unlock."

Sir Gray then entered the Queen's chambers. Immediately he sees the King wearing the Queen's black silk dress!

"Sir Gray my Knight are pleased with what I am wearing? As the King I always love the way the Queen looked in this dress. Since you wore for me many times in her form I figured you also loved the way it looked on her as well," the King says to him.

Sir Gray staring at the Queen's breast says to the King, "My King you look very beautiful as your Queen. My cock is rising as I'm speaking to you!"

Then the King without hesitation slowly slips off the Queen's black silk dress. Sir Gray gets a wonderful view of the Queen's beautiful alabaster skin, plump breast, and a small patch of brownish hair just above her beautiful pretty pink pussy! The form that he'll possess again as well.

The King seeing Sir Gray's reaction to the Queen's naked form walks sensually and lies down on the bed. Then the King opens the Queen's legs and exposes a full view of her pussy that is already glistening.

"Sir Gray I command you to take off your clothes and place your cock in my Queen's pussy! For I the King offer her wonderful pussy for your pleasure tonight," King Alex says in the Queen's seductive voice.

Sir Gray immediately starts removing his clothes. With his 6-inch cock sticking in the air he lies on the bed next to the King.

Sir Gray slowly slides his cock into the Queen's pussy and lies on top of the King.

"Oh, Sir Gray your cock feels so good in my Queen's pussy!" the King says while moaning in the Queen's voice.

"My King my balls are so full from not releasing seed in a very long time. I don't know how long I can hold back. The Queen's pussy feels so warm inside," Sir Gray says while trying not to release his seed too quick.

"My Knight I know from experience as a man it's very frustrating when your balls need a release. Go ahead and release your seed into my Queen's pussy. For we have all night and I know you know how to please my Queen's pussy," the King says in the Queen's voice.

Needing no more encouragement Sir Gray began to shout, "My King here comes my seed!"

After Sir Gray's seed was released his cock began to shrink and it slowly slipped out of the Queen's pussy. Still lying on top of the King he kisses him passionately and says, "My King you really know how to use your Queen's pussy."

The King smiles and says in the Queen's sweet voice, "Sir Gray that was very sweet of you to say to me. I love the way you kiss me after releasing your seed. Your balls must have been really full my Knight by the amout if seed leaking out of her pussy. Lie back and relax so I can use the Queen's mouth to clean your cock and get you hard again."

"My King, if this does not offend you I believe you and I know how to use the Queen's pussy better than she does!" Sir Gray says to the King.

After Sir Gray rolled over onto his back the King said to him, "Sir Gray I believe that as well. The reason why we know how to use it is that we are men and know what pleases us. So when we transform into a woman's form it's very easy for us."

The King began using the Queen's mouth on Sir Gray's cock and licking his seed off of it. With the King's knowledge of how to use the Queen's tongue, Sir Gray becomes hard again in no time.

With Sir Gray's cock now hard again the King sits up and says, "Sir Gray your Queen is going to ride you now."

The King raises himself above Sir Gray's cock and very slowly lowers the Queen's pussy on to it.

Sir Gray looking at the King who is in his Queen's form says to him, "My King your Queen is the most beautiful woman to ever sit on my cock. No one compares to her beauty!"

The King with a smile on his Queen's face starts moving her pussy up and down on Sir Gray's cock.

Moments later the King begins shaking and grabs onto Sir Gray and says, "My Knight you're causing me to have an orgasm! As your King, I command you to release your seed into me now so we can enjoy it together at the same time!"

Sir Gray feeling the Queen's pussy tightening around his cock says to the King, "My King here it comes my seed once more!"

As soon as both of them had finished the King leans over and kisses Sir Gray with a long passionate kiss!

"Sir Gray that was the most intense orgasm I've had so far in the Queen's form! You know her pussy very well! I can't believe your cock is still hard and her pussy is still throbbing. As you know after an orgasm her pussy becomes very sensitive so I'm going to rise up slowly off of your cock," the King says to Sir Gray after kissing him.

The King rises up and then gets on his hands and knees with the Queen's beautiful ass facing Sir Gray.

"My King why are you on your hands and knees with her ass in front of me?" Sir Gray asks.

"Sir Gray I the King now offer my Queen's ass for your pleasure as well. I took some of your seed and inserted it into her beautiful puckered hole. My Knight, I command you to insert your cock into it and spill your remaining seed," the King says in the Queen's seductive voice.

Surprised by the King's command to place his cock into the Queen's ass Sir Gray says, "My King I can't do that for this will defile your Queen."

"Sir Gray my Knight that is why I'm offering the Queen's ass while I'm in her form. Once again I command you to place your cock in the Queen's ass now!" the King says in the Queen's stern tone.

Sir Gray sits up and spreads the Queen's ass cheeks apart and very slowly begins inserting his cock into the Queen's beautiful puckered hole.

As Sir Gray's cock began sliding into her ass the King then suddenly shouts, "Stop Sir Gray and let my Queen's ass adjust to the size of your cock."

With Sir Gray's cock halfway into her ass, the King says, "Now Sir Gray slide the rest of your cock into!"

Sir Gray then began to feel the Queen's ass like the tightness of a silk glove on his cock. Suddenly it caused him to hold back from releasing his remaining seed.

Hearing the King moan in the Queen's womanly tone Sir Gray asks, "My King Am I hurting you?" The Queen's ass feels like nothing I have ever felt before. I can feel your heartbeat throbbing on my cock. Oh no, I'm sorry I can't hold back any longer! Here comes my remaining seed my King!"

Sir Gray's cock began releasing the remaining seed from his balls. Then the King in the Queen's voice says, "My Knight your seed feels so warm pulsing in my Queen's bowels!"

After Sir Gray was done his cock began to shrink and it slowly slipped out of the Queen's ass along with large amount of his seed as well. The King clinched the Queen's ass and said to Sir Gray, "My Knight can you hand me a wash cloth next to the bed so I can keep your seed from leaking onto her bed."

Sir Gray reached over and grabbed a cloth and said, "My King stay like that and let me wipe the Queen's ass. Please unclench her ass so I can clean the remaining seed from it. My King, I am honored to do this for you."

The King relaxed and let Sir Gray clean his seed from the Queen's ass and pussy before then lying back on the bed feeling very pleased and exhausted. Sir Gray also laid down on his back as well. The King then snuggled close to him.

In the afterglow of their intimate time the King and Sir Gray kissed one another. With a smile on the King's face he says in the Queen's sweet voice to Sir Gray, "My Knight if I was not your King I wouldn't have mind being your wife! With this spell upon me I now oftened wonder what it would be like to be a woman for a man like you. But I know I'm King and must remain as such until the day I die. At least for one night in my life, I got to experience being the Queen with someone other than my own form. I have to say Sir Gray you have pleased me as a man and as a woman. No one will ever compare to you."

"My King I'm honored to serve you any way you need me for the Kingdom. Thank you for giving yourself in the Queen's form to me. I will fight to my last breath to protect you, the Queen, and this Kingdom. Let's get some rest for tomorrow I will transform into the Queen's form and start the quest to rescue her and kill Sir Randall," Sir Gray says to the King.

The King and Sir Gray kiss each once more and then they fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Sir Gray opens his eyes and notices the King is sleeping naked in the Queen's form still snuggled next to him. Very slowly Sir Gray slips out of bed and doesn't wake up the King.

Sir Gray then grabs a large trunk and gathers several of the Queen's undergarments and dresses. He looks through the Queen's other apparel and selects a few items as well. With the trunk full and ready to be carried to the royal wagon Sir Gray knows it's time for him to transform into the Queen.

He selects a dress and undergarments to wear after he transforms to begin his trip. First, he needs to wake up the King so he won't be in the Queen's chambers when Sir Ben comes to escort Sir Gray to the royal wagon.

Sir Gray wakes the King and says, "My King I need you to go to your chambers and hide in there until I'm out of the city's gates."

The King still naked in the Queen's form stands up and says, "Sir Gray would you mind transforming into the Queen before I go to my chambers? I would like to see you in her form once more before you leave."

"Yes, My King but we cannot be intimate since we would be both in the form of the Queen," Sir Gray says to the King.

Sir Gray removes his clothes. Now naked he stands in front of the King and transforms into the Queen.

Suddenly the King embraces Sir Gray and kisses him with a passionate kiss. Shocked that the King in the Queen's form is kissing him who also in the Queen's form does not move. Both of them feel the Queen's soft plumb breast touching between them as they kiss. With both of them in the Queen's form pressed against each other it felt wonderful! Finally, after kissing for some time the King stops and says, "My Knight you feel good as my Queen. I still remember the first time you transformed into my Queen. It's a amazing memory that I will always have of that moment. The image of my two Queens who are in the same form naked beside each other. One is a man and the other was a woman. No matter what happens to you Sir Gray you will always be my second Queen. So go kill that rat bastard Sir Randall and bring both of my Queen's home safely."

The King turns and leaves the Queen's chambers through their connecting door. Sir Gray then quickly slips on the Queen's undergarments and her light blue silk dress. Now dressed up Sir Gray admires the image of the Queen in her mirror. While waiting on Sir Ben to come and get him he sits on her bed. Suddenly he becomes aware of the aroma of dried seed and pussy on the sheets.

Not wanting Sir Ben to notice the smell in the Queen's chambers Sir Gray decides to meet him in the city courtyard. Sir Gray then requests two maidens to help him carry the Queen's trunk to the courtyard. Moments later Sir Ben pulls up in the Queen's royal wagon with his horse behind it.

Instantly he sees how beautiful Sir Gray is.

Knowing that Sir Ben is young and probably never been with a lot of women Sir Gray politely asks him to help him up into the royal wagon.

Sir Ben then climbs into the wagaon and takes a seat next to Sir Gray.

Sir Ben is proud that he is now sitting next to the woman with most beautiful ass in all the Kingdom. He then ask, "My Queen wouldn't you be more comfortable inside the wagon in the bed? Remember its a long trip and you need rest before we face Sir Randall. I really admire how brave you are. There is no woman like in all the Kingdom. I believe Sir Gray's plan is going to work. I will give my life for you as well my Queen."

As the wagon begins to move Sir Gray says to him, "Sir Ben, I would to like keep you company if you don't mind. You are brave young man yourself. Very much like Sir Gray. Do you have a young lady you're depending as well?"

"No my Queen not anymore. Lady Sarah who I was engaged to was killed the other night along many others. She was beautiful and elegant. All I have of her memory now is a lock of her golden hair," Sir Ben says to Sir Gray in a somber tone.

"Sir Ben I'm very sorry to hear about Lady Sarah. She must have been very special to be in love with a man like you. No matter what always keep her memory with you. My Knight you never know she might return to you," Sir Gray says to him.

"My Queen you are nothing like I expected. You are compassionate, warm, and full of humble," Sir Ben says to Sir Gray.

"Sir Ben you will come to learn your Queen is many things. But the most important thing I am right now is a woman willing to sacrifice herself for the Kingdom. And a young Knight willing to do the same," Sir Gray says.

As the wagon continues to move both of the them become quiet. Sir Gray's thoughts began to ponder on this most important quest. One that will involve two Queens!

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