The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Mar 23, 2013


Hey everyone, this is my one year mark for my series. I want to thank everyone who had stuck around for reading it since the beginning and for those that have joined on, it's been a pleasure having you in the party. There are still at least three more years to come hopefully so I hope that you all continue to stay tuned and enjoy the series.

I hope that you all are enjoying your start of spring/fall and I wish that everyone stays well in their health.


Walking down the hallway with Skyler, I really began to wonder what all I had gotten myself into. I mean I was playing a double agent to each of them. I held all the cards, Skyler half the deck and Michael little to none of it. This was not a fair situation to be in for Michael and in truth, was probably best to be resolved by Skyler alone. But again, here I was walking down the hallway with Skyler heading toward Michaels room.

Standing in the elevator, the chill of silence became too much for me to deal with so I blurted out the first statement I could think of. "So.... what made you want to tell Michael now?" It had been a couple weeks since I had talked with either of them so to do it now seemed a little out of the blue.

Skyler had composed himself since showing up at my room, standing tall against the wall. With his soccer arms crossed, he looked up to the luminescent lights. With a heavy sigh, he informed me of his decision. "I care too much for him to just throw it all away for a mistake, a mistake that we both had made." It was hard seeing him there, this normally strong white guy being so open. "I don't know if I love him yet, or if he loves me either, but I have to give it a second chance."

The ding of the elevator door brought us back to the harsh realities that confronted Skyler at this moment. Not too far away was Michael's room, with him most likely still grieving over his own personal mistake. I wasn't going to leave the elevator till he did, mostly because this was his problem that he needed to address. I was behind him all the way but I was in no position to fix what had happened.

Skyler looked out of the elevator sheepishly, wondering what was going to happen to him when he knocked on Michael's door. Taking a deep breath, he gathered all of his manhood and pride that he had left and took the first step. The hallway towards Michael's room was empty and it felt almost like a scene from the Shining, as if something creepy was going to come out and spite Skyler for the shame he had done. With a simple pat on his back, I calmly whispered, "Well here goes nothing."

Skyler snorted as he twisted the phrase. "Yea, NOTHING is going to happen. This will be a complete failure." I could see that he was debating in his head over whether or not to stay so before he could react, I leaned around him and tapped slightly on the door. It was a stupid move but I didn't want him backing out of this so soon. His face flashed with horror as he realized what I did, but it was too late as movement occurred behind the closed door.

With a smug face, I watch as Skyler faces his demons. Michael was in his pajamas when he opened the door, and from the obvious bags under his eyes it was clear he had been sleeping. "Erm what?" It took him a few seconds to comprehend what was going on To Skyler and me it seemed weird that he had fallen asleep so early but depending on how stressful his semester might have been going, beyond the whole relationship issue, he looked like he needed it.

Michael's eyes blew open as his brain raced to catch up with his sight, first him comprehending that Skyler was in front of him, and then second that Skyler was speaking to him. "Hey Michael, sorry did we wake you?" There was an obvious hesitancy in Skyler's voice, as if he was looking for an excuse to get out of here.

Michael slurred his speech at first as he regained cognitive ability but then repeated his statement in a more understanding manner. "Yea but it's ok, I needed to study anyways. What's up?" He was trying hard to not show his grief over the loss of their relationship but the cracks were starting to show in his stance against the door, the subtle lean of his body as he looked at Skyler woefully.

Skyler looked down at his feet and muttered something but after I nudged him slightly, he repeated it in a more confident tone. "I was wondering if we could possibly talk... you know... about us..." He lifted his gaze up to glance at Michael for a second, then in shame of his own mistake, turned away.

Michael took note in the turn but thought it was his own wrongdoing that made Skyler glance away. "Um... yea... that would be nice. Please come in... Does Chris have to be here for this? No offence Chris, I just think this is a personal matter." I raised my hands in submission, knowing full well that I technically didn't need to be here.

Skyler looked back at me with lost eyes, as if I were able to help guide him along this path. "Yea, if you don't mind. I brought him here to help keep us calm." He took a step past Michael into his room, rubbing his hand on Michaels shoulder as he moved by.

Michael took note of the brush, since it was pretty obvious that Skyler meant to display the affection towards him. I shrugged my shoulders as Michael nodded for me to come in. Sulking by like an unwanted guest, I moved into the most ineffective part of the room; the corner. Skyler was on the open bed across from Michael and Michael, as he closed the door, pulled the chair out from his desk and placed it in front of the side of his bed. "So what is there to talk about? I've told you everything but haven't gotten anything in return except silence. I need to know where we stand Skyler." Michael sat down and rubbed his hands together, his eyes starting to dampen as their relationship flashed across his eyes.

Skyler moved towards the edge of the bed and just hung there, silently contemplating the words. Michael looked at me, expecting me to play puppeteer over Skyler and elicit some response from him. After a few seconds of mind numbing silence, Skyler started. "I love you Michael. What you did hurt. I... I don't know what to say."

Michael started to grow from a sorrow state to an aggravated state as Skyler looked at Michael. He wanted to open his mouth to object but Skyler cut him off before he could start. "Actually I do know what to say. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. How I acted. It wasn't fair. To you or to me."

Was Skyler completely avoiding the fact that he too cheated? I shook my head to try and grasp what was going on. He was going to tell Michael right? Michael was starting to relax a little as Skyler took the blame for how he reacted, doing his best to move from what happened to the aftermath. Then it came out. And it came out hard.

Skyler dropped to his knees and scooted up to Michael as if to ask for forgiveness as he prepped to confess his own deep dark secret. I suddenly knew this was going to be the moment that shit was going to fall apart. "Michael, there is actually something... I need to tell you." Skyler paused slightly to figure out the right words to say. The suspense though was not needed as Michael began to over think every possibility that could happen right now.

Skyler moved his hands to Michael's knees and started to rub them slowly. "Babe... I too cheated on you. I was too ashamed to tell you when you told me. I didn't know what to say so I froze and deflected. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." I watched as Skyler gripped into Michael's thighs, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Michael just blinked down at Skyler, the sudden realization that he was not the only screw up in this bond overwhelming him. "Wait what?" He knew what had been said but echoed his sentiments out loud as his brain flew into rage. With a quick thrust of his hands, Michael pushed Skyler off of him to the opposite bed, and then leaded down to slap him hard across the face.

I jumped forward to stop Michael from doing anything more but to my surprise he just sat there stoic. "Michael, don't do anything you might regret." I warned him cautiously. This was that part of the conversation I was worried about the most. Moving towards Skyler to see how bad he had been slapped, I watched as he fell apart.

Skyler was stunned at the initial throw back but the slap that echoed across the walls was salt to an open wound as the red blemish started to appear. He knew he had fucked up but he was unprepared for this. I was kind of expecting it so I was cautiously watching to see if Michael would escalate any further. He didn't at all, instead leaning back into his chair as Skyler curled into a ball to start weeping. Skyler sputtered out repeatedly, "I'm sorry. I'm soo sorry Michael."

Michael, completely overwhelmed with his own emotions, leaned back down, causing Skyler to flinch in fear of further pain. I too moved forward, unsure of what all Michael was going to do. Watching as Michael lifted Skyler to the edge of the bed, I sat mystified as I watched the whole situation unfold.

Michael stood in a crouched position as he sat Skyler on the edge and cleaned off the tears from his face. Skyler tried to turn away in shame but Michael's compassionate grip held firm as he brushed his thumbs across Skyler's cheeks. With Skyler's eyes closed scared, Michael leaned in and kissed him.

I flew back against the wall. What was happening? This was not expected at all. I suddenly began to feel very uncomfortable as Michael moved his hands behind Skyler's neck to pull him in close. Skyler too was caught off guard at first as well but quickly caved in as he locked his lips with Michael, neither of them breaking off. The pure passion that was flowing through the two of them reminded me of my own bond that I had with Kyle. It was something that none of us wanted to lose but watching them made me feel that fire even stronger. I did not want to lose Kyle as I watched them embrace each other.

Michael leaned Skyler back onto the bed, his head falling within inches of my feet. Pulling them close to me, I suddenly began to realize what was unfolding before my eyes. Michael's tongue penetrated Skyler's mouth as they both began to tear up, and Michael's hands started to creep up Skyler's shirt.

"I'm going to head out guys. It looks like you two have a lot of... talking to do..." I tried to move over them without disrupting their make out session but it was futile. "Ok guys, I really don't need to be here anymore." Michael broke off from Skyler but kept his hand on his chest, forcing him to lie flat on the bare mattress.

"Thanks for the help." Skyler coughed out as he licked his lips, the taste of Michael's love still fresh on the skin.

"Yea, anytime." I commented as Michael made room for me to pass. Looking him in the eyes, I gave him the same look he gave Kyle when we were reuniting; don't fuck this up. He got the point loud and clear as I exited the room, closing the door quickly before the moaning and groaning could start.

Walking back to my room, I tried to rationalize what had just happened. Drawing it out in the air, I start with Skyler on the floor begging for forgiveness, then Michael slapping him, then Skyler crying, then Michael kissing him. I knew make up sex was great and all but that was probably the fastest I had ever seen it in action. Well seen the start of it because I don't think I could stomach watching them do it. Well maybe... Shaking my head at the thought of a threesome, much less an orgy with Kyle included, I tried to change the topic on my mind to this weekend and going against Kyle.

When I got back into my room, the first thing I did was move for my phone and send Kyle an `I love you' text. After what had happened between us last year, and Michael/Skyler's relationship, it was a refresher that every love story will encounter its problems. The main question was: were we strong enough to battle the storms heading our way?

It was finally Friday! I just needed to get through the day and then it was onto the tournament. I could not wait till I could go against Fullerton, and revive my budding rivalry with Kyle. We played so well off each other that it I knew it would become fun again. The campus as well seemed livelier, the presence of the weekend apparently needed for many of the students. As the classes began to empty out as the day continued, the university slowly became a makeshift ghost town, the blowing of papers almost simulating tumbleweeds blowing around.

Earlier in the day Pike had sent us all a text to be at San Bernardino at 8. I knew that meant for an early night for me but I wasn't too concerned over it as I knew Bryan and Zach would be doing the same routine as me, limiting the amount of noise emulating from our room.

As three o'clock rolled around, I was deep in my studies doing my best to get ahead of my classes as I could before the season got into full swing. The library was still in its near empty stage of the semester, many of the other students not caring enough for their grades to put in the study hours. Off to my side my phone vibrated- a new text had come in. Quickly reaching over to it to read, my mind was eager to change the subject off of studying. It was from Pike but unlike the previous mass text, this one was personal. "Hey Chris, what are you doing right now? Think you could possibly meet at the Student Union in 30?"

Slightly confused at what might have been going on, I shot him back a text. "Yea, is everything ok?" As I gathered my things together, slightly relieved to have an excuse to stop studying, I kept looking at my phone waiting for his response.

It was cryptic but he got back to me shortly soon after. "Yea it's nothing but, it's just about the tournament tomorrow." Really Pike? That was all you could give me? In slight frustration, I grumbled under my breath about his short answers.

The trek over wasn't too long, maybe 10 minutes, enough time for me to pull out a book and start studying again, or at least attempt to study. The thought of what he was going to talk about kept nagging on my brain- was he not letting me play because of Kyle? Was he going to let me lead some of the games? I tried to envelope myself into the book but it was futile as my brain went wild on the possibilities. With the tournament now less than 24 hours away, this was not the time for sudden changes.

Pike showed up when he said he would but with him were some company that I was not expecting. As he sat down across from me, Victoria sat next to him and Kyle next to me. Looking at each of them in bewilderment, I looked to Kyle and asked, "What's going on Kyle?"

Kyle displayed the same confused look as me, though he seemed to have known that it involved the two of us somehow as he was dragged here. "I don't know, but I think that it involves us..." His voice dropped off at that point, the both of us looking at our team leaders in a slight panic.

Pike looked at me first, then Kyle, then Victoria. "You ready?" He seemed at odds about this ass well but as Victoria nodded her head, it was obvious that she wasn't a fan of what was about to happen either.

"Guys what's going on?" I asked in desperation. Closing my book in an clear slap, it jolted Pike and Victoria to act.

Pike spoke first. "After a long talk with Victoria, we are not going to let you two play against each other." It was straight, clear cut, but stung like a seared knife, the blade slicing into my heart.

Kyle and I both shot out of our chairs and stood at them shouting, "You can't do this. You need us! This isn't fair. What are you thinking?! This is BULLSHIT!" We looked at each other in desperation, as if we could somehow convince each other's team captain.

Victoria stood up, and in typical Victoria fashion, barked out, "Sit down! Shut up! And for God's sake stop making a scene! Listen to us!" There were a few people sitting around us that took notice of our family quarrel but after Victoria stepped in, they quickly went back to their own things, almost afraid themselves of being drawn in.

Kyle and I frustratingly sat down in our chairs, shifting uneasily back and forth. We both really wanted to go against each other and now it had been just stripped away from us. Our eyes started to water slightly. Victoria continued in an official tone, doing her best to maintain calm and contained. "This was hard for us as well but it is best for each team if we keep one of you off the field when the other plays. No team in our area has encountered this problem..."

I cut her off quick right there, sharply glaring at her and Pike feeling betrayed. "PROBLEM? You think our relationship is a problem? You two actually think we could let our relationship compromise our playing abilities?"

Pike leaned forward and growled carefully, "Chris, get yourself together. Your relationship with Kyle is respected on both teams but when you are on the courts, we don't know if the two of you can properly set aside your feelings for each other and play at your fullest potential."

Kyle spoke up at this moment, "But we can! Both Chris and I have talked this over multiple times and we know that our teams come first on the fields. PLEASE!"

Victoria was growing frustrated, though she had kind of expected things to go this way. "Guys, it's already been agreed upon. Either you don't play at the same time or you don't play at all."

We were backed against a wall and there was nothing we could do about it. Kyle and I looked at each other in defeat and then at them with slightly watered eyes, "Fine." It was low but noticeable, the pain enveloped all over the word.

Victoria looked at me and in her best caring eyes, which were pathetic I might add, tried to voice out her sympathy, "Chris, I'm sorry. I really am. One day when you and Kyle are captains, hopefully you can understand where Pike and I are coming from."

"Right now I feel betrayed. By both of you." I stare spitefully at Pike, hoping he would change his mind. Somewhere deep in my heart I knew they were probably right but I didn't want to admit it myself.

Victoria and Pike rose to their feet and shook hands. "Good luck tomorrow." Victoria tried to get out another `sorry' statement but it didn't work, instead her turning away towards the door. I looked at Kyle with sorrow, our dreams broken at the moment.

Moving up to Kyle, I hugged him. "I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck." It was hard not to break down but with a kiss on his lips, I let him follow after Victoria like a puppy to its master. He occasionally would look back towards me, and it was so heartbreaking to see his blue eyes tear up. After they had left, I turn to Pike and I tear into him, "What the FUCK were you thinking? A little heads up would have been nice Pike! You know what? Don't tell me, it apparently doesn't matter since I have no say in what happens on this team!" I was furious and had every right to me.

Grabbing my stuff, I break off before he could say anything and rush out the doors into the setting sun. I didn't get too far though as Pike chased after me and forced me to stop. "Chris! Grow up! This was just as hard for Victoria and me!"

Snarling at him, I challenged him on the one crucial statement that was pressing on my mind. "Who told who to keep us off the field?" Pike was quiet for a second too long, and that was all I needed to hear. "Thanks Pike. Really... Thanks."

"Oh come on Chris! She was thinking the same thing but neither of us wanted to actually talk about it. Someone had to be the better man and speak up!" Pike was growing desperate, knowing that he had just weakened his trust in me for the betterment of the team.

"I don't care anymore Pike. You and Victoria already made your decision." I brushed him off and walked back to my dorm, angry and hurt. Opening up my phone, I scrolled through my texts with Kyle to remind myself why I loved him. Our love was stronger than these two teams and if they wanted to keep us apart on the field they could try but off the field, that was our time.


Well how about them beans? This will be an interesting tournament then as Chris and Kyle aren't able to play against each other, only watch from the sidelines. How will that turn out? I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 63: The Ultimate Challenge 7

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