The Unit

By Paul Tolbert

Published on Mar 24, 2010


Disclaimer: I don't own the character Dave Batista. WWE does.

Chapter Seven -- The Call

Dave stepped out of the shower and walked over to the sink. He wiped away the steam that blanketed the mirror, revealing a month's worth of un-kept head & facial hair. His much needed hair cut could wait, however he desperately needed to take care of the facial hair. After all he wanted to make a good impression for his new 'Employers'. He rinsed his face with hot water and then lathered the beard with shaving cream. He gave a half smile as he began to take the razor to his face, slowly removing bits of hair at a time. He rinsed his razor off in the sink and began to steal looks at himself in the mirror at the results.

'Back to my old self I guess', He thought even though he knew this was far from the truth. Dave still had a long way to go before he would feel better, but for now he is enjoying the high he's currently on and doesn't want it to go away.

He finished shaving and then put on some Old Spice Aftershave & Antiperspirant and brushed his teeth. He cleaned the hairy mess around the sink and grabbed a towel to dry his wet body. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went back in his bedroom to fetch some clothes. In his dresser he picked out a skin-tight, black long-sleeve shirt, Navy Blue jeans and a pair of stripped boxer shorts. He put them on and then looked for some clean socks. He sat at the edge of his bed and slipped on his socks & shoes and began to think about his decision.

"Is this what I really want to do? I mean c'mon, psychics? Please. More like nutjobs who THINK they can predict the future. Jackson better be telling the truth about this. I swear he's gonna get his ass kick if he's not".

In Dave's mind however, he sensed that Jackson was in fact telling the truth and was curious to see what Jackson had to offer. He stared blankly at the dresser in front of him for a good 10 minutes before a loud ringing was heard from behind him. His cell phone was vibrating on the night stand. He dashed for it and looked at the caller id display;

'Unknown Caller (000) 000-000'

He answered it with hesitation.

"Hel- cough Hello?"

The voice on the other end wasn't neither man nor female, but of a digitally altered voice.

"At your front door there is a package. Open it"

"Who the hell is this?! Jackson is that you? I swear man-"

"Go to your front door and open the package now"

"Who is thi-"


The line went dead and Dave stood their stunned.


Next: Chapter 8

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